Want to Use a Boat or Plane for Business? What's Deductible and What's Not (2024)

Have you ever thought about buying a boat for getting out on the river, lake, or stream as a getaway from the stress of business? Or maybe you are thinking of buying an airplane and renting it out through a general aviation facility. And, hey, perhaps we can use the boat or airplane for business purposes and write it off.

Before you buy that airplane or boat, think carefully about how you want to use it for business purposes. If you're going to use the boat or airplane for entertaining customers, vendors, or business associates, you need to know about whether expenses associated with it are deductible. The same tax regulations apply to motor homes, and other similar vehicles and facilities.

Entertainment Expenses No Longer Deductible

The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act tax made all entertainment costs non-deductible for businesses. This includes entertainment facilities – any property you own or rent for entertainment purposes. Entertainment facilities include hunting lodges, vacation homes, swimming pools, tennis courts – and yachts and airplanes. This exclusion means you can't deduct expenses for depreciation and operating expenses for these facilities.

You may be able to deduct business meal expenses at 50% as part of an entertainment event or at an entertainment facility if you can separate out the cost of the meal. An example might be catered food that you serve to customers on your boat.


Meal expenses are deductible at 50%, and the are only deductible if they are ordinary and necessary business expenses, and the meal costs can't be lavish or extravagant.

Boats and Airplanes as Businesses

If the boat or airplane is used as a business (for hire, for example), you can get some tax benefits from this business.

Depreciation: You can depreciate the boat or airplane as a business asset if it qualifies as a business asset (see below).

Expenses: You can deduct expenses for operating the boat or airplane for business purposes. Gasoline, maintenance, mooring fees, insurance, and repairs can be included in the deductible expenses.


You must be able to provide documentation about the use of the boat for business purposes. The documents must (1) be created at the time of the event, and (2) include specifics: When was it used? Who was it used for (include names and titles)? What was the specific business purpose?

Boats and Airplanes as Listed Property

The IRS has designated a particular category of business assets called listed property, which includes computers, autos, boats, airplanes, and other assets that can have both business and personal uses.

To deduct any costs associated with listed property, you must use it more than 50% of the time for business. For example, if you use your boat or airplane for charter business purposes, and you also take it out for personal reasons, you must document what percentage of the time you use it for business.

Personal use becomes income: Once you have established the boat or airplane as a business asset by showing that it's being used more than 50% of the time for business, any personal use becomes a benefit to you personally, and you must pay taxes on this personal use.

Depreciation of listed property: The IRS has some specific requirements for depreciating listed property. You must use the MACRS system and the straight-line method, and there are other requirements.

Boat or Airplane – Business vs. Hobby

If you buy a boat or airplane for business use, you must be able to show that you are running a legitimate business, and are not just taking out fishing or flight charters as a hobby. To avoid IRS scrutiny under "hobby loss" rules, you must keep good business records, show that you intend to make a profit, and make a profit. If the IRS determines that your use of the boat or airplane is a hobby, you can only take expenses up to the amount of your income for the year.

If you don't want to keep detailed records of business use, your other option is to buy the boat or airplane personally, giving up the depreciation and expense deductions. This saves a lot of time with your tax advisor, too. Just enjoy the boat, occasionally using it for business.


You might explore otherownership options,such as co-ownership or setting up the ownership as a partnership. Even if you set up a business to own the boat or airplane, the same tax restrictions apply.Because every business situation is different, and the tax laws may change, check with your tax professional before you buy a boat or airplane for business use.

Want to Use a Boat or Plane for Business? What's Deductible and What's Not (2024)


Can I write off a boat as a business expense? ›

A Boat Can Be a Business Expense

To legitimately buy a boat through your business, you need to have a specific reason for purchasing it as a business expense. For some, the reason is obvious: commercial and recreational fishing companies have a clear and easily-defined reason for needing a boat.

Can you write off a plane for business? ›

Deductible travel expenses while away from home include the costs of: Travel by airplane, train, bus or car between your home and your business destination. Fares for taxis or other types of transportation between an airport or train station to a hotel, from a hotel to a work location.

Does having a boat in an LLC make sense? ›

Keeping the boat in an LLC makes sense for a variety of reasons including liability protection if you put the boat out to charter, use it as an Airbnb, your office, or for commercial endeavors or for other tax deductions depending on its use, not to mention maintaining resale value.

How much can you write off for a boat? ›

Under Section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code, you can take a one-time expense deduction in the year of purchase equal to the purchase price of your yacht up to a maximum deduction of $500,000.

What are the benefits of owning a boat in an LLC? ›

By owning a vessel through a limited liability company, the owners can cordon off the risk created by their ownership and use of a vessel and ensure that other assets or aspects of their lives are not implicated should the risk of vessel ownership manifest in an accident, injury, or loss of any kind.

What makes a boat tax deductible? ›

As long as the boat or RV is security for the loan used to buy it, you can deduct mortgage interest paid on that loan. In the event you decide to move back into a more traditional house, your boat or RV can also be treated as a qualified second home, and the same homeowner deductions apply.

Should I buy a plane through an LLC? ›

Personal liability protection is the primary reason for placing a plane into an LLC or corporation; tax benefits are secondary. Provided that you act within the scope of your duties as a member of the company, you are not personally responsible for the company's debts.

How much of a plane can you write off on taxes? ›

Bonus depreciation is an incentive to accelerate depreciation deduction when a business aircraft is purchased. In 2022, 100 percent of the purchase price of an aircraft can be depreciated in the year of acquisition. This applies to new or used aircraft.

What business expenses are 100% deductible? ›

Here are some common examples of 100% deductible meals and entertainment expenses:
  • A company-wide holiday party.
  • Food and drinks provided free of charge for the public.
  • Food included as taxable compensation to employees and included on the W-2.
Jan 9, 2023

How do I avoid taxes when buying a boat? ›

“All you have to do is register the boat outside of California and no tax is due,” one dealer told me. “If you register it anywhere outside of California the tax is avoided. That's the long and the short of it,” another said.

Why should you put everything under an LLC? ›

With an LLC, only the assets owned in the name of the LLC are subject to the claims of business creditors, including lawsuits against the business. The personal assets of the LLC members cannot be claimed to satisfy business debts. For most people, this is the most important reason to form an LLC.

Can I claim boat on my taxes? ›

A boat is considered a second home for federal tax purposes if it has a head (bathroom) a bed (sleeping berth) and a galley (kitchen). You'll need IRS Form 1098 to deduct the interest and also any points paid to secure a loan.

How many years do you depreciate a boat? ›

In general, boats lose about 36% of their value after 10 years of ownership. Boats lose between 23% and 30% after 5 years and between 18% and 22% after only 1 year of ownership from a new current year purchase. This is considering the boat being properly maintained and kept in good overall condition.

How much is the depreciation on a boat? ›

To broadly generalize, a new boat depreciates fifteen to twenty-five percent in its first year and then lesser amounts each subsequent year until around the sixth to eighth year, at which point it is worth approximately half its replacement cost.

What are 4 benefits of owning an LLC? ›

This article explores some of the benefits that an LLC can offer to its owners.
  • Separate legal identity. ...
  • Limited liability. ...
  • Perpetual existence. ...
  • Flexible management structure. ...
  • Free transferability of financial interests. ...
  • Pass-through taxation.

What advantages does an LLC offer over a sole proprietorship? ›

An LLC has distinct advantages in the areas of legal protection and liability. While there are filing fees for setting up an LLC, that cost can be well worth it when compared to the thousands of dollars you could be liable for as a sole proprietor. On the other hand, it costs no money to start a sole proprietorship.

Can a business write off a yacht? ›

Depreciation. As mentioned earlier, depreciation can be a tax deduction if the yacht is used in business. A bonus depreciation deduction can be taken in the year the yacht was purchased. Depreciation, in this case, is 100% of the purchase price., but this is only available until the end of 2022.

What can you write-off on a boat? ›

You can deduct quite a few expenses including slip fees, fuel, insurance, maintenance and repairs, and crew costs. This is an “or” use meaning that it won't be possible to claim this deduction if you use the boat to entertain clients and use it for transportation.

Is fishing a tax deduction? ›

Many expenses incurred while fishing are deductible, reducing your taxable income and the taxes owed. Deductible expenses include: Gear and supplies, including rain gear, gloves and boots.

What is the IRS depreciation life for a boat? ›

You are able to depreciate the adjusted cost basis of your vessel or yacht used for business purposes, which is the balance of the purchase price after the Section 179 expense deduction and the 50% bonus depreciation deduction – over 10 years.

Is it cheaper to fly your own plane or fly commercial? ›

Cost is a big deal-breaker for most travelers, so we'll address it first. Flying commercial hands down offers the lowest costs when purchasing coach or standard seat tickets. The cost of flying commercial is also lower in first or business class if flying alone or in a group of two.

What are the benefits of owning your own plane? ›

Flexibility: You can take off at a moment's notice and hop quickly from one destination to the next. Convenience: When you own your own aircraft, you can reduce travel time and set your own schedule. Privacy: Once on the plane, you have the same privacy you have at home, in your office, or in your car.

What is business class like on a plane? ›

Seats are typically lie-flat or angled, not just recliners, offering far more space than in the economy or premium economy cabins. Service is elevated both in the air, from free alcohol to plated multicourse meals, and on the ground, from priority check-in and boarding to lounge access.

Is there a tax advantage to owning a plane? ›

The most obvious tax benefit is the depreciation deduction. The IRS allows a taxpayer to deduct the full cost of a private jet or aircraft in the year it is placed in service. There are also a number of other tax benefits to purchasing a private jet in 2022, which we'll cover now.

Are flights 100% deductible? ›

On a business trip, you can deduct 100% of the cost of travel to your destination, whether that's a plane, train, or bus ticket. If you rent a car to get there, and to get around, that cost is deductible, too.

How do I avoid sales tax on a plane? ›

The aircraft must be located in a different state when the bill of sale is filed with the Federal Aviation Administration and title (and funds) changes hands from seller to buyer. Ensuring delivery outside of California also ensures that California sales tax is not assessable on the purchase of the aircraft.

What expenses are no longer deductible? ›

Personal Expenses that Are No Longer Deductible
  • work-related travel, transportation, and meal expenses.
  • union dues.
  • business liability insurance premiums.
  • depreciation on a computer or cellular telephone your employer requires you to use in your work.
  • dues to professional societies.
  • education (work-related)

What business expenses are no longer deductible? ›

Expenses such as union dues, work-related business travel, or professional organization dues are no longer deductible, even if the employee can itemize deductions.

What expenses are not fully deductible? ›

Anything to do with personal activities or personal spending is a non-deductible expense. As are any political contributions, commuting costs and any gifts over $25. It might seem like an expense is business-related, but sometimes they're not.

Is a boat a capital asset? ›

Capital assets (those assets described in I.R.C. 1221) generally include “nonbusiness” property — stocks, bonds, homes, cars, jewelry, and boats — owned and used for personal or investment purposes.

Does selling my boat count as income? ›

If your business is selling boats, then the proceeds of the sale would be considered gross revenue. The taxable income would be determined by subtracting the costs related to the sale, including the cost of acquiring the boat in the first place.

Why does my 1099 say fishing boat proceeds? ›

Box 5 – Fishing Boat Proceeds.

This box includes amounts paid to you as a fishing boat crew member by the operator, who considers you to be self-employed. Report this amount on Schedule C (Form 1040).

Why do LLCs fail? ›

An LLC requires maintenance. If you aren't inspecting the LLC and taking care to make repairs and keep it tuned up and smoothly operational, then it's going to turn out badly for you when you need its protection. Your LLC can fail when you need it the most!

What are the risks of owning an LLC? ›

Risks of an LLC
  • Loss of Limited Liability. Although an LLC enjoys limited liability, poor practices could result in an LLC losing its liability shield. ...
  • Difficulty Obtaining Investors. ...
  • Pass-Through Taxation.
Oct 26, 2020

Are LLCs bad for taxes? ›

1. Pass-through taxation. One of the biggest tax advantages of a limited liability company is the ability to avoid double taxation. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers LLCs as “pass-through entities.” Unlike C-Corporations, LLC owners don't have to pay corporate federal income taxes.

Who keeps the profits in an LLC? ›

The business does not pay entity-level taxes. Instead, the company passes profits and losses through to you and the other members. The LLC allocates profits to members based on their ownership percentage or based on a special percentage allocation as agreed upon by the members.

How many times are profits taxed in an LLC? ›

Any direct payment of your LLC's profits to you are considered a dividend and taxed twice. First, the LLC pays corporate income tax on the profit at the 21% corporate rate on its own corporate return.

Why do people put LLC at the end of their business? ›

The main advantage to an LLC is in the name: limited liability protection. Owners' personal assets can be protected from business debts and lawsuits against the business when an owner uses an LLC to do business. An LLC can have one owner (known as a “member”) or many members.

Can you write-off boat gas? ›

Expenses: You can deduct expenses for operating the boat or airplane for business purposes. Gasoline, maintenance, mooring fees, insurance, and repairs can be included in the deductible expenses.

Can I write-off an RV as a business expense? ›

Business RV Tax Deductions

You may be able to deduct RV expenses as a business tax write-off if: You work from home in your RV, additional accounting will be needed to verify this expense. You rent out your RV, whether that's done parked on your property as a hotel or rented through another service.

Can my RV be a tax write-off? ›

If you purchased an RV in 2022, good news: you (probably) qualify for a deduction. In all but five states (Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon), you'll have to pay sales tax on the purchase of a new RV. Because you've already paid that tax, you can deduct it from your 2022 taxes.

Are boats a good investment? ›

Buying a boat can be a great way to boost your income or perhaps a way into starting your own side hustle. Buying a boat is a long-term investment, and when you factor in purchase costs, running and maintenance costs, the numbers can quickly add up.

How many hours on a boat is considered a lot? ›

If you are looking at a marine gasoline-powered boat to purchase that has reached 1500 hours, this is considered a lot. Unless it has been meticulously maintained, its dependability is very questionable. Properly maintained diesel engines give boaters 5000 or more hours of dependable service.

Can you take 179 on a boat? ›

Section 179 Rules

For a yacht to be eligible, it must be used for business more than 50% of the time. Multiplying the cost of the asset by the percentage of business use will provide a quick estimate of the amount eligible for Section 179.

Can I depreciate a boat for business? ›

Depreciation: You can depreciate a boat that qualifies as a business asset. However, a boat is considered “listed property” (more on that in a minute), and the IRS is picky about how you depreciate listed property.

What is the actual cash value of my boat? ›

Actual Cash Value is the value of the boat at the time of the loss. A boat insurance company will pay the insured value or the Actual Cash Value of the boat at the time of the loss, whichever is lower. In our example, if the Actual Cash Value of the boat is $25,000, this is the most you will be paid.

What Cannot be written off as a business expense? ›

As mentioned above, ordinary expenses related to personal or family expenses aren't deductible. Things like personal motor vehicle expenses outside of business hours or your personal cell phone.

Is a boat a depreciating asset? ›

A new boat is expected to depreciate for anywhere from 7 to 10 years after purchase, on average. After that 10 year mark, you can generally expect your boat to be worth $100 per each foot of the boat.

Do I have to report the sale of my boat to the IRS? ›

What are the tax obligations when selling a car? If you sell a vehicle (car, truck, motorcycle, boat, or other vehicle for personal use) for a loss, the IRS is generally not interested in the transaction. However, if you sold the car for a profit, you may be required to report that profit as a capital gain.

Do you need tax returns for boat loans? ›

Similar to a home mortgage, the bank can ask for your personal federal tax returns, proof of assets, and may ask for additional financial information depending on each situation.

Can I write off business expenses without a receipt? ›

Review the IRS tax audit report

You can claim business expenses without receipts by retracing your steps by asking past vendors and suppliers for receipts. Furthermore, check your calendar and bank statements for additional information related to the expenses to support your case.

What business expenses are 100 tax deductible? ›

What Is a 100 Percent Tax Deduction?
  • Furniture purchased entirely for office use is 100 percent deductible in the year of purchase.
  • Office equipment, such as computers, printers and scanners are 100 percent deductible.
  • Business travel and its associated costs, like car rentals, hotels, etc. is 100 percent deductible.

Is an airplane listed property? ›

Here's a list of assets that generally qualify as listed property: Passenger vehicles, airplanes, boats and other vehicles used for transportation. Computers and other office-related equipment.

Can a yacht be in an LLC? ›

Purchasing your new yacht through a limited partnership or limited liability corporation (LLC) is one way to accomplish this and without the hassle of dealing with a foreign jurisdiction. It has been done successfully by many, and it's perfectly legal as long as it's done correctly.

Is a plane a depreciating asset? ›

Aircraft are depreciated using the straight-line method over their average estimated useful life of 20 years, assuming no residual value for most of the aircraft of the fleet. This useful life can, however, be extended to 25 years for some aircraft.

What depreciation method to use for a boat? ›

Straight Line Depreciation.

This type of deprecation calculation is arrived at by starting with the cost of the boat, then estimating the useful life (in years) as well as what it would be worth at the end of its useful life when you try to sell it.

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