U.S. Money Supply Is Shrinking for the First Time Since the Great Depression, and It May Portend a Big Move for Stocks | The Motley Fool (2024)

Over the very long-term, no asset class has outperformed the stock market on an annualized return basis. But over shorter timelines, the performance of the iconic Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI 0.12%), broad-based S&P 500 (^GSPC -0.11%), and innovation-driven Nasdaq Composite (^IXIC -0.41%), is no more predictable than a roll of the dice or flip of a coin.

Since this decade began, the Dow Jones, S&P 500, and Nasdaq Composite have bounced back and forth between bull and bear markets in each successive year. Though all three major indexes are well off of their 2022 bear market lows, volatility still rules the roost on Wall Street and has investors wondering where stocks will head next.

U.S. Money Supply Is Shrinking for the First Time Since the Great Depression, and It May Portend a Big Move for Stocks | The Motley Fool (1)

Image source: Getty Images.

While there's no predictive tool or metric that can, with guaranteed accuracy, always predict short-term directional moves in the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq Composite, there are select indicators and datapoints that strongly correlate with directional changes in the broader market. One such datapoint that should be raising investors' eyebrows is U.S. money supply.

For the first time in 90 years, U.S. money supply is meaningfully contracting

Although there are five measures of U.S. money supply, M1 and M2 are the two that garner most of the attention. M1 consists of cash and coins in circulation, as well as demand deposits in a checking account. It's money you have easy access to and can spend at a moment's notice.

Meanwhile, M2 consists of everything in M1 and adds in savings accounts, money market accounts, and certificates of deposit (CDs) below $100,000. This is money you can still get to, but more work is required before it can be spent. It's this latter category, M2, that's sounding warning bells.

M2 is a monthly reported datapoint that's unlikely to be on the radar for most investors. That's because M2 has, with very few exceptions, steadily increased over time. A growing economy requires extra capital to facilitate transactions, so seeing M2 expand from nearly $287 billion in January 1959 to $20.73 trillion, as of October 2023, is no surprise.

U.S. Money Supply Is Shrinking for the First Time Since the Great Depression, and It May Portend a Big Move for Stocks | The Motley Fool (2)

US M2 Money Supply data by YCharts.

What is shocking is when meaningful year-over-year declines in M2 money supply are observed. Since peaking in July 2022, M2 has fallen by an aggregate of 4.51%, as shown above.

Using a 2% year-over-year decline as somewhat of an arbitrary line in the sand, there have only been five instances since 1870 where M2 money supply has declined by at least 2%: 1878, 1893, 1921, 1931-1933, and over the past year and change. That's right, the current drop in M2 is the first notable decline since the Great Depression.

On one hand, M2 money supply skyrocketed higher by an all-time record 26% on a year-over-year basis during the COVID-19 pandemic. A 4.51% drop from the July 2022 peak may represent nothing more than a reversion to the mean following a mammoth expansion.

On other hand, a steady decline in M2, coupled with an above-average U.S. inflation rate, is likely to put pressure on discretionary spending. Less available cash for transactions would be expected to coerce consumers to be more mindful of their spending. That's typically a recipe for slower economic growth, if not a recession.

WARNING: the Money Supply is officially contracting. 📉

This has only happened 4 previous times in last 150 years.

Each time a Depression with double-digit unemployment rates followed. 😬 pic.twitter.com/j3FE532oac

-- Nick Gerli (@nickgerli1) March 8, 2023

The historic precedence of the four previous declines in M2 money supply shouldn't be overlooked, either. Keeping in mind that two of the four instances occurred prior to the creation of the Federal Reserve, and the nation's central bank is more capable of tackling economic challenges now than it was in the 1920s and 1930s, the prior four events that saw M2 drop by at least 2% were accompanied by deflationary depressions and high unemployment rates.

The monetary and fiscal tools available to the Fed and federal government, respectively, make it unlikely that a depression would occur in modern times. Nevertheless, the takeaway is that notable declines in M2, while rare, have been accompanied by downturns in the U.S. economy.

Historically, stocks have performed poorly in the year following the official start to a recession.

"Following the money" is a potentially big problem for Wall Street

The concern for Wall Street and investors is that the first meaningful drop in M2 money supply since the Great Depression isn't the only money-based metric that's raising potential red flags. Following the money portends potential trouble on the horizon for the Dow Jones, S&P 500, and Nasdaq Composite.

The most telling money-based metric might just be commercial bank credit, which accounts for all loans, leases, and securities held by U.S. commercial banks. It's reported on a weekly basis by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Similar to M2, commercial bank credit has sloped up and to the right for almost the entirety of the past half century. Between January 1973 and Nov. 15, 2023, commercial bank credit has grown from $567 billion to $17.23 trillion, which works out to a compound annual rate of around 7%. Since banks need to cover their costs associated with taking in deposits, seeing loans and leases outstanding grow over long periods is both normal and expected.

U.S. Money Supply Is Shrinking for the First Time Since the Great Depression, and It May Portend a Big Move for Stocks | The Motley Fool (3)

US Commercial Banks Bank Credit data by YCharts.

What's abnormal and rare is a sizable decline in commercial bank credit. Since data reporting began in January 1973, there have only been three instances where commercial bank credit fell by 2% from its all-time high:

  • A 2.09% peak drop during the heart of the dot-com bubble in October 2001.
  • A maximum decline of 6.94% following the Great Recession in March 2010.
  • The current dip of 2.07% from the mid-February 2023 peak.

The previous two instances of a greater than 2% decline were associated with a halving in the benchmark S&P 500 and an even larger decline in the Nasdaq Composite.

What this decline in commercial bank credit clearly shows is that banks are tightening their lending standards and being stingier with where they lend their money. In short, it's a recipe for an economic slowdown, which would bode poorly for corporate earnings amid an already pricey market.

U.S. Money Supply Is Shrinking for the First Time Since the Great Depression, and It May Portend a Big Move for Stocks | The Motley Fool (4)

Image source: Getty Images.

More than a century of history suggests patience pays off handsomely on Wall Street

Although history rarely repeats on Wall Street, it has a way of rhyming. Given the notable decline in various money-based metrics, it wouldn't be a surprise to see the Dow, , and Nasdaq Composite dip into a bear market in 2024.

But history is a two-sided coin for investors, and it has a knack for delivering hefty rewards to those who are patient, optimistic, and opportunistic.

As much as investors might dislike recessions, they're a perfectly normal and inevitable part of the long-term economic cycle. More importantly, they're short-lived. Nine out of 12 U.S. recessions since the end of World War II have lasted less than a year, with none of the one dozen surpassing 18 months.

By comparison, most economic expansions have endured multiple years, with two periods extending beyond 10 years. Over long periods, the U.S. economy and corporate earnings are poised for expansion.

Even though stocks and the U.S. economy don't move in tandem, this disproportionate optimism also translates to Wall Street.

It's official. A new bull market is confirmed.

The S&P 500 is now up 20% from its 10/12/22 closing low. The prior bear market saw the index fall 25.4% over 282 days.

Read more at https://t.co/H4p1RcpfIn. pic.twitter.com/tnRz1wdonp

-- Bespoke (@bespokeinvest) June 8, 2023

According to a dataset published in June by investment analysis company Bespoke Investment Group, there have been 27 separate bull and bear markets for the S&P 500 since the start of the Great Depression in September 1929. Whereas the average bear market for the benchmark index has lasted just 286 calendar days (about 9.5 months), the typical bull market over the last 94 years has clocked in at 1,011 calendar days (roughly two years and nine months).

However, the best example of history and perspective working in investors' favor might just be the dataset Crestmont Research updates on a yearly basis.

The analysts at Crestmont examined the rolling 20-year total returns (including dividends) of the S&P 500 dating back to 1900. Though the S&P didn't come into existence until 1923, its components could be found in other major indexes prior to 1923. This made it relatively easy for analysts to back-test their calculations to 1900, which ultimately yielded 104 rolling 20-year periods (1919-2022).

The jaw-dropping takeaway from Crestmont's rolling 20-year total returns data is that all 104 periods would have generated a profit for investors. Regardless of whether you, hypothetically, purchased at a temporary peak or were lucky enough to buy an S&P 500 tracking index during a bear market, you'd have made money as long as you held your position for 20 years.

No matter what's to come for Wall Street -- even if it is a big move lower for stocks in the short-term -- a long-term, optimistic, and opportunistic investor mindset is, historically, a virtually foolproof moneymaking strategy.

Sean Williams has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

U.S. Money Supply Is Shrinking for the First Time Since the Great Depression, and It May Portend a Big Move for Stocks | The Motley Fool (2024)


Is the US money supply shrinking for the first time since the Great Depression? ›

M2 money supply is contracting the most since the 1931 through 1933 stretch (during the Great Depression). Granted, the current M2 decline of nearly 4% is nothing compared to the money supply contraction of almost 30% that occurred during the early years of the Great Depression.

What happened to the money supply during the Great Depression? ›

From the fall of 1930 through the winter of 1933, the money supply fell by nearly 30 percent. The declining supply of funds reduced average prices by an equivalent amount.

What happens when the money supply shrinks? ›

Opposite effects occur when the supply of money falls or when its rate of growth declines. Economic activity declines and either disinflation (reduced inflation) or deflation (falling prices) results.

Is the US money supply falling at the fastest rate since the 1930s? ›

U.S. money supply is falling at the fastest rate since the 1930s,” wrote Reuters financial columnist Jamie McGeever. “Decisively [the] worst rate back to at least [the] 1960s,” said Charles Schwab Chief Investment Strategist Liz Ann Sonders in a tweet back in April.

Why did the money supply shrink during the Great Depression? ›

The gold standard. Some economists believe that the Federal Reserve allowed or caused the huge declines in the American money supply partly to preserve the gold standard. Under the gold standard, each country set the value of its currency in terms of gold and took monetary actions to defend the fixed price.

Is the US money supply shrinking? ›

U.S. money supply has declined by 2% or more only four times since 1870 other than the current contraction. In each of those previous cases, a major U.S. economic downturn followed. It's understandable why some think that the current money supply shrinkage portends doom and gloom for the stock market in 2024.

Who benefited from the Great Depression? ›

It's safe to say, however, that the wealthy who had their money well-diversified probably survived the best, certainly better than the 25% of the working Americans who were out of work. Short-sellers in the stock market had the best opportunity of profiting from falling stock prices.

What happens to interest rates during the Great Depression? ›

The most important thing to realize about these is that the real interest rate during the entire Depression period was extremely high – the peak in early 1932 exceeded 20 percent! This is high by any standard. At no point since the end of the Depression have real interest rates exceeded even 10 percent.

What 3 ways can the Fed change the money supply? ›

The Fed uses three primary tools in managing the money supply and pursuing stable economic growth. The tools are (1) reserve requirements, (2) the discount rate, and (3) open market operations.

What causes money supply to shrink? ›

By contrast, if the Fed sells or lends treasury securities to banks, the payment it receives in exchange will reduce the money supply.

How does the Fed shrink the money supply? ›

Open Market Operations

If it wanted to increase the money supply, it bought government securities. This supplied cash to the banks with which it transacted and that increased the money supply. Conversely, if the Fed wanted to decrease the money supply, it sold securities from its account.

What would be the impact of a decrease in money supply quizlet? ›

A decrease in the Monetary Base by The Fed will trigger the money DESTRUCTION process and cause the Money Supply to DECREASE which will lead to AN INCREASE in the Interest Rate.

Did prices drop during the Great Depression? ›

We had serious deflation in the Great Depression. The consumer price level fell by 25%; wholesale prices fell by 33%.

When would the Fed decrease the money supply? ›

If the rate is high enough, banks will be reluctant to borrow. Because they don't want to drain their reserves, they cut back on lending. The money supply, therefore, decreases.

Did prices drop in the Great Depression? ›

The causes of the Great Depression were many and varied, but the impact was visible across the country. By the time that FDR was inaugurated president on March 4, 1933, the banking system had collapsed, nearly 25% of the labor force was unemployed, and prices and productivity had fallen to 1/3 of their 1929 levels.

What happened to the US economy after the Great Depression? ›

In 1937–38 the United States suffered another severe downturn, but after mid-1938 the American economy grew even more rapidly than in the mid-1930s. The country's output finally returned to its long-run trend path in 1942.

When did the US economy start declining? ›

The latest U.S. recession—which began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009—was the longest (18 months) and deepest (about a 3.7 percent decline in output) the country has experienced since 1960.

What caused the collapse of the money supply? ›

In the '30s, the Fed more or less let the banking system collapse, allowed the money supply to collapse and allowed the price level to fall. You had tremendous deflation, and that contributed to the contraction of the whole economy.

How much money was lost in the Great Depression? ›

The stock market crash significantly reduced consumer spending and business investment. Consequently, U.S. GDP decreased dramatically in the first years of the Great Depression, dropping from $104.6 billion in 1929 to $57.2 billion in 1933.

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