Top 10 global havens to avoid paying tax on cryptocurrency (2024)

As India starts levying tax on digital currencies, here are some cess-free options

Top 10 global havens to avoid paying tax on cryptocurrency (1)

Starting April 1, 2022, India will levy tax on cryptocurrency and other digital assets.

In her Union Budget 2022 speech, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced that “any income from transfer of any virtual digital asset shall be taxed at the rate of 30 per cent”.

As investors and crypto exchange founders wait to see how the proposalplays out, The Federal presents the Top 10 crypto tax-free countries in the world (yes, there are still some havens where investors pay no tax or less tax on digital assets).



Top 10 global havens to avoid paying tax on cryptocurrency (2)

Crypto isn’t totally tax free in Germany, but they do have some quirky rules that allow investors to avoid taxes.

Germany views cryptocurrencies as private money, not a capital asset. If you hold your crypto for more than a year, when you later sell, swap or spend it, you’ll pay no tax.

Holding the crypto is key, because crypto held for less than a year is taxed unless the profit is less than 600 euros.

Another quirk is the staking rule. If you’ve staked your crypto to earn further income, this crypto would be subject to taxes regardless of how long you’ve held it. It’s only after 10 years of holding your crypto that staked crypto would be tax free at the point of sale.

Germany does subject some crypto to income tax, including: Getting paid in crypto and mining crypto.

As well as this, a new law that came into force in 2021 across the EU, including Germany, effectively stops all crypto derivatives trading. So if you’re mostly trading prediction contracts, the EU isn’t the best place to be.


In 2018, the Eastern European state legalised crypto activities and exempted all individuals and businesses from crypto tax for five years.

As such, all crypto activities, including mining and day trading, are viewed as personal investments, which makes them exempt from both income tax and capital gains tax.

This law was created to bolster Belarus’ digital economy, and it’s up for review next year.

El Salvador

El Salvador was the first country in the world to make Bitcoin a legal tender. In doing so, the country hoped to attract more investments. The country also now exempts foreign investors from paying any tax on Bitcoin gains or income.


Portugal is one of the best places in the world to live if you want to avoid paying crypto taxes. Since 2018, all proceeds from selling crypto are tax free. Crypto trading isn’t considered investment income either.

Provided you’re not a business, your crypto is also exempt from VAT and income tax in Portugal. So for the vast majority of investors, Portugal is crypto tax free.


There’s a reason many crypto exchanges, like KuCoin and Phemex, are based in Singapore – the city-state is a crypto tax haven for both individuals and businesses.

Singapore doesn’t have a capital gains tax. So when you sell or trade crypto, you pay pay any.

Cryptos are also viewed as intangible property from a tax perspective. When you spend them on goods and services, this is viewed as a barter trade, not a payment.

Of course, you can’t avoid all taxes. If you’re acting as a business and you accept crypto as payment, you will pay income tax on it. Similarly, if a company’s core service is related to crypto trading, it would be liable for tax.


Singapore’s neighbour is also a crypto tax free country. Because cryptocurrencies are not viewed as capital assets nor a legal tender, crypto transactions are tax free for individual investors.

This comes with a caveat though. The Malaysian Inland Revenue Board says that crypto transactions are only exempt from tax when they are not regular or repetitive. So in other words, if you’re trading like a day trader, you’ll pay tax.

Similarly for businesses involved in crypto, profits are subject to tax, regardless of whether those profits are in crypto or fiat currency.


Known as blockchain island, Malta is a crypto tax haven. The country recognises Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a “unit of account, medium of exchange or a store of value”.

What this means is you’ll pay no capital gains tax on long-term gains from selling crypto provided it is considered “a store of value”.

That said, crypto trades are viewed as similar to day trading stocks or shares. As such, they attract tax rate of 35 per cent. There are, however, structuring options that allow you to reduce this tax rate to between 0 per cent to 5 per cent.

Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands, a British Overseas Territory, has long been a tax haven for both businesses and investors, and crypto is no exception.

For both businesses and individual investors, the Cayman Islands is a crypto tax haven. The authorities there impose no corporate tax on businesses and no income tax nor capital gains tax on residents.

Puerto Rico

While Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the US, it’s considered a foreign country as far as federal income taxes go. So the country sets its own tax laws.

Puerto Rican residents pay a much lower territorial income tax compared to the US federal income tax rate. Digital assets acquired while you are a resident of Puerto Rico are completely exempt from capital gains tax.

If you’re a US resident who acquired crypto prior to moving to Puerto Rico, you’d still need to follow the IRS crypto tax laws. However, if you acquire crypto after establishing residency in Puerto Rico, you are essentially in the clear.


Switzerland has long been considered one of the best places to live in the world when it comes to taxation, with policies that have earned the country the nickname ‘Crypto Valley’.

This doesn’t mean you won’t pay any tax on your crypto, it just means the crypto tax laws in Switzerland are very different from other countries.

You’ll pay income tax on crypto mining, as well as if you’re a qualified day trader. You’ll also be subject to wealth tax, levied on your total net worth each year. The wealth tax rate depends upon the Canton in which you live.

For individual investors, crypto profits are exempt from capital gains tax. So selling and trading crypto is tax free for many investors.

Top 10 global havens to avoid paying tax on cryptocurrency (2024)


Top 10 global havens to avoid paying tax on cryptocurrency? ›

Switzerland is home to a hub of companies dubbed as the 'Crypto Valley'. In addition, the country does have friendly policies for cryptocurrency investors! Switzerland does not have capital gains tax for individual investors. Income from activities such as staking and mining is subject to income tax between 0-13.2%.

How do I legally avoid taxes on crypto? ›

9 Ways to Legally Avoid Paying Crypto Taxes
  1. Buy Items on Crypto Emporium.
  2. Invest Using an IRA.
  3. Have a Long-Term Investment Horizon.
  4. Gift Crypto to Family Members.
  5. Relocate to a Different Country.
  6. Donate Crypto to Charity.
  7. Offset Gains with Appropriate Losses.
  8. Sell Crypto During Low-Income Periods.
Apr 21, 2023

Which country has the best tax laws for crypto? ›

Switzerland is home to a hub of companies dubbed as the 'Crypto Valley'. In addition, the country does have friendly policies for cryptocurrency investors! Switzerland does not have capital gains tax for individual investors. Income from activities such as staking and mining is subject to income tax between 0-13.2%.

Which crypto platform does not report to IRS? ›

Which crypto exchange does not report to IRS? Several cryptocurrency exchanges, such as KuCoin, OKX (except for P2P trades), and CoinEx, do not collect Know Your Customer (KYC) information or provide 1099 forms for most small traders.

Is Switzerland crypto tax free? ›

Holding cryptocurrencies or digital assets in Switzerland is not directly taxable. However, it does have an impact on annual wealth tax. If the total value of assets exceeds the personal exemption for wealth tax on December 31st, a small tax amount is due each year on the value of the held cryptocurrencies.

Is there a way to get around your crypto being taxed? ›

Cryptocurrency gains can be offset by capital losses

Crypto losses can be carried forward into future tax years and claimed against any crypto gains, which effectively reduces how much taxes you'll end up paying in the long run.

Will I get in trouble for not reporting crypto on taxes? ›

Taxpayers are required to report all cryptocurrency transactions, including buying, selling, and trading, on their tax returns. Failure to report these transactions can result in penalties and interest.

Which country is crypto friendly? ›

Switzerland is one of the most crypto-friendly countries in the world, and it continues to set the standard for financial innovation. The country has been at the forefront of cryptocurrency adoption, with some of the world's most advanced exchanges.

What are the tax haven countries in 2023? ›

Tax Havens in the low-tax category include 51 jurisdictions, among which are: Andorra, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Jamaica, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Paraguay, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, and Turkiye.

Which country has cheapest crypto? ›

Play Now!
  1. Kuwait. With a relatively low cost of living all around, Kuwait City comes in at 148th most expensive worldwide. ...
  2. Venezuela. ...
  3. Myanmar. ...
  4. Bahrain. ...
  5. China.

Can the IRS see your crypto wallet? ›

Yes, the IRS can track cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin, Ether and a huge variety of other cryptocurrencies. The IRS does this by collecting KYC data from centralized exchanges.

Will the IRS know if I don't report my crypto? ›

If, after the deadline to report and any extensions have passed, you still have not properly reported your crypto gains on Form 8938, you can face additional fines and penalties. After an initial failure to file, the IRS will notify any taxpayer who hasn't completed their annual return or reports.

How do I cash out crypto without paying taxes USA? ›

Take out a cryptocurrency loan

Instead of cashing out your cryptocurrency, consider taking out a cryptocurrency loan. In general, loans are considered tax-free. If you need liquidity immediately, you should consider using your cryptocurrency as collateral to take a loan through a decentralized protocol.

What country has zero crypto tax? ›

The Cayman Islands

So cryptocurrency is no exception and Cayman Islands is one of the countries with no crypto tax. If you move here, then you'll be pleased to find that their tax authority—The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority— imposes neither a capital gains tax nor an income tax on its residents.

Is Germany crypto tax free? ›

In Germany, cryptocurrencies count as “other economic goods” and the sale thereof as a “private disposal transaction.” Profits from cryptocurrencies are taxed at the personal income tax rate. Hold your crypto assets for one year and you won't pay tax. Be aware of the tax exemption limit of 600€ per year.

Is Portugal crypto tax free? ›

The Portuguese State Budget for 2023 closed the previous tax loophole that (based on the tax authorities' understanding) prevented the taxation of crypto-assets.

Can I write off crypto losses? ›

Yes, cryptocurrency losses can be used to offset taxes on gains from the sale of any capital asset, including stocks, real estate and even other cryptocurrency sold at a profit.

Can the IRS tax your crypto? ›

You must report income, gain, or loss from all taxable transactions involving virtual currency on your Federal income tax return for the taxable year of the transaction, regardless of the amount or whether you receive a payee statement or information return.

How do I report crypto on taxes easily? ›

Reporting your crypto activity requires using Form 1040 Schedule D as your crypto tax form to reconcile your capital gains and losses and Form 8949 if necessary. You report your total capital gains or losses on your Form 1040, line 7.

Do I have to report crypto if I didn't make any money? ›

All of your cryptocurrency income and disposal events should be reported to the IRS, regardless of how much you made. Intentionally not reporting taxable income is considered tax evasion.

Do I need to report crypto if I didn't make a profit? ›

Do you need to report taxes on crypto you don't sell? If you buy crypto, there's nothing to report until you sell. If you earned crypto through staking, a hard fork, an airdrop or via any method other than buying it, you'll likely need to report it, even if you haven't sold it.

Does Coinbase report to IRS? ›

Yes, Coinbase reports to the IRS. It sends Forms 1099-MISC to the IRS for U.S. traders who made more than $600 in crypto rewards or staking. $600 is the Coinbase IRS reporting threshold for tax year 2022.

Which state is crypto-friendly? ›

However, there is no tax for simply owning cryptocurrency. What states have no crypto tax? Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming have no state income taxes (although New Hampshire and Tennessee tax interest and dividends while Washington taxes capital gains).

Is Dubai crypto tax free? ›

There is no personal income tax on the gains from cryptocurrency as of now. Hence, irrespective of your gains you need no to pay any tax amount on cryptocurrency in Dubai.

Is Mexico crypto-friendly? ›

Is Bitcoin Legal in Mexico? There are no restrictions on the use of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in Mexico.

Are tax havens illegal in the US? ›

Tax havens encourage foreign depositors by offering tax advantages to corporations and the wealthy. Many have secrecy laws that block information on their deposits from foreign tax authorities. Depositing money in a tax haven is legal as long as the depositor pays the taxes required by the home jurisdiction.

Which country has the most tax evasion? ›

Top 10 Tax Haven Countries in the World - Tax Justice Network 2021 (CTHI value):
  • British Virgin Islands — 2,853.
  • Cayman Islands — 2,653.
  • Bermuda — 2,508.
  • Netherlands — 2,454.
  • Switzerland — 2,261.
  • Luxembourg — 1,814.
  • Hong Kong — 1,805.
  • Jersey — 1,724.

Which country has an exit tax? ›

Certain countries impose an exit tax on migration of private company shareholdings (France, Netherlands, South Africa) or deem certain shares/equity to be income upon emigration (Germany, Singapore).

Which country is the largest miner of Bitcoin? ›

While the United States remains by far the world's largest crypto miner, boasting 3-4 gigawatts of mining capacity, Russia's generating capacity reached 1 gigawatt in January-March 2023.

Who charges the least for crypto? ›

Cryptocurrencies With The Lowest Transaction Fees
  • DigiByte. The trading fees for the cryptocurrency DigiByte, or DGB, are among the cheapest in the market. ...
  • Bitcoin Cash. A branch of Bitcoin called Bitcoin Cash was developed to address the scalability problems with the original Bitcoin network. ...
  • Zilliqa. ...
  • Dogecoin. ...
  • Litecoin.
Apr 13, 2023

What happens when all Bitcoins are mined? ›

What Happens to Mining Fees When Bitcoin's Supply Limit Is Reached? Bitcoin mining fees will disappear when the Bitcoin supply reaches 21 million. After that, miners will likely earn income only from transaction processing fees rather than a combination of block rewards and transaction fees.

How does the IRS know I bought crypto? ›

In addition, major exchanges issue 1099 forms to customers and to the IRS reporting on your crypto transaction activity. If you don't report transactions that have been reported to the IRS via Form 1099, you may automatically be sent a warning letter about your unpaid tax liability.

How does the IRS know if I traded crypto? ›

Your crypto activity isn't completely invisible to the IRS

If you trade on centralized exchanges like Coinbase or Gemini, those exchanges have to report to the IRS. Typically, they'll send you a 1099 miscellaneous form detailing any income you've earned while trading crypto on their platform, Chandrasekera says.

How does the IRS feel about cryptocurrency? ›

IRS Guidance

For federal tax purposes, virtual currency is treated as property. General tax principles applicable to property transactions apply to transactions using virtual currency.

What is the penalty for not paying crypto tax? ›

Failure-to-File Penalties

If you don't report your crypto gains and losses on a tax return, you could incur a penalty of 5% of the unpaid tax for each month the tax return is late, up to a maximum of 25%. If your return was over 60 days delinquent, the minimum penalty is $435 or 100% of the required tax.

How much do you get taxed on crypto? ›

Capital Gains Tax rate

Meanwhile, long-term Capital Gains Tax for crypto is lower for most taxpayers. You'll pay a 0%, 15%, or 20% tax rate depending on your taxable income. If you earn less than $41,676 including your crypto (for the 2022 tax year) then you'll pay no long-term Capital Gains Tax at all.

Do you pay taxes on buying a house with Bitcoin? ›

Cryptocurrency exchanges may be subject to capital gains taxes. The IRS considers cryptocurrency a type of property, property that must be sold in order for you to realize its value in dollars. Be sure to consult a tax professional to find out how using cryptocurrency to buy a home may affect your tax liability.

Can I buy crypto in one country and sell in another? ›

Yes. All you have to do is buy cryptocurrency and hold it in a wallet for as long as you need. When you convert the cryptocurrency into your local currency - wherever you are - you file whatever paperwork your country asks for and pay whatever taxes, fees etc you're required to pay (if any).

Are all crypto transactions reported to IRS? ›

You must report income, gain, or loss from all taxable transactions involving virtual currency on your Federal income tax return for the taxable year of the transaction, regardless of the amount or whether you receive a payee statement or information return.

Does Coinbase not report to IRS? ›

A Coinbase 1099 signals to the IRS that a user is actively trading crypto and may have transactions other than rewards or staking to report. Coinbase does have a gain/loss report but does not report your gains or losses to the IRS.

Does Coinbase automatically report to IRS? ›

If you trade on centralized exchanges like Coinbase or Gemini, those exchanges have to report to the IRS. Typically, they'll send you a 1099 miscellaneous form detailing any income you've earned while trading crypto on their platform, Chandrasekera says.

How do I sell crypto without IRS knowing? ›

As long as you are holding cryptocurrency as an investment and it isn't earning any income, you generally don't owe taxes on cryptocurrency until you sell. You can avoid taxes altogether by not selling any in a given tax year.

What triggers IRS audit crypto? ›

2. What triggers a crypto audit? Unreported income is one of the most common reasons for the IRS to conduct a crypto audit. Most crypto exchanges send 1099-B or 1099-K forms to clients that exceed certain transaction thresholds, the copies of which are then sent to the IRS.

Does the IRS know when I sell crypto? ›

In addition, major exchanges issue 1099 forms to customers and to the IRS reporting on your crypto transaction activity. If you don't report transactions that have been reported to the IRS via Form 1099, you may automatically be sent a warning letter about your unpaid tax liability.

How much crypto needs to be reported to IRS? ›

How much do you have to earn in crypto before you owe taxes? You owe taxes on any amount of profit or income, even $1. Crypto exchanges are required to report income of more than $600 for activities like staking, but you still are required to pay taxes on smaller amounts.

Will Coinbase send me a 1099? ›

Coinbase issues an IRS form called 1099-MISC to report miscellaneous income rewards to US customers that meet certain criteria. You can find all of your IRS forms in the Documents section of your Coinbase Tax Center.

Does Binance report to IRS? ›

Does Binance US Report to the IRS? Yes, Binance US is required to report cryptocurrency transactions that reach a certain threshold to the IRS. The IRS is working to enforce compliance and accurate reporting of cryptocurrency-related income and transactions.

Does Coinbase wallet report taxes? ›

Does Coinbase Wallet report to the IRS? No, Coinbase Wallet doesn't report to the IRS as the wallet holds no KYC data. However, if you're using Coinbase Wallet in conjunction with other Coinbase products - these other platforms may well report to the IRS.

What state has the lowest crypto tax? ›

Wyoming has exempted crypto businesses from money transmission licenses and authorized a Financial Technology Sandbox that allows businesses to test new products and technologies. Wyoming has also introduced crypto banks to serve companies in the crypto sector. Wyoming has no state income tax.

What states do not tax crypto currency? ›

Texas. Like Wyoming, Texas allowed for chartered banks to custody digital assets in June 2021, which was viewed at the time as a way to tap into the state's booming domestic crypto market. Coinciding with its cheap electricity — beneficial to crypto mining activity two years ago — the state also features no income tax.

What are the tax rules for crypto in 2023? ›

The IRS generally treats gains on cryptocurrency the same way it treats any kind of capital gain. That is, you'll pay ordinary tax rates on short-term capital gains (up to 37 percent in 2023, depending on your income) for assets held less than a year.

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