What Are the Forces Behind Interest Rates and What Causes Them to Rise? (2024)

An interest rate is the cost of borrowing money. Or, on the other side of the coin, it is the compensation for the service and risk of lending money. Inboth cases, it keeps the economy moving byencouragingpeople to borrow, to lend, and to spend.But prevailing interest rates are always changing, and different types of loans offer differentinterest rates. If you are a lender, a borrower, or both, it's important you understand the reasons for these changes and differences.​ They also have a heavy effect on the rare metals trade, including silver stocks.


Forces Behind Interest Rates

Key Takeaways

  • An interest rate is the cost of borrowing money.
  • Interest provides a certain compensation for bearing risk.
  • Interest rate levels are a factor in the supply and demand of credit.
  • The interest rate for each different type of loan depends on the credit risk, time, tax considerations, and convertibility of the particular loan.

Lenders and Borrowers

The moneylender takes a risk that the borrower may not pay back the loan. Thus, interest provides a certain compensation for bearing risk. Coupled with the risk of default is the risk of inflation. When you lend money now, the prices of goods and services may go up by the time you are paid back, so your money's original purchasing power would decrease. Thus, interest protects against future rises in inflation. A lender such as a bank uses the interest to process account costs as well.

Borrowers pay interest because they must pay a price for gaining the ability to spend now, instead of having to wait years to save up enough money. For example, a person or family may take out a mortgage for a house for which they cannot presently pay in full, but the loan allows them to become homeowners now instead of far into the future.

Businesses also borrow for future profit. They may borrow now to buy equipment so they can begin earning those revenues today. Banks borrow to increase their activities, whether lending or investing, and pay interest to clients for this service.

Interest can thus be considered a cost for one entity and income for another. It canrepresent the lost opportunity oropportunity costof keeping your money as cash under your mattress as opposed to lending it. And if you borrow money, the interest you have to pay could beless than the cost of forgoing the opportunity ofhavingaccess to the money in the present.

How Interest Rates are Determined

Supply and Demand

Interest rate levels are a factor in the supply and demand of credit: an increase in the demand for money or credit will raise interest rates, while a decrease in the demand for credit will decrease them. Conversely, an increase in the supply of credit will reduce interest rates while a decrease in the supply of credit will increase them.

An increase in the amount of money made available to borrowers increases the supply of credit. For example, when you open a bank account, you are lending money to the bank. Depending on the kind of account you open (a certificate of deposit will render a higher interest rate than a checking account, with which you can access the funds at any time), the bank can use that money for its business and investment activities. In other words, the bank can lend out that money to other customers. The more banks can lend, the more credit is available to the economy. And as the supply of credit increases, the price of borrowing (interest) decreases.

Credit available to the economy decreases as borrowers decide to defer the repayment of their loans. For instance, when you choose to postponepaying this month's credit card bill until next month or even later, you are not only increasing the amount of interest you will have to pay but also decreasing the amount of credit available in the market. This, in turn, will increase the interest rates in the economy.


Inflation will also affect interest rate levels. The higher the inflation rate, the more interest rates are likely to rise. This occurs because lenders will demand higher interest rates as compensation for the decrease in purchasing power of the money they are paid in the future.


The government has a say in how interest rates are affected. The U.S. Federal Reserve (the Fed) often makes announcements about how monetary policy will affect interest rates.

The federal funds rate, or the rate that institutions charge each other for extremely short-term loans, affects the interest rate that banks set on the money they lend. Thatrate then eventually trickles down into other short-term lending rates. The Fed influences these rates with "open market transactions," which is the buying or selling of previously issued U.S. securities. When the government buys more securities, banks are injected with more money than they can use for lending, and the interest rates decrease. When the government sells securities, money from the banks is drained for the transaction, rendering fewer funds at the banks' disposal for lending, forcing a rise in interest rates.

Interest keeps the economy moving byencouragingpeople to borrow, to lend—and to spend.

Types of Loans

Of the factors detailed above, supply and demand are, as we implied earlier, the primary forces behind interest rate levels. The interest rate for each different type of loan, however, depends on the credit risk, time, tax considerations (particularly in the U.S.), and convertibility of the particular loan.

Risk refers to the likelihood of the loan being repaid. A greater chance that the loan will not be repaid leads to higher interest rate levels. If, however, the loan is "secured," meaning there is some sort of collateral that the lender will acquire in case the loan is not paid back (i.e., such as a car or a house), the rate of interest will probably be lower. This is because the risk factor is accounted for by the collateral.

For government-issued debt securities, there is, of course, minimal risk because the borrower is the government. For this reason, and because the interest is tax-free, the rate on treasury securities tends to be relatively low.

Time is also a factor of risk. Long-term loans have a greater chance of not being repaid because there is more time for the adversity that leads to default. Also, the face value of a long-term loan, compared to that of a short-term loan, is more vulnerable to the effects of inflation. Therefore, the longer the borrower has to repay the loan, the more interest the lender should receive.

Finally, some loans that can be converted back into money quickly will have little if any loss on the principal loaned out. These loans usually carry relatively lower interest rates.

The Bottom Line

As interest rates are a significant factor of the income you can earn by lending money, of bond pricing and of the amount you will have to pay to borrow money, it is important that you understand how prevailing interest rates change: primarily by the forces of supply and demand, which are also affected by inflation and monetary policy. Of course, when you are deciding whether to invest in a debt security, it is important to understand how its characteristics determine what kind of interest rate you can receive.

Correction—Jan. 31, 2023: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated credit available to the economy decreases as lenders decide to defer the repayment of their loans. In actuality, credit available to the economy decreases when borrowers decide to defer their loan repayment.

What Are the Forces Behind Interest Rates and What Causes Them to Rise? (2024)


What causes interest rates to rise and? ›

Rate increases are a reflection of economic conditions. Central banks raise and lower interest rates to stimulate economic growth and manage inflation. If inflation is high, they might raise rates to try to control it. If it's low, they may lower rates to encourage consumers to spend and borrow money.

What are the 4 factors that influence interest rates? ›

What influences Interest Rates
  • Inflation.
  • Stock market conditions.
  • International Investors.
  • Fiscal deficit and government borrowings.
Aug 8, 2022

What are the forces determining interest rate? ›

Interest rates are determined in a free market where supply and demand interact. The supply of funds is influenced by the willingness of consumers, businesses, and governments to save. The demand for funds reflects the desires of businesses, households, and governments to spend more than they take in as revenues.

What are two things that usually happen when interest rates go up? ›

Rising interest rates typically make all debt more expensive, while also creating higher income for savers. Stocks, bonds and real estate may also decrease in value with higher rates. You can take defensive action to help prepare for bad economical times while growing your overall finances.

Why the interest rates are going high? ›

The Fed increased interest rates again to fight inflation, despite fears of a banking crisis. But online high-yield savings accounts now offer rates as high as 5%, well above the 0.23% national savings account average, according to Bankrate.

Which would cause interest rates to increase quizlet? ›

the money supply decreases. Which of the following events would cause interest rates to increase? When a Central Bank acts to decrease the money supply and increase the interest rate, it is following: contractionary monetary policy.

What are the 3 most important factors in defining interest rate? ›

Three factors that determine what your interest rate will be
  • Credit score. Your credit score is a three-digit number that generally carries the most weight when it comes to determining your individual creditworthiness. ...
  • Loan-to-value ratio. ...
  • Debt-to-income.
Mar 11, 2016

What 3 factors does interest depend on? ›

Lenders consider your credit score, payment history and the current economic conditions when determining interest rates. Generally speaking, the higher your credit score, the less you can expect to pay in interest. But loan-specific factors such as repayment terms play a role too.

What is the major influence on interest rates? ›

Interest rates are influenced by the supply and demand for loans and credit. Central banks raise or lower short-term interest rates to ensure stability and liquidity in the economy. Long-term interest rates are affected by the demand for 10- and 30-year U.S. Treasury notes.

What is simple force of interest? ›

simple interest implies that as time increases, the degree interest has on accumulated value decreases, because AV increases with t(linear continuous relationship) but it increases continuously by the same amount. a larger quantity of time applies a proportionate level of change as a lesser amount.

What are the three theories of interest rate? ›

The main theories of interest rates are: Theory of Austrian School; Neo-Classical Theory; Theory of liquidity and Theory of loan.

Is interest rate an example of force? ›

The correct answer is D:

The falling interest rate is an example of economic change, which is an external factor.

What happens to inflation when interest rates rise? ›

Higher interest rates are generally a policy response to rising inflation. Conversely, when inflation is falling and economic growth slowing, central banks may lower interest rates to stimulate the economy.

How does raising interest rates keep prices down? ›

Rising interest rates can stave off inflation

As mentioned before, raising interest rates helps inflation by reducing consumer borrowing and spending, thereby cooling off demand for goods and services. This then helps lower prices and reduce inflation.

Who is responsible for increasing interest rates? ›

The Federal Reserve is continuing to raise its benchmark interest rate. That means rates for mortgages, personal loans, credit cards, and savings accounts are likely to continue increasing.

What is causing inflation? ›

Such demand could result from things like a low jobless rate, strong consumer confidence, low interest rates or robust government spending. A higher demand for products causes companies to produce more to keep up with demand, which, in turn, could lead to product shortages and price surges.

What is the easiest way to explain interest rates? ›

Interest is essentially a charge to the borrower for the use of an asset. Assets borrowed can include cash, consumer goods, vehicles, and property. Because of this, an interest rate can be thought of as the "cost of money" - higher interest rates make borrowing the same amount of money more expensive.

What problems are caused with high interest rates? ›

Because higher interest rates mean higher borrowing costs, people will eventually start spending less. The demand for goods and services will then drop, which will cause inflation to fall. Similarly, to combat the rising inflation in 2022, the Fed has been increasing rates throughout the year.

What are the five determinants of interest rates? ›

Top 12 Factors that Determine Interest Rate
  • Credit Score. The higher your credit score, the lower the rate.
  • Credit History. ...
  • Employment Type and Income. ...
  • Loan Size. ...
  • Loan-to-Value (LTV) ...
  • Loan Type. ...
  • Length of Term. ...
  • Payment Frequency.
Sep 1, 2020

What are the 3 factors affecting risk structure of interest rates? ›

Factors Affecting Risk Structure of Interest Rates
  • Default Risk.
  • Liquidity.
  • Income Tax Considerations.

What is the force for dummies? ›

A force is a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object's interaction with another object. Whenever there is an interaction between two objects, there is a force upon each of the objects. When the interaction ceases, the two objects no longer experience the force.

Why is the force of interest important? ›

Force of interest represents the percentage rate of change of the accumultion factor f(t) and is an important metric when it comes to understanding better the force behind the accumulation factor itself.

What is simple interest for dummies? ›

Simple interest is the interest charge on borrowing that's calculated using an original principal amount only and an interest rate that never changes. It does not involve compounding, where borrowers end up paying interest on principal and interest that grows over multiple payment periods.

What are the most common types of interest rates? ›

Interest rates come in two basic types: fixed and adjustable. This choice affects: Whether your interest rate can change. Whether your monthly principal and interest payment can change and its amount.

What are the three economic forces that drive interest rates to change discuss? ›

They are the price paid for borrowing money, either as an individual consumer or as a bank. Understanding how interest rates work is very important before borrowing money. Rates rise and fall based on three broad driving factors: the economic state, inflation, and investor supply and demand.

What is an example of interest rates rising? ›

The interest rates on loans, such as mortgages, usually rise, meaning higher repayments. For example, the monthly repayments on a 30-year mortgage of $500,000 with an interest rate of 3.0% are about $2,108. Repayments increase to about $2,245 if the interest rate increases to 3.5%.

What is an example of force force? ›

the force of a bat on the ball. the force of the hair brush on hair when it is being brushed. the force of your foot pushing on the pedal when you ride your bike. the force of a magnet on a paper clip when the magnet moves the paper clip towards it.

Why is the Federal Reserve raising interest rates? ›

The Fed raises rates again for perhaps the last time in a while The Federal Reserve raised interest rates by a quarter percentage point Wednesday in an effort to curb persistent inflation. It was the tenth rate hike in 14 months, and possibly the last for a while.

Do high interest rates cause recession? ›

But sometimes inflation pressures still prove persistent and require ever-higher rates to tame. The result — steadily more expensive loans — can force companies to cancel new ventures and cut jobs and consumers to reduce spending. It all adds up to a recipe for recession.

Does raising interest rates really bring down inflation? ›

How does raising interest rates lower inflation? Won't it make things worse? Higher interest rates mean people overall will spend less on goods and services in the shops and online. So, the economy slows down and companies can't put up their prices so quickly.

What will bring inflation down? ›

Monetary policy primarily involves changing interest rates to control inflation. Governments through fiscal policy, however, can assist in fighting inflation. Governments can reduce spending and increase taxes as a way to help reduce inflation.

How do you fight inflation? ›

6 Ways to Fight Inflation and Save Money Now
  1. Cut costs at the grocery store.
  2. Save money on transportation.
  3. Plan ahead for cheaper vacations.
  4. Check your budget.
  5. Pay down credit card debt.
  6. Earn money on your savings.
Apr 6, 2023

Will interest rates go down in 2023? ›

We expect that 30-year mortgage rates will end 2023 at 5.2%,” the organization noted in its forecast commentary. It since has walked back its forecast slightly but still sees rates dipping below 6%, to 5.6%, by the end of the year.

What happens if interest rates are too high? ›

When interest rates are rising, both businesses and consumers will cut back on spending. This will cause earnings to fall and stock prices to drop. On the other hand, when interest rates have fallen significantly, consumers and businesses will increase spending, causing stock prices to rise.

What affects higher interest rates? ›

One of the main factors driving the Federal Reserve to push interest rates up is concern over inflation, which is at a 40-year high. Consumer prices in November 2022 were 7.1% higher than they were in October of the previous year.

What drives interest rates? ›

Interest rates are influenced by the supply and demand for loans and credit. Central banks raise or lower short-term interest rates to ensure stability and liquidity in the economy. Long-term interest rates are affected by the demand for 10- and 30-year U.S. Treasury notes.

What happens to the US dollar when interest rates rise? ›

The impact of interest rates on currency values

The interest rate in a country is the return on investment for the country's currency. As a result of interest rates rising throughout 2022, the value of the U.S. dollar also increased compared with other currencies, making the U.S. dollar attractive to global investors.

What are the three main tools the Fed has to prevent both recession and inflation? ›

The Fed has traditionally used three tools to conduct monetary policy: reserve requirements, the discount rate, and open market operations.

How do you reduce inflation? ›

Monetary policy primarily involves changing interest rates to control inflation. Governments through fiscal policy, however, can assist in fighting inflation. Governments can reduce spending and increase taxes as a way to help reduce inflation.

How long will interest rates stay high? ›

'I believe by the end of 2023 we will see rates start to fall with a target of between 2.5 to 3 per cent in 2024. 'I believe if the base rate can get back to circa 2.5 per cent, then we will see rates hovering around that mark with a return to products that have not been seen in the mortgage industry for some time.'

Why did the Fed wait so long to raise interest rates? ›

Fed officials thought that lifting rates so high would slow growth — and that they would soon be able to stop increasing borrowing costs. In December, central bankers projected that rates would peak in a range of 5 to 5.25 percent. A cool-down did seem to be taking hold toward the end of 2022.

Why does raising interest rates affect inflation? ›

Even so, interest rate hikes are known as the central bank's one major tool to lower inflation, which it does by raising the cost of borrowing money to curb the demand for goods and services.

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