What Does a Maturity Date Mean on a HELOC? | LendEDU (2024)

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Home Equity What Does a Maturity Date Mean on a HELOC? | LendEDU (1) HELOCs

UpdatedMar 01, 2024 &nbsp | &nbsp9-min read

What Does a Maturity Date Mean on a HELOC? | LendEDU (3)

Written byRebecca Lake, CEPF®

What Does a Maturity Date Mean on a HELOC? | LendEDU (4)

Written byRebecca Lake, CEPF®

Expertise:Student loans, mortgages, home-buying, credit, debt, personal loans, education planning, insurance, investing, small business

Rebecca Lake is a certified educator in personal finance (CEPF®) and freelance writer specializing in finance.

Learn more about Rebecca Lake, CEPF®

What Does a Maturity Date Mean on a HELOC? | LendEDU (5)

Reviewed byErin Kinkade, CFP®

What Does a Maturity Date Mean on a HELOC? | LendEDU (6)

Reviewed byErin Kinkade, CFP®

Expertise:Insurance planning, education planning, retirement planning, investment planning, military benefits, behavioral finance

Erin Kinkade, CFP®, ChFC®, works as a financial planner at AAFMAA Wealth Management & Trust. Erin prepares comprehensive financial plans for military veterans and their families.

Learn more about Erin Kinkade, CFP®

A home equity line of credit (HELOC) is a revolving credit line secured by your home equity.

When taking out a HELOC, you’ll want to know certain dates, including the end-of-draw date and the maturity date. The maturity date on a HELOC marks when you can no longer access your credit line, and you must begin repaying the outstanding principal balance plus interest.

If you tap your home equity, it’s important to know the maturity date on your HELOC.

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  • Does the maturity date mean my HELOC is paid off?
  • When will my HELOC reach maturity?
  • Where can I find my HELOC maturity date?
  • How might my payments change after maturity?
  • More about HELOC maturity

Does the maturity date mean my HELOC is paid off?

The maturity date doesn’t mean the HELOC is paid off. It’s when the outstanding balance on your loan—including principal, interest, and fees—becomes due.This is essentially the beginning of the “repayment” period.

Once a HELOC matures, you’ll pay off what you borrowed according to your lender’s repayment schedule. If you’ve made interest-only payments up to this point, you’ll have a new payment amount.

The payoff date for a HELOC is the estimated date you’ll pay off your line of credit if you make your payments as scheduled. Your loan documents should outline your HELOC’s maturity and payoff dates.

Your lender may charge a penalty if you pay off your HELOC balance before the final payoff date.

When will my HELOC reach its maturity date?

HELOCs have two phases: the draw period and the repayment period.Your HELOC will reach its maturity date at the end of the draw period—often after five to 10 years.

What Does a Maturity Date Mean on a HELOC? | LendEDU (7)

The draw period is the initial window to access your line of credit and withdraw. Your lender might require you to make interest-only payments toward your HELOC during this time.

A typical draw period for a HELOC lasts five to 10 years, and the line of credit matures when it ends. Some lenders might extend the draw period to 15 years. The end-of-draw date marks when your HELOC transitions from the withdrawal phase to the repayment phase.

HELOC repayment periods may last 10 to 20 years, depending on the lender. You pay down the balance, including interest and fees, during the repayment period.

Where can I find my HELOC maturity date?

If you have a HELOC, you have several options to determine your maturity date:

  • Check your statement. Your HELOC statement includes important information about your line of credit, including your balance due, recent activity, and interest charges. You may also find your HELOC maturity date listed here.
  • Log in to your account. Most HELOC lenders offer online access to your account. You can review statements and other information about your line of credit, including when your HELOC matures.
  • Review loan documents. At closing, you should get a stack of paperwork that includes all the details of your HELOC, such as the maturity date.
  • Contact the lender. To avoid sifting through loan paperwork or statements, you can contact your lender to check your HELOC’s maturity date. You may need to call rather than email or request live chat, as the lender will likely need to verify your identity before releasing details about your line of credit.

While checking your HELOC maturity date, you may also want to review your payment schedule, interest rate, and fees.

How might my payments change after my HELOC maturity date?

Maturity on a HELOC doesn’t mean payments end; it means you’ll begin paying back the principal and interest on your line of credit.

So what does that mean for your payments? Here are a few scenarios that could play out.

During draw period, you madeIn maturity, your payment may
Interest-only payments…⬆️ …increase to account for principal, interest, and fees.
Principal and interest payments, and your interest rate hasn’t changedremain unchanged.
Principal and interest payments, and your interest rate adjusts at maturity…↕️ …increase or decrease depending on how the rate adjusts.

Keep in mind your payments may change again once your HELOC reaches maturity if you have a variable interest rate. Since variable rates are tied to an underlying benchmark rate, they can move up or down over time according to shifts in the benchmark.

If you’d rather avoid fluctuations in payments, you might want to shop around for a fixed-rate HELOC option.

How long will it take to pay off my HELOC after the maturity date?

As we mentioned, a typical repayment period for a HELOC is 20 years, but some lenders might shorten it to 10 years. If you’re making payments as scheduled and not paying extra, it could take up to 20 years to repay what you borrowed.

Can you pay off a HELOC early? Yes, in most cases—and it could make sense if you’d like to minimize what you pay in total interest charges. (More about this below.)

What if I want to continue to borrow from my HELOC after its maturity date?

Once your HELOC matures, you can’t withdraw additional money from your credit line. If you want to continue tapping into your home equity after your line of credit matures, you have a few options.

  • Ask about a renewal or extension. Your lender may allow you to renew or extend a HELOC before maturity to continue making new draws while delaying repayment. Contact your lender to find out whether these are options.
  • Refinance your credit line. Refinancing a HELOC means taking out a new line of credit to pay off an existing one. You could restart the clock on the draw and maturity periods and even get more favorable interest rates and fees.
  • Take out a new HELOC or home equity loan. If your lender is unwilling to offer an extension, and you don’t want to refinance your HELOC, you might consider taking out a new line of credit or home equity loan. You’d need sufficient equity, and it would mean paying a second round of closing costs.

If none of these options work, you can weigh other possibilities. For example, you might be able to borrow a lump sum with an unsecured personal loan. The upside here is you don’t have to use your home to secure the loan.

Can I pay off my HELOC before the maturity date?

Yes, you can pay off a HELOC during the draw period before it reaches maturity. You might consider that option if you:

  • Want to minimize the interest and fees you pay.
  • Would like to eliminate your HELOC debt faster.
  • No longer need access to your credit line.

You can pay off a HELOC early by making lump-sum payments or paying extra each month.

For example, imagine you owe $50,000, and your interest rate is 5%.

Monthly paymentTime to pay offTotal interest paid
$375196 months (over 16 years)$23,125
$6308 years$10,734

If you paid an additional $255 per month, you’d pay off your HELOC in half the time and save $12,401 in interest.

Before you pay off a HELOC early, it’s wise to read the fine print on your loan agreement. Lenders may apply prepayment penalties for paying off a HELOC early. Calculating the fee can help you decide whether paying off your line of credit in advance makes sense.


Can the interest rate on my HELOC change after the maturity date, and how would it affect my payments?

Yes, the interest rate on your HELOC could change after the maturity date. If it does, it might raise your payment amounts. This can occur if you opt for a variable-rate HELOC. Variable-rate loans fluctuate according to the market interest rates. If the rates go up, so will your payments, and vice versa.

Are there alternatives to paying off a HELOC if I can’t afford the increased payments after maturity?

Yes, you have alternatives if you find it challenging to afford the payments after your HELOC matures. You might consider refinancing your HELOC. By doing so, you can potentially secure a lower interest rate or extend your repayment term to lower your monthly payments. Consulting a financial professional is a smart course of action to explore these alternatives.

What should I do if my financial situation changes and I can no longer afford my HELOC payments?

If your financial position changes and you can’t afford your HELOC payments, contact your lender immediately. It may be able to assist you with a hardship plan, modify the loan terms, or even accept a short sale of the property to avoid foreclosure.

How can I calculate the total interest I will pay on my HELOC by the end of the repayment period?

To calculate the total interest on your HELOC, multiply the outstanding balance by your annual interest rate, then divide by 12 to get the monthly interest charge. Repeat this for each month you plan to draw funds, and keep a running sum to estimate the total interest.

Are there any tax implications associated with paying off or refinancing a HELOC?

Yes, HELOCs can have tax implications. The interest you pay on your HELOC might be tax-deductible if used to buy, build, or significantly improve your home. However, refinancing may affect this. Consult a tax professional for clarity on these points.

Can I negotiate the terms of my HELOC with my lender as I approach the maturity date?

In some cases, it might be possible to negotiate terms with the lender as the maturity date nears. This depends on factors such as your financial situation, payment history, and the lender’s policies. It never hurts to reach out to the lender to discuss possible options.

What Does a Maturity Date Mean on a HELOC? | LendEDU (2024)


What Does a Maturity Date Mean on a HELOC? | LendEDU? ›

Depending on how your HELOC is structured, you might need to repay the entire principal balance at the maturity date. If you don't have enough cash to do this, you'll need to find a way to get the funds or refinance the HELOC. Refinance the principal balance of your HELOC.

What happens on HELOC maturity date? ›

After this date, the HELOC will transition from the draw period to the repayment period, in which you no longer withdraw any funds and your monthly payments (which will include both principal and interest) will change. Note how much you'll owe when you enter the repayment period.

What is a maturity date on a line of credit? ›

A maturity date on a loan is the date it's scheduled to be paid in full. The loan and any accrued interest should ideally be paid off in full if you've made regular and timely payments. If you do have a remaining balance past your maturity date, you'll have to work with the lender to figure out how to pay it off.

What happens if a loan is not paid by the maturity date? ›

Loans that are not paid by the maturity date become defaulted. This means that the borrower has failed to meet the loan requirements, and the lender may pursue alternate legal means to regain the money, including suing the borrower or petitioning for payment to be withheld from the borrower's paycheck.

What is the maturity date of a revolving line of credit? ›

The maturity date on a revolving credit line is the date at which all remaining interest and principal is due. Revolving lines that have this feature will usually have an initial period where you only have to pay interest, followed by the maturity date where you'll need to pay back the loan in full.

What happens when a home equity line of credit expires? ›

Once the draw period is over, the HELOC will transition to the repayment period. At this point, you can't borrow against the line of credit anymore, and you'll start paying back what you borrowed. You'll make monthly payments that include both principal and interest, over a set term, often as long as 20 years.

How soon do you have to pay back a HELOC? ›

All HELOCS have a “draw period” (typically 10-15 years) and a “repayment period” (typically up to 20 years).

Is the maturity date the last payment? ›

Loan maturity date refers to the date on which a borrower's final loan payment is due. Once that payment is made and all repayment terms have been met, the promissory note that is a record of the original debt is retired.

What happens after the maturity date? ›

The maturity date is used to classify bonds into three main categories: short-term, medium-term, and long-term. Once the maturity date is reached, the debt agreement no longer exists and any interest payments regularly paid to investors cease.

Is maturity date the payoff date? ›

The type of home loan you have lets you make payments for a set amount of time or “term”. Typically, the full amount borrowed, as well as some fees, will not be completely paid off when the term ends. The term's end is also called the loan's “maturity date”.

What is the difference between maturity date and expiration date? ›

For an option, the expiration date is the last date on which an American-style option can be exercised, and the only date that a European-style option can be exercised. The maturity date is the date on which the underlying transaction settles if the option is exercised.

How does the maturity of a loan affect the monthly payments? ›

The maturity date will also determine interest payments. Typically, the longer the loan term, the smaller the monthly payments will be.

Can you have a loan without a maturity date? ›

A perpetual subordinated loan is a type of junior debt that continues indefinitely and has no maturity date. Perpetual subordinated loans pay creditors a steady stream of interest forever. As the loan is perpetual, the principal is never repaid so the interest steam never ends.

How to solve maturity date? ›

The maturity date is then calculated by adding the term to the issue date and adjusting for the frequency of coupon payments. For example, if a bond is issued on January 1, 2020, with a 10-year term and semiannual coupon payments, the maturity date is January 1, 2030, plus six months, which is July 1, 2030.

How do you calculate maturity date? ›

You can find it on your loan contract. For example, say you take out a $10,000 personal loan on July 1, 2022 with a 36-month term. The loan maturity date will be 36 months later, on July 1, 2025. It is possible to pay off your loan early before the loan maturity.

Is a revolving line of credit considered debt? ›

Revolving debt is also referred to as a line of credit (LOC). A revolving debt does not have a fixed payment amount every month. The charges are based on the actual balance of the loan. The same is true for the computation of the interest rate; it is dependent on the total outstanding balance of the loan.

What is the monthly payment on a $50,000 HELOC? ›

What is the monthly payment on a $50,000 HELOC? Assuming a borrower who has spent up their HELOC credit limit, the monthly payment on a $50,000 HELOC at today's rates would be about $375 for an interest-only payment, or $450 for a principle-and-interest payment.

Do you pay interest on a HELOC if you don't use it? ›

No interest will accrue

HELOCs typically come with variable interest rates, though, which means that the interest you'll pay can fluctuate with market conditions. So, while you won't accrue interest until you use the credit line, be prepared for potential rate increases when you do start drawing funds.

What is the monthly payment on a 100k HELOC? ›

If you took out a 10-year, $100,000 home equity loan at a rate of 8.75%, you could expect to pay just over $1,253 per month for the next decade. Most home equity loans come with fixed rates, so your rate and payment would remain steady for the entire term of your loan.

Does interest accrue during HELOC draw period? ›

With a traditional HELOC repayment, you would draw on the funds as needed during your draw period. With each draw, interest starts to accrue on the outstanding balance. Based on the balance and interest rate, you'll start making interest-only payments until the draw period ends.

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