The STEM Labor Force of Today: Scientists, Engineers, and Skilled Technical Workers | NSF (2024)

STEM Labor Market Conditions and the Economy

Indicators of labor market conditions and salaries provide information on economic rewards and the overall attractiveness of STEM careers. Data suggest that labor market outcomes are generally favorable for workers in STEM occupations compared to workers in non-STEM occupations. Despite variation by occupation and level of education, workers in STEM occupations tend to have higher salaries and lower unemployment rates than their non-STEM counterparts.

This section examines the unemployment, working involuntarily part time or in a position not in one’s degree field, salary, and distribution of STEM workers throughout the U.S. economy. It also presents data on the labor market outcomes of workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher in a subset of STEM occupations—that is, S&E and S&E-related occupations. (See the Glossary section for definitions of S&E occupations and S&E-related occupations.) The primary data source for the analysis of STEM workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher, NCSES’s NSCG, does not separately identify workers in middle-skill occupations from those in non-STEM occupations. (See the Glossary section for definitions of middle-skill occupations and non-STEM occupations.) Hence, workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher in non-S&E occupations include those in middle-skill and non-STEM occupations. (See the Glossary section for definition of non-S&E occupations.)


The unemployment rate is a long-standing key labor market indicator used to measure the performance of the labor market and the strength of the economy (ILO 2019). The unemployment rate is defined as the proportion of the labor force—people who are either working or actively looking for work—who are not working (BLS 2020b). People who are not looking for a job, such as a stay-at-home parent, are not included in the labor force.

Many factors contribute to unemployment. Frictional unemployment causes the unemployment rate to be nonzero and is the result of temporary transitions in workers’ lives, such as when a worker moves to a new city and must find a job or a recent college graduate enters the job market (Dubina 2017). Structural unemployment can be caused by a mismatch in worker skills and available jobs, such as occurs in industries undergoing technological advancements. Seasonal unemployment is caused by different industries or parts of the labor market being available during different seasons or times of the year, such as agricultural jobs during the fall, when crops are harvested, or retail sales jobs during the winter holiday season. Cyclical unemployment is caused by declining demand and is usually associated with times of recession in the business cycle.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic was not part of the business cycle, it caused short-term unemployment similar to cyclical unemployment. The long-term, structural impact of the crisis has yet to be determined. Beginning around April 2020, unemployment rose in the United States as many businesses, and society in general, shut down or self-quarantined to prevent the rapid spread of COVID-19. However, unemployment rates differed by occupation and level of education. (See sidebar STEM and Non-STEM Unemployment in the Time of COVID-19.)

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STEM and Non-STEM Unemployment in the Time of COVID-19

In 2020, the world experienced a pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus and its associated illness, COVID-19. The extremely contagious nature of the virus and the severity of its symptoms, resulting in death in some cases, led to widespread stay-in-place orders in the United States and many countries around the world to prevent the spread of the disease. In response to the stay-in-place orders, many businesses, including stores and restaurants, temporarily shut down, people worked from home, and children finished the school year online. Unemployment rates rose dramatically in a very short period;* however, these rates differed by occupation, and workers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations tended to fare better during the crisis than their counterparts in non-STEM occupations. Based on monthly unemployment rates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2020 Current Population Survey (CPS) (Flood et al. 2020), this sidebar examines the impact of the pandemic on unemployment rates by occupation group.

While unemployment rates spiked between March and April of 2020 and remained high compared to their pre-pandemic levels, unemployment rates for those in the STEM labor force (16–75 years old) were well below those of the non-STEM labor force (Figure LBR-A). STEM unemployment jumped from about 3% in March to 9% in April of 2020 but remained lower than the double-digit rates experienced by those in non-STEM occupations. Between March and April, the non-STEM unemployment rate increased from about 5% to 16%, remained in the double-digit range through July 2020, and declined to under 10% in August and September 2020.


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Monthly unemployment rates, by workforce: 2020

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Month Total STEM Non-STEM
January 3.7 2.3 4.1
February 3.5 2.3 3.9
March 4.2 2.8 4.7
April 14.1 9.1 15.7
May 12.6 7.7 14.1
June 10.7 6.7 11.9
July 9.9 6.0 11.2
August 8.1 5.0 9.0
September 7.3 4.3 8.2

STEM = science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Data include workers ages 16–75 and exclude those in military occupations or currently enrolled in primary or secondary school. Data are not seasonally adjusted.


Flood S, King M, Rodgers R, Ruggles S, Warren JR, Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS), Current Population Survey: Version 7.0 (2020), IPUMS, 2020,

Science and Engineering Indicators

Except for non-STEM workers without a bachelor’s degree, all other segments of the labor force had unemployment rates below 5% before April 2020 (Figure LBR-B). The unemployment rate for those with at least a bachelor’s degree in the STEM labor force never rose above 6% during the pandemic period from April through September. In contrast, all other groups reached close to double-digit unemployment at their peak. However, the STEM labor force without a bachelor’s degree fared much better than their non-STEM counterparts. The unemployment rate for the STEM labor force without a bachelor’s degree peaked at 13% in April, whereas the unemployment rate for their non-STEM counterparts without a bachelor’s degree peaked at 19%. Although unemployment rates have declined for all groups, the non-STEM labor force without a bachelor’s degree continues to face severe unemployment rates, reaching 10% in September 2020. Thus, employment for the STEM labor force, regardless of education level, was more secure than that for the non-STEM labor force during this period of the pandemic. However, it is important to note that some preliminary analysis suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected women more than men in the STEM workforce (Andersen et al. 2020; Myers et al. 2020).


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Monthly unemployment rates, by workforce and educational level: 2020

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Month STEM workers with a bachelor's degree or higher Non-STEM workers with a bachelor's degree STEM workers without a bachelor's degree (STW) Non-STEM workers without a bachelor's degree
January 1.7 2.2 2.9 5.1
February 1.3 2.2 3.2 4.9
March 1.9 2.7 3.7 5.9
April 5.4 9.8 12.8 19.3
May 4.6 8.7 10.8 17.4
June 4.7 8.6 8.8 13.9
July 4.1 8.7 7.8 12.7
August 3.4 6.7 6.6 10.5
September 2.7 5.6 5.9 9.8

STEM = science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; STW = skilled technical workforce.


Data include workers ages 16–75 and exclude those in military occupations or currently enrolled in primary or secondary school. Data are not seasonally adjusted.


Flood S, King M, Rodgers R, Ruggles S, Warren JR, Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS), Current Population Survey: Version 7.0 (2020), IPUMS, 2020,

Science and Engineering Indicators

* See for more information on the rise of unemployment in April 2020. Accessed 11 November 2020.


The STEM labor force has historically experienced lower annual unemployment rates than the overall labor force (Figure LBR-11). The BLS CPS (Flood et al. 2020) shows that although all groups experienced relatively high unemployment rates following the Great Recession (2007–2009), the unemployment rate for the STEM labor force was consistently less than that for the total and non-STEM labor forces. By 2019, unemployment rates declined for all broadly defined occupational groups but were lowest for the STEM labor force (2.2%) and for those with a bachelor’s degree or higher (2.3%). Unemployment was highest for workers in the total (3.7%) and non-STEM labor forces (3.6%).


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Unemployment rate in each workforce: 2011–19

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Year Total Bachelor's degree or higher Non-STEM total STEM total
2011 8.9 4.6 8.6 6.4
2012 8.0 4.2 7.7 5.7
2013 7.4 3.9 7.0 4.9
2014 6.1 3.4 5.9 3.8
2015 5.3 2.8 5.1 3.3
2016 4.9 2.6 4.7 3.1
2017 4.3 2.5 4.3 2.7
2018 3.9 2.3 3.8 2.5
2019 3.7 2.3 3.6 2.2

STEM = science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Data include workers ages 16–75 and exclude those in military occupations or currently enrolled in primary or secondary school. Unemployment rates for total and those with a bachelor's degree or higher do not include responses without an occupation.


Flood S, King M, Rodgers R, Ruggles S, Warren JR, Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS), Current Population Survey: Version 7.0 [2011–19], IPUMS (2020),

Science and Engineering Indicators

On average, the STEM labor force at all education levels experienced lower unemployment rates compared to their non-STEM counterparts. The STEM labor force with a bachelor’s degree or higher had lower rates throughout the decade than the non-STEM labor force with a bachelor’s degree (Figure LBR-12). The NSCG further indicates that unemployment rates for the labor force with a bachelor’s degree or higher varied within major occupational categories in S&E and by degree levels. For example, individuals with their highest degree at the doctoral or professional level were generally less vulnerable to unemployment than those with a bachelor’s as their highest degree (Table SLBR-7). The STEM labor force without a bachelor’s degree also had lower rates than their non-STEM counterparts. By 2019, 2.8% of the STEM labor force without a bachelor’s degree, or the STW, were unemployed compared to 4.3% of non-STEM labor force without a bachelor’s degree, indicating the relative strength of jobs requiring technical skills and expertise (Figure LBR-12).


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Unemployment rate in each workforce, by degree attainment: 2011–19

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Year Non-STEM, bachelor's degree or higher Non-STEM, without a bachelor's degree STEM, bachelor's degree or higher STEM, without a bachelor's degree (STW)
2011 4.8 10.3 3.3 8.5
2012 4.4 9.2 3.1 7.5
2013 4.0 8.4 2.8 6.5
2014 3.5 7.0 2.4 4.9
2015 2.9 6.2 2.1 4.3
2016 2.6 5.7 1.8 4.1
2017 2.6 5.2 1.7 3.6
2018 2.4 4.6 1.7 3.1
2019 2.4 4.3 1.6 2.8

STEM = science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; STW = skilled technical workforce.


Data include workers ages 16–75 and exclude those in military occupations or currently enrolled in primary or secondary school. Unemployment rates for total and those with a bachelor's degree or higher do not include responses without an occupation.


Flood S, King M, Rodgers R, Ruggles S, Warren JR, Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS), Current Population Survey: Version 7.0 [2011–19], IPUMS (2020),

Science and Engineering Indicators

Working Involuntarily Part Time or Out of One’s Field of Highest Degree

Working involuntarily out of field (IOF) or involuntarily part time (IPT) can sometimes indicate underutilization of labor and can be viewed as one indicator of economic inefficiencies that arise from labor market stress. Individuals work outside of their highest degree field or part time for a variety of reasons. Labor market conditions, such as availability of suitable work or career and personal reasons, influence these employment choices (NSB 2016; NSB 2018; Stenard and Sauermann 2016). Those who reported working outside of the field of their highest degree because suitable work in their degree field was not available are referred to as IOF workers, and their number compared to all employed individuals is the IOF rate.

Another dimension of labor underutilization is working part time because full-time employment was not available. The IPT rate is the number of workers working part time because full-time work was unavailable compared to all employed individuals. The IOF rate applies only to workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher, whereas the IPT rate applies more generally to all workers regardless of educational attainment. However, the IOF and IPT rates discussed in this report are only for workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher reported in the 2019 NSCG.

In 2019, about 4% of S&E highest degree holders were IPT, and 7% were IOF. Although the IPT rates have been fairly stable since 2010, the IOF rates have declined (Table SLBR-8). Similar to other labor market outcomes, IOF rates vary by degree levels and S&E fields of study. Those with their highest degree in engineering or computer and mathematical sciences have lower IOF rates than those with their highest degree in physical, life, or social sciences. Additionally, those with their highest degree in engineering have a lower IPT rate than all other fields. For all S&E highest degree holders, the IOF rate and IPT rate are generally stable across most of the career cycle (Figure LBR-13).


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S&E highest degree holders working involuntarily part time and out of field, by years since highest degree: 2019

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Years since highest degree Working involuntarily part time (IPT) Working involuntarily out of field (IOF) of highest degree
1–4 5.3 7.0
5–9 3.6 9.2
10–14 2.3 7.1
15–19 3.6 5.2
20–24 3.8 5.5
25–29 2.0 6.5
30–34 3.6 5.2
35 or more 5.1 8.1

The IPT rate is the proportion of all employed individuals with a bachelor's degree or higher who reported working part time because a full-time job was not available. The IOF rate is the proportion of all employed individuals with a bachelor's degree or higher who reported working in a job not related to their field of highest degree because a job in that field was not available.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG), 2019.

Science and Engineering Indicators


The wages that people earn fuel the economy and give workers the ability to support themselves and their families. STEM workers have higher median salaries than their non-STEM counterparts ($55,000 compared to $33,000) (Figure LBR-14). Data from the ACS show that this pattern holds regardless of education level. STEM workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher have a median salary that is 47% greater than that of non-STEM workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher. The STW earns 60% more at the median than non-STEM workers without a bachelor’s degree.


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Median salaries, by workforce and education level: 2019

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(Current dollars)

Education level STEM Non-STEM
All education levels 55,000 33,000
Without a bachelor's degree 43,200 27,000
With a bachelor's degree or higher 78,000 53,000

STEM = science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Data include workers ages 16–75 and exclude those in military occupations or currently enrolled in primary or secondary school.


U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS), 2019, Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), data as of 25 October 2020.

Science and Engineering Indicators

Across all educational levels, the BLS (2017, 2020c) Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) show that workers in S&E occupations earn considerably more than the overall workforce. The median annual salary in 2019 for all workers in S&E occupations (regardless of education level or field) was $88,720, which is more than double the median for all U.S. workers ($39,810) (Table LBR-3). This reflects the high level of formal education and technical skills associated with S&E occupations.


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Annual salaries in S&E and S&E-related occupations: 2016–19

(Current dollars and annual growth rate)

STEM = science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Survey employment data do not cover employment in some sectors of the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting industry; in private households; or among self-employed individuals. As a result, the data do not represent total U.S. employment. Non-S&E occupations include middle-skill and non-STEM occupations. Other S&E-related workers include actuaries, architects (except naval), postsecondary architecture teachers, and cartographers and photogrammetrists.


Bureau of Labor Statistics, special tabulations (2017 and 2020) of the 2016 and 2019 OES Survey.

Science and Engineering Indicators

Salaries of S&E and S&E-related workers varied across detailed occupational categories. Among workers in S&E occupations, those in computer and mathematical science had the highest median salaries in 2019 at $103,900 (Table LBR-3). Salaries for workers in S&E-related occupations displayed similar patterns of higher earnings compared to the overall workforce. Health-related occupations, the largest segment of S&E-related occupations, cover a wide variety of workers ranging from physicians, surgeons, and practitioners to nurses, therapists, pharmacists, and health technicians. As a result, these occupations display a large variation in salary levels from a median of $73,300 to $205,590.

Across broad degree fields reported in the NSCG, workers with an S&E or S&E-related degree earn more across most career stages compared to workers with a non-S&E degree (Figure LBR-15). This earning premium, as measured by median salaries, varies by degree level with S&E master’s and doctoral degree holders earning more at nearly all stages of the career cycle compared to bachelor’s degree holders (Figure LBR-16). Additionally, the earnings premium of doctoral degree holders remains high at the end of the career cycle, whereas bachelor’s degree or master’s degree holders have mostly decreased earnings at the end of the career cycle.


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Median salaries for workers with a bachelor's degree or higher, by broad field of degree and years since highest degree: 2019

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(Thousands of current dollars)

Years since highest degree S&E field S&E-related field Non-S&E field
1–4 51 61 48
5–9 70 72 60
10–14 85 84 70
15–19 95 80 75
20–24 96 90 72
25–29 95 90 70
30–34 96 83 70
35 or more 70 75 50

National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG), 2019.

Science and Engineering Indicators


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Median salaries of S&E highest degree holders, by degree level and years since highest degree: 2019

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(Thousands of current dollars)

Years since highest degree Bachelor's Master's Doctorate
1–4 40 60 70
5–9 55 84 92
10–14 70 100 108
15–19 80 104 108
20–24 90 116 120
25–29 85 110 130
30–34 95 101 128
35 or more 71 88 120

National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG), 2019.

Science and Engineering Indicators

Recent Graduates

The current economy is marked by rapid information flow and development of new knowledge, products, and processes. Thus, demand for certain skills and abilities may change fast. The employment outcomes of recent graduates—defined in this section as those between 1 year and 5 years since receiving their highest degree—are an important indicator of labor market conditions for more current entrants to the labor market.

Recent S&E graduates experience different labor market outcomes from more established graduates, and this experience differs between degree levels and broad fields. In 2019, the NSCG shows that recent S&E graduates had a higher unemployment rate (4.2%) (Table SLBR-9) than all scientists and engineers (2.6%) (Table SLBR-7). However, the IOF rate was approximately the same for recent S&E graduates (7.1%) (Table SLBR-9) compared to all S&E highest degree holders (6.9%) (Table SLBR-8).

Unemployment and IOF rates for recent doctoral recipients (up to 3 years after receiving a doctorate) vary across SEH fields (Table SLBR-10). For example, according to NCSES’s (2021c) SDR, 2019 unemployment among doctorates in life sciences was 1.4%, and it was 3.7% among those with doctorates in the social sciences. In addition, social sciences doctorates also had a relatively high IOF rate (4.0%) compared to engineering doctorates (1.7%).

Earnings of recent SEH doctorates vary by field as well as by position type and employment sector. For example, median salaries for SEH doctorates who received their doctorate within the past 5 years ranged from $51,000 for postdoctoral positions in 4-year institutions to $110,000 for those employed in the business sector (Table LBR-4). Although each sector exhibited substantial internal variation by SEH field of training, those working in business or industry were the most highly paid within an SEH field.


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Median salaries for recent SEH doctorate recipients up to 5 years after receiving degree, by field of degree and employment sector: 2019

(Current dollars)

s = suppressed for reasons of confidentiality and/or reliability.

SEH = science, engineering, and health.


Salaries are rounded to the nearest $1,000. Data include graduates from 19 months to 60 months prior to the survey reference date. The 2-year or precollege institutions include 2-year colleges and community colleges or technical institutes and also preschool, elementary, middle, or secondary schools. The 4-year institutions include 4-year colleges or universities, medical schools, and university-affiliated research institutes.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR), 2019.

Science and Engineering Indicators

Postdoctoral Positions

For many SEH doctoral recipients, a postdoctoral appointment (generally known as a postdoc) is the first position held in the STEM workforce after receiving their doctorate. Postdoc positions are defined as temporary, short-term positions intended primarily for acquiring additional training in an academic, government, industry, or nonprofit setting. Individuals in postdoc positions often perform cutting-edge research and receive valuable training (Dorenkamp and Weiss 2018).

In many SEH fields, faculty positions and nonacademic positions require postdoctoral experience (Sauermann and Roach 2016). However, the extent to which a postdoc appointment is part of an individual’s career path varies greatly across SEH fields. The Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) shows that postdocs have historically been more common in life sciences and physical sciences than in other fields, such as social sciences and engineering (Table SLBR-11) (NCSES 2020b). Based on the 2019 SDR, salaries for this population up to five years after receiving their doctorate vary by field of doctorate, and the median salary for postdocs ($53,000) was just over half the median salary for individuals in non-postdoc positions ($94,000) (Table LBR-5).


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Median salaries for recent SEH doctorate recipients in postdoctoral and non-postdoctoral positions up to 5 years after receiving degree: 2019

(Current dollars)

SEH = science, engineering, and health.


Data include graduates from 19 months to 60 months before the survey reference date. Salaries are rounded to the nearest $1,000.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR), 2019.

Science and Engineering Indicators

The estimated number of postdocs varies depending on the data source used. No single data source measures the entire population of postdocs. NCSES’s (2021e) 2019 Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering (GSS) reports that 66,247 doctorates were employed as postdocs and conducting research in SEH fields at U.S. academic institutions and their affiliated research centers and hospitals (NCSES GSS 2019: Table 2-1). This is a 2% increase from 2017, when there were 64,783 postdocs in SEH fields (NCSES GSS 2018: Table 2-1).

Women and temporary visa holders are highly represented in the SEH postdocs. Of the 66,247 academic postdoc positions in SEH fields in 2019, women accounted for 41% (NCSES GSS 2019: Table 2-1). Over half of these postdocs are temporary visa holders. Among postdocs in engineering, however, the proportion of women was only 24%, and the proportion of temporary visa holders was 68% (NCSES GSS 2019: Table 1-2c and Table 1-3c).

Employment Sectors

STEM workers and those with education or training in STEM make contributions across all sectors of the economy, including in the business, education, and government sectors. Data from the 2019 NSCG show that the business sector employs nearly three-fourths of workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher in S&E or S&E-related occupations or with their highest degree in S&E or S&E-related fields. The dominance of the business sector in employment extends to all workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher, regardless of type of occupation (Table SLBR-12).

The education sector, including private and public institutions, is the second largest employer of scientists and engineers (18%). However, among scientists and engineers in the education sector, workers in S&E occupations or with their highest degrees in S&E fields are employed in the education sector at lower proportions (15%–16%) compared to scientists and engineers overall. These differences are largely due to lower proportions of S&E workers and S&E highest degree holders in 2-year and precollege institutions. Sectoral employment of S&E highest degree holders and S&E workers has been quite stable since the early 1990s (Table SLBR-13).

Some differences exist in the concentration of particular groups of S&E workers across employment sectors (Figure LBR-17, Table SLBR-14, Table SLBR-15, Table SLBR-16). For-profit businesses employ 60% or more workers with an S&E highest degree at all degree levels except S&E doctorate holders. Only 37% of S&E highest degree holders at the doctorate level are employed by for-profit businesses, which is similar to the proportion employed by 4-year education institutions (38%) (Figure LBR-17).


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S&E highest degree holders, by degree level and employment sector: 2019

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Degree level 4-year institutions 2-year and precollege institutions Federal government State and local government Self-employed, unincorporated businesses Nonprofit organizations For-profit businesses
All degree levels 8.6 6.7 4.9 6.0 5.7 8.0 60.3
Bachelor's 5.0 6.2 4.6 6.5 6.1 8.1 63.7
Master's 8.8 9.0 6.0 5.6 4.3 8.0 68.3
Doctorate 38.1 4.3 6.6 2.2 4.9 6.9 36.9

All degree levels include professional degrees not shown separately.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG), 2019.

Science and Engineering Indicators

Geographic Distribution of the STEM Workforce

The availability of skilled workers is an important indicator of a region’s population, productivity, and technological growth (Carlino, Chatterjee, and Hunt 2001; Glaeser and Saiz 2003). Spatial differences in access to a well-educated workforce and strong innovation sector can contribute to growing inequalities across American communities (Moretti 2013). The BLS (2020c) OES data, which include workers at all education levels, show that the number of STEM workers in S&E occupations varies by geography across the United States. (See forthcoming Indicators 2022 report “Invention, Knowledge Transfer, and Innovation” for more details on geographic distribution of innovation activities.)

A small number of geographic areas account for a considerable proportion of STEM workers in S&E occupations. For example, 20 metropolitan areas account for 50% of workers in S&E occupations, whereas these same metropolitan areas account for 38% of employment in all occupations (Table SLBR-17). In addition, there are 20 metropolitan areas in which STEM workers employed in S&E occupations comprise 8%–23% of the total workforce compared to the national average of 5% (Table SLBR-18). (For a discussion of the percentage of STEM workers by state, see sidebar Where the U.S. STEM Workers Are: 2019.)

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Where the U.S. STEM Workers Are: 2019

A state’s capacity to support innovative activity can be measured by the extent to which it has a skilled workforce with the expertise required to conduct this type of work. This sidebar analyzes the percentage of the workforce in each of the 50 states that is in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations using data from the U.S. Census Bureau (2020a) 2019 American Community Survey (ACS).

In 2019, about 18 states, spread throughout all four regions defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, had about one-quarter of their workforce in STEM occupations.* Many of these states were in the Midwest, but several states outside the Midwest also had one-quarter of STEM workers (Figure LBR-C).


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Employment in STEM workforce, by state: 2019

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State STEM workforce as a percentage of total workforce
New Hampshire 27.6
North Dakota 26.8
Maryland 26.1
Washington 26.1
South Dakota 26.0
Montana 25.9
Virginia 25.6
Minnesota 25.5
Nebraska 25.4
Alaska 25.4
Massachusetts 25.3
Kansas 25.2
Colorado 25.0
Michigan 24.8
Kentucky 24.8
Wisconsin 24.7
Iowa 24.6
Maine 24.5
Pennsylvania 24.4
Indiana 24.4
Ohio 24.3
Delaware 24.2
New Mexico 24.1
Alabama 24.1
Utah 24.1
Missouri 24.0
North Carolina 24.0
West Virginia 23.9
Oklahoma 23.8
Wyoming 23.8
Mississippi 23.6
Rhode Island 23.4
Connecticut 23.4
South Carolina 23.3
Tennessee 23.2
Oregon 23.2
Louisiana 23.2
Illinois 22.9
Vermont 22.6
New Jersey 22.6
Idaho 22.6
Texas 22.3
California 22.1
Georgia 22.1
Arkansas 22.0
Arizona 21.9
Hawaii 21.4
Florida 20.8
New York 20.6
District of Columbia 20.4
Nevada 17.9

STEM = science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Data include workers ages 16–75 and exclude those in military occupations or currently enrolled in primary or secondary school.


U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS), 2019, Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), data as of 25 October 2020.

Science and Engineering Indicators

States on the coasts and one state in the Midwest tended to have high proportions of workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher in STEM relative to other states (Figure LBR-D). The District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Virginia had about 13% or more of these workers, with the highest proportion in the District of Columbia (16%). States in the Western region (Washington and Colorado) and Minnesota also had 13% of workers in STEM occupations with a bachelor’s degree or higher. Nevada had the lowest percentage of STEM workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher (6%).


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Employment of workers with a bachelor's degree or higher in STEM occupations, by state: 2019

Data view Data View


State STEM workers as percentage of total workforce
District of Columbia 16.0
Massachusetts 14.9
Maryland 14.4
Washington 13.5
Colorado 13.4
Virginia 13.0
New Hampshire 12.7
New Jersey 12.3
Minnesota 12.0
Connecticut 11.6
Montana 11.5
California 11.3
Illinois 11.2
Oregon 11.2
Rhode Island 11.1
Pennsylvania 11.0
Delaware 10.9
Michigan 10.8
New York 10.6
North Dakota 10.4
New Mexico 10.3
Utah 10.3
Kansas 10.1
Ohio 10.1
Nebraska 10.1
Maine 10.0
Wisconsin 9.9
North Carolina 9.9
Missouri 9.9
Vermont 9.6
Alaska 9.5
Georgia 9.5
Hawaii 9.3
Arizona 9.3
South Dakota 9.1
Texas 9.1
Tennessee 9.0
Kentucky 8.9
Iowa 8.9
Indiana 8.7
South Carolina 8.6
Idaho 8.6
Alabama 8.6
Florida 8.5
Wyoming 8.5
Louisiana 8.3
West Virginia 8.0
Oklahoma 7.8
Mississippi 7.5
Arkansas 7.3
Nevada 6.0

STEM = science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Data include workers ages 16–75 and exclude those in military occupations or currently enrolled in primary or secondary school.


U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS), 2019, Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), data as of 25 October 2020.

Science and Engineering Indicators

While relatively high concentrations of STEM workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher occurred in the coastal states, Southern and Midwest states had relatively high concentrations of STEM workers without a bachelor’s degree—that is, the skilled technical workforce (STW). The percentage of STW ranged from about 4% to 17% by state overall. The bulk of the states with about 15% or more of their workers in the STW were in the Southern and Midwestern states (Figure LBR-E).


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Employment of STEM workers without a bachelor's degree (STW), by state: 2019

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State STW as percentage of total workforce
South Dakota 16.9
North Dakota 16.4
Mississippi 16.1
Oklahoma 16.0
West Virginia 15.9
Kentucky 15.9
Alaska 15.8
Iowa 15.7
Indiana 15.7
Alabama 15.4
Nebraska 15.4
Wyoming 15.3
Kansas 15.1
Louisiana 14.9
New Hampshire 14.9
Wisconsin 14.7
Arkansas 14.7
South Carolina 14.7
Maine 14.4
Montana 14.3
Tennessee 14.3
Ohio 14.2
Missouri 14.1
North Carolina 14.1
Michigan 14.0
Idaho 13.9
New Mexico 13.8
Utah 13.8
Minnesota 13.5
Pennsylvania 13.4
Delaware 13.3
Texas 13.1
Vermont 13.0
Virginia 12.6
Arizona 12.6
Washington 12.6
Georgia 12.6
Rhode Island 12.4
Florida 12.3
Hawaii 12.1
Oregon 12.0
Nevada 11.8
Connecticut 11.8
Maryland 11.8
Illinois 11.7
Colorado 11.6
California 10.8
Massachusetts 10.4
New Jersey 10.3
New York 10.0
District of Columbia 4.4

STEM = science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; STW = skilled technical workforce.


Data include workers ages 16–75 and exclude those in military occupations or currently enrolled in primary or secondary school. The STW comprises STEM workers without a bachelor's degree.


U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS), 2019, Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), data as of 25 October 2020.

Science and Engineering Indicators

The concentration of STEM workers across states varies by educational attainment. Those STEM workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher tend to work in S&E or S&E-related occupations (Figure LBR-2) and are more concentrated in coastal states with high R&D intensity (see Indicators State Data Tool). Workers in the STW, who primarily apply their technical expertise in health care, production, construction and extraction, and installation, maintenance, and repair occupations, make up greater proportions of the workforce in states in the Midwest and Southern regions compared to other U.S. states.

* While the analyses presented in the text reflect statistically significant differences at the 90% confidence level or higher, not all of the percentages shown in the maps are statistically significantly different from each other.


Industry Employment

Across all education levels, the BLS (2020c) OES data show that industries employ S&E workers at various rates. In 2019, five industry groups with the largest numbers of workers in S&E occupations—information; professional, scientific, and technical services; manufacturing; educational services; and government—accounted for nearly three-quarters of industry S&E employment, compared with one-third of total employment (Table SLBR-19). (See the forthcoming Indicators 2022 report “Production and Trade of Knowledge- and Technology-Intensive Industries” for more information about employment in these industries.)

The intensity of employment in S&E occupations, defined as the proportion of an industry’s total employment in S&E occupations, also varied by industry. Industries with low S&E employment intensity (i.e., below the national average of 5%) include large employers such as health care and social assistance, retail trade, and accommodation and food services. Those with high S&E employment intensity include information, utilities, and management of companies and enterprises, among others (Table SLBR-19).

Based on the ACS, STW employment in 2019 was concentrated in three broad industries: construction, manufacturing, and medical industries. In total, these three industry groups accounted for 57% of STW employment, compared with 29% of employment across all industries (Table SLBR-20). STW employment intensity, defined by an industry’s STW employment as a proportion of its total employment, was highest in construction (37%), military (35%), utilities (29%), mining (28%), and agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting (26%).

Academic Employment

As noted earlier, the education sector is a large employer of SEH doctorate recipients, and the academic doctoral workforce plays an important role in training the next generation of scientists and engineers and advancing the nation’s basic research enterprise. The SDR shows that there were about 350,000 individuals in the academic doctoral workforce in 2019 who received their SEH doctorate in the United States. The majority of SEH doctorate holders are employed as full-time faculty (including tenured and tenure-track positions); however, as a proportion of all academically employed SEH doctorate holders, those employed as full-time faculty have been in steady decline for four decades, decreasing from about 90% in the early 1970s to 70% in 2019 (Figure LBR-18; Table SLBR-21).


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SEH doctorate recipients employed in academia, by type of position: 1973–2019

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Year Full-time faculty Other full-time positions Postdoctorates Part-time positions
1973 87.5 6.4 3.6 2.5
1975 86.8 6.2 4.6 2.4
1977 86.4 6.1 5.2 2.3
1979 84.5 7.3 5.2 2.9
1981 84.9 7.5 5.1 2.4
1983 84.3 7.6 4.7 3.4
1985 82.5 9.5 4.6 3.4
1987 83.9 8.4 4.7 2.9
1989 82.2 9.3 5.6 3.0
1991 82.2 9.6 4.7 3.5
1993 80.6 10.4 6.2 2.8
1995 78.8 11.0 7.7 2.5
1997 74.9 12.5 8.1 3.8
1999 74.9 13.3 7.7 3.4
2001 74.3 14.2 7.1 3.7
2003 73.4 15.4 6.1 5.1
2006 70.8 14.9 8.5 5.8
2008 72.0 15.9 6.4 5.6
2010 70.1 16.4 7.7 5.8
2013 69.4 18.1 6.5 6.0
2015 69.1 19.0 5.8 6.0
2017 68.4 19.7 5.6 6.3
2019 70.5 18.8 5.3 5.5

SEH = science, engineering, and health.


Academic employment is limited to U.S. doctorate recipients employed at 2- or 4-year colleges or universities, medical schools, and university research institutes. Full-time faculty include full, associate, and assistant professors. Other full-time positions include positions such as research associates, adjunct appointments, instructors, lecturers, and administrative positions. Part-time positions exclude those held by students or retired people. Percentages may not add to 100% because of rounding.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR), 2019.

Science and Engineering Indicators

The overall distribution of SEH doctorate holders among for-profit businesses and 4-year educational institutions has also shifted. In 1993, nearly half of SEH doctorate holders (45%) were employed by universities and 4-year colleges, while 31% were employed by private, for-profit businesses (SRS/NSF SDR 1993: Table 20). By 2019, these percentages were closer, with 39% in 4-year educational institutions and 35% in for-profit businesses (NCSES SDR 2019: Table 42).

The SEH doctoral academic workforce is engaged primarily in research and teaching. In 2019, nearly identical shares of U.S.-trained SEH doctorate holders working in academia reported that research or teaching was their primary work activity, or approximately 40% each (Table SLBR-22). Historically, this was not the case; the 1973 share of these doctorate holders engaged in teaching as a primary work activity (62%) far exceeded the share engaged primarily in research (24%). Federal research support holds a prominent role for academically employed SEH doctorate holders. In 2019, about 40% of them had received federal research support in the previous year (Table SLBR-23). (See the forthcoming Indicators 2022 report, “Academic Research and Development” for more details on federal support of R&D conducted in academic institutions.)

Research and Development Activities

R&D creates new types of goods and services that can contribute to economic and productivity growth and enhance living standards. This section uses the NSCG to examine the R&D activity of workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher in S&E or S&E-related occupations. R&D or design activity is defined as the proportion of workers who reported basic or applied research, development, or design as a primary or secondary work activity in their principal job (i.e., activities that rank first or second in total work hours from a list of 14 activities).

The majority of workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher in S&E occupations (57%) are engaged in R&D or design activity, as are considerable proportions of those in S&E-related (22%) and non-S&E occupations (18%) (Figure LBR-19), suggesting that R&D- and design-based work activities are prevalent in various types of jobs. With the exception of social scientists, doctorate holders in S&E occupations indicated higher rates of R&D or design activity than those with a bachelor’s or master’s degree as their highest degree (Table LBR-6). (See sidebar for a comparison of the researchers in selected countries.)


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Scientists and engineers with R&D and design activity, by broad field of highest degree and broad occupational category: 2019

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Broad field of highest degree S&E occupations S&E-related occupations Non-S&E occupations
All degrees 57.2 22.1 17.8
S&E degrees 59.8 35.1 18.1
S&E-related degrees 56.5 16.6 16.7
Non-S&E degrees 46.5 23.3 17.6

STEM = science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Scientists and engineers include adults up to 75 years old with an S&E or S&E-related degree or occupation. R&D and design activity refer to workers reporting basic research, applied research, development, or design as a primary or secondary work activity in their principal job (activities ranking first or second in work hours). Non-S&E occupations include middle-skill and non-STEM occupations.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG), 2019.

Science and Engineering Indicators


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R&D and design activity of scientists and engineers employed in S&E occupations, by broad occupational category and highest degree level: 2019



Scientists and engineers include adults up to 75 years old with an S&E or S&E-related degree or occupation. R&D and design activity refer to the share of workers reporting basic research, applied research, development, or design as a primary or secondary work activity in their principal job (activities ranking first or second in work hours). All degree levels include professional degrees not broken out separately.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG), 2019.

Science and Engineering Indicators

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Global S&E Labor Force

The rising emphasis on developing S&E expertise and technical capabilities is a global phenomenon. S&E work is not limited to developed economies; it occurs throughout the world. However, much of the work is concentrated in developed nations, where a significant portion of R&D also takes place. The availability of a suitable labor force is an important determinant of where businesses choose to locate S&E work (Davis and Hart 2010). Highly skilled S&E workers have become increasingly mobile, and nations have adapted their immigration policies to make it easier for these valued workers to relocate and work in their countries. These changes indicate an accelerating competition for globally mobile talent (Shachar 2006).

Data on the global S&E workforce are very limited, which makes it difficult to analyze the precise size and characteristics of this specialized workforce. Internationally comparable data are limited to business establishment surveys of industry that provide basic information about workers in S&E occupations or with training in S&E disciplines. Additionally, although surveys that collect workforce data are conducted in many Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries, they do not cover several countries—including Brazil and India—that have high and rising levels of science and technology capability, and they do not provide fully comparable data for China.

OECD data covering substantial, internationally comparable segments of the S&E workforce provide strong evidence of its widespread, although uneven, growth in the world’s developed nations. OECD countries, which include most of the world’s highly developed nations, compile data on researchers from establishment surveys in member and selected nonmember countries. These surveys generally use a standardized occupational classification that defines researchers as “professionals engaged in the conception or creation of new knowledge” who “conduct research and improve or develop concepts, theories, models, techniques instrumentation, software or operational methods” (OECD 2015:379). Because this definition can be applied differently when different nations conduct surveys, international comparisons should be made with caution.

OECD reports an estimated increase in the number of researchers in its member countries from 4.4 million in 2012 to 5.1 million in 2017 (OECD 2020). OECD also publishes estimates for seven nonmember economies, including China and Russia. Adding these seven to the OECD member total for 2017 yields a worldwide estimate of 7.5 million researchers. However, numerous uncertainties affect this estimate, including (but not limited to) lack of coverage of countries with a significant R&D enterprise as well as methodological inconsistencies over time and across countries. For example, some nonmember countries that engage in large and growing amounts of research (e.g., India and Brazil) are omitted entirely from these totals. In addition, for some countries and regions, including the United States and the European Union (EU; see the Glossary section for member countries), OECD estimates are derived from multiple national data sources and not from a uniform or standardized data collection procedure. For example, China’s data from 2009 onward have been collected in accordance with OECD definitions and standards, whereas the data before 2009, although not shown here, are not consistent with OECD standards. South Korea’s data before 2007 exclude social sciences and humanities researchers and are, therefore, not consistent with the data from 2007 onward.

Despite these limitations for making worldwide estimates of the number of researchers, the OECD data provide a reasonable starting point for estimating the rate of worldwide growth. For most economies with large numbers of researchers, the number of researchers has grown substantially since 2012 (Figure LBR-F). China and South Korea both reported at least 20% or more researchers in 2017 than in 2012. The United States and the EU experienced steady growth but at a lower rate; the number of researchers grew 15% in the United States and 19% in the EU between 2012 and 2017. Exceptions to the overall worldwide trend include Japan (which experienced a relatively small change of about 5%) and Russia (which experienced a decline; see also Gokhberg and Nekipelova (2002)).


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Estimated number of researchers in selected regions, countries, or economies: 2012–17

Data view Data View


Year United States European Union Japan South Korea China Russia
2012 1,253.2 1,687.7 646.3 315.6 1,404.0 443.3
2013 1,294.4 1,736.9 660.5 321.8 1,484.0 440.6
2014 1,340.1 1,772.5 682.9 345.5 1,524.3 444.9
2015 1,369.5 1,845.9 662.1 356.4 1,619.0 449.2
2016 1,372.1 1,898.5 665.6 361.3 1,692.2 428.9
2017 1,434.4 1,999.9 676.3 383.1 1,740.4 410.7

Researchers are full-time equivalents.


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Main Science and Technology Indicators, 2020/1 (August 2020).

Science and Engineering Indicators


The STEM Labor Force of Today: Scientists, Engineers, and Skilled Technical Workers | NSF (2024)


What is the STEM labor force of today? ›

Key takeaways: By including workers of all educational backgrounds and the wide variety of occupations that require significant science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) knowledge and expertise, the STEM workforce represented 23% of the total U.S. workforce in 2019.

How many STEM workers are there in the US? ›

Between 2011 and 2021, the STEM workforce grew by 5.9 million, from 29.0 million to 34.9 million, representing a 20% increase (figure 2-2). STEM workers as a percentage of the total workforce also increased, from 21% in 2011 to 24% in 2021.

What is STEM in the workforce? ›

A STEM job is any job in the fields of science, technology, engineering or math. With a foundation in these subjects, a STEM career allows you to solve problems, develop new ideas and conduct research.

Is employment in STEM occupations projected to grow 8.8% by 2028? ›

Employment in STEM occupations is projected to grow 8.8% by 2028, and healthcare occupations, which generally require a strong STEM background, are projected to grow even more. Meanwhile, non-STEM occupations will only grow 5%. What's more, jobs that require a STEM background are more likely to provide solid wages.

What is an example of the labor force? ›

Jobs of at Least One Hour - If a person works and is paid for at least one hour during a given reporting period for the labor force, they are considered a part of it. A 16-year-old who babysat for two hours one evening is considered a part of the labor force.

What is happening to the labor force? ›

The U.S. labor market's strength continues to exceed expectations. 303,000 new jobs were added in March, outpacing respectable growth reported in January and February. The unemployment rate remains below 4%, while wage gains are still above average.

Are STEM careers increasing? ›

The number of STEM jobs is growing twice as fast as non-STEM careers with a projected 11,278,700 positions available in 2030. The STEM fields that are expected to see the most growth by then include statistics (35.4% growth), information security (33.3%), epidemiology (29.6%), and computer science (21.9%).

How many of the STEM careers are engineers? ›

Engineers make up 19 percent of STEM jobs.

How does STEM impact society? ›

STEM education goes beyond imparting knowledge; it nurtures critical thinking skills, enhances scientific literacy, and cultivates the next generation of trailblazers and problem solvers.

Is STEM major hard? ›

Are STEM Majors Hard? STEM majors are considered some of the most challenging and demanding majors, as they require a strong foundation in math and science as well as a masterful display of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Some of the most challenging STEM majors are: Computer Science.

Why should you work in STEM? ›

Pursuing a STEM career can provide you with job security, as well as a strong sense of being an integral force to our marketplace. Consider, for example, that physical therapist is one of the fastest growing jobs in the country.

What is the fastest growing STEM field? ›

BLS employment projections show a forecasted increase of 798,000 by 2031 and more than half (449,200) are predicted to belong to computer and mathematical occupations. Information security jobs are No. 1 for the second year in a row. This profession also ranked as the fastest-growing STEM job in our study.

What is the fastest growing job in 2024? ›

Fastest-Growing Careers of 2024

Jobs with the highest projected growth rates from 2022 to 2032 include nurse practitioners, data scientists, wind turbine service technicians and physician assistants. Below are some of the fastest-growing careers in the health, tech and trade sectors.

What is the fastest growing field of science? ›

10 Fastest Growing Jobs in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
  • Clinical Data Managers: Projected Job Growth: 17.32% ...
  • Data Scientists: Projected Job Growth: 17.32% ...
  • Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists: Projected Job Growth: 7.84% ...
  • Industrial Engineers: Projected Job Growth: 7.84%

What are the statistics for STEM jobs? ›

STEM workers earn more. The median annual wage for all STEM occupations is $97,980 compared with $44,670 for non-STEM jobs. Women remain underrepresented in STEM occupations, 65% of those employed in STEM occupations were men and about 35% were women between 2011-2021. Minorities also remain underrepresented.

Is STEM a growing industry? ›

The number of STEM jobs is growing twice as fast as non-STEM careers with a projected 11,278,700 positions available in 2030. The STEM fields that are expected to see the most growth by then include statistics (35.4% growth), information security (33.3%), epidemiology (29.6%), and computer science (21.9%).

Is STEM the fastest growing industry? ›

Almost 10 million workers in STEM occupations were employed in 2021. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts this total will grow nearly 11% by 2031, which is four times faster than all other occupations.

What is the unemployment rate in STEM? ›

Overall, among all STEM workers in 2021, higher educational attainment is associated with lower unemployment (figure 5-3). STEM workers with a bachelor's degree or higher had a lower unemployment rate than those employed in the skilled technical workforce (2.4% vs. 4.9%).

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Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.