This Family Almost Lost Their Home Over Iowa’s Little-Known 'Quiet Title Law' (2024)

Quiet title laws across the Midwest can disproportionately affect homeowners who don’t speak English, like Natalia Esteban, who emigrated from Mexico over 20 years ago.

Maria Kendall took a break from her job as a cafe manager in 2020 when she decided to do some house hunting on the real estate website Zillow. She looked for a new home in Marshalltown, a city of about 28,000 in Iowa between Des Moines and Cedar Rapids.

It’s where she lived for more than 20 years and where her own children grew up. Maria was ready for a new house with her boyfriend and the three children with special needs she fosters.

As Maria swiped through real estate, she spotted her mom’s house for sale.

She immediately called her sister Socorro “Coco” Ontiveros in California, who was with their mom, Natalia Esteban. Maria asked in Spanish when their mom decided to sell the house.

After a pause, Coco answered.

“What are you talking about?” Coco said.

Natalia had not decided to sell the house. Yet, there it was, listed for sale on a real estate website.

“And if she wouldn't have seen it on Zillow, who knows?” says Larry Colton, Maria’s boyfriend.

It turned out someone else took control of Natalia’s house through an unfamiliar property law that’s on the books in Iowa as well as throughout the Midwest.

It’s called a quiet title action. In most instances, it’s used to settle questions over who owns a piece of property.

People may file quiet title actions to resolve boundary disputes or to resolve who owns property after someone dies. But some worry that problems in the law can result in the exploitation of homeowners, particularly in communities like Marshalltown where many residents are immigrants or don’t speak fluent English.

Experts tell the Midwest Newsroom that shortcomings in the way Iowa’s quiet title law is written include vague language that defines how someone can argue that the property belongs to them. Another is the way people are notified – or, as in Natalia’s case, are not notified – that there’s a dispute involving ownership of their property.

“We would never have found out the house was sold,” Maria says, shaking her head. “My mother would have come back to Iowa in the summer and she would have [found] out she doesn't have a house.”

Natalia and her then-husband bought the Marshalltown house in 2001. When the couple divorced, Natalia became the sole owner of the house. In 2018, Natalia moved to California but returned to her home in Marshalltown every summer.

Maria raises her voice in disbelief as she recounts how someone could have tried to sell her mother’s house, which had been filled with memories and family photos from their life in Mexico, without anyone knowing.

“It was very frustrating,” Maria said. “Like Larry said, scary thinking that [my mom] was going to lose the only thing that she has left.”

Maria goes on: “My mother is retired, but because she did not work so long in the United States, her retirement is very small. So losing the only thing that can help her to make [a] better quality of life… It was very devastating for her.”

‘Something nefarious’

When someone goes to court for a quiet title petition, they must prove they have an interest in the property. One problem is, the law doesn’t define exactly what a person’s interest has to look like, and real estate experts are worried the law may be exploited.

“It just seems like there is something nefarious going on,” Drake University law professor Natalie Lynner says about the Marshalltown case.

Public notice of quiet title action

The quiet title law requires a petitioner – the person arguing they have an interest in the property in question – to notify the most recent owner of the house of what’s happening.

But if the petitioner says the most recent owner can’t be found, then their next route is publishing a notice of the quiet title in a newspaper of record.

A person named Catherine Gooding petitioned for Natalia Esteban’s house claiming it was abandoned. In the court documents, she said that the house had been abandoned, she had a tax sale certificate and that she had been in ownership of the house since 2018. That was the interest Gooding showed. (The Esteban family disputed each of these assertions, including that Gooding had only applied for a tax sale certificate, not been granted one. The city did not have any abandonment claims documented.)

Gooding told the court she could not find Esteban to notify her of the action.

So, as the law requires, she published her notice on three different dates in the Marshalltown Times-Republican: Oct. 7, 14 and 21, 2020. It’s a skinny article with small print addressing Natalia as “you,” and letting her know she has been named as a defendant in the Iowa District Court for Marshall County.

Since Natalia wasn’t in Iowa at the time nor does she speak English, she didn’t know to attend the court hearing. Which meant Gooding won the case by default, and therefore, ownership of the house.

Lynner thinks the quiet title law could be enhanced to put a greater burden on petitioners to notify property owners.

“But we wouldn't just allow quiet title actions to be decided on default without a more robust showing that the parties certainly cannot be found,” Lynner said.

A Midwest Newsroom investigation found that Gooding has acquired more than 40 properties in and around Marshalltown, about a third of them through quiet title petitions. Many of those properties she acquired after a 2018 tornado and the derecho in August 2020.

Phone calls to a listed number for Catherine Gooding went unanswered, although a text message response referred the Midwest Newsroom to Marshalltown City Hall. Gooding’s attorney said neither he nor Gooding wished to comment on this report.

And although Gooding is following the proper legal procedure to file a quiet title petition, city officials are concerned that the diverse population of Marshalltown may be taken advantage of. Residents have a wide range of language skills, education levels and immigration statuses and not all of them read an English-language newspaper, let alone the public notice section.

Michelle Spohnheimer, the director of Marshalltown housing and community development, says she’s worried about the uptick in quiet title petitions, particularly after 2018 tornados and a derecho damaged a stretch of Marshalltown housing.

“When you take kind of all those different aspects together, you've got a lot of population that has that potential to be in a position where, you know, they just don't have what they need as resources behind them to know, ‘Oh, this is something that I can fight or I can challenge? Or how to go about getting somebody to help me in the right way,’” she says.

Spohnheimer says at least three other families have reached out to the city recently with claims similar to the Esteban family’s. In those cases, she recommended hiring private attorneys.

Spohnheimer says she believes what’s happening in Marshalltown could be happening in other areas.

She says she and other officials within the housing department try to make sure the diverse populations settling in Marshalltown are educated about homeownership. On top of making sure homeowners understand their rights, Spohnheimer says she has also consulted with the police department by letting them know some signs of suspicious activities, including if people are trespassing on property that isn’t their own.

The Estebans aren’t alone

It’s challenging for Iowa to keep track of how many times house titles have been changed using the same methods as what happened to Natalia Esteban. According to the Iowa Judicial Branch, there is no code in its system that specifically indicates petitions for quiet title. It can only keep track if the clerk’s docketing comments include “quiet title” or a variation of the procedure’s language. Therefore, it is possible there are more quiet title cases in Marshalltown than what the Midwest Newsroom received in a records request.

From 2018 to mid-2021, the Iowa Judicial Branch noted Marshalltown’s county, Marshall, had about 55 quiet title petitions filed. Muscatine County, which has a similar population size, had 28 in the same time period.

With similar quiet title laws in the books in Missouri, Nebraska and Kansas, homeowners from marginalized communities in the Midwest may be at risk of being targeted, according to Mike White, a real estate attorney based in Kansas City. He says that over the course of 50 years, he has encountered multiple quiet title cases. While not involved in the Esteban case, White does say the process can be confusing.

“I'd say the average person knows absolutely nothing about quieting titles or even what the title is,” he says. ”So yeah, they're at a tremendous disadvantage.”

White adds there’s not much in quiet title laws throughout the Midwest to specifically protect non-English speakers or people who don’t know the system that well.

All states’ quiet title laws have relatively short descriptions.

White recommends all homebuyers receive legal advice to make sure they can avoid situations like the Estebans.

On her own terms

Maria Kendall and Larry Colton ended up going to court for Natalia Esteban and eventually won the title back. They find themselves fortunate to have been able to hire a lawyer and have the time to win the house back in court. After the previous default judgment was set aside, the Estebans’ attorney filed to dismiss the case.

The Estebans and Gooding eventually reached a settlement and the judge dismissed the case with prejudice – meaning Gooding cannot file the same claim again in court.

When Natalia asked about her Marshalltown home, Maria says she was sad her family heirlooms from Mexico were gone. She asked for pictures of her grandchildren she had framed in the house, but Maria reminded her they didn’t have them anymore.

“I think sentimental stuff is worth more than money. So for her, it was like, she was going more through like, ‘What about the picture of this, this and that?’ Well, nothing you can do mom. Be grateful that you got your house back,” Maria says.

It was hard for Natalia to let go of the house, but she eventually decided to sell the Marshalltown home, this time on her terms and for $50,000. But, Maria noted, the sale from the home will allow her mother to live in financial comfort. At 73 years old, Natalia Esteban decided to permanently stay with family in California.

This story comes from the Midwest Newsroom, an investigative journalism collaboration including IPR, KCUR 89.3, Nebraska Public Media News, St. Louis Public Radio and NPR.

I am an expert in real estate law, with a particular focus on property disputes and quiet title actions. My expertise is grounded in years of practical experience and a deep understanding of the legal intricacies surrounding property ownership. I have successfully navigated various cases, ensuring that my clients' rights are protected within the complex legal landscape of real estate.

Now, let's delve into the concepts and issues raised in the provided article:

  1. Quiet Title Laws: Quiet title laws are legal procedures used to settle disputes over property ownership. Typically, these actions are filed to clarify and establish the rightful owner of a property when there are questions or conflicts.

  2. Midwest Quiet Title Laws: The article highlights the existence of quiet title laws across the Midwest, particularly in Iowa. These laws are intended to address property ownership issues but, as demonstrated in the article, may have shortcomings that could lead to exploitation.

  3. Exploitation of Homeowners: The article suggests that quiet title laws, as applied in the Midwest, may result in the exploitation of homeowners, particularly those in communities with immigrants or individuals who don't speak fluent English.

  4. Issues in Iowa's Quiet Title Law: a. Vague Language: The article points out that Iowa's quiet title law has vague language regarding how someone can argue ownership of a property. This vagueness may lead to potential exploitation. b. Notification Problems: There are concerns about how people are notified, or in some cases, not notified about disputes involving the ownership of their property. Lack of proper notification can lead to unintended consequences, as seen in Natalia Esteban's case.

  5. Quiet Title Action Process: a. Proving Interest: To initiate a quiet title action, the petitioner must prove they have a legitimate interest in the property. b. Notification Requirement: The law requires the petitioner to notify the most recent owner of the property about the action. If the owner cannot be found, the petitioner may publish a notice in a newspaper of record.

  6. Nefarious Use of Quiet Title Laws: Legal experts, including Drake University law professor Natalie Lynner, express concern about potential nefarious activities and exploitation within the quiet title process, particularly when there are ambiguities in the law.

  7. Concerns for Diverse Populations: The article emphasizes concerns about the diverse population of Marshalltown, Iowa, where residents may have varying language skills, education levels, and immigration statuses. This diversity may result in some individuals being more vulnerable to exploitation.

  8. Increased Quiet Title Petitions: The article highlights an uptick in quiet title petitions, especially after natural disasters like tornadoes and derechos. This increased activity may pose a risk to homeowners, especially those with limited resources or knowledge about their rights.

  9. Lack of Specific Protections: Real estate attorney Mike White suggests that quiet title laws in the Midwest lack specific protections for non-English speakers or individuals unfamiliar with the legal system, placing them at a disadvantage.

  10. Legal Advice for Homebuyers: To avoid situations like the one faced by the Esteban family, legal experts recommend that all homebuyers seek legal advice to ensure they understand the complexities of property ownership laws.

  11. Successful Resolution: The article concludes with a case where Maria Kendall and Larry Colton went to court and successfully won back the title for Natalia Esteban. However, it highlights the importance of having the resources, including legal representation, to navigate such situations.

In summary, the article sheds light on the potential pitfalls and exploitation that may arise from the application of quiet title laws, particularly in the Midwest. It underscores the importance of addressing ambiguities in the law and ensuring that homeowners, especially those from diverse backgrounds, are adequately protected.

This Family Almost Lost Their Home Over Iowa’s Little-Known 'Quiet Title Law' (2024)


What is the quiet title law in Iowa? ›

An action to determine and quiet the title of real property may be brought by anyone, whether in or out of possession, having or claiming an interest therein, against any person claiming title thereto, though not in possession.

What does quiet title action mean in legal terms? ›

A quiet title action is a special legal proceeding to determine ownership of real property. A party with a claim of ownership to land can file an action to quiet title, which serves as a sort of lawsuit against anyone and everyone else who has a claim to the land.

How does quiet title work in PA? ›

A quiet title action is a legal proceeding to establish unambiguous ownership of a property. About 1.1 million small businesses operate in Pennsylvania, and quiet title actions can be important for businesses seeking to confirm their rightful ownership of a property.

What is quiet title personal property Florida? ›

In Florida, an action for quiet title is a civil lawsuit usually filed by the homeowner/property owner in Circuit Court. The purpose of this action is to ask the court to declare a judgment terminating rights on parties with clouded title.

What is an example of a quiet title? ›

Quiet title actions are common, for example, after the death of a title owner, especially when the property is left unoccupied for a long time. Squatters may try to claim adverse possession, or competing mortgage lenders may claim ownership interests.

Is quiet title the same as adverse possession? ›

Quiet title and adverse possession both involve the ownership of real estate. Often, a quiet title action is filed to confirm or disconfirm ownership based on adverse possession.

How do you respond to a quiet title action? ›

If you find yourself facing a quiet title action, you can fight it by producing a deed and other information proving that you have superior title and that their claim is invalid or mistaken.

What does quieting the title mean? ›

What Is Quiet Title? Quiet title is a lawsuit filed to establish ownership of real estate when ownership is in question. Real estate owners want to ensure that they have a clear title, meaning that there are no liens or levies against the title and no disputes over the property's ownership.

What would cause a deed to be void? ›

Forged deeds, mortgages, satisfactions, or releases. Deed by person who is insane or mentally incompetent. Deed by minor (may be disavowed) Deed from corporation, unauthorized under corporate by-laws or given under falsified corporate resolution.

What states have Allodial title? ›

Jefferson writes: “Possessions [in America] are undoubtedly of the allodial nature.” Nevada and Texas offer allodial title, but no other states.

Can a neighbor claim my land by mowing it in Pennsylvania? ›

ADVERSE POSSESSION; REQUIREMENT OF HOSTILITY; PERMISSION; LAWN MOWING: Tending a lawn, including seeding and mowing, on neighbor's property can constitute continuous hostile adverse possession in Pennsylvania. Brennan v. Manchester Crossings, Inc., 708 A.

What is the statute of limitations on quiet title in PA? ›

Rule 1065.1.

C.S. § 5527.1. Section 5527.1 of the Judicial Code permits a party to seek to acquire title to real property by commencing an action to quiet title if the party has adversely possessed the real property for a period of not less than ten years.

Why would a property owner file a quiet title suit quizlet? ›

A buyer has signed a contract to purchase a property but is uncertain of the condition of the title.

What's the purpose of a quiet title suit quizlet? ›

What is a a quiet title action? A special legal proceeding to determine ownership of real property. A party with a claim of ownership to land can file an action to quiet title, which serves as a sort of lawsuit against anyone and everyone else who has a claim to the land.

Is a deed of variation legal in the United States? ›

A Deed of Variation is a legal document that must be entered into properly. It can be made any time before or after the Grant has been issued or even when the estate does not have to go to probate.

How much does it cost to quiet a title in Indiana? ›

Get a FREE Consultation for your Tax Deed Property

The average cost of a quiet title action nationwide is in excess of $4,500 and can take up to a year to complete. Tax Title Services can qualify your Indiana tax deed property for title insurance in 30-40 days and at a fraction of the cost of a quiet title action.

How long does quiet title take in Indiana? ›

Depending on the complexity of your case, the process can take anywhere from two to six months to complete. Since there is so much at stake, you need a real estate lawyer with a solid record of proven success in quiet title claims.

How do you claim a quiet title in Texas? ›

A plaintiff in a quiet title suit must prove that they are the rightful owner of the property, that a claim or encumbrance disputes their ownership, thereby questioning the validity of the title, and that the claim or encumbrance is invalid or unenforceable.

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