TradingView Guide For Professional Trading 2024 (2024)

It’s never been simpler to trade on TradingView!

You realize exchanging takes a ton of time and difficult work, however raking in boatloads of finance is conceivable.

In the event that you have a skill for it, you have a decent possibility getting more cash than a great many people. Furthermore, the most ideal way to figure out how to exchange and step up your abilities is by doing it online with a stage like TradingView.

I’ve been involving TradingView for quite a long while at this point, and I’m completely dependent. I love it!

I’m continuously searching for a better approach to imagine my exchanging information. All things considered, I tracked down it… also, I’m going to tell you the best way to do exactly the same thing in this article.

Presently how about we figure out how this useful asset can assist you with further developing your exchanging interaction and quickly help your benefits to the following high!

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Table of Contents

TradingView is the most exceptional graphing stage that allows you to make intelligent outlines that show cost activity on anything market you need.

You can utilize it to screen your portfolio, outline your stocks, and follow the value development of every significant money.

You needn’t bother with to be scared by the exchanging scene. With this device and legitimate schooling, as well as your energy for exchanging, you’ll exchange like a genius no time.

Step by step instructions to Get TradingView Ace Free of charge

You can test it out free of charge for 30 days, and afterward you’ll choose for yourself whether it’s the right diagramming instrument for you.

Furthermore, here’s a stunt…

You can follow the means beneath to get an enormous rebate on TradingView Star.

1. Click the button beneath to get any Ace adaptation for totally FREE!

2. Try this instrument for an entire 30-day time span

3. Cancel your free preliminary arrangement when the membership is going to end

4. You’ll get a moment deal to get TradingView Master for up to half off!

5. Enjoy it!

Click here to sign up!

This device is an unquestionable requirement for each dealer. The free form is perfect, however the superior plans merit each and every dollar.

There are 4 membership designs that you can browse:

• Free Fundamental arrangement (Free)

• Well thought out plan ($14.95 each month)

• Pro+ plan ($29.95 each month)

• Premium ($59.95 each month)

I’ve been involving the Ace rendition throughout recent years. It accompanies NO-promotions, 5 pointers for every graph, 2 diagrams for each design, and 20 server-side alarms, which are all that could possibly be needed for me to exchange the market.

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While it’s valued as a month to month membership, the yearly membership is an extraordinary way for you to benefit from TradingView.

Exchanging is a drawn out business, so I would suggest you go with a yearly membership as you’ll get an extra – 16% rebate.

Indeed, TradingView is totally Allowed to utilize, however the free arrangement accompanies a few constraints.

It gives you admittance to a couple of the more fundamental elements and you’re restricted in your graphing to the standard variant of TradingView.

It’s OK to utilize the free arrangement for some time until you get to know the stage and a few specialized markers.

Notwithstanding, there are a few constraints that I could do without about the free rendition, for example,

• Just 3 pointers for each outline

• Incapable to add custom time periods (for example 3-day, 6-hour, and 30-min outlines are exceptionally helpful)

• Just 1 server-side alarm

• Irritating advertisem*nts and pop-ups

Most merchants find that the TradingView free membership is an excess.

So on the off chance that you’re simply trying out the stage, you won’t have to move up to a paid arrangement until you’re prepared to make greater exchanges and get further developed highlights.

TradingView Master is an instrument for brokers who need better specialized examination and a further developed stage.

With ongoing stock statements and outlines, custom pointers, and a broad library of specialized and crucial investigation, it makes your exchanging cycle a lot simpler.

So would it be advisable for you to buy into TradingView Expert?

The response might rely upon how much time you spend exchanging.

In the event that you spend a decent piece of your day exchanging, paying for TradingView Expert can be worth the effort since it will give you greater adaptability and high level elements.

It has cutting edge diagramming programming, strong programming elements, and many specialized markers for you to use in your exchanging techniques.

Exchanging with the right device available to you will give you an edge over different dealers who are without them.

TradingView is a social exchanging stage, where merchants can share expectations and signs, make content for conversation or simply visit about the business sectors.

The stage was planned starting from the earliest stage with inputs from proficient merchants and the point of making the most ideal exchanging experience.

Among its highlights are exhaustive diagramming devices, constant information accessibility, specialized pointers, normal outline designs, news source, global market inclusion and various dialects.

TradingView is likewise viable with many trades giving a large number of resources for speculations.

Indeed, you can utilize TradingView to come up with exchanging techniques and execute exchanges through the stage. It has an inherent exchanging terminal, where you can put in market requests or use stop misfortune and take benefit orders.

At the point when your intermediary is upheld by TradingView, you can sign into your money market fund (or open another one if necessary) and send orders straightforwardly to the specialist.

Notwithstanding, TradingView has upheld only a couple of specialists at this point. I want to believe that they will extend their merchant network from here on out so we can have greater adaptability in utilizing this stage.

TradingView Guide For Professional Trading 2024 (6)

These brokers are currently supported by TradingView:

  • Timex
  • TradeStation
  • BingX
  • WH Selfinvest
  • EasyMarkets
  • Tickmill
  • Alpaca
  • iBroker
  • Pepperstone
  • AMP
  • Saxo
  • FOREXcom
  • Bitstamp
  • HitBTC
  • Global Prime
  • Tiger Brokers
  • FXCM
  • IronBeam
  • CQG FCMs
  • Currencycom
  • Gemini
  • Capitalcom
  • Optimus Futures
  • Chaka
  • Alor
  • Tradovate

On the off chance that your number one broker doesn’t appear here, sit back and relax, I figure an ever increasing number of merchants will be added to the stage sooner rather than later.

I’ve involved this device a ton previously, yet I had opportunity and energy to show you how to utilize it…

Presently I have the ideal chance to do as such.

In the accompanying areas, I will show you how to set up your TradingView graph and how to redo it to accommodate your exchanging needs.

When you do, you will have a diagram that closely resembles this:

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As an expert broker, you maintain that your graph should be perfect and simple to peruse. On the off chance that you lean toward a semi dim subject, I know you will cherish this one.

You can follow the means underneath to set up your diagram design:

Step 1: Enable Dark Theme

Dark Theme works very much like the default Light Topic, yet it assists you with seeing substance on the screen a lot more straightforward.

The Dark Theme is the most ideal for dealers like us who invest a ton of energy watching diagrams, as it makes taking a gander at the screen less tiring.

It likewise gives the whole outline a more expert and sleek look.

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To empower Dark Theme on TradingView, basically right snap on the screen and change Variety Subject to Dark.

Step 2: Change Candle Colors to Black and White

You can go to Settings and change the candle colors to Black and White as follows:

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Red and green are similar tones utilized in gambling clubs. Exchanging isn’t tied in with betting, so I favor Dark/White candles to the customary Red/Green candles.

Step 3: Change Background Color to White

Next, I will change the background color to White.

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You can keep the Dark Theme if you like. But for me, I find it easier to read candlestick charts with a white background.

Step 4: Customize Line Tools

Using the built-in TradingView Line tool, you can easily draw Trend Lines, Horizontal Lines and Parallel Channels.

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Simply right click on the Trend Line and change its color to Black (or your favorite color).

Step 5: Add Custom Chart Time Frames

Now it’s time to bookmark all the time frames that you often use in your charting.

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You can add all of these time frames to the chart menu:

  • 15-minute (M15)
  • 30-minute (M30)
  • 1-hour (H1)
  • 4-hour (H4)
  • 6-hour (H6)
  • 12-hour (H12)
  • 1-day (D1)
  • 3-day (D3)
  • 1-week (W1)
  • 1-month (M1)

With regards to exchanging, picking diagram time periods to exchange is extreme, particularly when you’re simply beginning.

I know that it is so natural to lose all sense of direction in the ocean of time period choices out there, worry don’t as well, I thoroughly figure out your anxiety here.

I’ll discuss this theme in another article. Presently, simply continue to peruse!

With TradingView Pro, you can watch 2 unique graphs on one screen. Along these lines, you can analyze the exhibition of two resources next to each other, or perceive how they move corresponding to one another.

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Utilizing various outlines is likewise an extraordinary method for breaking down the market. It assists you with finding patterns that may not be clear from checking only one outline.

There are a ton of ways of getting the greater part of this component. You can undoubtedly modify the design of your graphs in a wide range of ways, including adding cautions or drawing pattern lines on them.

To start with, click on the “Indicators, Metrics & Strategies” button at the highest point of your screen. This will open a little box with all of your Marker decisions, arranged by class.

Just snap on “Technicals” to grow that part and afterward you’ll see a rundown of specialized markers. This is where you can pick which kind of pointer best suits your exchanging needs!

When there, you can look for your ideal pointer by composing it into the upper right corner where it says “Search Indicator”.

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If you’re looking to use custom indicators, simply click on “Community Scripts” to find more advanced indicators.

TradingView Guide For Professional Trading 2024 (15)

The following are a few focuses that you ought to remember while adding pointers:

• Utilizing a solitary marker is an effective method for losing cash. You need to see a few substantial signs prior to getting into the market.

• It would be ideal for markers to cooperate – don’t utilize such a large number of pointers together, as this might create turmoil and make information examination troublesome. In the event that you intend to utilize numerous pointers, picking something like 3 all at once is ideal.

• You ought to pick pointers in light of their planned capability. Remember that a few examples may be better distinguished by taking a gander at patterns, while others might require a marker to assist with recognizing them.

Now that you’re finished with the outline settings, now is the ideal time to set up a paper exchanging account so you can rehearse and get the hang of exchanging a reenacted climate.

Need to get to realize the market prior to placing your well deserved cash in it? Then, at that point, look no further and look at this great TradingView Paper Exchanging stage.

This is the best paper exchanging stage I’ve at any point utilized. I love the way simple it is to get everything rolling, and how strong it is once you are in.

TradingView makes it workable for anybody to work on exchanging a reproduced climate. It likewise upholds different monetary forms, which is an immense in addition to.

Paper exchanging is a training that permits you to exchange with counterfeit cash, where you can follow your benefits and misfortunes without gambling any cash or overstepping any regulations.

Along these lines, you can without much of a stretch dive deeper into how the stage functions and how to involve specialized examination for making trades.

TradingView Guide For Professional Trading 2024 (16)

To enable the Paper Trading feature, you can click on the “Trading Panel” button at the bottom of the screen.

Select Paper Trading and then click “Connect”.

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Once you do, you will see the Paper Trading Panel here and you’ll have a simulated trading account with a $100,000 balance.

Now let’s do some customizations.

1. Adjust Your Account’s Balance

I would suggest you go with a little balance first.

For instance, on the off chance that you might want to put $10,000 into the market, you ought to begin paper exchanging with $10,000 or less.

You’ll need to ensure your exchanging experience is basically as Genuine as conceivable so that when you begin exchanging with genuine cash, you will not be overpowered.

Essentially click on the Paper Exchanging menu and select “Reset Paper Trading Account…”

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Enter your desired balance, and then click Reset to save changes.

2. Enable Buy and Sell Buttons

You can add the Buy and Sell buttons to the screen so you can place orders faster.

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Simply open the Paper Trading panel, right click on the screen and select “Show Buy/Sell Buttons”.

3. Change Commission Settings

You can go to your desired brokers to learn more about their commissions.

For example, if your brokers charge $10 per trade, you can change the commission amount to $10.

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Enabling this feature will help you get a feel for what it’s really like when making a real trade.

Prepared to benefit from your exchanging?

On the off chance that you can understand this, you’ve proactively ventured out towards turning into a fruitful dealer.

Whether you need to figure out how to exchange, utilize specialized investigation, or stay aware of the business sectors, this is an extraordinary spot to begin.

TradingView makes it Simple to support your exchanging execution (and thus benefits) while additionally giving you admittance to a whole organization of individual dealers.

So the thing would you say you are hanging tight for?

Is TradingView Free?

Yes, TradingView offers a free plan with basic features, although it comes with limitations such as a restricted number of indicators, limited charting options, and ads. Upgrading to a paid plan is recommended for more advanced features.

Is TradingView Pro Worth It?

TradingView Pro is beneficial for traders seeking advanced technical analysis tools and a more sophisticated platform. If you spend considerable time trading, the Pro version provides flexibility and advanced features, making it worth the investment.

Can You Trade Directly From TradingView?

Yes, TradingView has an integrated trading terminal where you can place market orders, set stop-loss and take-profit orders, provided your broker is supported by the platform. Although support is limited to certain brokers currently, more are likely to be added in the future.

Copyrights: Spotlight Corner

TradingView Guide For Professional Trading 2024 (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.