What Can A Collection Agency Do To Me In Canada? (2024)


Can a collection agency sue me in Canada?
Can a collection agency take me to court?

In simple terms: yes. A creditor has the right to take you to court and sue you if you have stopped making payments on a debt that you owe. However, depending on how old the debt is, they may not legally be allowed to do so.

Every province and territory across the country has different Canadian collection laws with various statutes of limitation on when a creditor can sue a debtor. A Licensed Insolvency Trustee can advise you of the laws in your province.

[/vc_column_text][vc_message message_box_style=”solid-icon”]To learn what the statute of limitations is in your area, we strongly recommend that you contact a Licensed Insolvency Trustee and discuss your situation with them. Your first meeting is always free.[/vc_message][vc_column_text]

Collection Agency FAQ

Can a collection agency take you to court?

Yes, a collection agency that has bought the debt from the creditor can take you to court, as can a creditor themselves. However, you will seldom be taken to court for a debt that is less than six months overdue.

Creditors and collection agencies may also threaten to take you to court, even if they do not intend to do so. It is expensive for a creditor or collection agency to sue you; they will only do it if they believe your debt is large enough to justify this expense, or that your assets are great enough that you can pay the debt if ordered to do so by the court.

Also, creditors and collection agencies must heed the statutes of limitation that apply in each province. If a debt is old enough, it cannot be recovered through the court. A Licensed Insolvency Trustee is the best person to advise you on your province’s particular regulations – see also this page: Canadian Debt Collection Laws.

What happens when my creditor takes me to court?

You have stopped making payments and your creditor or a Canadian collection agency is preparing to sue you. Here is what will happen:

Your creditors will file the lawsuit with the court. You will be notified of this. If you fail to file a defense against the lawsuit, your creditors will automatically win by default. To learn how to defend yourself, contact a lawyer or a Licensed Insolvency Trustee.

If you decide to file a defense, a trial date will be set. You or your lawyer will attend, as will the creditor/collection agency or their legal representative.

The trial will have one of two outcomes:

  1. Your creditor/collection agency will be successful and will obtain a judgement against you, in which the court orders you to pay all or part of the debt. This gives your creditor certain powers, such as wage and bank account garnishment.
  2. You will be successful, and no judgement will be awarded.

Can a collection agency take my house?

If they have been successful in getting a judgment against you, a creditor or collection agency can file the judgment in the local Land Titles office against your home or other real property. This process is also known as “registering a lien.” If you do not pay the judgment, they can eventually obtain a court order to sell the real property.

Within provincial regulations, certain creditors like banks and finance companies can seize property on which they hold a defaulted mortgage, without a court process. Canada Revenue Agency can also apply a lien against your property for unpaid taxes, without a court process.

Can collection agencies garnish wages?

Yes, if they have obtained a court judgment against you. The amount they can garnish and how that garnishment will be handled depends on what type of debt you owe, where you live, and your income. To learn how much money could be garnished from your wages, talk to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. See also this page: How To Stop a Wage Garnishment.

Can collection agencies charge interest in Canada?

No, a debt collection agency cannot charge new interest to you on the debt they are attempting to collect. However, the amount they are attempting to collect may include interest assessed by the original creditor.

Can a collection agency take money from my bank account

Collection agencies can garnish your bank account if they have obtained a court judgment against you. Wage and bank account garnishments are particularly worrisome because they can happen unexpectedly and cause you to default on other planned payments. Again, the rules vary depending on your situation and province. A Licensed Insolvency Trustee can help you avoid or end garnishees and move forward.

Learn more about Debt Collection Agencies from the Government of Canada’s Consumer Affairs office: Debt Collection Agencies.

How to Deal with Collection Agencies in Canada [H2]

If you’ve stopped making payments to your creditors, they have the right to take you to court. Before that happens you can take action to stop the process, with one of these steps.

  • Talk to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. In a free, no-obligation meeting, a Licensed Insolvency Trustee can help you review all of your options and arrive at the best solution for your situation. Licensed Insolvency Trustees are regulated by the government and are experts in their field.
  • Make a deal with your creditors. Call the people you owe, and see if they will work with you to arrive at a payment plan that works for both of you.
  • Make a Debt Management Plan. A credit counselling agency can help you through the process. Be careful which agency you choose – they are not regulated in most provinces.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_message message_box_style=”solid-icon”]Going to court is a daunting experience. Having an expert on your side who understands Canadian collection laws and who can outline your options, or who can stop the process of debt collection entirely could make all the difference. Talk to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee and get the professional advice and help you need.[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]

What Can A Collection Agency Do To Me In Canada? (2024)


What happens when something goes to collections Canada? ›

Once your creditor transfers your debt to a collection agency, your credit score will go down. A low credit score means: lenders may refuse you credit or charge you a higher interest rate. insurance companies may charge you more for insurance.

What happens if you don't pay a collection agency in Canada? ›

If you stop making payments to a creditor or collection agency, they can sue you for the money you owe. The court will look at factors like the size and age of your debt, how much you make and what assets you own.

Can a collection agency take you to court in Canada? ›

Can a collection agency sue me in Canada? Can a collection agency take me to court? In simple terms: yes. A creditor has the right to take you to court and sue you if you have stopped making payments on a debt that you owe.

Can I ignore a collection agency in Canada? ›

Can I Ignore a Collection Agency? You can, but it won't solve your problem. Debt collectors are for-profit businesses that get paid when they settle your debt — so they won't just stop. Plus, ceased calls could even mean legal action is in the works.

What assets can be seized in debt collection Canada? ›

This factsheet will tell a Creditor how to go about having assets of a Debtor seized and sold to pay the debt owed. Any assets (except real property) can be seized by the procedure described in this factsheet. The usual things seized include motor vehicles, boats, furniture, personal belongings and shares in companies.

How long can a collection agency pursue you in Canada? ›

Canadian law states that, after six years of making a payment or acknowledging a debt, debt collectors cannot take legal action. In some Canadian provinces, this Statute of Limitations period is shorter.

Can a Canadian collection agency collect in the US? ›

International Debt Collection in Canada

CMCS has debt collection experts in accounts receivable in Canada. Canadian collection agencies are limited in their ability to collect debt in America.

Can debt collectors follow you to another country? ›

There's no law saying you can't move to another country if you have debt—even if it's in collections. But if you've taken on debt in the U.S., you're contractually obligated to pay it, regardless of where you choose to live.

Is unpaid debt a criminal Offence in Canada? ›

No, you won't be arrested or go to jail for not paying your credit card debt. In Canada, not paying your creditors is not cause for arrest or imprisonment.

What happens if you never answer debt collectors? ›

If you get a summons notifying you that a debt collector is suing you, don't ignore it. If you do, the collector may be able to get a default judgment against you (that is, the court enters judgment in the collector's favor because you didn't respond to defend yourself) and garnish your wages and bank account.

Can a bank take money from your account without permission in Canada? ›

When a financial institution uses its right of offset, it can take money you have on deposit with it or with one of its affiliates to pay off any outstanding debt you may owe it. It may do so without: first letting you know. getting your permission.

What happens if you lose a lawsuit and can't pay Canada? ›

If you lose your case in small claims court, you must pay the amount of the judgment. Normally you have 30 days to pay. You'll be charged interest if you don't pay within this time limit. Worse still, your salary or property could be seized.

What happens to debt if you leave Canada? ›

If the CRA believes that you have left or are about to leave Canada, they can require immediate payment of all amounts owed, whether or not they are due at the time. If you do not make the payment, the CRA can seize your goods and assets.

Can debt collectors take money from your bank account Canada? ›

Bank account garnishment

A creditor who garnishees your bank account is allowed to take the entire amount of money that you owe.

How to negotiate with collection agencies Canada? ›

Don't Ignore Collection Calls

And, to do that, you need to have an open line of communication with them. By remaining open to communication and being cordial, you may even be able to negotiate down your debt or get the collection agency to agree to a favourable repayment plan that you can more easily afford.

Can your bank account be garnished in Canada? ›

Garnishing a Bank Account

There is no limit on the amount you can garnish from a bank account. However, you will only be able to garnish the debtor's funds and not funds that the debtor holds in a joint account with someone else.

Does debt go away after 7 years in Canada? ›

For example, if somebody sues you, and you lose, then the debt may show up on your credit report. Usually, this information stays on your credit report for 6 years. However, TransUnion keeps this information on file for 7 years in the following provinces: Newfoundland and Labrador.

Can debt collectors take money from your bank? ›

If a debt collector has a court judgment, then it may be able to garnish your bank account or wages. Certain debts owed to the government may also result in garnishment, even without a judgment.

Can US creditors follow you to Canada? ›

Your US credit history does not in fact transfer to Canada, or reflect for Canadian credit bureaus when you move. Both countries have their own systems for credit reporting, each with its own rules. This means that credit information is not shared across the border.

Can a collection agency garnish your wages in Canada? ›

Anyone you owe money to can garnish your wages. This includes credit card companies, collection agencies, payday loan lenders, and the government. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) can garnish your wages if you owe taxes, collected too much EI, haven't paid child support, or haven't paid your student loans.

How do I get a collection removed in Canada? ›

How to remove collections from credit report in Canada
  1. Review your credit report. First of all, you should get a copy of your credit report. ...
  2. Wait for the Statute of Limitations to pass. ...
  3. Ask creditors to remove negative entries. ...
  4. Offer pay for removal. ...
  5. Speak to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee.
Oct 7, 2022

Does my credit in Canada transfer to the US? ›

Unfortunately, your Canadian credit history cannot follow you to the United States. While credit reporting companies like Experian have operations in multiple countries, the information they maintain in each individual nation cannot be transferred across national boundaries for several reasons.

Can I sue a US company from Canada? ›

(c) Applicable Law

Although you may be able to sue a foreign business in its home country, the general rule is that your case will be decided according to the law in the country where the damage occurred (i.e. your country or the host country).

Can debt collectors track your phone location? ›

Because of cellphones' mobile nature, when a collector calls you on your cellphone, the collector doesn't know where you are. If you're at a place where it's inconvenient for you to receive collection calls, then the collector has violated the FDCPA.

What happens if a country doesn t pay its debt to another country? ›

A sovereign default happens when a country's government fails to pay its debt obligations. A sovereign default can have serious economic consequences for the borrowing nation, making it harder and more expensive to borrow money in the future and pay its ongoing obligations.

Can you be stopped at airport for debt Canada? ›

Their focus is to prevent crimes such as the smuggling of illegal goods and human trafficking. They're also trained to check people's documentation in case they try to enter the country illegally. CBSA will typically not detain you at the border if you re-enter Canada, and you haven't paid off any debts that you owe.

Does Canada have debt forgiveness? ›

The Canadian federal government doesn't directly give money to consumers to help them repay their debt. However, there are debt forgiveness programs that are regulated by the federal government's Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA). This includes consumer proposals and bankruptcies.

Can you go to jail for not paying bills in Canada? ›

If debt is related to Court Fines and is not paid as directed by the Court, this could result in a Judge assigning a jail sentence.

What is the 11 word phrase to stop debt collectors? ›

If you are struggling with debt and debt collectors, Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC can help. As soon as you use the 11-word phrase “please cease and desist all calls and contact with me immediately” to stop the harassment, call us for a free consultation about what you can do to resolve your debt problems for good.

What's the worst a debt collector can do? ›

While debt collectors can't threaten you or mislead you, they can apply pressure to collect payment. This pressure can include daily calls, frequent letters, or talk about pursuing a lawsuit for payment on the debt — as long as they stay within the bounds of the law.

Why you should never pay a collection agency? ›

Having an account sent to collections will lead to a negative item on your credit report. The mark is likely to stay on your credit report for up to seven years even if you pay off your debt with the collection agency. It's also possible that paying off your collection account may not increase your credit score.

How long can a bank account be frozen in Canada? ›

Frequently asked questions about frozen bank accounts

Additionally, there is no time limit for how long a bank account can be frozen in Canada.

Can a bank refuse to give you cash in Canada? ›

Can the Bank refuse to cash a Canadian Government Cheque? The Bank may refuse to cash a Canadian Government cheque if you are unable to produce acceptable identification or it believes any of the following statements are true: The cheque is for more than $1500; OR. The cheque is counterfeit; OR.

Can the government see your bank account Canada? ›

Yes, the CRA can check your bank account and statements. However, they cannot access your bank information at any point in time. They must have a reason to look and normally the information is provided by the taxpayer.

What happens if you get sued and have no money or assets in Canada? ›

If the party you are suing does not have any money, assets or a job, you may not be able to collect your judgment. However, a judgment is valid for 10 years and financial situations change.

What happens if a defendant does not pay a judgment in Canada? ›

If the Defendant does not voluntarily pay you the amount awarded in the Judgment, you must then take steps to enforce (collect) the Judgment. The Court does not collect the money for you.

How much can you sue for in Canada? ›

Overview. If believe you are owed money for the return of personal property, you can sue that person or business in Small Claims Court for $35,000 or less. For anything over $35,000, you need to go to the Superior Court of Justice.

Do you have to pay collection agencies in Canada? ›

Amount of repayment requested

In Ontario, you will only ever need to pay the amount of debt you owe. Collection agencies or debt collectors are not permitted to charge you any additional fees. The only exception to this rule is for any Provincial Offences fines that may be owed to municipalities.

How long does an unpaid collection stay on credit in Canada? ›

A judgment is a debt you owe through the courts due to a lawsuit. For example, if somebody sues you, and you lose, then the debt may show up on your credit report. Usually, this information stays on your credit report for 6 years.

How do I pay off collections in Canada? ›

How to remove collections from credit report in Canada
  1. Review your credit report. First of all, you should get a copy of your credit report. ...
  2. Wait for the Statute of Limitations to pass. ...
  3. Ask creditors to remove negative entries. ...
  4. Offer pay for removal. ...
  5. Speak to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee.
Oct 7, 2022

How many points does a collection drop your credit score Canada? ›

Once your debt information is sold to a collection agency, the number “9” may appear next to the loan on your credit report. This number means the debt has been sold to collections and it can stay on your credit report for up to seven years. Plus, it could lower your overall credit score by 20 to 50 points.

Can collection agencies follow you to another country? ›

There's no law saying you can't move to another country if you have debt—even if it's in collections. But if you've taken on debt in the U.S., you're contractually obligated to pay it, regardless of where you choose to live.

Can debt collectors go international? ›

However, in international debt collections, things work differently, as there are no international laws governing debt collection. Instead, debt collection proceedings against a client based outside your country must follow the laws of the client's country.

Is not paying debt a crime in Canada? ›

In addition, depending on the laws in the province in which the support is due, failure to pay support may result in a jail sentence. If debt is related to tax evasion or other fraudulent tax activities, remedies may include time in jail.

Can I leave Canada with credit card debt? ›

You still have an obligation to clear your debts

Your creditors may continue to pursue you for payment if you moved out of Canada and ceased paying your Canadian creditors, and you have not filed for bankruptcy or a consumer proposal. Creditors can attempt to obtain a judgement against you.

Can I pay the original creditor instead of the collection agency Canada? ›

Summary: You can pay off a debt to the original creditor if they haven't sold the account to a debt collection agency yet. There is a chance the debt may have been transferred to collections, but that doesn't mean it's too late to reach out to your creditor and settle the debt once and for all.

How long does it take to improve credit score 100 points Canada? ›

Just how fast does your credit score go up in Canada, you might ask? Everybody's situation is slightly different, but you'll generally find that it takes between 30 and 90 days for your credit score to go up (or down, for that matter).

How can I get a collection removed without paying? ›

You can ask the creditor — either the original creditor or a debt collector — for what's called a “goodwill deletion.” Write the collector a letter explaining your circ*mstances and why you would like the debt removed, such as if you're about to apply for a mortgage.

What is a bad credit score Canada? ›

Credit scores range from as low as 300 and go as high as 900. According to Equifax, if your credit score is below 560, you're considered to have bad credit.

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