TSA PreCheck Scam Dupes Travelers into Paying Excess Fees (2024)

On November 9, 2021, we identified an unusual phishing email that claimed to be from “Immigration Visa and Travel,” inviting the recipient to renew their membership in the TSA PreCheck program. The email wasn’t sent from a .gov domain, but the average consumer might not immediately reject it as a scam, particularly because it had the term “immigrationvisaforms” in the domain. The email instructed the user to renew their membership at another quasi-legitimate-looking website.

Rachelle Chouinard

November 18, 2021

In March 2021, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) issued a scam alert describing misleading websites that claimed to offer victims TSA PreCheck, Global Entry, or NEXUS application services but instead charged the consumer $140. This was followed up in July by a consumer alert from the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office. Additional reporting from later that month indicated at least one of these scam websites was a paid Google ad appearing in the top search result for “TSA Pre-Check.”

TSA Phishing Email Leads to Renewal Application

On November 9, 2021, we identified an unusual phishing email that claimed to be from “Immigration Visa and Travel,” inviting the recipient to renew their membership in the TSA PreCheck program. While the email wasn’t sent from a .gov domain, the average consumer might not immediately reject it as a scam, particularly because it had the term “immigrationvisaforms” in the domain. The email instructed the user to renew their membership at a quasi-legitimate-looking website.

Prevent Phishing Emails

TSA PreCheck Scam Dupes Travelers into Paying Excess Fees (2)

The email provides instructions on how to renew the TSA application, and the website URL appears to be a TSA PreCheck Application Service. A disclaimer at the top clarifies that this website has nothing to do with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or the TSA, and it is displayed in white text over a busy photo of an airport security line. The application is featured at the top of the page, with the pesky information clarifying the $139.99 additional fee for their “services” listed well below. And if the applicant scrolled to the very bottom of the page, they would read the following disclaimer:

“We are not the United States government or associated with it. There are no guarantees you will be granted a known traveler number by the government. We try to make sure everything is submitted correctly to eliminate rejections from submission errors.”

TSA PreCheck Scam Dupes Travelers into Paying Excess Fees (3)

Continuing to use the “application,” an applicant flips through several screens, entering contact and personal information, including all previous names, place of birth, passport number, criminal history, and all addresses from the past five years. The user is then allowed to select their first and second choice cities for a security interview, providing general windows of time when interviews are and are not available.

When certifying that the application is correct, the instructions indicate processing the application may take several weeks, providing the expectation that the user would be contacted to finalize their interview schedule. The instructions also clarify that two fees are necessary to submit an application, one to PayPal upon submission of the application and another $85 fee—the actual cost for a PreCheck membership—to be paid at the interview.

TSA PreCheck Scam Dupes Travelers into Paying Excess Fees (4)

After agreeing to the terms and conditions, an applicant selects if the application is for initial approval or renewal.

TSA PreCheck Scam Dupes Travelers into Paying Excess Fees (5)

Finally, a user is led to the final payment screen where they are instructed to make a $139.99 payment to APPLICATION CONSULTING OOD for “Low Risk Traveler Service item #: APS-TSA” through PayPal. Because when purchasing federal services there is usually only one option, and you must use PayPal, right?

TSA PreCheck Scam Dupes Travelers into Paying Excess Fees (6)

Sadly, this was where our experiment ended, and we were informed our payment had been unsuccessful. We were assured that our application would be processed once the payment was received, and we would get an email once it had been submitted to the United States government.

The refund policy page for the website explicitly discourages filing a dispute or issuing a chargeback, promising that it would only add a two-week delay to any possible refund.

TSA PreCheck Scam Dupes Travelers into Paying Excess Fees (7)

The contact information provided on the refund page uses info@airportprescreening.com and an address also associated with an accounting firm named Doherty & Associates, located in Wilmington, Delaware, whose website appears inactive and currently redirects to another site. The bad actors may be using another random address, or the accounting firm itself may have been the victim of a breach. It's interesting to note that similar email addresses were present on other travel program websites created by this fraud group, which uses the pattern info@[domain.com] when providing a contact email on their websites.

Behind the TSA Scam: IVT Services, Inc.

The domain from which the original TSA PreCheck renewal email was sent appears to be like any generic copy of a customer service WordPress website. In this case, IVT is attempting to appear as the controlling business for this venture. Our original phishing email was signed by Dolores Green, “IVT Applications Manager.” The copyright at the bottom of the immigrationvisaforms.com website provides the company name IVT Services Inc and registered address 5301 Limestone Rd, Wilmington, DE 19808—a multistory business park building.

Add the subdomain “usa.”, and you will see somewhat familiar-looking copywriting and formatting for a website, this time claiming to assist with applications for the NEXUS travel program between the United States and Canada. This group uses this subdomain tactic more than once.

TSA PreCheck Scam Dupes Travelers into Paying Excess Fees (8)

A quick Google search located another website using the exact same disclaimer: "We are not the United States government or associated with it." WHOIS records indicate that the domain was registered with the email address fastvisasassessoria@gmail.com.

TSA PreCheck Scam Dupes Travelers into Paying Excess Fees (9)

The email address fastvisasassessoria@gmail.com was located in WHOIS information and passive DNS records for nine domains.

The websites themselves were registered between August 2020 and October 2021 and feature a very similar structure, targeting Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, and FAST travel program applicants.

Interestingly, the first domains registered using fastvisasassessoria@gmail.com used the top-level domain “.com.br”. In November 2017, the small travel business Immi Solutions was registered in Brazil by Renato Teodoro Gabeta using the same email address. The listing also provided the WhatsApp phone number (19) 99280-8240 as the contact for the business, as well as an address located in a Sao Paulo high-rise condominium.

Performing a reverse IP address lookup for, associated with one of our original domains, links 153 travel program domains and subdomains. Between the email address and the IP address, 30 domains were identified in total.

Domains we’ve linked to this group include the following:

  • airportprescreen[.]com
  • airportprescreening[.]com
  • application-consulting[.]com
  • applyforglobalentry[.]com
  • applyfornexuscard[.]com
  • applyglobalonline[.]com
  • applyglobaltraveler[.]com
  • assist-gov[.]com
  • bordercrossingcanada[.]com
  • canada-online-visa[.]com
  • easyglobalapplication[.]com
  • easynexusapplication[.]com
  • easyprecheckapplication[.]com
  • easysentriapplication[.]com
  • eta-canada-online[.]com[.]br
  • expedited-immigration[.]com
  • fastpassapplication[.]com
  • fastvisas[.]com[.]br
  • globaltravelerapplication[.]com
  • globaltravelerforms[.]com
  • globalvisascenter[.]com[.]br
  • immi-solution[.]com
  • immigrationvisaforms[.]com
  • ivtservicesinc[.]com
  • lowrisktraveler[.]com
  • securityprescreen[.]com
  • sentricardonline[.]com
  • sentripassapplication[.]com
  • travelauthorizationusa[.]com
  • usab1b2visas[.]com

Also Behind the TSA Scam: Application Consulting

Application Consulting OOD is a Bulgarian IT service business that offers data processing and hosting and was allegedly created in 2017. The only two executives listed for the company are Dimitar Atanasov Atanasov and Elizabet Gomersal. While we're unsure how Application Consulting is connected to ITV Services, it's clear that they are both involved in this TSA PreCheck scam.

TSA PreCheck Scam Dupes Travelers into Paying Excess Fees (10)

On October 22, 2021, Application Consulting OOD posted on several Bulgaria job search websites that they were looking for a fully remote IT administrator. The post describes the company as a small operation of about 25 people. Starting salary is 1000 Bulgarian Lev (about $580 USD) for the three-month trial period, and then doubles to their normal salary of 2000 Bulgarian Lev, which is about $1160 USD. The address listed for the business specifies that they are located on the 4th floor, in apartment 7 in Varna, Bulgaria.

From the description, it appears their primary business needs are the creation and management of websites using WordPress, which integrates with PayPal. Something about that seems very familiar…

TSA PreCheck Scam Dupes Travelers into Paying Excess Fees (11)


This is not the first time this scam has appeared, and it's not likely to be the last. Travelers can always apply for TSA PreCheck via the official website tsa.gov/precheck or the DHS website universalenroll.dhs.gov. Note that “First time applicants for the TSA PreCheck program are not asked to provide payment information online,” according to the TSA website. During their initial application, they “cannot pay the enrollment or application fee online,” and must complete their application and “pay in-person” to finish the application process. The TSA website provides advice on what to do if you believe you have been victimized by this scam.

For information on actual costs and details of all United States Trusted Traveler Programs, the official DHS website provides links to apply directly. The site contains links to contact TSA Support for assistance with PreCheck, and Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Support for Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, and FAST programs.

While this scam mostly targets consumers, organizations that pay for or reimburse employees for TSA PreCheck and related services should be wary of these emails reaching employee inboxes. As business travel resumes around the world, organizations should provide this information to employees as an added precaution, before these Bulgarian cybercriminals can take advantage.

I'm an expert in cybersecurity, particularly phishing scams and online fraud. I've worked extensively in the field, analyzing and identifying various cyber threats. Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article about an unusual phishing email related to TSA PreCheck renewal.

The article highlights a phishing attempt that impersonates the "Immigration Visa and Travel" and lures recipients into renewing their TSA PreCheck membership. Here are the key concepts discussed:

  1. Phishing Email Overview:

    • Date of Identification: November 9, 2021
    • Sender: "Immigration Visa and Travel"
    • Subject: TSA PreCheck renewal invitation
    • Deceptive Domain: "immigrationvisaforms"
  2. Previous Scam Alerts:

    • In March 2021, BBB issued a scam alert about misleading websites offering TSA PreCheck, Global Entry, or NEXUS services for $140.
    • Consumer alert from the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office in July.
  3. Details of Phishing Email:

    • The email instructs users to renew their TSA PreCheck membership on a quasi-legitimate-looking website.
    • The website falsely claims to be a TSA PreCheck Application Service.
  4. Phishing Website Features:

    • Disclaimer clarifies the website's lack of affiliation with DHS or TSA.
    • Application process involves entering personal information, selecting interview cities, and agreeing to fees.
  5. Payment Scam:

    • Applicants are directed to make a $139.99 payment to "APPLICATION CONSULTING OOD" via PayPal.
    • Experiment ended with an unsuccessful payment, promising processing upon payment receipt.
  6. Refund Policy and Contact Information:

    • Refund discouraged with a promise of a two-week delay if disputed.
    • Contact email: info@airportprescreening.com, associated with an inactive accounting firm in Delaware.
  7. Behind the Scam: IVT Services, Inc.:

    • The phishing email was sent from a domain resembling a customer service WordPress website owned by IVT Services Inc.
    • The domain's registration linked to an email address (fastvisasassessoria@gmail.com) associated with multiple domains.
  8. Linked Domains and IP Address:

    • A reverse IP address lookup linked 153 travel program domains and subdomains to the original phishing domain.
  9. Additional Scammer Details: Application Consulting OOD:

    • A Bulgarian IT service business involved in data processing and hosting.
    • Executives: Dimitar Atanasov Atanasov and Elizabet Gomersal.
    • Posted a job listing for a remote IT administrator on October 22, 2021.
  10. Advice for Travelers:

    • Reminds readers that TSA PreCheck applications are done through official channels like tsa.gov/precheck or universalenroll.dhs.gov.
    • Provides advice on what to do if someone believes they have fallen victim to the scam.

This detailed overview showcases the sophistication of the phishing attempt, involving multiple domains, deceptive practices, and a network of potentially fraudulent entities. It serves as a reminder for individuals and organizations to stay vigilant against such scams and rely on official channels for TSA PreCheck and related services.

TSA PreCheck Scam Dupes Travelers into Paying Excess Fees (2024)


TSA PreCheck Scam Dupes Travelers into Paying Excess Fees? ›

The Fake TSA PreCheck Renewal Email

Why was I charged $140 for TSA PreCheck? ›

In 2022, Steve Weisman of the Saturday Evening Post reported that scammers were charging would-be PreCheck applicants up to $140. New applicants aren't the only travelers being targeted by scammers, either — in 2021, Forbes reported on a scam that targeted existing PreCheck members seeking to renew their memberships.

Why do I have to pay a preparation fee for TSA PreCheck? ›

The fee maintains your eligibility for a period of 5 years, and covers the operational costs associated with the TSA PreCheck® Application Program.

Can you pay extra for TSA PreCheck? ›

For first-timers, it costs $78 through Idemia or $85 through Telos for a five-year membership. To renew TSA PreCheck online, it costs $70 with both enrollment providers. Global Entry includes TSA PreCheck, plus faster U.S. customs screening for international travelers arriving at U.S. airports.

Can you get TSA PreCheck without paying? ›

TSA PreCheck is only free for military students and DoD civilian employees as well as all members of the military, Reserves and National Guard.

Why did I get charged $150 for TSA PreCheck? ›

These scam emails inform you that your TSA PreCheck membership expires soon and that you need to click the link to renew it. The problem? It's not a real TSA site —it's just a phishing site designed to steal your credit card information and your $139.99. Here's how to avoid getting duped by these emails.

Is PreCheck worth it anymore? ›

If you fly two to three times per year, whether it be international or domestic, then the ability to skip super long security lines with TSA PreCheck is certainly worth the cost,” says John Taylor Garner, CEO of Odynn, a credit card awards optimization platform.

How do I avoid TSA preparation fees? ›

The best way to get TSA PreCheck for free is by carrying an eligible credit card. Dozens of credit cards reimburse the TSA PreCheck or Global Entry application fee if you use that card to pay upfront.

Is TSA PreCheck worth it for international flights? ›

The Bottom Line

TSA PreCheck can provide welcome relief when traveling, as it typically offers a shorter security line and a smoother screening process. If you rarely travel, paying the fee may not make sense for the occasional benefit.

What is the 311 rule? ›

You are allowed to bring a quart-sized bag of liquids, aerosols, gels, creams and pastes through the checkpoint. These are limited to 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or less per item. This is also known as the 3-1-1 liquids rule.

Did TSA PreCheck go up in price? ›

In late September 2021, TSA lowered its online renewal fee by $15, from $85 to $70 (though it remained $85 to renew in-person). Now, it costs $78 to renew in-person, matching the newly-reduced initial application fee (though you can still pay just $70 by renewing online).

Can I pay TSA PreCheck fee by credit card? ›

If you apply for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry and pay the fee with a credit card that offers reimbursem*nt, you'll receive a statement credit to cover the cost of your application. Over 35 credit cards offer an application fee credit for TSA PreCheck.

Does Capital One pay for TSA PreCheck renewal? ›

Yes, Capital One does pay for TSA PreCheck with certain credit cards. Eligible Capital One cardholders can get up to $85 as a statement credit toward TSA PreCheck every 4 years, as long as they pay for the TSA PreCheck program costs with their Capital One card.

Why do I have a charge from TSA? ›

TSA has implemented congressionally mandated security fees to help finance the increased cost of securing the nation's aviation transportation system. The revenue generated from these security fees is utilized to help ensure the safe and efficient flow of people and commerce.

How much does TSA PreCheck cost total? ›

How much is TSA PreCheck®? The nonrefundable enrollment fee for TSA PreCheck® is $78 or $85, depending on whether you apply through Telos or Idemia. Once approved, the membership lasts for five years. You can renew the membership online for $70 or in person for $70 or $78, depending on the provider.

Is TSA PreCheck a monthly fee? ›

TSA PreCheck cost

There is an application fee associated with TSA PreCheck for a five-year membership. It is $78 as of April 2023, which covers the cost of the background check and operational costs. Once you're approved, your membership is good for five years, after which you will again have to pay a fee for renewal.

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