The Ultimate Guide For Investment Banking Networking Tips & Tricks | KADO Networks (2024)

Use These Industry Secrets To Make Your Networking Efforts Effective

The topic of investment banking networking for junior bankers is polarizing. Some senior bankers feel it is crucial to a successful job search, while others think it is a waste of time.

Naturally, the answer lies somewhere between these two trains of thought.

Networking is highly effective if you do it over a long period and keep the endgame in mind. But if you don’t use best practices or are inconsistent, you’ll never see the fruits of your labor.

So how can investment banking professionals use networking to score their dream job at an investment bank and improve their network of industry professionals?

Let’s take a look at what networking is, why it is essential, and how to sharpen your skills for networking success.

What Is Investment Banking Networking?

As with any form of industry networking, investment banking networking is all about building relationships.

It involves the actions of locating, contacting, and talking to investment banking professionals to form strong relationships, gain industry knowledge, and potentially secure entry-level internships, investment banking job offers, or other benefits from those connections.

Remember that the goal of networking isn’t just about getting an offer but getting to know other investment bankers on a more personal level.

Let’s explore why networking is so essential in the investment banking industry.

The Importance Of Networking In The Investment Banking Industry

The recruiting process is tough on both young professionals and the managing director responsible for hiring.

Because it’s hyper-accelerated, you need to network to win internships before you can even think about applying to a junior-year summer internship with a large bank.

With an abundance of students and banking professionals with similar work experience, networking is the most effective way to set yourself apart from the crowd.

Recruiters are more likely to pull a resume for first-round interviews if they recognize the name. Networking helps you make a good impression and build personal relationships that show other investment bankers that you care about them more than just a potential boss.

Tips And Tricks To Refine Your Investment Banking Networking Strategy

There are three main strategies for investment banking networking: cold emailing or cold calling, informational interviews, and industry networking events.

The most appropriate strategy for you depends on how much time there is before the internship or full-time recruiting process starts and which channels you have access to.

Take a look at a breakdown of these three networking strategies to see which one is right for you.

Strategy #1: Cold Calls Or Cold Emails

This networking strategy involves asking for jobs or investment banking internships directly without being prompted to do so.

It won’t be effective if you’re already working full time or are aiming for a position that uses a formalized recruiting process.

Cold calling or sending cold emails works best if you are an undergrad looking for an internship at a smaller firm or an incoming MBA student looking to give yourself a leg up.

This investment banking networking strategy is effective because bankers frequent their email inboxes all day long. If you send an email, they will see it regardless of if they respond at all.

Cold emailing requires you to do some detective work and identify bankers at the firm you are interested in. You will need to guess their email addresses. Email a call request, then perform the actual cold call.

If you choose this networking technique, remember the following tips for your phone call or email:

  • Use An Email Template Or Make Notes For Your Call
  • Ask Directly About The Jobs Or Internships
  • Focus On Possible Openings And Get To The Point
  • If They Say No, Follow Up In A Few Months

If you target big banks, like Goldman Sachs, focus on senior bankers because they understand hiring needs and have more power. Also, make sure you have some relevant work experience.

Strategy #2: Informational Interviews

These informative sessions involve meeting with investment bankers to learn about real-life experiences in the field.

The best time to conduct informational interviews is 3-6 months before the recruiting process starts.

It’s not a job interview but a way for you to gain information and build relationships while doing it. Here are some tips on how to organize an informational interview.

  1. Find The LinkedIn Profiles Of Investment Bankers: Target junior to mid-level bankers for higher response rates.
  2. Add Their Contact Information To A List: Maintaining an email list will help track who you contacted and when. Document dates so you can follow up appropriately.
  3. Email The Person: Your email shouldn’t be more than five sentences.
  4. Follow-Up: Formally request an informational interview and prepare to follow up 2-3 times.
  5. Conduct The Interview: Prepare your interview questions ahead of time and spend your time listening intently and asking questions about the subject’s career.
  6. Make A “Mini-Ask”: Drop a hint about wanting a future in-person meeting or if they can pass your resume along to the appropriate channels.

Remember, successful information sessions are all about contacting the right people. Your response rate will likely be around 10-25%. You may end up speaking to 50-200 bankers and can expect 20-30 viable contacts from these networking interactions.

Strategy #3: Leverage Your Alumni Network

Alumni networks operate differently at every school. Some curate internal lists while others have their online networking bank, much like LinkedIn, but specifically to network within the college and alumni groups.

Because internal referrals are challenging to get, and employees don’t typically support candidates they know much about. Networking with alumni is a great way to land an investment banking interview for an internship or entry-level position.

Depending on which college, university, or business school you attended, find out what mechanisms they have available to contact alumni who went into investment banking. Reach out to your school’s Career Resource center: they will know exactly how to guide you.

Once you have the contact information of an alumnus in your field of interest, start building relationships with them. Focus on authentic interactions.

Avoid These Networking Mistakes

Networking missteps can make your interaction memorable for the wrong reasons. Although common mistakes vary depending on which strategy you utilize, take a look at these common networking mishaps.

  • Trying Too Hard: Always show vulnerability and ask for help when needed
  • Lengthy Emails: Try using email templates to ensure your cold emails get straight to the point.
  • No Business Card: Contacts need a way to follow up. Keep a digital business card handy to share during networking events.
  • Awkward Questions: Never ask about money, politics, or how much they work. It’s OK to ask about personal interests but avoid controversial topics.
  • No Follow Up: Be politely persistent until you get a response. Bankers are busy, so that they may need a reminder of your encounter.

To ensure your networking efforts are not in vain, be proactive and make direct requests for what you want. Always maintain a positive, friendly tone and never burn bridges.

Even when faced with direct rejection, you must handle it with grace. You never know how this contact may help your investment banking career in the future.

Set Yourself Up For Networking Success

Networking in the corporate finance sector is critical because it is a naturally competitive and volatile job market.

You need to demonstrate your valuation for others to see the benefit of having you in their professional network.

Investment banking networking may seem daunting, but you will reap the benefits if you are dedicated and consistent.


Is investment banking private equity?

No, investment banking is a capital raising service, while private equity is a business dedicated to investments.

What is a digital business card?

Much like a paper business card, a digital business card is a shareable virtual file that includes your contact information, plus important links.

How can I use relationship networking today?

Use relationship networking to expand your personal and professional network, which will give you more contacts to call upon if you need advice or favors.

The Ultimate Guide For Investment Banking Networking Tips & Tricks | KADO Networks (2024)


How do you network like an investment banker? ›

There are three main strategies for networking in investment banking: 1) Conducting informational interviews and networking events, where you build connections with bankers over time; 2) cold emailing, where you directly ask about open positions; and 3) cold calling, where you do the same thing, on the phone.

What is the best path to get into investment banking? ›

The fastest way to become an investment banker is to apply for an entry-level position, typically an investment analyst role, after graduating with a four-year bachelor's in finance. Choosing an accelerated degree program can shorten time to graduation and allow you to enter the workforce quicker.

How to network on Wall Street? ›

Six dos and six don'ts of networking on Wall Street
  1. Do: Squeeze every drop out of every meeting. ...
  2. Don't: Beat around the bush. ...
  3. Do: Embrace social media. ...
  4. Don't: Overestimate their power. ...
  5. Do: Tap into your alumni network. ...
  6. Don't: Be afraid to be old-school. ...
  7. Do: Show your industry knowledge. ...
  8. Don't: Cold call.
Nov 30, 2017

How do you stand out in investment banking? ›

Let's get started!
  1. Tip #1: Be prepared to discuss 1-2 deals in depth. ...
  2. Tip #2: Get your industry highlight reel ready. ...
  3. Tip #3: Prep for technical questions first. ...
  4. Tip #4: Practice with REAL financial statements. ...
  5. Tip #5: Know what to expect from your target firm. ...
  6. Tip #6: Know your resume inside and out.
Jun 17, 2022

How do investment bankers make millions? ›

Investment banks earn commissions and fees on underwriting new issues of securities via bond offerings or stock IPOs. Investment banks often serve as asset managers for their clients as well.

What do you talk about when networking investment banking? ›

List of Coffee Chat Questions
  • Could you help me understand your specific responsibilities on a typical day?
  • What tasks or responsibilities of your job do you consider to be your favorite?
  • What would you say is the biggest surprise on the job from when you joined the firm?

What is the hardest investment bank to get into? ›

Which is the hardest investment bank to get into? Goldman Sachs is notoriously difficult to get into. One statistics recently rolled out was that it received 100,000 applications for just 2,300 global internship positions. This means that it received 24 applications for every job it posted.

How to break into investment banking with no experience? ›

7 Steps To Breaking into Investment Banking
  1. Step 1: Win “Steppingstone” Internships or Jobs. ...
  2. Step 2: Craft Your Story. ...
  3. Step 3: Bankify Your Resume/CV. ...
  4. Step 4: Network Your Way into Interviews and Offers. ...
  5. Step 5: Prepare for Investment Banking Interviews.

Is a 3.8 GPA good for investment banking? ›

Candidates must have at least a 3.8 unweighted GPA to have fair standing in the recruitment process. So, a 3.8 in engineering and a 3.8 in business are the same to bankers despite being vastly disparate in difficulty.

How do you network in the finance industry? ›

Whether you're just starting out or working on climbing the ladder, here are some of the best ways to leverage networking in the finance industry.
  1. Attend graduate school events. ...
  2. Join organizations. ...
  3. Attend industry events. ...
  4. Attend events for other industries, including entrepreneurship. ...
  5. Optimize social media.

Is it hard working on Wall Street? ›

A Rough but Rewarding Place

Don't go in with any illusions. Wall Street does not hand out generous pay for no reason: the hours are long, the work is difficult, the stress is high and it's not a forgiving environment for non-conformists, underperformers or slow starters.

How do you make it big on Wall Street? ›

Being a hot-shot investment banker is the aspiration of many seeking Wall Street glory, but there are also other routes. Advising celebrities, managing billion-dollar portfolios, selling financial savvy, and doling out market predictions are some other ways to rise to the top.

What are 5 things investment bankers do? ›

Investment Banking: What Do Investment Bankers Do?
  • Underwriting. Investment banks help companies and governments issue new securities, such as stocks or bonds, by underwriting the securities. ...
  • Financial Advisory. ...
  • Capital Raising. ...
  • Trading and Market-Making. ...
  • Corporate Finance. ...
  • Capital Markets. ...
  • Sales and Trading. ...
  • Research.
Jan 26, 2023

What is your best weakness for investment banking? ›

Give a BS answer like “I work too much” or “I'm too much of a perfectionist.” Give a legitimate weakness, like saying that you sometimes lose focus when working on extended projects, or that you have trouble delegating work to others, and then show how you've been working to improve yourself.

What makes an investment banker great? ›

Being an investment banker, it is crucial to be good with numbers. A strong set of analytical skills is a must-have for an investment banker. Being able to perform elaborate financial models is an essential requirement. Along with financial models, an investment banker must calculate quickly and accurately.

Which company pays investment bankers the most? ›

#1 Centerview - $220,000

Centerview Partners is an elite boutique investment bank known for paying the absolute top dollar for first-year bankers on Wall Street.

How much can you make a year investing $1 million? ›

How much interest does $1 million make per year? Forbes reports that, on average, investors can expect about a 10% annual return on the S&P 500 — that's $100,000 per year, provided you reinvest at least some of the dividends. However, your return depends on several different factors.

Can investment bankers make 7 figures? ›

Investment Banking Managing Director Salary + Bonus: Base salaries are in the mid-six-figure range, with total compensation in the high six figures to low seven figures. An MD doing decently should earn between $1 and $3 million per year, and sometimes a low multiple of that (as of 2022).

How long should a networking call be? ›

Talking to other professionals for a quick 15 to 20 minutes is a great idea no matter what's going on in your own career. To make sure you're making the most of it (and also not wasting your contacts' time), put in the effort to prepare well before you ring anyone up.

How do you network with potential investors? ›

Investor Network
  1. Start With A Launch Platform.
  2. Network Through Friends And Family.
  3. Join Online Business Networks.
  4. Utilize Your Social Networks.
  5. Attend Relevant Conferences.
  6. Follow Potential Investors Blogs.
  7. Don't See Dollar Signs.
  8. Do Your Homework.
May 18, 2017

How do you build an investor network? ›

  1. Build relationships earlier. As an investor, I learned that there are really only two reasons to invest in a startup. ...
  2. How to start a relationship with an investor. ...
  3. Build your target list of investors. ...
  4. Find out how you can help them. ...
  5. Get in touch. ...
  6. Follow-up regularly. ...
  7. Be patient. ...
  8. Playing With Fire.

Who is the best investment banker in the world? ›

Goldman Sachs: The Most Prestigious Firm to Work for in 2022

Goldman Sachs placed #1 for the 14th year in a row with Morgan Stanley, Evercore, J.P. Morgan and Centerview Partners rounding out the top 5. Goldman Sachs & Co. Bank of America Corp.

What are the big 4 investment banks? ›

In the U.S., the top investment banking companies include the Big Four Banks — JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo.

What are Tier 1 investment banks? ›

The only tier one investment bank might be JPMorgan Chase because it ranks first or second globally across most product areas. Tier two would be Goldman Sachs, Barclays Capital, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, and Citigroup. Examples of tier three would be UBS, BNP Paribas, and SocGen.

What is the lowest salary of investment banking? ›

Investment Banker salary in India ranges between ₹ 1.8 Lakhs to ₹ 38.8 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 4.0 Lakhs.

Which investment banks have the hardest interviews? ›

PJT Partners, launched within the last five years by famed rainmaker Paul Taubman, leads the list, with 99% of candidates considering the interviews to be difficult.

Is 25 too old for investment banking? ›

If you have more than 2 – 3 years of full-time work experience after university, it will be very difficult to get in at the Analyst level (estimated age cut-off of 25, but it may be more like 27 – 28 depending on when you started the degree).

What GPA do you need for Goldman Sachs? ›

Do you have a GPA of more than 3.72 (out of four)? U.S. students joining Goldman Sachs and JPM, may not be the very, very brightest, but they're still incredibly bright. The average GPA at each firm was at least 3.72 (93%).

What GPA is too low for investment banking? ›

Grades below those levels don't necessarily mean that banks will reject you right away, but they do make it harder to win interviews through the normal process. But there are limits to that statement; for example, if you have below a 3.0 GPA in the U.S., then banks may reject you just based on that.

What GPA do you need to work at JP Morgan? ›

As for GPA requirements, they vary by business unit, but most are in the 3.2 to 3.5 range. Grades are clearly important – we do look at those – but beyond meeting the minimums we try to be open about it. Different people have different circ*mstances.

When should I start networking for finance? ›

It takes time to build trust and relationship, hence students should be thinking 2-3 years ahead in starting to build their networks in their field of interest.

How do you succeed in network market? ›

Top 9 Network Marketing Tips On How To Network Like a Boss!
  1. Know Your Why. ...
  2. Get Clear On What Need Your Product Or Service Is Fulfilling. ...
  3. Identify Your Target Market. ...
  4. Decide On A Goal. ...
  5. Be Genuine And Ethical. ...
  6. Don't Pester Your Friends and Family. ...
  7. Sponsor, Don't Recruit. ...
  8. Learn How To Market And Create An Action Plan & Strategy.
Oct 25, 2020

How do you network professionally? ›

How to network successfully
  1. Talk to new people at networking events.
  2. Attend new events.
  3. Create authentic relationships.
  4. Bring a memorable business card.
  5. Be confident.
  6. Stay connected.
  7. Help others in your network.
  8. Revisit older connections.
Feb 16, 2023

What is the highest paying job on Wall Street? ›

Highest Paying Jobs in Finance
  1. Chief Financial Officer. A Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is undeniably one of the highest-paying jobs in finance globally. ...
  2. Chief Compliance Officer. ...
  3. Investment Banker. ...
  4. Financial Analyst. ...
  5. Investment Specialist. ...
  6. Financial Manager. ...
  7. Financial Risk Manager. ...
  8. Economist.
Dec 9, 2022

What is the average salary on Wall Street? ›

The average WALL STREET OPTIONS salary ranges from approximately $74,834 per year for Senior Financial Analyst to $369,461 per year for Specialist. Average WALL STREET OPTIONS hourly pay ranges from approximately $59.18 per hour for Client Services Specialist to $104 per hour for Senior Investment Analyst.

What is the best firm to work at on Wall Street? ›

Here are the top 10 Wall Street research firms of the past decade, according to TipRanks
  1. RBC Capital. Topping the list is the global investment bank RBC Capital. ...
  2. Jefferies. ...
  3. Truist Financial. ...
  4. Credit Suisse. ...
  5. UBS. ...
  6. Keefe, Bruyette & Woods (KBW) ...
  7. Raymond James. ...
  8. Stifel.
Apr 30, 2023

What do Wall Street traders do all day? ›

The Bottom Line

Day traders spend much of their days scanning the markets for trading opportunities and monitoring open positions, and many of their evenings researching and improving their trading plans.

Who is the biggest Wall Street investor right now? ›

Warren Buffett

Following the principles set out by Benjamin Graham, he has amassed a multibillion-dollar fortune mainly through buying stocks and companies through Berkshire Hathaway.

Who are the biggest investors on Wall Street? ›

The list includes John Paulson, Warren Buffett, James Simons, Ray Dalio, Carl Icahn, and Dan Loeb. Buffett is by far the richest person of these six famous investors, with a net worth of $116 billion.

What are the core skills for investment bankers? ›

Investment Banker Qualifications/Skills:
  • Strong communication, networking and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment.
  • Skilled in research and analysis.
  • Effective presentation skills.
  • Ability to manage time and projects.
  • Knowledge of relevant regulations related to securities and M&As.

What are the 3 main towers in banking? ›

Summary. The three main business segments for a bank are retail banking, wholesale banking, and wealth management.

What personality do investment bankers have? ›

Investment bankers tend to be predominantly enterprising individuals, which means that they are usually quite natural leaders who thrive at influencing and persuading others. They also tend to be conventional, meaning that they are usually detail-oriented and organized, and like working in a structured environment.

What are the top skills investment banks want? ›

proven strong numerical and analytical skills. excellent team work and team leadership skills. communication and interpersonal skills. project and time management ability.

Why is investment banking so stressful? ›

A career in investment banking can be stressful given several positions in the field like product control accounting positions can be demanding simply because they necessitate frequent engagement with traders. The same is true for management and regulatory reporting positions when deadlines approach.

How do you stand out in an investment banking interview? ›

7 Tips To Acing Your Investment Banking Interview
  1. Show That You'll Be Easy To Work With. ...
  2. Know Your Stuff. ...
  3. Be Respectful & Reserved. ...
  4. Bring Your Elevator Pitch. ...
  5. Show You Are Eager To Learn. ...
  6. Lay Some Groundwork Beforehand. ...
  7. Get Your Financial Statements Right.

What are the top salaries for investment bankers? ›

High Paying Investment Banker Jobs
  • Energy Trader. Salary range: $165,000-$196,000 per year. ...
  • Proprietary Trader. Salary range: $48,000-$182,000 per year. ...
  • Investment Banking Associate. Salary range: $90,000-$175,000 per year. ...
  • Investment Officer. ...
  • Investments Manager. ...
  • Equity Trader. ...
  • International Trade Analyst. ...
  • Commodity Trader.

What is the highest position in an investment banker? ›

Senior Vice President

Sometimes called an executive director or a principal, the senior VP slot is as high as most investment banking professionals get; some even spend their entire careers as vice presidents.

Can you be a millionaire as an investment banker? ›

It is possible to become a millionaire as an investment banker, but it is not easy. Investment bankers typically earn salaries in the $200,000 to $700,000 range, with bonuses that can bring their total income up to several million dollars per year.

What is investment networking? ›

Investment networking involves connecting with other investors, industry professionals, and financial professionals to exchange information and resources. Investment networking involves attending seminars and participating in online groups and forums to form business connections.

How do you network with other investors? ›

Investor Network
  1. Start With A Launch Platform.
  2. Network Through Friends And Family.
  3. Join Online Business Networks.
  4. Utilize Your Social Networks.
  5. Attend Relevant Conferences.
  6. Follow Potential Investors Blogs.
  7. Don't See Dollar Signs.
  8. Do Your Homework.
May 18, 2017

How can investment bankers work so much? ›

The reason is that the investment bankers are entrusted with the responsibility of managing the investments, and thus, a large amount of money of the clients remains at stake. Thus, there is a huge responsibility that they are required to meet.

What distribution channels are used in the finance industry? ›

There are three types of distribution channels: direct, indirect and hybrid.

What does ROI stand for in networking? ›

ROI (return on investment)

How do you connect with investors? ›

To contact an investor for a meeting, send an email request, as it is quick and easy to forward around an investor firm or angel network. Your email should include an articulate elevator pitch telling the investor who you are and what you do.

What is the best way to reach out to investors? ›

Step-by-Step Guide to Investor Outreach
  1. 1) Understand the Market.
  2. 2) Research Your Target Investors.
  3. 3) Build a List of Potential Investors.
  4. 4) Draft Your Outreach Email or Use a Template.
  5. 5) Perform Your Outreach.
  6. 6) Prepare Your Marketing Materials and Create a Pitch Deck.
  7. 7) Follow-up With Potential Investors.
May 9, 2022

How do I market myself and network? ›

Networking and marketing yourself: Easy steps for success
  1. Reflect. ...
  2. Develop a niche. ...
  3. Update your vita regularly. ...
  4. Create a strong elevator pitch. ...
  5. Set reasonable goals for networking. ...
  6. Develop and nurture relationships.

How do I diversify my network? ›

Some ways to diversify your network include getting to know colleagues and friends of your own college friends, joining community organizations that focus on different matters than you deal with in your job, and volunteering for local non-profits.

Do investment bankers really work 100 hours? ›

It is no surprise that the average day in an investment banker's life is long and stressful. Those who manage to survive the adjustment period often go on to have long and financially rewarding careers. Investment banking analysts may work up to 100 hours per week at some firms.

What time do investment bankers wake up? ›

How Much Sleep Do You Get in Investment Banking? Investment Bankers who average 80-hour work days will likely get around 7 hours of sleep per night assuming that they go to bed at around 2 AM and wake up around 9 AM.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.