Top 10 Programming Languages Used by ISRO and NASA in 2022 (2024)

Top 10 Programming Languages Used by ISRO and NASA in 2022 (1)

Top 10 Programming Languages Used by ISRO and NASA in 2022 (2)

These programming languages used by ISRO and NASA will advance aviation operations in 2023

Both ISRO and NASA have contributed intensely to the development and innovation of space endeavors. Over the past several decades, these research organizations have worked towards undertaking some of the biggest operations in the history of mankind to empower humanity into knowing the unknown and exploring the undiscovered parts and elements of the world. ISRO and NASA are home to some of the brightest minds in the world, who are highly talented, hence, it is quite clear that their skills in programming and coding are outmatched. Both NASA and ISRO deploy some of the most advanced programming languages in the world to conduct avant-garde missions. Mostly, the programming languages used by ISRO and NASA entail those that support satellite and remote sensing operations. Currently, the top programming languages trending in the industry already support various aviation operations and are being deployed by scientists at these organizations. Here, we have enlisted the top 10 programming languages used by ISRO and NASA to complete advanced operations and research.


HAL/S is an aerospace programming language that NASA extensively uses to build flight software for NASA space shuttle programs. The language focuses on satisfying virtually all of the flight software requirements of the space shuttle. HAL/S incorporates a wide range of features, including application-oriented data types and organizations, real-time control mechanisms, and constructs for system programming tasks.


ISRO massively deploys Python programming for processing the collected from various satellites and space devices. Its acts as one of the most useful satellite programming languages that also have vast applications across fields like AI, machine learning, and neural networking. Experts believe that the use of Python is growing dramatically at ISRO.


There are various applications of Java at NASA, infact, it is also one of the most favored programming languages used by ISRO. Java acts as the bridge that makes collates flight dynamics efficiently, while handling and developing different applications that are extracted from architecture and analytics tools to communication support.


Fortran is considered one of the most suitable programming languages for scientific and numerical computation. Computation operations are exceptionally quick in Fortran, which is one of the primary reasons why Fortran is used by the space research program by ISRO. Its high speed and efficiency also advance numerical weather prediction models to be written efficiently.


To use MATLAB, ISRO engineers deploy open-source technology, since MATLAB is not open-sourced. The programming language is used to plot graphs and analyze outcomes. It gives a more graphical representation of the actually collected data from the space via MATLAB, rather than going through the entire collected data, scientists plot the more productive insights and analyze them, which in turn helps them to find the trend.


Node.js helps NASA to keep astronauts safe during spacewalks and keep the data accessible. NASA basically adopted Node.js after an unfortunate incident in which one of the astronauts nearly lost his life, and the organization faced grave difficulties in moving all data of EVA spacesuits to a single cloud database. They adopted Node.js which helped decrease the number of procedural steps needed to save him.


VHDL is basically a programming language that is extensively used in Attitude and Orbit Control Systems that handle the attitude and position of a complete space vehicle or satellite. Besides this, VHDL is a hardware description language that can model the behavior and structure of digital systems at multiple levels of abstraction.


Both NASA and ISRO use C for various ground operations. Besides, C is known for its flexibility in memory management. It provides programmers with the opportunity to control how, when, and where to allocate and deallocate memory.


C++ is one of the most powerful, fast, and heavily-used programming languages that are used for developing flight software. Besides, like C, ISRO and NASA deploy C++ for various ground operations.


There are several requirements for building a simulation software, hence, programmers and researchers at ISRO have to mix and match a number of programming languages that ensure they use the one that works efficiently. Perl is one of those programming languages that comes in handy to make various smooth-running simulation software.

Top 10 Programming Languages Used by ISRO and NASA in 2022 (3)

Top 10 Programming Languages Used by ISRO and NASA in 2022 (4)

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I am a seasoned expert in the field of programming and technology, with a comprehensive understanding of the languages and tools employed by renowned space organizations like ISRO and NASA. My expertise is grounded in a deep knowledge of programming languages and their applications in aerospace and space exploration.

The article discusses the programming languages utilized by ISRO and NASA for advancing aviation operations in 2023. Both organizations boast some of the brightest minds globally, emphasizing their prowess in programming and coding. Let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. HAL/SHAL/S (Aerospace Programming Language):

    • Usage by NASA: HAL/SHAL/S is extensively used by NASA for building flight software for space shuttle programs.
    • Features: It incorporates application-oriented data types, real-time control mechanisms, and constructs for system programming tasks.
  2. Python:

    • Usage by ISRO: Python is massively deployed by ISRO for processing data collected from satellites and space devices.
    • Applications: Python is a versatile language with applications in AI, machine learning, neural networking, and satellite programming.
  3. Java:

    • Usage by NASA and ISRO: Java acts as a bridge for collating flight dynamics efficiently and handling various applications extracted from architecture and analytics tools to communication support.
  4. Fortran:

    • Usage by ISRO: Fortran is considered suitable for scientific and numerical computation, offering high-speed and efficient computation operations for space research programs.
  5. MATLAB:

    • Usage by ISRO: Engineers at ISRO deploy MATLAB for plotting graphs and analyzing outcomes, providing a graphical representation of collected space data.
  6. Node.js:

    • Usage by NASA: Adopted by NASA to enhance data accessibility and safety during spacewalks, especially after a critical incident involving astronaut safety.
  7. VHDL:

    • Usage: VHDL is extensively used in Attitude and Orbit Control Systems for handling the attitude and position of space vehicles or satellites.
  8. C:

    • Usage by NASA and ISRO: C is employed for various ground operations, known for its flexibility in memory management, allowing precise control over memory allocation and deallocation.
  9. C++:

    • Usage by ISRO and NASA: C++ is a powerful, fast, and heavily-used language for developing flight software, along with applications in various ground operations.
  10. Perl:

    • Usage by ISRO: Perl is used for building simulation software, providing a valuable tool for creating efficient and smooth-running simulations.

This comprehensive use of diverse programming languages showcases the adaptability and specialization required in the aerospace industry. The languages mentioned cater to different aspects of space exploration, ranging from flight software development to data processing and simulation building.

Top 10 Programming Languages Used by ISRO and NASA in 2022 (2024)
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