Top 6 Personal Finance Software – Free, Paid, Best, Most Popular Money Management Software – AdvisoryHQ (2024)


Top 6 Personal Finance Software – Free, Paid, Best, Most Popular Money Management Software – AdvisoryHQ (1)

Top 6 Personal Finance Software – Free, Paid, Best, Most Popular Money Management Software for All Devices (PC, Mac, Online, Android, iPhone…)

The right budgeting software can make all the difference when it comes to saving for a vacation or ensuring your spending doesn’t outpace your income.

Personal finance management is much less painful when you use good home accounting software that can help you make sense of your spending habits. Financial planning tools can analyze your spending and give you helpful charts to guide you towards your financial goals.

But which financial tools are the best budgeting software options?

Below are 2020-2021’s best-ranked 6 personal finance software tools, including 3 award-winning financial tools that are free for you to use.

This 2020-2021 ultimate ranking comparison review presents 2020-2021 most powerful personal finance software that can be used in all aspects of your budgeting, financial planning, money management, and transaction tracking.

When you’re on top of your money with a balanced budget, life is good.

These top paid and free budget software options can take the stress out of personal finance management and help you plan a secure financial future.

Some of these top money managementsoftware options even allow you to see a 360-complete view of your entire financial life in real-time (money coming in, money going out, your assets,and more). It’s like having a personal financial manager.

360-View of Your Finances

Top 6 Personal Finance Software – Free, Paid, Best, Most Popular Money Management Software – AdvisoryHQ (2)

Which Money Management Software Should You Choose?

Identifying the best personal finance software for you based on which platform(s) you use the most can be a daunting undertaking, especially due to the many budgeting, personal finance, money management, and savings software choices.

Based on numerous emails and questions received from our readers, AdvisoryHQ’s editorial team decided to conduct extensive research to find the top financial tools best matched for you.

Top 6 Personal Finance Software – Free, Paid, Best, Most Popular Money Management Software – AdvisoryHQ (3)

Award Emblem: Top 6 Best Money Management Software

Top 6 Best Personal Finance Software | Brief Comparison & Ranking

Click any of the softwarenames below to go directly to the detailed review section:

Top Personal Finance SoftwareFree or Paid?Best for

(* Top Ranked)

FreeIndividuals, Average Consumers, Families, Investors

See Review

QuickenPaidIndividuals and Investors

Table: Top 6 Best Personal Finance Software

Click here for last year’s ranking of the Top 6 Most Popular Financial Planning Software

Detailed Review – Top Ranking Best Personal Finance Software

Below isa detailed review of each softwareon our list of best paid and free personal finance software.

Personal Capital | Free Money Management Software

Personal Capital’sfreepersonal finance software is one of the most powerful budgeting, investing, and personal finance software tools that is revolutionizing how consumers manage their money today.

Founded in 2009 by Bill Harris (previous CEO of PayPal),the Personal Capital Finance & Wealth Softwarehas been designedtobe a highly advanced, powerful, and free software for budgeting, personal finance, investments, and money management.

This top financial software is designed for all devices and platforms (online, desktop, laptop, iPhone, Mac, Samsung, Android, Windows, iPad, tablets, BlackBerry, Nokia, etc.).

Top 6 Personal Finance Software – Free, Paid, Best, Most Popular Money Management Software – AdvisoryHQ (4)

Key Factors Why This Tool isRanked so Highly

Comprehensive Money Management & Wealth Building Capabilities

The free Personal Capital softwareallows you to easily manage your entire financial situation– so you can reach your future goals faster and get a full view of all accounts covered by your personal finance management.

From budgeting andwealth creation to planning for your retirement future, it makesmanaging your money a snap– directly from one secure financial software platform.

Top 6 Personal Finance Software – Free, Paid, Best, Most Popular Money Management Software – AdvisoryHQ (5)

Use Personal Capital’s software to develop your long-term financial goals– calculate your net worth, create a budget, manage investment accounts, and prepare for your retirement. This personal finance software puts you in the driver’s seat and in control of your financial future.

When you register for Personal Capital, you’ll have free access to these powerful wealth tools plus their award-winning free budgeting software dashboard.

On your dashboard, you can pull up your transaction history and perform a cash flow analysis to see where you are spending money the most. This includes hidden fees that may be eating away at your assets.

You can also use the personal budget software to quickly and effectively generate spending and income reports, that way you can immediately identify areas where you are wasting money and where you can find savings.

In the Personal Capital dashboard, you’ll see your:

  • net worth
  • cash flow
  • income statement
  • upcoming bills
  • spending
  • spending by account
  • portfolio balances
  • account balances and transactions
  • portfolio allocations
  • key financial assets
  • top gainers and losers
  • investment returns
  • projected investment fees
  • and many more

Personal Capital makes personal finance management easy through six comprehensive areas of this personal accounting software. These include:

  • Net Worth: Get an accurate picture of your net worth so you can make better-informed decisions.
  • Budgeting: Easily organize your spending and savings and set a monthly spending target.
  • Cash Flow: Keep on top of your incoming and expenditures in real-time.
  • Retirement Planner: Set and monitor your retirement goals and see if your savings are on track.
  • Fee Analyzer: See an in-depth look at your holdings and how hidden fees may be impacting savings.
  • Education Planner: Estimate and plan how much you need to save for future educational costs.

Get to Know Your Money

Over 2 million people use Personal Capital to track and plan their financial lives!

Click Here – Try Personal Capital Today (60 Seconds Sign up)​

Budgeting Tools

Using Personal Capital’s Cash Flow Analyzer tool, you can easily create a budgeting plan that comes with real-time tracking features.This is the best money management software to use if you want to see what’s come in and gone out in the last 30-days to compare how you’re doing this month to last month.

The Cash Flow Analyzer tool alsohas advanced capabilitiesthat allow youto zero in on problem budgeting areasand find places to save.

Top 6 Personal Finance Software – Free, Paid, Best, Most Popular Money Management Software – AdvisoryHQ (8)

Personal Capital also allows you to stay on track when it comes to managing your budget, paying your bills, and meeting your financial goals, making it the best personal budget software to consider.

Using this personal finance app, you can quickly seeyour recently paid, pending payments, and pastpayment information. You’ll also see upcoming bills that are due, the minimum amountdue, and the total amount outstanding.

So instead of worrying about missing a payment date and getting hit with a late fee, this personal financial software will help you keep on top of all your bill due dates.

Device Compatibility

What about mobile and desktopdevicecapability? Personal Capitalis one of thebest budgeting and money management appsfor desktop, laptop, iPad, iPhone, Mac, Android, Samsung Galaxy, Microsoft devices,BlackBerry, and online users.

Using the Personal Capital financial planning tools allow you tomonitor and manage your financial transactions from anywhere, anytime, whether you’re on a smartphone or laptop.

Looking for the best free personal finance software? As a free personal finance app and your own financial manager,Personal Capitalis designed to be compatible with any type of device or platform and is considered thebest free personal finance software for ease of use however you want to access it.

Sign Up Process

To sign up for thisfree personal finance software, you’ll need to provide youremail address, a strong password, and a cell phonenumber.

Yourmobile number is used for security validation.Click to Open Your Personal CapitalAccount

After signing up for this home accounting software, the next step will be to link the accounts you would like to track.

To link these accounts,you’ll need toprovide log-in information (see the below section on securityfor information on how Personal Capital protects you and yourinformation).

The log-in information you enter to link your accounts to Personal Capital will bethe same that you use to log into your onlinebank accounts (checking, savings, etc.), credit cards, mortgages, expense accounts, and whatever financial accounts you want to track.

Linking your accounts to this best budgeting software is a very easy process. You simply click a small plus arrow, specify the account type you want to link, and enter your log-in information.

Security: How Secure & Safe Is this Financial Software App?

Like most financial and personal finance apps, Personal Capital is a read-only application, which means they are unable to transfer or remove funds from your accounts.

Read-only security provides consumers peace of mind that the accounts they’re linking can’t be compromised by financial planning tools they’re using to help them budget.

The software basically “reads”and aggregates your financial information, and then groups the information into categories for tracking and monitoring purposes.You can’t move funds between–or out of–any account using Personal Capital.And neither can anyone else.

The website’s encryption is rated A+ by the world-renowned Qualys SSL Labs, a stronger rating than most major banks or brokerages have.

The company uses ECDHE key exchange for Perfect Forward Secrecyand does notallow older versions of TLS or SSL, or other insecure protocols or ciphers. Its servers only allow highly secure TLS v1.2 protocol.

This top personal accounting software additionally offers the following security safeguards for your data:

  • Personal Capital operates under the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) jurisdiction and is audited for compliance with SEC cybersecurity regulations.
  • They use Verisign and other state-of-the-art security solutions and practices to protect our site.
  • Your data is never sold, and they ensure any 3rd party partners they work with also will not sell your data
  • No individual at Personal Capital has access to your login credentials.
  • The company offers a year-round private bug bounty program with security researchers always looking for ways to make the security even better.

How Does Personal Capital Make Money?

The personal finance app from Personal Capitalis free to use for tracking your finances and investments, budgeting, and moneymanagement. This leads some people to ask the question, “If this personal financial software is free, how does the company make money?”.

Besides offering a top free budget software, the company has financial advisors that you can choose to use for financial planning and investing if you wish. They charge fees for these financial advisory services, which is where the firm makes money.

Top 6 Personal Finance Software – Free, Paid, Best, Most Popular Money Management Software – AdvisoryHQ (11)

Could Personal Capital Be the Best Free Money Management Software for You?

You can consider Personal Capital the best personal finance, budgeting, and investment management platform for you if you are looking for an all-in-one financial tool.

These top financial tools allow you to manage your finances and budgeting, build a strong financial future, manage your portfolio and assets, and know how much you are spending and saving in real-time.

Best of all, Personal Capital is free to use. Give it a test run today for yourself and see how it works for you.

Quick Signup – JoinPersonal Capital Today

Top 6 Personal Finance Software – Free, Paid, Best, Most Popular Money Management Software – AdvisoryHQ (12)

Mint Review

Founded in 2006, Mint is a powerful and free personal finance software that allows users to bring all their accounts and bills together into one place for easier financial management.

This home accounting software wasn’t out long before it was acquired by Intuit in 2009. Now Mint is offered alongside the company’s other leading money managementsoftware apps like QuickBooks, Quicken, and Turbo Tax.

Key Factors That Led to Our Ranking of Mint as One of the Top Money Management Apps

Below, please find a detailed list of the features that led to our selection of Mint on this list of the best personal finance software.

Cost-Effective Personal Finance Software

Similar to Personal Capital (reviewed above), Mint is a free personal finance app. It connects to “almost every” U.S. financial institution connected to the internet.

As a free personal finance software, Mint makes it affordable for people to manage a budget. This also includes free credit tracking, a helpful bonus among personal financial planning software.

Compatible with Multiple Devices

This free personal finance software is designed to be compatible with multiple devices, including Apple’s Mac products. Whether you prefer to access your personal financial software from a desktop or mobile device, Mint has you covered.

As long as you can access the Internet, you can log in and use the Mint personal finance app to manage your transactions.

Mint also hasfree apps for iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, and Android devices.

Efficient Reporting

Mint personal budget software allows you to see exactly how your spending decisions todayimpacthow muchmoney youhave leftat the end of the month, your future retirement, or other savings goals.

Our Mint review found that this personal finance app provides efficient reporting through the way that data is communicated to users.

Mintuses categories and the ability to add tags to keep your budget organized, so you can easily see how much you spend on “Food: Groceries” as compared to “Food: Restaurants.” The customization of this free budget software makes it easy to track your expenses the way you want to.

Sign Up Process

How easy is it to open an account? You can open an account in minutes to gain access to this best budgeting software. It is very easy to get started with Mint, and all you need is enter your email and a password to create an Intuit account.

Our Mint review found that this personal finance appcan very quickly pull in your financial data and aggregate your various accounts with very little effort on your part.

Online Bill Monitoring Feature

As a personal budget software, Mint provides a simple and organized way to keep all your bills in a single place, remind you when a payment’s due, and see available cash and credit alongside them.

The Mintpersonal finance app features Mint bill tracking, which allows an unlimited number of bank accounts, credit cards, and assorted bills–all for free. Users of this personal budget software can:

  • See bills & account balances in one place
  • Save time by tracking everything in one spot
  • Avoid late fees with due date reminders
  • Better understand where your money is being spent each month

Personal Finance App Security Benefits

Our review of Mint found that those that manage the app are obsessive about security. Since this money management software comes from the makers of money management software like Turbo Tax and QuickBooks, there are strong security measures in place to protect sensitive data.

Mint participates in security scanning and is continuously verified and monitored by VeriSign, an online security firm.

Our Mint review found that this money management software also uses multi-factor authentication to protect each account, which includes:

  • 4-digit user code
  • Touch ID enabled
  • Security questions orcode sent to email or text

Could Mint Be theBest Personal Budget Software for You?

Along with our top-ranked financial software, Personal Capital, Mint is among thebest free personal finance software to use.

With its advanced technological budgeting, accounting, and financial management features that are all for no charge, it offers an attractive alternative to Intuit’s Quicken as a “best personal money management software” choice.

Mint’s tracking and management algorithm was a key reasonit was acquired for $170 million by the very same company that owns Quicken. The fact that it’s a free budget software also helps Intuit attract more clients that may end up eventually using one of the company’s paid products.

One key difference between Mint and Quicken: Mint is a limited online personal financial planning software, while Quicken offers four different levels of features that allow you to add things like bill pay and advanced investment tools.

Mint vs. Personal Capital

Personal Capital is similar to Mint, but it comes with several more comprehensive features. If you invest or are interested in financial planning, wealth building and management, you’ll find these tools in Personal Capital, but not with Mint.

Like Mint, Personal Capitalallows you to track yourbudget, spending, savings, and more.But Mint falls short in financial planning tools for investments, while Personal Capital providessubstantially better functionality for tracking investments and stock/bonds portfolios.

Personal Capital also provides detailed information on asset allocation, income tax planning, and retirement planning, making it the best personal finance software for investors

Personal Capital: Read the Review

Top 6 Personal Finance Software – Free, Paid, Best, Most Popular Money Management Software – AdvisoryHQ (13)

Personal Capital(PC) vs. Mint (M) Comparison Factors

Personal Capital (PC)vs. Mint (M)PCM
All-in-one financial appYesYes
Does the company show ads on your dashboard?NoYes
Cleaner (less crowded) interfaceYesNo
Wealth management and investing interfacesYesNo
Sets alerts and thresholds for notificationsYesYes
Easy to use and personalizeYesYes
Conduct benchmarkportfolio allocationYesYes
Easily see your net worth (real-time)YesNo
Access to a financial plannerYesNo
401(k)and portfolio allocationYesNo
Advanced budgeting capabilitiesYesYes
Additional security (device authentication)YesYes
Secured funds (can’t move money in, out)YesYes
See all of your bills in one placeYesYes
Plan for retirementYesNo
Wide range of colorful graphs and chartsYesYes
Tracks business and/or tax-related itemsYesYes
Asset allocationYesNo

Click here tosign up for a free Personal Capital account​

Because Mint and Personal Capital are free to U.S. consumers, it is easy to sign up for both and see which of the two works better for you. Let us know what you think!

Quicken Review

If you’re looking for the best money management software that offers scalability to add more features when you need them, then Quickenis a great option. It’s been one of the best personal finance software tools trusted by home and business users since 1982.

There is no free version of this money management app, rather, there are four subscription options.

With powerful budgeting tools, the ability to handle business finances, and comprehensive financial management features, Quicken continues to be a top personal financial planning software.

Key Factors That Led to Our Ranking of This as One of the Top Finance Apps

Below, please find a detailed list of the features that led to the selection of Quicken on our list of the best personal finance software.

Pricing Options

In recent years, many software and budgeting tools have moved from selling a single version of the software to a subscription model.

The plus side of the subscription model is that you always have the most updated version of your home accounting software and can use it across multiple devices. The downside is that if you stop paying the subscription, you lose the use of the tool.

Quicken subscriptions are as follows:

  • Quicken Starter ($34.99/year)
  • Quicken Deluxe ($49.99/year)
  • Quicken Premier ($74.99/year)
  • Quicken Home & Business ($99.99/year)

Quicken’s Starter offers the basics of creating a budget and managing your bills. The Deluxe version offers basic tracking of loans, investments, and retirement accounts.

For those wanting tools such as Morningstar’s® Portfolio X-ray® tool and comparison of buy-and-hold options, the Premier version is designed for individuals whoare interested in portfolio management.

Home & Business offers robust tools for running a small business, such as emailing custom invoices and estimates.

Budgeting Tool

As a top personal budget software, Quicken provides users with valuable personal financial planning software aimed at creating and maintaining a budget.

Users can use this best budgeting software to craft a customized budget plan, and the Quicken money management software will track progress over time based on unique user plans.

Budgets are also created based on regularly recurring expenses, making it easy to dive into thispersonal budget software and start gaining insights from it right away.

Mobile Apps

Quicken mobile appsgiveyou the ability to quickly access and view your financial transactions on the go.These personal finance apps make it easy tosnap and store receipts, check investment performance, and view balances, accounts, and transactions.

Quicken apps are available for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Data is quickly synced across both desktop and mobile apps, so your data is always up to date.

Privacy & Security

Quicken is committed to upholding the highest standards of security, protecting sensitive information stored in the personal budget software.

Data is protected and securely transmitted via 256-bit encryption, a security level equal to that of major banks. Security features inside Quicken money management software also include:

  • Integrity checks for all messages
  • Firewall-protected servers
  • Option to password protect Quicken data files

Desktop Versions: Mac vs. Windows

For desktop devices, Intuit offers twoseparate versions of this money management software:Quicken for Windows and Quicken for Macs.Quicken has been rated as a top Mac personal finance software and is one of the best known personal financial planning software for PC and other devices.

While Quicken for Windowsincludes four subscription levels for this personal accounting software, Quicken for Mac only includes three.

The Mac version of quick has the Starter, Deluxe, and Premier versions of this home accounting software, but there is no Home & Business version. So, if you need invoicing or other business tools compatible with a Mac, you may need to use QuickBooks instead.

Could Quicken Be the Best Personal Finance Software for You?

Quicken is the best-paid money management software for those looking for a personal accounting and portfolio management software that has been around for decades.

However, if you are interested in Quicken’s portfolio management features, you may be paying quite a bit for something you can enjoy for free with Personal Capital (Top Free Money Management and Investing Tool).

Additionally, if advanced personal finance software and budgeting features are what you need, then Mint and Personal Capital would present better (more affordable) choices.

For those looking for invoicing, quotes, and other business-related financial tools, Quicken would be an excellent option for you.

For those looking for invoicing, quotes, and other business-related financial tools, Quicken would be an excellent option for you.

QuickBooks Review

QuickBooksis a name synonymous with accounting software andis an award-winningproductthat revolutionized the way that people manage their business finances and accounting.

As the market leader for business finance and budgeting tools, QuickBooks offers a comprehensive suite of features that will meet most (if not all) of your business needs irrespective of your business size: small, medium, large, or enterprise.

Key Factors That Led to Our Ranking of This as One of the Top Finance Apps

Below, please find a detailed list of the features that led to the selection of QuickBooks on our list of the best personal finance software.

Powerful Business Tools

When it comes to the distinct needs of a business, QuickBooks is the 2020-2021 highest-rated financial app. This money management software makes it affordable for small businesses to use the best business accounting tool also used by large corporations.

A few specific benefits of this personal finance app include:

  • Easily enter your employee & business information.
  • Import your PayPal transactions into QuickBooks Online.
  • Extract data from receipts and invoices, track income & expenses, & generate estimates & invoices.
  • Easily see your Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, & dozens of other reports via the click of a button.
  • Handle employee payroll, including tax estimations and payments.
  • Track miles, project profitability and inventory

Payroll Tools

Not surprisingly, part of being a top business money management software means making it easy for users to run their own payroll.

QuickBooks provides small businesses with the following payroll benefits:

  • Automated payroll that runs automatically after you set it up.
  • Ability to manage a full suite of employee services, including health benefits.
  • Three levels of payroll add-ons that include advanced features like same-day direct deposit.
  • Review your payroll at a glance with detailed reports, right inside QuickBooks.
  • Payroll taxes are calculated for you and you can e-file from within this budgeting software

Easy Collaboration

QuickBooks is one of the top business or personal finance apps that makes it easy to work securely online with your team or accountant from any location.

Users also don’t have to worry about making cumbersome backups, as data is securely stored through QuickBooks software and QuickBooks Online syncs files easily in real-time.

This is one of the top finance apps that’s built for effortless collaboration. It can be accessed online through a browser, through a mobile app, or a desktop app.


QuickBooks offers a wide range of pricing options to meet most pricepoints, including online subscriptions and one-time purchase software.

QuickBooks accounting and budgeting software subscriptions start at the Self-Employed plan for $15/month and go up to the Advanced plan for $150/month. They have five subscription plans to choose from.

Automated payroll is available as an add-on at varying prices according to the features you want.

For QuickBooks financial and budgeting software in a one-time purchase, you’ll pay between $299.95 to $1,039.50, depending upon the version.

Could QuickBooks Be the Best Personal Financial Software For You?

QuickBooks (although not a free personal finance software) is built to handle any and all accounting needs for businesses in all shapes and sizes.

When it comes to reliable financial software for business, QuickBooks has a platform that’s compatible with many software integrations, such as WooCommerce, which makes automating processes easier.

Its advanced features, comprehensive business and accounting management capabilities, a wide range of integrated services, and overall ability to handle any type of business accounting needs make QuickBooks2020-2021 best accounting software for businesses.

Wave Review

Challenging QuickBooks for small business users, Waveentered the world of money management software in 2010. It stands out by offering a free budgeting software that includes accounting, invoicing, and receipts.

Not only is the Wave money management softwareeasy to use, but it is also intuitive, designed for anyone to understand, not just accountants. For small business owners, this simplicity is a huge benefit.

This award-winning Canadian-based company was recently acquired by H&R Block in July of 2019, which makes this one of the financial planning tools and accounting apps to watch in the future.

Key Factors That Led to Our Ranking of This as One of the Top Finance Apps

Below, please find a detailed list of the features that led to the selection of Wave on our list of the best personal finance software.

Strong Growth

Although not as well-known as QuickBooks, Wave Personal Finance Software is afast-growing financial business app,and one of our top six best personal accounting software tools of the year.

From starting with just 8 employees, it has grown to over 250 in less than a decade and now that the company’s a part of H&R Block, there’s no doubt that the company’s suite of business financial tools will see even more accelerated growth.

Wave is advertised as being “designed for entrepreneurs” and is perfect for business owners who are looking for a hybrid personal financeapp and business management app.

Free Personal Finance Software

Wave money management software is available free of charge, making it one of the most affordable business management tools.

While there are charges for payment processing and payroll, Wave allows users to pay as they go, rather than sign up for a contract or make a lengthy commitment.

The credit card processing fee of this top finance app is2.9% + $0.30 per transaction and there is a 1% fee for ACH payments.

Payroll is either $20 or $35 monthly +$4 per active employee or independent contractor. Users in states that are considered “self-service” pay the $20 base rate.

Versatile Accounting Tools

Wave’s personal accounting software works very well withWave’s business invoicing,

Waveis trulyan all-in-one finance software with a suite of five personal financial apps to allow business owners to manage:

  • Accounting
  • Invoicing
  • Payments
  • Payroll
  • Receipts

Withseamless integration, Wave allows business owners to integrate their business accounting tools with personal budgeting tools.

Industry-Standard Security

Wave protects its servers both physically and electronically and uses 256-bit SSL encryption.

In addition, this business accounting and budgeting software is a PCI-DSS Level-1 provider for handling credit card information.

Could Wave Be the Best Business Personal Finance Software for You?

Wave is one of the top accounting and business finance appsfor small business owners and is absolutely free to use, other than the payment processing and payroll features.

This free business accounting app is designed for entrepreneurs and business owners looking for hybrid accounting software for their personal finances and a management tool for their business.

Our Wave review found that this business money management software is comprehensive, efficient, and powerful.

For small business owners that want a personal finance app and a business finance app in one package, Wave is a great financial planning software to consider.

YNAB Review

YNAB (you need a budget) is a paid app for personal finance management that is a little different than the rest. They note that the company’s proactive approach helps users be forward-looking and intentional about every dollar they spend.

This personal financial software was developed by a husband and wife team and launched in 2004. The company may be one of the smaller financial tools on our list, but it’s grown steadily and has garnered a positive reputation for its unique approach to personal budgeting.

Key Factors That Led to Our Ranking of This as One of the Top Finance Apps

Below, please find a detailed list of the features that led to the selection of YNAB on our list of the best personal finance software.

Proactive Approach to Budgeting

Instead of seeing a chart of what you’ve spent at the end of the month, YNAB guides you to think about each dollar you spend before you spend it.

This company’s personal budgeting tools are designed around four simple rules to help users be proactive rather than reactive about their budgeting. These rules are:

  • Give every dollar a job: Instead of just deciding to buy something based on mood, you decide based upon a plan.
  • Embrace your true expenses: Planning ahead for the unexpected (like a home or car repair) reduces the need to use credit cards to cover them.
  • Roll with the punches: When you’re in control of your budget, it’s easier to be flexible and reallocate money when needed.
  • Age your money: Only spend money that is at least 30 days old so you’re not stressing about your finances.

Bank-Grade Security

While the site for this personal financial management app is written in a light-hearted and humorous way, they say that security is where they become very serious.

YNAB’s platform is built on Heroku and Amazon Web Services (AWS) technology, the same technology trusted by the CIA and other government agencies.

They use 128-bit encryption, providing an extremely high level of encryption and all data you transmit from your computer has “bank-grade” or better security. Additionally, the YNAB team does not access or interact with customers’ data as part of the company’s normal operations.


Unlike Personal Capital and a few other personal finance apps on our list, YNAB is not free. They do however offer a 34-day free trial.

There are two pricing plans, monthly and annual, for the YNAB personal accounting software:

  • Monthly Plan: $11.99/month
  • Annual Plan: $84/year

You can cancel at any time without penalty and YNAB offers a no-risk, 100% Money-Back Guarantee if you don’t feel like this personal budgeting app is helping you gain better control of your money.

Access YNAB Multiple Ways

Whether you’re on the go, at your desk, or talking to your Amazon Echo, your budgeting software from YNAB is accessible.

You can use the YNAB personal budgeting app from any device using a browser or on any the following:

  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • Apple Watch
  • Android
  • Alexa device

They also have a YNAB API that gives developers the ability to integrate the app in multiple other ways.

Could YNAB Be the Best Personal Budgeting Software for You?

YNAB takes a completely unique approach to personal finance management and budgeting that works for many people that haven’t had luck with other financial planning software.

It’s a great app to use if you’re having problems staying on top of a budget and have tried other apps without success. Its forward-thinking approach to money management helps users see their spending from a completely different perspective.

If you’re short on cash, however, a free app like Personal Capital can offer you budgeting tools without a monthly fee.

Need to get a handle on your spending and haven’t been successful with other personal budgeting tools? Then YNAB may just be the app to help you get control of your financial future.

Quick Signup – JoinPersonal Capital Today

Top 6 Personal Finance Software – Free, Paid, Best, Most Popular Money Management Software – AdvisoryHQ (14)

AdvisoryHQ’s Selection Methodology

See “AdvisoryHQ’s RankingMethodologies” for a detailed review of AdvisoryHQ’s selection methodologies.

AdvisoryHQ (AHQ) Disclaimer:

Reasonable efforts have been made by AdvisoryHQ to present accurate information, however all info is presented without warranty. Review AdvisoryHQ’s Termsfor details. Also review each firm’s site for the most updated data, rates and info.

Note: Firms and products, including the one(s) reviewed above, may be AdvisoryHQ's affiliates. Click to view AdvisoryHQ's advertiser disclosures.

Note: Empower Personal Wealth, LLC (“EPW”) compensates AdvisoryHQ Account for new leads. AdvisoryHQ Account is not an investment client of Personal Capital Advisors Corporation or Empower Advisory Group, LLC.

Additional Image Source: BigStock, Personal Capital, Pexels, and Pixabay

Top 6 Personal Finance Software – Free, Paid, Best, Most Popular Money Management Software – AdvisoryHQ (2024)
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