Using your RRSP for a down payment on an investment property - Alpine Credits Ltd (2024)

While using your RRSP to buy an investment property might seem like a great idea, there are many things to consider before cashing out. Keep reading to learn more about why this may not be such a smart move and how Alpine Credits can help you secure better financing.

The basics of using your RRSP to buy an investment property

Unfortunately, you can’t hold real estate within a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP). The Canadian government designed this account for assets such as cash, GICs, and stocks (known as “qualified investments”).

Using your RRSP to buy investment property would mean selling these assets and withdrawing the cash. As we mentioned in this article, the government doesn’t stop you from doing just that, even well before you reach retirement age.

You simply have to pay taxes on the amount you withdraw, which would be the case even in retirement.

There are other financial consequences of cashing your RRSP out to purchase an investment property, which we’ll explore shortly.

Using your RRSP for a down payment on an investment property - Alpine Credits Ltd (1)

What about the home buyers’ plan?

The Home Buyers’ Plan is a federal program designed to help Canadians buy their first residence. It allows qualifying home buyers to withdraw funds from their RRSPs tax-free as long as they replenish it within 15 years.

Unfortunately, you can’t use this program to purchase an investment property. The Home Buyers’ Plan is meant specifically for purchasing your first primary residence.

Using your LIRA for a down payment on a house

A locked-in retirement account, as its name suggests, is fairly restrictive. You’re not allowed to remove money from this account except in extreme circ*mstances. Purchasing an investment property would not qualify.

Why using your RRSP for a down payment on an investment property may not be a good idea

The problem with cashing funds out of your RRSP to purchase an investment property is that the associated taxes and opportunity costs expose you to significant financial risks.

RRSP withdrawals are taxed as ordinary income. If you have income from another source (i.e. your job), your withdrawal may push you into a much higher tax bracket. In other words, it may not leave you with as large a down payment as you might expect.

The opportunity cost involved with pulling money out of your RRSP early can be even greater. As the stock market continues to reach record highs, withdrawing your funds prematurely robs you of future growth opportunities.

Of course, the right real estate investment can offset some of these losses. However, keep in mind that investment property income is taxed as well. Selling your investment property also incurs substantial taxes, which wouldn’t be the case with your primary residence.

Additionally, pulling money out of the stock market and piling it into a single asset such as a house can threaten your portfolio’s asset allocation and risk profile.

Thankfully, there are other ways to invest in real estate without exposing yourself to these downsides. Let’s take a look at that now.

Alternatives to using your RRSP to buy an investment property

Buying REITs

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) behave much like stocks, allowing you to invest in residential and commercial properties without the need for a substantial investment. You can hold REITs from directly within your RRSP as well, benefitting from years of tax-free growth and dividends.

The accessible nature of REITs has made them tremendously popular among people who want to invest in real estate without pulling money out of their retirement accounts.

Using your home equity

Let’s be real. While REITs are great, they don’t offer the tangible benefits of owning an investment property. You can’t collect rent or make improvements that have a direct impact on your investment’s value.

Thankfully, you can unlock these and all other benefits of owning an investment property by tapping into your existing home’s equity and using those funds for a down payment. You can even buy an investment property outright if you have enough equity in your home!

Home equity loans are incredibly simple. At Alpine Credits, we take your home’s value and subtract the amount remaining on your mortgage. The resulting number represents the equity you have built up in your home. Whether this amount is $10,000 or $500,000, we can lend you those funds for just about anything you want, including to purchase an investment property.

Click here to learn more about how our home equity loans work for property investors.

Benefits of using a home equity loan to buy an investment property

Here’s a quick rundown on the benefits of using a home equity loan to buy an investment property.

Easy application and approval process

You can receive a decision on your home equity loan application within 24 hours. At Alpine Credits, we also don’t grill you on your income and credit score or get involved in your investment property purchasing decision. We trust you to make wise investment decisions for yourself and will happily give you a loan, even if you don’t have any income. As long as you have available equity in your home, we’ve got you covered!

Conversely, traditional banks are increasingly cautious about issuing conventional mortgages to real estate investors. You’ll need to prove that you’re capable of maintaining the preferred debt-to-income ratio of 36% or less while paying your mortgage and that of the investment property.

Crucially, many banks exclude your property’s investment income (i.e. rent) from this calculation. In other words, you’ll need to have traditional employment income capable of paying both mortgages without pushing your debt-to-income ratio above 36%. This is an extremely high barrier to entry. Home equity loans include no such limitation.

Low interest rates

After getting turned down at traditional banks, many hopeful real estate investors turn to private mortgage lenders. While it’s much easier to get approval from these lenders, they also charge exorbitant interest rates.

At Alpine Credits, our rates are very competitive and reflect our commitment to helping Canadians tap into their home equity easily and affordably. Compare our interest rates to those of other lenders here.


If you change plans after getting approved for a home equity loan from Alpine Credits, no worries! The money is yours to use as needed, even if that involves buying a different property than you initially intended or scrapping the idea altogether in favor of renovating your existing home.

Banks, meanwhile, have much tighter rules about what you’re allowed to do with the loan. This means substantially less flexibility than you’d get with a home equity loan.

No down payment requirements

If you have substantial equity in your home, you may be able to purchase an investment property without the need for a down payment. This would never be allowed at traditional banks, which typically require down payments as high as 20% of the purchase price.

Frequently asked questions

Can I use my LIRA for a down payment on a house?

A locked-in retirement account (LIRA) typically does not allow you to withdraw funds prematurely to purchase a home. Once the account reaches maturity, however, you’re free to use the money as you please. If you’d like to purchase a home prior to that, you’ll need to secure some other form of funding, such as a home equity loan.

Can I use my RRSP to buy a cottage?

If the cottage will be your primary residence, you can take advantage of the Home Buyers’ Plan to pull money out of your RRSP tax-free. You’ll just need to repay that loan within 15 years. If the cottage is a second home or an investment property, however, you would not qualify for the Home Buyers’ Plan.


While there’s nothing stopping you from using your RRSP for a down payment on an investment property (or even to cover the full purchase price), this is typically inadvisable. We hope this article has offered valuable insights into why that is.

If you’d like to apply for a home equity loan in order to purchase an investment property, click here. We look forward to serving you!

At Alpine Credits, Homeowners Get Approved.

Apply now or call (1-800-587-2161) to find out how you can subscribe for RESP through your home equity.

Using your RRSP for a down payment on an investment property - Alpine Credits Ltd (2024)


Can I use a Heloc for down payment? ›

A HELOC works much like a credit card, providing the borrower with a credit limit rather than a lump sum. The borrower only has to pay back the amount borrowed and funds can be used for almost any purpose, including making a down payment on a second home.

How does Capital Direct Flexi line work? ›

With Capital Direct Home Equity Flexi Line you can take what you need when you need it, and pay it down when it works for you. Pay back at your own pace minimum payment requirements. Pay some, borrow some more. It's a perfect way to deal with unexpected expenses or plan for desired renovations.

What is an Alpine loan? ›

A loan from Alpine Credits is simply a mortgage against your property or any other real estate you own. We offer first, second and, in certain cases, third mortgages. You can borrow for needs such as a home renovation, debt consolidation, starting a business, temporary needs, and more.

When can you borrow against your mortgage? ›

How Soon Can You Get A HELOC After Purchasing A Home? A HELOC can be obtained 30-45 days after the purchase of a home. However, borrowers will need to meet all of the necessary lender requirements, including 15-20% equity in home, good repayment history, and more.

Is there anything you Cannot use a HELOC for? ›

It's not a good idea to use a HELOC to fund a vacation, buy a car, pay off credit card debt, pay for college, or invest in real estate. If you fail to make payments on a HELOC, you could lose your house to foreclosure.

How do I use equity as a down payment? ›

How do you use equity as a down payment? You can tap into your home equity with a home equity loan, a HELOC, a cash-out refinance, or a short-term loan program. Each of these options allows you to liquidate a portion of your equity so you can use it for a down payment on your next property.

Is line of credit more flexible than loan? ›

A line of credit is a flexible loan from a financial institution that consists of a defined amount of money that you can access as needed. You can repay what you borrow from a line of credit immediately or over time in regular minimum payments. Interest is charged on a line of credit as soon as money is borrowed.

How does the line of credit work at Advance financial? ›

A line of credit gives you the flexibility to borrow money, repay some of it, and then borrow again. It works just like a credit card and the interest doesn't begin until you use the money. After you use some of the funds, interest will be charged until you repay those funds.

Is Flex loan same as line of credit? ›

A flex loan is an open line of credit that's unsecured. After approval, you can use your flex loan account to withdraw funds up to your approved credit limit at any time. They're similar to a personal line of credit except your rate and borrowing limit isn't dependent on your credit score.

What is a flipper loan? ›

Flipper loans are specifically designed to finance the purchase and repair of property investments. After the property is bought, the flipper loan allows real estate investors to apply their strategies: whether they choose to fix and flip, or fix and rent, their real estate investment.

What is a fig loan? ›

A Fig Loan is an installment loan, where all payments are the same size and the interest rate remains the same over the loan term (fixed interest rate). An average Fig Loan is paid off in equal payments over a period of 4 months.

What is dolphin loan? ›

We offer fast and friendly finance to businesses and individuals throughout the UK. We provide Secured and Unsecured loans as well as Guarantor loans. We also specialise in short term Bridging finance. Website External link for Dolphin Loans.

What not to say to a mortgage lender? ›

Here are some crazy things would-be home buyers have said to lenders, and why they're cause for concern.
  • 'I need to get an extra insurance quote due to … ...
  • 'I can't believe how much work the house needs before we move in' ...
  • 'Please don't tell my spouse what's on my credit report'
Dec 5, 2016

What is the monthly payment on a $50000 HELOC? ›

Loan payment example: on a $50,000 loan for 120 months at 7.50% interest rate, monthly payments would be $593.51. Payment example does not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums.

What disqualifies you from getting a home equity loan? ›

Borrowers with credit scores below 680 may have a more difficult time qualifying for a HELOC. It's important to note that lenders also consider a borrower's credit history in addition to their score. Borrowers with a history of late payments or other negative credit events may have a harder time qualifying for a HELOC.

Do I need an appraisal for a HELOC? ›

Is an appraisal required with a HELOC? In general, a new appraisal will be required to qualify for a home equity line of credit. Though, some credit unions and banks will use county assessments and automated value models.

Why can't i get a HELOC on an investment property? ›

Not many lenders offer HELOCs on investment properties. An investment property is inherently riskier than a primary residence, so lenders charge higher rates for any type of financing attached to one, including a HELOC.

Is a HELOC a 2nd mortgage? ›

A second mortgage is another home loan taken out against an already-mortgaged property. They are usually smaller than a first mortgage. The two most common types of second mortgages are home equity loans and home equity lines of credit (HELOC).

Can I borrow my down payment? ›

Yes, you can get a loan for a down payment. There are several loan options you can explore to cover a down payment, including: Borrow Against the Equity in Another Property. Borrow from Friends and Family.

How can I get equity out of my house without refinancing? ›

Home equity loans and HELOCs are two of the most common ways homeowners tap into their equity without refinancing. Both allow you to borrow against your home equity, just in slightly different ways. With a home equity loan, you get a lump-sum payment and then repay the loan monthly over time.

How do you use equity in a property to buy another? ›

Once you have equity, you can turn it into cash using a home equity loan. These loans are types of second mortgages that allow you to borrow against your equity and get a portion of it back in cash. You then repay the loan via monthly payments—often over many years.

What are the disadvantages of a line of credit? ›

Cons of a line of credit
  • With easy access to money from a line of credit, you may get into serious financial trouble if you don't control your spending.
  • If interest rates increase, you may have difficulty paying back your line of credit.
Feb 15, 2023

What is a strong credit line? ›

A good credit limit is above $30,000, as that is the average credit card limit, according to Experian. To get a credit limit this high, you typically need an excellent credit score, a high income and little to no existing debt.

Is it bad to have too much credit line? ›

Having too many open credit lines, even if you're not using them, can hurt your credit score by making you look more risky to lenders. Having multiple active accounts also makes it more challenging to control spending and keep track of payment due dates.

What credit score is needed for Advance Financial? ›

Feature Breakdown
Credit Score Range300 - 700 850 300 700
Minimum Age18
Supported Income TypesDirect Deposit (W2, SSA, SSDI) Payroll Check or Prepaid Card
Verification Documents RequiredDriver License (or other photo ID) Proof of citizenship/residence (Green Card) Recent Pay Stubs Proof of Income
4 more rows

Does a flex loan affect your credit score? ›

Taking out a Citi Flex Loan does have the potential to impact your credit score in a negative way. The loan increases your percentage of credit utilization and amounts owed, which makes up 30 percent of your FICO credit score.

What is the difference between a credit line and a cash advance credit line? ›

The cash advance limit is the maximum amount of cash that can be withdrawn against a credit card's balance. With most credit cards this will be considerably lower than the credit limit itself. Cash advances come with high fees and above-average interest rates, that's why we advise against them.

What are the downsides of a flex loan? ›

However, flex loans aren't always a good choice. Here are some drawbacks to keep in mind: High interest rates, sometimes up to 200% APR or more. Minimum payments might not cover more than interest and fees, which could keep you in debt longer.

Is it harder to get a loan or a line of credit? ›

Lenders often have higher credit score requirements for lines of credit compared to personal loans. For example, borrowers should aim to have a minimum credit score of 670 when applying for a line of credit. However, there are personal loans available that only require scores of at least 580.

What is a 12 3 flex loan? ›

12-3 Flex solar loan begins with a 12 month deferred payment period from the time your solar system is installed. We then give you three opportunities to adjust your monthly payments by paying down your loan balance. Those opportunities come at months 12, 24, and 36.

What is the 70% rule for house flippers? ›

Put simply, the 70 percent rule states that you shouldn't buy a distressed property for more than 70 percent of the home's after-repair value (ARV) — in other words, how much the house will likely sell for once fixed — minus the cost of repairs.

What is a H4P loan? ›

The HECM for Purchase or H4P is a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insured home loan that allows seniors to use the equity from the sale of a previous residence to buy their next primary home in one transaction.

What is an accordion loan? ›

Debt accordions are provisions that allow a borrower to increase the maximum allowed on a credit line or add a term loan to it. The interest rate on the extended credit, along with most other terms, often remains the same as on the original credit line.

What is an ABC loan? ›

The Areawide Business Council (ABC) Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) provides low interest financing for new and expanding businesses.

What is a Mashonisa loan? ›

Anyone who lends money to people in his or her community but is not a registered lender with the National Credit Regulator is referred to as a mashonisa. A mashonisa is essentially anyone in your community who is willing to lend money to people in need. These loans are typically of a month's duration or less.

What is juicy loan? ›

Noun. juice loan (plural juice loans) (slang, US) A loan at usurious interest rates, normally made by organised criminals.

What is hippo loan? ›

If you need a loan to purchase new medical equipment, digitize patient records, or for debt consolidation, Hippo Lending can help. You'll get competitive rates from a lender that's not a bank. We're a commercial lender focused solely on serving healthcare professionals.

What is Mariner loan? ›

We offer personal loans from $1,000 to $25,000, with minimum and maximum amounts dependent on an applicant's state of residence and the underwriting of the loan. Loans between $1,500 and $15,000 may be funded online. Loans greater than $15,000 or less than $1,500 are funded through our branch network.

What is a bamboo loan? ›

A Bamboo personal loan

With flexible terms from 12 to 60 months, and one fixed monthly repayment, you can better manage your finances. We don't charge any late or missed payment fees. It can also be a good way to build up your credit score by consistently making your payments on time.

What lenders don t want you to know? ›

10 Secrets Mortgage Lenders Don't Want You to Know
  • You don't need a perfect credit score. ...
  • There's no such thing as “no closing costs” ...
  • You can make extra principal-only payments. ...
  • A 30-year loan isn't your only option. ...
  • You can shop for mortgage lenders. ...
  • Mortgage forbearance is possible.
Apr 3, 2023

What is the most your mortgage should not exceed? ›

The 28% rule

The 28% mortgage rule states that you should spend 28% or less of your monthly gross income on your mortgage payment (e.g., principal, interest, taxes and insurance).

Should I disclose all my bank accounts to mortgage lender? ›

Do I have to disclose all bank accounts to a mortgage lender? If a bank account has funds you'll use to help you qualify for a mortgage, you must disclose it to your lender. That includes any account with savings or regular cash flow which will help you cover your monthly mortgage payments.

What is the average monthly payment on a $50000 loan? ›

How much would a monthly payment be on a $50,000 personal loan? If you take a $50,000 personal loan at a 6.99% interest rate and a 12-year repayment term your monthly payment should be around $462. If you take the full 12 years to repay the loan you should pay about $16,556 in interest.

How much is too much for a HELOC? ›

While many lenders cap their loan-to-value limits at 80%-85%, some lenders allow you to borrow up to 90% of your home's value using a HELOC. Keep in mind that the maximum HELOC limit includes both your HELOC amount and any existing mortgage balance(s) on the home.

What is the monthly payment on a $150 000 home equity loan? ›

At a 7.00% fixed interest rate, your monthly mortgage payment on a 30-year $150,000 mortgage might total $998 a month, while a 15-year might cost $1,348 a month.
See your monthly payments by interest rate.
InterestMortgage termMonthly payments
8.00%30 years$1,101
8.25%15 years$1,455
8.25%30 years$1,127
19 more rows
Feb 7, 2023

Can a retired person get a HELOC? ›

If you're retired, you might be wondering whether you can obtain a home equity loan. The good news is, yes, you can! In addition to home equity loans, there are other options available to you that may be more suitable for your unique needs.

What credit score is required for a HELOC? ›

What is the minimum credit score to qualify for a home equity loan or HELOC? Although different lenders have various credit score requirements, most typically require you to have a minimum credit score of 620.

What credit score do I need for home equity loan? ›

Credit score: At least 620

In many cases, lenders will set a minimum credit score of 620 to qualify for a home equity loan — though the limit can be as high as 660 or 680 in some cases. However, there may still be options for home equity loans with bad credit.

Can you use a HELOC as a first mortgage? ›

A first lien HELOC is a line of credit and mortgage in one. They are considered open end mortgages. It often works by replacing your existing mortgage, taking over as first lien or first mortgage.

What is the minimum down payment for HELOC? ›

For a home equity loan or HELOC, lenders typically require you to have at least 15 percent to 20 percent equity in your home.

Does a HELOC count against PMI? ›

Does a Home Equity Loan Affect PMI? If your PMI has already been canceled, your lender can't reinstate it. So, in this case, a home equity loan will not affect PMI. However, if you're still paying PMI, a home equity loan will increase your LTV ratio—and the amount of time you'll be required to pay PMI.

Can I use my HELOC on an investment property? ›

You can use the funds from a HELOC for a down payment on an investment or rental property. However, since your primary residence serves as collateral for the credit line in this instance, it's important to evaluate your potential return on investment before tying up these funds in another property.

Is it harder to get a HELOC than a mortgage? ›

Credit score: Although the standard credit score needed for a first mortgage is around 620, HELOCs tend to be more difficult to obtain.

Why is my first HELOC payment so high? ›

Home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) generally have variable interest rates, which can eventually lead to higher monthly payments. HELOC borrowers who initially make interest-only payments face dramatically higher monthly payments once the interest-only period expires.

Is a HELOC different than a second mortgage? ›

The big difference between a HELOC and a second mortgage is that a HELOC enables you to borrow money over time, whereas a second mortgage typically gives you proceeds from the loan all at once.

What is the monthly payment on a $50 000 HELOC? ›

Loan payment example: on a $50,000 loan for 120 months at 7.50% interest rate, monthly payments would be $593.51. Payment example does not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums.

What is the payment on a 500k HELOC? ›

At 5% interest over 15 years, you should expect to pay around $4,000 per month.
The Bottom Line
  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. ...
  • Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Advice. ...
  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

What debt-to-income ratio do you need for a HELOC? ›

Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is the percentage of your monthly income that goes toward paying your debt. While the percentage requirement can vary by lender, you can safely expect to need a DTI ratio of less than 47% to be approved for a HELOC.

Does my home have to be appraised for a HELOC? ›

When you apply for a HELOC, lenders typically require an appraisal to get an accurate property valuation. That's because your home's value—along with your mortgage balance and creditworthiness—determines whether you qualify for a HELOC, and if so, the amount you can borrow against your home.

What do underwriters look for in a HELOC? ›

The most critical HELOC requirement is an assessment of the combined loan-to-value (CLTV) ratio on your property that an underwriter will perform. CLTV is calculated by dividing the sum of the remaining balance owed on your mortgage and all the other loans tied to your property by the appraised value.

What are the limitations on a HELOC? ›

With a HELOC, you can typically borrow up to 85 percent of your home's value, minus outstanding mortgage payments, which means that these loans won't work for borrowers who don't have considerable equity built up in their home — that is, they don't own a substantial percentage of it outright.

Can you write off HELOC interest on a rental property? ›

HELOC interest can be tax deductible if it meets the IRS guidelines. The rules are the same for a home equity loan and HELOC. This means the loans must not exceed the stated loan limits, and you must prove you used the funds to buy, build, or improve a home.

Is HELOC on rental property tax deductible? ›

You can only deduct interest on up to $750,00 in combined mortgages, home equity loans, and HELOCs ($350,000 if you're married and filing separately). You can't deduct interest from a HELOC if you use the funds to pay for another property, such as to buy a rental home or repair your vacation home.

What percentage can you get for HELOC on investment property? ›

Requirements are stricter

Lenders may require higher credit scores (720-740), lower debt-to-income ratios, and bigger cash reserves to qualify for an investment property HELOC. In addition, you can likely only borrow up to 75% of your property value, compared to 85% or 90% when using a HELOC on a primary residence.

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.