Top Budget-Friendly Ways To Discover Salzburg Austria (2024)

Salzburg owes much of its fame to prominent former residents, such as composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, poet Georg Trakl and the von Trapp family, who inspired Richard Wise’s movie The Sound of Music. The city was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997 and boasts a vibrant music and art scene, stunning landscapes and a lively folk culture. Here are a few pocket-friendly ways to enjoy beautiful the city at its best.

Top Budget-Friendly Ways To Discover Salzburg Austria (1)

Stroll the streets

The cheapest and most authentic way to discover Salzburg is by walking. The city is small enough for you to easily cover all of the historic Old Town on foot. Wander through the old gassen (German for alleyways), like the famous Getreidegasse, the Goldgasse or drift through Kaigasse and up the scenic Nonnberggasse. Admire the quaint medieval houses built into the rock in Steingasse and visit Salzburg’s former red-light district in Herrengasse.

Step inside the cathedral’s opulent gold-laden interior or meditate in the soft light of the simpler Kollegienkirche (University Church). Explore Petersfriedhof, one of Salzburg’s most beautiful cemeteries. Follow the delicious aroma of freshly baked bread down to the Stiftsbäckerei St. Peter, the oldest bakery in town, which is half-hidden behind its impressive mill wheel.

Top Budget-Friendly Ways To Discover Salzburg Austria (2)

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Top Budget-Friendly Ways To Discover Salzburg Austria (3)

Take a hike

Leave the hustle and bustle of Salzburg’s cobbled streets and wander up one of the nearby mountains. Salzburg was built around, and even into the rock face of Mönchsberg, Nonnberg, Festungsberg and Kapuzinerberg mountains. The Hohensalzburg fortress, a town landmark that sits on one of these mountains, can be reached on foot via Festungsgasse lane. If you head up Festungsgasse and stick to your right, you will pass the entrance to the fortress and eventually reach the serene, wooded Mönchsberg mountain. This place is treasured by the locals as a kind of urban alpine pasture, the perfect escape for exercising, relaxing and enjoying breathtaking panoramas.

Viewpoints such as Richterhöhe, Neutor and the small square in front of the Museum of Modern Art will be more than enough reward for the hike. If you head left instead when coming up Festungsgasse, you will find Stift Nonnberg, a quiet old convent with an unbelievable view of the surrounding countryside and mountains. Stift Nonneberg is still an active convent and if you time it right, you may get to enjoy a few peaceful moments inside the church and hear the nuns sing vespers. This place also has a claim to fame thanks to The Sound of Music. For another spectacular, little-known viewpoint, head down to the University of Salzburg’s Unipark Nonntal building and go up to the rooftop terrace. Grab a coffee from the Uniku*msky café and enjoy a unique 360-degree view of the fortress, the city and the mountains.

Top Budget-Friendly Ways To Discover Salzburg Austria (5)

Get on your bike

If you prefer a slightly faster mode of transportation and also want to blend in with the locals, why not rent a bike? You can do this near Staatsbrücke Bridge. Salzburg has an extensive and well-maintained network of bike paths, including a cycling superhighway along the main river. Unlike in other Austrian cities, you are allowed to ride your bikes at low speed in pedestrian zones in Salzburg. Follow the Almkanal water channel out to Leopoldskron Palace and nearby lake, which is one of the most famous locations in The Sound of Music. Take about a two-minute ride from Leopoldskron and look for a little path called Wolfgang-Schaffler-Weg. Along this path you will be surprised to find cows, pigs and even flamingos, all right in the middle of the city.

For some stunning glimpses of the Salzburg countryside, bike out to Hellbrunn Palace and gardens along the picturesque, tree-lined Hellbrunner Allee lane. Watch out for dog walkers and people on horseback, who share the lane with bike riders. Once at Hellbrunn, wander around the impressive grounds. Marvel at the size of the fish in the palace ponds. If you are visiting around Christmas time, make sure to enjoy some hot Glühwein and sausages at the Hellbrunn Christmas Market to warm you up.

Top Budget-Friendly Ways To Discover Salzburg Austria (6)

Study works of art

Art is everywhere in Salzburg. Aside from a range of museums and free galleries, for example, the Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, sculptures, installations and other works of art can be found throughout the city. Muse about Erwin Wurm’s Gurken (cucumbers) in Furtwänglerpark, visit German contemporary artist Stephan Balkenhohl’s Sphaera on Kapitelplatz, or take a moment to experience the light effects inside James Turrell’s SKY-SPACE near the Museum of Modern Art. Definitely keep your eyes peeled for the 250 Stolpersteine (stumbling blocks) – monuments to the terrible crimes of the Holocaust, which can be found in the sidewalks all over Salzburg.

If you are looking for a more unconventional art space, visit Hangar-7, located not far from Salzburg airport. The hangar is the brainchild of Red Bull inventor and Salzburg local Dietrich Mateschitz and is home not only to airplanes, Formula One racing cars, and helicopters, but also features changing art exhibitions, all of which can be visited for free.

Top Budget-Friendly Ways To Discover Salzburg Austria (7)

Listen to the sound of music

In Salzburg even the streets are alive with the sound of music, particularly during the Salzburg Festival in the months of July and August. Tickets for a wide array of performances of music and drama are usually in very high demand and can be expensive. However, thanks to its long-standing musical tradition, Salzburg has always attracted immensely talented buskers and music students, who are happy to provide the soundtrack to your afternoon coffee or stroll through the old town. Find them near the Großes Festspielhaus (Great Festival Hall), under the stone arches on either side of the cathedral, on Residenzplatz square and in Mirabell Gardens. If you are in Salzburg during the Festival and want to see Festival productions for free, Siemens Festspielnächte put on daily open-air screenings on Kapitelplatz square, which visitors and locals can enjoy for free.

Top Budget-Friendly Ways To Discover Salzburg Austria (8)

Visit the Augustiner Braustübel Brewery

For a relaxing and tasty end of your day, make your way to the Augustiner Braustübel brewery, an old Augustinian monastery-turned-brewery. It is one of the best places in Salzburg to enjoy some fantastic beer and experience Austrian gemütlichkeit (basically a friendly, comfortable atmosphere) in the impressive beer halls, or under the old chestnut trees in the garden. There are stalls selling typical Austrian food and pastries, however, you may want to take advantage of the Augustiner Bräustübel’s BYO rule, which allows guests to bring their own food, as long as all drinks consumed are bought at the brewery.

Top Budget-Friendly Ways To Discover Salzburg Austria (9)
Top Budget-Friendly Ways To Discover Salzburg Austria (10)


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Top Budget-Friendly Ways To Discover Salzburg Austria (2024)


Top Budget-Friendly Ways To Discover Salzburg Austria? ›

The cheapest and most authentic way to discover Salzburg is by walking. The city is small enough for you to easily cover all of the historic Old Town on foot. Wander through the old gassen (German for alleyways), like the famous Getreidegasse, the Goldgasse or drift through Kaigasse and up the scenic Nonnberggasse.

What is the best way to see Salzburg? ›

Scenic Walk through Salzburg

There is a walking path that follows the high ridge around the west side of town. Along this walk, you have very nice views across the city. The best views come at the end of the walk, once you reach the Modern Art Museum. From the fortress, walk downhill in the direction of the funicular.

How many hours in Salzburg is enough? ›

Many visitors try to cram a ton of attractions into 24 or 48 hours, which is totally fine, but staying in Salzburg for 3 to 4 full days is a lot better. Adding a couple of more days in Salzburg will really help you see everything at a more laid-back pace with extra time for a wonderful side trip or two.

How much money do you need in Salzburg? ›

How much does it cost to travel to Salzburg? You should plan to spend around $167 (€155) per day on your vacation in Salzburg. This is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors.

What is the cheapest way to travel in Austria? ›

Train – Trains are the best way to get around Austria. They're fast and affordable, with tickets from Vienna to Graz (2.5 hours) costing as little as 25 EUR and Vienna to Salzburg (3 hours) costing around 40 EUR — those prices require advance booking.

What is the most beautiful village near Salzburg? ›

Gilgen in Salzburgerland, which is situated on scenic Lake Wolfgang, is a typical Austrian village. Colourful flowers decorate not only parks but also many houses. The love city hall (Rathaus) is just one of the buildings that has put St. Gilgen on our list of prettiest villages.

Is one day enough to see Salzburg? ›

You can see and do the most important things in Salzburg in one day. Visit the fortress, see Mozart's birthplace, stroll through Mirabell garden, try the original Mozart chocolate, and visit a beer brewery, among other things.

Is English widely spoken in Salzburg? ›

Because of Austria's proximity to Germany, Salzburg's official language is German. However, since most Austrian schools teach English as a second language, most English-speakers can get around Salzburg without experiencing much of a language barrier.

Do a lot of people speak English in Salzburg? ›

German is the official language of Austria, with most people in Salzburg speaking the Austro-Bavarian dialect. Most of the younger generation in Salzburg speak English fairly well, but you should have a few German phrases in your pocket just in case.

What food is Salzburg known for? ›

The city also has a vibrant street food culture. In fact, one of the foods Salzburg is most famous for, Bosna, is best eaten standing up as you explore the historic Old Town. Similar to an American hot dog, it consists of a sausage served on bread with onions and a mix of curry powder, ketchup, and mustard.

Is it expensive to eat out in Salzburg? ›

Most of the restaurants tourists would go to, are also frequented by locals. Prices for a meal at a restaurant start at €12,- and range up to €25,- including drinks. While the prices in the restaurants are always within reason, on the other hand, there are no restaurants where you can make a bargain.

What to wear in Salzburg? ›

Salzburg gets quite a bit of rainfall throughout the year, including in the summer, so you won't regret bringing a lightweight, packable waterproof jacket or small umbrella. Winters are cold in Salzburg, so pack warm gloves and a hat, a winter jacket and an extra fleece layer.

Can you drink tap water in Salzburg? ›

Salzburg's almost inexhaustible water reservoir is located in the Untersberg near the city. The drinking water in Salzburg is of the very best quality and can be drunk straight from the tap. But pure, untreated water can also be enjoyed from the many drinking water fountains in the city without hesitation.

What card is best for Austria? ›

Opt for a Mastercard or Visa.

They're the most widely accepted cards and Austria is no exception, though you still can't use your American Express cards in some locations. There are also enough ATMs around if you want to withdraw cash with these cards as well.

How much money do you need per day in Austria? ›

You should plan to spend around $120 per day on your vacation in Austria. On average, expect to spend $30 on meals for one day and $20 on local transportation. Hotels are plentiful throughout the country.

Is Austria cheaper than Italy? ›

Italy is indeed, on the whole, quite a bit cheaper than similar standard in France, Austria or Switzerland.

How many days do you need to see Salzburg? ›

How long should I spend in Salzburg? Salzburg is a wonderfully interesting and enjoyable city to spend time in at any time of year. We recommend at least three days in town to do it justice and experience it at a relaxed, leisurely pace. Stay a few days longer if you plan to explore the region through day trips.

How walkable is Salzburg? ›

The city center is very compact, and you will be able to breeze through the main sights thanks to our free Salzburg walking tour map. We like to start this Salzburg walking tour early in the morning, sometimes even right dawn when the Mirabell Palace Gardens are opening.

Is it easy to get around Salzburg? ›

Salzburg isn't a huge city, which means that many different attractions are easy to reach on foot. For longer distances, public transportation is the perfect option. In nice weather, many of those same routes can be traveled safely and enjoyably by bicycle.

Which is more beautiful Vienna or Salzburg? ›

As far as mountain scenery and outdoor adventures go, Salzburg comes out on top. While Vienna boasts enormous, well-manicured Stadtpark and a location adjacent to beautiful Vienna Woods, it simply can't beat Salzburg's access to the Alps. You can take a stroll in Vienna, but you can take a hike in Salzburg.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.