The Relationship Between Actual Investments and Planned Investments (2024)

While discussion about actual investments and planned investments often comes up deep in the study of macroeconomics or experimental economics, these concepts come with a fairly unexpected twist: At the most basic level, they're pretty much exactly what they sound like. Of course, that doesn't mean that there aren't layers of subtlety to explore. By understanding the relationship between these two principles, economists gain valuable insight about the future state of the economy.

What Are Planned Investments?

Think of planned investments as a firm or business sector's annual portfolio game plan or, put formally, the amount of investment they plan to undertake during a given period of time (typically, a fiscal year). Planned investment is the sum of everything a firm intends to invest, including the additions it plans to add to its cache of capital goods and its stock.

Planned investment revolves around the idea of consumption. Similar to an individual's disposable income, consumption is the portion of a firm's expenditures that makes up the largest share of its planned investments.

What Are Actual Investments?

Didn't someone once say something about the best-laid plans of mice and men? Because those plans often go awry, the investing world has created the concept of actual investments, which is the amount of investment a firm actually undertakes during the same time span of its planned investments, when all is said and done.

Naturally, planned investments shift as expectations for annual profits shift, as interest rates fluctuate or as production capacity changes. These are just a few reasons actual investments may differ from planned investments. Another common reason for the disparity between planned and actual investments is unplanned changes in inventory. No matter how the plan changes, the sum total of actual investments always includes both planned and unplanned investments.

How They Connect

Just like the concepts themselves, the connection between planned and actual investments is fairly straightforward. In fact, it boils down to a simple formula: Actual investment is equal to planned investment plus unplanned changes in inventory.

Actual and planned investments play a key role in the Keynesian economic theory, which focuses on total economic spending and how it affects both output and inflation. The ideal relationship between planned and actual investments would be complete balance, known as macroeconomic equilibrium. This is the state in which planned investment is exactly equal to actual investment.

At its core, the relationship between planned investments and actual investments not only indicates the future shape of national and international economies, but it also helps you understand the relationship between your firm's income and its expenditures. When it comes to investing, it doesn't get much more foundational than that.



Writer Bio

Dan's decade-long experience as a freelance writer and small business owner has seen him contribute to financial publications including,, MSN Money, Fortune, Motley Fool and others.

The Relationship Between Actual Investments and Planned Investments (2024)


How is actual investment different from planned investment? ›

Planned investment = amount of investment firms plan to undertake during a year. Actual investment = amount of investment actually undertaken during a year. If actual investment is GREATER than planned investment, then inventories INCREASE, since inventories are part of capital.

What happens when actual investment is less than planned investment? ›

This type of investment is called unplanned investment. Unplanned investment takes place when unsold finished goods accumulate due to poor sales. Thus, actual investment of an economy is the total of planned investment and unplanned investment.

When actual investment is greater than planned investment the economy will grow? ›

When actual investment is greater than planned investment, the economy will grow. FALSE. If Actual investment is greater than planned, inventories are building up, so firms will cut back on production, and the economy will contract.

What is the difference between planned investment and unplanned investment? ›


The enterpreneurs intend to undertake this investment during a given period of time according to the set target. The unplanned or unintended investment, on the other hand, is a forced investment on the part of the entrepreneurs.

What does actual investment include? ›

Explanation: Actual investment is the investment expenditures that are actually done in a period of time. This is the sum total of the planned investment and the unplanned changes in inventories.

What does actual investment consist of? ›

Actual investment consists of what is planned plus (or minus) any unplanned changes in inventory investment. The unplanned investment acts as a balancing item which always equates actual investment to the actual amounts saved.

What happens when desired investment exceeds actual investment? ›

When desired investment exceeds actual investment, the true investment in the year is less than what was planned. So, inventories accumulated are less than the desired level. Since at desired levels, there must have been greater level of inventories.

What is the difference between planned and actual spending? ›

The difference between planned and actual expenditure is unplanned inventory investment. When firms sell less of their product than planned, stocks of inventories rise. Because of this, actual expenditure can be above or below planned expenditure.

What causes planned investment to increase? ›

Planned investment tends to rise when firms expect rising demand and have limited spare capacity to supply goods and services.

What is the relationship between investment and economic growth? ›

Economic Considerations

Business investment can affect the economy's short-term and long-term growth. In the short term, an increase in business investment directly increases the current level of gross domestic product (GDP), because physical capital is itself produced and sold.

What happens when planned investment is greater than planned savings? ›

In fact planned savings will only equal planned investment when the economy is in equilibrium. Consider what will happen if planned investment is greater than planned savings. In these circ*mstances planned output will be greater than planned expenditure and output will therefore rise in the following period.

What does planned investment depend on? ›

Planned investment spending depends negatively on the interest rate and on existing production capacity; it depends positively on expected future real GDP. The accelerator principle says that investment spending is greatly influenced by the expected growth rate of real GDP.

What are the two types of investment? ›

Different Types of Investments. Investments generally fall under two broad umbrellas – growth-oriented investments and fixed-income investments.

What happens to planned investment when interest rates increase? ›

The increase in the interest rate will cause planned investment to decrease and aggregate output to decrease, and the final increase in aggregate output is less than it would have been if the interest rate did not increase. Money supply will not change.

What are examples of planned investment? ›

Planned investment spending is the total planned spending by businesses on new physical capital (e.g., machines, computers, apartment buildings) plus planned spending on new homes.

What is the relationship between planned real investment spending and the interest rate? ›

Planned investment spending and interest rates are inversely proportional to each other. If interest rates increase, planned investment spending decreases.

What affects planned investment spending? ›

The main drivers of planned investment spending are the interest rate, the expected future level of real GDP, and current production capacity.

What is level of planned investment? ›

The level of investment firms intend to make in a period is called planned investmentThe level of investment firms intend to make in a period.. Some investment is unplanned. Suppose, for example, that firms produce and expect to sell more goods during a period than they actually sell.

What is the difference between actual return and expected return? ›

Key Takeaways

Actual return can be calculated using the beginning and ending asset values for the period and any investment income earned during the period. Expected return is the average return the asset has generated based on historical data of actual returns.

What are the three concepts of investment? ›

There are three concepts that are constantly repeated when it comes to investing: assets, liquidity, and volatility. These being the most common, they are some of the most important to understand.

What happens when planned investment is greater than saving in a two sector economy? ›

When investment is more than savings , then the planned inventory rises above the desired level due to less consumption. Therefore to clear the unwanted increase in inventory, firms plan to reduce the output production in the economy due to which the National Income falls in an economy.

Which of the statements is true about the relationship between planned savings and planned investment? ›

Solution : (i) True, as planned savings are more causing the Marginal Propensity to Consume to reduce thus Aggregate Demand will fall and producers will have accumulation of inventory.

What is the comparison of differences between actual and planned results? ›

Variance are the differences between actual and planned results. Variances measure the impact on target profit.

What is the comparison of actual to planned results? ›

The comparison between actual and planned results is known as variance and it appears on periodic budget reports. Every company's success can be partly credited to healthy record up keeping practices and crystal clear control protocols in order to conduct the business efficiently.

What is the difference between planned and actual performance? ›

Variance refers to the difference between planned and actual performance. The difference between the actual and the planned performance is known as Variance analysis.

What are the three most important factors affecting planned investment spending? ›

Planned investment spending depends on three principal factors: the interest rate, the expected future level of real GDP, and the current level of production capacity.

What happens to planned investment when the interest rate falls? ›

So the lower the interest rate, the larger the amount of capital equipment firms will acquire, or the higher will be Ip. As shown above, as r decreases, Ip increases. Now as Ip increases, aggregate expenditures increase.

What two factors are the most important to consider before making an investment? ›

Here are some critical factors that you should consider before investing:
  • Your Current Financial Situation. The first step of the decision-making process is analyzing your current financial situation. ...
  • The Risks Involved. ...
  • Your Risk Tolerance. ...
  • The Potential Returns. ...
  • The Costs Involved. ...
  • Final Thoughts.
May 24, 2022

What is the relationship between investment and savings? ›

The difference between saving and investing

Saving can also mean putting your money into products such as a bank time account (CD). Investing — using some of your money with the aim of helping to make it grow by buying assets that might increase in value, such as stocks, property or shares in a mutual fund.

What is investment and why is it important in economic development? ›

Investment is the planning what secures most of the people from the uncertainty of future. In finance, an investment is a monetary asset purchased with the idea that the asset will provide income in the future or appreciate and be sold at a higher price.

How and why do changes in the real interest rate affect planned investment spending? ›

As the real interest rate rises, the return on (MORE AND MORE, FEWER AND FEWER) planned investments will exceed the cost of funds. Thus, planned investment spending (RISES, FALLS, DOES NOT CHANGE) as the real interest rate rises.

Are savings and planned investment spending always equal? ›

Since income equals expenditure, and consumption is itself, then income less consumption must equal expenditure less consumption. By the definition of saving and investment, saving and investment are always equal.

What is the result when real planned saving exceeds real planned investment spending? ›

Whenever planned saving exceeds planned​ investment, there will be unplanned inventory increases​, and real GDP will fall as producers cut production of goods and services.

What are the factors affecting the investment function? ›

Summary – Investment levels are influenced by:

Interest rates (the cost of borrowing) Economic growth (changes in demand) Confidence/expectations. Technological developments (productivity of capital)

Which of the following two factors determine the investment? ›

(i) ROI (ii) Risk.

What is the difference between real investment and financial investment? ›

Real investments usually involve some kind of tangible assets, such as land, machinery, factories, etc. Financial investments involve contracts in paper or electronic form, such as stocks, bonds, etc. Investment activity involves the use of funds or savings for acquisition of assets & further creation of assets.

What are the two characteristics of investment? ›

You need to know at least three key factors about every investment: its return, risk and liquidity. Click on each key factor for more information. Return is the profit that an investor makes on an investment.

What are the 4 main investment types? ›

Bonds, stocks, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, are four basic types of investment options.

Why do investments go lower when interest rate goes higher? ›

“If interest rates move higher, stock investors become more reluctant to bid up stock prices because the value of future earnings looks less attractive versus bonds that pay more competitive yields today,” says Rob Haworth, senior investment strategy director at U.S. Bank Wealth Management.

Does investment increase when real interest rates decrease? ›

Lower interest rates make big-ticket items cheaper for both businesses and consumers. Businesses take advantage of lower rates to invest in expansion. Consumers borrow more and buy more, justifying more business expansion.

What is the relationship between interest rate and investment? ›

Interest rates and bonds have an inverse relationship: When interest rates rise, bond prices fall, and vice versa. Newly issued bonds will have higher coupons after rates rise, making bonds with low coupons issued in the lower-rate environment worth less.

What are the components of planned investment? ›

Planned investment spending: the amount of money firms plan to invest during a period. The main drivers of planned investment spending are the interest rate, the expected future level of real GDP, and current production capacity.

What is a plan investment? ›

An investment plan is a tool in the process of financial planning designed to develop an investing strategy to achieve your financial goals. An investment plan helps you structure how much cash, stock, bonds, and real estate to invest in to maximize returns.

What is the difference between physical investment and financial investment? ›

The main difference between the two is that physical assets are tangible and financial assets are not. Physical assets usually depreciate or lose value due to wear and tear, whereas financial assets do not experience such reduction in value due to depreciation.

What is the difference between intended and unintended investment? ›

Either positive or negative intended inventory investment can coincide with either positive or negative unintended inventory investment. They are separate, unrelated events: one is based on deliberate actions to adjust the stock of inventories, while the other results from mispredictions of customer demand.

What is actual investment spending? ›

Actual investment spending is the sum of planned investment spending and unplanned inventory investment.

What is the difference between planned and unplanned economy? ›

in planned economy decisions about economic activities are taken in advance by government or some central authority. while in case of unplanned economy decisions are not taken in advance rather they depend on the market forces.

What is the relationship between real assets and financial assets? ›

The relationship between real and financial assets is that financial assets represent claims to the income produced by real assets. Land and machinery are “real” assets, whereas stocks and bonds are “financial” assets. Issuer: Financial assets appear on the liabilities and equity side of the balance sheet.

What are the similarities and differences between real and financial assets? ›

The similarities between real and financial assets are that their valuation depends on their cash flow generation potential. The difference between them is that real assets are less liquid than financial assets since real assets are difficult to trade, and they don't have a competitive and efficient exchange.

What are the different types of investment explain briefly? ›

Investment includes bonds, stocks, PPF amongst others, which helps in growing money and providing an additional source of income. As investment helps us in growing our money over a certain period of time, there is a certain risk accompanying the investment.

What increases planned investment spending? ›

When the real GDP increases fast, producers will increase investment in the economy to match the increasing level of demand. Thus, planned investment spending increases.

What are the main differences between a planned economy and a market economy? ›

A centrally planned economy is the one in which economic activities (production, consumption and exchange) are governed by the government. Market economy is the one in which economic activities (production, consumption and exchange) are governed by the market forces of supply and demand.

What are two characteristics of a planned economy? ›

Features or characteristics of a planned economy
  • Important decisions such as what to produce, how to produce and how to distribute goods or services are taken by the government.
  • Usually, prices are decided by the price control mechanism.
  • Production is planned for at least five or ten years in advance.

What are two advantages of a planned economy? ›

Because a command economy is centrally planned, its pros include efficiency, theoretical equality between citizens (lack of inequality), focus on the common good as opposed to profits, speed, and low or non-existent unemployment.

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.