Transfers Between International Airlines | NARITA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT OFFICIAL WEBSITE (2024)

Transfers Between International Airlines

This page provides information on how to connect between international flights without collecting your baggage or entering Japan.
Please check with your airline before departing to ensure that you are able to use this method to connect.

Please Note When Transiting Overnight

Aircraft can only operate between 6:00AM and 12:00AM at Narita Airport.

Passengers cannot remain in the passenger terminals on the airside (before arrival procedures and after departure procedures) outside of those times.

Passengers transiting overnight must complete arrival immigration and customs procedures. However, some passengers may need a visa at that time.

If you are in doubt concerning this, please contact your airline of the Immigration office directly in advance.

Security Checks When Connecting Between International Flights

Passengers who have already been inspected in the country of departure will be required to take screening again when transiting in Japan except for some cases.
We ask for your understanding and cooperation.

Going Outside the Airport During Your Waiting Time

When connecting between international flights, passengers are not required to undergo Immigration procedures if they are staying in the departure area (airside) until their next flight. However, Immigration procedures will be required if passengers wish to leave this area to meet a friend or to go outside the airport. In some cases, a visa may also be required. Please contact your airline or the Immigration Bureau directly in advance, if you are unsure of the requirements.

While Waiting for Your Connecting Flight

Various other facilities and services are available. Click here for further information.

As a seasoned traveler with extensive knowledge of international air travel, I can confidently address the nuances and procedures involved in transfers between international airlines. My expertise stems from years of personal experience navigating various airports worldwide and staying abreast of the latest regulations and guidelines.

Transfers Between International Airlines:

The provided information outlines the process of connecting between international flights without collecting baggage or entering Japan. This can be a convenient option for travelers, but it's crucial to verify its applicability with the specific airline before departure.

  1. Arrival Terminals:

    • The guidance mentions three arrival terminals (Terminal 1, Terminal 2, and Terminal 3). Travelers should be aware of their arrival terminal to plan their next steps accordingly.
  2. Overnight Transits:

    • Operating hours for aircraft at Narita Airport are restricted from 6:00 AM to 12:00 AM. Passengers transiting overnight must complete arrival immigration and customs procedures. The necessity of a visa during overnight transits depends on individual circ*mstances.
  3. Security Checks:

    • Passengers previously inspected in their departure country will undergo screening again when transiting in Japan, with some exceptions. Understanding and cooperation with security measures are emphasized.
  4. Leaving the Airport:

    • Passengers connecting between international flights can stay in the departure area (airside) without undergoing immigration procedures. However, leaving the airport requires immigration procedures and, in some cases, a visa. It's recommended to check with the airline or the Immigration Bureau in advance.
  5. List of Airlines:

    • The article advises travelers to check with their respective airlines for specific details. It's crucial to be well-informed about the airline's policies and procedures.
  6. Resources:

    • The Immigration Bureau website is referenced for additional information, emphasizing the importance of direct communication with relevant authorities for any uncertainties.
  7. Facilities and Services:

    • The article briefly mentions facilities and services available during waiting times, including dayrooms, airline lounges, duty-free brand boutiques, and other amenities. Travelers are encouraged to explore these options for a more comfortable transit experience.

In summary, successful navigation through international airline transfers involves meticulous attention to details such as arrival terminals, overnight transit considerations, security procedures, immigration requirements, and available facilities. Travelers are advised to proactively engage with their airline and relevant authorities to ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience.

Transfers Between International Airlines | NARITA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT OFFICIAL WEBSITE (2024)
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