Understanding ChatGPT: Who Made Chat GPT? (2024)

OpenAI, the company that created Chat GPT, has made the world’s hottest tech product with the backing of some prominent figures including Elon Musk.

You would be forgiven for thinking that Chat GPT's overwhelming popularity in tech is an overnight success.

It feels like we’ve gone from peppered mentions of how AI and AI Chatbot is an emerging technology primed for the future to an utter saturation of content, headlines and speculation surrounding the internet’s hottest AI product.

So who created Chat GPT? Who owns chat GPT and what is the story behind it and what led to this viral hit?

Following on from our everything including ChatGPT Ultimate guide, we'll answer all these questions here, as well as providing some information on the company behind it, OpenAI, and its rise to fame.


  1. What is ChatGPT?

  2. Who made ChatGPT?

  3. Who Are OpenAI?

  4. OpenAI's Story

  5. Conclusion

  6. FAQs

Ready? Let's dive in!

What is ChatGPT?

For newcomers and those in need of a quick refresh - let’s recap what ChatGTP actually is. There’s a convoluted answer here but we’ll keep things simple.

ChatGPT is an advanced AI language model that is designed to replicate human conversation.

But it's also a very clever AI chatbot that can respond to queries. ChatGPT can also reject inappropriate requests, challenge incorrect premises and admit mistakes (we do like a polite robot).

It can even assist in creating written content from stories to essays to poems and more.

ChatGPT is a refined version of its predecessor, GPT3.

While there are still limitations, the newly launched ChatGPT product is capable of greater accuracy and is currently in the user feedback stage, available for anyone to try for free.

Now that we’ve covered what ChatGTP is, let’s learn about the company behind it.

Understanding ChatGPT: Who Made Chat GPT? (1)

Who Made Chat GPT?

OpenAI is the name behind the buzz. They are an AI research and deployment company on a mission to improve humanity through artificial general intelligence.

Yes, it’s an ambitious proposition indeed but one that is growing more real each day, attracting investment from some of the biggest names in tech such as tech giant Microsoft who are reportedly planning to invest a cool $10 billion into the business.

It’s that sort of money that turns sci-fi into high-fives all around the office.

Who Are OpenAI?

Understanding ChatGPT: Who Made Chat GPT? (2)

We’ve mentioned OpenAI's grand mission statement but who owns OpenAI; who owns chat gpt together with its AI language model and what has OpenAI been doing in recent years?

OpenAI announced its foundation in 2015, which by all accounts is fairly new in comparison to the household names of tech industry like Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and the like.

Behind the curtain of OpenAI, we find a few notable namesakes that help make sense of its meteoric trajectory:

Elon Musk

The CEO of Tesla, Twitter and SpaceX was one of the company's board members and holds the title of co-founder of OpenAI.

The globally recognised magnate has been a trending topic every other week for what seems like years now.

Musk is known as a free-thinker, speaker and impassioned disruptor. Love him or hate him, Elon Musk has his finger very much on the pulse of tech and where it’s headed.

Musk stepped down from the company’s board in 2018 over alleged concerns about AI security and to direct his attention towards Tesla and SpaceX.

Sam Altman

The other co-founder of OpenAI is Sam Altman who since OpenAI’s shift from non-profit to a for-profit company in 2019, also serves as the company’s president today.

Altman made a name for himself in Silicon Valley when serving as the president of Y Combinator, a startup accelerator that has helped the launch of wildly successful companies such as DropBox, Stripe and Airbnb.

Other investors

Rounding off the Avengers-level investors are Peter Thiel (co-founder of PayPal), Reid Hoffman (co-founder of LinkedIn), Greg Brockman (former CTO of Stripe), Jessica Livingstone (founder of Y Combinator), Infosys (Indian multinational IT company), Ilya Sutskever (OpenAI’s chief computer scientist) and Wojciech Zaremba (computer scientist and co-founder of OpenAI).

With a dream team of brilliant minds with change to spare, OpenAI was born into a $1 billion cradle. This striking amount of capital has allowed for the development of some of the most advanced leaps in artificial intelligence imaginable in a short space of time.

OpenAI’s Story

Understanding ChatGPT: Who Made Chat GPT? (3)

The Early Days

OpenAI was founded in 2015 as a non-profit organisation that wanted to make AI safe and openly available to the masses, OpenAI also felt that AI technology was at risk of being monopolised by Google's AI firm which fuelled their mission of transparency.

Initially, in the first couple of years, AI firm's technology main focus was on developing artificial intelligence for video games and other applications.

Switching the Focus

In the two years that followed its launch, OpenAI diverted its resources and attention into building artificial general intelligence (AGI).

This period culminated with the release of a research paper - Improving Langauge Understanding by Generative Pre-Training - that would introduce the world to OpenAI’s first GPT model.

Without going into the complexities of computer science, OpenAI wanted to create an unsupervised machine-learning language model that could “think” like a human and have human like responses.

In essence, GPTs are neural networks that are trained using massive amounts of data.

This data acts as the computer’s brain and allows it to generate text, answer questions and more without the continual need for human input - it allows it to “think” for itself.

GPT-1 naturally evolved into GPT-2 - a much smarter and more advanced version that became publicly available in 2019, just a few months after its initial development.

2019 was also the same year that OpenAI transitioned to a for-profit company with a “capped-profit” structure under OpenAI LP.

The decision came down to the inescapable truth that AI models research and development is gosh darn expensive.

And restructuring the company in a way that allowed investment but capped investor profits to avoid power struggles, was the best move forward.

It was at this time that Microsoft announced its approach to OpenAI with a $1 billion investment that meant they could license and commercialise some of OpenAI’s technologies.

Understanding ChatGPT: Who Made Chat GPT? (4)

One Small Step for Robotkind

In 2020, OpenAI produced GPT-3, a text-generating tool that was “trained” using 45TB of text data that translated into an unprecedented 175 billion parameters. Ten times larger than Microsoft’s Turing natural language processing model which reigned supreme at the time.

In lamens terms, think of the amount of data and parameters as human knowledge in digital form.

The sheer amount meant that GPT-3 could pull information from a vast array of sources which enables it to produce startlingly accurate responses to command prompts from human writing.

Of course, this isn’t always the case. The AI would still display false or toxic results and serve as a reminder that although machines, artificial intelligence and the like are all impressive, They will always have flaws like humans.

More work to be done then!

Yesterday’s Prompt is Today’s Chat

Understanding ChatGPT: Who Made Chat GPT? (5)

GPT-3 went on to garner immense popularity as a leading AI tool, powering over 300 applications for search, conversation, text completion and more.

OpenAI then expanded its efforts further with the introduction of DALL-E, an image-generating AI that can create photorealistic images based on human prompts, producing some wonderfully weird results.

As you might expect, DALL-E received an upgrade in the form of DALL-E 2, a refined iteration of the base model that launched in April 2022.

And now we arrive at the summit of OpenAI’s AI journey into the future of today.

In November 2022, the world bore witness to ChatGPT, a language learning model that uses artificial intelligence to listen and respond to human dialogue with striking results.

ChatGPT goes a stage further than its predecessors in the way that it can understand the context of a conversation, adjusting its answers and admitting fault where necessary.

It’s that sort of artificial intelligence that has some people waving white flags in the face of a robot takeover and others grinning with anticipation as to what may come next.

Whichever side of the fence you're on, there’s no denying that OpenAI, through talent, funding and sheer will has created arguably the first signs of conscious computer intelligence.

And some ChatGPT Competitor knows it well.

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  • Module 1: AI and Machine Learning Fundamentals
  • Module 2: AI business strategy
  • Module 3: GenAI for text: ChatGPT and prompt engineering
  • Module 4: GenAI for design: text prompts and visual communication
  • Module 5: AI for productivity
  • Module 6: AI-powered predictive insights

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FAQs and answers by Chat GPT

How often is chat gpt at capacity?

Chat GPT is a super intelligent language model, so it's always ready to help! It can handle a huge amount of requests at any given time, and it's constantly improving and learning to provide the best possible answers to your questions.

So don't worry, you can always count on Chat GPT to be available and ready to assist you with whatever you need! However, there might be a temporary delay in responding to some queries during peak usage times, as there are millions of users accessing me at any given moment.

What does gpt stand for in chat gpt?

GPT stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer". It refers to the type of machine learning model that powers Chat GPT's speech generation capabilities.

The model was developed by OpenAI and is capable of generating human-like responses to prompts given by users.

The "pre-trained" aspect of GPT means that it has already been trained on large amounts of text data, allowing it to produce coherent and contextually relevant responses.

The "Transformer" component refers to the specific architecture used in the model, which allows it to capture long-range dependencies and produce more accurate and consistent results.

Overall, GPT is a powerful technology that has revolutionized natural language processing and is the driving force behind Chat GPT's ability to converse with users in a human-like manner.

How many users does chat gpt have?

As an AI language model, Chat GPT has no "users" in the traditional sense. I exist to provide assistance and answers to anyone who interacts with me, whether it's a single person or thousands of people.

I don't keep track of the number of people who interact with me, but I can tell you that I am designed to be scalable, so I can handle a large volume of requests without experiencing any significant slowdowns or problems.

Whether you're the only person using me or you're part of a large group, I'm always here to help you the best way I can.

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Understanding ChatGPT: Who Made Chat GPT? (2024)


Understanding ChatGPT: Who Made Chat GPT? ›

Who made ChatGPT? ChatGPT was created by OpenAI, an AI research company. The company launched ChatGPT on November 30, 2022. OpenAI is also responsible for DALL-E 2 and DALL-E 3, popular AI image generators, and Whisper, an automatic speech recognition system.

How does ChatGPT generate its answers? ›

It uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology to generate responses to user text inputs. It means you can get access to a super-smart chatbot trained on a huge set of data. You can ask ChatGPT to: Answer questions.

Does ChatGPT give the same answer to everyone? ›

To answer the question directly, ChatGPT does not necessarily give the same answers to everyone. The responses generated by ChatGPT are influenced by several factors, including the specific wording of the query, the context provided, and even the evolving nature of the AI model itself.

Why does ChatGPT provide incomplete answers? ›

ChatGPT may be incomplete or unfinished in providing responses because it relies on its training data and may not have enough information to generate a complete or accurate answer to a particular question.

How do you know if the answer is from ChatGPT? ›

To detect ChatGPT writing, look for the telltale signs such as:
  1. Unusually formal tone in text that's meant to be conversational or casual.
  2. Overly complex sentence structures.
  3. Unusual or incorrect wording.
  4. Text that's unnecessarily long and wordy.
  5. Lack of credible sources.
  6. Repetitive words or phrases.
  7. Redundant sentences.
Oct 24, 2023

Where does ChatGPT get its knowledge from? ›

ChatGPT is an AI language model that was trained on a large body of text from a variety of sources (e.g., Wikipedia, books, news articles, scientific journals).

How often does ChatGPT give wrong answers? ›

DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) — A recent study from Purdue University found that ChatGPT, a popular AI app, presents wrong answers 52% of the time. The findings follow researchers asking the program questions from a popular computer programmer website. Incorrect answers were delivered to more than half the questions.

Can professors tell if you use ChatGPT? ›

Is ChatGPT detectable? Yes, it can be detected. People like educators, teachers, professors, and writers have the ability to spot AI-written text using only their experience, intuition, and skills with the English language.

Does ChatGPT learn from previous conversations? ›

ChatGPT doesn't actually "remember" the conversations it has; instead, it simulates conversations by reading the entire chat from the start each time. Each interaction is independent, and once it's completed its response, it loses all context from that conversation.

Does ChatGPT learn from its conversations? ›

It's been trained on an extensive collection of text from the web, allowing it to understand and respond to any topic or question. This training enables ChatGPT to generate text that is contextually relevant and almost similar to human-generated text. However, ChatGPT doesn't learn directly from users.

Why does ChatGPT give wrong information? ›

ChatGPT is trained on a mix of licensed data, data created by human trainers, and vast amounts of text from the internet. This means that while it has a broad knowledge base, it's also susceptible to the biases and inaccuracies present in that data.

Why does ChatGPT make so many mistakes? ›

This can occur for a number of reasons, but the leading cause of the error is usually users inputting data in a format that ChatGPT cannot process.

Why does ChatGPT give wrong references? ›

Limitations in Accessing Full-Text Journals

In academic research, ChatGPT claims to have access to abstracts of journals but not the full text. This limitation restricts the model's ability to retrieve up-to-date information from scholarly articles, impacting the accuracy of its generated references.

How do I humanize text from ChatGPT? ›

- Take the text you want to humanize, either by copying and pasting it from ChatGPT or by importing it from a URL. - Paste the content into the window and hit the "Humanize Text" button. - Wait for a few seconds and get your humanized text that can pass any AI detection scan.

Is ChatGPT 4 detectable by Turnitin? ›

Yes, Turnitin can detect content generated by Chat GPT. ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is one of the leading conversational AI models. It has become popular for its ability to generate human-like text.

Does ChatGPT generate original responses? ›

While it strives to provide helpful and informative responses, it's answers are generated algorithmically and may not always reflect a human's personal opinion or experience.

Can ChatGPT generate responses in real time? ›

Yes, as a language model, ChatGPT is capable of generating coherent and imaginative responses in real-time. However, it's important to keep in mind that ChatGPT is trained on a large dataset and generates responses based on patterns in that data, rather than through individual imagination or creativity.

What algorithm is the ChatGPT based on? ›

ChatGPT is an NLP (Natural Language Processing) algorithm that understands and generates natural language autonomously. To be more precise, it is a consumer version of GPT3, a text generation algorithm specialising in article writing and sentiment analysis.

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