Top Signs Of A Selfish Husband: Why Is He Like That? - LovingatYourBest (2024)

Marriage experts believe that one of the secrets to a successful marriage is to put your spouse first. By doing so, you provide security, comfort, and stability for your spouse. This is an important foundation to every marriage to thrive while feeling supported and loved. But what if you have a selfish husband? This can be a serious red flag in a marriage, so make sure you know how to identify it and take the appropriate actions.

Signs of a Selfish Husband

Being married to a selfish husband is like a living nightmare. This type of husband is someone who looks after his own needs ahead of his spouse. He does not take into account the feelings and needs of his spouse as long as his own are met. As a result, his wife feels neglected and disrespected.

You might think that it is easy to spot a selfish husband. However, it’s not always so obvious. Here are some of the warning signs you need to keep an eye out for if you want to know if you are dealing with a selfish husband.

Sign 1: He thinks he is always right.

Does your husband behave in such a way that he thinks he does nothing wrong? Then, he could be what is considered a selfish husband.

Open and honest communication is essential to a healthy marriage. This means that you have to be willing to acknowledge when you are wrong. If your husband cannot do this, then it signals narcissistic behavior. And narcissistic and selfish personalities go hand in hand.

Sign 2: He shows no interest in your interests.

A selfish person is someone who is consumed only in their own interests. As a couple, you need to spend time doing things that you enjoy together.

However, if he is only interested in his own hobbies, your husband is definitely selfish. While it is completely healthy to have separate interests to grow as individuals, when he refuses to develop an interest in your hobbies and passions in life, then that says a lot about him.

A healthy marriage consists of two individuals that support each other. If there is no support, your marriage won’t be able to grow and thrive.

Sign 3: He wants to be dominant – all the time!

Husbands and men in general have the natural propensity to want to be dominant in a relationship. Some women even like a dominant male who knows how to take charge.

However, it is a different thing when he wants to be in charge all the time. He always makes the decision for the both of you and does not even consult your opinion when making these decisions.

Out of respect for your marriage, any important decision that affects you both should be discussed by the two of you. If that is not the case, then you are dealing with a selfish husband.

Sign 4: He refuses to apologize.

It takes a big man to be able to acknowledge his mistakes and apologize. If your husband cannot do that, then he is exhibiting a selfish personality.

Selfish people like to blame others when things go wrong or in the event of a conflict. They are never introspective because they can’t think of themselves as capable of making such mistakes. Instead of accepting criticism, they often lash out.

Sign 5: He never appreciates you.

A great husband is someone who acknowledges the effort and contributions made by their spouses in the marriage. If you haven’t heard or been shown any acts of appreciation from your husband, he is certainly selfish.

One of the secrets to a loving marriage is for you to give appreciation to each other from time to time, even in small things. For example, a loving husband is someone who treats you to a dinner date once a week so you can get a rest from cooking.

It is the little things that he does to show appreciation that strengthens a marriage. If your husband isn’t making an effort, then you have a serious problem.

Sign 6: He does not reach out after a fight.

It is common for couples to fight and bicker from time to time. However, most couples reconcile immediately and discuss what can be done to address the cause of the fighting.

If your husband does not attempt to reach out to you after a fight, it is a tell-tale sign of selfish behavior. He has way too much pride to reach out and make the initial point of communication. For him, it is not about reconciliation but proving to you that he is on the winning side.

Unfortunately, there are no winners when couples argue. But selfish husbands do not see it that way.

Top Signs Of A Selfish Husband: Why Is He Like That? - LovingatYourBest (2)

Sign 7: He takes you for granted.

Selfish husbands think that you have nowhere else to go. He thinks that no matter how he treats you, you will never leave his side.

He ends up taking you for granted because of that idea. He does not make any romantic gestures. He does not respect your time. Despite all of these, he still thinks that you will come crawling back to him.

This can also often translate in the bedroom. He only cares about being sexually satisfied and is not bothered about how you feel, or if you are satisfied at all.

Sign 8: He is self-absorbed.

This is the ultimate manifestation of selfish behavior in your husband. He lives in his own little world where he is the boss. He does not care about you, or your family and friends.

He is too consumed by his own needs and well-being that he fails to recognize that you have your own needs too.

Top Signs Of A Selfish Husband: Why Is He Like That? - LovingatYourBest (3)

What Causes a Selfish Husband?

It might seem like a puzzle to you why your husband behaves the way he does. However, there are several reasons why he develops this kind of behavior, such as the following:

  • Traumatic experience from his childhood

  • Male chauvinism

  • Insecurities and low self-esteem

  • Stress from work

  • Birth of a child

Identifying the cause of your husband’s selfish behavior is the first step to addressing the problem. If you believe that this behavior is affecting your marriage to the point that you are at risk of getting a divorce, then you could seek professional help to find ways to deal with the issue in the most effective manner.

Top Signs Of A Selfish Husband: Why Is He Like That? - LovingatYourBest (2024)


When your spouse is self absorbed? ›

Self-absorption is but one of the many selfish husband signs. He never thinks about your well-being or comfort. Their world revolves around one person: themselves. He will not ask you about your likes, dislikes in terms of decisions, big or small.

What makes a selfish husband? ›

This type of husband is someone who looks after his own needs ahead of his spouse. He does not take into account the feelings and needs of his spouse as long as his own are met. As a result, his wife feels neglected and disrespected. You might think that it is easy to spot a selfish husband.

What is an enmeshed husband? ›

“Someone in an enmeshed relationship is overly connected and needs to meet the other person's needs so badly that they lose touch with their own needs, goals, desires, and feelings,” explains Roberts. “Often, just the thought of being without the person can be anxiety-producing.”

What is a stonewall spouse? ›

What does stonewalling mean? Gottman calls stonewalling one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse that happens in romantic relationships. Evidence reveals that it happens when a partner feels overwhelmed, shuts down emotionally, and breaks eye contact. It is seen in both healthy and dysfunctional relationships.

How do I make my husband realize my importance in life? ›

5 tactics to make your spouse value you
  1. 01/6Here's how he/she will value you. ...
  2. 02/6Treat them the way you want to be treated. ...
  3. 03/6Stop giving in so much. ...
  4. 04/6Appreciate the moments when you are respected. ...
  5. 05/6Give importance to your own hobbies. ...
  6. 06/6Meet your friends.
Jul 8, 2022

What does the Bible say about selfishness in marriage? ›

James 4:1 points this out; “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you?” Each spouse's own selfishness tends to be the biggest problem in marriage.

How do you know if your husband doesn t find you attractive anymore? ›

Here's how to tell your partner is not sexually attracted to you: Your spouse or partner avoids going to bed with you at the same time. He avoids looking at you when you're naked. He no longer spontaneously touches you.

Do I love my husband or am I just attached? ›

Difference between love and attachment

In other words, with love, your person is “the one” you have feelings for. With attachment, your significant other could be replaceable, it's how they satisfy your needs that gives them your attention.

What is emotional abandonment in marriage? ›

In the context of a marriage, the feelings of neglect, being left out, and not being heard are collectively referred to as emotional abandonment. It occurs when one partner is so preoccupied with their own concerns that they are unable to notice the struggles, concerns, or problems their partner is experiencing.

Can a selfish man love you? ›

For this reason, selfish people can never truly love another, because they will be less willing to compromise. This will inevitably lead to one partner giving more of themselves than the other, which can cause resentment or confusion about feelings that are or aren't expressed.

Why would a husband Gaslight his wife? ›

A spouse may be unintentionally trying to control you, or they may just have unhealthy relationship patterns that result in gaslighting behaviors. Intentional or not, gaslighting is a destructive form of emotional abuse. It can have devastating long-term effects on one's self-esteem, relationships, and mental health.

What is a toxic husband? ›

' Toxic, abusive partners don't want to take ownership (in situations where they objectively should) and will avoid doing so again and again. And, when they seem to take ownership, it's manipulative and over-the-top, with no change in behavior to support it,” she says.

What is a meshing relationship? ›

Enmeshment is a description of a relationship between two or more people in which personal boundaries are permeable and unclear. This often happens on an emotional level in which two people “feel” each other's emotions, or when one person becomes emotionally escalated and the other family member does as well.

What causes emotional detachment in relationships? ›

It may stem from an unwillingness or an inability to connect with others. There are two general types. In some cases, you may develop emotional detachment as a response to a difficult or stressful situation. In other cases, it may result from an underlying psychological condition.

What is enmeshed trauma? ›

Enmeshment trauma is a type of childhood emotional trauma that involves a disregard for personal boundaries and loss of autonomy between individuals. The purpose of enmeshment is to create emotional power and control within the family.

What are the 4 horsem*n of marriage? ›

The Four Horsem*n, identified over decades of research by Seattle couples' therapy experts John and Julie Gottman, are: criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling and contempt.

Why do men stonewall their wives? ›

“Stonewalling is actually a learned defense mechanism that might stem from an unpleasant emotional or physical reaction someone has experienced in the past. Or your partner may simply not be able to express how they feel so instead they shut down,” Dr. Dannaram said.

What is the 3 day rule after an argument? ›

The 3 day rule after argument is a common practice in relationships where individuals agree to take a 3 day relationship break from each other after a heated disagreement. During this time, both parties cool off, reflect on their feelings/thoughts, and avoid communication with each other.

What is most important to a husband? ›

Love Your Wife Unconditionally

The foundation of any marriage is love and trust. These two qualities go together. Loving your wife is one of the primary responsibilities of a husband. You must satisfy her emotionally by assuring her that you love, respect, and value her.

How do you know if someone doesn't value you? ›

Couple's relationship coach in Fairmont, West Virginia, Cheri Timko says other signs that someone doesn't care about you may include if they: don't value mutuality in the relationship. fail to show any interest or curiosity in you or your life. have a different agenda for the relationship than you do.

How does a man feel when a woman finally walks away? ›

He might feel sad and rejected.

Many people feel a sense of grief for the person and relationship they lost. Your significant other might very well experience intense sadness after you walk away as he grieves for what you had together.

Can a man walk away from the woman he loves? ›

Yes, a man can walk away from a woman whom he loves. There is more to every relationship than just love. If a man feels insecure, undervalued, disrespected, or unhappy with the relationship, then he might choose to walk out even when he loves his partner.

What is the root of selfishness? ›

Psychology. Lack of empathy has been seen as one of the roots of selfishness, extending as far as the cold manipulation of the psychopath.

Does selfishness destroy relationships? ›

The common consequence of being selfish is that it creates an unhealthy one-sided relationship dynamic. In addition, our partners may start to feel resentful or disappointed by the relationship. It's not uncommon for relationships to end because of selfishness.

What are the qualities of a selfish person? ›

What is a selfish person?
  • having no regard for how their behavior impacts others.
  • consistently acting in their own self-interests instead of meeting the needs of others.
  • having no empathy for the suffering of other people.
  • showing no remorse when they've hurt other people.
  • using manipulation tactics to get what they want.
Feb 27, 2023

What lack of intimacy does to a woman? ›

The lack of physical touch, emotional connection, and sexual intimacy can lead to feelings of loneliness, depression, and low self-esteem. It can also cause physical symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, and decreased libido.

When attraction fades in marriage? ›

If your attraction has dissipated over time, then you need to have an honest and open conversation with your partner. This is understandably going to be highly uncomfortable but hiding your feelings will only serve to drive them further underground and detract from your sexual attraction.

What does attachment love feel like? ›

Emotional attachment refers to the feelings of closeness and affection that help sustain meaningful relationships over time. Emotional attachment refers to the feelings of closeness and affection that help sustain meaningful relationships over time. Attachment plays an important role in human connection.

What's the difference between love you and I love you? ›

'I love you' and 'love you' are phrases used to convey an emotional attachment to a certain someone or something. 'I love you', however, is usually reserved for your significant other or parents. While 'love you' is commonly used between friends.

What is an unhealthy emotional attachment? ›

Experiencing Significant Jealousy or Distrust

Lukin, significant jealousy is one of the key signs of an unhealthy emotional attachment such as, “when a person spends a lot of time thinking and worrying about what their partner is doing,” he states “that typically suggests an unhealthy connection.”

What neglect does to a wife? ›

Neglect in marriage occurs when one (or both) parties fail to be there for themselves and their family in marriage. It usually leads to an emotional separation or estrangement and can lead to broken homes within record time.

What is the lonely wife syndrome? ›

The walkaway wife syndrome describes unhappy wives who suddenly leave their husbands. It happens when a clueless husband neglects the needs and requests of his wife. No matter how impossible it looks, you can still save your marriage. All your wife needs are your attention and commitment to the relationship.

When your husband shuts you out emotionally? ›

For some people, shutting down emotionally is a response to feeling overstimulated. It doesn't have anything to do with you or how they feel about you. If your husband or partner shuts down when you cry, for example, it may be because they don't know the best way to handle that display of emotions.

What is the psychology of a selfish man? ›

The most defining trait of narcissistic and psychopathic men is a lack of empathy. Selfish men care only about their own needs and ignore the needs of others. They're inconsiderate of how what they say or do might affect those around them. They lack the ability to see things from the perspectives of other people.

How to love a selfish man? ›

11 Ways to Deal With a Selfish Partner in a Relationship
  1. Give yourself the attention you were giving them.
  2. Explain the benefits of changing.
  3. Understand why this is happening.
  4. Establish Turn-Taking.
  5. Reconnect With Your Value.
  6. Bring Up Past Successes.
  7. Establish What You Are Willing To Deal With.
  8. Express yourself.
Jul 17, 2020

What is a gaslighter husband? ›

Gaslighting is a term taken from a 1938 play entitled Gas Light. In the play, a husband tries to make his wife think she is losing her mind. He does many things to make his wife doubt her own senses and reality, including turning down the gas lights at their home.

What is the number one cause of divorce? ›

Lack of commitment is the most common reason given by divorcing couples according to a recent national survey. Here are the reasons given and their percentages: Lack of commitment 73% Argue too much 56%

How do you tell if a man is unhappy in his marriage? ›

Subtle signs a man is stuck in an unhappy marriage
  1. 01/8​Subtle signs a man is stuck in an unhappy marriage. ...
  2. 02/8​He often jokes about leaving his wife. ...
  3. 03/8​He always has excuses not to be at home with his spouse. ...
  4. 04/8​You often hear him tell single guys to never get married. ...
  5. 05/8​He complains about his wife all the time.
May 31, 2021

What are the qualities of a bad husband? ›

6 things bad husbands have in common
  • Dishonesty. Dishonesty can often be found through subtle actions, like when he takes advantage of you or when he tells a little white lie. ...
  • Harassment. ...
  • Flirtatious. ...
  • Jealousy. ...
  • Idleness. ...
  • Monotony.
Sep 19, 2017

How do you deal with a self-absorbed spouse? ›

11 Ways to Deal With a Selfish Partner in a Relationship
  1. Give yourself the attention you were giving them.
  2. Explain the benefits of changing.
  3. Understand why this is happening.
  4. Establish Turn-Taking.
  5. Reconnect With Your Value.
  6. Bring Up Past Successes.
  7. Establish What You Are Willing To Deal With.
  8. Express yourself.
Jul 17, 2020

What personality disorder is self-absorbed? ›

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.

What is the walkaway wife syndrome? ›

What is walkway wife syndrome? Walkaway Wife Syndrome is a term used when wives leave their husbands. It occurs when an unhappy wife suddenly divorces her spouse without warning, which opens up a lot of questions.

Is a self-absorbed person a narcissist? ›

Someone can be narcissistic and not have the disorder. They may be self-absorbed and hypercompetitive, but not to the extent that it disrupts their daily life. It's proven that people are often drawn to narcissists and find them attractive, charismatic, and exciting.

What is a narcissistic husband? ›

A narcissistic spouse is typically manipulative, self-centered, difficult to feel connected to, and may be verbally aggressive or abusive.

How do you tell if you're married to a narcissist? ›

Traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
  • Your Husband is Charming. ...
  • He Gaslights You. ...
  • He Manipulates You. ...
  • He Never Takes Responsibility. ...
  • He Believes He Is Extraordinary. ...
  • He Can't Handle Criticism. ...
  • He Often Criticizes You. ...
  • He Makes You Feel Vulnerable.

Can a self-absorbed man change? ›

Can a self-centered person change? The first thing to keep in mind when dealing with a self-centered person — they're not going to change and you won't be able to change them either. Preserve your sanity by accepting this and establishing strong boundaries as Alexander mentioned before.

What personality disorder is high self-esteem? ›

Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others.

What personality disorder has selfishness? ›

Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration. Others often describe people with NPD as co*cky, manipulative, selfish, patronizing, and demanding.

What personality disorder has low self-worth? ›

Some symptoms of avoidant personality disorder to look out for are: Very low self-esteem and low feelings of self-worth. A tendency to hide, either in baggy, nondescript clothing or by staying in the background in social situations. An inability to form stable relationships with individuals outside your family circle.

What is emotional neglect in marriage? ›

In a marriage emotional neglect is when a spouse CONSISTENTLY fails to notice, attend to, and respond IN A TIMELY MANNER to a spouse's feelings. This has far-reaching negative consequences for the relationship. As humans, we are relational beings.

What is American wife syndrome? ›

American Wife Syndrome describes the sort of woman who initially deems a listed cottage “quaint” then sets about essentially razing it to the ground.

What is the first wife syndrome? ›

Al-Sherbiny [41] reported the “first wife syndrome,” where the first wife reported difficulties faced psychological, physical, and social problems among women in a polygamous marriage.

What are the 5 main habits of a narcissist? ›

Let's take a look at five of the most common characteristics of a narcissist in order to create awareness.
  • Inflated Ego. Those who suffer from narcissism usually seem themselves as superior to others. ...
  • Lack of Empathy. ...
  • Need for Attention. ...
  • Repressed Insecurities. ...
  • Few Boundaries.

What is the one question to identify a narcissist? ›

“To what extent do you agree with this statement: 'I am a narcissist. '” Scientists believe that this question could be all researchers need to make a quick and easy diagnosis of narcissism.

Is my husband a narcissist or just selfish? ›

A narcissist's mood will depend on other people, while a self-centered husband won't have to depend on other people's constant approval to feel happy. A narcissist wants to feel superior but feeds on constant praise, while a selfish husband thinks of what he can do for himself and won't feed on constant praise.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.