Understanding TFSAs: What They Are and How You Can Use Them (2024)

If you're looking for a tax-free way to save and invest, a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) might be the way to go. Let's look at what this account is and how you can use it to invest for your short- and long-term goals.

What is a TFSA?

A TFSA is a registered investment account that allows fortax-free growthof investment income and capital gains from investments held within it.

The Government of Canada introduced TFSAs in 2009 and sets a contribution limit each year. Even if you haven't opened a TFSA, your contribution room started accumulating from when you became eligible for one (more on eligibility below). That means you can "catch up" on any missed contributions from past years.

Here are some specifics to know about TFSAs:

Who Can Have a TFSA?

Canadian residents with a social insurance number who have reached age of majority in their province can open a TFSA. For provinces and territories where the age of majority is 19 — Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut — contribution room starts accumulating at age 18, but the account can't be opened until the age of 19.

Investment Choices for Your TFSA

TFSAs are more than savings accounts. Like most investment accounts, you can hold stocks, options, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, bonds and guaranteed investment certificates (GICs) in a TFSA, as long as they arequalified investments.

It's worth noting that if you choose to hold foreign investments in your TFSA, income received from the foreign investments may be subject to foreign withholding tax . These tax amounts aren't recoverable and may reduce your potential returns. For example, the IRS imposes a 30 per cent withholding tax to dividends paid on U.S. stocks, which can be reduced to 15 per cent by submitting a W-8BEN or W-9 form. Check with your tax advisor to learn more.

The main advantage of contributing to a TFSA is tax-free growth of your investment income (dividends and interest) and realized capital gains from investments within the account. You won't get a tax deduction for making a contribution like you would with an RRSP, but you also won't pay taxes when you withdraw from a TFSA. Plus, you can withdraw any time without penalty.

It's worth noting that if you're an active trader inside your TFSA — say, dozens of times each year — the CRA may consider you a day trader and could classify the account as a business account. If a TFSA is considered to be carrying on a business, there may be taxes imposed by the CRA. Similarly, a TFSA can only hold qualified investments. If anon-qualified investmentis acquired by a TFSA, you will be subject to penalty taxes, and the TFSA will have to pay tax on the investment income and capital gains earned on the non-qualified investment.

Contributing to a TFSA

Each year, the federal government determines the annual amount that individuals can contribute to a TFSA.

Your overall annual contribution limit takes into account:

- the government's annual dollar limit

- your unused contribution room carried forward from previous years

- any withdrawals or re-contributions you made in previous years

For example:

If the government-set limit was $5,500 and you contributed $3,500 to your TFSA that same year, the remaining $2,000 of contribution room you didn't use would be added to your limits in the future. So, if the government limit the following year was $6,000, your overall contribution limit for that year would then be $8,000.*

*Assuming that you have maximized your annual allowable contributions since 2009.

Tracking Your Contributions

It's important to keep track of your TFSA contributions since there are penalties for over-contributing. Over-contributions are subject to a monthly tax of 1 per cent for each month the excess amount stays in your TFSA.

  • You can check your contribution room using CRA's My Account.Note:the CRA account details are not real time and only update once a year near the end of February to reflect your prior year's transactions and your current year's dollar limit.
  • You can have multiple TFSAs, but you can't contribute more than your annual contribution limit to all of them combined.

Withdrawing from a TFSA

You can withdraw from your TFSA at any time, for any reason. Withdrawals aren't considered income for tax purposes and you don't lose your contribution room when you withdraw.

Here's how it works: If you make a withdrawal in the current calendar year, the amount of your withdrawal is added to your unused contribution room. You just need to wait until thenextcalendar year or later if you want to re-contribute the money.

For example:

  • You contribute $5,500
  • Later that same year, you withdraw $2,000
  • The next year or another year in the future, you could add back the $2,000 you withdrew plus the allowable annual amount

For more on how TFSAs compare to other accounts, check outTFSAs, RRSPs and RESPs: How Do They Compare?

To Open a TFSA

If a TFSA is the right choice for you, you can start the process here.

To find out how some investors use their own TFSAs, check outHow Do You Use Your TFSA? 3 Personal Stories.

The information provided in this article is for general purposes only and does not constitute personal financial or tax advice. Please consult with your own professional advisor to discuss your specific financial and tax needs.

Next up: TFSA FAQs

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I am a financial expert with extensive knowledge in investment strategies and financial planning, particularly in the realm of tax-efficient savings and investments. I have practical experience in navigating the intricacies of various investment accounts, including Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs). My expertise is grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the principles discussed in the article you provided.

Introduction to TFSA: A Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) is a registered investment account introduced by the Government of Canada in 2009. It facilitates tax-free growth of investment income and capital gains from assets held within it. The TFSA comes with an annual contribution limit set by the government.

Eligibility and Contributions: Canadian residents with a social insurance number who have reached the age of majority in their province can open a TFSA. Contribution room starts accumulating at age 18 or 19, depending on the province. The annual contribution limit is determined by the government, considering unused contribution room from previous years and any withdrawals or re-contributions made.

Investment Choices: TFSAs offer a diverse range of investment options beyond traditional savings accounts, including stocks, options, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds, and GICs. It's crucial to note that foreign investments in a TFSA may be subject to foreign withholding tax, impacting potential returns.

Tax Advantages: The primary advantage of contributing to a TFSA is the tax-free growth of investment income and realized capital gains. Unlike RRSPs, contributions do not result in tax deductions, but withdrawals are tax-free. Active trading may have tax implications, potentially classifying the TFSA as a business account.

Contributions and Penalties: The government sets the annual contribution limit, and any unused room carries forward. Over-contributions result in penalties, with a monthly tax of 1%. Monitoring contribution room through the CRA's My Account is crucial to avoid penalties.

Withdrawals: TFSA withdrawals can be made at any time without tax implications. Withdrawals are not considered income, and the contribution room is reinstated in the next calendar year. This flexibility makes TFSAs suitable for both short- and long-term goals.

Conclusion: In summary, TFSAs provide a tax-efficient way for Canadian residents to save and invest. Understanding eligibility criteria, contribution limits, investment choices, and tax implications is essential for maximizing the benefits of this versatile financial tool. If you have any specific questions or need personalized advice, it's recommended to consult with a professional financial advisor.

Understanding TFSAs: What They Are and How You Can Use Them (2024)


What is TFSA and how does it work? ›

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) program began in 2009. It is a way for individuals who are 18 and older and who have a valid social insurance number (SIN) to set money aside tax-free throughout their lifetime. Contributions to a TFSA are not deductible for income tax purposes.

What is the best way to use a TFSA? ›

Here are nine ways to make the most of your TFSA :
  1. Understand your TFSA contribution limit. ...
  2. Avoid over-contributing to your TFSA. ...
  3. Know TFSA contribution basics. ...
  4. Making withdrawals from your TFSA. ...
  5. Diversify your portfolio. ...
  6. Automate your TFSA contributions. ...
  7. Manage the frequency of trading within your TFSA. ...
  8. Plan for the long term.

What are the pros and cons of a TFSA? ›

TFSA vs RRSP: the comparison
What are the tax advantages?Your money grows tax-free; you pay no tax on withdrawals.
What are the tax disadvantages?Contributions are not tax deductible.
What are the withdrawal rules?Tax-free, at any time and for any purpose
8 more rows

How do I use my TFSA for retirement? ›

You can keep contributing to a TFSA for as long as you live, unlike an RRSP which you must convert to a RRIF at age 71. If you have more retirement income than you need, you can place it in your TFSA, providing you have contribution room. Your TFSA contribution room will continue to grow annually as long as you live.

What is the downside of a TFSA account? ›

No tax deductions: The biggest drawback of a TFSA, is that your contributions are made with after-tax dollars and are not tax deductible, unlike the FHSA and RRSP. Contribution limits: Though there is no lifetime maximum contribution limit, there is an annual contribution limit, stipulated by the Government of Canada.

Can you withdraw money from a TFSA at any time? ›

Depending on the type of investment held in your TFSA, you can generally withdraw any amount from the TFSA at any time. Withdrawing funds from your TFSA does not reduce the total amount of contributions you have already made for the year.

What is the point of a TFSA? ›

The TFSA allows you to turn taxable income into tax-free income for life, by creating a more tax-efficient investment portfolio and enabling you to maximize your investment growth. You can contribute to a TFSA for a spouse or other family member. Spousal attribution rules don't apply as they would with an RRSP.

Is it worth putting money in a TFSA? ›

When is a TFSA worth it? TFSA is a good place for any savings goals other than retirement. If you're saving for a new car or down payment for a house, it's a great tool to use. For some people, it even works for retirement planning.

Can I just put money in my TFSA? ›

You can make all kinds of investments in your TFSA: the aforementioned investment products, or individual stocks, bonds, or GICs. And yes, you can simply hold cash in a TFSA, but hopefully you now see why that may not be the best idea.

Is a TFSA better than a savings account? ›

Unlike a traditional savings account, a TFSA allows you to build an investment portfolio without paying taxes on contributions, interest earned, dividends, or capital gains.

Which bank has the highest TFSA interest rate? ›

Best TFSA GIC Rates Currently Available In Canada
  • EQ Bank – 5.35% (1-year)
  • Saven Financial – 5.45% (1-year)
  • Peoples Trust — 5.40% (1-year)
  • Hubert Financial and Ideal Savings – 5.35% (1-year)
  • Oaken Financial — 5.35% (1-year)
  • Achieva, Motive and Outlook Financial – 5.20% (1-year)
  • Wealth One Bank of Canada – 5.05% (1-year)

Do you pay tax on TFSA withdrawals? ›

While TFSA withdrawals typically aren't taxed, penalties might result if you over contribute or if a non-resident makes a deposit.

Is TFSA good for seniors? ›

Also, your TFSA has no impact on your tax return if your investments receive dividend payments, so it can be a good option for retirees looking to boost their retirement income. Flexibility is another TFSA benefit. You can withdraw any amount of money, at any time, with no penalties or financial repercussions.

At what age should you stop contributing to a TFSA? ›

Continue to save after age 71.

You have to convert it to a registered retirement income fund (RRIF) or payout annuity by the end of the year you turn 71. Or, you'll have to take the RRSP money in cash (and pay tax on it). But you can keep your TFSA open. And you can keep contributing to it as long as you wish.

At what age must you withdraw from TFSA? ›

How and when can I withdraw money from my TFSA? You can withdraw funds from your TFSA any time you want1 and you don't have to reach a certain age before you withdraw your money. Withdrawals made from your TFSA will be added back to your TSFA contribution room the following year.

Is it good to put money in TFSA? ›

The TFSA is one of the safest options for saving money for both short and long-term financial plans. They have non-tax-deductible features which make the amount in your TFSA safe and secure from taxation. The TFSA is one of the best options for all Canadians to make for a safe and secure way to save.

Do you pay taxes on TFSA? ›

Most TFSA holders have no tax payable related to their TFSA investments, and no TFSA tax return has to be filed. However, when TFSA taxes are applicable for a year, Form RC243, Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) Return, must be filed by June 30, of the following year. Any tax owing must also be paid by that date.

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