The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (2024)

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The10safest countries in Africa to visit in 2023are based on the latest Global Peace Index (GPI) rankings andtravel safety advisories.

Our list of the 10 safest African countries in Africa to visit today, includes travel advisoryinfo from the USDepartment of State, the UK Government, and the Government of Canada, as well as advice from travel safety specialists.

It is best to speakto a professional travel advisor for more localised, up-to-date information andexperttravel advice before deciding where to go in Africa and when. Contact us for advice from one of our knowledgeable African travel experts.

10 Safest Countries in Africa to Visit in 2023

10. Gabon

#75 on the 2022 Global Peace Index, thisCentral African country is famous for its rich culture and some of the best beaches on the continent. Endangered turtles and whales play onits unspoiled Atlantic coast and astonishingwildlife also call Gabon home.


Travel to Gabon is relatively low risk and the US Department of State has issued a Level 1 (Exercise normal precaution) advisory for the country. The UK Government says that although most visits to Gabon are trouble-free, it is important to take sensible precautions for personal safety and remain vigilant in public areas.

9. Morocco

Morocco ranks #74on the GPI andis often considered one of the safest countries in Africa to visit. It has a good track record in terms of travel safety and is politically stable.

Most travellers have trouble-free visits. There is some petty crime but the tourism industry is well-established and few tourists experience serious crime.

Please note, that Morocco is one of many African countries that are notLGBTQIA+ safe travel destinations.


The UK Government states that of the almost 700,000 UK nationals visiting Morocco every year, mostvisits are trouble-free.

8. Rwanda

Ranking#72on the Global Peace Index,Rwandahas long been considered one of thesafest countries in Africa to travel to. This landlocked East African country is home to rare animals, making it a dream destination for nature lovers.

The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (1)Safest African Countries, Rwanda

Rwanda is known less for crime and more for the warm welcome visitors receive. The country is also rich in flora and fauna and its green savannah is breathtaking to see.


Although crime levels inRwanda are relatively low, there are reports of petty street crimein Kigali. The UK Government warns that "there are cases of burglary, theft, bag snatching and mugging in Kigali. You should take sensible precautions. Take care when walking at night."

7. Namibia

Namibia is one of the most peaceful and safest countries in Africa to visit at #68on the 2022Global Peace Index. One of the most politically stable countries in Africa, Namibia is also one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world.

The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (2)Namibia, Safest Countries in Africa for Safaris

Namibia'sinfrastructure is generally good and the tourism industry is well-developed.Recommended by solo female travellers, Namibia is one of the safest countries in Africa to visit on your own. Avoiding dehydration and desert critters is more of a concern in this arid southern African country than crime, in general.


Although Namibia is generally a safe African country to visit, there is some crime. That said, crime is mostly a concern in Windhoek and the problem islargely that of non-violent petty crime.

6. Malawi

One of the friendliest and safest African countries to visit, Malawi ranks #65on the Global Peace Index (togetherwith France). Malawi is known as the "Warm Heart of Africa" because of the warmth and friendliness of the Malawian people.

Malawi takes third place on the list of the safest countries to go on safari in Southern Africa.

The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (3)Malawi, Safest Countries in Africa


Malawi is, for the most part, a safe country to visit. Petty street crime is however a problem, mainly in Lilongwe and other urban areas (like most cities acrossthe planet).

The UK Government advises that "[m]ost visits to Malawi are trouble-free, but you should take sensible precautions to protect yourself from muggers and bag-snatchers. Most thefts from visitors take place around the main bus stations in Lilongwe and Blantyre. Avoid walking around quiet areas, especially after dark." Canadian Government advice is to exercise a high degree of caution due to crime. TheMulanje district is a high-risk area for crime.

5. Zambia

At position #56on Global Peace Index,Zambiaisone of the safest countries in Africa to visit. It is also one of the best African safari destinations.

The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (4)Zambia Safari, South Luangwa Leopard by Richard Toller

Zambia is the most improved country in thesub-Saharan African region according to theGPI.

The impressive3.9% improvementin the GPI rankingsis due to Zambia's improved relations with neighbouring countries and the decision tocutit* military spending as a GDP percentage. As the 39th largest country in the world, at 752,614 km²(290,586 sq mi), Zambia is an unforgettablesafari destinationand tourist attraction.

Top Safari Destinations:Victoria Falls&Livingstone(southernmost Zambia),South Luangwa National Park(southeast Zambia, near Malawi), andKafue National Park(central Zambia).


The UK government states most visits to Zambia are trouble-free. The USDepartment of StatecategorizesZambia as a Level 1 country (least security risk) and advises travellers to "exercise normal precautions in Zambia". The Government of Canada advises normal security precautions and a high degree of caution in certain border areas.

4. Botswana

Botswana is the fourthsafest country in Africa to visit, based on the Global Peace Index Report of 2022. Thereport ranksBotswanaat #48according to its 23 indicators. Travel Nomads also rates Botswana as one of the safest countries in Africa.

Botswanawins the prize as thesafest country in Africa fora classical African safari.

The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (5)Botswana, Safest Country in Africa for Safari

In addition to beingranked as the safest African safari country, Botswanais also one of the most rewarding safari destinations.Although it is not the cheapest country in Africa for a safari,it is also not the most expensive. There are plenty of fantastic, budget-friendly Botswana safaris to choose from, withover 170 Botswana Safarison African Budget Safaris alone.


When the Canadian government advises that you take normal security precautions, as it does forBotswana, then you know a place is prettysafe!

Travel safety specialists (Travel Safe - Abroad) go so far as to describe Botswana as "possibly the safest country in entire Africa". The UKGovernment is less optimistic and warns that although tourists are rarely attacked, petty and serious crime is on the rise in urban areas such as Gaborone andFrancistown.

3. The Gambia

#45on the Global Peace Index, The Gambia, is the thirdmost peaceful country in Africa. The Gambia isa safe country to visit.Most visitors enjoy a trouble-free travel experience throughout The Gambia, which is the smallest country in Africa.

The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (6)The Gambia, Safest Countries in Africa


The Gambia is generally safe to visit. The UK Government states most visits to this African country are trouble-free, "although independent travellers are at increased risk due to the lack of local support in an emergency". The USDepartment of State warns travellers to exercise increased caution in "The Gambia’s southern border area adjacent to Senegal’s Casamance region due to the potential presence oflandmines."

It is important to note that in The Gambia hom*osexualityis illegal, so it is unfortunately not an LGBTQ-friendly destination.


At #40on the Global Peace Index, Ghana is the second most peacefulcountry, and thus one of the safest countries to visitin Africa. Sometimes called 'Africa for beginners' Ghana is recommended for first-time visitors to Africa because it is exceptionally friendly and safe. The Ghanaian people are known for being welcoming, helpful, easy-going, and on "African time".

The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (7)Ghana, Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023


The West African country of Ghana is stablewithlow crime rates (particularly forthis region of Africa).According to the UK Government, about 90,000 British nationals visit Ghana per year, and "most visits are trouble-free" although Ghana is not crime-free.

The US Department of State warns travellers of an increased risk of crime in certain areas. Authorities advise travellers to "exercise caution while visiting border areas, in particular, the northern border" andincreased caution in "[p]arts of the Bono East, Bono, Savannah, Northern, North East, and Upper East regions due tocivil unrest.


Ranked #28on the 2022Global Peace Index, Mauritius is the safest country in Africa to visit. In fact, this peaceful African country outranks Spain (29), Italy (32), and the United Kingdom (34). This gobsmackingly beautiful Indian Ocean island is very safe to visit.

The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (8)Safest country in Africa to visit, Mauritius

The idyllic island of Mauritius is not a budget African travel destination or an African safari destination, so we at African Budget Safaris don't feature any trips there. The island does, however, boast rich bird and marine life, from whales and dolphins to Mauritian kestrels, as well asgiant tortoises.


The crime rate is meager inMauritius and it is a very low-risk travel destination all-round. Even the Canadian government only advises 'normal security precautions'. Yet, the UK Government warns travellers of petty crime and advises them to "[t]ake care of bags and valuables in popular tourist areas including Port Louis, Grand Baie, and Flic en Flac".

Safest Countries in Africa vsOther Countries on the GPI

Before wedive into the list of safest African countries to visit, here's howsome internationally well-knowncountries rank on the GPI for comparison(for more about the GPI, seeWhat's the Global Peace Index?)

Canada ranks #12, Croatia #15, Germany#16,the Netherlands#21, andAustralia#27.The United Kingdom is at #34. The United States of America ranks#129, whileSouth Africa is at #118(hencetravel advisories factor intoourlist of safest African countries).

The three most peaceful countries in the world are Iceland (#1), New Zealand (#2), and Ireland(#3). The three least peaceful countries on the 2022Global Peace Index areSyria (#161), Yemen (#162), and Afghanistan (#163).

Nodestination on this planet is completely safe and travel always comes with risks. Evenin New Zealand, petty crime is common and there are warnings about crime targeted attourists, even in rural places. So, as with any country you visit, anywhere, you always need to be aware and take sensible precautions, even in the safest countries in the world.

4 Safest Countries in Africa to Visit (based on travel advisories)

These are 4 of the safest African countries to visit based on travel experts and advisories, not the GPI.

1. Eswatini (Swaziland)

Ranking #93,Eswatini(formerly called Swaziland) has moved out of the Top 10 but it is still one of the safest countriesto visitin Africa. It is a mountainous landlocked country in southern Africa, bordered bySouth Africa and Mozambique.

The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (9)Safest African Countries, Eswatini

The Kingdom of Eswatini, once the Kingdom ofSwaziland, is ", a safe country in which to travel...Indeed, hospitality is a cornerstone of Swazi culture and the average visitor’s experience is overwhelmingly a friendly and relaxed one" (Bradt Guides 2021).

2. Madagascar

The island of Madagascar is #84on the 2022Global Peace Index. This unique and largely undeveloped island is one of the most off-the-beaten-track places to visit. High in biodiversity and largely undevelopedMadagascaris an idealdestination for adventurous travellers and nature lovers.

The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (10)Madagascar Safest African Countries to Visit

Madagascar is relatively safe to visit, but you need to be aware of the risks and followtravel advice.For example, avoid walking in Antananarivo after dark. Madagascar is not the most politically stable country, and crime (theft and robbery)is on the increase inboth urban and rural areas so visitors need to be careful.

It is best to visit Madagascarwith a trusted tour company or registered guide (ask our travel consultants forfree advice). The Broke Backpacker confirms,"many people would recommend that you only travel the island with an organised tour company or hire a guide to take you around".

3. Tanzania

Coming in at #86on the Global Peace Index, Tanzania is one of the safest countries in Africa and the very best places to go on safari in Africa and has a well-established tourism industry.

The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (11)Tanzania, Safest Countries in Africa 2023

According to Lonely Planet, Tanzaniais generallya safe country, and "[w]hile solo travellers may be a minor curiosity in rural areas, especially solo women travellers, there are no particular issues with travelling solo in Tanzania". Travel Safe Abroad advises that "Tanzania is mostly safe to visit, though caution is recommended especially in tourist areas such as Arusha, Stone Town (Zanzibar), and Dar es Salaam". In summary, theysay that "chances are you will have no negative experiences or incidents" when visiting Tanzania.

Top Tanzania safari destinations include Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater,in northern Tanzania, near the Kenya border.

4. Seychelles

Seychelles was not featured in the GPI 2022report. It isconsidered a very safe travel destination and is always rated as one of the safest countries in Africa to visit.Seychelles also has a well-established tourism industry as a long-standing tourist destination.

A green flag for travellers wanting to visit Seychelles, the Canadian Government advisory is to take normal security precautions.The UK Government states "Most visits to Seychelles are trouble-free".

Other Safe African Countries to Visit

In addition to the4 safest African countries (above), we consider the following countriesin Africareasonably safe to visit with several caveats.If you follow travel advice and avoid certain areas and behaviours you should have a trouble-free travel experience, as millions of other travellers do each year.

For more information and advice about visiting these African countriessafely get in touch with us.

What's the Global Peace Index?

The Global Peace Index (GPI) is an internationally recognized report published annually by theInstitute for Economics and Peace (IEP). It is a benchmark study thatmeasures and ranks national peace levels across 163 countries. The reportthus covers about 99.7% of the world's population (according to World Population Review).

The study uses 23 indicators of peacetodetermine the ranking of countries on the index. These indicators are split into 3 broad categories: 1)Ongoing International and Domestic Conflict, 2) Societal Safety, and 3) Security, and Militarization. The latest GPI report was released in July2022.

For more details see the2022Global Peace Index Reportby the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP).

Top-ranked Global Peace Index Countries Not Listed in Our10 Safest Countries in Africa


Although Senegal is #70on the GPI for 2022, it is not one of the safest countries in Africa to visit. It has high crime rates, including violent and petty crimes.

The Canadian government advisesa high degree of cautionin Senegal due to levels of crime. The UK Government however states that mostvisits are trouble-free and the USDepartment of State has Senegal listed as Level 1 (Excercise normal precautions) with increased caution advised for the Casamance region due tocrime and landmines. But according to Travel Safe - Abroad "[a]part from the fighting going on in the Casamance region of Senegal... which is why it would be wise to avoid this area, there is serious reason to be extremely vigilant on the streets of Senegal, as petty theft and violent crime are a severe issue in this country".

Sierra Leone

#50on the GPI has been removed from the list of safest countries to visit in Africa as it is a'medium-securityrisk' travel destination. Despite Sierra Leone's rank as #50on the Global Peace Index for 2021, it is not rated as one of the safest countries in Africa to visit due to crime (robbery and assault).

Equatorial Guinea

#59has also been removed due to travel advisory warnings. The UK Government's Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advises against all but essential travel to Equatorial Guinea. The Canadian Government warns travellers to "exercise a high degree of cautionin Equatorial Guinea due to crime" andTravel Safe Abroad warns that Equatorial Guinea is "a country with extremely high crime rates, corruption, and diseases" and "the rates of petty crime are among the worst you can expect when travelling, so this is a country where you definitely shouldn’t let your guard down."

OtherAfrican Countries ranked in the top 120 of the Global Peace Index

Liberia (75),Angola (78),Tunisia (85), Benin (105),and Guinea-Bissau (110).

Lesotho ranks #100, Cote d'Ivoire #108,Republic of the Congo #111,Uganda #114, South Africa #118, and Kenya #120.

Travel Safety on African Safaris

When going on safari in Africa, visitors need to be aware of and prepared for, the risks posed by potentially dangerous animals in game reserves and specific diseases in certain areas.

The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (12)Safety on African Safaris by Richard Toller

For more about African safari safety considerations take a look atSafety on Africa Safaris&The Complete African Safari Medical Guide

Travel insurance is mandatory on all of our African safaris to ensure that our visitors stay safe. Check out our Travel Insurance for Africa page for more information and tips.

To get help with planning your travels to Africa in 2024and beyond,talk to one of our travel advisors specializing in affordable African travel.

The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (13)Safest Countries in Africa to Visit on Safari

[Updated in May 2023 by Molebatsi Manzi | First published inNovember2021]

The Safest Countries in Africa to Visit 2023: Safest Country (2024)
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