What are Squatters’ Rights (in the UK)? (2024)

There’s a lot of confusion about what squatter’s rights are in the UK. It’s sometimes thought that squatter’s have a right to occupy your property under squatter’s rights. While that’s not entirely true there are some circ*mstances under which squatters can occupy and claim a right to your property. Here’s what you need to know about squatter’s rights.

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  • What is Squatting?
  • My Tenants are in Arrears, are they Squatting?
  • Is Squatting a Crime? Is Squatting Illegal?
  • Squatting in Residential Property
  • Squatting in Non-Residential Property
  • How to Remove Squatters
  • How to Protect Your Property from Squatters

What is Squatting?

Squatting is a situation where someone deliberately enters someone else’s property without their permission and lives there, or intends to live there. Squatting is trespassing.

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My Tenants are in Arrears, are they Squatting?

Someone who originally entered a property with the owner’s permission is not legally a squatter. They cannot claim squatter’s rights. For example, a tenant who stays after their tenancy ends, who has not paid the rent, or whom the landlord wants to evict is not a squatter.

In such cases, landlords must use the normal possession process to regain possession of their property.

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What are Squatters’ Rights (in the UK)? (1)

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Is Squatting a Crime? Is Squatting Illegal?

Whether squatting is a crime or not depends on the type of property that is being squatted in. It depends on whether the property is residential or non-residential.

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Squatting in Residential Property

Squatting in a residential property such as a house or flat is illegal. It is a crime for squatters to remain there when ordered to leave by the owner or their agent, the police, the council or a court order.

Squatting in a residential property was made a criminal offence in 2012 under the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012. This removed the right of squatters to occupy a residential building and claim squatter’s rights.

The police are empowered to enter and arrest squatters squatting in a residential property.
Squatters in a residential property like a house or flat can be given a £5,000 fine, be sentenced to six months in prison, or both.

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What are Squatters’ Rights (in the UK)? (2)

Squatting in Non-Residential Property

Squatting in a non-residential building is not a crime in itself. It is a civil rather than a criminal matter. Non-residential buildings include shops, offices and warehouses.

For this reason non-residential buildings are more at risk of being occupied by squatters than residential buildings.

It’s important to know that even when squatting is not a crime other things that squatters might do while squatting in a property are likely to be a crime. Damaging the property while entering or afterwards, stealing from the property and using utilities without paying for them are illegal.

Squatting is always illegal when a court has ordered the squatters to leave.

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Squatter’s Rights – When Squatting can be Legal

It’s not possible for squatters to simply occupy a property and claim a legal right to it by claiming squatter’s rights.

There are some cases, where squatting in a property and even taking legal ownership of it can be legal, however. This is what is sometimes known as squatter’s rights in the UK.

If a person, or people, squats continuously in a property over a period of at least 10 years (12 years if the property is not registered with HM Land Registry) then they may be able to apply for ownership of it in law under what is known as adverse possession. Such cases are quite rare, however.

Squatters living in a six-bedroom house now OWN the property after buying it for £300,000

To do this, the squatters would need to apply to HM Land Registry. They would also need to show that they have acted as if they own the property, such as by maintaining or improving it. HM Land Registry will notify the registered legal owner that adverse possession is being claimed.

If the owner does not object to the squatting then the squatters could potentially take long term legal ownership of the property. Even if the claim is rejected the squatters may be able to reapply after two years if the owner has not acted to remove them.

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How to Remove Squatters

Using force to remove squatters yourself, or threatening to remove them, is likely to be illegal and can be a criminal offence. Squatters have a right to oppose forcible entry unless by bailiffs or enforcement officers acting under a court order or by the police. This right is sometimes what is referred to as squatter’s rights.

If someone is squatting in your property and claiming squatter’s rights it’s essential to take advice from a lawyer who is experienced in the subject.

If someone is squatting on your property you should notify the police. However, the police may not be willing to act immediately unless other serious offences are also being committed.

A lawyer will advise the best course of action. They will also be able to advise on the costs of removing squatters. You can apply for an interim possession order or IPO if it has been no more than 28 days since you found out your property has been squatted in. You can make an ordinary claim for possession of the property if it has been more than 28 days since you found out about the squatters.

After being served with anIPOsquatters can be sent to prison if they do not leave the property within 24 hours or try to re-enter it within 12 months.

A householder or tenant who finds squatters in a property in which they are living were living or intend to live may be able to evict squatters without a court order. Owner-occupiers and tenants are known as displaced residential occupiers (DROs) or protected intending occupiers (PIOs) and have different legal rights when it comes to squatters.

The law regarding squatting is different in Scotland and in Northern Ireland to that in England & Wales.

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How to Protect Your Property from Squatters

Preventing squatting in the first place is much easier than dealing with squatting in your property. So it is advisable to take steps to reduce the risk that squatters will occupy your property in the first place.

All vacant properties are at some degree of risk of being occupied by squatters. This includes vacant buy to let properties, properties left empty between an owner moving out and a new owner moving in, and properties and land which are awaiting sale or redevelopment.

Occupied properties are also at risk from squatters, if to a lesser degree.

  • Aim to make vacant properties and land look occupied as much as is possible so that they do not attract the attention of squatters in the first place. Keep them maintained and tidy.
  • Use good physical security to make it difficult for squatters to gain access. Use strong doors and locks, door and window security grilles and physical barriers to prevent vehicle access.
  • Monitor the property regularly. Consider using alarms, CCTV or a security patrol service. This will allow you to take action promptly if squatters enter, or try to enter, the property.
  • Find a meantime use for the land or property. For example, let it out on a short term tenancy or licence by the week or month until you decide on a more permanent use for it. Property that is being used and occupied is less likely to come to the attention of squatters.

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What are Squatters’ Rights (in the UK)? (2024)


What are Squatters’ Rights (in the UK)? ›

You can remove squatters using an interim possession order ( IPO ) or making a claim for possession. Do not try to remove the squatters yourself using force or the threat of force - you're committing a crime if you do. Get legal advice from a solicitor if you need help making a claim for possession.

Can you kick out squatters in UK? ›

You can remove squatters using an interim possession order ( IPO ) or making a claim for possession. Do not try to remove the squatters yourself using force or the threat of force - you're committing a crime if you do. Get legal advice from a solicitor if you need help making a claim for possession.

Why do squatters have rights in the UK? ›

Do squatters actually have rights? Yes, long-term squatters do have rights. The law suggests that in specific circ*mstances, long-term squatters can sometimes become the registered owner of the property they've occupied without the original owner's permission. This is often referred to as adverse possession.

How long does it take to evict a squatter UK? ›

Squatters do more than just occupy your property. These unwanted visitors can cause a lot of other grief and damage to your business: An eviction process can take months or even years and is very expensive. You will lose out on rent.

What is Section 6 squatters rights UK? ›

Section 6 of the Criminal Law Act 1977 was implemented to prevent landlords from forcibly evicting tenants. It therefore became a crime in most circ*mstances, for a landlord to forcibly enter a building occupied by squatters, if the squatters where physically present to object to the landlord's entry.

How long can you squat in a house in the UK? ›

Squatter's Rights – When Squatting can be Legal

If a person, or people, squats continuously in a property over a period of at least 10 years (12 years if the property is not registered with HM Land Registry) then they may be able to apply for ownership of it in law under what is known as adverse possession.

How do I legally get someone out of my house UK? ›

You only need to give them 'reasonable notice' to quit. Reasonable notice usually means the length of the rental payment period, so if your tenants pay rent weekly you can give them one week's notice. The notice does not have to be in writing.

How difficult is it to evict a tenant UK? ›

As long as the proper eviction process is followed, evicting a tenant is relatively quick and straightforward. In our experience, most tenants vacate the property after receiving notice (step 1). If you are serving a section 21 notice, you are required to give two months' notice.

How do I claim squatters rights on land UK? ›

How to claim squatters' rights on land UK
  1. Fill in a form for adverse possession.
  2. Sign a written 'statement of truth' (you can get a solicitor to help you with this).
  3. Send your completed form and statement to the HM Land Registry Citizen Centre (HM Land Registry Citizen Centre, PO Box 74, Gloucester, GL14 9BB).
Jun 16, 2022

Who pays court costs for an eviction UK? ›

If your landlord starts court action

If you are evicted you might have to pay court costs. This will be around £500 if you're evicted by bailiffs and could be more if there's a hearing. Ask your council for help with costs if you've asked them for support but they say you must stay.

Is squatting a crime in the UK? ›

Squatting in residential buildings (like a house or flat) is illegal. It can lead to 6 months in prison, a £5,000 fine or both. Anyone who originally enters a property with the permission of the landlord is not a squatter.

Is squatting legal in the US? ›

In the United States, squatting is illegal and squatters can be evicted for trespassing. Real estate managers recommend that vacant properties be protected by erecting "no trespassing" signs, regular checks, tenant screening, and quickly finding new tenants.

What is Section 144 squatters rights UK? ›

144 Offence of squatting in a residential building

(a) the person is in a residential building as a trespasser having entered it as a trespasser, (b) the person knows or ought to know that he or she is a trespasser, and (c) the person is living in the building or intends to live there for any period.

Why does America allow squatters? ›

Why Do Squatters Have Rights? The main goal of squatters' rights is to discourage the use of vigilante justice. If landowners were allowed to use violence or the threat of violence to evict a squatter, the situation could quickly escalate and become dangerous.

Can a tenant claim ownership of a house UK? ›

Can a tenant claim ownership of a house UK? According to the law, a tenant cannot claim ownership of property they see, but this does not mean it cannot be done under different circ*mstances.

Is squatting legal in Scotland? ›

Squatters Rights Scotland

In Scotland, squatting is an offence under Section 68 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

What is the symbol for squatters? ›

Image of a zig-zagging arrow partially inclosed in a circle. This is the international symbol for squatting and is often used in graffiti to mark a building occupied by squatters.

What counts as a legal squat? ›

Squats must hit below parallel (hip crease below top of knee). Once you begin to stand the bar path must continue up. If the bar starts to go back down at any point the head referee will tell the spotters to help you move the weight back into the rack. Your feet must stay connected to the ground.

Can the police remove someone from my house UK? ›

If you experience trespassers on your land it is important that you: Politely ask the trespassers to leave as soon as you become aware of them. Contact the local police as they might be able to remove the trespassers without having to go through the courts process.

What happens if a tenant refuses to leave UK? ›

If you do not leave at the end of the notice period, your landlord must apply to the court for a possession order. If the court gives them a possession order and you still do not leave, they must apply for a warrant for possession - this means bailiffs can evict you from the property.

Can someone enter your property without permission UK? ›

If you are a landowner you may find people have moved onto your property without your permission. These 'unauthorised encampments ' can appear without notice, often causing disruption and distress. A nomadic way of life is not illegal. Entering private land without the owner's permission is trespassing.

How long can someone leave their property at your house UK? ›

As a general rule, 14 days is usually deemed to be plenty of time for the notice to be recognised before you can legally dispose of or sell the tenants left possessions.

How much does it cost to evict a tenant UK? ›

Evicting a tenant in the UK can cost anywhere between £1,300 and £2,200, depending on whether you go through the County Court or the High Court. These fees include: Serving notice. Possession orders.

How do I get rid of a bad tenant UK? ›

Evict the tenant: You can serve a Section 8 notice if the damage is severe and provides a valid 'grounds for possession'. If the tenant doesn't vacate the premises within the notice period, you can apply to the court for a possession order.

What is adverse possession of a house in the UK? ›

Adverse possession is a long-established legal principle. It enables somebody without legal title (often referred to as a 'squatter') to gain ownership of a piece of land by being in possession long enough to replace the true owner's title.

How does Airbnb deal with squatters? ›

The Airbnb Eviction Process for Airbnb Squatters

In many cases, Airbnb defers local regulations and legal procedures when removing unwanted guests from your own vacation rental property. It is essential to familiarize yourself with your local laws and regulations to ensure that you follow the correct procedures.

What is adverse possession in the UK? ›

What is adverse possession? Adverse possession is the occupation of land by a person not legally entitled to it. If adverse possession continues unopposed for a period specified by law (known as the 'limitation period', see below), a squatter can gain legal ownership of land without paying any compensation.

How much do lawyers charge for evictions UK? ›

However, a typical small claims court will charge around £200. However, if a landlord or a tenant decides to have a solicitor or an eviction specialist to help represent them, their cost can get significantly more as eviction specialists can charge up to £3,000.

How long does it take to get a possession order UK? ›

Outright possession order

This means you must leave the property before the date given in the order. The date will usually be 14 or 28 days after your court hearing. If you can demonstrate that you are in an exceptionally difficult situation, the judge may agree to delay possession for up to 6 weeks.

What is a section 21 notice UK? ›

Section 21 enables private landlords to repossess their properties from assured shorthold tenants without having to establish fault on the part of the tenant. Hence it is sometimes referred to as the 'no-fault' ground for eviction.

Can police remove squatters in Florida? ›

Under Chapter 82, Section 35 of the Florida code, police can remove unwanted squatters if a property owner gives them a sworn affidavit claiming the transient occupants are unlawfully residing on the property.

Is squatting illegal in Australia? ›

A squatter may lawfully enter a building, for example, through an unlocked door. However, it is unlawful for them to remain there after the building's registered owner or legitimate occupant requested them to leave.

What is the penalty for trespassing in the UK? ›

Those offenders can face a £2,500 fine, three months in prison, or both. Can the police remove trespassers? Yes – but only when the trespasser is committing a criminal offence.

What state has the best squatter rights? ›

That's because Florida is one of the states with one of the highest prevalence of squatters. Squatters rights exist in Florida and indeed in the rest of the country. As a matter of fact, they can legally claim ownership of your property through an adverse possession claim.

What states is the squat banned in? ›

South Carolina joins North Carolina and Virginia as the only states to so far ban the trucks. His approval wasn't surprising, as the General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to ban squats, sending him legislation on May 4 to outlaw them.

Are squatters rights OK? ›

While some may find this surprising, squatters in California do have rights. When one occupies your property, they may be able to make a legal claim to it through adverse possession rights. In California, a squatter may be able to file an adverse possession claim after occupying a property for just 5 years.

Is it legal to squat in a house in the UK? ›

Squatting in residential buildings (like a house or flat) is illegal. It can lead to 6 months in prison, a £5,000 fine or both. Anyone who originally enters a property with the permission of the landlord is not a squatter.

Is it illegal to kick someone out of your house UK? ›

Illegal eviction is a criminal offence and you can report your partner to the police. In addition, you may be able to take out an injunction, a non-harassment order or another type of court order against them to prevent them acting in this way.

Can you kick a guest out of your house UK? ›

You can give notice verbally or in writing. Once any notice period has ended, you are within your rights to change the locks. You can't use any physical force to make her leave, because, in doing so, you might be committing a criminal offence.

What happens if someone breaks into your house UK? ›

You can use reasonable force to protect yourself or others if a crime is taking place inside your home. This means you can: protect yourself 'in the heat of the moment' - this includes using an object as a weapon. stop an intruder running off - for example by tackling them to the ground.

Is my wife entitled to half my house UK? ›

When you're married you're automatically entitled to a share of your partner's assets. This means you have a legal right over the property, even if you're not the legal owner. If you want to protect assets that you bring into the marriage, you should consider getting a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement.

How long can someone stay at my house UK? ›

Having someone stay in your house is perfectly reasonable (and well within the law and your tenant visitor rights), but in most tenancy agreements there will be a standard clause regarding guests, saying a guest can't stay more than 14 days in any six-week period.

How do I get rid of freeloader? ›

Can you kick a freeloading friend out of your house if they are not on the lease? If they are not on the rental agreement or lease, you can ask them to leave. However, the law doesn't allow you to physically remove them from your home. If they refuse to leave, you could contact the police.

What are the laws around squatters? ›

Squatting is a form of trespassing but involves the intention of claiming ownership or permanent residency. Property owners must follow a legal eviction process to remove squatters, typically beginning with a call to local law enforcement and filing an Unlawful Detainer Action.

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