Top Five States with the Highest Growth of FDI Jobs - GBA (2024)

International companies in the United States have led the way throughout the pandemic by taking extraordinary steps to safeguard their workers and customers. These American employers are also uniquely positioned to spur America’s economic recovery and jumpstart job growth. To learn more about how international companies are contributing to the U.S. economy and the communities in which they operate,

Across America, international companies are a cornerstone for strengthening local communities and revitalizing the U.S. economy. When an international company sets up shop, it’s a vote of confidence in U.S. workers. International companies provide7.9 millionhigh-quality jobs, increasing employment rates and average wages across the country. In fact, from 2014 to 2019, America’s FDI employment rose20 percent, while the country’s overall private-sector employment rose 9 percent. Five states in particular have excelled in attracting international investment for new jobs here in America.Here are the five states that top the list for fastest FDI job growth from 2014 to 2019:

#1 Minnesota

Minnesotacomes in first with a46.3 percentFDI employment growth rate. Job growth in Minnesota is more thandoublethe national rate. International companies likeRolls-Roycehave accelerated Minnesota’s job growth. For instance, Rolls Royce North America invested $13.9 million into its Mankato facility to add a new research and development building, creating new manufacturing positions.


Ranking second,Tennessee’sFDI employment rate has increased33.4 percent.CGIhas helped increase Tennessee’s job growth with a $27 million investment to open a new operations center in Knoxville, creating 300 new jobs.


Utahranks thirdfor the fastest growing FDI employment rate in the country with a33.3 percentincrease in this five-year span.Rio TintoAmerica recently invested $2.9 million to build a new plant at its Kennecott copper mine near Salt Lake City.

#4 Michigan

Michigancomes in fourth place with a32.9 percentFDI employment growth rate. Global companies likeMagna Internationalhave helped increase job growth in Michigan by investing $70 million into a new battery plant in St. Clair. The facility will bring more than 300 new jobs to the area.


Kansasranks fifth, with a32.8 percentgrowth rate in FDI employment.T-Mobilehas accelerated job growth in Kansas by building a state-of-the-art customer experience center in Overland Park, creating 1,000 new jobs.

Top Five States with the Highest Growth of FDI Jobs - GBA (2024)


What is an example of a FDI? ›

An example would be McDonald's investing in an Asian country to increase the number of stores in the region. Here, a business enters a foreign economy to strengthen a part of its supply chain without changing its business in any way.

What is meant by FDI? ›

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a category of cross-border investment in which an investor resident in one economy establishes a lasting interest in and a significant degree of influence over an enterprise resident in another economy.

What are the examples of FDI in developing countries? ›

FDI has accelerated investment in new infrastructure. E.g. the Addis Ababa – Djibouti road; provides coastal access for land-locked Ethiopia. Other projects include dams and airports, mines and wind farms providing opportunities for African nations to grow capacity in renewable energy.

Which state has highest FDI in India 2023? ›

The combined tally of investment of three years makes Maharashtra the most attractive investment destination, states the survey. The investment is more than Karnataka ( ₹2,93,149 crore, 331 projects) and Gujarat ( ₹ 2,36,866 crore, 602 projects), states the survey.

What are the top 5 FDI? ›

Sector-wise FDI Equity Inflows during April-September 2022

During the first half of this fiscal, Singapore emerged as the top investor. It was followed by Mauritius, the U.A.E., the U.S.A., the Netherlands and Japan.

What are the 3 most known types of FDI? ›

Foreign direct investments are commonly categorized as horizontal, vertical, or conglomerate. With a horizontal FDI, a company establishes the same type of business operation in a foreign country as it operates in its home country.

What is FDI in USA? ›

According to BEA, FDI in the United States is defined as the ownership or control, directly or indirectly, by one foreign person, or entity, of 10 percent or more of the voting securities of an incorporated U.S. business enterprise or an equivalent interest in an unincorporated U.S. business enterprise.

What are the 2 most known types of FDI? ›

FDI can take two different forms: Greenfield or mergers and acquisitions (M&As).
  • greenfield investment involves the creation of a new company or establishment of facilities abroad. ...
  • mergers and acquisitions amounts to transferring the ownership of existing assets to an owner abroad.

What is the most common form of FDI? ›

Horizontal direct investment is perhaps the most common form of direct investment. For horizontal investments, a business already existing in one country establishes the same business operations in a foreign country.

Why is the FDI important? ›

Increases capital- One of the most important roles of FDI is, it brings economic stability by increasing capital to a country. This results in financing new businesses, development works, and other important factors for economic growth.

What is the highest FDI in 2023? ›

FDI Equity Inflows in India 2020-2022 (US$ Million)

In the FY 2023, foreign investors showed keen interest in multiple sectors in India, with the highest FDI inflows seen in computer software and hardware, attracting investments worth US$9.39 billion.

Who are the top 5 FDI investors in India? ›

Top investor countries in India in FY 2023. In FY 2023, Singapore accounted for maximum inward FDI in India at US$17.20 billion, followed by Mauritius (US$6.13 billion), the US (US$6.04 billion), UAE (US$3.35 billion), and the Netherlands (US$2.49 billion).

Why is India getting so much FDI? ›

According to the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), India's cumulative FDI inflow stood at US$ 871.01 billion between April 2000-June 2022; this was mainly due to the government's efforts to improve the ease of doing business and relax FDI norms.

What states are ranked by FDI? ›

By U.S. state, California received the most investment, totaling $64.1 billion, followed by Massachusetts ($53.8 billion) and New York ($34.2 billion). Greenfield investment expenditures—expenditures to either establish a new U.S. business or to expand an existing foreign-owned U.S. business—were $3.4 billion in 2021.

Who is the largest FDI? ›

Top recipients of FDI inflows worldwide in Q3 2022 were the United States (USD 86 billion), Ireland (USD 37 billion) and the United Kingdom (USD 36 billion).

Which country has highest FDI in USA? ›

In 2021, no country had a higher foreign direct investment (FDI) position in the United States than Japan, followed by the Netherlands and Canada. At that time, Japan had over 690 billion U.S. dollars invested in the United States.

What are the 3 components of FDI? ›

FDI has three components: equity capital, reinvested earnings and intra-company loans.

What are FDI positions? ›

FDI positions represent the value of the stock of direct investments held at the end of the reference period (typically year or quarter).

Which is the most restrictive FDI in the world? ›

The Philippines is among the world's most restrictive countries to foreign direct investment (FDI) according to the 2018 OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) FDI's stimulus index,” Salceda said.

Which is the second largest FDI? ›

The US replaced Mauritius as the second-largest source of foreign direct investment (FDI) into India during 2020-21 with inflows of $13.82 billion, according to government data. Singapore remained the top source of foreign direct investment into the country for the third consecutive fiscal at $17.41 billion.

Why is the US a top destination for FDI? ›

However, for the 10th consecutive year, A.T. Kearney's 2022 FDI Confidence Index identified the United States as the world's top market for foreign investment. It cited a business-friendly environment, market size, and technological infrastructure as three key factors.

What is the US FDI growth rate? ›

United States Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) registered a growth equal to 0.6 % of the country's Nominal GDP in Dec 2022, compared with a growth equal to 1.8 % in the previous quarter. See the table below for more data.

Is high FDI good? ›

Economic growth

FDI boosts the manufacturing and services sector which results in the creation of jobs and helps to reduce unemployment rates in the country. Increased employment translates to higher incomes and equips the population with more buying powers, boosting the overall economy of a country.

Which country is best for FDI? ›

FDI in Figures April 2023

Nevertheless, the United States and China were the top two FDI destinations worldwide in 2022, followed by Brazil, receiving peak level of inflows partly due to increased reinvestment of earnings.

How does FDI affect economic growth? ›

Thus, in addition to its effect on technological progress, it appears that FDI contributes to economic growth by increasing total capital accumulation in the host economy.

What are the factors affecting FDI? ›

Factors that affect foreign direct investment (FDI)
  • Infrastructure and access to raw materials.
  • Communication and transport links.
  • Skills and wage costs of labour.

What is the foreign investment risk? ›

As such, foreign investment risk (sometimes known as global investment risk) is defined as the degree of loss likely to occur when investing in countries outside of the United States.

What is FDI introduction? ›

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the process whereby residents of one country (the source country) acquire ownership of assets in another country (the host country) for the purpose of controlling the production, distribution and other activities of a firm in that country.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of FDI? ›

FDI helps to boost the economy of a country. FDI can cause interference in domestic investments. FDI aids in the expansion of human capital by subsistence of workforce. Sometimes, investments can result in negative values.

What is the latest FDI? ›

Total FDI inflows in the country in the FY 22-23 is $ 70.97 Bn and total FDI equity inflows stands at $ 46.03 Bn. Mauritius (26%), Singapore (23%), USA (9%), Netherland (7%) and Japan (6%) emerge as top 5 countries for FDI equity inflows into India FY 2022-23.

Which year exhibited the highest growth in FDI? ›

Detailed Solution. ∴ The highest growth in FDI in India in 1996. The CG TET Revised Results were released on January 17, 2023!

Is FDI a long term investment? ›

Investment horizon: FDI is a long-term investment, while FPI is a short-term investment. FDI is usually a strategic investment, as it allows the investor to have a long-term interest in the company and access the local market.

Which major sectors attract the highest FDI equity inflows? ›

This sector included finance, banking, insurance, and other non-financial sectors like research and development, testing, analysis, and outsourcing.

Who is India's biggest foreign investor? ›

Mauritius, Singapore, the U.S., the Netherlands, Japan, the U.K., Germany, and the United Arab Emirates are the main investing countries in India. Investments were mainly oriented towards services, computer software and hardware, telecommunications, trade, the automobile industry, construction, and chemicals.

Where does India rank in FDI? ›

After a hiatus in 2022, India has rejoined Kearney's foreign direct investment (FDI) confidence index list in the 16th position, signalling a renewed interest from foreign investors in the Indian markets.

Why China attracts more FDI than India? ›

Many studies show that China is one of the most important countries for FDI inflow due to its improved infrastructure [7], continuously open market [8] , strengthened property rights protection [9,10], rapid expansion of economic scale, and competitive cost advantage [11].

How much FDI does China receive? ›

In recent years, China has been the second largest recipient of foreign direct investments (FDI) worldwide, attracting approximately 181 billion U.S. dollars in 2021.

Why does FDI increase? ›

Reasons firms engage in FDI

Take advantage of proximity to raw materials rather than transport them around the world. Avoid tariff barriers and other non-tariff barriers to trade. Reduce transport costs. For example, by producing cars in the UK, Nissan has lower transport costs for selling to the UK market.

What is an example of FDI benefits? ›

FDI creates new jobs and more opportunities as investors build new companies in foreign countries. This can lead to an increase in income and mor purchasing power to locals, which in turn leads to an overall boost in targetted economies.

Where does us have FDI? ›

The main investing countries in the U.S. are Japan, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France. Most of these investments are in manufacturing, financial and insurance activities, and trade and maintenance. In 2021, California received the most investment, followed by Massachusetts and New York (BEA).

What are 3 examples of how a government would encourage FDI? ›

How Governments Encourage FDI
  • Financial incentives. Host countries offer businesses a combination of tax incentives and loans to invest. ...
  • Infrastructure. ...
  • Administrative processes and regulatory environment. ...
  • Invest in education. ...
  • Political, economic, and legal stability.

What are 3 benefits of direct investment? ›

Direct investors do not wish to take actions to undermine the value or sustainability of their investments. Other positive effects associated with inward direct investment include increased employment, improved productivity, technology and knowledge transfer, and overall economic growth.

What are the four main benefits of FDI to host country? ›

Here are a few benefits of FDI to home countries. Increased profits from expanded operations. Reduced trade deficits through increased export to the host nation. Reduced costs of operations for the investing company.

What is one major benefit of foreign direct investment FDI? ›

FDI boosts the manufacturing and services sector which results in the creation of jobs and helps to reduce unemployment rates in the country. Increased employment translates to higher incomes and equips the population with more buying powers, boosting the overall economy of a country.

Who receives most FDI? ›

The United States is the top destination of inward foreign direct investment. Source: IMF Data, Coordinated Direct Investment Survey. Note: Chart shows inward FDI positions.

Who is the largest foreign investor in the US? ›

China Is Largest U.S. Investor Among BRICS in 2021

Despite the size of their economies, combined BRICS' investment registered just 2.5 percent of all foreign investment stock in the United States at the end of 2021; as a group, its investment increased 21 percent from 2016.

Which state has top FDI? ›

It is to be noted that Maharashtra, Karnataka and Gujarat historically command the lion's share of FDI inflows into the country. These three States alone accounted for 68 per cent of the FDI equity inflows (in dollar terms) into the country between October 2019 and December 2022.

Who is the largest investor in the United States? ›

1. Warren Buffett. As one of the world's wealthiest investors, Warren Buffett almost needs no introduction. He's CEO and chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, a $665 billion conglomerate that acts as the holding company for Buffett's investments, both its wholly-owned companies and its stocks.

What are the two main types of FDI? ›

FDI can take two different forms: Greenfield or mergers and acquisitions (M&As).
  • greenfield investment involves the creation of a new company or establishment of facilities abroad. ...
  • mergers and acquisitions amounts to transferring the ownership of existing assets to an owner abroad.

What attracts FDI? ›

Foreign direct investment is often targeted to selling goods directly to the country involved in attracting the investment. Therefore, the size of the population and scope for economic growth will be important for attracting investment.

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