Transferring to the Ivy League: When, How + Steps To Take (2024)

How to Transfer Into an Ivy League SchoolShould You Transfer to the Ivy League?Ivy League Transfer Acceptance RatesFAQs: Transferring to the Ivy LeaguesTransferring to the Ivys: It's Your Choice

Transferring to the Ivy League: When, How + Steps To Take (1)

Reviewed by:

Mary Banks

Former Admissions Committee Member, Columbia University

Reviewed: 4/10/22

Transferring to the Ivy Leagues is an excellent goal to have. If you need information on how to make it an achievable one, read our guide where we tell you everything you need to know.

Every year Ivy League schools receive tens of thousands of applications from candidates around the world. Ivy League schools have a reputation for being extremely selective and competitive. If you’re considering transferring to an Ivy league, it’s important to make sure your application is as strong as possible.

A strong application is one that has been thoughtfully planned and written with an end goal of gaining acceptance into one of the Ivy Leagues. Here, we will discuss the process of applying to transfer, helpful tips and tricks, the advantages and disadvantages, and answer some commonly asked questions about transferring to the Ivy Leagues.

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How to Transfer Into an Ivy League School

Applying to transfer to a different college is essentially the same process as applying for school the first time. The difference is in how you prepare for it. Here are a few things to check off before you start your transfer application.

  1. Assess why you want to transfer: do you think you will have a better opportunity with the Ivy League school of your choice?
  2. Begin your college search: List at least your top 3 Ivy League choices and research their acceptance rates, their transfer process, application components, etc.
  3. Meet with your advisor: Gather as much information and additional resources on transferring and see if you can have any help on the process if you’re stuck
  4. Start scoping out schools: Even if you have your top choices, it wouldn’t hurt to have backup choices and be sure to visit the campuses if you are able
  5. Check out which credits transfer: Make sure you have the right amount of credits as well as working towards the ones needed before starting the transfer application.
  6. Understand your financial aid options: Ivy League schools are expensive. Make sure you have financial aid options as well as being on the lookout for bursaries, awards, and other means of financial support.

After doing all those steps, you can finally collect your components and begin the transfer application. Having good grades, a great application essay, and acing all the interviews are key when applying for an Ivy League school. Below is a step-by-step process on how to do it:

1. Receive Excellent Grades and Test Marks

Ivy Leagues want their prospective students to have exceptional academic standing. This quality is vital for you to enroll and excel in lengthy, overwhelming courses in an Ivy League.

You have to achieve certain test scores and GPAs to be considered by Ivy League admissions officials. Each breakthrough SAT or ACT score differs by school.. Though, some schools have different standardized test scores that determine if you are eligible to be accepted.

2. Improve Your Grades

Make sure your current transcript has acceptable grades, as it is possibly the most crucial component of your transfer application. Show the type of courses you took in your current school: sciences, arts, humanities, and more that helped boost your GPA.

Having a variety of courses on your transcript can impress the admissions because it shows you take on a variety of subjects that pique your interests.

3. Prepare for Early Action/Early Decision Programs

Of course, you have already researched and picked the Ivy League school you want to transfer to, but you can take a shortcut by applying through an Early Action or Early Decision program if that Ivy League accepts transfer students.

Your application deadline will be earlier, and your response date will be later. This will buy you time to research the program and institution to see if you will be a good fit.

An early action program gives you an early indication of your admission status. The issue however is that it may limit your application to other schools; only one application via Early Decision is permitted.

Also, if you are accepted, you are obligated to attend that Ivy League school and should withdraw from any other transfer applications.

4. Make Sure You’re Ready for Standardized Tests

If the Ivy League calls for it, it would not hurt to retake or take any standardized tests to help get a better score to increase your chances of getting accepted.

As you probably know, the SAT or ACT are not the same, but either test may be required for the Ivy League to which you are applying. These tests help the Ivy League schools assess your knowledge of topics including:

  • Math
  • Sciences
  • English
  • Reading comprehension.

5. Create an Outstanding Personal Statement

Personal statements are also crucial documents in your application. You will need to write an interesting, compelling personal statement to stand out amongst the hundreds of other applicants. Make sure you avoid grammatical errors or cliche themes; those tropes will cause your application to end up in the trash.

Your statement does not need to be remarkable or ground-breaking; you can pick a topic that is meaningful to you and allows the reader to see how thoughtful and self-reflective you are.

6. Exemplify Depth in Your Extracurricular Activities

It wouldn’t hurt to mention any activities you have done while in your current institution, as it can help your application stand out. It shows that you have a genuine enthusiasm about the activities you participate in.

You can take your extracurriculars and mold them into something inspiring by listing your achievements and dedications. It will tell the Ivy League school how hard-working you are and if that makes you a good addition to the institution.

7. Provide Excellent Letters of Recommendations

Ivy League schools usually require two letters of recommendation. Your best options for writing these letters would be for teachers who are familiar with you and you have a good standing in their course. It does not have to be a teacher from your major, just make sure the person writing your letter can talk from personal experiences about your achievements and aspirations.

Research about recommendation letters ahead of time and give your choices at least two months’ notice in advance so they can gather your accomplishments, grades, and performance in class.

You can also provide your recommenders with your full transcripts, a CV, any awards you may have, any achievements you have made in extracurricular activities or volunteering.

8. Be Respectful and Likable for Your Interview

Some Ivy League schools will contact you for an interview, which are often conducted by a current or former student of said school. Interviews are not always required and not that important in your application, but it does have an impact on whether you will be admitted or not by the school.

If the school offers an interview, by all means, go do it! You have more to lose if you don’t: failing to talk about why you want to transfer to this school or your passions and goals can negatively affect your decision.

Be courteous and respectful during the interview. These are amiable interactions that allow admissions to get a better view of you as not just a prospective student, but as a person.

Should You Transfer to an Ivy League School?

It is always important to consider the factors before making the decision to transfer to an Ivy League school. You must consider all the good and bad that come with making such an important decision.


Here are some advantages of transferring to an Ivy League school.

Save Money

Tuition rates are an important component of attending college that needs to be addressed by all students. Ivy League schools are very expensive, but if you want to transfer, the good thing is that taking a semester in a community college or a more affordable college will allow you to save a good amount in the subsequent time that can be put towards your Ivy League tuition.

Improve Your Grades

Good grades are critical in your transfer process. Being in a lesser-known college allows you time to get your GPA and grades up and lets the Ivy League admissions see your improvement, which increases your chances of getting accepted.

Determine Your Academic Path

Most students end up being rejected because they lack a clear sense of direction. It is alright to not know what you want to do post-graduation yet, or which profession you wish to pursue, but you must have a clear plan of action. Being in a different college can help that; you explore your options and solidify your career choices before putting your plan in action to apply for a transfer.


Here are some disadvantages of transferring to an Ivy League school.

High Tuition Fees

Tuition, even with a cost-saving plan, is still high for Ivy League schools. Below is a chart that gives off a good idea about the estimated tuition fees.

Transferring to the Ivy League: When, How + Steps To Take (2)

Low Admission Rates

Alongside tuition, Ivy League schools are ridiculously hard to get into. You must perfectly fit the profiles of your ideal student to be accepted. Make sure to properly research the criteria for each school before applying towards them.

Ivy League Transfer Acceptance Rates

Look at the table below, which outlines the Ivy League transfer acceptance rate, the number of accepted transfer applicants, and the undergrad acceptance rate of each Ivy school.

Transferring to the Ivy League: When, How + Steps To Take (3)

Transferring to the Ivy League: When, How + Steps To Take (4)

Transferring to the Ivy League: When, How + Steps To Take (5)

FAQs: Transferring to the Ivy League

Still have some questions regarding transferring to Ivy League? We understand. It’s an important decision and you should be as well informed as possible. Here are some FAQs that answer your general questions on the matter.

1. Can I Transfer to an Ivy League School from Community College?

Absolutely. Since 2019, a steady number of 200+ community college students have been able to transfer to Ivy League. Cornell University is said to accept the largest number of community college transfers. The University of Pennsylvania comes in second, and Brown University third. Their data showing the rates of community college acceptance are available on their websites.

2. What Do Ivy League Schools Look For In an Application?

Ivy League schools want students who stick out from the crowd and are unique in their area of interest. They want world-changers who wish to make a strong, positive impact on society and the future to come. They are looking for people who can make their dreams realities, and work hard to grow to reach success.

3. What is the Easiest Ivy League School to Get Into?

That can be debatable. It all depends on the ones with the most transfer acceptance rates. As stated earlier your top best choices would be Cornell, UPenn or Dartmouth. Their rates range from ~8.03% to 10%.

4. What Can Help Make Me a Good Applicant?

You can always talk to your academic advisor from both your current college and an Ivy League school to see if you would be a good fit. Make sure you’re in transferable classes. Earn high grades and maintain a high GPA. Be sure to check if your choices have a minimum GPA requirement for transfer students that you exceed.

5. Can You Have Too Many Transfer Credits?

Schools in the US, including Ivy Leagues, have different transfer policies. Some schools will accept you with 100 college credits, but most themes generally require 30 credits. You should research the school’s website to get a good idea of how many transfer credits are needed.

6. What Specific Courses Should I Take Before I Transfer?

Usually, it is specified on the Ivy League school’s website what constitutes a transfer credit and what doesn’t. It is advised to take basic general education courses and then maybe research the school you wish to transfer to and see if there are any specific credits to earn.

7. How Do I Find Out About Transfer and Major Requirements for My School?

You can always ask your academic advisor of your current school to make sure you are meeting the requirements and are on the right track to transfer. Also, check out any transfer application workshops around your campus.

Transferring to the Ivys: It's Your Choice

Transferring to another school, especially an Ivy League school, is a big step, with an exhaustive application process. You will be able to make a smooth operation of the matter if you were to follow the steps and are determined to get into the Ivy League school of your dreams. It is always alright to ask questions and receive all the help available to be successful in getting accepted.

Transferring to the Ivy League: When, How + Steps To Take (2024)


How do I successfully transfer to Ivy League? ›

Ivy League schools accept transfer students from various institutions across the country. As long as you have a strong profile, excellent grades, and a compelling application, transferring to the Ivy League as a community college student is possible (whether or not you've already completed an associate's degree).

How hard is it to get into an Ivy as a transfer? ›

Is Transferring to an Ivy League College Easy? Transferring to another school can often be more difficult than applying as a freshman. The NACAC report shows the overall acceptance rate for transfer students at all schools in the country was 61% compared to 66% for freshman applications.

Is it easier to get into an Ivy League as a transfer? ›

Whether you are attending a community college or a state university, you can apply to transfer into an Ivy League school. Transfers are usually accepted after sophom*ore year. However, keep in mind that depending on the school, it is more difficult to gain admission as a transfer than a first-year student.

What do Ivy Leagues look for in transfer students? ›

The Ivy League colleges are more interested in how you did your first year or semester in college than anything you previously did in high school (including your SAT or ACT scores). Some Ivy League schools allow transfer students to apply for both the fall and spring semesters, like Brown.

What is the most easiest Ivy League to get into? ›

Cornell is considered the "easiest" Ivy League to get into because it has the highest Ivy League acceptance rate. While it's easier, statistically speaking, to get into Cornell, it's still challenging. It's also important to remember that students apply directly to one of Cornell's eight undergraduate colleges.

Can I transfer to an Ivy League with a 3.7 GPA? ›

Yes, you can get into an Ivy League with a 3.7 GPA. Though, the lower your grade, the less your chances of getting into an Ivy League, but with a strong personal statement and a properly packaged application, you can get in with a grade even less than 3.7 GPA.

What is the easiest Ivy academically? ›

Cornell University

Cornell is the easiest and youngest Ivy League school. It was established in 1865 and is situated in Ithaca, New York. Out of 49,114 candidates, Cornell accepted 5,330, for an admission percentage of around 10.9%.

Which Ivy has the highest transfer rate? ›

Among Ivy League schools, Columbia University accepts the most transfer students.

What GPA do Ivy Leagues like? ›

If you're aiming for a top university such as one in the Ivy League, Stanford, MIT, or others of the same caliber, a 4.0 GPA — or close to it — is expected.

What do colleges look at when you transfer? ›

Transfer students are evaluated on the basis of the GPA earned and the college work they have completed. If a student is right on the edge between being accepted or not, then in that case Letters of Recommendation may make an impact in the decision process.

What increases chances of getting into Ivy League? ›

Be sure to have good grades and test scores.

If your goal is to enter an Ivy League school, you will need outstanding grades and test scores. According to The National Association for College Admission Counseling, these are the two most important factors for a student trying to get into a highly-selective university.

Why are transfer acceptance rates so low? ›

Many transfer students are at lower income brackets than students who enroll directly at four-year universities. Low-income students typically have lower enrollment rates, but without surveying students directly, colleges might have assumed that transfer students just weren't ready for universities.

What kind of students do Ivy Leagues want? ›

1. Academic Performance. Ivy League schools expect you to have outstanding grades, and it's practically a prerequisite to applying. Unless you've experienced an extreme illness or a life-changing experience, Ivy League schools expect you to have a good GPA of at least 4.0.

Do Ivy Leagues accept average students? ›

Can an average student get into Ivy League? While it can be challenging for an average student to get into an Ivy League school, it is not impossible. The admissions process for Ivy League schools is highly selective.

How do Ivy League schools pick students? ›

A competitive application shows that the applicant has taken the most challenging curriculum available to him or her, and that student has achieved high grades on top of that. In other words, they have both a high GPA and many AP, IB, or Honors classes. For the Ivy League, a high GPA is, on average, a weighted 4.0.

Will one C ruin my chances of Ivy League? ›

While receiving a “C” will impact your GPA, it will certainly not ruin it. That “C” won't ruin your chances of getting into college either.

What is the happiest Ivy League? ›

Campus happiness: Brown is widely known as the happiest Ivy, perhaps because of students' freedom to choose courses with almost complete autonomy. Students report feeling less competition amongst themselves and an overall sense of campus community.

What is the lowest GPA ever accepted Ivy League? ›

And maybe, you can get into a top tier college with a low GPA. We've always stated that the lowest GPA student we've ever helped get into an Ivy League school had a 3.3 unweighted GPA. And we're not saying that we could get anyone in with a 3.3 GPA. But it has happened before – and the student was Asian American too.

What is the lowest GPA Yale has accepted? ›

You should also have a 4.14 GPA or higher. If your GPA is lower than this, you need to compensate with a higher SAT/ACT score. For a school as selective as Yale, you'll also need to impress them with the rest of your application. We'll cover those details next.

Is a 33 ACT good enough for Ivy League? ›

Because competition for elite schools is fierce, every extra point both on your ACT score and GPA will help. A 33 lands you solidly in the mid-range for average acceptance at places like Yale and Harvard, above their 25th percentile, which is 32, but below the 75th, which is 34-35.

Is it easier to get into Harvard as a transfer student? ›

Every year approximately 1,500 students apply to transfer to Harvard University. Of these hopeful students, typically, only about a dozen get accepted to the prestigious school. This makes Harvard's transfer acceptance rate less than 1%, or only 0.8% to be precise.

Which Ivy gets the least applicants? ›

Dartmouth University is the Ivy League school that receives the least amount of applications. On average, they receive nearly 23,000 applications each year, and this year they received 28,841 applications.

Which Ivy has the smartest students? ›

Here are America's Ivy League schools ranked by student brainpower:
Smarts RankOverall Smarts RankSchool
13Harvard University
13Yale University
35Princeton University
48Columbia University
4 more rows
Oct 9, 2015

What is the hardest non Ivy League school to get into? ›

Stanford University

Stanford University has a 5% acceptance rate. The Stanford, California, college was also named by Niche as the No. 2 school for the best academics in 2023. Additionally, the school ranks high on the list of best value colleges in the country.

Which Ivy has the richest students? ›

Harvard University

As one of the most prestigious universities in the world, it comes as no surprise that Harvard has a student body that is among the wealthiest in the country. Many of the students at Harvard come from families with significant wealth and influence, and many go on to become leaders in their fields.

Do most billionaires go to Ivy Leagues? ›

As you might expect, the colleges that produce the most billionaires are largely Ivy League universities. But even for those who never reach 10 figures, Ivy League universities can still generate wealth.

What high school produces the most Ivy League students? ›

Nationwide, the high school with the most students graduating from Harvard, Princeton or MIT is Thomas Jefferson High School in Alexandria, Virginia, with 79 total.

Can I get into Harvard with 2 B's? ›

Does Harvard Accept B Students? Yes, just like I mentioned above, it's completely possible to get admitted into Harvard University with B grades.

Is a 4.7 GPA good for Harvard? ›

Average GPA: 4.18

(Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA. With a GPA of 4.18, Harvard requires you to be at the top of your class. You'll need nearly straight A's in all your classes to compete with other applicants.

What is the lowest GPA to get into Harvard? ›

You should also have a 4.18 GPA or higher. If your GPA is lower than this, you need to compensate with a higher SAT/ACT score. For a school as selective as Harvard, you'll also need to impress them with the rest of your application. We'll cover those details next.

Do extracurriculars matter as a transfer student? ›

Having extracurricular achievements can also help you distinguish yourself from other highly qualified transfer applicants in competitive majors, where completion of required coursework and high GPA are the norm.

Is it easier to get admitted as a transfer student? ›

Is Transferring Easier Than Getting In as a First-Year Student? At some schools, transfer students have a better statistical shot at getting accepted than first-year applicants, with chances of acceptance sometimes doubled or even tripled. This holds true at many highly selective colleges, especially public schools.

Do grades matter when transferring? ›

This means your grades will play an even more important role in the viability of your transfer application than they did the last time you applied. If you've earned less than 60 credits, colleges will generally want to look at both your high school and college grades, so be prepared to submit transcripts for both.

When should I start preparing for Ivy League? ›

Some experts recommend starting as early as sixth grade. We have found that starting to think about and to prepare for college should ideally start during the summer before your high school freshman year, but getting help later can still be of benefit to you.

How many AP classes are there in the Ivy League? ›

Ivy League

To be a competitive candidate for admission, you will need to take at least 8 AP® classes, more if you can. It is a good idea to take 1 AP® course in each of the following core disciplines: English, Foreign Language, History, Math, and Science to impress the admissions officers.

How many AP classes should I take? ›

This is when you should start taking your AP core classes. Take 3 to 5 if you are aiming for a highly selective school, and 2 to 4 if you are aiming elsewhere. Note that many students describe this year as significantly harder than past ones. And you'll also likely be taking your standardized tests.

How to increase chances of getting accepted as a transfer student? ›

Tips to Boost Your Chances of Admission as a Transfer Student
  1. Take rigorous courses required by your major, and do as well as you can. ...
  2. Satisfy the general education requirements for your transfer college. ...
  3. Identify professors who appreciate your work in courses related to your major.
Nov 18, 2020

What GPA is good enough to transfer? ›

A good transfer GPA is 3.8 (which is the average transfer GPA) and above. However, the minimum GPA is 2.5. The GPA requirement differs from college to college. Top tier colleges demand the average and above.

What is the easiest UC to transfer into? ›

The easiest UC schools to get into include UC Santa Cruz, UC Riverside, and UC Merced, all of which have acceptance rates over 50%. Located 40 minutes outside San Jose, UCSC earns high marks for its picturesque campus and close beach access.

How to impress Ivy League colleges? ›

First, Ivy League schools are looking for students dedicated to academic excellence. Strong test scores and a high GPA can help bolster your application and show you can handle the rigor of a top-ranked college curriculum.

How to impress an Ivy League school? ›

10 Application Tips To Stand Out To Ivy League Colleges During The Admissions Process
  1. Start early. ...
  2. Do thoughtful college research. ...
  3. Take time to write strong essays. ...
  4. Answer optional supplemental questions. ...
  5. Submit supplemental materials. ...
  6. Emphasize uniqueness, leadership, and impact. ...
  7. Submit test scores strategically.
Sep 6, 2022

What majors are popular at Ivy Leagues? ›

Political science and government are popular majors across the Ivy League, according to "U.S. News and World Report." English literature and the social science majors remain very popular at Harvard, along with psychology.

Do Ivy Leagues look at 12th grade? ›

Your recent grades also matter more than grades for earlier years, so your courses and grades in grade 11 and grade 12 are of utmost importance. Ivy League schools will also ask for your mid-year grades report, so make sure you keep your performance consistently good amidst your application.

Do Ivy Leagues look at class rank? ›

For Ivy League and other top tier schools, a class rank in the top 10% or 5% is a good goal to aim for. Remember though, that colleges take many factors into consideration when they look at college applications, and your class rank is just one piece of the puzzle.

What class rank are most Ivy League schools looking for from applicants? ›

In the context of Ivy League schools, like Yale and Harvard, a good class rank is typically one that places a student within the top 5-10% of their graduating class. It is crucial to understand that Ivy League admissions are highly competitive, with thousands of qualified applicants vying for a limited number of spots.

Which is the easiest Ivy League to get into? ›

Cornell is considered the "easiest" Ivy League to get into because it has the highest Ivy League acceptance rate. While it's easier, statistically speaking, to get into Cornell, it's still challenging. It's also important to remember that students apply directly to one of Cornell's eight undergraduate colleges.

Do Ivy Leagues look at 9th grade? ›

Ivy League universities (and most universities, for that matter) consider student accomplishments from the ninth to 12th grades. So typically, achievements in say the 7th or 8th grade don't matter all that much. However, successful Ivy League applicants boast impressive school records right from the start.

Which Ivy Leagues have the highest transfer acceptance rate? ›

Ivy League Transfer Acceptance Rates
CollegeTransfer Acceptance RateNumber of Accepted Transfer Applicants
Harvard University0.8%12
Yale University0.8%<30
University of Pennsylvania4.6%161
Dartmouth College9.9%<24
4 more rows
May 1, 2023

Is it easier to get into Harvard as a transfer? ›

Every year approximately 1,500 students apply to transfer to Harvard University. Of these hopeful students, typically, only about a dozen get accepted to the prestigious school. This makes Harvard's transfer acceptance rate less than 1%, or only 0.8% to be precise.

What GPA do Ivy Leagues take? ›

If you're aiming for a top university such as one in the Ivy League, Stanford, MIT, or others of the same caliber, a 4.0 GPA — or close to it — is expected.

What is the second easiest Ivy League to get into? ›

Dartmouth University

The second most accessible Ivy League school to get into is Dartmouth, established in 1769 and based in Hanover, New Hampshire. Dartmouth admitted 1,876 applicants out of 23,650, the lowest number among the eight Ivy League schools, for an acceptable percentage of 7.9%.

What is the average GPA for Ivy League transfer students? ›

As a reference, most admitted transfer students have a GPA of 3.7 or higher. This gives you an idea of how important your grades will be for the admissions committee.

What is the easiest majors to get into Harvard? ›

Harvard's Class of 2027 overall acceptance rate. SAT, ACT, GPA, and class rank of accepted Harvard applicants.
The intended majors of those admitted to the Class of 2027 were:
  • Humanities: 16%
  • Social Sciences: 28.3%
  • Biology: 17.4%
  • Physical Sciences: 6.8%
  • Engineering: 9.5%
  • Computer Science: 8.8%
  • Math: 6.5%
  • Undecided: 6.7%
4 days ago

Who does Harvard accept as transfers? ›

Eligibility. To be eligible to transfer, you must have completed at least one continuous academic year in a full-time degree program at one college and not more than two academic years. You must complete at least two full years of study at Harvard.

When should I apply for Harvard as a transfer? ›

All transfer applications each year are due by March 1st to enter the fall term of the same calendar year. Transfer applicants who are admitted are not permitted to defer their admission.

How many extracurriculars should I have for Ivy League? ›

How Many Extracurricular Activities Do Ivy Leagues Want? For most students, two or three extracurricular activities is manageable while balancing a full course load, depending on the commitment involved in each.

What was the lowest GPA accepted to a Ivy League school? ›

None of the Ivy League schools have a minimum GPA requirement for applications, which means anyone can apply regardless of their GPA.

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