Top Collectible Vintage Items That Are Trending Now (2024)

Top Collectible Vintage Items That Are Trending Now (1)

Top Collectible Vintage Items That Are Trending Now (2)

Vintage collectibles are in demand right now for a variety of reasons, and the interest in vintage items goes well beyond just those who consider themselves collectors. Many non-collectors have shown an interest in buying vintage as well, and nostalgia is one of the driving forces behind this trend, leading to popularity with both the older and younger generations. As millennials age, items from their childhood are edging ever closer to the “vintage” category, creating demand for those items. Gen Z is even getting in on the action, with an interest in vintage clothing styles and thrift shopping.

Thrift and vintage shopping are also seen as a sustainable and unique alternative to buying things brand new. With so many more unique options to choose from, vintage shopping allows people to have nearly one-of-a-kind finds in their home, in lieu of shopping the same brand-new décor that everyone else is buying. It’s also a great way to conserve valuable resources by giving items that already exist a new life.

The term “vintage” can be used quite loosely, so let’s take a moment to define the word. Items at least 40 years old are considered “vintage,” while items at least 100 years old would be considered “antique.” The term “retro” refers to items at least 20 years old but not yet 40 years old, items from the recent past. Often, items that should be considered “retro” are grouped in with vintage items.

What exactly are vintage buyers on the lookout for? Here, you’ll find a list of the most popular vintage items that are currently in demand.


Records are a popular collectible item among various age groups. Those aged 25-34 tend to purchase contemporary releases, while the older generations are the ones on the lookout for original vintage records.

Vintage Advertising Signage

Vintage advertising signage is popular for the variety of colorful designs and gorgeous typography.

Vintage Books

Vintage books are another in-demand collectible item. These are popular both for their contents and for their stunning appearance.


Vintage dealers are seeing an uptick in sales of signage, oil cans, auto posters, chrome grills, emblems, and anything related to the automotive world.

Vintage Toys

Vintage toys are among the most highly popular collectible items. For many, toys bring a welcome connection to their childhood, which is often the motivation behind acquiring them.


Jewelry has always been a popular collectible item, and vintage styles are in high-demand. Art deco and period jewelry are popular with buyers.

Mid-Century Modern

Mid-century modern has been buzzed about in the design world for years. This style is broadly defined by architecture, furniture, and graphic design from the middle of the 20th century (about 1933 – 1965). This design style is incredibly popular right now, and anything that can be described as “mid-century modern” seems to sell like crazy.

Art Deco

Another design style that’s in demand right now? Art deco. This style is more lavish and over the top compared to the sleek design of mid-century modern. It was popularized in the 1920s and fell out of style during the Great Depression and World War II.

Art Nouveau

Another in-demand design style, art nouveau, is characterized by its asymmetrical, curvy forms, often inspired by the curves of plants and flowers. The style was at its most popular between 1890 and 1910.


And last but not least, gorgeous vintage lamps in a variety of styles are another in-demand item. If not already in working order, vintage lamps can be rewired and given a new life!


About Collectibles Insurance Services

Collectibles Insurance Services has been protecting collections since 1966 and all coverage is provided by a carrier with a group rating of “A” (Excellent) by AM Best, the leading rating agency for the insurance industry.

Comprehensive coverage includes, but is not limited to: accidental breakage, burglary, fire, flood, loss in the mail, theft, natural disasters, and other causes of loss unless specifically excluded from the policy. Deductibles start at $0 for collector policies and we provide coverage for the market value of your collection for losses in excess of $50.

Additionally the protection extends At home and away, and we don't require collection itemization and serial number nor extensive paperwork and red tape.

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To purchase your policy over the phone, please call our agents at 888-837-9537 (8:30am \u2013 5:00pm ET, Monday \u2013 Friday)

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Top Collectible Vintage Items That Are Trending Now (2024)


What vintage items are hot for 2023? ›

This year, we'll continue to see more pattern play, wrought iron, statues, and marble and onyx, all of which contribute to that quintessential well-curated look that simply cannot be replicated with all brand new pieces. English cottage style had a major resurgence last year, and we'll be seeing more of it in 2023.

What vintage items are people looking for? ›

31 Vintage Items Worth Money: Do You Have Any of These?
  • How Many of These 31 Vintage Items Do You Have Tucked Away?
  • Typewriters.
  • Silverware.
  • Rotary Phones.
  • Beanie Babies.
  • Vinyl Records.
  • Vintage Wedding Dress.
  • Record Player.
Sep 7, 2022

What antiques are really hot right now? ›

Wooden furniture, colorful quilts, and early-American wares are particularly hot right now, say a mix of esteemed collectors. Blythe Copeland is a contributing writer with more than a decade of experience as a freelance lifestyle writer.

What is collectable in 2023? ›

The Best Collectables To Invest In 2023
  • Sports Memorabilia. If you're an avid sports fan, why not use your sports knowledge to collect sports memorabilia? ...
  • Classic Cars. There are some drawbacks to collecting classic cars. ...
  • Coins. ...
  • Jewellery. ...
  • Toys and Figurines. ...
  • Contemporary Art. ...
  • Invest in Collectable Art With Grove Gallery.
Mar 20, 2023

What antiques are popular in 2023? ›

Furniture. Jones agrees as she has noticed a renewed interest and appreciation of folk art and Americana. "We love that people are appreciating handmade antique patchwork quilts, hooked rugs, Adirondack-style twig tables, and Shaker furniture."

What are the gift trends for 2023? ›

So, let's recap: the current gift boxtrends we're seeing in 2023 are sustainable gifting, gifts with products from small businesses (particularly Black-owned businesses, AAPI businesses and LGBTQ+ businesses), and last but not least, self care gifts.

What vintage is selling? ›

Here, you'll find a list of the most popular vintage items that are currently in demand.
  • Records. Records are a popular collectible item among various age groups. ...
  • Vintage Advertising Signage. ...
  • Vintage Books. ...
  • Automobilia/Petroliana. ...
  • Vintage Toys. ...
  • Jewelry. ...
  • Mid-Century Modern. ...
  • Art Deco.
Mar 1, 2022

What is considered vintage now? ›

Most antique dealers consider an item to be vintage if it is at least 40 years old. So, in the context of this blog date, a vintage item would be made between 1918 and 1978. Even though many vintage items are nostalgic, they are sought after for many reasons besides their age. This includes decorating and collecting.

What are the best selling vintage items on Ebay? ›

Popular vintage items include jewelry, clothes, accessories, household items, pop culture memorabilia, postcards, photos, vinyl records, cassette and VHS tapes, books, lamps, gadgets of 80s and 90s, toys.

Why antiques are not selling? ›

Dealers, auctioneers and designers point to a number of reasons for the declining interest in antiques and rapid rise of contemporary design. More homes have open-concept, casual living spaces rather than formal dining rooms and studies, which reduces the need for stately mahogany dining tables, chairs and cabinets.

What old items are worth money in 2023? ›

Vintage handbags, baseball cards, fine wine, or rare books are all examples of potential collectibles. Some collectors purchase and hang on to their items because they have a passion for them, while others choose investible collectibles in hopes that they'll appreciate in value over time.

What should I buy now that will be collectible? ›

Here are the best collectible investments you can add to your portfolio:
  • Investment-Grade Wine.
  • Comic Books.
  • Toys.
  • Stamps.
  • Fine Art.
  • Coins.
  • Sports Memorabilia.
  • Sneakers.

What is collectable for the future? ›

Classic cars, fine art, coins, and stamps are popular collectible asset classes with a high potential ROI. But collectors can also profit from sports cards, celebrity memorabilia, watches, vintage whiskey bottles, old photographs, and even dinosaur bones.

What are the key furniture trends for 2023? ›

The top five furniture trends for 2023
  • Soft curves. In 2023, furniture designs lean towards soft, organic shapes with curved lines. ...
  • Prints and patterns. ...
  • Pre-loved furniture. ...
  • Sustainability. ...
  • Mix of vintage and contemporary aesthetics.
Apr 14, 2023

What design is in for 2023? ›

Arcs and curvy shapes have been making their way into interiors for a while now. First, crescent sofas, tulip and egg chairs, and round rugs took centerstage bit by bit. Now, 2023 home décor trends are moving further than curved furniture. Say hello to oblong mirrors, architectural details, and mushroom lighting.

What type of design trends you re expecting in 2023? ›

In 2023 we will likely see even more graphic designs that take inspiration in part from the school of design — clean shapes, geometric compositions, and bright primary color palettes. Another reason that geometric shapes are trending: They are the first we learn as children and are associated with approachability.

What is the annual exclusion for gift tax? ›

Key Takeaways. An annual exclusion amount is how much a person can transfer to another without paying a gift tax. For 2022, the annual exclusion amount is $16,000 (increasing to $17,000 in 2023).

What is an old object of high value? ›

antique, a relic or old object having aesthetic, historic, and financial value.

What is the most valuable vintage toy? ›

As far as vintage toys go, Barbie dolls are one of the most valuable. Specifically, the original 1959 version. Barbara Millicent Roberts (Barbie's full name) was the first mass-produced doll with adult features.

What is most popular collector item? ›

10 Of The Most Popular Collectibles and How To Care for Them
  • Coins. Coins are amazing. ...
  • Comic Books. ...
  • LEGO Sets. ...
  • Stamps. ...
  • Pokémon cards. ...
  • Old vinyl records. ...
  • Paintings. ...
  • Vintage computers & electronics.
Feb 8, 2023

What is the best cheap thing to collect? ›

For those on a tight budget, there are plenty of cheap things to collect. Fridge magnets, stamps, and postcards are some great examples. Some collectibles won't cost you a cent. Dried flowers, letters from friends, and empty bottles are some examples to consider.

What is buying vintage? ›

Vintage means pre-loved and in most cases pre-worn. One simple definition of what is considered VINTAGE is if the garment/item in question is at least 20 years or older. And with antique clothing, it must be 80 years or older.

What vintage clothing is most popular? ›

Top 10 Popular Vintage Clothing Items Everyone Must Consider
  • Vintage Jeans/Pants. One of the fundamental vintage clothing items for your outfit is a pair of jeans or pants. ...
  • Top Vintage T-Shirts. ...
  • Vintage Jackets. ...
  • Short-Sleeved Shirts. ...
  • Sweatshirts & Hoodies. ...
  • Vintage Dresses. ...
  • Blouses. ...
  • Dungarees.
May 14, 2022

What is better than vintage? ›

Antique: An antique item is something that is about 100 years old or older. So in 2022, an item would need to be from 1922 or earlier to generally be considered antique.

How old must something be to be vintage? ›

The majority of experts have agreed that items over 50 years old but less than 100 years old can be called vintage or collectable, but not antique.

What is a new vintage? ›

The new vintage is not about trends, it's about trend-defying classics — and nostalgia. Alex Eagle wears vintage 1990s Prada skirt; vintage Fendi bag; vintage 1980s Chanel wool jacket.

What is the most sought after thing on eBay? ›

The best selling items on eBay
  • Cables.
  • Men's Clothing.
  • Fragrances.
  • Computers.
  • Car Phone Holder.
  • Wireless Charger.
  • Necklaces.
  • Supplements.
Apr 4, 2023

What is the most sold item in the world? ›

What Is The Most Sold Item In the World? The most sold item in the world is clothing and fashion items. This ranges from women's and men's outfits to children's clothing, shoes, accessories, and more. People love their clothes, and fashion isn't going anywhere!

What is the best vintage items to sell online? ›

Old Electronics Are Always Sought-After on eBay

However, you can make no mistake with older electronics. Outdated televisions, radios, walkmans, record players, cameras, and things alike are very popular - and not only when it comes to the collectors.

What is the best time of year to sell antiques? ›

The spring is usually considered a much better time to buy and sell antiques. Expect to see a strong market in May and June.

Is brown furniture worth anything? ›

Age matters too, in terms of resale value: “Brown furniture from the 18th and 19th century has lost its value overtime unless it is really high end,” Doherty says. “I recommend concentrating on pieces from the 20th century as they are still highly valuable and collectable today.

Is collecting antiques a good investment? ›

It's a long-term investment: Antiques can take years and even decades to increase in market value. During that time, they don't provide any form of income like other traditional investments do (think: dividends paid on mutual funds, stocks, or rental income from real estate investments.)

Which coin is worth the most? ›

1794 Flowing Hair Silver Dollar: $13,311,850

But over two centuries later, this rare coin has achieved the status as the most expensive coin in the world. The Flowing Hair Silver Dollar was the first US silver dollar coin, minted from 1794 to 1795.

What toys to collect for the future? ›

Some other 90's collectables to look out for are:
  • Trading cards such as Pokémon, Magic: The Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh!
  • Hot Wheels figures.
  • Comic books.
  • Collectable Barbies, Transformers and other action figures.
  • Beanie Babies.
  • Original Harry Potter books.
  • Polly Pockets.
  • Furby's.
Sep 9, 2021

Which items do you have that might be valuable? ›

Here is a sampling of rare items that could bring you a lot of money if you are lucky enough to still have them.
  • Star Wars Action Figures. ...
  • Hot Wheels Cars. ...
  • Vintage Chandeliers. ...
  • Vintage Typewriters. ...
  • Old Cameras. ...
  • Old Books. ...
  • Comics. ...
  • Platinum Jewelry.
May 12, 2023

What is the most expensive collectible items? ›

Meet the 10 most expensive collectibles in the world.
  • 1962 Amazing Fantasy No. $3.6 million. ...
  • 1939 Superman No. ...
  • 2009 Stephen Curry 1-of-1 Rookie Card. ...
  • 1787 Brasher Doubloon. ...
  • 1856 British Guiana One-Cent Magenta Stamp. ...
  • 1847 Mauritius 'Post Office' Stamps. ...
  • 1794 Flowing Hair Silver Dollar. ...
  • 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle 311.
May 2, 2023

Is retro in style 2023? ›

While the old saying goes, “Out with the old, in with the new,” in 2023, the opposite may be true. Retro and vintage are making a big comeback in decor, furniture, and design.

What is the summer fabric trends for 2023? ›

The Upcoming Fabric Trends for Spring / Summer 2023
  • Bold Color Block Prints. ...
  • Lightweight Natural Fabrics. ...
  • Sheer & Semi-Transparent Textiles. ...
  • Retro Floral/Geometric Patterns. ...
  • Nautical Stripes. ...
  • Pastel Colored Textures. ...
  • Metallic Accents. ...
  • Structured Textures like Tweed & Jacquard Weaves.
Mar 9, 2023

What vintage items are hot on ebay? ›

Popular vintage items include jewelry, clothes, accessories, household items, pop culture memorabilia, postcards, photos, vinyl records, cassette and VHS tapes, books, lamps, gadgets of 80s and 90s, toys.

Is 70s style coming back 2023? ›

Like they say, everything that's old becomes new once again, and '70s style is here to stay—at least for a little while longer. While some might've been happy to see the back of flared trousers and platform boots, the groovy styles of a decade that finished over five decades ago are now trending again in 2023.

What is the most popular decorating style for 2023? ›

Coming first on the list is Scandinavian interior design, with over 700,000 pins. A minimalist style, “Scandi” decor is marked by clean lines, neutrals with the occasional pop of color, and soft textures like linen and wood. Second place goes to Art Deco, with over 568,000 pins.

What will be the color of 2023? ›

Pantone recently announced its 2023 Color of the Year: Viva Magenta.

What fabric colors are in for 2023? ›

Key colors span Sweet Coral, Faded Citrus, Satin Brass, Dark Cedar, Pewter and more. With colors like Wild Rose, Fuchsia, Yellow Freesia and Turquoise Sea, Spring/Summer 2023 provides balance and hope.

What are the color and design trends for 2023? ›

“Heading into 2023, we're really into darker and dramatic shades, such as deep charcoals and browns. These tones are not only elegant and upscale when complemented with tonal furnishings and accessories, but they bring a warm and comfortable feel to the space.”

What is considered vintage clothing now? ›

A generally accepted industry standard is that items made between 20 and 100 years ago are considered "vintage" if they clearly reflect the styles and trends of the era they represent. These clothing items come with a sense of history attached to them, which is one of the reasons they are valued by vintage enthusiasts.

What are the best examples of vintage style? ›

10 Popular Vintage Styles and Their Use in Modern Web Design
  • When we describe something as vintage, we think of a recognizable aesthetic that withstands the test of time. ...
  • Baroque. ...
  • Baroque. ...
  • Victoriana. ...
  • Gothic. ...
  • Art Deco. ...
  • Art Nouveau. ...
  • Bauhaus.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.