What Are Mortgage-Backed Securities? | Bankrate (2024)

Key takeaways

  • A mortgage-backed security is an investment product that consists of thousands of individual mortgages.
  • Investors can purchase MBSs on the secondary market from the banks that issued the loans.
  • When MBS prices fall, residential mortgage rates tend to rise — and vice versa.

If you have a mortgage, you may be unknowingly participating in a mortgage-backed security (MBS). That is, your home loan may be part of a pool of mortgages that has been packaged and sold to income-oriented investors on the secondary market. Being part of an MBS won’t change much (if anything) about how you repay your home loan, but it’s helpful to understand how these investment products work and how they impact the mortgage and housing industries.

What is a mortgage-backed security?

A mortgage-backed security is a type of financial asset, somewhat like a bond (or a bond fund). It is created out of a portfolio, or collection, of residential mortgages.

When a company or government issues a traditional bond, they are essentially borrowing money from investors (the people buying the bond). As with any loan, interest payments are made and then principal is paid back at maturity. However, with a mortgage-backed security, interest payments to investors come from the thousands of mortgages that underlie the bond — specifically, the repayments in interest and principal the mortgage-holders make each month.

Mortgage-backed securities offer key benefits to the players in the mortgage market, including banks, investors and even mortgage borrowers themselves. However, investing in an MBS has pros and cons.

High interest rates, low housing prices and risky lending practices all contributed to the 2008 financial crisis where mortgage-backed securities collapsed from continued defaults on loans.

How do mortgage-backed securities work?

While we all grew up with the idea that banks make loans and then hold those loans until they mature, the reality is that there’s a high chance that your lender is selling the loan into what’s known as the secondary mortgage market. Here, aggregators buy and sell mortgages, finding the right kind of mortgages for the security they want to create and sell on to investors. This is the most common reason a borrower’s mortgage loan servicer changes after securing a mortgage loan.

Mortgage-backed securities consist of a group of mortgages that have been organized and securitized to pay out interest like a mortgage bond. MBSs are created by companies called aggregators, including government-sponsored entities such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. They buy loans from lenders, including big banks, and structure them into a mortgage-backed security.

Think of a mortgage-backed security like a giant pie with thousands of mortgages thrown into it. The creators of the MBS may cut this pie into potentially millions of slices — each perhaps with a little piece of each mortgage — to give investors the kind of return and risk they demand. Mortgage-backed securities typically pay out to investors on a monthly basis, like the mortgages underlying them.

Types of mortgage-backed securities

Mortgage-backed securities may have many features depending on what the market demands. The creators of MBSs think of their pool of mortgages as streams of cash flow that might run for 10, 15 or 30 years — the typical length of mortgages. But the bond’s underlying loans may be refinanced, and investors are repaid their principal and lose the cash flow over time.

By thinking of the characteristics of the mortgage as a stream of risks and cash flows, the aggregators can create bonds that have certain levels of risk or other characteristics. These securities can be based on both home mortgages (residential mortgage-backed securities) or on loans to businesses on commercial property (commercial mortgage-backed securities).

It is critical to understand the different types of mortgage-backed securities based on their structure and complexity:

  • Pass-through securities: In this type of mortgage-backed security, a trust holds many mortgages and allocates mortgage payments to its various investors depending on what share of the securities they own. This structure is relatively straightforward.
  • Collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO): This type of MBS is a legal structure backed by the mortgages it owns, but it has a twist. From a given pool of mortgages, a CMO can create different classes of securities that have different risks and returns (like different size slices, if we use our pie metaphor again). For example, it can create a “safer” class of bonds that are paid before other classes of bonds. The last and riskiest class is paid out only if all the other classes receive their payments.
  • Stripped mortgage-backed securities (SMBS): This kind of security basically splits the mortgage payment into two parts: the principal repayment and the interest payment. Investors can then buy either the security paying the principal (which pays out less at the start but grows) or the one paying interest (which pays out more but declines over time). These structures allow investors to invest in mortgage-backed securities with certain risks and rewards. For example, an investor could buy a relatively safe slice of a CMO and have a high chance of being repaid, but at the cost of a lower overall return.

History of mortgage-backed securities

The first modern-day mortgage-backed security was issued in 1970 by the Government National Mortgage Association, better known as Ginnie Mae. These mortgage-backed securities were actually backed by the U.S. government and were enticing because of their guaranteed income stream.

Ginnie Mae began providing mortgage-backed securities in an effort to bring in extra funds, which were then used to purchase more home loans and expand affordable housing. Shortly after, government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac also began offering their version of MBSs.

The first private MBS was not issued until 1977, when Lew Ranieri of the now-defunct investment group Salomon Brothers developed the first residential MBS that was backed by mortgage providers, rather than a federal agency. Ranieri’s MBSs were offered in 5- and 10-year mortgage bonds, which was attractive to investors who could see returns more quickly.

Over the years, mortgage-backed securities have evolved and grown significantly. As of Oct. 2023, financial institutions have issued $1,107.5 billion in mortgage-backed securities, according to the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA).

Mortgage-backed securities and the financial crisis

The housing collapse of 2007 and 2008 took a direct toll on mortgage-backed securities and resulted in enormous financial losses within the global market.

A housing boom in the mid-2000s led to a complete collapse and government bailout, beginning in the mid-2000s. As Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae became bigger players in the housing market, MBSs decreased in quality. Lenders began to target subprime borrowers with low income and poor credit by offering them high-risk loans. Many of these borrowers were then unable to make their mortgage payments (and subsequently defaulted on their loans), jumpstarting the market collapse.

This resulted in enormous losses. MBSs became overvalued due to too many unpaid mortgages, which led to an eventual government bailout.

Mortgage-backed securities today

While mortgage-backed securities were notoriously at the center of the global financial crisis in 2008 and 2009, they continue to be an important part of the economy today. That’s because they serve real needs and provide tangible benefits to players across the mortgage and housing industries.

Not only does securitization of mortgages provide increased liquidity for investors, lenders and borrowers, it also offers a way to support the housing market, which is one of the largest engines of economic growth in the U.S. A strong housing market often bolsters a strong economy and helps employ many workers.

Pros and cons of investing in MBSs

No investment is without risk. MBSs have their advantages and disadvantages.

For instance, mortgage-backed securities typically pay out to investors on a monthly basis, like the mortgages behind the securities. But, unlike a typical bond where you receive interest payments over the bond’s life and then receive your principal when it matures, an MBS may often pay both principal and interest over the life of the security, so there won’t be a lump-sum payment at the end of the MBS’ life.

Here are some of the other advantages and disadvantages of investing in MBSs.


  • Pay a fixed interest rate
  • Typically have higher yields than U.S. Treasuries
  • Less correlated to stocks than other higher-yielding fixed income securities, such as corporate bonds


  • If a borrower defaults on their mortgage, the investor will ultimately lose money
  • The borrower may refinance or pay down their loan faster than expected, which can have a negative impact on returns
  • Higher interest rate risk because the cost of MBSs can drop as soon as interest rates increase

How do mortgage-backed securities affect mortgage rates?

The cost of mortgage-backed securities has a direct impact on residential mortgage rates. This is because mortgage companies lose money when they issue loans while the market is down.

When the prices of mortgage-backed securities drop, mortgage providers generally increase interest rates. Conversely, mortgage providers lower interest rates when the price of MBSs goes up.

So, what causes mortgage-backed securities to rise or fall? Everything from stock market gains to higher energy prices and even unemployment numbers can influence the prices. A variety of factors that affect the course of mortgage-backed securities, and lenders are constantly monitoring it.

Mortgage-backed securities and the housing market

Why do mortgage-backed securities make sense for the players in the mortgage industry? Mortgage-backed securities actually make the industry more efficient, meaning it’s cheaper for each party to access the market and get its benefits:

  • Lenders: By selling their mortgages, lenders save on maintenance costs, and receive money they can then loan out to other borrowers, allowing them to more efficiently use their capital. They often require borrowers to meet conforming loan standards so that they can sell mortgages to aggregators. They can also sell the loans they might not want to keep, while retaining those they prefer.
  • Aggregators: Aggregators package mortgages into MBSs and earn fees for doing so. They may give mortgage-backed securities features that appeal to certain investors. A steady supply of conforming loans allows aggregators to structure MBSs cheaply.
  • Borrowers: Because aggregators demand so many conforming loans, they increase the supply of these loans and push down mortgage rates. So, borrowers may be able to enjoy greater access to capital and lower mortgage rates than they otherwise would.

Of course, easier access to financing is beneficial for the housing construction industry: Developers can build and sell more houses to consumers who are able to borrow more cheaply.

Investors like mortgage-backed securities, too, because these bonds may offer certain kinds of risk exposure that the investors, mainly big institutional players, want to have. Even the banks themselves may invest in MBSs, diversifying their portfolios.

While the lender may sell the loan, it may also retain the right to service the mortgage, meaning it earns a small fee for collecting the monthly payment and generally managing the account. So, you may continue to pay your lender each month for your mortgage, but the real owner of your mortgage may be the investors who hold the mortgage-backed security containing your loan.

As of 2021, 65% of total home mortgage debt was securitized into mortgage-backed securities, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Bottom line on mortgage-backed securities

While you might not deal with a mortgage-backed security in your daily life, your mortgage may be part of one. And if so, it’s a cog in the machinery that keeps the financial system running and helps borrowers access capital more cheaply. It can be useful to understand that the MBS market ultimately has a powerful influence over qualifications for mortgages, resulting in who gets a loan — and for how much.

Frequently asked questions on mortgage-backed securities

  • Aggregators buy loans from banks — or other lenders — who issue the home loans and structure them into a mortgage-backed security. These MBSs can then be sold to investors.

  • The Federal Reserve can buy and sell mortgage-backed securities as instructed by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). This is to stimulate and maintain the housing market so that disasters like the 2008 housing crisis do not occur again.

As an expert in finance and mortgage-backed securities (MBS), let me delve into the key concepts presented in the article to provide a comprehensive understanding of this complex financial instrument.

Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS): An Overview

A mortgage-backed security is a financial asset created from a portfolio of residential mortgages. Unlike traditional bonds where the issuer borrows money directly from investors, MBS relies on the interest and principal repayments made by thousands of underlying mortgages. Investors can purchase MBS on the secondary market from banks that originated the loans.

How MBS Work: The Process

  • Creation and Aggregation: Lenders often sell loans into the secondary mortgage market, where aggregators buy and sell mortgages to create MBS. Government-sponsored entities like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are major aggregators.

  • Securitization: MBS are created by organizing and securitizing a group of mortgages. This process involves slicing the MBS into different classes, each with varying risks and returns.

  • Types of MBS: There are different types of MBS, including pass-through securities, collateralized mortgage obligations (CMO), and stripped mortgage-backed securities (SMBS). These securities can be based on residential mortgages or loans to businesses on commercial property.

History of MBS: Evolution and Growth

  • The first modern-day MBS was issued in 1970 by the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae).
  • Private MBS emerged in 1977, marking a shift from government-backed securities.
  • As of October 2023, financial institutions have issued $1,107.5 billion in MBS.

MBS and the 2008 Financial Crisis

  • The housing collapse of 2007-2008 had a significant impact on MBS, leading to enormous financial losses.
  • Risky lending practices, subprime borrowers, and defaults on loans contributed to the crisis.
  • Government intervention, including bailouts, was necessary to stabilize the market.

Pros and Cons of Investing in MBS

  • Pros: Fixed interest rates, higher yields than U.S. Treasuries, less correlation to stocks.
  • Cons: Default risk, potential impact of borrower refinancing, higher interest rate risk.

Impact on Mortgage Rates

  • The cost of MBS directly affects residential mortgage rates.
  • When MBS prices fall, mortgage rates tend to rise, and vice versa.
  • Various factors, including stock market performance and economic indicators, influence MBS prices.

MBS and the Housing Market: Efficiency and Benefits

  • MBS make the mortgage industry more efficient for lenders, aggregators, and borrowers.
  • Lenders benefit by selling mortgages and efficiently using capital.
  • Aggregators earn fees for packaging mortgages into MBS.
  • Borrowers enjoy increased access to capital and lower mortgage rates.

Federal Reserve and MBS

  • The Federal Reserve can buy and sell MBS to stimulate and maintain the housing market.
  • This intervention aims to prevent crises like the 2008 housing collapse.

In conclusion, understanding the intricacies of mortgage-backed securities is crucial for anyone involved in the mortgage and housing industries. Whether you're an investor, lender, or borrower, the MBS market plays a significant role in shaping access to capital and influencing mortgage qualifications. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on certain aspects, feel free to ask.

What Are Mortgage-Backed Securities? | Bankrate (2024)


What Are Mortgage-Backed Securities? | Bankrate? ›

Mortgage-backed securities are bonds with cash flows tied to the principal and interest payments on a pool of underlying mortgages.

What are mortgage-backed securities? ›

A mortgage-backed security (MBS) is an investment secured by a collection of mortgages bought by the banks that issued them. Mortgage-backed securities are bought and sold on the secondary market.

What are mortgage-backed securities Quizlet? ›

A mortgage-backed security (MBS) is a type of asset-backed security that is secured by a mortgage, or more commonly a collection ("pool") of sometimes hundreds of mortgages.

Which of the following describes a mortgage-backed security? ›

Mortgage-backed securities consist of a group of mortgages that have been organized and securitized to pay out interest, similar to a bond or a bond fund MBSs are created by companies called aggregators, including government-sponsored entities such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.

What is a mortgage-backed security for dummies? ›

When an investor buys a mortgage-backed security, he is essentially lending money to home buyers. In return, the investor gets the rights to the value of the mortgage, including interest and principal payments made by the borrower.

What happens when you buy mortgage-backed securities? ›

A mortgage-backed security provides investors with a monthly pro-rata distribution of any principal and interest payments made by homeowners.

Are mortgage-backed securities a good investment? ›

MBS offer investment grade credit quality and a yield-to-maturity of almost 5%, based on the Bloomberg MBS Index, as of 6/30/23. The prepayment risk of agency MBS has decreased as many homeowners refinanced mortgages in 2020-2021 at lower interest rates.

What is the most common type of mortgage-backed security? ›

the most common type of Mortgage-Backed security is: A. the mortgage pass-through, a security that has the borrower's mortgage payments pass through the trustee before being disbursed to the investors.

Which of the following is the most basic type of mortgage-backed security? ›

Mortgage-backed securities exhibit a variety of structures. The most basic types are pass-through participation certificates, which entitle the holder to a pro-rata share of all principal and interest payments made on the pool of mortgage loans.

What is the primary risk of mortgage-backed securities? ›

The answer is: B. that homeowners may not be able to, or choose not to, repay their loans. Since investors in MBS are payed with the homeowner's payments, if the homeowner stops paying, the bond holder will also stop being paid. Therefore, this is the biggest risk.

Who owns the most mortgage-backed securities? ›

The Federal Reserve is the single largest agency MBS investor through its large-scale asset purchase program, with total holdings of $2.5 trillion as of October 2021.

Who uses mortgage-backed securities? ›

Mortgage-backed securities are bought and sold on the bond market. Many investors are large mutual funds and other large institutions charged with protecting and investing people's money. One of the major investors in MBS is actually the U.S. government.

What is the difference between a mortgage and a mortgage-backed security? ›

Explanation. The lender gets to keep the house or property as collateral in the case of a mortgage. Mortgage-backed securities, on the other hand, provide investors with a safe investment while also allowing the original mortgage lenders to raise capital to lend to potential homeowners.

Why do banks buy mortgage-backed securities? ›

Improved Liquidity and Risk Argument

The money received is used to offer other borrowers loans, including subsidized loans for low-income or at-risk borrowers. In this way, an MBS is a liquid product. Mortgage-backed securities also reduce risk to the bank.

Do banks create mortgage-backed securities? ›

Mortgage-backed securities are debt obligations purchased from banks, mortgage companies, credit unions, and other financial institutions and then assembled into pools by a governmental, quasi-governmental or private entity. These entities then sell the securities to investors.

What is an example of a loan backed security? ›

Loan-backed securities (LBS) are bonds backed by a pool of loans. The types of loans can be car loans, credit card debt, student loans and even solar power loans, but they do not include mortgages.

Why are mortgage-backed securities risky? ›

The unique aspect of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) is the element of prepayment risk. This is the risk investors take when borrowers decide to pay the principal on their mortgages ahead of schedule.

What is the difference between covered bonds and mortgage-backed securities? ›

There are significant differences between covered bonds and mortgage-backed securities: (i) a covered bond remains on the issuer's balance sheet; (ii) an investor has recourse against both the issuer and the cover pool; (iii) principal and interest on the covered bond are paid from an issuer's cash flow; (iv) non- ...

What is the difference between mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities? ›

This distinction is common in the United States, for example, where typically the term “mortgage-backed securities” refers to securities backed by high-quality real estate mortgages and the term “asset-backed securities” refers to securities backed by other types of assets.

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