Top Gun: Maverick Is First 4DX/ScreenX Film to $50 Million (2024)

The overwhelming box office success of Paramount’s “Top Gun: Maverick” has trickled down to every sector of the movie theater industry, as premium format company CJ 4DPLEX reports that Tom Cruise’s film has grossed $50 million in combined ticket sales from its 4DX and ScreenX formats.

“Thanks to ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ we have seen unprecedented box office numbers for 4DX and ScreenX that are consistently breaking records worldwide,” CJ 4DPLEX chief executive Jongryul Kim said. “We look forward to continuing the momentum as more and more filmmakers see the value in our premium theatre formats and how they enhance the overall viewing experience.”

“We want to thank Tom Cruise, Joe Kosinski, Jerry Bruckheimer and everyone at Paramount Pictures for creating a film that has reinvigorated the movie theatre experience and reminded audiences what it’s like to see an epic movie.”CJ 4DPLEX America president and CEO Don Savant said. “Together we have proven that our two formats offer a truly unique experience that can only be appreciated in a movie theatre.”

As “Top Gun: Maverick” pushed its box office totals to $650 million domestic and $1.3 billion worldwide, it has driven strong turnout to premium formats like Imax, Dolby and 4DX from moviegoers looking for an elevated version of one of the year’s biggest movie theater spectacles.

4DX is a format in which the theater’s seats tilt and vibrate to the action in the film, while ScreenX expands the screen to include the side walls of the theater, immersing the viewer in a 270-degree screen with the side screens filling in their peripheral view. CJ 4DPLEX worked with “Top Gun: Maverick” director Joseph Kosinski to optimize the presentation of the film in both formats, which combine to form the second-largest premium format network worldwide behind Imax.

“We designed ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ to be seen in theaters and the ScreenX and 4DX versions create an experience that are completely unique,” Kosinski said. “Working with the team at CJ 4DPLEX, I was thrilled that we were able to use the side camera footage from our six-camera co*ckpit array to fill out both wings of the ScreenX format with real photography. The result is a totally immersive version of our film that can’t be replicated anywhere else.”

The $50 million total for “Maverick” from 4DX/ScreenX includes $11 million from the formats’ American locations, along with $6.7 million in Korea and $1.4 million in Taiwan. In Japan, the company’s 4DX/ScreenX hybrid auditorium in Tokyo has grossed over $430,000 to date, the highest during the pandemic for any Hollywood release.

After 10 weekends in theaters, “Top Gun: Maverick” still has not dropped out of the top 5 of the North American box office charts. While it may finally drop out this weekend with the release of the Sony action film “Bullet Train,” it may get a small boost on August 12 when the film gets an Imax rerelease. When it does, the film will see its Imax grosses pass $100 million, as it currently stands at just over $98 million from the format.

As an enthusiast with a deep understanding of the film industry, particularly in the context of premium movie formats, I can attest to the transformative impact that innovative technologies have had on the cinematic experience. My extensive knowledge is backed by a keen interest in the evolution of cinema formats, from traditional screenings to cutting-edge technologies like 4DX and ScreenX.

The article highlights the remarkable box office success of Paramount's "Top Gun: Maverick" and its significant contribution to the premium format industry, particularly through CJ 4DPLEX's 4DX and ScreenX formats. To establish my expertise, let's break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Box Office Success of "Top Gun: Maverick":

    • The film has achieved extraordinary box office numbers, grossing $50 million in combined ticket sales from 4DX and ScreenX formats.
    • The total box office for "Top Gun: Maverick" is reported as $650 million domestic and $1.3 billion worldwide.
  2. CJ 4DPLEX and Premium Formats:

    • CJ 4DPLEX is a premium format company responsible for formats like 4DX and ScreenX.
    • 4DX involves seats that tilt and vibrate to synchronize with the action in the film, providing a dynamic and immersive experience.
    • ScreenX expands the screen to include the side walls of the theater, creating a 270-degree viewing experience.
  3. Collaboration and Optimization:

    • CJ 4DPLEX collaborated with the director of "Top Gun: Maverick," Joseph Kosinski, to optimize the film for both 4DX and ScreenX formats.
    • The collaboration aimed to enhance the overall viewing experience by incorporating unique elements into each format.
  4. Global Success and Record-Breaking:

    • The success of "Top Gun: Maverick" in 4DX and ScreenX formats is described as unprecedented, consistently breaking records worldwide.
    • The $50 million total includes contributions from various locations, such as the U.S., Korea, Taiwan, and Japan.
  5. Continued Momentum and Unique Movie Theater Experience:

    • CJ 4DPLEX expresses anticipation for continued momentum as filmmakers recognize the value of premium theater formats.
    • The article emphasizes the unique experience offered by 4DX and ScreenX, reinforcing the idea that certain cinematic spectacles are best enjoyed in a movie theater.
  6. Impact on Other Premium Formats:

    • The success of "Top Gun: Maverick" has also driven strong turnout to other premium formats like Imax, Dolby, and 4DX.
  7. Extended Stay in Top Box Office Charts:

    • "Top Gun: Maverick" has maintained a position in the top 5 of the North American box office charts for 10 weekends, showcasing its enduring popularity.

In conclusion, the article underscores the significant impact of "Top Gun: Maverick" on the movie theater industry, particularly in the realm of premium formats. The collaboration between filmmakers and format providers has resulted in a unique and immersive cinematic experience, contributing to the film's remarkable box office success.

Top Gun: Maverick Is First 4DX/ScreenX Film to $50 Million (2024)


Top Gun: Maverick Is First 4DX/ScreenX Film to $50 Million? ›


4DX is a 4D film presentation system developed by CJ 4DPlex, a subsidiary of South Korean cinema chain CJ CGV. It allows films to be augmented with various practical effects, including motion-seats, wind, strobelights, simulated-snow, and scents. › wiki
has announced that Paramount Pictures' Top Gun: Maverick has surpassed $50 million in box office sales to become the highest grossing film of all-time in 4DX and ScreenX formats. Top Gun: Maverick has 58 minutes of imagery exclusive to ScreenX, the most content ever produced for the format.

Was Top Gun: Maverick in 4DX? ›

I gotta say , we are so lucky because we have this great movie , which the audience can expericene in both IMAX and 4DX with the absolute best immersion , one for the visual spectacles and one for the senses of the human body .

How much did Val Kilmer get paid for Top Gun: Maverick? ›

Kilmer's exact paycheck for his appearance in Maverick isn't clear, with reports by ScreenRant suggesting that it ranged from $400,000 to $2 million.

How much of Top Gun: Maverick was VFX? ›

Getting declassified in time for the Oscars are the 2,400 visual effects shots found in Top Gun: Maverick, which were the responsibility of Ryan Tudhope and the artists at Method Studios, MPC, Lola VFX and Blind.

How many IMAX cameras were placed in each co*ckpit while filming Top Gun: Maverick? ›

Here's how they figured it out… After months of working with NAVAIR (United States Naval Air Systems Command) to hammer out logistics and safety procedures, six 6K Sony Venice IMAX-quality cameras were mounted inside the co*ckpit of an F/A-18 while four more were mounted externally to a second F-18.

Is 4DX worth? ›

For that reason, the 4DX movie is more than worth it. The cost is much less than live theater, but it has the same audience interaction and fun that comes from being part of the action.

Was Val Kilmer's daughter in Top Gun: Maverick? ›

Is Val Kilmer's son in? ›

He is known for starring in the 2013 film Palo Alto, for playing Pelle "Dead" Ohlin in the 2018 Norwegian black metal biopic Lords of Chaos, and for playing Ozzy Osbourne in Ozzy's "Under the Graveyard" video. He is also the narrator of Val, a documentary about his father Val Kilmer.

How much is Tom Cruise's net worth? ›

Tom Cruise has an estimated net worth of $600 million as of 2023, according to Celebrity Net Worth.

Can a plane go Mach 10? ›

Mach 10 speed has never been achieved by a manned aircraft, though, so it has never been tested. Mach 10 has, however, been achieved by a spacecraft - on November 16, 2004, NASA launched the X-43A, an air-breathing hypersonic vehicle, and was able to reach real Mach 10 while being pushed into the atmosphere.

How much of Top Gun: Maverick was green screen? ›

Miles said: "There is no green screen in a 'Top Gun' movie. Every shot, every stunt, was the result of the work, the real sweat, that we all put into it. The production was over the course of a full year, which was definitely the longest shoot I have ever been part of."

Is the Darkstar a real aircraft? ›

While the “Darkstar” featured in “Top Gun: Maverick” is not a real aircraft, its real-life inspiration, the SR-72, certainly appears to be. Still under development and shrouded in secrecy, there is little if anything definitive known about it publically.

Why didn t they use 5th gen fighters in Top Gun? ›

The first is that with the F-35 there would be no heart-stopping, adrenaline-pumping dogfighting scenes. The F-35 was designed to employ a combination of stealthiness, advanced sensing, and long-range weapons to engage aircraft from outside their sensor ranges.

Who actually flew the planes in Top Gun: Maverick? ›

Meet the Retired Navy Pilot Who Flew Tom Cruise's Jet in 'Top Gun: Maverick' Cmdr. Frank “Walleye” Weisser, USN (Ret), transformed himself from a teenage aspiring SEAL at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., into a world-class stunt pilot who flew Tom Cruise's fighter jet in the 2022 blockbuster Top Gun: Maverick.

How realistic was Top Gun: Maverick? ›

Are the Top Gun stunts real? The stunts in Top Gun: Maverick are definitely real, with the film minimizing the use of CGI for a more authentic experience.

Did Top Gun: Maverick use IMAX cameras? ›

The post-production and editing works were supervised by Kosinski at his home during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. The film was shot in IMAX format using IMAX-certified Sony Venice 6K full frame cameras.

Is Top Gun: Maverick in IMAX or 3D? ›

Top Gun: Maverick IMAX 3D.

Is Top Gun: Maverick fully IMAX? ›

What did you do to make Top Gun: Maverick such like an IMAX experience? KOSINSKI: We have almost an hour of the film is in full IMAX format, which is mostly the flying scenes, you'll get to experience in an IMAX filling aspect ratio. So, that's going to be something you can only get in an IMAX theater.

What is it like to watch a movie in 4DX? ›

Experience the biggest blockbusters like never before with 4DX technology! The 4DX auditorium features motion seats and special effects including wind, fog, mist/rain, scents and more that perfectly sync to the on-screen action.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.