What can bullet proof vests stop? (2024)


By Thomas Bowman for SafeGuard Armor

When looking at buying a bulletproof vest, it’s only natural to wonder how effective a particular vest will be. Not all bulletproof vests can stop all bullets, so it’s a good idea to obtain a basic understanding of common weapons and how they are stopped.

Body proof vests weren’t fully bullet proof until Kevlar became widely used in the 1980’s. Kevlar is a synthetic fiber that is incredibly strong. The molecules arranged in each strand are extremely difficult to move apart, meaning it takes a lot of energy to do so.

The panels in bullet proof vests are made up of many layers of tightly woven strands of Kevlar. When a bullet hits each strand, the energy it takes to move or break apart the strands is “stolen” from the bullet and absorbed by the Kevlar. This way the kinetic energy that would cause the bullet to go into the wearer’s body is non-existent when/if it makes it all the way through the Kevlar.

Each vest is rated by the National Institute of Justice to have one of four protection levels. Each level is capable of stopping bullets of certain caliber shot from certain kinds of weapons. Always remember that a vest isn’t guaranteed to work just because its level supposedly stops a certain kind of bullet at a certain velocity.

Bullets vary greatly around the world, and guns can be modified– only use the NIJ levels as guidelines and make sure to research thoroughly the protection level you’re getting compared to what you might be facing.

Let’s take a look at some common calibers, what weapons they might come from, and what levels are needed to stop them:

9mm Parabellum: This is one of the world’s most popular handgun cartridges and is widely used by police and military. It is often found in semi-automatic pistols and is used by many civilians for self-defense. Shot at lower velocities, a level II-a vest will protect against it. The level II vest will stop higher velocities.

.357 Magnum: This bullet usually is fired from a revolver, except for the Desert Eagle—apart from the Coonan 1911 this is the only semi-automatic pistol that fires these rounds. .357 magnum rounds have great “stopping power”– the ability to incapacitate their target immediately upon impact. Level II bullet proof armor is needed to stop this round.

.375 SIG: This round is nearly identical to the .357 Magnum. The advantage of this round is its reliability, can be used in autoloader platforms, and has far less recoil than the .357 Magnum while producing a nearly identical performance. You’ll need Level IIa armor to protect against this round.

.40 S&W: Designed as a Law Enforcement Cartridge, it has been popular with many Law Enforcement Agencies. It has the benefit of power over the 9mm, and a more manageable recoil than the 10mm Auto. The .40 S&W was designed to replace the 10mm Auto. To protect against these bullets, you will need a Level IIa vest.

10mm Auto: This round was created to offer greater stopping power than the 9mm as well as better trajectory and range than the .45 ACP. Various branches of Law Enforcement continue to use the 10mm, and despite its recoil it has been marketed successfully as ammo for hunting and self-defense. To protect against 10mm ammo, a Level IIa vest is needed.

.44 Magnum: Similar to the .357 magnum, this bullet is usually shot out of revolvers, although this one can also be used in rifles as well. Created in the 1950s, it comes from the well-known S&W Model 629, popularized by Clint Eastwood in “Dirty Harry” as the most powerful handgun in the world (it was at the time). To protect against this, you will need a Level IIIa vest.

.45 ACP: The .45 ACP, also known as the .45 ACP or .45 Auto, was designed by John Browning. Most famously, this round is used in the M1911 pistol that was adopted by the US Army in 1911 and used as the standard for the next 74 years. Certain Special Operations units continue to utilize .45 ACP weapons, and its low muzzle flash and recoil combined with its accuracy and stopping power has ensured its popularity elsewhere. A Level IIa vest offers the required protection against these rounds.

Level IIIa will protect against nearly all common handguns, which is a good thing– handguns are the most common weapon used in crime in the USA, and the most commonly owned. Heavier armor is needed to protect against long guns, such as the AR-15 or shotguns. Let’s look at some of the most common rifle rounds:

5.56x45mm NATO: This is a very common round most commonly chambered in the M16 rifle. Performance is affected by the weapon used much more with this round, and there have been criticisms of it because of this. Level III armor is needed against this ammunition.

.30-06: First adopted in 1906, this round was the US Army’s primary cartridge for nearly 50 years. Particularly because of its relatively low recoil, which makes it easy to use. For protection against the .30-06, Level III armor is needed.

.308 Winchester: This is one of the most widely used and successful cartridges in the world, being used primarily by militaries and big game hunters. It duplicates the ballistic performance of the .30-06 and requires a Level III vest.

7.62mmx51mm NATO: Another popular and versatile rifle cartridge, this was introduced in the late 1950s and is similar to the .308 Winchester. Against this ammunition, a Level III vest will suffice, but if facing an armor-piercing variant, a Level IV vest will be needed.

Level III armor protects against most rifle rounds but requires a heavier metallic or ceramic plate to be inserted into the vest. Protection can be offered against armor-piercing rounds, but this will require a Level IV vest.

Tom has written a number of articles as part of SafeGuard Armor. He uses his expert knowledge of stab and bullet proof vests to help provide information.


What can bullet proof vests stop? (2024)


What can bullet proof vests stop? ›

Bullet-proof vests are designed to stop bullets so that is what they do. Some of them are thin enough to be worn under clothing – they can be hidden under a thick sweater or a coat. However, these thin bullet-proof vests are generally only good against handguns and not more powerful weapons.

What can bullet proof vest stop? ›

A bulletproof vest, also known as a ballistic vest or a bullet-resistant vest, is an item of body armor that helps absorb the impact and reduce or stop penetration to the torso from firearm-fired projectiles and fragmentation from explosions.

Can bullet proof vest stop bullets? ›

A bulletproof vest is actually bullet resistant. This means it will prevent the vest from being penetrated by certain types and sizes of bullets traveling up to certain speeds. Even if a vest is strong enough to stop the bullet from penetrating, the wearer may still suffer injury.

Can bullet proof vest stop a sword? ›

An edged weapon like a knife will impact in the same way, but will cut these protective fibres, rendering the vest useless. Similarly, a spiked weapon will pass through the minute gaps in the fabric, again rendering it purposeless. Therefore, a bullet proof vest will not protect against edged or spiked weapons.

Can a bullet proof vest stop a 50 caliber bullet? ›

Can Level 4 armor stop 50 BMG? Absolutely not! Unfortunately a 50 caliber BMG is just too fast and powerful for the human body to stop. With a muzzle velocity of 3,044 ft/s and an energy of 13,310 ft-lbs force, this bullet impact alone will destroy your skeletal structure.

Can a bulletproof vest stop an AK-47? ›

They could protect you from a shot to the chest with a pistol, but not against a spray of bullets from an AK47. In fact, there are no flexible slim bullet-proof vests on the market that could hide under your clothing, but would still protect you from a weapon like an AK47.

Can a vest stop AK-47? ›

Level III body armour vests must be able to withstand up to six shots from 7.62×51 NATO rounds. These vests are capable of stopping AK-47 rounds.

What material can stop a bullet? ›

Bullet-resistant materials (also called ballistic materials or, equivalently, anti-ballistic materials) are usually rigid, but may be supple. They may be complex, such as Kevlar, UHMWPE, Lexan, or carbon fiber composite materials, or basic and simple, such as steel or titanium.

How many rounds can a vest stop? ›

Different levels of body armor protect against different levels of ammunition. However, according to the National Institute of Justice's (NIJ) official performance standard, known as NIJ 0101.06 each level of body armor must defeat six rounds of test ammunition for that level.

Can bulletproof vest stop sniper? ›

How much protection does a bullet-proof vest provide? When a bullet hits a bullet-proof vest, the forceful impact of the bullet can seriously hurt, or even kill, the person wearing the vest even if the vest stops the bullet. A bullet from a strong sniper or rifle can pierce a bullet-proof vest.

Can a bulletproof vest stop an AXE? ›

However, most stab-proof vests will still use Kevlar and will come with ballistic protection. Stab protection can stop attacks using edged weapons, like knives, axes, and broken bottles.

What is level 7 body armor? ›

UL 752 Level 7 Specifications

Most commonly used as a protection barrier against multiple shots from a military assault rifle, such as the M-16, and the like, with muzzle energy of 1158-1402 foot-pounds (1570-1901J). Nominal Thickness. 1 – 1/8” Nominal Weight. 11.7 lbs per square foot.

What armor can stop a knife? ›

Stab proof vests are resistant to penetration from edged weapons such as knives and other sharp objects, such as broken bottles. Their design allows them to be able to protect the body from punctures from sharp blades or pointed weapons. Stab proof vests are made from a material called aramid.

Does level 6 armor exist? ›

VPAM armor standard (Europe) The VPAM scale as of 2009 runs from 1 to 14, with 1-5 being soft armor, and 6-14 being hard armor. Tested armor must withstand three hits, spaced 120 mm (4.7 inches) apart, of the designated test threat with no more than 25 mm (0.98 inches) of back-face deformation in order to pass.

What's the strongest body armor? ›

Level IV armor is the highest rating of body armor currently available, and it will stop armor-piercing rifle threats. It can withstand up to 30-06 M2ap steel core armor-piercing rounds with a mass of 166 grains and a velocity of 2880 ft/s.

Is there Level 5 body armor? ›

Level 5 armor plates provide maximum back and chest protection. They are added to the design of a special reliable plate carrier body armor, and are suitable for protection when hit by sniper attacks. Products of this class should be bought by military personnel who do not need to move much.

Will body armor stop a 12 gauge slug? ›

Finally, a slug is unlikely to penetrate body armor, but it transmits sufficient energy through the vest to cause massive and often debilitating injury.

Do bulletproof vests expire? ›

A body armor expiration date helps determine when body armor may no longer be as effective. Over time, body armor will break, and some materials may degrade more quickly than others. For example, bulletproof vests may have a lifespan between five to 10 years, depending on the material.

Can a bulletproof vest stop a Glock? ›

According to industry standards, this level of Kevlar is the best you can get for protecting yourself against blunt trauma injury. As you can see, at a distance of approximately 45 feet, a 9mm Glock pistol shot at a velocity of 1,100 feet per second was easily deflected by the vest.

Will a police vest stop an AR-15? ›

AR-15 bullets can penetrate the soft body armor typically worn by police, which is built to stop handgun rounds.

What bulletproof vest stops AR-15? ›

Level III – Designed to stop a 7.62 x 39 full metal jacket AK round or . 223 ammo like that used by the popular AR-15. This is the minimum needed to stop bullets from any of the major assault rifles.

What body armor can stop an AR-15? ›

Atomic Defense's standalone NIJ III AR-15 and AK-47 Bulletproof Armor is a hard-body security solution capable of withstanding rifle rounds. These ceramic body armor plates feature polyethylene support for additional strength against various rifle calibers from guns like the AK-47 or AR-15.

What can melt a bullet? ›

At 250 to 350 degrees (F), they will begin to melt and badly deform. The longer the exposure to these types of temperatures, the more deformation will occur. This generally begins to occur from 50 to 100 yards of the bullet leaving the muzzle.

Can skin stop a bullet? ›

Humans naturally possess protection in the form of their skin, but this is typically not thick enough to prevent harm from anything but the most trivial of weapons. Human skin is only 2 mm thick on average [1], but if it was significantly thicker then it could, in theory, be strong enough to stop a bullet.

What can bullets not penetrate? ›

Common bulletproof materials include:
  • Steel. Steel bulletproof materials are heavy duty, yet at just a few millimeters thick, extremely effective in stopping modern firearm rounds. ...
  • Ceramic. ...
  • Fiberglass. ...
  • Wood. ...
  • Kevlar. ...
  • Polyethylene. ...
  • Polycarbonate.

Can a vest stop a shotgun? ›

45 ACP will travel at slower speeds, which allows the body armor to stop them. However, . 357 SIG and 9mm guns travel at a quicker speed and can't stop them as easily. Important: The shells of a shotgun are very dangerous to bulletproof vests wearers because vests are not rated for these kinds of bullets.

What states is body armor illegal? ›

New York State is the only state restricting citizens' constitutional right to purchase body armor. According to the overreaching New York State Penal Law Section 270.21, "Unlawful purchase of body armor is a class A misdemeanor for a first offense and a class E felony for any subsequent offense."

Can a vest stop a 9mm? ›

Level IIA vests must provide defense against 9mm rounds (fired at a velocity of 373 meters per second) and . 40 S&W bullets. For officers operating in a low-crime area, with little to no expectations of encountering armed criminals, this type of vest may be suitable.

How heavy is a bulletproof vest? ›

Altogether the full system weighs some 16 pounds (7.25 kg), but it provides protection against 7.62-mm full-metal-jacket rifle bullets—a level of protection that earlier versions of body armour could not provide.

What armor stops a 50 cal? ›

Hard armor systems including a ceramic faceplate, CMF core, and aluminum backing plate can be the perfect armor against calibers up to 50 caliber ball and armor-piercing rounds.

Is it illegal for a civilian to wear a bulletproof vest? ›

In California, civilians can purchase and use a bulletproof vest, unless he or she has been convicted of a felony. Bulletproof vests and all other body armor can be purchased online or face-to-face.

Can a vest stop a rifle? ›

Today's bulletproof vests will protect against most common low-caliber handguns. But high-powered weapons, especially rifles, can still penetrate bulletproof vests. The only protection from these types of weapons is usually “hard” bulletproof armor made of rigid ceramics and metals.

What is level 8 armor? ›

UL752 certified Level 8 panels are most commonly used for protection against multiple shots from a military assault rifle, such as an M-14, and the like, with muzzle energy of 2519-3048 foot pounds (3416-4133J). Level 8 is 1 7/16"" thick and weighs 15.2 lbs per sq. ft.

What is level 111 body armor? ›

What is Level III Body Armor? Level III body armor is meant to stop rifle caliber bullets with bullet velocities up to 2,780 ft/sec. A level III body armor plate is a hard insert and is NIJ-LIsted to stop a 7.62x51mm (M80) bullet. Shotstop Ballistics. 870 subscribers.

What armor do SWAT wear? ›

SWAT wears a level II or IIIA full-coverage kit including throat, groin, bicep, and more with level III, III+, or IV rifle plates.

What is the most forbidden knife? ›

The most banned knife in the country remains the ballistic knife. Here's a look at what ballistic knives are, how they became banned and why those bans should be repealed.

Why doesn't body armor cover your stomach? ›

If extended to the waistline, it would be very difficult to sit or bend over comfortably because the vest would dig into the wearer's hips. Another reason police tactical bulletproof vest designs don't cover the entire torso is that it's almost always worn with a duty belt.

Are police vests stab proof? ›

Some armor is made to be stab and/or spike resistant, while others are made to be bulletproof. If a vest has stab protection, it may not be bulletproof. Equally, a bulletproof vest may offer no protection to bladed weapons.

Does diamond armor exist? ›

Diamond Armor is certified bulletproof by NATO standards, waterproof thanks to nano-technology sealing and has an EMPA air conditioning system in-built to keep the wearer cool.

What is the max armor? ›

Max armor refers to armor with the maximum armor rating available for an specific profession. Roleplaying characters can either craft this armor at crafter NPCs (armorers) or exchange items for it at collectors.

What is the oldest armor ever? ›

Till today, the “Dendra armor” remains the oldest intact full-set of body armor of human history, representing in a unique way the Bronze Age military technological achievements.

Can a 50 cal sniper go through bulletproof glass? ›

Bullet Resistant Glass would withstand up to a . 50 Caliber round from a high powered rifle. A . 50 Caliber round is most closely associated with military usage, and is not typically or commonly in widespread usage amongst most civilian products.

Why was Dragon Skin banned? ›

U.S. Army ban

Army officials said the ban order was prompted by concerns that soldiers or their families were buying inadequate or untested commercial armor from private companies.

Will body armor stop a rifle round? ›

Level III body armor can defeat rifle caliber bullets, such as 7.62mm and non-military grade 5.56mm bullets. Level III armor is what I recommend for daily use for police officers, security guards, and federal law enforcement agents (F.B.I., A.T.F., and N.S.A.).

Is John Wick suit bulletproof? ›

You can keep running, firing, or karate kicking while the suit takes all of the bullets. You can even pull your jacket up over your face if you want to protect that million-dollar smile.

Can civilians buy level 5 armor? ›

It is legal in all 50 states for law abiding civilians to purchase body armor. You have the right to protect yourself and your family from harm. As a citizen of the United States you have the legal right to purchase and wear body armor for personal or professional use.

What level body armor do Marines use? ›

Does the Military Use Level 4 Armor? The U.S. military wears only NIJ-Listed Level 4 plates in active combat environments, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and small conflicts in Africa and South America. The reason they always wear 4 is the protection it offers versus Level 3 plates.

Will bullet proof vest stop AR 15? ›

Having body armor or a pack that can stop something like that is pretty amazing to me. This is typically the level of armor used in packs and mid priced inserts. This level will not stop an AR-15 or AK-47 round. For those that don't remember, the AR-15 is what was used at the Parkland, Florida school shooting.

What can a Level 4 bullet proof vest stop? ›

LEVEL IV. Level IV is the highest rifle plate rating under the NIJ personal body armor specs at this time. A level IV must stop a single hit of 7.62MM AP “Black Tip”, which is effectively a . 30-06 Armor Piercing bullet.

What caliber will body armor stop? ›

Level IV armor is the highest level of defense you'll find on the market. This ceramic plate offers maximum protection against a high-grade military threat. Armored Republic's C2 Multi-Hit plate can stop a . 30 caliber armor-piercing bullet, with a mass of 10.8g, at speeds of up to 2,880 ft/s.

What body armor will stop an AK-47? ›

Atomic Defense's standalone NIJ III AR-15 and AK-47 Bulletproof Armor is a hard-body security solution capable of withstanding rifle rounds. These ceramic body armor plates feature polyethylene support for additional strength against various rifle calibers from guns like the AK-47 or AR-15.

Can bullet proof jacket stop sniper? ›

When a bullet hits a bullet-proof vest, the forceful impact of the bullet can seriously hurt, or even kill, the person wearing the vest even if the vest stops the bullet. A bullet from a strong sniper or rifle can pierce a bullet-proof vest.

What can block a bullet? ›

Common bulletproof materials include:
  • Steel. Steel bulletproof materials are heavy duty, yet at just a few millimeters thick, extremely effective in stopping modern firearm rounds. ...
  • Ceramic. ...
  • Fiberglass. ...
  • Wood. ...
  • Kevlar. ...
  • Polyethylene. ...
  • Polycarbonate.

What level armor do cops wear? ›

What level body armor do police wear? Most patrol officers choose to wear level IIIA soft armor vests for their everyday wear while on duty. But this is often supplemented with level III and IV 5 x 8 or 7 x 9 hard plates that can come in small form factors for inclusion with everyday duty wear.

What is level 5 armor? ›

Level 5 armor plates provide maximum back and chest protection. They are added to the design of a special reliable plate carrier body armor, and are suitable for protection when hit by sniper attacks.

Why isn t body armor illegal? ›

The rationale for prohibiting many felons from possessing body armor or bulletproof vests is similar to that of prohibiting felons from possessing firearms. These laws aim to protect public and officer safety by keeping "weapons" away from those who've shown they're capable of committing a crime.

Will a bulletproof vest stop a 12 gauge slug? ›

Finally, a slug is unlikely to penetrate body armor, but it transmits sufficient energy through the vest to cause massive and often debilitating injury.

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