Unveiling the Path to Australia: Your Gateway to Prosperity with the 491 Visa (2024)


Embark on a transformative journey to Australia through the recently launched 5-year 491 visa, a bespoke immigration solution designed to attract specialized skills and talents essential for the growth of Australian regional areas. This visa, boasting nearly 42,000 annual slots, exclusively invites applicants willing to live, work, and study in the Australian regional landscape. With over 500 qualifying occupations, applicants gain an additional 15 points towards their points test, making this visa a lucrative prospect for those seeking new horizons.

The 491 Visa Unveiled

Australia has introduced the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) subclass 491 visa, heralded as one of the most accessible immigration options for eligible applicants. While certain conditions apply, the 491 visa offers a solid pathway for those aspiring to migrate "Down Under." The visa restricts holders to live and work in less populous Australian areas identified as future growth zones by the government, presenting a unique opportunity for a 5-year stint in regional Australia.

Regional Australia: Beyond the Metropolises

Regional Australia, encompassing areas outside major metropolises like Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, and Melbourne, opens its doors to 491 visa holders. This intentional focus on less populated areas aligns with the Australian government's vision for sustainable growth and development.

Pathway to Permanent Residency

Despite the initial 5-year limitation, the 491 visa serves as a stepping stone to Australian Permanent Residency. After residing and working in a regional area for three years, maintaining an annual salary of AUD$53,900, holders can apply for Permanent Residency through the 191 visa. This transition grants the freedom to live and work anywhere in Australia, accompanied by access to essential benefits like Medicare and state-funded education.

Unlocking Opportunities: What the 491 Visa Offers

Acquiring a 491 visa extends the privilege to the main applicant and their direct relatives to live, work, and study in designated regional areas for up to 5 years. Notably, applicants can initiate the Permanent Residency application through the 191 visa after completing three years in Australia.

Qualifying for the 491 Visa

To be eligible, applicants must secure a nomination from an Australian state or territory government agency. The nominated occupation should align with the state's skilled occupations list for sponsorship. Family sponsorship requires a family member's two-year permanent residence in a regional area, with the applicant's occupation listed on Australia's MLTSSL list. For optimal guidance, consulting with immigration professionals is crucial.


Embarking on the journey to Australia through the 491 visa opens avenues for personal and professional growth. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the visa's intricacies, emphasizing the eligibility criteria and the pathway to Permanent Residency. For personalized assistance and a free assessment of your eligibility, contact us today. Your Australian dream awaits!

Unveiling the Path to Australia: Your Gateway to Prosperity with the 491 Visa (2024)


What is Australia 491 pathway? ›

The Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) allows skilled migrants to live, study and work in designated regional areas for a period of 5 years, with a pathway to permanent residency. You must receive nomination from a state or territory before you can apply for this visa.

What is the success rate of 491 visa in Australia? ›

If YOU are Interested in the 491 Visa

Our skilled migration team currently enjoys a 100% success rate with skills assessments and Skilled Regional visa / Subclass 491 visa applications.

How long does it take to get a 491 visa for Australia? ›

The Immigration office of Australia states that 75% of 491 visas get processed within 46 days of receiving the application while 90% of the cases get processed within 51 days. But our visa experts state that the skills assessment application process usually takes 10 days to a few months to be processed.

How can I get PR after 491 visa in Australia? ›

If you live and work in South Australia for three years on the subclass 491 visa and meet the minimum taxable income level for at least three years (see the Department of Home Affairs website), you may be eligible to apply for permanent residency through the subclass 191 Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) visa.

Is it easy to get 491 visa in Australia? ›

3) Points Test:

To be eligible for an Australia 491 visa, you must score at least 65 points on the points test. However, you will get an additional 15 points once you get nominated by a designated regional area of Australia. Calculate your Australia PR points by using the Australia PR Points calculator.

Who can sponsor for 491 visa Australia? ›

Your sponsor must be:
  • 18 years old or older.
  • usually resident in a designated area of Australia.
  • be an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen.
  • be your eligible relative or your partner's eligible relative if your partner is also applying for this visa.
Feb 7, 2024

Can I work anywhere in Australia with 491 visa? ›

Condition 8549 for the 489 visa and condition 8579 for the 491 visa requires that while the visa holder is in Australia, they must live, work and study only in a designated regional area.

Which city in Australia gives PR easily? ›

Adelaide, a city in South Australia, is ranked as the best regional area for PR in Australia due to its robust economy, elevated living standards, and relaxed lifestyle. Adelaide is famous for its diverse labor industry and growing business startup culture.

How much does it cost to apply for 491 visa in Australia? ›

AU$ 4,640

Is education free in Australia for 491 visa? ›

Provisional 491 visa

Once your 491 Visa has been granted and if your Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) was nominated by the ACT Government, you ARE eligible to apply for an exemption from paying school fees in an ACT public school.

Which Australian states are open for 491 visa? ›

State Nominations for Subclass 491 Visas
  • AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY (ACT) The ACT uses their own points matrix to select applicants for nomination. ...
  • TASMANIA (TAS) ...
  • VICTORIA (VIC) ...

What is the age limit for PR in Australia? ›

Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) Visa

Applicable to skilled workers willing to work in Australian sectors facing a skilled shortage, with no age restrictions. However, the Permanent Employer Sponsored (subclass 186) visa, the permanent version, has an age limit of 45 years.

Can I buy a house in Australia on a 491 visa? ›

You can buy a property in Australia on a 491 visa, but you must meet the Department of Home Affairs' criteria and requirements, This includes getting a FIRB (Foreign Investment Review Board) approval, and the home you purchase must be your primary residence.

Can I bring my wife to Australia on 491 visa? ›

What are the requirements to add a partner to a 491 visa? To add a partner to a 491 visa, you need to provide evidence of your genuine relationship, such as marriage or de facto relationship documents. You will also need to meet health and character requirements.

Is 75 a good score for 491 visa Australia? ›

Based on the current points system for Australian visas, 75 points is generally considered a good score and may be enough to receive an invitation for either the 190 visa or 491 visa. However, it ultimately depends on the demand for your occupation and the number of applicants with similar qualifications.

What is the 491 visa used for? ›

NSW nomination for this visa allows skilled migrants to live, work and study in designated regional areas of NSW for a period of 5 years. There are two pathways to NSW nomination for this visa: Pathway 1 – Apply directly to Investment NSW if you have an established work history with a regional NSW-based employer.

What is the difference between Australian visa 189 and 491? ›

Both the Subclass 189 and 190 are applications for permanent residency while the Subclass 491 visa is a 5-year temporary visa, allowing for permanency after a minimum of 3 years. The Skilled Migration Australia Programme does not require a nomination or sponsorship from an Australian employer.

How many bands are required for 491 visa in Australia? ›

If you want to apply for the visa subclass 189 (Skilled Independent), 190(state sponsor) and 491 ( Regional Sponsor) visa then you must have 6 bands in each reading, writing, speaking and Listening in IELTS General or Academic Training, It is also worth noting that some visas, such as the Temporary Graduate visa ( ...

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