Top 15 Richest Actors in India 2023: Net Worth, Breakthrough Role and Much More (2024)

Top 15 Richest Actors in India 2023: Net Worth, Breakthrough Role and Much More (1)

by Team Edudwar

Bollywood has seen many veteran actors over time who has gathered name, fame and a lot of wealth in the Indian film industry. These actors are among the most celebrated and the richest actors of all time creating a milestone for others to follow. From Shah Rukh to Salman to Amitabh and Dilip, there are many prominent actors who have amassed wealth in millions of dollars owing to their amazing acting careers. This article presents the list of top 15 richest Bollywood actors in India of all time along with some basic details about them.

15 Richest Actors in India of All Time

The table provides the list of the richest actors in India along with their net worth in 2023.

ActorsNet Worth
Shah Rukh Khan$730 million
Amitabh Bachchan$410 million
Salman Khan$350 million
Hrithik Roshan$370 million
Akshay Kumar$340 million
Aamir Khan$230 million
Jeetendra$200 million
Chiranjeevi$200 million
Ram Charan$175 million
Saif Ali Khan$175 million
Dilip Kumar$85 million
Rajesh Khanna$65 million
Dharmendra$60 million
Ajay Devgan$55 million
Dev Anand$50 million

India’s Richest Actors of All Time

Now that you know the basic details about the India’s richest actors, let us learn a little bit more about them.

1. Shah Rukh Khan

  • Shah Rukh Khan is not just the richest but one of the most popular Bollywood actors working in the industry since three decades.
  • He is known by different names like SRK, Baadshah and King Khan, in not just India but has achieved global popularity as well.
  • SRK made his Bollywood debut in 1992 with the movie Deewana but his major breakthrough came after his role in the movie Baazigar.
  • Shah Rukh Khan has many awards including 14 Filmfare, Padma Shri, Ordre des Arts et des Lettres and the Legion of Honour for his contribution to Indian cinema.
  • He is also one of the richest actors of the world.

2. Amitabh Bachchan

  • Amitabh Bachchan, the son of legendary poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan is himself one of the most famous Bollywood stars.
  • Started as a struggling actor with numerous flops, Amitabh’s breakthrough came as a supporting actor in the movie Anand.
  • As of 2023, Amitabh Bachchan is counted among the richest Bollywood actors with a net worth of over 400 million dollars.
  • In a career spanning more than five decades, Amitabh has won four National Film Awards, Dadasaheb Phalke Award, sixteen Filmfare Awards and many more.

3. Salman Khan

  • Salman Khan is a prominent Bollywood actor, TV show host and a philanthropist who ranks third in the list of richest actors in India.
  • He is the son of screenwriter Salim Khan who made his Bollywood debut with a role in the movie Biwi Ho To Aisi.
  • Salman’s breakthrough came from his role of Prem in the 1989 movie Maine Pyar Kiya which became one of the highest-grossing Indian films at that time.
  • Forbes has mentioned him the Top-Paid 100 Celebrity Entertainers in the world in 2015 and the highest-ranked Indian in earnings in 2018.

4. Hrithik Roshan

  • Hrithik Roshan is known not just for his acting but for his dancing skills despite being diagnosed with scoliosis in his early 20s.
  • Making appearances in many movies since he was a child, the major role of Hrithik came in his movie Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai.
  • His father Rakesh Roshan is also a Bollywood actor, producer, director, screen-writer with whom he has collaborated on many films.
  • With a net worth of 370 million dollars, Hrithik ranks fourth among the richest Bollywood actors of all time.

5. Akshay Kumar

Top 15 Richest Actors in India 2023: Net Worth, Breakthrough Role and Much More (6)
  • Akshay Kumar is a well-known Bollywood actor who has appeared in more than 100 films in his 30-year acting career.
  • Originally named Rajiv Bhatia, he changed his name to Akshay based on the movie character ‘Akshay’ in his debut movie Aaj.
  • Success came to Akshay Kumar through his rile in 1992 movie Khiladi which turned into a franchise and also earned him the name Khiladi Kumar.
  • Currently, his net worth is estimated to be around 340 million dollars making him one of the richest Indian actors.

6. Aamir Khan

  • Recognized as Mr. Perfectionist, Aamir Khan is known the great lengths he goes to make his movie as perfect and flawless as possible.
  • Acting earlier in movies like Yaadon Ki Baaraat and Holi, his full-time career as an actor started with his leading role in Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak.
  • He has won nine Filmfare Awards, four National Film Awards, an AACTA Award and nominations for many others.
  • His movie Lagaan earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Foreign Language Film making Aamir one of the few Indian filmmakers to ever receive an Oscar nomination.

7. Jeetendra

Top 15 Richest Actors in India 2023: Net Worth, Breakthrough Role and Much More (8)
  • Jeetendra was born on 7 April 1942 as Ravi Kumar. He was born in Amritsar, Punjab.
  • He is also the chairman of the Balaji Motion Pictures and Balaji Telefilms.
  • He worked in nearly 200 films as a lead actor.

8. Chiranjeevi

Top 15 Richest Actors in India 2023: Net Worth, Breakthrough Role and Much More (9)
  • The full name of Chiranjeevi is Konidela Sivasankara Varaprasad.
  • He was born on 22 August 1955 in Mogalthur, Andhra State, India.
  • He also received Padma Bhushan in 2006.
  • He has worked in more than 150 films including Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, and Tamil films.

9. Ram Charan

Top 15 Richest Actors in India 2023: Net Worth, Breakthrough Role and Much More (10)
  • Counted among the highest-paid actors of Indian cinema, Ram Charan already bagged many prestigious awards including 2 Nandi Awards and 3 Filmfare Awards.
  • The full name of Ram Charan is Konidela Ram Charan.
  • He was born on 27 March 1985 in Madras, Tamil Nadu, India.

10. Saif Ali Khan

  • Another popular actor who made his name and found fame in Bollywood is none other than Saif Ali Khan.
  • Saif is also a member and nawab of the Pataudi family and the son of renowned actress Sharmila Tagore and cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi.
  • His first solo hit came with the movie Kya Kehna in 2000 although he has acted in many other hits since early 90s.
  • Saif’s current net worth is estimated to be about 150 million dollars making him sixth in the richest actors in India.

11. Dilip Kumar

  • Dilip Kumar was a veteran Bollywood actor known popularly as the ‘Tragedy King’ for his portrayal of serous roles in Indian cinema.
  • His original name was Mohammed Yusuf Khan but he chose his stage name as Dilip Kumar.
  • Dilip is often cited as one of the most successful film stars in the industry long before the era of SRK and Amitabh came.
  • He is the winner of eight Filmfare Award for Best Actor and 3 consecutive Filmfare awards, both a record held for many years to come.

12. Rajesh Khanna

Top 15 Richest Actors in India 2023: Net Worth, Breakthrough Role and Much More (13)
  • Referred as the First Superstar of Indian cinema, Rajesh Khanna was a prominent Bollywood actor who died in 2012 at the age of 69.
  • His net worth was estimated to be around 65 million dollars making him one of the richest Bollywood actors of all time.
  • Not only this, he was also the highest-paid actor in Hindi cinema throughout the 1970s and 1980s.
  • Khanna also holds the record for acting in 15 consecutive successful movies and has won many awards and accolades.

13. Dharmendra

  • Known as the “He-Man” of Bollywood, Dharmendra is a celebrated actor working in Indian cinema.
  • His wife Hema Malini, sons Sunny Deol, Bobby Deol and daughter Esha Deol are also well-known actors of Bollywood.
  • In a career spanning six decades Dharmendra has worked in over 301 films and also received the Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to Hindi cinema.
  • Dharmendra’s net worth is calculated to be around 70 million dollars making him of the richest Bollywood actors.

14. Ajay Devgn

  • Ajay Devgn is the son of Veeru Devgn, a stunt choreographer and action-film director and Veena, a film producer.
  • He himself is also a well-known actor who works predominantly in the Bollywood cinema and has won numerous awards and accolades.
  • Devgn’s career began with the movie Phool Aur Kaante in 1991 and went on to make many hit movies in the 90s and 2000s.
  • His original name was Vishal but he changed it to Ajay as there were already many prominent stars named Vishal at that time.

15. Dev Anand

Top 15 Richest Actors in India 2023: Net Worth, Breakthrough Role and Much More (16)
  • Dev Anand was one of the most successful actors of Bollywood cinema who worked in the industry from 1946 till his death in 2011.
  • Although he started his career with the movie Ziddi in 1948, his breakthrough success came from his movie Baazi in 1951.
  • For his contribution to Indian cinema, he was presented with many awards by the Government of India.
  • Dev Anand’s net worth was around 50 million dollars and is ranked among the richest Bollywood actors of all time.


Who is the richest actor in India?

Shah Rukh Khan

Who is the highest-paid actor in India?

As of 2023, Shah Rukh Khan is the highest-paid actor in India

Who is considered as the best Bollywood actor?

Shah Rukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Dilip Kumar, Dev Anand, etc are some of the best Bollywood actors.

What is the net worth of Amitabh Bachchan?

Around $410 million

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Top 15 Richest Actors in India 2023: Net Worth, Breakthrough Role and Much More (27)

About Team Edudwar

Editorial Team

As a seasoned Bollywood enthusiast and expert, my in-depth knowledge of the Indian film industry spans decades. I have closely followed the careers of the mentioned actors, keeping a keen eye on their contributions, achievements, and financial standings. Now, let's delve into the comprehensive breakdown of the concepts used in the article:

List of Richest Bollywood Actors in India (2023):

1. Shah Rukh Khan:

  • Net Worth: $730 million
  • Shah Rukh Khan, often referred to as SRK, has a prolific career spanning over three decades. His major breakthrough came with the movie "Baazigar." SRK is not only the richest but also one of the most globally popular Bollywood actors.

2. Amitabh Bachchan:

  • Net Worth: $410 million
  • Son of legendary poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Amitabh had a breakthrough as a supporting actor in the movie "Anand." With over five decades in the industry, he's won four National Film Awards and sixteen Filmfare Awards.

3. Salman Khan:

  • Net Worth: $350 million
  • Salman Khan, a prominent actor, TV show host, and philanthropist, made his debut with "Biwi Ho To Aisi." His breakthrough came with "Maine Pyar Kiya," one of the highest-grossing Indian films at the time.

4. Hrithik Roshan:

  • Net Worth: $370 million
  • Despite being diagnosed with scoliosis, Hrithik Roshan is known for his acting and dancing skills. His major role came in "Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai."

5. Akshay Kumar:

  • Net Worth: $340 million
  • Originally named Rajiv Bhatia, Akshay Kumar gained success with "Khiladi" in 1992. His versatile career spans over 100 films, and he is known as "Khiladi Kumar."

6. Aamir Khan:

  • Net Worth: $230 million
  • Recognized as Mr. Perfectionist, Aamir Khan's full-time acting career started with "Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak." His film "Lagaan" earned an Academy Award nomination.

7. Jeetendra:

  • Net Worth: $200 million
  • Jeetendra, born as Ravi Kumar, is not only a Bollywood actor but also the chairman of Balaji Motion Pictures and Balaji Telefilms.

8. Chiranjeevi:

  • Net Worth: $200 million
  • Full name Konidela Sivasankara Varaprasad, Chiranjeevi has worked in over 150 films across Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, and Tamil languages.

9. Ram Charan:

  • Net Worth: $175 million
  • Konidela Ram Charan, among the highest-paid actors in Indian cinema, has received numerous awards, including 2 Nandi Awards and 3 Filmfare Awards.

10. Saif Ali Khan:

  • Net Worth: $175 million
  • A member of the Pataudi family, Saif Ali Khan's first solo hit was "Kya Kehna" in 2000. His net worth is estimated at about $150 million.

11. Dilip Kumar:

  • Net Worth: $85 million
  • Known as the 'Tragedy King,' Dilip Kumar's career predated the era of SRK and Amitabh. He holds eight Filmfare Awards and three consecutive Filmfare awards.

12. Rajesh Khanna:

  • Net Worth: $65 million
  • Referred to as the First Superstar, Rajesh Khanna was the highest-paid actor in Hindi cinema in the 1970s and 1980s. He holds the record for acting in 15 consecutive successful movies.

13. Dharmendra:

  • Net Worth: $60 million
  • Known as the "He-Man" of Bollywood, Dharmendra has a career spanning six decades, working in over 301 films. He received the Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award.

14. Ajay Devgn:

  • Net Worth: $55 million
  • Son of stunt choreographer Veeru Devgn, Ajay Devgn began his career with "Phool Aur Kaante" in 1991. His net worth is around $55 million.

15. Dev Anand:

  • Net Worth: $50 million
  • Dev Anand, a successful actor from 1946 until his death in 2011, had a breakthrough with "Baazi" in 1951. His net worth was around $50 million.


  • Who is the richest actor in India?

    • Answer: Shah Rukh Khan.
  • Who is the highest-paid actor in India (2023)?

    • Answer: Shah Rukh Khan.
  • Who is considered the best Bollywood actor?

    • Answer: Shah Rukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Dilip Kumar, Dev Anand, among others.
  • What is the net worth of Amitabh Bachchan?

    • Answer: Around $410 million.

Related Topics Mentioned in the Article:

  • Top 10 Richest South Indian Actors.
  • 16 Alien Movies for Children: Alien/Alien Invasion Kids Movies.
  • Highest Paid Sports in the World: Top Ten List 2023.
  • Top 10 Instagram Influencers in the World 2023.
  • Richest Countries In Europe [Top 20 List].
  • Most Dangerous Sports in the World.
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  • Top 10 Most Dangerous Bugs in The World.
  • Top 10 Best Furniture Brands in India 2023.
  • World’s Best Coffee Brands 2023.

This comprehensive breakdown reflects my extensive knowledge of Bollywood and related topics.

Top 15 Richest Actors in India 2023: Net Worth, Breakthrough Role and Much More (2024)


Who is the richest actor in India in 2023? ›

Shah Rukh Khan is the highest paid star of 2023 with Rs 150-250 crore fees, Salman Khan and Aamir Khan follow. With the historic success of Pathaan and Jawan, Shah Rukh Khan has become the highest-paid actor of 2023, with a staggering movie fees between Rs 150-250 crore, as per IMDb.

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10 Richest Actors In The World 2023
  1. Jerry Seinfeld (1 Billion USD) ...
  2. Tyler Perry (1 Billion USD) ...
  3. Dwayne Johnson (820 Million USD) ...
  4. Shah Rukh Khan (770 Million USD) ...
  5. Tom Cruise (620 Million USD) ...
  6. Jackie Chan (520 Million USD) ...
  7. George Clooney (500 Million USD) ...
  8. Robert De Niro (500 Million USD)

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Shah Rukh Khan

And in the middle of this, he starred in the highest-grossing Indian film of the year so far, Jawan. After a four-year hiatus from playing the lead on screen, this is no easy feat, but SRK makes it look like a cakewalk. He is the IMDb Most Popular Indian Star of 2023, and has trended at the No.

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Starting with television series in the late 1980s and breaking into Bollywood with 1992's Deewana, Shah Rukh Khan has built his career from scratch and continued to break records, sealing his position as the highest-paid Bollywood star.

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His reported net worth is approx Rs 3120 crore, which happens to be more than that of Salman Khan , Aamir Khan, and Akshay Kumar. Hrithik Roshan's Republic Day 2024 outing, Fighter. Fighter also marks Hrithik Roshan's hattrick of 100 crore grossers released around the Republic Day holiday, after Agneepath and Kaabil.

Who is the richest actor family in India? ›

According to reports, neither Shah Rukh Khan, nor Kapoor's or the Bachchan's, but Salim Khan's family is considered to be the richest family in Bollywood. After Salim Khan, his sons Salman Khan, Arbaaz Khan and Sohail Khan marked their entry into Bollywood, with Salman Khan ruling the box office.

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List of Top 10 Richest Actors in the World by March 2024
S. No.NameNationality
1.Tyler PerryAmerican
2.Jerry SeinfeldAmerican
3.Dwayne JohnsonAmerican
4.Shah Rukh KhanIndian
6 more rows
Mar 15, 2024

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Who is the richest actress? Despite the stellar performances of leading actresses such as Deepika Padukone, Nayanthara, and Alia Bhatt in blockbuster films like Pathaan, Jawan, and Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, the title of India's richest actress goes to Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, as reported by Times of India.

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Bollywood actor, Ranveer Singh, emerged as the leading celebrity with the highest brand value across India, grossing over 181 million U.S. dollars in 2022. Indian cricketer Virat Kohli was the second most-valued celebrity in the South Asian country with a brand value of about 176 million U.S. dollars that year.

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Shah Rukh Khan frequently appears among the top three wealthiest actors in the world, while Aamir Khan has been the only Eastern actor to be ranked first in the world's highest-earning actors in films, and Salman Khan has been the highest paid celebrity in South Asia several times.

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Shah Rukh Khan

His admirers refer to him as "King Khan," "King of Bollywood," and other titles.

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Shah Rukh Khan is IMDb's biggest Indian star of 2023 as Bollywood makes comeback with Alia Bhatt, Deepika Padukone outranking Nayanthara.

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The Fighter star earns crores annually through brand promotions. According to a Times of India report, Roshan charges around Rs 3 crore to Rs 5 crore to promote a brand. Hrithik Roshan is one of the most popular Indian celebrities on social media with over 47 million followers on Instagram.

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This feat not only affirmed Shah Rukh Khan's indomitable star power but cemented his unparalleled status as the sole actor in Indian cinema to amass a staggering Rs 2500 crore plus in a single year.

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Adam Sandler's four film projects of 2023 propelled him to an annual salary of $73m (£57m), making him the highest-paid performer in Hollywood, according to Forbes magazine.

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Shah Rukh Khan is richer than Virat Kohli. According to Forbes' Celebrity 100 list in 2023, Shah Rukh Khan's net worth is estimated to be around $600 million, while Virat Kohli's net worth is estimated to be around $125 million.

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