The True Costs of Employee Turnover (2024)

High employee turnover can have a big impact on your organization’s bottom line. But more than that, it’s a sign that your company is not empowering your team to show up to work each day. Tackling high turnover should be about more than just saving money — it should also be about helping your company reach its full potential. That all comes down to building trust and rapport with your employees.

Ways to Reduce Employee Turnover

  1. Recognize employees.
  2. Establish a feedback process.
  3. Promote your core values.
  4. Implement your company mission.
  5. Enhance your benefits package.
  6. Conduct exit interviews.

Read on to learn the true cost of employee turnover — and how to reduce it.

What Is Employee Turnover?

Employee turnover is the percentage of employees that leave a company over a given period of time. It’s closely related to employee retention rate, though the two are not always the inverse of each other. Turnover may be a part of business, but high turnover is largely indicative of deeper issues.

Turnover is split into two categories: voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary turnover refers to an employee’s decision to leave the organization, whereas involuntary turnover occurs when an employee is terminated by the employer. Ideally, you’re only hiring people you want to keep around, so involuntary turnover is kept to a minimum. Voluntary turnover, on the other hand, is more difficult to control and has unforeseen consequences that can be harmful to a business.

The True Cost of Employee Turnover

The costs of turnover are extremely high: it’s estimated that losing an employee can cost a company one half to two times the employee’s salary. Depending on the individual’s level of seniority, the financial burden fluctuates. For hourly workers, it costs an average of $1,500 per employee. For technical positions, the cost jumps to 100 to 150 percent of salary. At the high end, C-suite turnover can cost 213 percent of salary.

Nichole Viviani, chief people officer at Xplor Technologies, notes that some of the obvious costs of turnover include ad spending for newly open positions and the extra time commitment of training new employees – but that isn’t the whole picture.

“There’s the less visible, but equally impactful, costs,” she said. “Things like missed or delayed revenue, or the risk of losing long-standing customers when customer-facing colleagues leave.”

Not only are you forced to dedicate time and resources to recruiting, onboarding and training a new hire after an employee leaves; your business simultaneously takes a hit internally while the role remains unfilled. These expenses are known as the cost per hire and cost of vacancy, respectively. It’s estimated thattwo thirds of all sunk costs due to turnover are intangible, including lost productivity and knowledge, which are part of the cost-of-vacancy calculation.

“It takes a while for new employees to ramp and fully onboard into a new role and a new company,” said Shirley Grill-Rachman, COO of Skai. “Turnover can have dual implications of opportunity cost, while that role is backfilled, [and] the cost of that ramp time for a replacement hire.”

Costs of Employee Turnover

  • Lost productivity and potential missed deadlines.
  • Depleted team morale from the additional workload and the loss of a colleague.
  • Damaged employer brand from being a high-turnover organization.
  • Increased likelihood of future turnover.

However, the most substantial impact of turnover is not a financial cost, but the damage done to your remaining team. Your people are absolutely essential to your business’s success. Without them, current employees need to take on additional responsibilities, and your company may have to abandon or postpone plans to scale. In short, a high turnover rate cuts much deeper than meets the eye, but these are some of the factors you should be aware of.

Lost productivity

When an employee leaves, their workload has to go somewhere. Either projects are halted altogether while the role remains vacant, or colleagues are forced to pick up the slack and spread themselves thin across multiple roles.

“When talented and knowledgeable employees leave, you run the risk of missing targets and seeing a negative impact on customer service while a replacement is recruited and trained,” Viviani said.

Stalled projects lead to delayed releases and lost revenue, so a reduction in turnover can spell the difference between meeting your quarterly goals or missing them entirely.

Depletedemployee morale

A team member’s departure can be a significant blow to employee morale, as losing a friend and colleague leaves a hole in the team dynamic. On top of that, employees may begin to look for problems; if someone they trust and respect decided to leave, should they consider it, too?

“For some employees, [losing a teammate] leads to frustration, resentment and burnout, and can prompt them to question whether they, too, should be looking for a new opportunity,” said Viviani.

Diminished employer brand

The reputation of being a revolving-door employer won’t attract job seekers. If anything, your open roles will draw in low-quality candidates — individuals who aren’t interested in a long-term position or who don’t care about making a significant impact. These employees can demotivate others and drive more new hires out the door shortly after they arrive.

More turnover

Turnover is cyclical. As mentioned above, an employee’s departure impacts the company culture and the workload of their teammates. Overworked, unengaged employees are more susceptible to burnout which generally leads to additional turnover. Regardless of industry and company, some turnover will always be par for the course, but preventing subsequent employee separations is crucial.

“For better or worse, turnover tends to happen in waves,” said Grill-Rachman. “Obviously, when one of those waves hits, morale can be impacted as more employees reevaluate their individual relationships to their workplaces.”

How to Calculate Employee Turnover Rate

To calculate employee turnover rate, you’ll need to know, within a given time period, the number of employee separations and the average number of employees present. The average number of employees can be determined by adding together the number of employees on the first day and the last day of the time period, then dividing that sum total by two.

Then, plug the above values into the following turnover rate formula:

Turnover rate = [(# of employee separations) / (average # of employees)] x 100

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Factors of High Employee Turnover

In order to evaluate the true cost of turnover at your company, you need to understand the aspects of your business that are likely contributing to your high rate of turnover. In extremely volatile times, the factors of turnover are exacerbated. Especially then, the following common causes of turnover cannot be overlooked.

Company culture

Employees can recognize a toxic company culture from a mile away, and they won’t be loyal to an employer that neglects to make improvements. In addition to role responsibilities, organizational culture is the bedrock of the employee experience. In fact, 34 percent of new hires who quit within the first 90 days from a job do so because of company culture not meeting expectations.

“While some periods of turnover are natural, chronically high turnover can be symptomatic of a company culture that leadership needs to act quickly to remedy,” Grill-Rachman said.

Managers and leadership

Managers interact with their direct reports regularly, so it makes sense that they have a significant impact on employees’ overall engagement.

“In today’s work environment, managers are the biggest drivers of culture,” Grill-Rachman said. “Employees have expectations of their managers, and they are rightfully more scrutinized for the kind of environments they create.”

In order for a business to be successful, every member of the team must have confidence in the leadership team and feel valued. Otherwise, employees will look elsewhere.

Lack of growth opportunities

A career plateau is a driving force of voluntary employee turnover. It’s widely understood that professional growth is not limited to upward mobility. However, if there aren’t opportunities for continual learning or employee development, you’ll quickly lose top performers who are eager to advance. Of employees looking to quit, 66 percent cite a lack of career advancement opportunities as their reason for leaving.

“Leaders are contributing to high turnover when they’re doing things like not helping employees play to their strengths, or not providing regular feedback and development opportunities,” said Viviani.

One-way communication

Employees want (and deserve) to have their voices heard. Two-way communication between team members and senior leaders is vital to creating a positive work culture. A lack of transparency when it comes to company performance and team strategy can cause employees to lose faith in their leaders and question whether their ideas are taken into consideration.

Neglecting to ask employees for their ideas and opinions will drive them to look for a new company; companies implementing regular employee feedback see 14.9 percent lower turnover rates.

Lack of employee recognition

Failing to recognize employee achievements and celebrate successes will make your people feel undervalued. If they believe that their contributions to the company aren’t appreciated, they’ll begin to disengage from their work and seek employment elsewhere. Research shows that companies that have formal employee recognition programs see 31 percent less voluntary turnover than companies without.

How to Reduce Employee Turnover

The good news: turnover is preventable. One thing to keep in mind when striving to reduce employee turnover is that the little things at a company matter, and can result in a significant uptick in engagement. And as we know, engaged employees stick around.

Use these following tips as a guide for how to improve retention.


Implementing an employee recognition program is a low-lift strategy to increase engagement and reduce turnover, as employees who feel more appreciated by employers are less likely to leave. Recognition can be seamlessly integrated into feedback sessions between managers and their direct reports.

Still, go above and beyond by establishing a formal employee recognition program complete with employee spotlights and peer-to-peer recognition opportunities. Leverage your communication platforms to encourage employees to give shoutouts to and thank their colleagues for a job well done. Rewards are another great way to recognize employees for their accomplishments, and they don’t have to be limited solely to monetary prizes.


Assuming employees are engaged and happy is the first mistake most employers make. Give your people the opportunity to raise concerns and address issues before they become deal-breakers.

“Don’t only focus on ‘flight risks’ but rather, keep a pulse check on how your current employees are feeling by setting up a check-in on a regular basis,” Grill-Rachman said.

Thanks to software developments, it’s never been easier to implement regular employee engagement surveys for collecting anonymous feedback. Conduct stay interviews to keep tabs on what keeps great employees around. You can further automate your feedback process by implementing one of these top employee engagement tools.


Values are the backbone of a strong company culture. When done correctly, core values guide business decisions, give purpose to your mission statement and inform how employees interact with one another. Furthermore, having an agreed-upon, public-facing list of core values ensures you hire the right people and continue to cultivate a positive work culture as your business scales.

Take the time to carefully consider your list of core values. Engage the leadership team, members of the HR department and some of your most-tenured employees to be a part of the conversation. Keep your list of values concise so as to be intentional and actionable. Once the list is finalized, instruct your team in the new core values and make value training a part of your onboarding process.


In addition to being able to see the impact of their own work on the organization’s success, employees want to work for a company that’s making a difference. Finalize your company mission so every individual is working toward a common goal beyond just profit margins.

“Understand what motivates your people, and how to get the best out of them,” said Viviani. “Show your people the future they can have with your company by expanding their skills and experiences while staying with you.”


The benefits and perks you offer are an integral part of your employee value proposition (EVP) and a direct reflection of your company culture.

“While it’s true that many companies are offering sky-high salaries and bonuses to win talent, that won’t keep them in the long run,” Grill-Rachman said. “Invest in your employees, not just new hires, by providing perks programs, strong healthcare benefits and generous PTO.”

Use information collected during exit and stay interviews to refine your employer offerings with benefits that employees want. Showing you care about your people as human beings, not just employees, will help you earn their trust and respect as an empathetic employer. This reputation will also help you attract and retain great talent; 88 percent of employees feel that empathetic leadership creates loyalty among employees toward their company.


One of the most effective, yet frequently overlooked, solutions to turnover is an exit interview process. Don’t squander the opportunity to learn from your mistakes as an employer by dismissing a great employee without asking them where you went wrong. When they’re headed out the door, employees are more likely to be candid about their grievances and provide honest feedback. You can then use this information to make improvements that matter to employees who are sticking around.

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Sunny Betz contributed reporting to this story.

The True Costs of Employee Turnover (2024)


What is the real cost of employee turnover? ›

The true cost of employee turnover involves much more than just recruiting-related expenses. In fact, when an employee leaves, it can cost from one-half to two times that worker's annual salary to replace them.

What are the direct costs of employee turnover? ›

Direct turnover costs are related to finding, hiring, and training a new employee, as well as overseeing the exit process, or 'offboarding,' of the person leaving. Direct costs can be monetary, but they can also take the form of staff time or other resources.

What organizational costs are associated with employee turnover? ›

The costs of turnover are extremely high: it's estimated that losing an employee can cost a company one half to two times the employee's salary. Depending on the individual's level of seniority, the financial burden fluctuates.

What are the turnover costs? ›

Replacing an entry-level employee costs 30% - 40% of their annual salary. A mid-level employee 150% of their salary. And a highly skilled employee up to 400% of their salary. These general figures are helpful for making a point, and the point is that voluntary employee turnover is expensive.

Is it cheaper to keep an employee or hire a new one? ›

In short, when you retain an employee, your costs are much lower than hiring a new one. Your expenses are consistent: you pay for their salary, benefits, ongoing training and development, and raises. Hiring a new employee incurs a slew of additional costs that you won't recoup for years to come.

What is the true cost of an employee to the employer? ›

No one formula fits all types of businesses when it comes to employee costs. However, an employee typically costs 1.25 to 1.4 times the base salary. To calculate the total cost per employee, you multiply the base salary by 1.25 or 1.4.

What are two indirect costs of employee turnover? ›

Indirect costs relate to lost employee expertise, interrupted customer relationships, and impact to former colleague engagement and productivity. One key lesson of the Great Resignation reported by countless organizations is that turnover seemed to spread through their employee populations.

What is the average cost of turnover shrm? ›

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reported that on average it costs a company 6 to 9 months of an employee's salary to replace him or her. For an employee making $60,000 per year, that comes out to $30,000 - $45,000 in recruiting and training costs.

What is the employee cost turnover ratio? ›

The benchmark for staff costs as % of turnover can vary depending on the industry and company size. However, a general benchmark for this KPI is between 25-35% of turnover. If you find that the company is achieving between 25-35%, it is effectively managing its staffing costs and is operating efficiently.

How much money does a company lose when an employee quits? ›

In the US, when an employee quits, businesses spend 50 to 60 percent of the employee's annual salary to replace them, while the SHRM reports that the actual, total costs associated with individual turnovers can range from 90 to 200 percent of the employee's annual salary.

Which of the following is a direct cost associated with employee turnover? ›

Employee turnover is important to your business because of the associated costs , both direct and indirect. Directly, the cost of terminating employment, posting the job vacancy and recruitment of new staff are all significant in themselves, not to mention the impact that turnover has on productivity.

How much does HR cost per employee? ›

Benchmark your spend and investments

Most HR functions are spending between USD 1,350 and USD 3,800 per employee. This infographic details how HR functions are allocating their funds and resources.

What costs are associated with turnover? ›

In HR, we can separate the costs associated with turnover into indirect costs and direct costs. Direct turnover costs include the cost of leaving, replacement costs, and transition costs, while indirect turnover costs include the loss of production and reduced performance.

What are the negative effects of employee turnover? ›

High employee turnover has a direct impact on company revenue and profitability. The impact of high staff turnover includes decreased productivity, increased recruitment costs, avoidable time spent on training new employees, and lost sales.

What is the industry standard for cost of turnover? ›

What is the average cost of employee turnover (by position type)?
Position TypeAverage Replacement Cost
Entry-level/non-skilled30-50% of employee's annual salary
Service/production40-70% of employee's annual salary
Clerical/administrative50-80% of employee's annual salary
Skilled hourly75-100% of employee's annual salary
3 more rows
Jan 11, 2024

What is a realistic turnover rate? ›

According to recruiting giant Monster, "every firm should establish its unique ideal rate." Pro tip: It's important to note that turnover rates vary significantly from industry to industry. However, turnover rates should (ideally) be lower than 10%, which is a very healthy turnover rate across the board.

What is the average cost of turnover for shrm? ›

Research by SHRM suggests that replacement costs can be as high as 50%-60% with overall costs ranging anywhere from 90%-200%. Example: If an employee makes $60,000 per year then it costs an average of $30,000 - $45,000 just to replace that employee and roughly $54,000 - $120,000 in overall losses to the company.

How much does Gallup cost employee turnover? ›

According to Gallup, it can cost anywhere from half to twice an employee's annual salary to replace them.

What is the cost of turnover in DOL? ›

Across the 31 case studies included in our estimates, the median cost of turnover represented 23.5 percent of a worker's annual wage. For workers earning less than the 2019 average annual wage ($53,490), turnover costs made up 19.3 percent of their annual wage. services (32.7 percent) and hospitality (19.6 percent).

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