Top Forex Broker in USA (2024) | Official US Broker List (2024)

Top Forex Broker in USA (2024) | Official US Broker List (1)

Here we will go into details about the best Forex brokers in the USA. If you are looking for Forex brokers accepting US traders you’ve come to the right place!

Обновлено для 2024.

There Aren’t many Forex brokers accepting US clients anymore, so searching for a reputable Forex broker can be challenging. Luckily for you we’ve done the leg work for you.

Down below you will find the best Forex broker in the USA accepting US Traders.

These brokers are reputable and known as the top Forex brokers in the United States.

Because of strict regulation in the United States many Forex brokers shy away from the US market leaving the retail Foreign exchange market in the USA with very little choices.

Обязательно ознакомьтесь с нашими Forex Broker List From Around the World.

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Best Forex Brokers In The USA

In the United States, the regulation of the forex market is overseen by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the National Futures Association (NFA). Only NFA and CFTC registered Forex brokers are allowed to offer their services to US residents. There are several well-established and reputable forex brokers that are based in the United States and are regulated by the NFA and CFTC. Some examples include:

  1. ОАНДА: OANDA is a global forex broker that is based in the United States and is regulated by the NFA and CFTC. It offers a wide range of currency pairs, as well as other financial products such as CFDs and commodities.

  2. is a global forex broker that is based in the United States and is regulated by the NFA and CFTC. It offers a wide range of currency pairs, as well as other financial products such as CFDs and commodities.

  3. Интерактивные брокеры: Interactive Brokers is a global forex broker that is based in the United States and is regulated by the NFA and CFTC. It offers a wide range of currency pairs, as well as other financial products such as stocks, options and futures.

  4. TD Ameritrade: TD Ameritrade is a global forex broker that is based in the United States and is regulated by the NFA and CFTC. It offers a wide range of currency pairs, as well as other financial products such as stocks, options and futures.

  5. GAIN Capital: GAIN Capital is a global forex broker that is based in the United States and is regulated by the NFA and CFTC. It offers a wide range of currency pairs, as well as other financial products such as CFDs and commodities.

брокерUS RegulatedВебсайт
IG СШАДаСсылка
ATC БрокерыДаСсылка

Forex Regulation in The USA

Forex trading is regulated by the NFA (Национальная фьючерсная ассоциация) and the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) В Соединенных Штатах.

Some of these regulations that have to be met are listed below:

Top Forex Broker in USA (2024) | Official US Broker List (2)

  • Limits leverage to 50:1 on the major currencies.
  • Limits leverage of 20:1 on minor currencies.
  • Правило «первым пришел — первым обслужен» (FIFO).
  • US residents are only allowed to trade with US Forex brokers under NFA regulations.
  • Money owed by the fx broker to the client should beheld at one or more qualifying institutions in the US.
  • retail forex trading brokers in the United States must maintain minimum capital of at least $20 million and 5% of the amount by which liabilities to retail fx customers exceed $10 million. Making it tough for any new comer to the business as it take a lot of capital just to get started.
  • provide weekly financial statements to the NFA to ensure that all financials are in order.
  • no hedging allowed.

Forex Brokers that Accept US Traders 2024

Top Forex Broker in USA (2024) | Official US Broker List (3)

Broker Name: IG US

Тип брокераMarket Maker
Нормативно-правовые актыIIROC, NFA,
Минимальный депозит$250.00
Базовая валюта счетаUSD
Макс кредитное плечо50:1
Торговые платформыWeb trading, Metatrader 4, Mobile app

IG - это торговое название IG US LLC (компании, зарегистрированной в Делавэре под номером 6570306). Служебный адрес: 200 West Jackson Blvd., Suite 1450, Chicago, IL 60606. IG является зарегистрированным RFED и IB Комиссии по торговле товарными фьючерсами и членом Национальной фьючерсной ассоциации (NFA ID 0509630).

Top Forex Broker in USA (2024) | Official US Broker List (4)

Имя брокера: LMFX

Тип брокераECN
Нормативно-правовые актыНЕРЕГУЛИРУЕМЫЙ
Минимальный депозит$50.00
Базовая валюта счетаUSD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, Bitcoin, Gold, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum и XRP
Макс кредитное плечо1:1000
Торговые платформыMetatrader 4, Веб-трейдер, Мобильное приложение (MT4)



Top Forex Broker in USA (2024) | Official US Broker List (5)

Broker Name: ATC Brokers

Тип брокераMarket Maker
Нормативно-правовые актыIIROC, NFA, CIMA
Минимальный депозит$3000.00
Базовая валюта счетаUSD
Макс кредитное плечо50:1
Торговые платформыMetatrader 4, MT Pro

ATC BROKERS (US) is a member of the National Futures Association (NFA 358522) and is a registered introducing broker with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Top Forex Broker in USA (2024) | Official US Broker List (6)

Имя брокера:

Тип брокераMarket Maker
Нормативно-правовые актыNFA, CFTC, RFED, FCM
Минимальный депозит$50.00
Базовая валюта счетаДоллар США Канадский фунт стерлингов
Макс кредитное плечо50:1
Торговые платформыФОРЕКСТрейдер, Метатрейдер 4



Top Forex Broker in USA (2024) | Official US Broker List (7)

Имя брокера: Оанда

Тип брокераMarket Maker
Нормативно-правовые актыIIROC, CIPF, NFA, FCA, CFTC, ASIC, MAS
Минимальный депозит$1.00
Макс кредитное плечо50:1
Торговые платформыВеб-торговля, Metatrader 4, настольная торговая платформа Oanda

INFO on US Foreign Exchange Brokers

The popularity of forex trading continues to increase. The market is quite literally flooded by thousands of forex brokers from different countries.

The existence of so many choices overwhelms new traders. Выбор подходящего форекс-брокера is essential to becoming a successful trader.

Unfortunately, the forex trading market doesn’t have any universal regulation, unlike the stock market.

The traders are responsible for choosing licensed and regulated forex brokers.

Many countries allow forex brokers to operate, without stringent licensing requirements.

US foreign brokers are one of the safest brokers because the USA requires all FX brokers, to operate with an appropriate license.

Регулируемые форекс-брокеры must ensure the security of invested funds, thereby protecting your money.

The US government has taken immense measures to regulate the forex trading рыночных .

The Foreign Exchange brokers operating out of USA must comply with the requirements of the NFA (National Futures Association) and CFTC (Commodities & Futures Trading Commission).

Some FX brokers complain that the stringent regulations prevent them from providing great profit opportunities for their traders. However, these regulations guarantee that traders can have peace of mind, while investing their money in the highly volatile market.

The USA forex brokers should adhere to the NFA regulations and register with CFTC, before commencing forex operations in the USA.

This was not the case before 2008. Previously, any broker from any part of the world could provide forex trading services to US citizens.

Following numerous frauds and scams, NFA and CFTC have limited the freedom of retail Foreign Exchange Brokers.

Wait.. Some Questions You May Have

What are the regulatory agencies who oversee the forex market in the US?

The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is the main government регулирующий орган for the stock and forex market.

Additionally, the National Futures Association (NFA) is a private organization or watchdog agency, who strongly regulates the futures trading.

NFA enforces that each of its member meets their regulatory responsibilities.

Both the CFTC and NFA protects the market investors and the American people from abusive practices, frauds, price manipulations and any illegal activity related to commodities, futures, forex and swaps market.

In short, these agencies help any US resident to determine or identify if any broker is reliable, legally entitled to offer its brokerage service and trustworthy.

NFA and CFTC guidelines

Both NFA and CFTC want to ensure that Forex brokers follow ethical business practices to protect the US financial markets.

According to the guidelines, the brokers must have operating capital of at least $20 million.

This working capital requirement increase, as the brokers serve more clients. It is mandatory to have the client funds in segregated accounts.

This limits the exposure of Forex brokers to traders’ funds. The FX broker will not be able to use the funds of traders to meet their operating expenses.

Brokers can’t tamper with price feeds and trading platforms.

NFA imposes huge penalties, if any broker is found manipulating the market.

The NFA requires brokers to have a detailed procedure in case of lawsuits, bankruptcy charges or other liquidation processes.

Forex brokers should also provide guaranteed customer service for the clients.

Once a trader makes a withdrawal request, a USA regulated Forex broker must process the request quickly and they have no right to withhold payments, unless it is warranted by a federal authority.

Traders too must adhere to the deposit requirements, according to anti-money laundering laws.

To ensure adherence to FX regulations, all Forex brokers must submit audit reports and financial statements to the NFA periodically.

This should contain tracking information of all transactions.

NFA takes the responsibility of supervising all activities to ensure compliance with NFA and CFTC regulations.

The highly regulated Forex brokers provides a safer trading environment, by protecting the trading capital.

Any broker found violating the regulations will get their license suspended or terminated.

Can I trade Forexif I live in the US?

Yes, you can trade Forex either if you are a legal US resident or citizen.

The only restriction for US resident is that must open a Forex account with a broker that is regulated and located within the United States.

There are no other restriction of any kind to Forex trade in the USA. Indeed, every single day billions of USD are placing into the market to be exchanged for other currencies, or to pay for imported goods and services.

The American dollar is the most widely traded currency.

The United States Department of Commerce reports that almost every American citizen uses the Forex market at least once a year.

American people can exchange USD or any major currency at bank locations, international airports and Foreign Exchange outlets located around the country.

The American financials corporations represent more than 55% of the world Forex market trades.

When the American people buy from the biggest e-commerce retailers acquiring goods overseas they are indirectly taking part of the FX market, the same principle applies to any purchase done overseas and pay with any credit or debit card.

Can US residents become Forex traders?

Of course, US residents can become Forex traders as soon as they are 18 years old in some states and 21 years old in most of them.

However, as a minor, US residents can legally deposit money into a custodial account and his parent, legal guardian, or testament tutor has to place the orders on his or her behalf.

Why do so many popular Forex internet brokers turn-down US citizens

Any providers of financial services, such as banks, retail brokers, mutual funds, and loans, must be fully entitled and licensed by the regulatory government bodies or supervisory entities to offer his/her service in the countries in which it operates.

Are there any offshore Forex brokers accepting US clients?

Because of the extremely demanding requirements of the United States regulatory agencies, very few FX brokers either have the monetary capital to fulfill it or consider the US market profitable enough to go through the process.

Brokers that are located outside the United States are not allowed to accept clients from the US. Simplyput:

Are there any offshore FX brokers that accepting US clients?

Yes. But if you do come across one proceed with caution. Many are most likely a SCAM.

There are a few Forex sites claiming to accept clients from the United States, don’t be fooled they are most likely not allowed to accept US clients and your money may be at risk, though some may be законный so it is best to your researchon the broker.

Why the US imposed heavy regulations to retail Forex traders

The Fx market is mostly unregulated globally. Some regions have strict regulation and some are very lax or don’t exist.

The little regulations and control on retailers in some of these regulation lacking regions, has created some legal loop holes that have been exploited or used by scammers and con artists.

They take advantages of investors and traders, robbing them of their money or invested capital.

In 2010 the US government approved the Doff-Frank financial reform legislation.

This was after the 2008 financial crisis that affect the US economy.

These measure were put into place to:

  • Maintain the needed trust and faith in the market
  • To protect investors money
  • Improve trading conditions
  • Provide clear guidelines and rules

The legislation has the intention of achieving better business practices on Wall Street.

Unfortunately, after its approval, hundreds of retail Fx outlets left the country because of stringent rules and regulations.

Notice that no limitation or restriction are imposed to any US resident to legally trade Forex.

What are the differences Between US authorized Fx brokers and other Fx Brokers?

After going over dozens of reputable and trustworthy Fx brokers, it was impossible to find any real difference in the services offered, the trading platform or the order placement process.

Any legally entitled and fully compliant broker must follow strict guidelines to ensure the safekeeping of the users money, the transparent management of their funds and adequate orders placements.

Most brokers segregate the users’ money from their own. Reputable Forex brokers disclose the cost and fees for any order placement or opening of positions.

The only differences found are related to their regulations and the restrictions those government agencies imposed over them.

Offshore Broker


USA Broker

The future of Forex trading in the USA

With the Biden administration taking power in early 2021, not much is known about how this will affect the future of forex trading in the United States.

The most likely scenario is that what we see today will be mostly left unchanged.

The democrats will likely keep US forex regulations strong and may even make it more difficult for offshore forex brokers to take on US citizens.

Об этой статье

Автор: Марк Прош

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Top Forex Broker in USA (2024) | Official US Broker List (2024)


Which broker is best for forex trading in the US? ›

Find below the strengths of the best forex brokers available in the United States, updated for 2024:
  • is the best forex broker in the United States in 2024 - Excellent selection of currency pairs. ...
  • Oanda - Great trading platforms. ...
  • IG - First-class web trading platform. ...
  • Interactive Brokers - Extremely low fees.
May 3, 2024

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Best Forex Trading Platforms in 2024
  • PrimeXBT: Best Forex trading platforms Overall.
  • Lite Forex: Best for CFDs on Commodities.
  • JustForex: Best for Multi Assets.
  • FXTM: Best With High Floating Leverage and Fast Execution.
  • PLUS500: Best Option to Trade CFDs.
  • AvaTrade: Best Forex Trading Platforms for Leverage.
Jan 19, 2024

How many forex brokers are in the USA? ›

There used to be a time when more than 70 brokers operated in the US forex market. The Dodd-Frank Act thinned them out to just 3, and it remained this way for a nearly a decade. At the present day, there are now 8 regulated forex brokers in the US.

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Bill Lipschutz

Lipschutz then joined their newly formed foreign exchange department, and within a few years, he was able to generate a steady $300 million for the firm. That has made him one of the most successful and richest forex traders in the world. Sources claim that Bill Lipschutz has a net worth of $2 billion.

Who is the top broker in USA? ›

Based on their assets under management (AUM), the biggest four brokerage firms in the U.S. are Charles Schwab, Vanguard, Fidelity, and JP Morgan. Below is a short analysis of each brokerage's products, services, and fee structures as of May 2024. They are listed in no particular order.

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Summary: Best Online Brokerage
CompanyForbes Advisor RatingLEARN MORE
TD Ameritrade4.4Learn More Read Our Full Review
Fidelity Investments4.4Learn More Read Our Full Review
Charles Schwab4.3Learn More Read Our Full Review
Tastytrade3.9Open Account Via Tastytrade's Website
1 more row
5 days ago

Who is the No 1 forex trader? ›

George Soros is undoubtedly one of the most successful forex traders in the world. His bold and aggressive trading style has earned him a place in history, and his philanthropic efforts have made a positive impact on many lives. However, his controversial reputation may not sit well with some investors.

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Best brokers for day trading
  • Interactive Brokers.
  • E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley.
  • Fidelity.
  • Webull.
  • Robinhood.
  • TradeStation.

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Best Overall - Zerodha

Zerodha, a top discount broker, excels in trading and demat account services. Positive reviews, a user-friendly interface, affordable fees, diverse investment options, and useful features like technical indicators and advanced charting tools make it the best choice overall.

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  • OANDA - Best US forex broker overall. ...
  • - lowest spread forex broker. ...
  • IG - best forex broker for beginner traders. ...
  • Interactive Brokers - best broker commission rates. ...
  • TD Ameritrade - best U.S.-based customer support. ...
  • eToro - best social and copy trading platform. ...
  • - good selection of currency pairs.
Dec 19, 2023

How can I legally trade forex in USA? ›

Is forex trading legal in the United States? Yes, forex trading is legal in the U.S. and regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Forex brokers in the U.S. are required to register as Futures Commission Merchants (FCMs) and Forex Dealer Members (FDMs) with the CFTC and NFA.

Is forex trading profitable in USA? ›

Forex trading may make you rich if you are a hedge fund with deep pockets or an unusually skilled currency trader. But for the average retail trader, rather than being an easy road to riches, forex trading can be a rocky highway to enormous losses and potential penury.

Is there a billionaire forex trader? ›

Bill Lipschutz, one of America's wealthiest forex traders, has a net worth of approximately $2 billion. His trading journey began with a $12,000 inheritance, and he transformed it into a significant fortune through his trading skills.

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15 Best Stock Market Traders in History
  • Steve Cohen.
  • Nick Leeson.
  • James Simons.
  • Richard Dennis.
  • Thomas Bulkowski.
  • William Delbert Gann.
  • Dr. David Paul.
  • Bill Gross.

Can forex make you rich? ›

To be more specific, if you are an experienced forex trader with years of market expertise or an investment fund with large funds, then forex trading can potentially make you very rich. However, forex trading can be a rocky path for the average retail trader and could lead to huge losses.

Can US citizens use forex com? › offers US individual customers the ability to trade forex by setting up an Individual Account with us and an IRA through one of our three partner custodians with whom we have established relationships.

Is there forex trading in the USA? ›

While US residents can engage in forex trading, they are restricted from trading CFDs. Leverage Limits: The US has imposed strict leverage limits on forex trading to protect retail traders. Major currency pairs are subject to a maximum leverage of 1:50, while minor and exotic pairs have lower limits.

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