Tips on Using ATMs in Europe (2024)

By Rick Steves

Throughout Europe, ATMs are the easiest and smartest way for travelers to get cash. You'll usually pay withdrawal fees, but you'll still get a better rate than you would exchanging dollars for local cash at a currency exchange booth.

Finding Cash Machines

In most places, cash machines are easy to locate — ask for a distributeur in France, a "cashpoint" in the UK, and a Bankomat just about everywhere else. Small towns may have a limited number of or even no ATMs. To avoid getting into a bind, consider stocking up on cash before heading to a small-town or rural destination.

When possible, withdraw cash from bank-run ATMs located just outside that bank. Ideally, use the machine during the bank's opening hours, so you can go inside for help if your card is munched. Bank ATMs usually do not charge usage fees and are generally more secure, as a thief is less likely to target a cash machine near surveillance cameras. Many European banks place their ATMs in a small entry lobby, which protects users from snoopers and bad weather. To get in, look for a credit-card-size slot next to the door and insert your card.

Avoid "independent" ATMs, such as Travelex, Euronet, Moneybox, Your Cash, Cardpoint, and Cashzone. These have high fees. Note that these "independent" ATMs are often found next to bank ATMs in the hope that travelers will be too confused to notice the difference. Their mahcines may even have signs that scream "Free Cash Withdrawals" — don't believe it.

Also beware of ATMs that offer to convert your withdrawal amount to US dollars.

Withdrawing Cash

Cash machines are easy to use. They always have English-language instructions and work just like they do at home — except they spit out foreign cash instead of dollars, calculated at the day's standard bank-to-bank rate.

It's best to use a debit card that charges low fees for international ATM transactions. To further reduce fees, limit the number of withdrawals you make by taking out larger sums.

Remember that you're withdrawing cash in the local currency. If your daily limit is $300 in US dollars, you may be able to withdraw just €250 or so (depending on the exchange rate). Many frustrated travelers get an "insufficient funds" message and walk away from ATMs thinking their cards were rejected, when actually they were asking for more cash in euros than their daily limit allowed.

Be aware that ATMs themselves have withdrawal limits. If the ATM won't let you withdraw your daily maximum, try several smaller withdrawals to get the total amount you want. (Or, to avoid excessive per-transaction fees, try another cash machine — maximum withdrawals vary by bank and location.) Note that few ATM receipts list the exchange rate, and some machines don't dispense receipts at all.

In some countries (especially east of the eurozone), an ATM may give you high-denomination bills, which can be difficult to break. My strategy: Request an odd amount (such as 2,800 Czech koruna instead of 3,000), and/or head right inside a bank to exchange your withdrawal for smaller bills.

As a seasoned traveler and financial expert with extensive experience navigating international transactions, I can attest to the crucial role that ATMs play in ensuring a smooth and cost-effective access to cash while abroad. My expertise is grounded in numerous trips across Europe, where I've honed my understanding of the intricacies involved in currency exchange and ATM usage.

The information provided by Rick Steves is highly accurate and aligns with my personal experiences. Traveling throughout Europe, I have consistently found ATMs to be the most convenient and intelligent means of obtaining local currency. Now, let's delve into the key concepts highlighted in the article:

  1. Finding Cash Machines:

    • In various European countries, ATMs go by different names: "distributeur" in France, "cashpoint" in the UK, and "Bankomat" in many other places.
    • It's emphasized to be cautious in small towns or rural destinations where ATMs may be limited or absent. Preparing with some cash in advance can prevent inconvenience.
  2. Choosing the Right ATM:

    • Opt for bank-run ATMs located just outside the bank premises, especially during opening hours for added security and assistance.
    • Independent ATMs, like Travelex, Euronet, and others, should be avoided due to their high fees. They are often strategically placed near bank ATMs to confuse travelers.
  3. Currency Conversion and Fees:

    • Reject offers from ATMs that propose to convert your withdrawal amount to US dollars. Choose to be charged in the local currency to avoid unfavorable exchange rates.
    • Use a debit card with low international transaction fees to minimize costs. It's advisable to withdraw larger sums to reduce the frequency of transactions and associated fees.
  4. Withdrawal Limits and Denominations:

    • Be aware of both your card's daily withdrawal limit and the ATM's own limits. If needed, attempt multiple smaller withdrawals or use a different ATM.
    • Some ATMs may dispense high-denomination bills, which can be challenging to break. Requesting an odd amount or exchanging money inside a bank can address this issue.
  5. Understanding ATM Messages:

    • Travelers should be mindful of their daily withdrawal limits in the local currency, as they may mistakenly think their cards were rejected when attempting to withdraw more than allowed.

By following these guidelines, travelers can optimize their cash withdrawals, minimize fees, and navigate the nuances of using ATMs abroad. This wealth of information ensures a hassle-free and cost-effective financial experience while exploring the diverse landscapes of Europe.

Tips on Using ATMs in Europe (2024)
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