Using Social Media to Maximize their Supply Chain Communication – Social Media for Business Performance (2024)

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Naomi Lai July 12, 2016

There’s no denying that social media has become a part of our every day lives. It has evolved far beyond individual and personal use, and is now a necessity in the business world. You would be hard pressed to find a company without a Facebook page, and any one that doesn’t won’t be around for very long. Even a business like Camp Grounded, a summer camp for adults that is built on the concept of “unplugging” and leaving all of your electronics at the door 1, has their own Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts on which they do their advertising. It is used everywhere. And while the primary function of social media among businesses is to stay connected with customers and to carry an online presence, it can also be used as a way to increase efficiency and improve upon supply chain management.

One major issue most companies face when managing their supply chain is communication. It’s important that all suppliers and manufacturers work together, but especially if different components are being sourced from different time zones, maintaining efficient communication can be challenging. This is where social media comes into play; it’s all about communication! If used correctly, social media should help the supply chain become more streamlined and efficient.2

Tesla Motors is an American company that designs and manufactures luxury electric vehicles. It was founded in 2003 by 5 men including Elon Musk, who remains to be the CEO and face of the company today.3 Tesla is well known for it’s innovative designs and technologies, so it’s no surprise that they have found an innovative way to use social media for their supply chain management as well. They don’t just use any old social media platform, they created their own. The Tesla Motors Supplier Portal is a private intranet that allows Tesla to communicate with everyone along the supply chain which provides collaboration and clarity. When everyone can stay in the loop and access information at a time that works best for them, efficiency and productivity are no doubt improved.

With their online “Design Studio”, shoppers can view and customize their order right from their computer screens, which eliminates another step and increases efficiency. Unlike most car companies, Tesla doesn’t own multiple lots around the world where hundreds of existing cars are parked and ready to be driven home. Instead, they have a series of smaller locations (which they refer to as galleries) where one or two cars are on display, and interested buyers can set up a time to go for a test drive in the model of their choice.4From there they can order their new vehicle with all of the desired customizations and then have it delivered straight to their home. Making the “Design Studio” an available online option creates a more efficient business to consumer sale, while still providing a fun and interactive shopping experience for the customer.

Lessons for Others

Social media is a great tool to incorporate into a business supply chain. As we have seen with Tesla, the creation of their own social media network helped to maximize efficient and clear communication. The Supplier Portal enables communication between all organizations involved, which is a key component to managing any supply chain well.
While Tesla has been making good use of social media for themselves so far, there are undoubtedly still many other innovations to come. Who knows? Maybe your company will be the next to find a new way to use social media to revolutionize the supply chain.

Organization: Tesla Motors
Industry: Automobile
Name of Organization Contact: George McBride, Product Specialist

Authored by: Naomi Lai

If you have concerns as to the accuracy of anything posted on this site, please send your concerns to Peter Carr, Program Director, Social Media for Business Performance.


About Tesla. (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2016, from

Camp Grounded – Summer Camp for Adults – Digital Detox. (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2016, from

Hardy, J. M. (n.d.). UNENDER – Tesla Motors. Retrieved July 12, 2016, from

Hinchliff, A. (2015, August 24). You Should Be Using Social Media to Improve Supply Chain Management. Retrieved July 12, 2016, from

Using Social Media to Maximize their Supply Chain Communication – Social Media for Business Performance (2024)


How does social media enhance the supply chain? ›

For supply chains to work effectively, businesses must be able to communicate easily with partners, vendors, and customers. Social media provides an avenue through which these parties can stay in touch, build relationships, and provide feedback on each other's quality of service.

How does social media affect supply chain management? ›

Social media is about building relationships, and it can be used in a supply chain to build and grow relationships among trading partners. Information and knowledge gathered from the use of social media by supply chain partners can provide insight into various issues of the supply chain, industry, competition, etc.

How social media stimulates supply and demand? ›

Shippers can use their social media channels to tap into consumers' buying habits. A consumer who tweets a message endorsing one of your products can indicate an increase in demand. Thus, managers can prepare by adjusting supply.

How does social media contribute to value chain activities? ›

The social media value chain charts the customer's path until the desired outcome of a purchase, at which point the person becomes a brand ambassador who generate leads for your business. That result is the holy grail outcome for a social media value chain.

What are the benefits of social supply chain? ›

At its simplest, the social supply chain connects people who have a problem – or who need information – with other people who can resolve their problem or provide the required information. Critically, they don't need to already know and have a relationship with these people.

How social media helps business flow? ›

Social media can help you engage with your customers and find out what people are saying about your business. You can also use social media for advertising, promotional giveaways and mobile applications. Social media can help your business to: attract customers, get customer feedback and build customer loyalty.

What is the impact of communication in supply chain? ›

Communication helps your team stay in touch with stakeholders and suppliers to ensure a positive end-to-end experience. And effective communication spans far beyond face-to-face or mobile interactions.

How does communication affect supply chain? ›

Poor communication is one of the biggest roadblocks to an efficient supply chain. Without the channels to facilitate strong communication, issues can't be raised quickly enough, leading to a waste of products and materials in addition to a build-up of backlogs. Ultimately, this means demand isn't being met.

What are examples of social responsibility in supply chain? ›

Companies need to be aware of the following areas of social responsibilities as they pertain to the supply chain: human rights (including working conditions, slave labor, and child labor), occupational health and safety, as well as sustainable production and environmental practices.

How does social media increase productivity? ›

Social collaboration tools encourage employees to share not only job-related information, but also the details of their lives outside of work. This helps team members form more personal connections, which in turn reduce tension and improve communication over the entire life of a project.

How does social media promote products and services? ›

Allows businesses to reach new consumers: Through social media advertising, businesses can target product ads to social media users who's interests align with their product offerings. This helps businesses gain new social media followers, more website traffic and increased sales.

Which strategy uses social media in attracting customers? ›

Social media marketing means using social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to promote your brand and sell your product or service. If your business comes out with a new item and you plan to promote the launch on social media, that's social media marketing.

How does social media create value for business? ›

It also enables a company to reach a large number of people at a low cost. The number of followers, shares and the reach (how many people have seen the post) can impact the value of your brand. With an effective social media plan in place, a company may be able to secure a higher valuation at the time of sale.

What is the value of using social media? ›

In general, social media groups can provide: a sense of belonging and community. access to support from like-minded individuals. an appreciation of different perspectives.

What are 5 advantages of effective supply chain management? ›

Important benefits of supply chain management
  • Better collaboration with suppliers.
  • Better quality control.
  • Shipping optimisation.
  • Reduced inventory and overhead costs.
  • Improved risk mitigation.
  • Stronger cash flow.
  • A more agile business.
  • Better visibility and data analytics.
Jan 26, 2022

Why is supply chain important in business? ›

Supply chain management is vital to society, providing the mechanism for getting products into the hands of consumers, from essential staples such as food and medicine to luxury items. In business, supply chain management allows manufacturers to make as many products as needed to meet market demand.

How does supply chain strategy support the business strategy? ›

A supply chain strategy explains how a company will bring goods into the business and get them out to customers as effectively as possible. Considering every phase in the supply chain, such as sourcing goods, logistics and delivery, the strategy optimizes operations to reduce costs and maximize profits.

What are the 5 main reasons businesses use social media? ›

Benefits of social media for growth
  • Increase website traffic. Social media posts and ads are key ways to drive traffic to your website. ...
  • Generate leads. Social media offers an easy and low-commitment way for potential customers to express interest in your business and your products. ...
  • Boost sales. ...
  • Partner with influencers.

How can social media impact communication in business? ›

Social media has provided a platform where businesses, of any size, are able to network and communicate with customers on a more personal level. Instead of simply trying to sell their products or services, the business is able to create relationships and get customers more accustomed to the brand.

What are the 5 benefits of social media? ›

Here are five advantages of social media use:
  • Build relationships. Social media is used for more than just brand-customer interaction. ...
  • Share your expertise. You have the chance to talk about what you know and what you want to be recognized for on social media. ...
  • Increase your visibility. ...
  • Educate yourself. ...
  • Connect anytime.
Sep 20, 2022

What is the impact of supply chain on company performance? ›

The positive impact of supply chain performance on organizational performance is accomplished through improved supply chain efficiency, flexibility, responsiveness and quality. Efficiency is the input to output ratio; higher efficiency indicates higher output (revenue) generated with lesser input (costs).

How do you communicate in supply chain? ›

Here are some tips from business communications experts for how small business owners can effectively address supply chain challenges and manage customer expectations.
  1. Listen and empathize. ...
  2. Be transparent and proactive. ...
  3. Use multiple touchpoints. ...
  4. Offer rewards. ...
  5. Build a feedback loop.
Feb 21, 2023

How effective communication improves supplier relationships? ›

Effective communication between buyers suppliers helps support long-term goals by building a strong and trusting relationship in which both parties are comfortable sharing information and working together to support these goals.

Why communication technology is important in supply chain management? ›

Increased Productivity

A smooth flow of information, new technologies, and effective communication increases the productivity of all entities in the supply chain. It is like an initiation for product movement.

What are the impacts of communication in business? ›

It enhances human relations by effective coordination between the individual and the organization. It connects all the management functions to achieve common goals. Thus communication plays a significant role in the coordination of group effort and all activities of different departments in the business organization.

What is social responsibility in supply chain management? ›

What is Supply Chain CSR? Supply chain CSR is when companies that make up a supply chain work together to share, understand, and work to fix environmental and social problems within the supply chain.

What is the social societal aspect of sustainable supply chain management? ›

The social dimension of sustainability across the supply chain is primarily concerned with ensuring that supply chain partners manage their operations in a way that promotes: health and safety, a supportive working environment, human rights standards, labor rights, and measures aimed at improving ethical practices at ...

What is an example of social responsibility and social responsiveness? ›

Volunteering at the local homeless shelter or soup kitchen, for example, would be considered social responsiveness because you are doing your part to improve the lives and circ*mstances of those living in your community.

What are the impacts of social media on performance? ›

Constant notifications are distracting and can degrade your attention. Frequent interruptions and increased time scrolling through social media can encourage procrastination, reduce work or school performance, and contribute to burnout. Screen use before bedtime can disrupt your sleep.

How does social media affect performance? ›

Science Daily conducted a meta analysis of several studies focusing on how social media impacts on academic performance, finding that: Students who regularly use Instagram while studying tend to perform slightly worse than students who don't use social media while studying.

How does social media affects work performance? ›

Thus, employees who are highly addicted to social media often have the highest likelihood to perform in a somewhat slower and sloppier pace. They also tend to lose focus, thus, making more mistakes and affecting the overall productivity of the company.

Why promoting products in social media is effective? ›

Engaging on social media gives brands the opportunity to build trust with potential customers, partners and talent/employees. This is especially true if other people are promoting your brand or products/services to other people.

What are the benefits of promoting product on social media? ›

15 benefits of social media marketing
  • Improve your brand.
  • Engage the audience.
  • Promote customer service.
  • Impact sales and conversion rates.
  • Become a thought leader.
  • Study the competition.
  • Improve SERP presence.
  • Boost website traffic.
Sep 12, 2022

Why is social media important in communication? ›

Social media not only allows you to hear what people say about you, but enables you to respond. Listen first, speak second. Be compelling, useful, relevant and engaging. Don't be afraid to try new things, but think through your efforts before kicking them off.

How does social media marketing attract customers? ›

Run contests to attract leads. Use social media contests to attract customers. These contests encourage people to follow you, post on your page, share your page with others, or submit photos. In return, you'll get new followers, boost your traffic and increase your qualified leads.

What are four benefits of using social media? ›

Advantages of Social Media
  • Connectivity. Connectivity is among the most significant benefits of social media. ...
  • Education. The use of social media in education is commendable. ...
  • Information and Updates. ...
  • Awareness. ...
  • Share Anything With Others. ...
  • Helps in Building Communities. ...
  • Noble Cause. ...
  • Mental Health.
Mar 9, 2023

What is the most importance of social media? ›

Social media is an important part of today's world. It helps people stay connected and share ideas, thoughts, and opinions with others in a safe and secure environment. It can also be used to promote businesses, organizations, and causes, as well as to stay informed about current events and trends.

Why social media is the most important? ›

One of the most important impacts of social media in today's world lies within its ability to distribute information to the whole world. With most people on some other social media platforms today, no news of importance cools down without proper discussion.

How social media is useful in logistics? ›

For logistics and supply chain firms, social media might be the most effective medium for acquiring useful information. Few organisations utilise social media to improve and create connections with their logistical partners. Social media may be used for more than just promoting your business.

How does marketing influence supply chain? ›

Marketing fosters collaboration among all links in the supply chain. By communicating regularly with your partners just like you would your customers and prospects, you nurture a culture of collaboration. Utilize specific messaging and distribution of information to connect with and integrate suppliers into your team.

How does marketing help supply chain management? ›

To create better customer value, relationship marketing aims at developing, maintaining, and enhancing multiple relationships in a supply chain. Hence, the role of marketing through the concept of marketing, market orientation, and relationship marketing is essential for the success of Supply Chain Management.

What is the importance and impact of digital supply chain? ›

Digital supply chains leverage digital technologies to capture big data produced by each step of the process and then use data analytics to ensure that logistics professionals are equipped with actionable insights to plan, manage, and strategize supply chains effectively.

What social media is important for businesses? ›

To develop an effective social strategy, focus on the social channels that best suit your brand. Social media platforms that work well for businesses include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest and LinkedIn.

What is the importance and use of logistics in the supply chain? ›

Companies see logistics as a critical blueprint of the supply chain. It is used to manage, coordinate and monitor resources needed to move products in a smooth, timely, cost-effective and reliable manner.

Why social media is the best platform to use? ›

It is often easier and more convenient to access information, provide information and communicate via social media. Tutors and students can be connected to each other and can make good use of these platforms for the benefit of their learning and teaching. Social media is the go to medium for people to interact.

How does supply chain contributes to the success of the business? ›

When inventory, capacity, logistics, and suppliers are managed effectively through connected supply chain planning, total costs are lowered because there's less excess and better collaboration, there are fewer costly fire drills to frantically expedite, and less of a bullwhip effect.

How do you influence supply chain management? ›

How to influence supply chains for the better
  1. Action from the top down. “Sustainability can no longer be confined to a paragraph in a corporate responsibility report; it needs to become a core business principle,” the report said. ...
  2. Risk-free collaboration. ...
  3. Incentivise, not demonise. ...
  4. Supplying the planet's future.
Jan 12, 2022

How technology can help supply chain operations? ›

Artificial intelligence can help supply chains operate more efficiently and adjust more easily to shocks. Companies must use data more effectively, and take advantage of AI to reduce costs and increase profits and sustainability.

What is supply chain management and how do they benefit businesses? ›

Supply chain management is a business-focused approach to managing an organization's product from start to finish in the most efficient and transparent way. Raw materials are converted into finished goods and delivered to clients quickly and efficiently.

How has digital technology impacted the supply chain? ›

Digital technologies are used in supply chain processes to reduce production costs and enhance operational efficiency. However, they are standard capabilities that utilize existing resources and are insufficient to support companies to remain competitive in future markets (Warner and Wäger, 2019).

What is the impact of digital transformation on supply chain performance? ›

Digital transformation in supply chain management enables organizational flexibility and business process automation and accelerates innovation in supply chain management.

What is the most important thing about supply chain? ›

The ultimate goal of effective supply chain management is higher profits through improved customer satisfaction and a lower cost of doing business. Profits are healthier when costs are controlled and reduced wherever possible. Operating costs go down when raw materials and production costs go down.

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.