The Mutual Fund Show: A Strategy That Can Help Cushion Portfolios In A Crisis  (2024)

Mutual FundsThe Mutual Fund Show: A Strategy That Can Help Cushion Portfolios In A Crisis


Fund managers says investors can safeguard portfolios with the right asset allocation, even during a crisis like a pandemic.

14 Jun 2020, 11:43 AM IST

The Mutual Fund Show: A Strategy That Can Help Cushion Portfolios In A Crisis (2)

13 Jun 2020, 10:30 AM IST

The Mutual Fund Show: A Strategy That Can Help Cushion Portfolios In A Crisis (3)

14 Jun 2020, 11:43 AM IST

The Mutual Fund Show: A Strategy That Can Help Cushion Portfolios In A Crisis (4)

A volunteer stands on a giant trampoline installation in Milan. (Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg)

As Covid-19 selloff in March led to losses in equity portfolios, spooked investors started pulling out of debt mutual funds, causing a liquidity crunch for some short-term schemes and plans that invest in higher-yield but lower-rated paper.

Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund closed as many as six yield-oriented, managed credit schemes, citing “severe market dislocation and illiquidity”, resulting in outflows from credit risk schemes of other asset managers. That came within a month of the markets sliding by about a third from the highs they scaled in January. While it’s difficult to predict events like pandemics, fund managers said investors can safeguard their portfolios with the right asset allocation strategy.

“It’s time to go back to basics and check your asset allocation,” Prableen Bajpai, founder of FinFix Research and Analytics, said on this week’s The Mutual Fund Show. “That’s the first step, because if you already had your asset allocation solidified with requisite amount in gold, equity and fixed income, I think one would be much less concerned at this time.”

Agreed Amit Jain, co-founder and chief executive officer of Ashika Wealth Advisors. He urged investors to park at least half of their money in arbitrage funds, which they must invest in select equity mutual funds in the next five months in a staggered manner.

With the other half, Jain said nearly 20% must be allocated to a gold exchange-traded fund and the remainder must be split equally between a sectoral and an international fund.

Watch the full interview here:

Here are the edited excerpts from the interview:

Prableen, let’s start off with you. I think the obvious question that most people would have is how to make that portfolio pandemic free. Now if there was an answer like that, I would bet my house on it. But nevertheless, I’ll still seek it from you.

Bajpai: So yeah, just the way said there is no formula or a magic trick which can make a portfolio pandemic proof. So, something that we need to remember is that you know a Black Swan event like Covid-19 is not something that we can actually totally prepare for. What we can prepare for is downsizing the damage that such an event can do. I think it’s time to go back to basics and check your asset allocation. That’s the first step, because if you already had your asset allocation well solidified in place with your allocation in gold, the requisite amount in equity, fixed income, I think one would definitely be much less concerned at this time. So I think it’s time to go back to basics, and see whether your asset allocation is right there, correct or not. And when we talk about such an event, of course you’ve seen the equity markets being the most impacted and that’s something which has happened globally. I think with a more process-driven approach, where we’ve seen the P/E levels in January of 2020 touch about 28 and by March they were down to 17 and again, we are seeing a relief rally or whatever you can call it—FIIs are pumping in money and the P/E is again up to 24. So I think at this time, it is very important to again realign your asset allocation, have your allocation to each asset in the correct manner and just sit with some funds in a liquid or low duration category because we really don’t know what we are in store for.

Amit, you want to come in? Let’s assume a person wants to do this entirely via use of mutual funds. What can one do? Should an allocation be made to the balanced advantage category in a meaningful fashion? Should liquid funds be an ideal part? Are there percentages that you are recommending to your clients?

Jain: So, ideally, the investor needs to follow three basic principles.

  1. They have to invest into debt-free companies or low-debt companies. As of now, we are not advising any company which has a debt equity ratio of more than 0.3%.
  2. They have to invest into an asset-light model. They have to keep that in mind.
  3. They have to believe in investment philosophy of invest slightly, switch timely.

They have to re-balance their portfolio at every periodic interval—that’s the basic principle they have to follow if they really want to create a pandemic proof portfolio. Coming back to a specific category of mutual funds, which you just talked about; the investor should park at least 50% of their money into arbitrage funds and from those arbitrage funds, they should pass money into selected equity mutual funds in the next five months in a staggered way. All money should not be invested now because market has already seen a technical bounce back and we see that this technical bounce back carry lack of fundamentals which may fizzle out soon. So you have to stagger your investment in a systematic way in next five months. That’s about 50% of an arbitrage. 20% of your portfolio has to hold gold ETFs. We are bullish on gold by keeping a 5-10 year view on a gold ETF side. Number three, you have to bifurcate 15% of your overall mutual fund portfolio to thematic funds — a sectoral fund. A sectoral fund can be a part of a manufacturing fund. We believe that India is at the verge where we can become a manufacturing economy by 2030 if the government takes the right step at the right time. The government is trying to do that anyway. So 15%, you can park into a thematic fund which can be a combination of healthcare funds and manufacturing funds. And fourth, the remaining 15%, you can park into international funds, so that you can hedge against any currency depreciation of INR (rupee) and you can make your portfolio actually pandemic-proof by having this 100% allocation in different categories of mutual funds.

Amit, arbitrage funds have gained in popularity, record inflows in May. What’s this phenomenon about and should one look at them versus some of the other categories that people were looking at earlier?

Jain: So arbitrage funds are a natural hedge against any downfall in the market. To all our large family offices, we advised them exit from equity mutual funds on Jan. 16, 2020 because we were feeling that market may correct with time and probably, our group philosophy also is that invest slightly, switch timing. We believe in timing. We are a new school of thought. We don’t believe in only spending time in the market. We believe that you have to time the market as well. It is not important that you have to play every ball, at times you have to dodge the ball if you really want to make money. So you have to time the market, and that’s what we did with investors. So we advised them to move from equity to arbitrage funds from Jan. 16.

Arbitrage funds are for temporary parking the money. It’s not an investment at all. So, whosoever is putting money in arbitrage, it’s just to park it so that they can move money into equity mutual funds in a systematic way. So, this particular category is only for parking the money, and it is better than liquid funds post tax returns.

Ultimately, money has to move into equities because we’ll get a better valuation in the next six months. If we follow a systematic approach of investment in the five months—till the U.S. elections, we feel that the market will bottom out and post the U.S. elections, the market will get a direction.

Prableen, when you look at arbitrage funds, what are your thoughts? What kind of investors should opt for them? Are they better than liquid funds?

Bajpai: I’d just like to point out one thing that all of us I think we are often swayed by the recency bias that means that we like to go and pick up, or move into an asset class where we find comfort in terms of some good returns. A lot of investors are scared of the debt category and I think that somewhere probably that has resulted in a move towards the arbitrage fund space. Having said that, I would say for a time duration of 0-3 months, I wouldn’t be very comfortable with arbitrage. I think one should have a vision of at least six months to be in that category.

Why do you say so?

Bajpai: Because there might not be enough spread out there and the opportunity might not be there to really make money from the difference between the spot in the future markets on the system that it plays. And if those opportunities are not there, eventually they end up parking money in the liquid space itself.

I guess it makes sense if it’s really for a short duration, 0-3 months, I would like to stick with liquid funds. I feel 1-2% extra returns in such times shouldn’t be the focus point. It’s very important to be in a space which you understand. A lot of retail investors don’t understand that space. That’s what I feel.

Amit, why are you saying that go into arbitrage funds over liquid funds? What if the person wants to park the money for less than three months as Prableen is saying? The reason I’m asking you to stress upon this is because there have been record inflows, so I’m guessing a lot of people have moved in that category. Maybe they’ve moved in with a particular thought process.

Jain: I think we are fine. We are not really fixed on arbitrage and liquid to be honest.

Post-tax returns you will find it better in arbitrage funds. When the market is volatile, which we are expecting market to be, then you will find these opportunities even in the short term. For example, market was 7,500, now back to 10,250. So, in a volatile market you will always find opportunities in arbitrage. So, I disagree with that thought that you will not find margin. So, the market is going to be volatile and the volatility is going to be here in the next six months for sure because of a lot of geopolitical things happening in the world. So we prefer arbitrage funds over it and post-tax return in arbitrage will be better.

Bajpai: The post-tax return it’s basically for people in a way higher income slab and not for everyone. So obviously for somebody who’s in the higher income slab, for them it would make sense but not for everybody. That advantage won’t exist.

Jain: We advise family office of only above Rs 100 crore.

Prableen, thematic funds are dangerous yes, but for somebody who is willing to take exposure, what kind of fund category do you think will perform well in this era of de-globalisation?

Bajpai: We are living in a world where we are already in a ‘slow-balisation’. A little slow paced globalisation since 2008. And in the last one or two years, we’ve actually seen trouble between China and the U.S., and the protectionism kind of approach has been taken up. So if you talk about de-globalisation, that means that everything right from trade to cross-border flow of trade and technology, the investments everything would be impacted. So, it’s very difficult to pick a sector which will actually do well when you are saying de-globalisation. Why technology and healthcare is doing well? If you look at the Nasdaq 100 index, it’s up by about 9%, but the S&P 500 is barely up 1% year-to-date. And the primary reason for Nasdaq 100 to do well has been that it is 45-50% technology-driven, followed by the healthcare biotech sector, and these two are the biggest beneficiaries as of now. You know all our interview calls are technology, mobile and cloud-driven, and of course with the Covid pandemic, healthcare sector is what everybody is looking at. But again, how long will it last? It’s difficult to pick a sector which will do well in the de-globalisation space, especially in India, I think it’s a tough call. It’s always best to stick to market leaders, I feel, across different space. I really don’t have a very clear view on which theme should one pick. I’m not a big promoter of picking thematic funds actually. I like the diversified space and I find comfort there.

I would like to add one more point—when we’re talking about mutual funds at least, we always promote them with a medium- to long-term horizon. So, this statement and decision based on an event or something which is an outcome of an event, I think is not the right thing to do. That can be the right way to pick certain specific stocks, if you are going to direct equity, but I feel as far as mutual funds are concerned, the way to diversify and build your portfolio has to be different.

Amit, what categories of thematic funds to your mind will do well in this time?

Jain: First, in thematic funds we are allocating only 15% of the portfolio, not 100%. We are talking about next six months staggered investment. That’s the process we follow. Every bull market has its own sector. In 1996 to 2008, Nifty was leading with the asset-heavy business models. Take ONGC, GAIL, JP Associates, they were leading those days. Post 2008, it’s an asset light model that has well done very well, which is the banking sector and they were probably 43% of the weightage when we advised exit on Jan. 16, 2020. The banking weightage was around 44% in the Nifty. So, every market and every phase of the economy has a new sector which is needed. So, you should be able to identify the winners well in advance. At Ashika Wealth Advisors, we believe in pre-empting the cycle of asset class and sectors, we’re doing a post-mortem. So there’s a thesis which we work with. Once you understand the thesis, I can brief with what sectors we are comfortable with going forward because we believe that it is going to be a de-globalisation going forward because there will be a lot of geo-political issues. So, keeping de-globalisation in mind, we have five sectors where we feel comfortable with for 15% of the allocation.

Amit, what fund categories can people buy in a mutual fund?

Jain: Specific to mutual funds, I think we are comfortable with manufacturing sector. 5% out of 15% allocation can go into the manufacturing sector.

Are there specific funds which cater to this theme? Would you be able to tell us?

Jain: Something like ICICI Manufacturing Sector Fund or you have Aditya Birla Manufacturing Sector Fund where you can put money, 5% into it out of 100. So, 5% can go healthcare and 5% can go to IT sector as well. Anyway most of that diversified equity mutual fund is invested into banks. That’s how their portfolios are. Today, any large-cap mutual fund and you by default carry 40% or 30% weightage into banking stocks. So, don’t get into banking again because you’ve already got a banking exposure.

It’s better to diversify across asset class, one which I said gold, international funds and equity mutual funds. Even in equity, you can have thematic funds, 15% of your portfolio.

Amit, is it advisable to buy into large-cap funds or would you rather choose multi-cap funds where the fund manager has the flexibility to even choose some smaller bets? Are large-cap funds a no-no?

Jain: Choosing the investment on the basis of large, mid or small-cap is an old school of thought and we don’t believe in that. I will give an example. There are a lot of stocks which were large caps in 2007. Today, either they don’t exist or are mid caps. To name a few, something like BHEL, a Navratna company in 2007, today it is hardly a mid cap. ONGC of the world, JP Associates does not exist. DLF, the price was Rs 1,300, today its down to Rs 100. They were large caps in 2007. A lot of companies don’t even exist today. Unitech of the world. So we believe that if you really want to make money going forward in India and across the globe, you should discard this old school of thought where you diversify your investment based on large, mid or small cap. You should invest into a right sector. Your mutual fund schemes should invest in right sectors and at right entry and exit points.

But Amit, from an investor’s perspective, should one choose a large-cap fund or go for multi or mid caps or small caps?

Jain: If I have only three categories, then I will choose multi cap.

You have multiple categories. I’m asking whether people who have investments in large-cap funds right now, should they stick to large-cap funds or because they will give index-hugging returns, it’s better to diversify into some other categories?

Jain: We believe in multi-cap funds from a three- to five-year perspective because the fund manager has more flexibility in choosing the right stock at the right time. Then we’ll leave it to the discretion of fund manager.

Prableen, because large-cap funds may have limitations in terms of being able to out perform the index ETFs meaningfully, is it better to look away from large-cap funds into some of the categories? Somebody has an exposure to large-cap funds, should that person stick to it or diversify?

Bajpai: Going back to basics, why did the person invest in a large-cap fund in the first place? Probably, you did have a time horizon, you had a risk appetite, and for a certain reason you invested in a certain category. Now, during the journey, just because the train probably seems to be going faster, you don’t go in, get on that train and there might be phases where something which is sluggish, currently will catch pace. So I don’t think that an allocation has to be made. What happens with the large-cap space that broadly when the indices are doing well, let’s say our Sensex and Nifty, and people feel that their funds are not doing as well or they don’t see that kind of recovery, that’s because the allocation is probably spread out into mid cap, multi cap, small cap and a bit of large cap. And I think an index fund, somebody who is wanting to do it and is starting right now, can probably just pick an index fund to find that comfort, and somebody who has already invested, I think you have to kind of stick to why you did invest in the first place. I don’t think that it makes sense to move out or move in a category just based on a certain trend which has been there for a short time.

For somebody who is starting off and is being advised to buy into large-cap funds should he do that or invest in Nifty ETFs?

Bajpai: I think it would depend. I think either of the two things is okay. One can pick an index fund that would also give the exposure to the largest companies and somebody who is investing in a large-cap fund will also have an allocation of 80% in the top 100 stocks. And if your fund manager does the trick right, you might end up beating the index. But closely what we’ve seen that scope has reduced over a period of time. So I think just picking an index fund for a beginner is a good thing because there is the comfort to that person that okay, I’m in line with the markets and it’s very easy to understand how the product performs and moves, basically which is market related.

Amit, are you taking interest rate calls and trying to get in and out or switch categories on the debt side?

Jain: Going forward, we are not a believer in debt mutual funds. I will give you two reasons — accrual category and duration category. Accrual category — we feel if this pandemic goes for long, we may face a lot of default on the bonds, at least in the BBB category. For duration debt mutual fund category, we believe the interest rate has almost bottomed out. There’s hardly 0.2-0.5% which may go down, even if it goes, but we don’t believe that the rate of interest will further go down at least in India. Unless the U.S. goes into negative territory, you will not find India further cut rate of interest. So duration mutual funds performed very well when the rate of interest cycle is declining. A lot of duration mutual funds have given a return of 18-19%, 15% in the last one year compared to the accrual debt category of funds, which has given 7-9%. So that category may not be very fruitful, going forward, to invest, because rates of interest are going down so accrual will also get a little unattractive and duration anyway will start reversing the gains if the interest rates start going up, say after six months or a year’s time once we pass out this pandemic phase. So debt mutual funds we are anyway advising to be avoided at least from a one to one-and-a-half year point of view.

Prableen, you have some thoughts here?

Bajpai: It’s not that we’ve turned averse to the debt space. I think there’s always scope. I’ll like to stick with a portfolio which has quality and which is for a shorter duration as of now. Because we’ve seen the government bonds hover between 4.8-9.4, and if we take the average of seven, we are much below it. So this is not really the time to invest in something for a longer duration. The interest rate risk will be way higher. I’ll like to stick with something but just for a shorter duration with a high-quality portfolio.

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The Mutual Fund Show: A Strategy That Can Help Cushion Portfolios In A Crisis  (2024)


What is the strategy of a mutual fund? ›

Mutual funds let you pool your money with other investors to "mutually" buy stocks, bonds, and other investments. They're run by professional money managers who decide which securities to buy (stocks, bonds, etc.) and when to sell them. You get exposure to all the investments in the fund and any income they generate.

What to do with mutual funds during recession? ›

A far better strategy is to build a diversified mutual fund portfolio. A properly constructed portfolio, including a mix of both stock and bonds funds, provides an opportunity to participate in stock market growth and cushions your portfolio when the stock market is in decline.

Are mutual funds safe in a crash? ›

Due to this, mutual funds offer you the benefit of diversification. However, during a market crash, stock prices come down. This, in turn, pulls down the performance of mutual funds holding these stocks. Companies, too, face a tough time with their operations taking a hit, and it takes time for stocks to recover.

How do you protect a stock portfolio from a market crash? ›

Trust in diversification

Diversifying helps ensure your investments (eggs) aren't concentrated in one type of asset (basket). So if one stock or industry has a bad day, your other investments may help offset those losses.

What is the best investment strategy in mutual fund? ›

Diversify your portfolio: Diversification is key to reducing risk in your mutual fund investment portfolio. Spread your investments across different asset classes, industries, and regions to minimise the impact of market volatility.

What is the 3 fund strategy? ›

The three-fund portfolio consists of a total stock market index fund, a total international stock index fund, and a total bond market fund. Asset allocation between those three funds is up to the investor based on their age and risk tolerance.

Which mutual fund is best in recession? ›

Small-cap funds can be a good option for aggressive investors with long-term time horizons. A risk-averse person can consider investing in a multi-asset mutual fund as it invests in various asset classes such as stocks, gold, debt, etc.

Do mutual funds go down during a recession? ›

A stock fund, either an ETF or a mutual fund, is a great way to invest during a recession. A fund tends to be less volatile than a portfolio of a few stocks, and investors are wagering less on any single stock than they are on the economy's return and a rise in market sentiment.

What is the best portfolio for a recession? ›

During a recession, investing in cash and cash equivalents becomes a strategic choice for investors who are hoping to preserve their capital and maintain liquidity. Cash equivalents include short-term, highly liquid assets with minimal risk, such as Treasury bills, money market funds and certificates of deposit.

Where is the safest place to put your money during a recession? ›

Where to put money during a recession. Putting money in savings accounts, money market accounts, and CDs keeps your money safe in an FDIC-insured bank account (or NCUA-insured credit union account). Alternatively, invest in the stock market with a broker.

Are mutual funds risky now? ›

Are mutual funds safe? All investments carry some risk, but mutual funds are typically considered a safer investment than purchasing individual stocks. Since they hold many company stocks within one investment, they offer more diversification than owning one or two individual stocks.

What is the biggest risk for mutual funds? ›

Inflation is the biggest risk which eats up the returns generated by your investments in mutual funds. If your investments are not generating higher returns than the prevailing inflation rate, then you are just losing money from your investment.

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Domestic Bonds, Treasury Bills, & Notes

Mutual funds and stocks are considered to be a big gamble during depressions. While Treasury bonds, bills, and notes are more secure investments. These items are issued by the U.S. government.

Should I move my 401k to cash? ›

If you cash out your 401(k) plan you will have to pay the deferred income tax liability on all of the contributions and gains in the account at that time. Moreover, if you are under age 59.5, you will be hit with a 10% early withdrawal penalty, making it an even less attractive option.

At what age should you get out of the stock market? ›

There are no set ages to get into or to get out of the stock market. While older clients may want to reduce their investing risk as they age, this doesn't necessarily mean they should be totally out of the stock market.

What is growth strategy in mutual fund? ›

Growth investing is a stock-buying strategy that looks for companies that are expected to grow at an above-average rate compared to their industry or the broader market. Growth investors tend to favor smaller, younger companies poised to expand and increase profitability potential in the future.

What are the 4 P's of mutual funds? ›

One such guiding framework is the 4 Ps—People, Philosophy, Process, and Predictability serving as a comprehensive guide in this regard. Let's delve into each of these aspects to help your investors make informed decisions: People: The individuals behind a fund house play a pivotal role in shaping its performance.

What is the 4 fund investment strategy? ›

The Four Fund Combo is built on four index funds (or exchange-traded funds) that include the most basic U.S. equity asset classes: large-cap blend stocks (the S&P 500 SPX, +0.27%, in other words), large-cap value stocks, small-cap blend stocks, and small-cap value stocks.

How does money grow in a mutual fund? ›

Mutual fund returns can come from several sources: Appreciation in the fund's NAV, which happens if the fund's investments increase in price while you own the fund. Income earned from dividends on stocks or interest on bonds. Capital gains or profits incurred when the fund sells investments that have increased in price.

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