USTDA – United States Trade and Development Agency (2024)

Promoting U.S. Exports, Developing Overseas Infrastructure

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency helps companies create U.S. jobs through the export of U.S. goods and services for priority infrastructure projects in emerging economies. USTDA links U.S. businesses to export opportunities by funding project preparation and partnership building activities that develop sustainable infrastructure and foster economic growth in partner countries.

USTDA generates an average of $231 in U.S. exports for every dollar it programs. Since its inception, the Agency has supported more than $119 billion in U.S. exports to infrastructure projects in emerging economies, helping companies create good-paying jobs across the United States.

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USTDA – United States Trade and Development Agency (1)

Mar 06, 2024

USTDA Advances Energy Sector Integration in Indonesia, Malaysia

Arlington, VA – Today, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) signed a grant agreement with Indonesian national utility PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) for a feasibility study to support of the development of two cross-border power interconnections between Indonesia and Malaysia. The project, which advances a key power sector objective for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), will facilitate efficient resource sharing to help meet growing energy demands, enhance energy security, and implement policies for clean energy and climate protection goals in both countries.

“Deploying this cross-border power transmission infrastructure will further Indonesia and Malaysia’s renewable energy, climate, and economic ambitions and catalyze benefits across ASEAN member nations,” said Enoh T. Ebong, USTDA’s Director. “This partnership with PLN holds great opportunity to expand economic development across Indonesia and Malaysia by connecting them and their partners to the technical and technology solutions offered by U.S. industry.”

Interconnections allow countries to share electricity across borders, which helps match power supply to local demand, and are particularly valuable for maximizing power generated by variable renewable energy sources. USTDA’s study will assess the feasibility of interconnections between Sumatra in Indonesia and peninsular Malaysia (Sumatra Interconnection) and between Kalimantan, Indonesia and Sabah, Malaysia (Kalimantan Interconnection).

Washington, D.C.-based advisory firm Delphos International, Ltd. will carry out the study in coordination with Malaysian power utilities Tenaga Nasional Berhad and Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd. The ASEAN Centre for Energy will support the project by engaging with the numerous stakeholders in both countries who will benefit from its implementation.

“The exploration of these interconnections is a critical step forward in enhancing our national and regional energy resilience as well as bringing mutual prosperity to the Southeast Asian region. This ambitious dream can only be achieved through collaboration, as demonstrated by the recent signing of the grant agreement between PLN and USTDA,” said President Director of PLN Darmawan Prasodjo.

Darmawan acknowledged while the establishment of this interconnected system poses challenges in terms of policy, technical, and commercial aspects, these obstacles can be overcome with a unified approach.

“Collaboration with USTDA allows us to leverage international expertise and resources, bringing us closer to realizing our vision for a more connected and sustainable power network across ASEAN,” added Darmawan.

This new infrastructure will form part of a network of 18 potential cross-border interconnections identified in the ASEAN Interconnection Masterplan Study, which was developed through funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development.

U.S. Ambassador to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Yohannes Abraham said, “Energy cooperation is a key part of the unprecedented expansion of U.S. engagement with ASEAN through our Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. USTDA’s partnership with PLN will enhance U.S. support of ASEAN’s clean energy transition, including through the development ofelectrical power interconnections for expanded regional power trade and system reliability. This partnership will strengthen connectivity and resilience in ASEAN.”

USTDA’s assistance advances several critical Biden Administration priorities, including the Indonesia Just Energy Transition Partnership and the U.S.-ASEAN Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. This support also promotes the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity, and USTDA’s Global Partnership for Climate-Smart Infrastructure.


The U.S. Trade and Development Agency helps companies create U.S. jobs through the export of U.S. goods and services for priority infrastructure projects in emerging economies. USTDA links U.S. businesses to export opportunities by funding project preparation and partnership building activities that develop sustainable infrastructure and foster economic growth in partner countries.

MEDIA INQUIRIES: Paul Marin | (703) 875-4357 |

USTDA Advances Energy Sector Integration in Indonesia, Malaysia

USTDA – United States Trade and Development Agency (2)

Mar 05, 2024

USTDA Supports Vietnam’s Business Climate for Medical Devices

Arlington, VA – The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) is supporting Vietnam’s efforts to develop regulations that will streamline its ability to procure top-tier medical devices from U.S. companies and strengthen the quality of healthcare in Vietnam.

From March 11-22, USTDA will host Vietnamese health officials in the United States to exchange information and solicit input from U.S. companies and government officials as the country develops its first-ever “Law on Medical Devices.” This law will develop a comprehensive regulatory framework for medical device registration and approval.

Nearly all medical device technologies in Vietnam are imported. As a result, the ability to meet hospitals’ needs for the latest healthcare innovations depends on quick and efficient device registration and licensing processes. Recognizing the importance of a streamlined system, Vietnam’sMinistry of Health is now drafting the country’s first comprehensive law governing all aspects of medical devices – from procurement to licensing and distribution – with the aim of aligning Vietnam’s healthcare policies and regulations with international best practices and standards.

USTDA’s delegation will travel to Boston, Minneapolis, and Washington, D.C., where they will join the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s International Medical Device Regulators Forum to meet counterparts from around the world who are working together to advance global regulatory harmonization and convergence in the medical devices field.

On March 13, USTDA will host a public business briefing in Washington, D.C., for U.S. companies to share insights with the delegation on how the U.S. healthcare industry and government work together, and the impact that medical device regulation has on driving innovation and investment. Participants will be able to meet one-on-one with delegates to discuss and share how the U.S. healthcare system and equipment generate value for health institutions and patients. For more information and registration, please visit

This USTDA reverse trade mission supports the U.S. government’sPartnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment to deliver game-changing projects to close the infrastructure gap in developing countries, and the U.S.-Vietnam Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’s effort to advance health cooperation.


The U.S. Trade and Development Agency helps companies create U.S. jobs through the export of U.S. goods and services for priority infrastructure projects in emerging economies. USTDA links U.S. businesses to export opportunities by funding project preparation and partnership building activities that develop sustainable infrastructure and foster economic growth in partner countries.


USTDA Supports Vietnam’s Business Climate for Medical Devices

USTDA – United States Trade and Development Agency (3)

Mar 04, 2024

USTDA Director Ebong Visits Indonesia, Promotes New Capital City Development and Regional Energy Integration

Arlington, VA – U.S. Trade and Development Agency Director Enoh T. Ebong will travel to Indonesia from March 6-8 to highlight and build upon the Agency’s ongoing support for the sustainable development of Indonesia’s new capital city, Nusantara. Director Ebong will also formalize USTDA funding for power interconnection projects between Indonesia and Malaysia.

“USTDA has a rich history of partnership with Indonesia, with a focus on advancing Indonesia’s infrastructure priorities that the U.S. private sector can support through cutting-edge innovations,” said Director Ebong. “Among our many other projects in the country, USTDA is here to support Indonesia’s efforts to build a world-class new capital city, a challenging endeavor that also creates numerous opportunities for cooperation. We share Indonesia’s commitment to developing the kind of high-quality infrastructure that will grow and sustain long-term prosperity across the country.”

USTDA is deploying the full breadth of its project preparation and partnership-building toolkit to support the development of Nusantara as a sustainable, efficient city centered on quality of life. While in Indonesia, Director Ebong will tour the future site of Nusantara, announce new commitments, and participate in associated USTDA-funded programming:

  • Nusantara Business Forum: Director Ebong will open USTDA’s Nusantara Business Forum, which will highlight smart city solutions and related commercial opportunities to advance the new capital city’s livability and sustainability.
  • Nusantara Procurement and Project Management Workshop: Under USTDA’s Global Procurement Initiative, Director Ebong will conclude a training workshop for more than 60 Indonesian officials from 12 government agencies to help optimize high-quality infrastructure procurement for Nusantara.
  • New Capital Reverse Trade Mission: Director Ebong will announce USTDA support for a reverse trade mission to the United States to familiarize Indonesian officials with U.S. smart city solutions.
  • Nusantara Smart City Technical Assistance: Director Ebong will announce new project preparation support for Nusantara’s smart city infrastructure.

Director Ebong will also announce USTDA funding to support power transmission interconnection projects between Indonesia and Malaysia. She will advance other local infrastructure priorities through meetings with USTDA grantees, Indonesian government officials, and U.S. and Indonesian private sector representatives.

Since 1992, USTDA has supported over 100 infrastructure development activities in Indonesia, which was USTDA’s largest country portfolio in the Indo-Pacific region in 2023. In 2021, the Agency opened an office at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, which has significantly increased the Agency’s ability to grow its local outreach in country. Indonesia has been a GPI partner country since 2021.

USTDA’s work in Indonesia advances Biden-Harris Administration priorities, including the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment and the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity. Funding for climate-related projects also supports the Indonesia Just Energy Transition Partnership and USTDA’sGlobal Partnership for Climate-Smart Infrastructure.


The U.S. Trade and Development Agency helps companies create U.S. jobs through the export of U.S. goods and services for priority infrastructure projects in emerging economies. USTDA links U.S. businesses to export opportunities by funding project preparation and partnership building activities that develop sustainable infrastructure and foster economic growth in partner countries.

MEDIA INQUIRIES: Paul Marin | (703) 875-4357 |

USTDA Director Ebong Visits Indonesia, Promotes New Capital City Development and Regional Energy Integration

USTDA – United States Trade and Development Agency (4)

Mar 01, 2024

USTDA, Philippines Partner on Maritime Safety

Arlington, VA – Today, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency announced that it has signed a grant agreement with the Philippines’ Department of Transportation (DOTr) for a feasibility study to assess the viability of developing an expanded vessel traffic management system (VTMS) in the Philippines. New and improved VTMS capabilities will help the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) prevent and respond to vessel collisions, environmental incidents, and other emergencies by expanding the PCG’s capabilities to monitor maritime traffic. The system will also make port access more efficient by reducing ship wait times and voyage costs.

“VTMS technology will improve trade, protect the environment, and save lives in the Philippines,” said Enoh T. Ebong, USTDA’s Director. “USTDA is pleased to partner with DOTr to expand opportunities for high-quality U.S. infrastructure solutions to benefit the Philippines’ overall maritime safety.”

Similar to air traffic control, VTMS provides active monitoring and navigational information for maritime vessels, particularly in congested ports and waterways. As a nation comprising more than 7,000 islands, more than 800 commercial ports, and growing vessel traffic activity, the Philippines seeks to expand its VTMS infrastructure to cover major ports and navigational paths. USTDA’s study will evaluate the performance of the PCG’s existing VTMS in the Cebu Strait, assess potential implementation of the system at up to ten additional locations across the country, and create detailed implementation plans.

“VTMS will promote efficient movement of people and goods through the Philippines’ island water corridors,” said Jaime J. Bautista, Philippines Secretary of Transportation. “It will be a key step that will empower the Philippine Coast Guard to level up their maritime security and marine environment protection capabilities.We look forward to continuing our partnerships with the U.S. Trade and Development Agency and the U.S. Embassy as we see the full potential of this system.”

“The USTDA grant will provide the DOTr and PCG with the necessary technical expertise and cutting-edge U.S. solutions to implement the project,” U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines MaryKay Carlson said at the ceremonial grant agreement signing held at the DOTr Central Office in Mandaluyong City. “This project will help protect marine ecosystems while improving maritime trade and commerce—two equally important and mutually reinforcing lines of effort to help improve Philippine lives and livelihoods.”

U.S. businesses interested in submitting proposals for the USTDA-funded feasibility study should visit

This study advances the goals of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy by promoting maritime cooperation with a key U.S. ally in the Indo-Pacific region.


The U.S. Trade and Development Agency helps companies create U.S. jobs through the export of U.S. goods and services for priority infrastructure projects in emerging economies. USTDA links U.S. businesses to export opportunities by funding project preparation and partnership building activities that develop sustainable infrastructure and foster economic growth in partner countries.


USTDA, Philippines Partner on Maritime Safety

USTDA – United States Trade and Development Agency (5)

Feb 22, 2024

USTDA, Indonesia Partner on Next Generation Network Deployment

Arlington, VA – Today, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency announced its award of a grant to Indonesia’s Ministry of Communication and Informatics (MCI) for a feasibility study to support the deployment of open radio access network (Open RAN) technology to provide cellular wireless connectivity to 1,621 unserved rural villages in Indonesia. MCI has selected the Open RAN industry association Telecom Infra Project, Inc. (TIP) to conduct the study.

“Our partnership with MCI will help to advance Indonesia’s universal access goals and leadership in the deployment of next generation network technologies,” said Enoh T. Ebong, USTDA’s Director. “This project will further leverage private sector financing to meet Indonesia’s digital infrastructure needs and create new opportunities for U.S. companies and trusted technology partners to offer solutions in one of the world’s largest telecom markets.”

Multiple U.S. technology providers are participating in the study by contributing equipment and technical expertise, including access equipment manufacturers Mavenir (Richardson, TX) and Parallel Wireless (Nashua, NH), and systems integrators IBM (Armonk, NY) and KCCTech (Walnut Creek, CA).

With funding from the Digital Connectivity and Cybersecurity Partnership, the study will assess the commercial and technical viability of deploying Open RAN technology to provide cellular wireless connectivity for unserved villages in Indonesia. The study will include field trials of Open RAN technology that will provide necessary data to inform the business model and investment decisions for implementation. The activity will also deliver capacity building workshops and training sessions to educate public and private sector stakeholders on technical aspects of Open RAN deployment.

“I welcome the partnership between MCI, USTDA and TIP in conducting a feasibility study related to the development of open RAN infrastructure to enhance connectivity in rural villages across Indonesia,” said Dr. Ir. Ismail MT, Director General of Postal and Information Resources and Equipment at MCI. “This collaboration represents a significant step forward in bridging the digital divide and achieving our national goals for universal access. By leveraging Open RAN’s flexibility and cost-effectiveness, we can connect remote communities and unlock their economic potential. I hope the implementation of Open RAN in Indonesia can also bring opportunities to local industries to participate in developing Open RAN and MNO to build networks more efficiently.”

“The TIP community is delighted to partner with USTDA and the Indonesian government to determine the feasibility of rolling out macro 4G Open RAN into deep rural Indonesia,” said Kristian Toivo, Executive Director of TIP. “This study is a landmark milestone in TIP’s multi-year Indonesia program, and its results will help unlock investment for the commercial deployment of U.S. and other trusted technology in more than 1,600 sites across remote parts of the country. TIP and the U.S. and Indonesian governments are taking a pioneering collaborative step that will drive Indonesia’s national digital inclusion objectives and serve as an example for other countries.”

Open RAN offers several advantages for island countries and rural areas where traditional communications infrastructure may be lacking or limited. These benefits can include lower deployment and operational costs, greater scalability and automation, more diversification and competition among technology suppliers, improved energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact of telecom infrastructure, and momentum towards 5G rollout.

USTDA’s support for this project advances the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment and the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity, with the goal of developing, expanding, and deploying secure digital infrastructure to power economic growth and facilitate open digital societies.


The U.S. Trade and Development Agency helps companies create U.S. jobs through the export of U.S. goods and services for priority infrastructure projects in emerging economies. USTDA links U.S. businesses to export opportunities by funding project preparation and partnership building activities that develop sustainable infrastructure and foster economic growth in partner countries.

MEDIA INQUIRIES: Paul Marin | (703) 875-4357 |

USTDA, Indonesia Partner on Next Generation Network Deployment

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Upcoming Events



Workshop on Regulatory Convergence for Healthcare Products in Southern Africa

March 12, 2024 - March 13, 2024

Johannesburg, South Africa


USTDA will convene U.S. and Southern African pharmaceutical and medical device companies, government representatives and multilateral partners for a two-day workshop to develop action-oriented outcomes that advance regulatory harmonization and improve market access for essential medical products in Africa.

View the flyer below for more information, and to register.

Workshop on Regulatory Convergence for Healthcare Products in Southern Africa



Vietnam Medical Device Regulation Business Briefing

March 13, 2024

Washington, DC

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 | 1:30 – 5 p.m. EDT | Washington, DC

As part of the Vietnam Healthcare Technologies (Medical Device Regulation Law) Reverse Trade Mission, USTDA will host a business briefing for U.S. companies to learn about Vietnam’s medical device projects and impacts of upcoming changes to medical device regulation in the country.This half-day event will include keynote addresses from industry leaders and discussions with Vietnamese government officials. A light reception will follow the business briefing.Individual registration is required byMonday, March 8, 2024.

View the flyer below for more details and visit the registration site to register.

Vietnam Medical Device Regulation Business Briefing



U.S.-Africa Green and Sustainable Financing Workshop

March 19, 2024 - March 20, 2024

Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

March 19-20 2024 – Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency, in collaboration with the African Development Bank,will host the U.S.-Africa Green and Sustainable Financing Workshop in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on March 19-20, 2024.The workshop will bring together U.S. and African project development and financing stakeholders to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and catalyze partnerships to mobilize financing for green and sustainable infrastructure projects across Africa.

Click the flyer below for more information and for details on event registration.

U.S.-Africa Green and Sustainable Financing Workshop



U.S.- Thailand Healthcare Workshop: Driving Healthcare Innovation and Ease of Doing Business in Thailand

April 2, 2024 - April 3, 2024

Bangkok, Thailand | Virtual

April 2-3, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand | Virtual

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency, American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand, and Eastern Economic Corridor Office of Thailand are co-hosting a two-day workshop focused on showcasing U.S. healthcare innovations and making Thailand a leading medical hub for comprehensive healthcare. The workshop will convene U.S. industry and government and their Thai counterparts to collaborate on best practices, policies, laws, regulations, and business opportunities in Thailand’s healthcare industry.

For more information, including how to register, visit the event website.

This workshop is the second in USTDA’s HealthTech Indo-Pacific Workshop Series.The series of five workshops across Southeast Asia brings together industry experts, government representatives, and healthcare stakeholders to discuss crucial topics for the growth and development of the region’s healthcare industry.

U.S.- Thailand Healthcare Workshop: Driving Healthcare Innovation and Ease of Doing Business in Thailand



Indonesia: New Capital Smart City Business Briefing and Financing Roundtable

April 24, 2024

New York, NY

April 24, 2024 | Citibank Headquarters | New York, NY

USTDA is hosting a half-day program for U.S. smart city solution providers to engage with Indonesian government officials on opportunities related to development of Indonesia’s new capital city, Nusantara. This business briefing will allow U.S. companies to hear firsthand about upcoming commercial opportunities and meet one-on-one with delegates to present their solutions.

View the workshop flyer below for more details and to register.

Indonesia: New Capital Smart City Business Briefing and Financing Roundtable



6th Indo-Pacific Business Forum

May 21, 2024

Manila, Philippines | Virtual

The sixth Indo-Pacific Business Forum will be held on May 21, 2024, in Manila, Philippines with a hybrid livestream component for remote participation. Co-hosted by USTDA and the Government of the Philippines, in partnership with the U.S. Department of State, IPBF will convene government and private-sector leaders from the United States and across the Indo-Pacific region to build partnerships and share their insights on the latest trends, opportunities, and solutions to support infrastructure in the region’s emerging economies. This year’s event will feature enhanced matchmaking to advance business partnerships.

Additional information on the IPBF program and registration is forthcoming at

6th Indo-Pacific Business Forum

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USTDA is organized into four regions around the world. Select a region below to learn more.

USTDA – United States Trade and Development Agency (6)



USTDA – United States Trade and Development Agency (7)

Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean

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Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Eurasia

Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Eurasia

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Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa

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Special Initiatives

USTDA – United States Trade and Development Agency (10)

Global Partnership for Climate-Smart Infrastructure

Global Partnership for Climate-Smart Infrastructure

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Global Procurement Initiative

Global Procurement Initiative

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Making Global Local

Making Global Local

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USTDA – United States Trade and Development Agency (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.