Top Coffee and Tea Trends of 2023 (2024)

In 2020, newscasters adopted the fortune-teller role and predicted a “new normal”. The new normal is here, and we want coffee shops to fuel our regained momentum. While we're matching our pre-pandemic pace, we're marching to a different tune. After using countless plastic disposables, we now pursue sustainability. Menus must boost immune systems. Convenience is expected and elaborate experiences appreciated. These factors drive universal foodservice trends, but they offer unique opportunities and challenges for the coffee and tea industry. Discover the new normal for coffee shop culture and see what trends await you in 2023.

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  • Coffee Trends
  • Tea Trends
  • Coffee Shop Trends

Coffee Trends

Top Coffee and Tea Trends of 2023 (1)

Coffee is an essential part of daily American life. According to a Statista study, 88% of Americans drank between one and five cups of coffee a day in 2022. The desire for a cup of joe is constant, but the types of coffee drinks consumers prefer evolve from the culture. In 2023, the public will adopt coffee trends that accommodate hectic schedules. Fast to prepare, travels well, and meal replacing is the name of the 2023 coffee trends game.

1. Coffee Concentrate

Coffee concentrate, as its name suggests, is concentrated coffee that allows you to prepare high-quality beverages without fancy equipment or lengthy brew times. Cold brew concentrate is the most popular form, but you can also purchase espresso concentrate. Add water to dilute the coffee concentrate or incorporate it into milk for a richer beverage. Use cold milk to create an iced coffee concentrate or add chilled water to cold brew concentrates for an instant glass of cold brewed coffee.

2. Cold Coffee

From classic iced coffee to premium cold brew to trendy snap chilled coffee, cold coffee will reign supreme in 2023. People are making up for the lost time after the pandemic and are living on the go, and many have returned to working in offices at least part-time. Cold coffee travels better than hot coffee, accommodating fast-paced lifestyles. Starbucks also reported that cold beverages are popular amongst their Gen Z customers, whose buying habits will increasingly shape the marketplace.

Climate change is another contributing factor to the domination of cold coffee. In 2019, a study found that customers now seek cold coffee year-round thanks to rising global temperatures. This trend has continued to take hold, and in 2022 even more customers favored iced beverages, with some retailers citing up to a 30% rise in cold coffee orders.

3. Cold Foam

Frothy steamed milk has been the classic topping for cappuccinos and lattes for years. However, with the rise of cold coffee drinks, cold foam is taking center stage. Cold foam is cold, frothed milk created to accompany cold coffee beverages. Hot foam dissipates when added to cold drinks, but cold foam holds a creamy, meringue-like form.

Cold foam is often imbued with flavorings. Upsell your cold coffee drinks by adding seasonal, winter-flavored cold foam specials. There are a rising number of lactose intolerant and vegan customers, making non-dairy milk vital for modern coffee shops. Expect to see plant-based cold foam on cafe menus too. The best plant-based milk for making cold foam is full-fat coconut cream, not coconut milk.

4. Protein Coffee

Proffee, aka protein coffee, emerged as a trend on TikTok to convert morning coffee into a satiating way to start your day. Coffee shops will take advantage of this trend and promote protein coffee menu items to customers who don’t want to eat a full meal first thing in the morning. You can make proffee by mixing coffee into a pre-made protein shake. This method provides up to 30 grams of protein.

Others choose to blend coffee with plant-based protein powders, which typically offer 20 to 25 grams of protein. Collagen coffee is especially popular because it adds a rich texture to coffee without altering its flavor or aroma. Two scoops of collagen powder provide approximately 11 grams of protein. Pair collagen coffee with high-protein plant-based creamer options like pea milk to bring it into the protein range of the other proffee offerings.

5. Food Topped Lattes

Lattes topped with food will become a fun trend in 2023. Usually inspired by nostalgic treats, coffee shops are offering lattes that recreate a beloved dessert topped with complementary foods. Imagine an oat milk latte topped with oatmeal cream pie crumbles or a strawberry shortcake latte topped with freeze-dried strawberries and shortcake pieces. The possibilities are endless! This trend facilitates social media marketing with its over-the-top presentations and can help coffee shops attract new customers. While consumers may be busy again, they also have a heightened desire for experiences, and a dessert-inspired latte crowned with sweets delivers.

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Tea Trends

Top Coffee and Tea Trends of 2023 (2)

2023 is full of possibilities, but it is also full of uncertainties as we press on through an economic recession. Coffee shops will seek reliable ways to grow their businesses by tapping into the demand for different types of tea. According to The International Tea Committee (ITC) in London, tea use has more than doubled in the past 20 years. In 2022, tea consumption rose 113% to 6.7 million metric tons. Expect to see more tea options and the following top five tea trends overtaking cafe menus in 2023.

1. Kombucha

While kombucha isn’t new, it will become a staple rather than a niche item in 2023. Kombucha is an effervescent, probiotic tea-based drink enhanced with nourishing herbal additives, fruits, and spices. According to Grand View Research studies, the global kombucha market size will have a compound annual growth rate of 15.6% from 2022 to 2030 and will reach $9.7 billion USD by 2030. Canned kombucha lends itself perfectly to the rising RTD market (Ready to Drink) as a healthy alternative to soft drinks. Usually made from green tea, kombucha is an energizing drink that promotes gut health, provides antioxidants, kills harmful bacteria, and may even reduce the chances of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Kombucha can be enjoyed any time of day. Some choose to give their digestion system a kick-start by drinking kombucha first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Others drink it before or during meals to aid in digestion. It is even brewed into an alcoholic version as a healthier alternative to other alcoholic drinks and enjoyed in nightlife environments.

2. Moringa Tea

Moringa tea is an herbal tea made from the leaves of the Moringa oleifera plant. The moringa tree is commonly referred to as “the miracle tree” thanks to its many health benefits. While it’s recently emerged in Western medicine, Southeast Asian cultures have relied on their native moringa tree leaves to treat diseases and heal wounds for centuries. The USDA reports that raw moringa leaves offer many vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and B6, and nutrients like beta-carotene and amino acids. People even take moringa powder as a dietary supplement. While they’re drawn to moringa tea for its health benefits, consumers will be delighted by its flavor. Moringa tea offers a similar, earthy flavor to green tea without its astringency. Many tea makers blend moringa leaves with mint, cinnamon, or lavender to juxtapose its vegetal flavor.

3. Pu-erh Tea

Thanks to its high caffeine content, pu-erh tea is emerging as a coffee alternative. One 240 mL cup of pu-erh tea contains between 30-100 mg of caffeine, and a cup of coffee contains between 95-200 mg of caffeine. Since pu-erh tea contains less caffeine than coffee but more caffeine than other tea varieties, it can help people wean off caffeine.

Pu-erh tea is made by parching and fermenting the leaves of Camella Sinensis, which develops its higher caffeine levels and imbues it with probiotics. Pu-erh tea aids digestion and can cleanse free radicals and toxins. It may even improve heart health by lowering cholesterol. Unlike other teas that lose their quality over time, pu-erh tea tastes better as it ages. It has a rich flavor that ranges from woody with subtle mushroom essences to sweet and floral.

4. Honeybush Tea

Fans of South African rooibos are in for a new treat with honeybush tea. An herbal infusion from South Africa, honeybush is a shrub that grows in the Eastern and Western Cape regions and is in the same plant family as rooibos, Fabaceae. As its name suggests, honeybush tea offers a honied aroma and flavor. It is both naturally sweet and caffeine-free. Sweet doesn’t mean unhealthy; honeybush tea is packed with antioxidants and may improve bone health, act as an antidiabetic, fight cancer, and promote skin health.

5. Sparkling Tea

While consumers are moving away from sugar and dye-filled soft drinks, they still crave carbonation. Enter sparkling tea. At its most basic, sparkling tea is a mixture of tea and carbonated water. The growing health consciousness has created the nonalcoholic bar trend, and sparkling teas can serve as the foundation for mocktails. Bartenders add bitters, syrups, and fanciful accompaniments like edible flowers to create beautiful nonalcoholic beverages that look and feel like high-end co*cktails. Sparkling teas are also a popular canned beverage and will dominate the RTD market.

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Coffee Shop Trends

Top Coffee and Tea Trends of 2023 (3)

Keeping a finger on the public pulse, coffee shops will innovate their products, packaging, and services to attract and retain customers in 2023. Smart kitchens and technology reduce wait times and enhance customer experience. Groovy branding provides relief from hard economic realities and somber pandemic years. Sustainable packaging and healthful ingredients protect the environment and our bodies. Step into the modern cafe and preview the top ten coffee shop trends of 2023.

1. QR Codes

QR codes are for more than menus; coffee shops are using QR codes to provide detailed information about their coffee beans without taking up menu space. Coffee roasters are adding QR codes to their coffee bags so their clients can learn about the beans without having to pay for costly packaging. QR codes can provide information on the coffee’s origins, tasting notes, varietal, and production process. Coffee shop customers can scan QR codes while they wait in line, helping pass the time. This trend also helps answer customers' questions about single-origin roasts before they reach the cashier, expediting the ordering process and helping a reduced staff keep up with customers.

2. Sustainable Packaging

While we moved to disposable everything with little regard for the planet during the pandemic, the demand for sustainable packaging is now back with a vengeance. Trivium Packaging’s 2021 Global Buying Green Report revealed that 67% of consumers consider it important that the products they purchase come in recyclable packaging. Reportedly, 83% of consumers under the age of 44 said they will pay more for it. Coffee shops must do away with plastic straws in favor of bamboo, paper, or novelty edible straws. Serving coffee in recyclable cups paired with eco-friendly napkins goes a long way to winning customer loyalty.

Roasters face extra challenges with their sustainable packaging. They must select paper packaging with recyclable labeling and printing inks. It must also preserve the flavor and aroma of the coffee it contains. Durability is key for roasters who ship their coffee because their recyclable packaging materials need to remain intact during postal and courier delivery.

3. Coffee Vending Machines

From high-tech units that make customizable espresso-based drinks to units vending RTD coffee cans, businesses are investing in coffee vending machines to help with staffing shortages. Coffee shops that cannot build a drive-thru can cater to on-the-go patrons by placing a coffee vending machine in front of their business. This frees baristas to engage with patrons who choose to go inside the coffee shop and order beverages that take longer to prepare like French-pressed coffee.

A perfect example of this trend is the Costa Coffee Smart Café, which employs robotics, mobile technology, and premium coffee sourcing to produce a vending machine that delivers a craft coffee experience without the line. Customers can even order in advance on their mobile device, select their pickup time, and arrive when the machine dispenses their order. Forgo a physical storefront and start a coffee vending machine business.

4. Natural Coffee Sweeteners

Top Coffee and Tea Trends of 2023 (4)

When trying to eat healthier, the first and most obvious place to start is cutting processed sugar. According to The Cancer Center, modern Americans eat more refined sugar than their parents and grandparents, which has raised obesity rates and caused a host of health problems, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. While society recognizes it has a problem, people aren’t willing to drink straight black coffee and are turning to natural coffee sweeteners as healthier alternatives to refined sugar and highly processed syrups. Trending natural coffee sweeteners include:

  • Maple Sugar - Maple sugar is a natural sugar made by boiling maple tree sap until its water content reduces and it forms a solid sugar. It adds caramel and nutty flavors to coffee drinks plus minerals and antioxidants.
  • Monk Fruit Sweeteners - Monk fruit sweeteners are natural, no-calorie sugar alternatives made from the small round Swingle fruit native to southern China. Monk fruit sweeteners are anywhere from 150 to 200 times sweeter than sugar, so you’ll need to use far less of it in your coffee.
  • Coconut Sugar - Coconut sugar is a natural sugar made of coconut palm sap. It complements coffees with nutty undertones and adds vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, and B6 to your cup of coffee.
  • Stevia - Stevia is a natural sugar substitute produced from the leaves of the stevia plant. While it has no carbohydrates, it offers between 100 to 300 times greater sweetness than table sugar. South American and Asian cultures have used stevia to sweeten tea and coffee for many years. Western culture is now adopting Stevia as a healthier way to sweeten beverages and baked goods.
  • Whipped Honey - Whipped honey is made by churning and chilling honey to produce a thick, creamy consistency. Luscious in both appearance and texture, whipped honey won’t crystallize. While their spreadable viscosity make them great for slathering onto breakfast breads, they also dissolve more easily than other types of honey, so whipped honey is the perfect natural sweetener for coffee and tea. They often churn whipped honey with flavoring agents like hibiscus flowers, cinnamon, and lemon zest to create whipped honey compounds. Coffee shops will use compound whipped honey to create naturally sweetened and flavored beverages in 2023.

5. In-House Roasting

In 2023, coffee shops will offer fresher roasts, build brand loyalty, and expand their customer base by roasting their coffee beans in-house. Roasting coffee beans is the process of heating and browning the green and grassy-tasting raw beans to bring out their aroma and flavor. Once roasted, coffee beans' peak quality declines fast. By roasting coffee beans in-house, cafes are offering superior beverages. It also allows them to sell their different coffee roasts to other local businesses or individual customers, either as bags of beans or as a part of a coffee subscription service.

6. Larger Coffee Drink Sizes

Piggybacking off the rise of cold coffee drinks, coffee shops will offer super-sized cup sizes in 2023. More customers request add-ins like syrups, cold foam, and milk for cold coffee beverages. These add-ins, as well as the ice in iced coffee, increase volume. Larger cup sizes accommodate the accouterments that accompany iced coffee. This trend benefits coffee shops. Not only can they charge more for larger drinks, but they can also charge customers for each add-in. While flavoring syrups are inexpensive to purchase in bulk, they allow coffee shops to upsell cold drink menu items.

7. Colorful Prints and Designs

From coffee shops’ logos and interior designs to the patterns they emblazon on their coffee sleeves, cups, and bags, “groovy” designs are a top trend of 2023. As we emerge from a pandemic, the sleek lines and monochrome color schemes of yesteryear have faded from view. Today’s nostalgic, 60s-inspired prints strive to delight. Expect “groovy” waves of color, pop art, and mid-century modern elements as part of the foodservice design trends of 2023.

8. All You Can Drink Programs

During the pandemic, everyone whose job allowed it began working from home, and many have stayed either fully remote or now take part in a desk share program. While remote workers appreciate the comfort this provides, they often choose to work from coffee shops to change their scenery. To encourage remote workers to frequent their business, coffee shops are offering “all-you-can-drink” loyalty programs. Patrons purchase a reusable cup from the coffee shop and can then refill their glass with on-tap beverages throughout the day. This can be as simple as setting up iced tea containers or coffee decanters, or you can charge more for access to premium on-tap beverages like batch lattes, nitro cold brew, or kombucha. Instant cappuccino machines work perfectly for all-you-can-drink programs, too.

9. Events and Workshops

2023 is both post-pandemic and mid-recession. If people go out and spend money, they want to feel like they had an exciting experience that validated the expense. Pair this with the trend toward nonalcoholic beverages, and we’ll see consumers seeking alternative spaces for socialization in 2023. To capitalize on these desires and needs, coffee shops will offer more live events than ever before. Think open mic nights, live music, and trivia. Banding together with other small businesses can foster community and attract customers. Local florists may offer an arranging class at a coffee shop. Small jewelry makers can offer a jewelry-making class, and local artists can do a guided painting night.

10. Anti-Counterfeit Packaging

Modern customers want assurances that their bag of coffee is fair trade, organic, and single origin. Anti-counterfeit packaging assigns secure packaging to a product to prevent counterfeiting or infringement. While such measures are often reserved for pharmaceutical shipments, anti-counterfeit packaging ensures coffee beans are at their peak quality and came from a distinct, organic coffee farm. Identification taggants and other features will mark the authenticity of coffee beans.

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Trends come and go, but the public's desire for coffee and tea stays the same. Use the latest coffee and tea trends to upgrade your services, reach new customers, and increase brand loyalty in 2023. The new normal is here, but if the pandemic taught us anything, it's that normal can be disrupted at any point. Follow TikTok trends throughout the year to stay ahead of evolving tastes but stay true to your brand. Trends provide ideas, but quality is timeless. Take what works and leave the rest.

Top Coffee and Tea Trends of 2023 (2024)
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