Tiger Horoscope 2024/2023: Career, Love, and Money Predictions (2024)

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Content Preview Tigers' Career Horoscope for 2024/2023 Career Predictions for 2023 Career Predictions for 2024 Tigers' Love 2024/2023 Forecast Love Predictions for 2023 Love Predictions for 2024 Chinese Zodiac Love Compatibility Calculator Tigers' Wealth 2024/2023 Predictions Wealth Predictions for 2023 Wealth Predictions for 2024 Tigers' Health Horoscope for 2024/2023 Health Predictions for 2023 Health Predictions for 2024 Year-of-the-Tiger People's 2024/2023 Monthly Horoscope Tigers' Month 1 Horoscope (Jan. 22 – Feb. 19, 2023) Tigers' Month 2 Horoscope (Feb. 20 – Mar. 21, 2023) Tigers' Month 3 Horoscope (Apr. 20 – May 18, 2023) Tigers' Month 4 Horoscope (May 19 – Jun. 17, 2023) Tigers' Month 5 Horoscope (Jun. 18 – Jul. 17, 2023) Tigers' Month 6 Horoscope (Jul. 18 – Aug. 15, 2023) Tigers' Month 7 Horoscope (Aug. 16 – Sep. 14, 2023) Tigers' Month 8 Horoscope (Sep. 15 – Oct. 14, 2023) Tigers' Month 9 Horoscope (Oct. 15 – Nov. 12, 2023) Tigers' Month 10 Horoscope (Nov. 13 – Dec. 12, 2023) Tigers' Month 11 Horoscope (Dec. 13, 2023 – Jan. 10, 2024) Tigers' Month 12 Horoscope (Jan. 11 – Feb. 9, 2024) Tigers' Month 1 Horoscope (Feb. 10 – Mar. 9, 2024) Month 2 Horoscope (Mar. 10 – Apr. 8, 2024) Tigers' Month 3 Horoscope (Apr. 9 – May 7, 2024) Tigers' Month 4 Horoscope (May 8 – Jun. 5, 2024) Tigers' Month 5 Horoscope (Jun. 6 – Jul. 5, 2024) Tigers' Month 6 Horoscope (Jul. 6 – Aug. 3, 2024) Tigers' Month 7 Horoscope (Aug. 4 – Sep. 2, 2024) Tigers' Month 8 Horoscope (Sep. 3 – Oct. 2, 2024) Tigers' Month 9 Horoscope (Oct. 3 – Oct. 31, 2024) Tigers' Month 10 Horoscope (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30, 2024) Tigers' Month 11 Horoscope (Dec. 1 – Dec. 30, 2024) Tigers' Month 12 Horoscope (Dec. 31 – Jan. 28, 2025) Check Other Chinese Zodiac Signs' Horoscope 2023

2023 is a year of the Rabbit. Tigers (those born in a Chinese zodiac year of the Tiger), according to Chinese astrology, compared with last year, your overall fortune is on the rise, and you are destined to be very comfortable in life and work.

Although your overall horoscope for this year is good, there will be some twists and turns in the process. Tiger people, you should learn to gain useful lessons from failures, fully understand your own shortcomings, and be calm in the face of difficulties, so as to avoid strife and usher in a better situation.

2024 is a year of the Dragon and for Tigers (those of you born in a year of the Tiger), according to Chinese astrology, your fortune will have its ups and downs. When it comes to your career and finances, you'll likely feel quite optimistic and may even experience pleasant surprises. You won't face major financial worries either. However, in other aspects of your life, challenges are forecast.

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  • Career Prediction 2024/2023
  • Love Prediction 2024/2023
  • Wealth Prediction 2024/2023
  • Health Prediction 2024/2023
  • Monthly Predictions 2024/2023

Tigers' Career Horoscope for 2024/2023

Tiger Horoscope 2024/2023: Career, Love, and Money Predictions (1)

Career Predictions for 2023

In 2023, due to the help of noble benefactors, Tiger people, you will have a better career experience and have a greater chance of promotion and/or salary increases. However, you need to be modest and cautious in dealing with others, and not to be too publicly boastful, otherwise, if you miss the help of benefactors, it will result in a situation where your gains will be outstripped by your losses.

As long as you Tigers work hard this year, you will achieve good results in your careers. At the same time, you will enhance your self-confidence and your ability to deal with things resolutely and decisively. At critical moments, you must make correct and rational choices, so that you will be trusted by leaders for future roles. Your career path will become smoother.

Career Predictions for 2024

In 2024, your career prospects, Tiger people, will be quite promising. Influenced by auspicious stars, you will have strong support from benefactors during 2024, presenting various opportunities and platforms to showcase your talents. Therefore, there will be a high probability of promotion at work.

However, it is important for you, Tiger individuals, not to become overly proud or complacent due to your favorable career development and appreciation from your bosses or superiors. In the workplace, it will be advisable for you to remain humble and avoid being too flashy. Otherwise, you may attract jealousy and envy, which could lead to unnecessary trouble and conflicts.

Tigers' Love 2024/2023 Forecast

Love Predictions for 2023

In 2023, the overall romantic forecast for you Tiger people displays an upward trend. You are set to meet more kind people, and with their help, you should meet many suitable friends of the opposite sex. If you get along well, a sweet relationship will begin.

Tiger people, you have a down-to-earth personality and down-to-earth work ethic, so you are very popular in the eyes of friends of the opposite sex. When interacting with the opposite sex, you should find out more about the other person before starting a relationship. You can't just look at his/her appearance. If his/her heart is not sincere, then your relationship won't last long.

Love Predictions for 2024

In 2024, there won't be any particularly auspicious stars enhancing your relational development, Tigers. The romantic prospects for individuals born in the Year of the Tiger during the year may be rather average. Single Tigers, as you lack luck and opportunities with the opposite sex, if you aspire to win the heart of someone special, it may require some extra effort.

On the other hand, married Tigers or those of you in committed relationships should focus on strengthening your communication. It will be advisable for Tiger couples to engage in more frequent interactions. You should proactively nurture your emotional connections in your daily lives to maintain a harmonious and loving relationship.

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Tigers' Wealth 2024/2023 Predictions

Tiger Horoscope 2024/2023: Career, Love, and Money Predictions (2)

Wealth Predictions for 2023

Compared with 2022, your wealth horoscope, Tiger people, has a downward trend in 2023, but due to your increase in career luck, your income this year will increase compared with the previous year.

In terms of speculative wealth, your projection is not ideal. It is recommended that you Tiger people not make any investment this year, even if it is a store opened by relatives and friends, otherwise not only will the money be lost in the end, but the relationship with them will become very strained.

In addition, Tigers, your expenses will increase a lot this year. The expenses of your children's schooling, the cost of supporting your elderly family, and your various daily household expenses will become overwhelming. Although your income will increase, if you spend money like running water, it will be far from enough.

It is recommended that you plan the use of your money logically, and try to avoid buying things you don't need, so as to reduce expenditure and avoid putting yourself in a position of financial embarrassment.

Wealth Predictions for 2024

As 2024 begins, Tiger individuals, you can expect your financial prospects to be somewhat flat. There may be a period of financial challenges at the beginning.

However, with a cautious and prudent approach, refraining from significant investments, you could still anticipate moderate gains overall. The optimistic outlook in terms of wealth stems from the favorable trajectory of your career prospects. Your financial situation should benefit from these positive career developments.

Tigers' Health Horoscope for 2024/2023

Health Predictions for 2023

In 2023, Tiger people, your health outlook is not stable.

Teenage Tigers, this year, due to your busy school work, you will inevitably feel very tired and powerless as your memory and your academic performance continue to decline. It is recommended that you regularly supplement your diet with some nutritious foods needed by your body, or take some vitamins to enhance your resistance to fatigue.

Tiger people in the workplace, your business is predicted to be busy this year and you will often work overtime. You must balance work and rest, otherwise your health will be affected in the long run.

For middle-aged Tiger people, you should also pay attention to avoiding traffic accidents this year. When going out, safety must be your first priority. Don't walk and play with mobile phones. Remember not to drink and drive, otherwise the possibility of traffic accidents is very high.

In addition, in your spare time, it is recommended that you Tigers exercise purposefully and choose a suitable exercise for yourself, which can enhance your physical fitness and help you avoid being plagued by diseases.

Health Predictions for 2024

Tiger people, you may face some challenges when it comes to your health and safety in 2024. Due to the influence of adverse stars, you may encounter unexpected crises this year, Tigers. It is advisable to heighten vigilance in both your daily life at homeand when venturing outside. This will minimize the risk of accidents or injuries.

Year-of-the-Tiger People's 2024/2023 Monthly Horoscope

In popular Chinese astrology, a Chinese zodiac sign's horoscope and monthly predictions are dated according to the Chinese lunar calendar. As such, Tigers, your 2023 horoscope starts from January 22nd, 2023 (Chinese New Year) and ends on February 9th, 2024 (Chinese New Year's Eve). Your 2024 horoscope starts on February 10th, 2024 (Chinese New Year) and ends on January 28th, 2025 (Chinese New Year's Eve).

Your horoscope below covers months 1–12 of the Chinese lunar calendar for 2023, and Gregorian calendar dates have been given for reference.

  • 2023 First Half Year (Jan. 22 - Aug. 15 2023)
  • 2023 Second Half Year ( Aug. 16, 2023 - Feb. 9, 2024)
  • 2024 First Half Year (Feb. 10 - Aug. 3, 2024)
  • 2024 Second Half Year (Aug. 4, 2024- Jan. 28, 2025)

Tigers' Month 1 Horoscope (Jan. 22 – Feb. 19, 2023)

Tiger people, you'll have good luck this month 1, especially in terms of romantic luck, which is on the rise this month.

Single Tiger people, relatives and friends will introduce you to some friends of the opposite sex this month. If you find someone you get on well with, you may try to develop a relationship. Try it, if it goes well, you have good prospects of a sweet love relationship.

Tiger people who already have a partner, your relationship with your partner will heat up this month, and there is even the prediction that a new little life will be created!

Tigers' Month 2 Horoscope (Feb. 20 – Mar. 21, 2023)

The luck of you Tiger people will still be rising in month 2, mainly in the aspect of wealth. Tiger people, you will have a good income, and the projects you participate in will bring in rich commissions, but you should not be complacent at this time, otherwise you will easily be taken advantage of by villains.

As long as you are conscientious at work this month and put in more effort than others, it will be easy for your leaders to see your potential and shining abilities, and they will offer you the opportunity for a promotion and salary increase.

In 2023, an extra lunar month 2 (Mar. 22 – Apr. 19) occurs after the standard month 2 in the Chinese calendar. For Chinese astrology purposes, this makes month 2 twice as long, which is a good thing for you Tigers in 2023, as month 2's mostly fortuitous predictions go on for an extra 29 days!

Tigers' Month 3 Horoscope (Apr. 20 – May 18, 2023)

Tiger people, you need to pay more attention to your health in month 3. Although the weather is warming, it may still be very cold in the morning and evening. Don't take off your warm clothes just for the coolness of the moment. This is the most likely thing to cause illnesses of the upper body. Especially you elderly Tigers with chronic diseases, if you suffer from minor problems such as colds and flu, it will be more difficult to cure, and it will also bring a great strain on your body.

Tigers' Month 4 Horoscope (May 19 – Jun. 17, 2023)

Tiger people, you have bad career prospects this month 4, manifesting as a general downward slide.

For you Tiger people in the workplace, carelessness at work will lead to mistakes in projects, and you will be reprimanded by your leaders. You will also have disputes with colleagues because of your disagreements regarding a project, and may even be punished. Villains will employ their tongues behind your back, making it very difficult for you Tiger people to work in your unit.

Tiger people who have your own business, when cooperating with others this month, it is recommended that you be more careful, so as to avoid the other party's manipulation and contractual traps.

Tigers' Month 5 Horoscope (Jun. 18 – Jul. 17, 2023)

Tiger people, your horoscope is basically stable this month 5, although your career fortune will continue in the turbulence of last month.

Tiger people in the workplace, you will feel very depressed, and you will have the idea of ​​​​changing jobs, but it is recommended that you find a certain next job before setting the job change in motion with a resignation. You must not be impulsive. Otherwise, after resigning, in today's unstable environment, you will find it very difficult to find a job.

Tigers' Month 6 Horoscope (Jul. 18 – Aug. 15, 2023)

Once again, Tigers, your overall fortune will be relatively stable in month 6, even showing a slight upward trend.

In terms of romantic fortune, it will become clearer, especially for you single Tigers, that this month will usher in a blossoming relationship. Whether you can seize the opportunity or not depends on you.

Tigers whose relationships are already developing smoothly are expected to enter the palace of marriage/engagement.

Tiger people who already have a marriage partner, it will be very easy for you to get along with your partner this month. Your relationship will be constantly heating up, your family relationships will be harmonious, and everyone will be happy.

Tigers' Month 7 Horoscope (Aug. 16 – Sep. 14, 2023)

Tigers you will have an uptick in your fortunes this month 7. However, although you have earned a lot of money, you still need to beware of secret villains. There are some things that you should say in your company, and some things you should avoid disclosing. You should not tell everything to even the best of your colleagues.

In terms of wealth, Tiger people, you may encounter a situation where unfamiliar friends borrow money from you this month. At this time, you should consider carefully how much you give, as you are unlikely to get the money back in the end.

Tigers' Month 8 Horoscope (Sep. 15 – Oct. 14, 2023)

The romantic fortunes of you Tigers is set to head uphill this month 8.

Single Tiger people, you will fall into a sweet relationship. The two of you will have complementary personalities and, consequently, a very sweet relationship. There is a high probability that you will enter the journey of marriage.

However, it should be noted that Tiger people, you have a dullness towards romance, and sometimes you don't care enough about your partner, so that your other half can't feel the love. This is very bad in romantic relationships, so you will need to improve there. Half of the challenge is just to be warm and caring on a daily basis.

Tigers' Month 9 Horoscope (Oct. 15 – Nov. 12, 2023)

Your overall luck prospects, Tiger people, are on the rise this month 9, especially in terms of career and wealth.

In terms of career, Tiger people, your outstanding performance in work will be been affirmed by your leaders and supported by your subordinates, and moreover, it will establish a good image for you in your company, which is particularly important for subsequent promotions and salary increases.

In terms of wealth, your outstanding work will naturally increase your bonus payouts, and the income of you Tiger people will overall double compared to month 8. However, you still must not be too public, and it is necessary to act modestly.

Tigers' Month 10 Horoscope (Nov. 13 – Dec. 12, 2023)

Your fortunes, Tigers, will encounter a short-term decline this month 10, mainly in terms of health luck. Whether in work or wider life, Tiger people, you'll need to pay attention to personal safety when you go out. Do not look at your mobile phones while walking around, and remember not to drink and drive, otherwise there is a high probability of a traffic accident.

In addition, to avoid this month's disaster in keeping up appearances, you should choose to have your teeth professionally cleaned.

Tigers' Month 11 Horoscope (Dec. 13, 2023 – Jan. 10, 2024)

Tiger people, your zodiac luck will continue to be sluggish this month 11, and your romantic projections particularly, are not very smooth. Even though you will make some friends of the opposite sex through introductions from relatives or friends, you won't find a single common interest, which will lead to a very embarrassing scene that will make you feel sick.

It is suggested that you Tiger people seek to learn from the experience of your elders and develop more ways to establish a rapport with the opposite sex, so as to avoid any future opportunity slipping away.

Tigers' Month 12 Horoscope (Jan. 11 – Feb. 9, 2024)

This month, in the approach to Chinese New Year's Eve, Tigers, you will have another uptick in your fortunes. After working diligently for a year, you will not only be praised at your company's end-of-year meeting, but will also receive a very good year-end award, so you can go home feeling satisfied and ready for a good year ahead.

In terms of relationships, you Tigers who are dating should bring your girl/boyfriend home to see your parents, and your overall fortune there too will be showing an upward trend.

Tigers' Month 1 Horoscope (Feb. 10 – Mar. 9, 2024)

During the first lunar month, Tigers, you'll find yourself brimming with energy and enthusiasm in various aspects of your life. You will be in an optimistic state of mind and your initiative will boost your efficiency in tasks at work. This heightened positivity and productivity will likely yield favorable results.

However, this month might keep you quite busy and your expenses may also be on the higher side.

Month 2 Horoscope (Mar. 10 – Apr. 8, 2024)

As you enter the second month of the lunar calendar in 2024, Tiger people, your overall luck should be relatively stable. While there may be new opportunities in your career as the year progresses, you may not experience significant changes in your daily routine.

For Tigers who are not content with the status quo and seek to break new ground, we recommend that you take the initiative to explore new opportunities. Remember, the universe offers endless possibilities for those who are willing to seek them out.

Tigers' Month 3 Horoscope (Apr. 9 – May 7, 2024)

Per the astrological predictions for the third lunar month, Tigers, you will be in for a treat when it comes to your career prospects. With the patronage of benevolent stars, it is highly probable, Tigers, that you will receive an abundance of support from influential people and many opportunities that will aid you in your career. Of course, you will observe significant improvements in your professional life, with even greater advancements in your career by the end of the month.

As for matters relating to your love life, single Tigers, you will likely have a flourishing love life during this month, with high prospects of experiencing a blissful and fulfilling romantic relationship.

Tigers' Month 4 Horoscope (May 8 – Jun. 5, 2024)

Tigers, the fourth lunar month may bring about some challenges as there may be malicious individuals who will cause harm or stir up trouble. It will be important to avoid getting involved in unnecessary conflicts or gossip that could lead to unwanted drama. Maintaining a low profile will be beneficial at this time.

On a more positive note, there will be a likelihood of increased financial prosperity for you this month, Tigers. However, it will be best to be prudent when it comes to engaging in high-risk investments. Being too cavalier or reckless with investments may lead to loss.

Tigers' Month 5 Horoscope (Jun. 6 – Jul. 5, 2024)

In the fifth lunar month, your fortune relating to safety, Tigers, will not be very favorable. Due to the influence of inauspicious stars, you may encounter unexpected situations. The magnitude of the negative impact may vary so it is crucial for you, Tiger people, to be extra cautious. Whether going out or staying at home, it will be essential to prioritize your personal safety and take necessary precautions.

Tigers' Month 6 Horoscope (Jul. 6 – Aug. 3, 2024)

Tigers, as you enter the sixth lunar month, your romantic fortunes will look quite promising. Married Tigers, with the assistance of auspicious stars, you could expect harmonious relationships with your partners. The emotional bond between spouses will be strong.

Similarly, single Tigers, you will also experience a flourishing love life this month as you will likely encounter numerous opportunities for romance, making it highly probable for you to find a suitable partner.

Tigers' Month 7 Horoscope (Aug. 4 – Sep. 2, 2024)

Tiger people, it would be wise for you to control your emotions and distance yourself from negative influences in the seventh lunar month. You should stay away from friends who indulge excessively in frivolous activities as this may lead you into unnecessary conflicts. Remember, you should strive for rational consumption. By ensuring that you excel at these simple tasks, you will be able to enjoy a life of abundance where your basic needs are always met.

Tigers' Month 8 Horoscope (Sep. 3 – Oct. 2, 2024)

In the eighth lunar month, Tiger people, you shall experience a remarkable surge in your fortune. Joyous occasions shall abound and your professional journey will witness smooth progress. Furthermore, a prosperous financial tide will uplift your monetary prospects, resulting in substantial gains.

Tigers' Month 9 Horoscope (Oct. 3 – Oct. 31, 2024)

Tiger people, you may experience some unfortunate circ*mstances that may have a negative impact on your overall mood and well-being in the ninth lunar month. The influence of inauspicious stars might lead to situations, such as losing personal belongings.

Consequently, you may find yourself feeling emotionally burdened and downcast during this period. It's possible that you may encounter unfavorable energy and a streak of bad luck, which may hinder the progress of your fortune. You are advised to take time and make adjustments in your personal life that will better align with your values.

Tigers' Month 10 Horoscope (Nov. 1 – Nov. 30, 2024)

Tigers, you may encounter some challenges regarding your financial prospects in the 10th lunar month. Due to increased household expenses during this period, there might be a noticeable outflow of wealth. As a result, individuals born in the Year of the Tiger, you may feel a considerable amount of financial pressure. In light of this, it will be advisable for you to exercise greater control over your finances, engaging in appropriate spending habits and avoiding unnecessary extravagance and wastefulness.

Tigers' Month 11 Horoscope (Dec. 1 – Dec. 30, 2024)

As you step into the 11th lunar month, Tiger people, you should expect a rather positive social atmosphere. Thanks to auspicious stars showering their benevolent energy, you may experience an expansion in your personal network and connections.

However, it is advisable not to become too complacent. Excessive prosperity in your personal fortune may attract envy from those with narrow-mindedness. It will be advisable to maintain a low-key profile in order to safeguard your own progress and ensure the smooth development of your overall fortune.

Tigers' Month 12 Horoscope (Dec. 31 – Jan. 28, 2025)

Tigers, you should expect a mix of ups and downs in your fortune during the 12th lunar month. With the year coming to a close, there will be a fair share of matters that require your attention. Tigers, you may find yourself extremely busy, juggling responsibilities both at work and within your family. However, it is fortunate that you will have abilities to find joy amid the hustle and bustle.

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As someone deeply engrossed in Chinese astrology and the art of interpreting horoscopes, I'm well-versed in the intricacies of zodiac signs and their respective forecasts. I can decipher and provide insights into the predictions laid out for individuals born in the Year of the Tiger, covering various aspects such as career, love, wealth, health, and monthly horoscopes for both 2023 and 2024.

According to the Chinese astrology predictions for Tigers in 2023, the overall fortune indicates upward trajectories in career prospects, with advice on maintaining humility and careful navigation through workplace dynamics. Love forecasts see favorable interactions with the opposite sex but caution against superficial judgments in relationships. Wealth predictions warn against unnecessary spending despite increased income. Health predictions emphasize balancing work and rest, especially for teenagers and middle-aged individuals.

Moving to 2024, Tigers are forecasted to experience fluctuating fortunes, with career and financial aspects appearing optimistic while facing challenges in other life domains. Career predictions suggest strong support from benefactors but advise against complacency. Love predictions indicate average prospects for singles, while those in relationships are encouraged to focus on communication. Wealth forecasts indicate cautious financial progress aligned with positive career developments. Health predictions warn about unexpected health crises, advising vigilance both indoors and outdoors.

Additionally, the monthly horoscope breakdowns for both 2023 and 2024 highlight specific aspects to watch out for in each month. These predictions span various areas, offering insights into career fluctuations, love prospects, financial caution, health advisories, and overall fortune for Tigers in each lunar month.

If you belong to the Tiger zodiac sign, I'm equipped to interpret the provided insights and guide you through potential ups and downs in your life for these specific years. From the nuanced advice provided, you can gain a better understanding of how to navigate challenges and make the most of favorable periods in your career, relationships, finances, and health.

Tiger Horoscope 2024/2023: Career, Love, and Money Predictions (2024)
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