The manual pinning strategy that helped me boost my blog traffic and income - To Be The Perfect Mother (2024)


Today I’m going to share with you my first income report for March 2019. I’ll reveal the secret of boosting my blog traffic using Pinterest and the effective pinning strategy I used to to get viral pins that helped me reach almost 80.000 page views last month.

I previously wrote three posts about Pinterest, the first was a simple tutorial about Pinterest for bloggers,how to use Pinterest for your blog.

The second post wasa list of more than 400 Pinterest group boards to join today.

The third post was 7 simple tips to make your pin go viral and boost your blog traffic.

With this post today, Pinterest growth strategy has been revealed and you will have the inspiration to start thinking of Pinterest as the main source for blog traffic and making extra money from home in your spare time.

If you haven’t started your money-making blog yet, you can read a step by step tutorial to help you start your own blog.

The manual pinning strategy that helped me boost my blog traffic and income - To Be The Perfect Mother (1)

My first income report for March 2019

This month was the best month ever in my blogging journey. The boost of my income was because of joining mediavine 2 months ago.

If you have 25k sessions per month, don’t hesitate to join mediavine. It’s the best advertisem*nt company ever.

I was with Google Adsense for more than a year. But, when I compare the two ads, I feel like I’m in heaven now.

This is some of the fantastic points of mediavine:

  1. Very honest team. I waked up some morning and checked my mediavine dashboard, I saw a letter from the mediavine team tell us that there was some error. I didn’t understand exactly what the error was, but what makes me admire them more than ever is that they were very honest. They didn’t keep this error as a secret between them. Instead, they send a long message to all mediavine members discussing the error in details with additional earning of 1.10$ for this error.
  2. Very helpful team, they stay with you and help you set up the ads on your blog step by step.
  3. Mediavine ads are light ads, it doesn’t slow down your website.
  4. It doesn’t need clicks to pay for you. It pays per impressions, so anyone visits your blog, you will make money.
  5. Very good RPM which is 16.76$ for me, and it is more for some other bloggers.
  6. No monthly detections with mediavine.
  7. Mediavine offers an additional 1% for every year you are with them, up to five years. Just to say thanks!
  8. There is a very helpful Facebook group for all mediavine members. This group have some roundup threads that help you get backlinks, share your posts and find rich content for your blog.

If your blog didn’t reach 25k sessions a month yet, don’t worry just work on your Pinterest account and give my pinning strategy a try. With some patience, you’ll reach more than this number.

Here is my first income report:

Mediavine…… 1135.05 USD

Bluehost affiliate……. 715 USD

Amazon affiliate……. 321.90 USD

Total income……. 2171.95 USD

Why you have to use Pinterest for your blog?

Pinterest is both a search engine and a social media platform. It enables users to post or pin images to self-created theme-based photo galleries called boards.

250 million people use Pinterest every month and about 70% of Pinterest users aren’t just visiting the site, but they are actively engaged in taking actions like saving images and or clicking through.

Pinterest is the best way to drive more targeted traffic to your site, and the best part is that your content goes a lot further on Pinterest.

So, If you want your blog to reach more people, you should consider using Pinterest. The idea of using Pinterest is to get your writing in front of new eyes to increase exposure. The more people who see and share your pin, the more chance of exploding your blog traffic.

The pinning strategy that gets me 80.000 page views a month:

I’m going to share here my pinning strategy that worked really well. I had implemented this strategy from December last year, and during these four months, I saw good growth in my Pinterest impressions, followers and click-throughs to my blog.

The manual pinning strategy that helped me boost my blog traffic and income - To Be The Perfect Mother (2)
My Pinterest impressions went from 93k to 1m, and my blog traffic went from 5800 in November 2018 to 79,554 in March 2019, and my blog income went from 158$ to 2172$ this month.
I’m going to simplify it in a few steps. Please read carefully.

Why pinning manually is so important?

Whenever someone hears about the manual pinning, he thinks that it’s very time-consuming and requires too much work and effort. But believe me, if you follow my pinning strategy, it takes just 15 minutes a day.

Manual pinning is so important. Pinterest is rewarding those who actually spend time on the platform pinning directly from the main feed and boards in live time.

During these 4 months of manual pinning, I scheduled a few pins using tailwind schedular and I kept an open eye on these pin’s stats for two months. I noticed that my pin that pinned manually is doing better in impressions, repins and click-throughs than those I scheduled using tailwind.

Create pins for every blog post:

Each time you write a post, create 2 or 3 images and insert them inside the post.

Install a pin it plugin and include an ask for action at the end of the post. You can read more details about this here.

Once you publish the post, go straight to Pinterest and pin a new pin linked to your new post.

Two days later, pin another pin with different image and description linked to the same post (most times, I pin the second pin directly from the blog post).

My manual pinning strategy using the iPhone:

Once I create a new pin, I wait at least 24 hours until I repin it to a new board ( my own boards and group boards).

I pin the single pin to all my relative boards and group boards.

But how can you remember exactly what was the last board you saved this pin to it?

Ok, I’ll show you how:

1- I go to ( to be the perfect mother ) board which is my blog board then I choose a pin that I want to repin it and Click on see more stats:

The manual pinning strategy that helped me boost my blog traffic and income - To Be The Perfect Mother (3)

2- I look at ( saved to these boards section), and see the last board I saved the pin to it. It was ( bloggers unite group board ).

3- Now, I return to the pin again, and press (save), I look at the following relative board to pin it to, which is here ( collaborative board: family and parenting ).

The manual pinning strategy that helped me boost my blog traffic and income - To Be The Perfect Mother (4)

So, when I publish a post, I create a new Pinterest pin. I make this pin the morning pin and pin it every day in the morning manually.

After 2 days I pin directly from the blog post and make this pin the afternoon pin. I pin it every day to a new board.

After I pin these two pins to all my boards. I don’t repin it again to the same boards. Instead, I create a new pin to this post and follow the same strategy until the pin is saved all my boards. Then I create a new pin and so on.

You can create up to 6 pins for every blog post.

So if you have 30 boards and every time you create a new blog post, you repin it to a new board every 24 hours.

The result will be fantastic! you can promote a single post on Pinterest for at least 6 months. The more group boards you are in, the longer the time you can promote a single pin.

Remember, you don’t need to repin all your pins every day, so sometimes the time interval will be 3 or 4 days until you repin it again.

You need to focus on your new posts and the popular posts and repin them daily.

Now, each time I use my iPhone for any reason, I go ahead to Pinterest App and repin 3 or 4 of my own pins and 3 or 4 from other bloggers pins that shown on my Pinterest smart feed.

The whole process takes up to 3 minutes so it is NOT time-consuming. I do that about 5-6 times a day 2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, 1-2 in the evening. The whole time will be about 15 minutes divided into blocks of 3 minutes.

Don’t forget your old posts:

Yeap, Pinterest loves fresh pins. While I publish one blog post a week, I make sure to create at least 4 new pins every week. Two of these new pins are from old posts.

The manual pinning strategy that helped me boost my blog traffic and income - To Be The Perfect Mother (5)

Look at this pin, I created it 7 days ago, and it is doing very well until now. But, before this pin, there were 3 pins to the same post that didn’t get enough click-throughs. So, creating pins for your old posts can boost your traffic.

How to make your pins living a long time on Pinterest?

The secret of making your pin living a long time and still sending you traffic even when you forget it is the SEO. You must know how to make your pins searchable.

Ok, I’ll show you in simple steps how did I write the description to my 5 days old pin.

Look at this pin: It gets 11k impressions, 28 saves and 74 click throughs in just 5 days.

The manual pinning strategy that helped me boost my blog traffic and income - To Be The Perfect Mother (6)

The post title was: unique baby girl names.

I went to the Pinterest search and wrote the post title and pressed the search button.

The manual pinning strategy that helped me boost my blog traffic and income - To Be The Perfect Mother (7)

You can see a list of options on the top of results, I picked some of these options and made readable sentences from these words.

So, this was my pin description:

The manual pinning strategy that helped me boost my blog traffic and income - To Be The Perfect Mother (8)

Another tip: I asked myself: who is looking for baby girl names?

The answer was: the pregnant women.

Now, what are the pregnant women looking for as well?

I did a small search and found some popular topics likes:

– things to do when you find you are pregnant.

– baby announcement.

– pregnant with a baby girl.

And more.

So, I included these long tail SEO in my pin description. Now, If a pregnant woman looking for ideas for a baby announcement, there is a chance that my pin will be shown on her Pinterest smart feed, and of course there is a chance she will be curious and click through my pin to have a look at these names even if she already decided the name of her daughter.

what to do if your pins go viral in Pinterest?

If your pin went viral, you can make the most benefit of it before it dies. Here are some suggestions.

1. If your site display ads ( especially if its PPM ads like mediavine) try to increase the length of the post and add more photos. This will increase your revenue.

2. Try to add affiliate links if possible.

3. Link to other posts of your site that contain affiliate links, and make these internal links in a good position in your post to increase the chance of visiting.

4. Add opt-in subscription post to increase your blog subscribers.

5. Connect your social media accounts, to get new followers.

I did the first 3 steps, and the result was fantastic. I increased my blog income as you see above.

Pinterest service to help you grow your blog traffic:

Now, I revealed my manual pinning strategy in details for FREE. I give you the complete permission to use the strategy to grow your Pinterest account, blog traffic and income.

If you are still struggling with your blog traffic, please don’t hesitate to send me a direct message on my Pinterest account and I will have a deep look on your Pinterest to fix the problems.

If you are facing problems with creating pins that go viral, I’m ready to do it for you. Feel free to contact me.

Do you want to say ( thanks! ) for this free guide?

If you follow my Pinterest accountand repin a few pins from ( to be the perfect mother) board. I will consider this as (thank you) for this free guide, and I really appreciate that.

If you see this post helpful, please pin it to share the benefit..

The manual pinning strategy that helped me boost my blog traffic and income - To Be The Perfect Mother (9)

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The manual pinning strategy that helped me boost my blog traffic and income - To Be The Perfect Mother (2024)


What is the manual pinning strategy? ›

What is manual pinning? Manual pinning is uploading a new pin or saving a new pin from your website straight to a board. For all of our clients we usually manually pin the first version to Pinterest then pull that pin into Tailwind or save the pin URL for later.

What are the steps to use Pinterest for traffic on blog? ›

Here are 7 steps to help you use Pinterest for blogging:
  1. Set up an awesome Pinterest account.
  2. Create a Pinterest marketing strategy.
  3. Make your blog pinnable.
  4. Create attention-grabbing pins.
  5. Incorporate Pinterest SEO.
  6. Curate your Pinterest boards.
  7. Engage with followers.
Oct 3, 2023

What is the purpose of pinning? ›

"Pinned" refers to a social media feature that allows users to keep a specific post or tweet at the top of their profile or feed.

What is pinning a process? ›

Pinning is the process of associating a host with their expected X509 certificate or public key. Once a certificate or public key is known or seen for a host, the certificate or public key is associated or 'pinned' to the host.

How do beginners get traffic to blogs? ›

10 Tips to Increase Blog Traffic – for Beginners or Anyone Looking to Grow Their Blog
  1. Identify and understand your audience.
  2. Share valuable content.
  3. Write easy-to-read articles.
  4. Implement an SEO strategy.
  5. Optimize website speed.
  6. Start an email newsletter.
  7. Promote your articles on social media.
  8. Be consistent.
May 27, 2023

How do I start a blog and make money on Pinterest? ›

Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to make money with Pinterest.
  1. Create A Blog On Your Own Website. ...
  2. Write And Create Unique, Relevant, Expert Content. ...
  3. Create Your Pinterest Business Account. ...
  4. Develop Your Boards and Pins. ...
  5. Send Traffic To Your eCommerce. ...
  6. Sell On Pinterest. ...
  7. Send Traffic To Your Blog.
Apr 24, 2023

What is a Pinterest strategy? ›

Pinterest strategy is all about visuals. Therefore, the more interesting the image you post, the more engagement you'll gain on Pinterest. Again, if you share high-quality and attractive illustrations on your blog posts, people will be more likely to pin them to their boards.

What is known as pinning in workshop? ›

Pinning refers to the clogging of the file teeth with pins, which are material shavings. These pins cause the file to lose its cutting ability and can scratch the workpiece. A file card, which is a brush with metal bristles, is used to clean the file.

What do you use for pinning models? ›

Pinning also requires some basic tools and consumables. A pair of snipe nose pliers, snips, superglue, needle file, pin vice, correct size drill bits and corresponding solid brass rod. You can get most of this stuff through hobby and craft stores.

What is pinning in ecommerce? ›

Pinning is an effective merchandising strategy that can significantly enhance the online shopping experience for customers while boosting sales of online retailers by strategically highlighting or promoting specific products to a desired position.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.