Vietnam Customs (2024)

Vietnam Customs (1)

Items must be declared on entry and exit at customs in Vietnam:

  • Luggage exceeding theduty-free allowance
  • Imports and exports under theregulation of the State
  • Addictive medication
  • Jewelry (gold) exceeding 300g, metals or precious stones valuing more than VND 300 million
  • Foreign currencies or its equivalent exceeding USD 5,000
  • Local currency exceeding more than VND 15 million

Vietnam Customs (2)Vietnam Customs (3)

Duty-free allowance for arriving passengers:

  • Cigarettes (200 pieces), Cigars (100 pieces), Tobacco (500g)
  • Liquor 1.5 liters if above 22 percent alcohol; 2 liters if below 22 percent alcohol, 3 liters max allowance
  • Articles/Items with a total value not exceeding VND 10 million

Imports prohibition:

  • Weapons & ammunition
  • Explosives & firecrackers of all kinds
  • Military equipment
  • Drugs & toxic chemicals
  • Ingot gold & raw gold
  • Immoral products
  • Toys with a negative impact on society and its culture
  • Some consumer goods

Exports prohibition:

  • Documents related to national security
  • Weapons & ammunition
  • Explosives
  • Military equipment
  • Antiques
  • Drugs & toxic chemicals
  • Wild animals, endangered animals & plants
  • Ingot gold & raw gold

Other information on public services, documents, news, and events: General Department of Vietnam Customs

Vietnam Customs (2024)


What are the customs and traditions of Vietnam? ›

The Vietnamese people value humility, restraint, and modesty. Avoid being boastful or showing off wealth. Public displays of affection are generally frowned upon so try to avoid touching people of the opposite sex. Dress conservatively and keep your body covered.

What is a famous custom in Vietnam? ›

Ancestor Worship

A small altar is placed in almost every house in Vietnam; it is used to commune with the departed loved ones. The rites consist of making offerings of fruits, food, wine, votive paper, lighting candles and burning incense before praying in front of the altar.

What is not allowed to bring into Vietnam? ›

Items that you cannot bring into Vietnam include weapons, munitions, explosives and inflammables, firecracker of all kinds, opium and drugs, toxic chemicals, and cultural materials unsuitable to Vietnamese society (p*rnographic seditious publications, films and photos), harmful child toys.

What do I declare at customs in Vietnam? ›

Items must be declared on entry and exit at customs in Vietnam:
  • Luggage exceeding the duty-free allowance.
  • Imports and exports under the regulation of the State.
  • Addictive medication.
  • Jewelry (gold) exceeding 300g, metals or precious stones valuing more than VND 300 million.

What are common Customs or traditions? ›

Traditions can include what most people in a country do on holidays. For example: “Sharing a meal with turkey is a Thanksgiving tradition in the United States.” Or: “Fireworks are part of America's July 4th holiday tradition.” Customs are also usual ways of behaving.

What is unique about Vietnamese culture? ›

Some elements considered to be characteristic of Vietnamese culture include ancestor veneration, respect for community and family, and living in harmony with nature.

What does the middle finger mean in Vietnam? ›

To summon a person, the entire hand with the fingers facing down is the only appropriate hand signal. Using the middle finger to point, with other fingers closed is a common gesture and is not a sign of disrespect. Pointing to other people while talking is considered disrespectful.

What is the most important tradition in Vietnam? ›

Lunar New Year, or Tet, is considered the most important festival and holiday in Vietnam.

What are some family traditions in Vietnam? ›

When greeting an older family member, Vietnamese bow their heads to show their respect. This gesture is practiced with older family members who are recognized and greeted first in social settings. Obedience is important within the Vietnamese family culture.

What can't you wear in Vietnam? ›

Remember that short shorts, crop tops and tank tops are not considered appropriate in Vietnam. Loose, long clothing is both respectful and tends to keep you cooler in hot climates.

How much usd can i carry to Vietnam? ›

CURRENCY RESTRICTIONS FOR ENTRY: None. However, Vietnamese Dong in excess of VND 150,000,000 or foreign currency in excess of 5,000 U.S. dollars or equivalent must be declared.

How much usd can you bring into Vietnam? ›

How much cash can I carry into Vietnam? Currently, there is no legal limit on the amount of cash you can bring to Vietnam (either for Vietnamese Dong or any other foreign currency).

What do they check in customs? ›

Officials at customs and immigration are checking travelers for things like whether they have the right documents to be in the country, whether they're legally allowed to be there, and whether they're bringing anything illegal with them.

What gets declared at customs? ›

Most countries require travellers to complete a customs declaration form when bringing notified goods (alcoholic drinks, tobacco products, animals, fresh food, plant material, seeds, soils, meats, and animal products) across international borders.

What goods are prohibited by customs? ›

U.S. Customs Restrictions – What You Cannot Bring Into the United States
  • All products made from sea turtles.
  • All ivory, both Asian and African elephant.
  • Rhinoceros horn and horn products.
  • Furs from spotted cats.
  • Furs and ivory from marine mammals.
  • Feathers and feather products from wild birds.

What are 5 examples of traditions? ›

20 family tradition examples
  • Swim on the first day of spring. ...
  • Make homemade gifts for Christmas, Hanukkah (or birthdays) ...
  • Go hiking in the same place or at the same time. ...
  • Have a movie night. ...
  • Visit the same restaurant. ...
  • Do a family digital detox. ...
  • Take up a new activity as a family. ...
  • Start a gratitude jar.
Dec 17, 2021

What are 3 types of traditions? ›

Three Types of Traditions Every Family Should Have
  • Daily Connection Traditions. Daily Connection Traditions are the small things you do every day to re-enforce family identity and values. ...
  • Weekly Connection Traditions. Similar to the Daily Connection Tradition, but done weekly. ...
  • Life Changes Traditions.
Oct 15, 2014

How do you show respect in Vietnamese culture? ›

Shake with both hands, and bow your head slightly to show respect. Bow to the elderly who do not extend their hand. Vietnamese women are more inclined to bow their head slightly than to shake hands. When greeting someone, say “xin chao” (seen chow) + given name + title.

How do Vietnamese show affection? ›

Public displays of affection are frowned upon. As a whole, Vietnamese are still quite reserved when it comes to showing affection for the opposite sex. While kiss or a hug with your partner is considered acceptable in the main cities of Hanoi and Saigon it is a social taboo elsewhere.

What is the etiquette for gift giving in Vietnam? ›

In Vietnam it is customary to bring a small gift for the host, to be presented as you part ways. Expense is not important when giving gifts, but try to give something that is unique and wouldn't normally be something they would buy for themself.

What is the Vietnamese rude finger? ›

As in many places, it's rude to point with your index finger in Vietnam. To be polite, use your pinky finger when you want to point to something. Pointing with an open hand, palm facing down, is even more polite, but it's a bit overboard for most situations.

What is considered bad luck in Vietnam? ›

Some examples include: Put mirrors in front of doors to scare away dragons. If the first person you see on your way to do business is a woman, you will have bad luck on your business trip and should try another day. Praising a newborn too much can cause the devils to steal it for its desirability.

What does smiling mean in Vietnam? ›

The Vietnam smile is a proper response in most situations to saying anything not appropriate. When Vietnamese smile, they can show happiness, agreement, acceptance, desire, and tolerance. But the same smile can show disagreement, embarrassment, confusion, anger and even contempt.

What are cultural taboos in Vietnam? ›

Avoid public displays of affection with a person of the opposite sex. Do not wear revealing swimwear such as bikinis. Do not take photos of three people. Do not take photos of military installations or anything to do with the military or the police.

What are 5 things Vietnam is known for? ›

Vietnam is known for being a popular tourist destination because of its beautiful beaches, it's culture, amazing food (like pho), and friendly people. Vietnam is also famous for the Vietnam War, motorbikes (86% of households have one), Vietnamese coffee, floating markets and rice terraces.

Do Vietnamese have arranged marriages? ›

Vietnamese Arranged Marriages

Today, although arranged marriages are technically against the law many marriages are still arranged by parents, often with the help of matchmakers and sometimes before their children have reached puberty.

What are the five most important values of Vietnamese culture? ›

Vietnamese cultural values emphasize the importance of family and community. Its core values, which embrace the principles of Confucianism, are harmony, duty, honor, respect, education and allegiance to the family.

What are the gender roles in Vietnam? ›

Gender Roles

In Vietnam, tasks were divided along gender lines: fathers typically worked outside the home while mothers were responsible for domestic duties such as homemaking and raising children. Vietnamese culture is based on a patriarchal system, meaning the husband acts as the head of the family.

What are baby traditions in Vietnam? ›

Vietnamese - Ngay Day Thang

It is known for the first 100 days after the baby is born that the mother should rest, and on the 100th day, the celebration and feast should commence celebrating the baby. They eat boiled chicken, crabs, pork belly, hard-boiled eggs, sticky rice, and sweet bean dessert at the celebration.

Can you wear red in Vietnam? ›

Red áo dài are worn during Tết for luck and prosperity. Brides and grooms may also wear red on their wedding day, so it's a good idea to come in a different colour if you're a guest. White symbolizes purity and innocence, as seen in the white dresses of highschool students, and black is most often worn at funerals.

Can ladies wear shorts in Vietnam? ›

Wearing shorts is acceptable in most situations for both men and women. However, Vietnam's traditional culture is somewhat conservative, so avoiding sleeveless shirts, tank tops, or short shorts—especially while visiting Buddhist temples—shows the greatest respect for it.

Is it rude to leave food in Vietnam? ›

And it's considered impolite if you leave the table when others have finished their meal. Show your respect by talking with them or helping to serve dessert if you have finished your meal. Vietnamese style of dining is similar to other Asian countries.

Are credit cards widely accepted in Vietnam? ›

While cash is used for small purchases and street vendors in Vietnam, most establishments accept payments from major credit card providers such as Visa. Hotels, tour operators, boutiques, restaurants, grocery stores, and spas all generally accept international debit and credit cards.

What cash should I take to Vietnam? ›

In short, when traveling to Vietnam, you should carry cash and VISA cards, this's the best choice. Vietnam Dong and USD are preferred to use in Vietnam. And, it is very easy to change USD into Dong at the banks in Vietnam.

How much money do you need for 2 weeks in Vietnam? ›

It depends on what kind of travelling you like to do; you will spend from just 600,000VND (~30 USD) for local style to over 1,400,000VND (~70USD) for luxury travel for 2 of you. It means that you should take 8,400,000VND (~420USD) to 19,600,000VND (~980USD) for spending during 2 weeks in Vietnam for food and drinks.

What can you get in Vietnam for $100? ›

In Vietnam, USD $100 Can Get You:
  • 15-18 nights in a budget hotel, or 5-8 nights in a three-star accommodation in Hanoi.
  • 15-20 mid-priced restaurant meals.
  • 1 one-way trip from Hanoi to Da Nang via Livitrans luxury train.
Jun 26, 2019

How many iphone can I bring to Vietnam? ›

Passengers arriving in Vietnam are allowed to freely carry a second mobile phone for personal use. They, however, must pay a tax if it is worth more than VND10 million ($429).

Do US citizens need a visa for Vietnam? ›

Do United States Citizens Need a Visa to Vietnam? Yes. All US citizens need a visa to enter Vietnam for business or leisure trips.

How do I not get flagged at customs? ›

What to do?
  1. Use your full name when booking a plane ticket. This includes your middle name to reduce the chances that you'll get flagged because someone with a similar name is on some kind of watch list.
  2. Sign up for a Trusted Traveler Program. ...
  3. Request a “Redress Number” from the Department of Homeland Security.
Jun 21, 2019

Does customs check every item? ›

Shipments will typically be inspected by customs to ensure that the contents match what is being declared and the value of the goods is also declared correctly. There's not much you can do to speed up these customs inspections so it's often the best idea to wait.

Does customs go through your luggage? ›

If you're chosen for a search, customs agents will search your bags by hand or X-ray and ask you more questions about your trip.

What happens if you don't declare anything at customs? ›

If you do not declare something that should have been declared, you risk forfeiting the item. If in doubt, declare it.

Do I have to declare a purse at customs? ›

Travelers should declare all items being brought from abroad that will remain in the United States. This includes gifts and duty-free purchases.

Do I have to declare snacks at customs? ›

You must declare all food products. Failure to declare food products can result in up to $10,000 in fines and penalties. The following are generally admissible: Condiments: ketchup (catsup), mustard, mayonnaise, Marmite and Vegemite and prepared sauces that do not contain meat products.

Can you bring unopened food through customs? ›

Solid food items (not liquids or gels) can be transported in either your carry-on or checked bags. Liquid or gel food items larger than 3.4 oz are not allowed in carry-on bags and should be placed in your checked bags if possible.

What is the customs allowance for U.S. citizens? ›

In most cases, the personal exemption is $800, but there are some exceptions to this rule, which are explained below. Depending on the countries you have visited, your personal exemption will be $200, $800, or $1,600.

What products Cannot be shipped? ›

USPS Restricted Items
  • Intoxicating liquors.
  • Firearms.
  • Knives and sharp instruments.
  • Liquids, powders, and odor-producing materials.
  • Motor vehicle master keys and locksmithing devices.
  • Controlled substances and drugs.
  • Unsolicited promotional samples.
  • Building construction material.
Jun 24, 2019

What are the family customs in Vietnam? ›

In Vietnam, the family is patriarchal, patrilineal, and patrilocal, often with two to four generations under one roof. There is the immediate family (nha) and the extended family (ho). In Vietnam, the immediate family is the nuclear family plus the husband's parents and the grown sons' spouses and children.

What is tradition house in Vietnam? ›

Traditional houses in Vietnam were characterized by wooden structures topped by steep roofs. The roofs would be covered with fish-scale tiles and curve outwards, while beams and rafters held up the main building. In some places, stilt houses were built and the houses usually had an odd number of rooms.

What is the lifestyle like in Vietnam? ›

The lifestyle of Vietnamese people varies from region to region and between the young and old. there are, However, some aspects that remain unchanged tat have been passed down for generations. Vietnamese people have generally had a reputation for being kind, hospitable and hard-working.

What are some family customs? ›

20 family tradition examples
  • Swim on the first day of spring. ...
  • Make homemade gifts for Christmas, Hanukkah (or birthdays) ...
  • Go hiking in the same place or at the same time. ...
  • Have a movie night. ...
  • Visit the same restaurant. ...
  • Do a family digital detox. ...
  • Take up a new activity as a family. ...
  • Start a gratitude jar.
Dec 17, 2021

Is tipping a custom in Vietnam? ›

Tipping isn't mandatory or customary in Vietnam, but it is always appreciated. If you're happy with the services provided by waiters, drivers and other service workers, leaving a small tip is a good way to show your appreciation.

How do Vietnamese celebrate their culture? ›

Vietnamese folk dances are a vital part of the country's culture and heritage. The most popular dances include the Fan Dance, Lantern Dance, Lotus Dance, Flag Dance, Platter Dance, Candle Dance, Incense Dance, Hat Dance, Scarf Dance, Lion Dance, Ribbon Dance, and Water Puppetry.

What do you bring to a Vietnamese house? ›

If it is for children, chocolate, candies, toys, or lucky money are the best. If you visit someone's house, bring along fruits, liquids, or a box of confectionery. For charitable organizations, it is better to donate clothes, books, food, and other necessities.

What is dowry culture in Vietnam? ›

Half of the dowry will be given back to the groom family. This represents the bride's family showing humility and gratefulness for the groom's generosity. If chosen to do so, a reception is held before the next part of the ceremony. The groom will now bring the bride back to his home.

What is the superstitious belief in Vietnam? ›

Some examples include: Put mirrors in front of doors to scare away dragons. If the first person you see on your way to do business is a woman, you will have bad luck on your business trip and should try another day. Praising a newborn too much can cause the devils to steal it for its desirability.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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