Trader Joe's Whole30 On A Budget - Paleo Gluten Free (2024)

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Trader Joe's Whole30 On A Budget - Paleo Gluten Free (1)

This is my whole30 shopping trip to Trader Joe’s on a budget. This week’s meal plan, prices, shopping list, and brands I shopped for. Easy, accessible, and healthy!

Trader Joe's Whole30 On A Budget - Paleo Gluten Free (2)

Budget friendly whole30meal plan at trader joe’s

Ughhhh… Just moving out. And buying food. It can be stressful!! I realized I’m eating like half what I ate at home just so I can save money (okay, maybe not half ;). But still!!! I am sorry if you are offended because I am talking about money on the blog today, but I think this could be super helpful for you, so keep reading 🙂 .

This goes out to all my college friends out there 🙂 Hahaha. #budgetbutwanttobehealthy

Today I shopped for groceries at Trader Joe’s. This is what I picked up + how much it cost me + what I am going to make with it!

  • Frozen cod pieces (enough for 4-6 meals!) $4.75
  • Organic chicken breast (3 large breasts) $13.84
  • Ripe avocados (3) $5.37
  • Bagged avocados (4) $3.79
  • Plantain chips $1.69
  • Raw green beans $2.99
  • Canned wild salmon (boneless and skinless) $2.99

pin it for later!
Tips + what I took away from this shopping trip

First of all, canned salmon is expensive!! And I eat it regularly, so… yea

Also, Green beans are a great budget friendly snack! I got a large bag for $2.99. That should last me around five days.

Number three: Be prepared! I forgotmy list and meal plan with me, so I was a bit at a loss when it came to remembering what I had to purchase. But I eventually figured it out and didn’t buy ANYTHING I didn’t need (key people! key.) Oh, I also bought lunch for on the go, because I knew I was going to be working from a coffee shopand walking around town. So lunch was a must.

Lunch on the go was:

  • 2 pieces Applegate roasted turkey breast
  • handful of plantain chips
  • handful of fresh green beans
  • 1/2 avocado sprinkled with sea salt
  • Plus a steamed milk from Woods Coffee, because when working… yea.

Oh! Another tip I forgot to mention about this shopping trip: bring my recyclable grocery bag!!! Because here in Bellingham you have to pay for paper bags, so bringing along a grocery bag helps out… like 5 cents. 😂😂

Trader Joe's Whole30 On A Budget - Paleo Gluten Free (3)

Trader Joe's Whole30 On A Budget - Paleo Gluten Free (4)

What I am going to make

So, with these finds I am going to make up some yummy whole30 recipes!

Salmon-With the salmon I am planning on mixing it up with mayo, green onions, and bell pepper. Then stuffing avocado halves with it! Lunch. Check! Update: here’s the recipe!

Chicken- I am planning on making shredded chicken salad lettuce wraps with the organic chicken breast. Simply roast the chicken breast then shred, add mayo, apple chunks or grape halves, then some fresh cracked pepper, sea salt, and chopped celery. Yummm. All of that wrapped up in a lettuce leaf will do just fine 🙂 .

Cod- That fresh cod is going to make some mean spicy fish tacos!!!!

Avocados-Makin me some baked avo egg boats!

Green beans and plantains are for snacking.

Stay tuned for ALL THESE RECIPES! I can’t wait to share the whole process and recipes on the blog later this week. Stay in the loop and make sure you get these recipes by signing up for my email list (this is the only way you are guaranteed to get the recipes 😉

Trader Joe's Whole30 On A Budget - Paleo Gluten Free (5)

Trader Joe's Whole30 On A Budget - Paleo Gluten Free (6)

Trader Joe's Whole30 On A Budget - Paleo Gluten Free (7)

other recipes you can make withthese ingredients

Zesty herb salmon burgers with lemon asparagus and tzatzikisauce

Creamy avocado pesto zucchini noodles

Greek chicken salad

Homemadecrispy plantain chips

Also, I am planning on adding other ingredients I already had in the fridge to these items to make up my complete week’s meal plan. The main ingredientsI already had were- eggs, lettuce, mayo, red peppers, and sweet potatoes.

Lastly, I would love to hear what you thought of this post, because I would like to know if you guys are interested in me doing more like this…?? I am thinking of including recipes and weekly meal plans/shopping lists. Thoughts? THANK YOU! xx


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  1. 1


    I love this idea. I really need to go AIP but I’m trying to slowly transition myself there. These lunch ideas have me excited again about paleo!

    • 2
      Kaylie Johnson


      So glad!!

  2. 3


    Great idea, I love this!

  3. 5
    Lauren DeBolt


    Just stumbled across your site, and I love it! I would love to see the recipes you plan to make with this TJ shopping trip! Super helpful Kaylie!

    • 6
      Kaylie Johnson


      Yay! Thank you Lauren 🙂

    • 7
      Kaylie Johnson


      Here is the first recipe I made with it:

  4. 8


    Soooo about green beans… are they Paleo or not? I’ve read so many conflicting things! Thanks

    • 9
      Kaylie Johnson


      As far as I am concerned they are, but everybody has their different opinions. 🙂

  5. 10


    I LOVE this post. It is nice to see someone buying NORMAL ingredients and making yummy, wholesome food 🙂 COST is a factor. I work in healthcare and the number 1 excuse I hear from patients as to why they cannot eat healthy is due to cost constraints. You show how a person can pick up a few items and make a decent menu. Bravo! Keep posts like this coming.

    • 11
      Kaylie Johnson


      Aww, thanks so much Leslie! That’s so good to hear 🙂

  6. 12


    like the bring your own bag .I live in town Humbolt st off Lakeway

  7. 13


    steamed milk??

  8. 14
    John Tramble


    Did you make your own mayo?

  9. 15


    This is so helpful. I’m new to Paleo and want to feel better and lose some inches. I love finding new recipes to took especially when not too sure what I can eat.
    Thanks 😁

  10. 16
    Katie D


    I’m new to Whole30 (1 week down) and this was helpful to get an idea of basics that can be used in several different recipes, but are also affordable. Thanks!

  11. 17
    Ariel Swoboda


    Kaylie, this is a wonderful addition to your blog. I recently graduated from college and let’s just say it hasn’t been easy finding a job. I think I’m where I need to be at for work now but I’m very dissatisfied with my first week on the whole 30. I didn’t prepare myself like I should have with weekly meal plans / snacks. I was finding myself on day 8 caving because of gooey butter cake! Needless to say, I’m starting over! I found your amazing blog and would absolutely love to download your Whole 30 meal plans but for some reason I am unable to find the download button. I’ve signed up for your newsletter and I’m very much looking forward to seeing more of your budget friendly grocery/meal plan ideas. Thank you!

    • 18
      Kaylie Johnson


      Hi Ariel, there should be a download button that appears and if you don’t see it you can just right click and download then print. 🙂 Best of luck on your whole30 journey!!

  12. 19


    Hey! I have been looking for something like this everywhere! Not only the budget stuff (which helps so much) but everything on here! You are amazing! Please keep at it! You are helping me feel so much better!

    • 20
      Kaylie Johnson


      So good to hear Laura! Thank you so much!! Glad this is helpful 🙂

  13. 21


    Kaylie, everything about your blog is so well put-together! This has now become my favorite site for Paleo recipes. From the pictures, to the recipes, to the meal plans, etc. I find some Paleo recipes I’ve seen elsewhere are a little boring. All of your recipes are creative and tasty. Thanks for doing you!

    PS. Really grateful for all the paleo dessert recipes.

    • 22


      Hi Emily! Thank you so much for your kind words! 🙂

  14. 23
    Samantha Sandstrom


    Yes!!!! I love this post so much!!! We don’t have a Trader Joe’s though so I have to go to the Co-op instead. Also, weekly shopping lists and recipes would be great! I have a really hard time finding time to figure out what to eat during the week and what I need.

  15. 24
    Brittany Nicholl


    Hi Kaylie, I just came across your website from Pinterest. Do you live in Bellingham WA?? I live here and it looks like your from Washington state and I saw you mentioned Bellingham. How cool if so!! I looked at some of your recipes and meal plans and they look great! I’ll definitely be trying some out! I’m considering doing Whole 30!

    • 25


      Hi Brittany, I did for a bit- I am currently back in Leavenworth. 🙂

  16. 26


    The simplicity of this post is awesome! I have been so overwhelmed with trying to do the whole30… but this post gives me hope! More please!!

  17. 27


    This post is super helpful! All I really have near me at school is a Trader Joe’s and I want to get better at meal planning on a budget.

  18. 28
    Elena Ragazzo


    Like the simplicity of your blog & info. I will continue to
    Follow. Thanks!!

    • 29


      Thank you Elena!

  19. 30
    Toni Jobes


    Love it! I shop Trader Joe’s and am a Paleo newbie so I’d love some food ideas so I am able to stick with it and continue to feel better and get healthier!

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Trader Joe's Whole30 On A Budget - Paleo Gluten Free (2024)


Can you do Whole30 on a budget? ›

Can I eat Whole30 on a budget? This is a question I get a LOT. And the answer is YES: you can be successful even if you don't have access to specialty natural food stores or convenience products. I know firsthand how expensive it can be to feed a family.

Is Trader Joe's cauliflower gnocchi Whole30 approved? ›

Whole30/Trader Joe's FAQ's:

Cauliflower gnocchi is not totally in the spirit of Whole30 because it's a recreation of pasta, but they are technically compliant. Is Trader Joe's pesto whole30? Trader Joe's Vegan Cashew Kale Pesto is compliant! It's one of our favorite pestos.

Is Trader Joe's coconut aminos Whole30? ›

Organic Coconut Aminos

Another exception to the rules, here. The Whole30 allows coconut aminos as a substitute for soy sauce. Use it with cauliflower rice to make a Whole30-compliant fried rice for a meal just as flavorful as your go-to take-out spot.

Is Trader Joe's everything bagel seasoning Whole30? ›

A few other of my fave Trader Joe's staples during a Whole30 include their spice blends, of course the “everything but the bagel” seasoning, along with the seasoning salt! I used to love Lowry's, but since that's out, this seasoning salt makes up for it!

What is the one bite rule on Whole30? ›

Eggs, veggies, meat, fruit, nuts, seeds and fats from things like coconut oil or clarified butter. Now, I will admit up front that I cheated. And on the Whole30 that is a big no-no. The rules state that if you take even one bite of an outlawed food, you have to start all over again.

What is the average weight loss on Whole30? ›

Whole30 is a great way to reset your eating habits and jump start your weight loss journey. While results will vary from person to person, many people report losing 10-15 pounds in the first month.

Are Trader Joe's plantain chips Whole30? ›

If you want to be totally strict and by the Whole30 book, you're not supposed to substitute compliant foods for snacking or as alternatives to, say, pasta or baked goods, either. For example, Trader Joe's has excellent compliant plantain chips, but on a by-the-book Whole30, you're supposed to sustain from them.

Are dill pickles Whole30 compliant? ›

Yes, both pickles and bananas are allowed on Whole30. Yet if they are a potential trigger food for you (for instance, the sweetness of bananas sets off a craving for other treats or makes you want to binge on the fruit), then you may consider including them on your “don't eat” list.

Is kale gnocchi from Trader Joe's gluten-free? ›

There are 190 calories per serving and 470 calories in the whole bag, which is still far fewer calories than regular potato or sweet potato gnocchi. And by the way, they're totally gluten-free, made with just kale, potato starch, chickpea flour, sea salt, and olive oil.

What is Whole30 approved at Chick-Fil-A? ›

Whole30 at Chick-Fil-A

Stark says to make sure to order it without the bun and to say no to the lemon herb marinade or honey roasted barbecue sauce. You can keep the tomato and lettuce! “The market salad is probably the most solid option on the menu as it's composed mostly of lean protein, fruits and veggies.

Is Chick-Fil-A Whole30 approved? ›


They're off-limits because they contain ingredients like cornstarch, molasses, and soybean oil. Even the fruit cups contain added sugar, and the salads have ingredients like soybean oils and cornstarch.

Is peanut butter on Whole30? ›

Though peanuts and peanut butter aren't allowed on the Whole30 program, other nuts and nut butters are. Cashew butter is loaded with nutrients like healthy fats, magnesium, manganese, and copper. Its smooth, sweet taste pairs well with apples ( 1 ).

Can you eat rice cakes on Whole30? ›

Well, the Whole30 diet requires you to eliminate many common foods in order to maintain a healthier diet. It eliminates grains, dairy, wheat, rice, oats, and corn. Soy, beans, and peanuts are eliminated, too.

Can you have honey on the Whole30 diet? ›

The Whole30 diet plan requires you to strictly avoid eating any source of added sugars, including real and artificial sugar. Thus, maple syrup, coconut sugar, agave nectar, honey, Nutrasweet, stevia, Splenda, xylitol, and other sources of sugar must be eliminated.

Can you have gnocchi on Whole30? ›

What is this? This gluten-free and dairy-free gnocchi made with potatoes is easy to make and pillowy soft, and whether you're gluten-free, dairy-free, or on the Whole30 program, you're going to make these on repeat.

How to eat on $30 a week? ›

Here's how I keep my grocery bill under $30 a week
  1. Breakfast: Cheerios with milk and a banana, plus the free coffee I get from my office.
  2. Mid-morning snack: Granola bar or orange.
  3. Lunch: Whole wheat pasta dressed up with butter and salt.
  4. Dinner: Fried eggs, a side of rice, and a glass of milk.
Jan 13, 2017

How much does the Whole30 program cost? ›

How much does the Whole30 plan cost? We have 3 options: monthly – $30, quarterly – $60 and annual – $99. The renewal subscription charges are then $21, $48 and $90 respectively.

Do doctors recommend Whole30? ›

While the competitive crowd might agree, the doctor says Whole30 is probably not a good idea. “At the end of the day, nutritional advice should be individualized," he says. "It's a very restrictive diet, and it can cause some serious problems.

What happens after 30 days of Whole30 diet? ›

Step Two: Reintroduction

The reintroduction period is perhaps the most important Whole30 stage. This is where you really learn how the foods you used to eat (and eliminated for the last 30 days) affect how you look, feel, and live.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.