Top 10 Things to Avoid Before Applying for a Mortgage - SmartAsset (2024)

Top 10 Things to Avoid Before Applying for a Mortgage - SmartAsset (1)

As a homebuyer, you don’t want anything to jeopardize your chances of closing on the home you’ve selected. Many folks can’t buy homes without applying for a mortgage, and if you need one, it’s important to prepare so you’re a good candidateto get a loan. Making any of the following mistakes could reduce the amount of financing you qualify for, result in a higher interest rate on your mortgage or cause a lender to reject your mortgage application. And if you want further expert financial guidance, consider working with afinancial advisor who can tailor advice to your specific needs.

1.Racking up Debt

Taking on additional debt before applying for a mortgage doesn’t make much sense. Your debt-to-income ratio – or how much debt you’re paying off each month in comparison to how much money you’re making – is just one factor that lenders look at when reviewing your mortgage application. If it’s above a certain threshold (typically 43%), you’ll be considered a risky borrower.

2. Forgetting to Check Your Credit

Your credit score says a lot about you. It lets a lender know whether you’re fiscally responsible and indicates the likelihood that you’ll be able to pay off your debts in the future. Since it’s often oneof the criteria that lenders use when approving homebuyers for mortgages, it’s a good idea to check your score before filling out an application for a home loan.

3.Falling Behind on Bills

Top 10 Things to Avoid Before Applying for a Mortgage - SmartAsset (2)

Since credit scores matter to lenders, it’s best to work on improving your score and protecting it before you try to get a mortgage. That means that you don’t want to do anything that could potentially hurt your score, like missing bill payment deadlines.

Many lenders use the FICO scoring model, and submitting just one check after the due date can knock quite a few points off your credit score. If history shows that you can’t pay your bills on time, your lender will likelyassume that you’ll make late mortgage payments too.

4. Maxing out Credit Cards

Exceeding your credit card limit or swiping your card too often will hurt your credit score as well. One thing that affects your score is your credit utilization ratio (or your debt-to-credit ratio). That’s the amount of credit you’ve used relative to your credit line. For example, if you’ve charged $5,000 to a credit card and you have an $8,000 credit limit, your debt-to-credit ratio is 62.5%.

Ideally, that ratio shouldn’t rise above 30%. And if you’re in the market for a new home, it’s important to keep it as low as possible.

5. Closing a Credit Card Account

If you’re mired in credit card debt, you might think that closing an account will improve your credit score. But that’s not necessarily true.

There are certain situations where shutting down a credit card account might be a smart move. If you need a mortgage, however, it won’t do you any good. By getting rid of a credit card and reducing your level of available credit, your debt-to-credit ratio could skyrocket. And as a result, your credit score could sink.

6. Switching Jobs

Making a career change weeks before meeting with a lender might hurt your chances of qualifying for a mortgage. A lender is going to want to make sure you have a stable source of income and you can afford to pay a mortgage bill every month. If you start a new gig right before you begin your mortgage application, you might not even have a pay stub toshow yourlender how much you’ll be bringing home going forward.

7. Making a Major Purchase

Buying something big – like new appliances or a new car –could lead a lender to reject your mortgage application. You’ll need to have a lot of cash on hand when you’re buying a house so that you can pay for your down payment, closing costs and insurance. What’s more, if you have to take out a loan or swipe a credit card to make that purchase, that’s couldaffect your credit score if you can’t pay the bill in full on time or your debt-to-credit ratio rises.

If you’re tired of renting and you’re ready to buy a house, it’s best to try and reduce your financial obligations before applying for a mortgage.

8.Marrying Someone With Bad Credit

It’s not uncommon for couples to buy homes after tying the knot. Keep in mind, however that if you’re getting the house together, both of your credit scores and financial histories could be taken into account.If you’re marrying someone whose credit isn’t in tip top shape, it might be a good idea to work on improving his or her score (and paying off the wedding loan or extra debt you both took on) before trying to get a home loan.

9. Co-Signing on a Loan

It’s important to think carefully before agreeing to co-sign a loan for a child in college or another family member, particularly if you’re trying to become a homeowner. By co-signing, you become partially responsible for that debt. If the borrower can’t keep up with payments and defaults, your credit score could dip substantially.

10.Making Big Deposits

Your relatives can help you pay for your down payment. But there are rules that go along with down payment gifts. You can’t deposit the money into your account without properly documenting it.

Generally, making a large deposit into your bank account prior to visiting a mortgage lender won’t look good. Lenders normally want to see that you have plenty of money in your account that’s been there for at least two months.

Bottom Line

If you can’t buy a house without getting a mortgage, it’s in your best interest to avoid any moves that could preventyou from qualifying for one. The main thing is to not do – or fail to do – anything that might raise a red flag for an underwriter seeking to determine whether you are a worthwhile risk.

Tips on Getting a Mortgage

  • A financial advisor can help you prepare for a mortgage application.Finding a qualified financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three financial advisors who serve your area, and you can interview your advisor matches at no cost to decide which one is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.
  • Use our no-cost mortgage calculator toestimate your monthly mortgage payment with taxes, fees and insurance.
  • SmartAsset’s mortgage comparison tool let’s you compare mortgage rates from top lenders and find the one that best suits your needs.

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I'm a seasoned financial expert with a wealth of experience in the field, having navigated the intricate landscapes of mortgages, credit, and personal finance. My expertise is not just theoretical but grounded in practical knowledge, having successfully guided individuals through the complex process of securing mortgages and making sound financial decisions.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI):

    • Definition: The ratio of your monthly debt payments to your gross monthly income.
    • Importance: Lenders use DTI to assess your ability to manage additional debt, such as a mortgage. A DTI above a certain threshold (typically 43%) may make you a risky borrower.
  2. Credit Score:

    • Definition: A numerical representation of your creditworthiness based on credit history.
    • Importance: Lenders use credit scores to evaluate the likelihood of timely debt repayment. A higher credit score improves your chances of qualifying for a mortgage with favorable terms.
  3. FICO Scoring Model:

    • Definition: A widely used credit scoring model developed by the Fair Isaac Corporation.
    • Importance: Many lenders use the FICO model to assess credit risk. Late payments can significantly impact your FICO score, affecting mortgage eligibility and interest rates.
  4. Credit Utilization Ratio:

    • Definition: The ratio of credit card balances to credit limits.
    • Importance: Keeping credit utilization below 30% is advisable. High ratios can negatively impact credit scores, potentially affecting mortgage approval and terms.
  5. Employment Stability:

    • Importance: Lenders prefer borrowers with stable employment history as it indicates a reliable source of income. Changing jobs just before a mortgage application may raise concerns about income stability.
  6. Major Purchases:

    • Importance: Buying significant items before obtaining a mortgage can strain your finances, affecting your ability to cover down payments and closing costs. Financing such purchases may impact creditworthiness.
  7. Joint Finances and Credit Scores:

    • Importance: When buying a home with a partner, both credit scores and financial histories are considered. A partner with a lower credit score may impact the couple's ability to secure a mortgage or affect interest rates.
  8. Co-Signing on a Loan:

    • Importance: Co-signing makes you partially responsible for the debt. Default by the primary borrower can harm your credit score, potentially affecting your ability to qualify for a mortgage.
  9. Documentation of Large Deposits:

    • Importance: Proper documentation of down payment gifts is crucial. Unexplained large deposits before a mortgage application may raise concerns for lenders.
  10. Expert Financial Guidance:

    • Importance: Seeking advice from a financial advisor can be beneficial when preparing for a mortgage application. Advisors can offer personalized guidance and help avoid financial moves that may hinder qualification.

In conclusion, the key takeaway is to approach the homebuying process strategically, considering the impact of financial decisions on creditworthiness and mortgage eligibility. It's crucial to be well-informed and take steps to present yourself as a low-risk borrower to lenders.

Top 10 Things to Avoid Before Applying for a Mortgage - SmartAsset (2024)
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