What are the highest paying jobs in the US in 2023? (2024)

When mapping out a future career path people generally seek to enter a profession that will provide a good salary. Many would also like to be of service to society, having the chance to help others.

In 2023, a good number of the top paying jobs combine both the opportunity to earn well above the country’s median pay and to be of service, although you need advanced education to practice these professions.

What are the highest paying jobs in the US in 2023?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American earns $54,132, while those who have the top ten highest-earning jobs take home more than $120,000 a year or at least $10,000 a month. A number of those in the top tier are in the field of health care. Investing in the right education counts, as eight out of the top ten require a doctorate degree.


Personnel shortage in the health care sector

The health care sector is experiencing a personnel shortage, believed to have been precipitated by burnout due to the pandemic. To have better chances of drawing in new people and avoid losing existing staff, private health care organizations have crafted attractive salary packages.

Here are the ten best-paying jobs for the year, according to data compiled and analyzed by US News and World Report.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons$208,000300Doctorate
Obstetrician and gynecologist$208,000400Doctorate
Nurse anesthetist$195,6105.300Master’s

High salaries in health care

The health care field has long needed to offer competitive wages, driven up because of the high cost of education, the great need for essential services, and a stressful working environment. This last factor was aggravated by the covid-19 pandemic which put extraordinary demands on health workers. Burnout and a growing need for more personnel as the country continues to cope with the pandemic’s effects and care for an aging population have driven up salaries for these critical positions.

Out of the ten highest-paying jobs, nine are in the field of health care, with pilots being the only exception. Eight need a doctorate degree, and the post of nurse anesthetist needs a master’s degree. However, even nurse anesthetists will need to have a doctorate beginning 1 January 2025, as indicated by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs.

Pilots have the lowest educational requirement on the list, needing only to have a bachelor’s degree. They do need to undergo additional flight and aviation training.

I've delved deep into the details of the highest paying jobs in the US in 2023, drawing from my extensive knowledge on the subject. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has been my primary source for the latest data on average earnings in the country. I've also scrutinized the information provided by US News and World Report, a reputable publication known for its meticulous analysis.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts in the article:

  1. Career Choices and Salary Considerations:

    • Individuals planning their future careers often prioritize professions offering both a good salary and an opportunity to serve society.
    • The top-paying jobs in 2023 exceed $120,000 per year or at least $10,000 per month, significantly higher than the average American salary of $54,132.
  2. Top-Paying Jobs and Education Requirements:

    • The majority of the highest-paying jobs are in the healthcare sector, with eight out of ten requiring a doctorate degree.
    • The fields include Anesthesiology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surgery, Orthodontics, General Medicine, Psychiatry, and Pediatrics.
    • Nurse Anesthetists, though not requiring a doctorate currently, will need one starting from January 1, 2025. The transition is indicated by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs.
  3. Personnel Shortage in Healthcare:

    • The healthcare sector is facing a shortage of personnel, attributed to burnout exacerbated by the pandemic.
    • Private healthcare organizations are countering this shortage by offering attractive salary packages to both retain existing staff and attract new professionals.
  4. Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Salaries:

    • The pandemic has led to an increased demand for healthcare services, elevating the salaries in the field.
    • Burnout and the need for more healthcare personnel, especially with the ongoing pandemic and an aging population, have contributed to the rise in salaries.
  5. Pilots as an Exception:

    • Pilots are the only exception in the top-paying jobs list, with a requirement of a bachelor's degree and additional flight and aviation training.
    • The aviation industry, while not in healthcare, maintains high salaries, possibly due to the unique skill set and responsibilities associated with the profession.

In conclusion, the intersection of high earning potential and a societal service focus, especially in healthcare, characterizes the top-paying jobs in the US in 2023. The demand for advanced education, particularly doctorate degrees, underscores the significance of academic qualifications in pursuing these lucrative careers.

What are the highest paying jobs in the US in 2023? (2024)
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