The Third Way (2024)


Franklin phones Lester.

(Voice only):
Franklin:Lester, dog. Man, we need to talk. I got a problem I need your help with. (sigh) Man, actually, f*ck it. Man, we all got a problem you can help us with.
(Voice only):
Calm down, alright? Come to my house.
Franklin:A'ight, a'ight, I'm coming.

Franklin heads to Lester's House in Murrieta Heights.

Lester:What's the panic, bro?
Franklin:What the f*ck do you think? Man, imagine the f*ckin' scenario that will f*ck things up the worst.
Lester:Boy, my mind is just racing. But, you know, I don't want to say something that's really exciting and then you have to act all deflated and say, "No, no, it's just that somebody got the same tattoo I got." So... why don't you just go ahead and tell me?
Franklin:Some motherf*cker wants me to kill Michael. Some other motherf*cker wants me to kill Trevor. I feel I can't kill both of 'em. Man, I'm f*cked, man. I don't know what the f*ck to do right now. Damn...
Lester:Well, I can see that. Who are the motherf*ckers?
Franklin:Steve Haines, this angry motherf*cker from the FIB, and Devin Weston, man. You know, that old, the uh...
Lester:Oh, that angry rich f*cker from whatever hole he hibernates in.
Lester:Alright, alright, I say... kill Michael, then kill Trevor.
Franklin:Man, are you for real?
Lester:You're f*cked! You know, I-I-I don't know!
Franklin:You know everything, dog.
Lester:I know, okay?! But I-I'm sorry, I guess this is it, y'know? I'm doing my best, man. I don't know how you can deal with both of them.
Franklin:I know, man.
Lester:sh*t. We're f*cked! Every single one of us is f*cked. Unless... okay, Steve Haines is under a lot of heat because of the shootings at Kortz Center, and Devin Weston's, A. Known to be a major asshole; and B. Known to be friendly with Don Percival, who runs Merryweather. I think, actually, Weston owns a piece of Merryweather. Right, 11%, pretty good for a pseudo-liberal owning a private army. So... they would both love to be involved in capturing the bullion that we just lifted. If I tell them both that you boys are at the foundry in Murrieta Heights melting it down, then maybe, maybe both of them will pay you a visit and bam! We turn it into a... a bust!
Franklin:I ain't got no better ideas.
Lester:Alright. I'm gonna get in touch with Michael and Trevor, you go to the foundry and get yourself set up.
Franklin:I gotcha.

Franklin leaves Lester's house and calls Lamar.

(Voice only):
Wassup homie?
Franklin:Man, things are kind of f*cked up right now, dog.
(Voice only):
It's all good, ni**a. Who better to have in a f*cked up situation than a f*cked up fool like me?
Franklin:Man, that's what the f*ck I wanted to hear. Hey, look, I'm coming to yo' crib to get your ass.
(Voice only):
I'm here.

Franklin goes to pick up Lamar at his place on Forum Drive, Strawberry.

Lamar:There he is! Where we going?
Franklin:We, uhhh, heading to the foundry place.

Franklin and Lamar drive to the Grand Banks Steel Foundry.

Franklin:Hey, look, hear me out, man. If it's too heavy for you, you can back out, no drama.
Lamar:Hit me with it.
Franklin:Man, we got a real problem, dog. My boys, man, well, we trying to save them.
Lamar:You actually doing something for your homies for a change? Hell yeah, I'm in. Who wanna clap your homies?
Franklin:Who don't, ni**a? These Chinese dudes, some FIB cats, the rich white asshole who scammed us on them cars...
Lamar:Devin Weston? That punk bitch?! Why didn't you say we was creepin' on him?
Franklin:We ain't creeping on him, ni**a. Least I don't think he goin' be there. We got to take all the heat he can throw at us before we worry 'bout how we coming back on his ass.
Lamar:But you is coming back, right?
Franklin:Oh, hell yeah, we creeping on that fool.
Lamar:Oh, so you ain't the mercurial motherf*cker you fronting as, huh?
Franklin:Man, I'm just trying to make something out of myself, dog. That don't change who my homies are, ni**a. It don't change my family.
Lamar:sh*t, ni**a, you getting me all emotional now, ni**a, might have to stop me from sucking your dick, ni**a.
Franklin:Oh, please, ni**a, f*ck off.
Lamar:Man, every fool in this town got somebody who want 'em clapped.
Franklin:Yeah, but that applies to some fools more than others.
Lamar:I heard that.
Franklin:Ni**a, I'm talking about you. Everybody in this town wanna take a pop at your ass.
Lamar:Ni**as lining up, camping and sh*t, trying to take a shot at the big chief.
Franklin:Ain't that the truth? But ain't nobody pissed off as many motherf*ckers as Michael and Trevor, dog.
Lamar:sh*t, ni**a, you play big, you stand to lose...
Franklin:Yeah, ain't that the truth?

Franklin and Lamar arrive at the foundry.

Franklin:Look, man, Michael and Trevor, they should be inside. Can you stay out here and let us know when the bad dudes is coming?
Lamar:I got it, man. I'll holla at you.

Franklin goes inside the foundry, and hears Michael and Trevor arguing.

Trevor:This could be it - our showdown with a private army, and you're bringing a rifle?
Michael:Yeah, I'm bringing a rifle. It's a good gun, it'll get the job done.
Trevor:That gun - it makes me think this is a setup.
Michael:It is a setup, we're setting up Merryweather and the FIB, making them think the metal's here.
Trevor:A setup for me. It's a weird gun and it's making me nervous. Put it down.
Michael:It's a good gun, and you asking me to put it down is making me nervous.
Trevor:Hey, I ain't the guy with a past history of giving up his friends.
Michael:You let the Chinese take me, didn't you?! You might be about to pull that again with Merryweather, for all I know.
Trevor:I was in an emotional state. I can't be blamed for my actions in Ludendorff.
Michael:Oh, well can I blame you for every day you didn't come and get me after that? I ain't putting my gun away.

Franklin approaches Michael and Trevor.

Franklin:Hey, man, what the f*ck am I doin' risking my ass to save y'all ass if you're just gonna kill each other?!
Michael:Hey, you're not saving me! You're saving him!
Trevor:Ah, you're saving this fat f*ck!
Franklin:Man, y'all gotta keep your f*ckin' heads right and end this sh*t. If not, man, I'll put bullets in both you motherf*ckers.

Franklin gets a phone call from Lamar.

Franklin:Hey, they here?
(Voice only):
I know 'em when I see 'em, homie. They creepin'.
Franklin:Alright, good.

Franklin hangs up.

Franklin:Y'all hear that? Now, if we doin' this sh*t, man, it's either now or never.
Michael:Come on, Trevor...
Trevor:f*ck it! (groans) Where do you want me?
Franklin:Alright, man, you go over there.
Michael:Alright, where do you want me?
Franklin:You hold your position right here.
Franklin:I'm gonna go over there.

Franklin, Michael and Trevor take their positions as the FIB tactical team enters the foundry.

FIB Agent:Secure the building. Watch your spectors.
Franklin:Chill, dog. You gotta wait.

The trio engages in a shootout with the FIB.

Trevor:It has begun!
  • Their reckoning is upon them!
Franklin:Let's do this! Let's end it!

The FIB tactical team is joined by Merryweather.

Franklin:Up on the catwalk - I think Merryweather are here!
Trevor:Merryweather coming out the door next to me! I got the drop on them. Thanks for coming, you pricks! Another attack!
Michael:The FIB and Merryweather are doing us a favor - taking each other out.

The trio keeps attacking FIB and Merryweather forces.

(Voice only):
Eh, eh... I think they see me, my ni**a. They goin' run up on me.
Michael:We got this. Go help your friend.
*Alright, alright. I'm coming, dog.
*I'll come at you any second!

Franklin heads outside to help Lamar.

(Voice only):

*I need some help, man, quick!
*SOS, ni**a, SOS
!*I need some help like, right now, homie.
*Hold tight, man - I'm on my way!
*Hold tight, dog. Please, hold tight.

Franklin helps Lamar deal with the FIB and Merryweather.

Franklin:Eh, these punks causing trouble? It wouldn't be right if I didn't have to save your ass just once.
Lamar:Save me? Ni**a, I just wanted some company.
(Voice only):
T. T, come in. Frank, I think T's in trouble. There's an FIB team where I last saw him, and he ain't responding.
Franklin:Man, I got to stay out here with Lamar. Can you get to him?
(Voice only):

Michael goes to help Trevor.

Michael:Fine, I'll try and find him.

Michael on his way to Trevor.

*Trevor, stop being a prick!
*Say something, Trevor!
*What's the problem, T?
*Talk to me, T!
*It's getting heavy out here, dudes!
*It's war zone, homies!
*They keep on coming up here!
*T, M, there's some serious sh*t going on down here where I'm at!

Michael finds Trevor.

*There you are. Man, you had me worried.
*There you are, you dick! What was your problem?
Trevor:I was a little winded, alright? I took a TO. It's nice to see you so worked up.
*Yeah, well don't do it again.
*Next time I will leave you to it.
Michael:Are we clear?
Trevor:Yeah, all clear. Frank, we're clear inside, moving to the exits.

Michael and Trevor go outside to help Franklin deal with more FIB and Merryweather units.

Michael:This is a sh*t show!
Trevor:We keep putting them down until they stop pulling up!

Franklin, Michael and Trevor kill the remaining FIB and Merryweather units.

Franklin:Eh, that could be all of 'em - look, let's regroup by that big loading bay.

Franklin, Michael and Trevor regroup by the loading bay.

Michael:(cough; sigh) Looks like we did it.
Franklin:sh*t, for now.
Michael:Yeah, exactly. For now.
Trevor:So, what's next, huh? Are we just gonna wait around 'till someone else comes to kill us? Or, are we gonna wait 'till this f*cker gets turned again?
Michael:Oh, bite me. Ain't anybody getting turned again, and you know it.
Franklin:Hey, man, the way I see it, we only just begun to clean this sh*t up. We got a lot of old friends I think need to be re-educated.
Trevor:A lot of friends! I mean, things could get really messy.
Michael:Nah, we just gotta silence a lot of noisy people.
Trevor:Well, let me see, there's uh...
Michael:Steve Haines.
Trevor:Dave Norton.
Michael:No, we need him alive.
Michael:So nobody f*cks with us afterwards.
Franklin:What about that Triad motherf*cker, the one that thinks you two boys is datin'? sh*t, you know he bound to come back.
Michael:Yep, there's that.
Trevor:Well, who's the uh... the guy who set up Lamar? Hmm?
Franklin:Stretch? We wanna throw him in?
Michael:Yeah, Trevor will throw anyone in just to satisfy his bloodlust.
Trevor:Whoa, hey! It's called a f*ckin' loose end, alright? Now, if we're gonna be men of peace and tranquility, we tie up loose ends.
Franklin:(sigh) Man, Stretch has been a liability.
Michael:But then we're gonna have to take care of our old pals Devin Weston and Steve Haines.
Franklin:Oh, f*ck, what a mess, man.
Michael:Well, let's get it cleaned up. How about you get Lester on the line?

Franklin phones Lester.

(Voice only):
Who is this? Stop calling this number!
Franklin:Hey, it's me, dog.
(Voice only):
Ha, you're alive! I thought someone might have your phone.
Franklin:No, no, but look, I got you on speakerphone.
(Voice only):
Oh, did Mike make it?
Michael:Yeah, I'm here.
(Voice only):
And the other one?
Trevor:Grrr, I'll see you put in the ground, Wheels!
(Voice only):
Uh-huh. You erm, just calling for a chat?
Michael:No, we got some work to do. Can you get us some whereabouts?
(Voice only):
Well, I'll do my best. Who?
Michael:Steve Haines, to start.
Franklin:And Devin Weston's ass.
Trevor:And, uh... Wei Cheng. W-E-I C-H-E-N-G. Wei Cheng, Wei Cheng! And Franklin's pal, Stretch.
(Voice only):
Huh, Stretch?
Franklin:Yeah, man. Look, his real name is Harold Joseph.
(Voice only):
Okay, well. I can tell you that Agent Haines is taping his show over on Del Perro Pier. Shooting permit came up immediately.
Trevor:Shotgun! Woo! I wanted to ice that f*cker since the moment I met him.

Trevor heads to his truck.

(Voice only):
Alright, alright... Ah, I got a signal from Mr. Harold Joseph's phone over at the B.J. Smith Recreation Center.
Michael:No, I got him, I got him. Let's keep him clear of known associates.
Franklin:Alright, thanks, dog.
Michael:You got it.

Michael heads to his car.

Franklin:What you got for me?
(Voice only):
Tao Cheng's credit card just bought a magnum at the beach club in Pacific Bluffs.
Franklin:Okay, I'll go ask his ass about his punk-ass dad.

Franklin gets onto his bike.

(Voice only):
And when I find Mr. Weston, I'll send the coordinates.
Franklin:Alright, good.

Franklin, Michael and Trevor split up and head off to kill Wei Cheng, Stretch and Steve Haines respectively.

NOTE: The following dialogue will play if the player sticks to Franklin or Trevor for their first target.

(Voice only):
Alright, we've made our plans, let's stick to them. We take out our assigned targets, any deviation will lead to confusion, and probably failure. We got one shot at this, guys.
Franklin:(if playing as Franklin) A'ight, let's do this sh*t.
Trevor:I got the best ones, so I ain't taking anyone else's.

If playing as Franklin, he will call Lamar.

Franklin:Eh, Lamar. That was above and beyond, homie.
(Voice only):
Ain't nothing above and beyond when it comes to the homies, homie. Heh, a ni**a just wanna be helpful, you heard me?
Franklin:I'm serious, dog. That's hood. Michael and Trevor too, we grateful. You a real homie and I love you, dog.
(Voice only):
You too, homie. You done with this bullsh*t now?
Franklin:Almost. A couple of loose ends.
(Voice only):
Oh sh*t, I know that voice. You creeping on some fools, huh? Alright, ni**a, well handle yo' candle.
Franklin:Lay low, my ni**a.

If playing as Trevor, he will call Ron.

(Voice only):
TP Enterprise main campus.
Trevor:Alright, Ron?
(Voice only):
What's happening, Trevor?
Trevor:We're undergoing a transition.
(Voice only):
Oh yeah?
Trevor:I think that Chinese problem might be taken care of, and there's money in the bank.
(Voice only):
Well, the O'Neils are gone, and the bikers ain't showed up again. So, we're rich, and at peace. Long as the forces of corporate darkness don't identify us as a threat, there's nothing to hold us back.
Trevor:Yeah, I guess we're all out of excuses.

Michael arrives at the B.J. Smith Recreational Center, where Stretch is talking to some Ballas members.

Stretch:Lamar Davis. Disrespectful ass motherf*cker's trying to break the order of things. Please. Pair of bitches. Only pair of bitches the Stretch tolerate, are the ones that worked his pole last night.
Ballas Member:Man, that's bullsh*t.
Stretch:You want to see? I'll show you right here, n***a, watch.
Michael:Alright, I'm at the courts, I think I know which one Stretch is.

Michael confronts Stretch and the Ballas.

*Hey! Lamar and Franklin send their best.
*I got a message from your homies, Lamar and Franklin.
*Hey, who this shakey white dude? Hey, where the f*ck y'all goin?
*Who's this peckerwood?
*Homies! Where the f*ck y'all goin?
Ballas Member:
*Hey, that's yo' problem, my n***a. My bad.
*Hey, man, that's yo' motherf*cking problem. He ain't f*cking with me, ni**a. I'm out.
*You one of them old dudes hangs with Franklin. Oh, okay, I get it.
*You disloyal motherf*ckers!
*Oh, sh*t, you one of Franklin's old-ass homies!

Michael kills Stretch and deals with the remaining Ballas members, either by escaping them or killing them.

Michael:I'm clear! Your pal Stretch - he ain't a problem no more, Frank.
(Voice only):
sh*t, he wasn't my pal, he was a dude who ganked us, homie. Thanks.

Trevor arrives at Del Perro Pier, Steve Haines' last confirmed location.

Trevor:I'm moving on Haines. Lest, see if you can patch me into his radio mike, I want a last reminder of what an annoying prick he is.

Steve Haines and his cameraman are riding the Ferris Whale, filming a segment for The Underbelly Of Paradise.

Steve:Los Santos. A city of saints, a city of sinners and nothing in between but the FIB. Cut! God, this is crap.
Cameraman:Who writes this bullsh*t, anyway?
Steve:Okay, alright. You got this framed right?
Cameraman:Yeah, you're looking great.
Steve:Is the chin? How's the chin?
Cameraman:Oh, sharp.
Steve:Alright, the audio's clean?
Cameraman:Nice, well say something.
Steve:Uh, check, check, check.
Cameraman:Yeah, it's great.
Steve:Okay, fine, we're on. I'm ready. You ready?
Steve:Alright, let's do this, people. I'm a professional, let's go. (clears throat) Hi, I'm Steve Haines. Hi, I'm...

If Trevor eavesdrops on Steve Haines...

Steve:This is Los Santos. A city of celluoid, a city of scumbags. The last great American melting pot. Two parts deluded fantasy, one part degenerate reality. Mix, and this is the result. Throw in a senior FIB agent and you've got a unique look of what's really going on under the hood. This is a land of dreams. But sometimes those dreams turn into nightmares, and... Stop! Cut!
Steve:Oh, God. That's a cliché, man. Dreams, dreams... that's a cliché. (over the earpiece) What? No, I know it's really good. Just do a cutaway. Nah, I'll pick it up. Nah, I'll pick it up, I got something good. (to cameraman) Ready?
Cameraman:We're rolling.
Steve:I'm Steve Haines, I'm Steve Haines... Throw in a senior FIB agent and you've got a unique look at what happens when dreams and reality collide. Hi, I'm Steve Haines. I've tracked down killers, attacked incompetence and taken down terrorist cells, and tonight... I'm in your living room. Boom! Got it.
Cameraman:That was strong. That was really strong.
Steve:Cool, let's do it, let's go home. Whew! Where's that girl, man? Where's that hot little girl with the clipboard?
Cameraman:I just saw her down there somewhere.
Steve:What? Hold on...(over the earpiece) I don't care that she's an intern. (chuckles) Now, just get this thing goin', alright? I wanna get out of here. Boom! Vinewood...

Trevor kills Steve Haines.
NOTE: The following dialogue will play if the cameraman was spared.

Cameraman:My God! The guy, what's-his-name, they shot him! Jesus f*cking Christ!
LSPD Dispatch:Requesting backup for a 187 at Del Perro Pier. Victim reported as FIB agent Steve Haines. Proceed with caution, suspect is a possible 918 Victor.

Trevor loses the cops.

Trevor:Hey, Lester, I dealt with Haines. You got a location on Devin Weston yet?
(Voice only):
Yeah, yeah, I do. Merryweather team was dispatched to protect him at his house in the Tongva Hills. I say house, it's more of a...
Trevor:Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll go up there and get him.

Franklin arrives at the Pacific Bluffs Country Club, where Wei Cheng and his son Tao are about to leave in a Washington, with their Triad bodyguards accompanying them in Cavalcades.

Wei Cheng:(in Chinese) Enough talk. I will take care of this private business in a private place.
Franklin:Hey, the old man's here, he's leaving the beach club, Imma do it now.

Franklin kills Wei and his bodyguards.

Franklin:Hey, I got out clean - you dudes ain't goin' have no more Triads coming after you.
(Voice only):
We ain't gonna have anyone to sell superweapons to either, but hey ho.

The following lines depend on the order of the targets killed.

(Voice only):
Who's next?
(Voice only):
So, who we got, man?
(Voice only):
Who's up?
(Voice only):
(if Wei Cheng is still alive) Hey the boy, Cheng. Don't worry, I'm on him.
(Voice only):
(if Stretch and Steve Haines are still alive) We still got to do Stretch and Agent Haines.
(if Stretch and Wei Cheng are still alive) Stretch and Wei Cheng are still in play.
(if Stretch is still alive) Harold "Stretch" Joseph still outstanding. I'm taking care of him.
(Voice only):
(if Steve Haines and Wei Cheng are still alive) We got Wei Cheng and Agent Haines on the list.
(if Steve Haines is still alive) What happens next is plant Steve Haines in the dirt.
(if all three targets are dead) I'm picking up Devin Weston, so we can have some fun with him. Now don't worry, I won't get started 'till we're all together, not properly, at least.

After all three targets are killed, Trevor heads to Devin Weston's mansion in Tongva Hills, which is filled with Merryweather guards.

Devin:Hey, unless you've got news from the foundry team, I don't wanna be disturbed.

Trevor goes into the yard of Devin's mansion, either going in quietly or guns blazing. Either way, Trevor takes care of the guards before going to get Devin...

Devin:That's Trevor Philips, you idiots!

...whom he finds hiding in a trunk...

Devin:What do you mean all our operatives are dead?
I need a chopper right here, right now! Tell Don Percival to f*ck himself.
You want me to jack up interest in a business loan? Get a team to my place, stat.
Pull 'em out of the Congo Wind operations in the Middle East. I don't care.

...and pulls him out.

Devin:Wait, wait, hear me out!

Trevor punches Devin.

Trevor:No more talkie!

Trevor carries an unconscious Devin and puts him in the trunk of a black Tornado. Trevor then gets into the Tornado and drives off.

Trevor:I got Mr. Weston. Let's take him out of the city, make him disappear. Meet me on the cliffs off the GOH, Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness.

While Trevor drives to the rendezvous point at Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness, Devin wakes up in the trunk of the car.

*Whoa whoa whoa, what's going on? Where am I?
*Uhh! Where am I? What's happening?
You know, you're a-you're a resourceful guy, getting past those trained killers. I need someone like you in my organization.
Trevor:The CEO position's going to be vacant real soon, Slick.
Devin:I got nothing against you, apart from the obvious hygiene issues. Michael caused me problems, so Michael had to go.
Trevor:You're looking at it rationally - there are people who are useful to you, and people who ain't, and the people who ain't got to go. Me, I'm not rational. I don't care if you're useful or not. I feel like taking you out, Devo, so that's what I'm doing.
Devin:This is a serious offer! Work for me, you'll have everything you've ever wanted.
Trevor:All I've ever wanted is to watch you drift in and out of consciousness as you're slowly disemboweled.
Devin:Yes! Yes! That's the kind of creativity I need on my team. Come on, come on, let me out of here.
Trevor:Look, I got my own company - Trevor Phillips Industries...
Devin:Oh yeah, a-a-a-a fellow entrepreneur. Uh, let me buy a stake, uh, give you money to grow!
Trevor:I dunno if you heard, but I'm kinda gold rich right now, so you got precisely nothing to offer. Prepare for the end, my friend.
*You creepy bum!
*You're dead!
*Screw you!
*I'm going to get you!
*You're over!
*You're f*cked. f*cked!
*You - you don't know what you're getting into, pal!
*Let me out of this trunk!
*Name your price!
*You don't want me as an enemy!
*Hey, let me out!
*You're making a mistake!
*I got an army at my fingertips!
*Take the money! Let me go!
*You're a dead man!
*You don't want the fat man around either!
*Stop right now!
*Slow down, Slick! Think about this!
*Lemme out! Lemme out!
*Find a happy place, you zen co*ck!
*This is why the people I put in my trunk are usually dead.
*My friends won't be happy if I empty a clip into the trunk.
*Pipe down.
*I told them I wouldn't kill you, I didn't say anything about cutting your tongue out.
*Go meditate, you phoney prick!
*This is why people want to kill you - you won't shut up!

Trevor arrives at the rendezvous point.

Trevor:Here we are, Slick, with a few minutes for some one-on-one time.

Time passes to sunset. Trevor is waiting for others to arrive at the rendezvous point, with Michael being the first to arrive.

Michael:Hey! We good, T?
Trevor:Never better, amigo.
Michael:Ah, good.
Michael:Ah, he'll be here.

Michael lights up a cigarette and smokes for a bit.

Michael:(coughs) Ah.

Michael throws the cigarette into the ocean. Franklin soon arrives on his Bagger.

Franklin:Hey, what's up?
Michael:I assume you got him?

Trevor opens the trunk to reveal Devin Weston bound and gagged.

Trevor:Safe and sound! Ain't that right, buddy?
Michael:(not in subtitles) Whoa!
Franklin:Hey, my bad, homie. I picked C, ain't that a bitch?
Michael:You know, Devin, the way I see it, and hey, I'm no intelligent businessman like you, but the way I see it, there's two great evils that bedevil American capitalism of the type that you practice. Number one is outsourcing. You paid a private company to do your dirty work for ya, and then you underpaid that company because you thought you were big enough and bad enough that you didn't have to play by the rules. Oh, number two: offshoring your profits.
Michael:Oh, it's horrible. You wouldn't want to be sent offshore just to save a little money, would you, T?
Trevor:Oh no, I wouldn't.
Michael:Franklin? Would you wanna?
Franklin:Oh, nah, I ain't goin' nowhere.
Michael:No, see, but we know your opinions on the matter, Devin. Keep your problems the f*ck out of America, huh? (chuckles)
Trevor:In this instance, when he puts it like that, it makes sense.
Michael:Course it does. Hey, Devin... Goodbye, my old friend. Thanks for all the advice.

Michael closes the car's trunk.

Franklin:Bye bye.

Michael, Franklin and Trevor push Devin's Tornado into the ocean, where it hits some rocks, and then explodes after a few seconds.

Trevor:So now what?
Michael:(sigh) Now we keep a low profile and get on with our lives.
Trevor:As friends.
Michael:What, do I have a choice?
Trevor:Nah, not really.
Michael:Alright, then. As uh... flawed, awful, totally uncomfortable and poorly matched friends. Absolutely.
Trevor:Well, that's perfect. Then we can get back to the kind of capitalism we practice.
Franklin:sh*t, I don't know how much more better that is than Devin's kind.
Michael:Ooh, hypocrisy, Franklin. Civilization's greatest virtue.
Trevor:Jesus, your therapist has a lot to answer for.
Michael:I know, I still hate myself... but hey, at least I know the words for it now.
Trevor:Yeah, but I hate you and I know the words for it. So does that mean I don't have to go to therapy?
Franklin:Look, man. You two motherf*ckers terrify me of that middle age. I'm good.
Michael:You're right to be afraid, Franklin.
Michael:Be very afraid, Franklin!

Franklin gets on his bike and rides away.

Michael:I'll tell you one thing, T. I'm getting too old for this nonsense.

Michael gets into his car and drives away, leaving Trevor alone, who soon walks away. Cue end credits.

The Third Way (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.