What are the benefits of FDI to home countries? a. Repatriated earnings from profits from FDI. b. Increased exports of components and services to host countries. c. Learning via FDI from operations abroad. d. All of these answers. | Homework.Study.com (2024)

Business International business Foreign direct investment


What are the benefits of FDI to home countries?

a. Repatriated earnings from profits from FDI.

b. Increased exports of components and services to host countries.

c. Learning via FDI from operations abroad.

d. All of these answers.

Foreign Direct Investment:

Foreign direct investment occurs when an investor acquires a controlling stake in a company based in a foreign country or when a company establishes business operations in a foreign country. Its advantages outweigh its disadvantages for both the home and host countries.

Answer and Explanation:1

  • The correct answer is option D: All of the above.

Without a doubt, foreign direct investment offers numerous benefits to both the host and home...

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What are the benefits of FDI to home countries? a. Repatriated earnings from profits from FDI. b. Increased exports of components and services to host countries. c. Learning via FDI from operations abroad. d. All of these answers. | Homework.Study.com (1)

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Foreign Direct Investment | Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages


Chapter 19/ Lesson 12


Learn what a foreign direct investment (FDI) is. Find out which types of FDIs exist and see some examples. Understand the pros and cons of foreign direct investment.

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  • Depreciation of the dollar is most likely to: A. increase imports. B. increase travel abroad. C. increase exports. D. decrease a trade surplus. E. increase a trade deficit.
  • Please state and explain three major potential advantages and three major potential disadvantages of foreign direct investment, from a developing country perspective. In your own view, do you think th
  • Holding other things constant, an appreciation of a nation's currency causes: i. exports to rise and imports to fall. ii. exports to fall and imports to rise. iii. both exports and imports to rise. iv. both exports and imports to fall.
  • 1. Understand the Radical, Free Market and Pragmatic Nationalism Views on FDI. 2. What is a MNC or MNE? How does it fit into these views? 3. What are the benefits and costs of FDI to the Host (Home) c
  • A nation will export the product in which it has a comparative advantage, which results from the good being relatively ________ than in the importing nation. A) cheaper B) more expensive C) lower in quality D) less available
  • Which of the following is a factor that influences international trade flows? a. Prices at home and abroad b. Incomes at home and abroad c. Exchange rates for foreign currency d. All of the above
  • Which of the following would definitely move a country toward a current account deficit? a. an increase in exports b. an increase in imports c. a larger capital account deficit d. an increase in capital outflow e. a decrease in foreign aid provided to oth
  • Explain the effect of an increase in foreign direct investment by a developed country in a developing country on the labor productivity and short-run wage rate in the developing country.
  • To partially overcome its current account deficit, the United States needs to attract FDI that could spur economic growth. What policy measures should the United States take to keep attracting FDI int
  • What are the benefits of outsourcing the assembly of a product to a foreign country, such as China? What are the potential costs and risks to the firm?
  • How would the revenue of a firm be affected if the value of the domestic currency increases and the firm sells products both domestically and in other countries?
  • The primary gain from international trade is a. increased employment in the domestic-export sector. b. more goods than would be attainable through domestic production alone. c. tariff revenue. d. increased employment in the domestic-import sector.
  • a. What is offshoring? b. What are global value chains (GVCs)? c. What are its benefits and costs? d. What are its implications in income distribution for both countries (sending and receiving offshoring services)?
  • Suppose that our exports of goods and services to other countries increase. Explain clearly what you expect to happen to the level of private saving in our economy as a result of this increase in expo
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  • A country purchases $3 billion of foreign-produced goods and services and sells $2 billion dollars of domestically produced goods and services to foreign countries. It has: a. exports of $3 billion and a trade surplus of $1 billion. b. exports of $3 billi
  • From trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) data, the magnitude of trade and foreign investment flow is massive, an indication of the interdependency of nations and businesses, which, indeed, is both cause and consequence of globalization. Unfortunatel
  • What is the absolute advantage and comparative advantage when you export one product or service from your country to China?
  • Which of the following international accounts records payments for exports and imports of goods, military transactions, foreign travel, investment income, and foreign gifts? a. The capital account. b. The goods account. c. The current account. d. The offi
  • 1. Which of the following will likely increase net exports? (a) The price level in other countries increases faster than in the U.S. (b) Real income for foreign citizens decrease. (c) The U.S. dol
  • Suppose there are three countries in the world. Country A exports $11 million worth of goods to Country B and $5 million worth of goods to Country C. Country B exports $3 million worth of goods to Country A and $6 million worth of goods to Country C. Coun
  • What role might foregin investment play in helping developing nations improve their growth rate and increase income levels?
  • If the rapidly growing manufacturing sector imports more foreign raw materials, will this cause foreign funds to flow into or out of the country? Will the domestic currency appreciate or depreciate? Explain.
  • Domestic currency appreciation will: A. hurt domestic firms that export and help domestic firms that import. B. hurt domestic firms that import. C. help domestic firms that export. D. help domestic firms that export and hurt domestic firms that import.
  • Holding other things constant, an appreciation of a nation's currency causes: a. exports to rise and imports to fall. b. exports to fall and imports to rise. c. both exports and imports to fall. d. both exports and imports to rise.
  • Define Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and provide an example. Why did Starbucks originally choose to expand internationally through licensing its format to foreign operators?
  • Domestic currency depreciation will: A. help domestic firms that export and hurt domestic firms that import. B. help domestic firms that import. C. hurt domestic firms that export and help domestic firms that import. D. hurt domestic firms that export.
  • A country engaging in trade according to the principles of comparative advantage gains from trade because it A) is producing exports indirectly more efficiently than it could alternatively. B) is producing imports indirectly more efficiently than it co
  • The primary gain from international trade is: A. tariff revenue B. increased employment in the domestic export sector C. more goods than would be attainable through domestic production alone D. increased employment in the domestic import sector
  • a. Show that an import tariff can increase the national welfare of a large country. b. What is the source of the gain? c. What is the impact on the national welfare of the foreign country?
  • What exactly does having "influence" get a nation? Desirable trade products well below the market rate? Free money? Better living space? Favorable international laws? What tangible benefits does a nat
  • If a country has negative net capital outflows, then its net exports are: A. positive and its saving is larger than its domestic investment B. negative and its saving is larger than its domestic investment C. negative and its saving is smaller than its do
  • What is the impact of real depreciation on net exports of a country?
  • To be included in a country's gross domestic product, a good or service must be: a. headquartered in the country b. an import or export for the country c. produced within the country's borders d. none of the above

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What are the benefits of FDI to home countries? a. Repatriated earnings from profits from FDI. b. Increased exports of components and services to host countries. c. Learning via FDI from operations abroad. d. All of these answers. | Homework.Study.com (2024)
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