We spent two days riding Waymo's driverless taxis and it felt surprisingly normal (2024)

Ryan: “Look at this, it’s like a bear hat.”
Rider Support (via intercom): *laughs*...“Oh, wow.”
Ryan: “Yeah, I don’t know what the person before me was doing with this.”

That exchange was the only small talk in my fifth taxi ride of the day. Save for the rubber bear hat/mask left behind by a previous rider, my 5.1-mile, 15-minute trip was uneventful. As a courtesy, I reported the lost item to the taxi company’s “rider support” team.

Other “drivers” in the taxi network were likely nearby, but they couldn’t have helped. And along with her coworkers, the Rider Support interlocutor was miles away. She appraised the lost-but-now-found bear mask through a passenger-facing fisheye camera, listened via in-vehicle mics, and responded through an intercom system.

If you haven’t caught on already, the driver wasn’t a person. It was Waymo “Driver”—a technological stack that’s been under development for 12 years.

Bearmaskgate was the most memorable of 10 robotaxi trips across 2.5 days in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona. Most rides were smooth and unremarkable, besides the glaring exception that no one was ever behind the steering wheel.

Where the wild Waymos are

Waymo first opened Waymo One, its robotaxi service, to the general public in December 2018. But it didn't offer fully driverless rides to the public until last October. Today, its Arizona fleet—composed of Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid minivans—is likely more than 300. Waymo One runs 24/7, providing hundreds of weekly rides across a 50-square-mile swath of suburban Phoenix (slightly larger than San Francisco). Waymo’s testing zone is double the ride-hailing area.

Besides one character you’ll meet later, few regular Waymo riders have publicly documented their experiences for the world to see.

With a plan to rectify that through email newsletters, the Brew touched down in Phoenix Sky Harbor in late June. My rules of engagement:

  1. Don’t prearrange rides with Waymo.
  2. Book directly through the public-facing app. Waymo One rides are fully autonomous and driverless.
  3. Red-team (i.e., test the limits of) the technology to the extent it’s safe to do so.
  4. Record and observe everything. Take copious notes.
  5. Bring a more discerning, skeptical lens to the experience than the newsletter writer who came before us.

There’s a (limited) app for that

If you’re a US-based smartphone user, you can download Waymo’s app. But just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

The app’s core functionality—hiring robotaxis—only works in a “service area” that extends across parts of Chandler, Tempe, and Mesa, AZ. This, to my knowledge, is the only place in the US where robotaxis are actively picking up customers on public roads without a safety operator riding shotgun.

Post-download, users are greeted with a message from Waymo: “We’re fully autonomous in Metro Phoenix.” That’s a generous territorial interpretation, as coverage is limited to a small suburban part of the city. See for yourself:

We spent two days riding Waymo's driverless taxis and it felt surprisingly normal (1)We spent two days riding Waymo's driverless taxis and it felt surprisingly normal (2)

The app’s first order of business is to check your location. You won’t be able to hail a ride from outside the Service Area’s hard geofence (i.e., virtual perimeter). So, to recap...

Step #1: Be inside the Service Area.
Step #2: Input destination.
Step #3: Select your pickup and drop-off locations.

Waymo has the Service Area’s major corridors, neighborhood drives, and shopping malls mapped to a T. Down to spots and rows in a parking lot, users can surgically select where they’d like to be picked up and dropped off. The precision is a double-edged sword, though, because the vans don’t just stop anywhere. They have strict marching orders to pull up only where it’s legal (as determined by the government) and safe (as decided by Waymo).

Negotiating drop-off and pickup is give-and-take. It’s really just take. Waymo does not give. An Uber, Lyft, or taxi driver may be willing to drop you off in a fire lane, but Waymo won’t. If your exact location isn’t available, you’ll have to accept a nearby spot and an additional walk.

The Waymo app walks and talks like standard ride-hailing services. You get a fare estimate, route overview, and your Driver's ETA.

  • Waymo says ETAs typically range from 5–10 minutes, but that rush-hour/high-demand wait times can be much longer. My longest wait (when I called at 5:30 PM) was half an hour; Another rider told me he once waited 50 minutes.
  • Across the trips I cross-referenced with quotes from Uber/Lyft, Waymo fares were on average ~10% more expensive.
  • Wait times were generally comparable, but for a few rides, it looked like Waymo would have beat the nearest Uber or Lyft to the punch.

Putting on the app reviewer hat

This is the carousel of info that’s flashed to new riders:

We spent two days riding Waymo's driverless taxis and it felt surprisingly normal (3)We spent two days riding Waymo's driverless taxis and it felt surprisingly normal (4)

What I liked:

  1. There’s confetti when you book a ride (à la Robinhood, but without gamifying option trading).
  2. From the app, you can change the two-letter code and color on your car’s windshield display ID.
  3. While waiting on your van, the app will tell you when it’s at a red light, and as soon as it turns green, so does the animation.
  4. The app supports multi-stop trips.

My critiques:

  1. The finicky pickup and drop-off selection process, which I explained above.
  2. Sometimes, the car wouldn’t show up in the app’s map until it was close (a minor gripe, to be sure).
  3. After any ride, the app aggressively solicits feedback. Not only does it request a one-to-five star score, it also asks you why you are giving that rating.

Feature request: It gets lonely for a solo rider in there, and Waymo Driver does not have the gift of gab. @Waymo, can you make the cars respond to questions? Hopefully it’s not too much multitasking. Maybe it’s only a matter of time until the vans get Google Assistant?

A final note: Sized-up against its siblings Google and YouTube, the Waymo app rightly feels like an experiment in beta. It has 69 ratings (nice) on the App Store (avg. rating = 4.5 stars), and ironically, fewer ratings in the Google Play Store (eight total, avg. rating = 4 stars).

  • The App Store doesn’t disclose downloads. App Annie, a third-party analytics service, told me the Waymo app had 60,000 cumulative iPhone downloads as of June 2021.
  • The Play Store lists Waymo installs at 50,000+. YouTube, by comparison, is at 5,000,000,000+.

Coming in hot

We spent two days riding Waymo's driverless taxis and it felt surprisingly normal (5)We spent two days riding Waymo's driverless taxis and it felt surprisingly normal (6)

Waymos may be a common sight for Service Area residents and motorists, but they’re shiny spectacles to the untrained eye. The vans are coated in a glossy, well-maintained white enamel and protrude with sensor equipment. A whirring lidar puck is the cherry on top (it’s literally positioned at the uppermost part of the van).

That’s the first impression from a distance. Before a human can make out the empty driver’s seat, the car has made hundreds of calculations and moved even closer.

To sum it up: The first time you encounter a driverless vehicle on public roadways, it’s pretty surreal.

But we’re not here for the spectacle. If you somehow missed that your car has arrived, Waymo’s companion app notifies you. The van uses your phone’s location and Bluetooth to unlock the doors once you’re near. Step inside, shut the automatic door, and fasten your seatbelt.*

  • *In Ride #1, due to a combination of excitement and human hubris, I didn’t immediately buckle my seatbelt. Rider Support, monitoring the situation**, came over the intercom, and asked me to plz fix.
  • **The in-car camera (and microphones) raise privacy concerns, especially given Google’s track record. Waymo says Rider Support doesn’t continuously monitor the in-vehicle cameras, which are only activated during emergencies or “safety” incidents.***
  • ***From the vehicle or app, if you call Rider Support mid-trip, they answer within seconds.

So, you’ve entrusted your life to a machine

We spent two days riding Waymo's driverless taxis and it felt surprisingly normal (7)We spent two days riding Waymo's driverless taxis and it felt surprisingly normal (8)

You start the ride by hitting a button on the pair of headrest-mounted touch screens, your van’s overhead control console, or within the Waymo app. What next?

1) The wheel comes alive: Driver creeps to life. If the vehicle has to navigate a crowded parking lot in peak hours, it proceeds cautiously but steadily. In sparser settings, Driver more immediately accelerates to confident cruising speed, providing a narrow cushion between itself and parked cars or other obstacles. It hugs corners on tight 90° turns.

2) All gas: In short order, you’ll find yourself turning out onto a bigger, faster public road. Driver doesn’t wait for zero oncoming traffic to take an unprotected right. On a three-lane road, for example, the car will take the rightmost lane even if traffic is coming in the middle and left lanes.

  • Acceleration was one of the biggest surprises. Coming in, I expected the vehicle to treat the gas pedal like a driving school student would. It did not, and would quickly accelerate to 45 mph.

3) The brake is your best friend: Braking was smooth overall—the jerky, sudden exceptions to this rule occurred at lower speeds. More on this in the “oopsies” section.

4) Sharing the road: Driver basically moves with the ebbs and flows of surrounding traffic. It won’t tailgate, nor will it maintain seven car lengths of distance. The motorists sharing the road with my Waymos seemed largely unfazed by the vehicles at this point.

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5) Maneuverability: Driver can weave between lanes just fine, but it also doesn’t change lanes unnecessarily. I was very impressed by the vehicles’ ability to take unprotected left turns (i.e., without a green arrow).

6) Routing: The system plans longer routes to avoid difficult situations. For example, if Driver comes up on an intersection where it doesn’t like the left turn option, it will go through the light and plan three right turns as a workaround. My vans also frequently defaulted to calmer neighborhood routes rather than bustling, faster roadways. Waymo says routing practices are done with a variety of variables in mind—traffic, construction, Waymo Driver’s capabilities—but that safety is the biggest consideration.

  • Waymo Driver can go on highways (as do Waymo Via’s trucks), just not the vehicles in Waymo One’s fleet.

7) I really buried the lede here: The question on all your minds is whether the experience feels safe. The answer, in my view, is a resounding yes. The human in me was inevitably unnerved when first climbing into a driverless car. The rationalist in me quickly came around. Riding with Driver takes on a sense of normalcy. The wheel spinning itself never gets old. But rides, I daresay, can get a bit boring.

  • In October 2020, Waymo published a safety report analyzing 6.1 million miles of autonomous driving data from Phoenix. The report dissects 47 “contact events,” 18 of which occurred IRL and 29 that happened in simulation.
  • Most collisions were rear-fender benders. “Nearly all” were the fault of a human, according to Waymo, and none produced “severe or life-threatening injuries.”
  • Waymo’s braking tendencies may have played a role in a couple crashes involving its vehicles, per police reports obtained by the Phoenix New Times earlier this year.

8) Oopsies: Driver ain’t infallible. I bore witness to infrequent erratic behavior. To wit, three examples:

  • I had just started a trip outside of Chandler Fashion Center (always dress to impress). A car was (illegally) parked in a fire lane with hazards on. As Waymo prepared to make its pass, the car’s owner inched out from behind its bumper and gave the impression she would shimmy between the two vehicles. The van lurched to 0 mph real quick, inducing an oh-so-tiny moment of whiplash. Post-full-stop, the wheel spun to the left, Driver carved a wider path and continued onward.
  • A bus ahead of us began slowing and drifting along a divider between two lanes. Waymo generously braked in the intersection, quickly shaving off ~50% of its speed. Once the bus driver’s intentions to peel off became clearer, Waymo took the lane to the bus’s left and sped by.
  • My Arizona trip was right before July 4. In some parking lots, fireworks vendors had erected makeshift tents with a perimeter of traffic cones surrounding them. In one trip, Driver was circling a lot’s outer edge and making a final end run to the drop-off. Just one problem: It had to pass through an ultra-narrow berth between a fireworks stand and the curb. The car laid on the brakes after inching toward the slot. The fireworks vendor manning the stand, named Austin, stood up, approached the car, and watched on curiously. After a few seconds, the car glided through the ~7.5-foot berth without incident. Afterwards, Austin told me he was surprised by how the van negotiated the scenario.

For a fleeting moment near the fireworks stand, I thought Driver would have to phone home for help. Or be forced to put it in reverse, extricate itself from the situation, and find a new drop-off. But across all ten trips, I never got stuck. There weren’t any trip interruptions or situations in which Waymo Driver had to pull over.

9) Red-teaming: After two trips, I walked in front of my vehicle to see how it would react. The van wasn’t having any of it and didn’t fall for my trap. It would stop as soon as it looked like I might move in front of its route. Each time, the van then moved around me and went on its way.

10) Emergency vehicles: During trip #8, a fire truck with sirens on had to pass us. Along with the few vehicles around us, I was stopped for a red light that had just turned green. The car did not move until the fire truck had gone through the intersection, so it was a relatively easy test.

  • Waymos are programmed to handle encounters with emergency vehicles. They follow the law, give the right of way, and, if they’re being pulled over, roll down the windows so first responders can communicate to Waymo’s operations team.
  • For more details, Waymo has published protocols for first responders to understand how its vehicles handle law enforcement interactions.

11) Feedback is a gift: If you don’t provide a five-star rating after a ride, the Waymo app asks what could’ve been improved. The options are a tell for what kinks are still being ironed out:

  • “pickup”
  • “wait time”
  • “got stuck”
  • “route”
  • “too cautious
  • “uncomfortable driving”
  • “autonomous specialist”
  • “other” (free-form response)

12) The elements: Since returning home, I pulled up Waymo’s app because I had separation anxiety, and I saw an announcement: “Autonomous specialists are temporarily accompanying rides, which means someone will be in the driver’s seat.” I checked the weather, and sure enough, the National Weather Service had issued a Flash Flood Watch for Central Arizona.

  • TL;DR—Waymo’s driverless cars don’t run in inclement weather. You can still use One, but the vehicles will have safety drivers.

A more authoritative POV

I was under no pretense that I could parachute into Arizona for a few days and emerge an expert on Waymo One. So I called up Joel Ricks, a seasoned Waymo rider, to cross-reference my notes with his. The Chandler-based college student has taken 160+ rides in Waymos across ~1,200 miles, and he’s detailed everything on his website for the world to see.

Ricks cites unprotected left turns and crowded parking lot navigation as the biggest improvements he’s noticed over time.

  • Waymo “used to wait and be a lot more hesitant” with unprotected lefts, Ricks notes, which are “pretty much flawless now. ...If there’s a gap, and [the vehicle] knows it’s safe and can calculate everything, it will just go for it.”
  • Navigating busy parking lots used to mean “lots of whiplash, braking, and in some cases, disengagements. ...Now, there’s a lot more smoothing out and it feels a lot more confident.”
  • The in-vehicle experience has stayed fairly consistent, with the exception of a plastic visor that was installed in vehicles during Covid times.
  • His YouTube channel contains plenty of diamonds in the rough, such as a Waymo interacting with a cop who’s directing traffic with hand signals.

Ricks is far from a passive rider and he’s a much better red-teamer than me. He’ll deliberately select dicier pickups, drop-offs, and routes, with the goals of getting his Waymo stuck and noticing how/if Driver behavior has improved over time. He’s observed that Waymo has removed more difficult pickup and drop-off spots. “That just feels like cheating to me,” Ricks says.

One of Ricks’s most viral, headline-making YouTubes came in May, when his Waymo glitched in a construction zone, blocked traffic, and continuously behaved erratically. In the video, he calls Rider Support, who dispatches a Rider Assistance team to extricate the vehicle. But suddenly, his Waymo starts to move again, giving the impression that it’s evading the team sent to retrieve it.

Mind the caveats; Think of the wider context

We spent two days riding Waymo's driverless taxis and it felt surprisingly normal (9)We spent two days riding Waymo's driverless taxis and it felt surprisingly normal (10)

In a nutshell, that’s the takeaway from my pilgrimage to the cutting-edge of real-world driverless operations.

No matter how much you try sweet-talking your stoic, self-spinning steering wheel, Driver won’t be taking you beyond the Service Area’s perimeter. It won’t take you on a freeway (for now), nor pick you up during signature regional dust storms. There are substantial costs that come with maintaining a 700+ vehicle fleet, employing support staff, and funding R&D advancements (like the fifth-generation Waymo driver). In a round led by Alphabet, Waymo recently raised $2.5 billion, on top of a $3.2 billion haul last June.

These are but a taste of the many variables determining the most important question of them all: Can autonomous driving be safely and cost-effectively generalized beyond suburban Phoenix? Or downtown San Francisco, the one place contesting Phoenix for the unofficial title of US self-driving capital?

Plenty of engineers, executives, and investors still believe the answer is yes. It’s impossible to say whether full-feature Level 5 autonomy is solvable. But the minimum viable product exists today, in the form of Waymo One’s Level 4 cars. The minivans still have more driving edge cases to work out. And if they want to bring a viable business model to the general public, the minivans’ minders also have to work out the more trivial situations, like what to do when one rider finds another’s bear mask stranded in the robotaxi.

We spent two days riding Waymo's driverless taxis and it felt surprisingly normal (2024)


In what city will Waymo deploy driverless taxis? ›

Late last year, Waymo secured a Driverless Pilot permit from the state of California, bringing the alphabet-owned brand one step closer to launching its autonomous taxi service in the state. Now, Waymo is already expanding its service area, announcing plans to begin testing driverless cars in Los Angeles.

Is Waymo using its self-driving taxis? ›

It's a reality right now on the streets of San Francisco and Phoenix where Waymo currently operates a fleet of fully autonomous taxis. The company, which was spun out of Google, says the service is coming soon to Los Angeles. To get a car, you download an app and request a ride, similar to Uber or Lyft.

What is Waymo using its taxis for? ›

Waymo is using its self-driving taxis to create real-time weather maps.

How much does a Waymo One ride cost? ›

To start with, the rides themselves will be free as the company does not yet have approval to charge fares. The pilot allows Waymo to offer driverless passenger service throughout San Francisco and portions of Daly City, as well as in parts of Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Mountain View, Palo Alto and Sunnyvale.

How long until cars are self-driving? ›

Getting to the point where driverless technology is ready for you to order a driverless car via your smartphone and it drives you to your destination autonomously (level 5) won't likely become a reality until 2040 or later.

Is it safe to use a driverless taxi? ›

Many experts say that self-driving cars can be trained to be safer than human drivers. With the sensors and cameras monitoring and guiding, these cars can not only sense their environment but also can anticipate what's coming up ahead, which humans are not capable of.

Who can drive a Waymo car? ›

Anyone in the Metro Phoenix area can download and ride today. Just open the Waymo One app and hail a car.

Does someone drive the Waymo car? ›

Waymo One is our public, fully autonomous ride-hailing service. Riders can use the Waymo One app to hail one of our autonomously driven vehicles (with no human driver in the front seat!) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Is Waymo safer than human drivers? ›

By using evasive maneuvering such as braking or swerving, the NIEON model prevented 62.5% of these crashes and reduced 84% of serious injury risk, but the Waymo Driver was even more effective, as it avoided 75% of these collisions and reduced 93% of serious injury risk.

What are the benefits of Waymo's self driving cars? ›

The Waymo Driver takes all of this information – from its highly-detailed maps, to what objects are around and where they might go – and plans the best action or route to take. It instantly determines the exact trajectory, speed, lane, and steering maneuvers needed to behave safely throughout its journey.

What are the benefits of driverless taxis? ›

Greater efficiency would mean fewer emissions and less pollution from cars, meaning a lower negative environmental impact. Reduced need for safety gaps, lanes, and shoulders means that road capacities for vehicles would be significantly increased. Passengers will experience a smoother riding experience.

How much does Waymo cost per mile? ›

Price at a price similar to the all-in cost of private car use, around 50 cents/mile.

How much does Waymo via pay a driver? ›

How much does Waymo pay? The average Waymo salary ranges from approximately $61,468 per year for a Driver to $232,707 per year for a Staff Software Engineer. The average Waymo hourly pay ranges from approximately $29 per hour for a Driver to $95 per hour for a Systems Engineer.

How many Waymo cars are on the road? ›

Waymo's 25,000 virtual self-driving cars travel 8 million miles per day.

What are 3 problems with self-driving cars? ›

Concerns about self-driving cars include safety, technology, autonomy, and social implications.

What is negative about self-driving cars? ›

More miles, more carbon emissions

Research has previously suggested that automated vehicles could cause people to drive more than they currently do, leading to more congestion, energy consumption and pollution.

What is the negative side of self-driving cars? ›

The computers needed to run self-driving cars could pose a serious threat to the environment. They could ultimately produce more greenhouse gas emissions per year than Argentina currently does, new research suggests. Fossil fuel-guzzling cars spew out billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Will self-driving cars be mandatory? ›

Driverless Cars: Optional by 2024, Mandatory by 2044 - IEEE Spectrum.

How many times has a self-driving car failed? ›

US car manufacturers reported nearly 400 crashes involving cars with partially autonomous driver assistance systems, according to a new report from a US car-safety regulator released on Wednesday.

Do self-driving cars cause less accidents? ›

What are the safety benefits of automated vehicles? Types of automated technologies, such as advanced driver assistance system technologies already in use on the roads and future automated driving systems at their mature state, have the potential to reduce crashes, prevent injuries, and save lives.

Are self-driving cars already safer than humans? ›

A lot better than you'd expect, is the answer. A self-driving car can't be 99-percent perfect, it can't be 99.9-percent or even 99.999-percent safe. Human drivers, on average, avoid crashes 99.999819 percent of the time. To beat that, autonomous vehicles will have to hit nearly six nines of reliability.

Will driverless taxis be cheaper? ›

Our analysis shows that the cost per mile for a robo-taxi could drop by more than 50 percent between 2025 and 2030.

What is the speed limit for Waymo? ›

Waymo's driverless test AVs may operate on public roadways with posted speed limits up to 65 miles per hour, at all times of day or night.

How many accidents has Waymo had? ›

10. Waymo's self-driving cars have been involved in 18 accidents over a period of 20 months.

Does Uber use Waymo? ›

“By combining the Waymo Via solution with the Uber Freight platform, we'll be able to apply proven marketplace technology to help carriers dynamically deploy the Waymo Driver where it's most valuable and most capable.

Has Waymo ever had an accident? ›

Over that 1 million miles, Waymo's vehicles were involved in only two crashes that met the criteria for inclusion in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's database for car crashes, called the Crash Investigation Sampling System (CISS).

Why do Waymo cars have cameras? ›

We use cameras inside the car to make sure your trips go smoothly and to improve our services. For example, we can help if you contact Rider Support with any issues, check to make sure our car is clean, confirm all riders are wearing seatbelts, and make sure that nothing has been left behind at the end of a ride.

How far can Waymo see? ›

With it, the Waymo Driver can see 360 degrees in every direction, day or night, and as far as three football fields away.

What is the accident rate for self-driving cars? ›

Overall, autonomous vehicles (AVs) were involved in more crashes: 9.1 crashes per million miles traveled, compared to 4.1 for conventional cars. However, as compared to injuries experienced in traditional vehicle collisions, the ones involving injury were minor.

Who is winning the driverless car race? ›

Drivers are allowed to watch movies or browse the web when DRIVE PILOT takes over.

Can driverless cars be hacked? ›

Autonomous vehicles are vulnerable to hacking

Regardless of the reason, a hacked vehicle is extremely dangerous. Per HackerNoon: There are intentional attacks that aim to specifically harm the safety-critical functions of the AI [artificial intelligence] systems.

What is one of the biggest benefits from self-driving cars? ›

Prevention of car crashes

Computers based on sophisticated systems and algorithms will essentially eliminate costly human error. Major causes of accidents, including drunk or distracted driving, will not be factors with self-driving cars. It's estimated self-driving cars can reduce accidents by up to 90%.

How can self-driving cars help humans? ›

What are the benefits of a self-driving car? The biggest benefit of using a self-driving car is significantly fewer traffic accidents. More than 90% of all accidents are caused by some degree of human error, including distraction, impaired driving, or poor decision making.

What cities allow Waymo self-driving cars? ›

Where does Waymo One operate? Our Waymo One ride-hailing service operates in Metro Phoenix, San Francisco, and is ramping up in Los Angeles County. We look forward to expanding further. Our Metro Phoenix territory currently includes Downtown Phoenix and parts of Chandler, Tempe, Mesa and Gilbert.

Where will Waymo go next? ›

Google's Waymo driverless ride-hailing service is expanding operations to Los Angeles, California. Waymo has not yet specified a timeline for when the rides will start – just that Los Angeles will be next in line.

Is Waymo driverless rides coming to Los Angeles? ›

Autonomous cars that truly lack a driver are about to hit Los Angeles streets. The self-driving robotaxi service, Waymo, announced this week that it will start testing fully autonomous vehicles in LA “following a rigorous cycle of validation and safety readiness evaluation,” Waymo CEO Dmitri Dolgov wrote on Twitter.

What cities are in the Waymo dataset? ›

The data was collected by Waymo's fleet from four cities: San Francisco, Mountain View, Phoenix, and Kirkland, Washington. It includes images captured by each vehicle's sensors, which includes LIDAR, cameras, and radar.

What states do not allow self-driving cars? ›

Arizona, Kansas, and Nebraska require a licensed driver to be behind the wheel in case a human operator is needed to take over.

Do any states allow self-driving cars? ›

Twenty-nine states—Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, Washington and ...

How many Waymo cars are in Arizona? ›

Waymo has between 300 and 400 vehicles in Arizona, including Chrysler Pacifica minivans as well as Jaguar I-PACE electric sport-utility vehicles. Only the minivans are used so far for the Waymo One service in Arizona.

Does Waymo go on highway? ›

The Waymo vehicle was a completely autonomous vehicle with no driver in the front seat. The five-mile ride lasted 14 minutes over highways and some neighborhood streets. The cost was $10.77, or a little less than $1 a minute. For the most part, the ride was smooth, allowing me to comfortably avoid spilling my coffee.

Are there driverless taxis in US? ›

Since June, the state of California has allowed fully autonomous vehicles to pick up passengers as part of a taxi-like service — without a human driver behind the wheel. The first company to receive a permit for the pilot program was Cruise, a subsidiary of the US car giant General Motors.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.