The impact of listening to podcasts on learning effectiveness (2024)

Today, podcasts are more popular than ever. According to the statistics, around 24% of Americans listen to multiple podcasts every week. On average, podcast listeners consume seven shows per week and the most popular age of those listeners is 25-44.

How it all started

Podcast popularity skyrocketed in the early 2000s when the first portable audio devices, such as iPods, appeared on the global market. In 2005 Steve Jobs demonstrated how any of us could create a podcast with the help of a Mac and share it with the whole world. By the way, one of the most popular podcast apps now is the Apple podcast. Over about 20 years, more than 700,000 podcasts have been created, mostly for free. But the leader in podcast apps today is Spotify.

As the world becomes busier, the podcast is also becoming incredibly popular, especially among students. Audio content allows them to multitask and complete more work during the day. However, when multitasking is not helpful enough, young people can turn to a plagiarism checker with no word limit to ensure their paperwork is plagiarism-free. Using FixGerald, you can paste your text and it will be checked for plagiarism for free. It has no limit to the number of checks you can perform. What’s more, students can learn using podcasts. How does it work? Let’s discuss it below.

Improving learning effectiveness with podcasts

Without any doubt, using podcasts for study purposes is a good idea. How to make them a part of the educational process? Keep reading!

1. Make a list

As a student, you can take advantage of loads of podcasts out there if you create a list of those that meet your needs. The statistics show that education is one of the top categories in podcasts. Modern podcasts are designed by experts to be easily understandable and highly informative. Their aim is to make school subjects less frustrating and prepare for exams painless.

Moreover, podcasts must spark some joy in students. This purpose can be achieved with podcasts created by comedians. For example, there is a great podcast The Infinite Monkey Cage, hosted by popular physicist Brian Cox and comedian Robin Ince. Students say that it is a laugh as well as informative. No matter what subject you are struggling with, podcasts can make things much easier for you.

2. Focus on what you are listening to

When you are listening to some entertaining podcasts, you can put them in the background. They don’t require much concentration because your goal is just to have one. But if you want to learn something new, you shouldn’t put podcasts on while you are doing something else, like cleaning your apartment or working out. And this is fine because even if you lose your focus for a few seconds, you can easily pick up on the tread.

However, this is not the case for educational podcasts. If you stop paying attention to it, you are likely to be completely lost. So it’s best to avoid multitasking with podcasts if you have ambitious study-related goals. Do your best to maintain maximum concentration and enjoy the learning process.

3. Take notes

Of course, you may not be willing to interrupt the passive nature of a podcast by taking notes. But in this case, your learning will not be effective. Basically, learning is an active process, so you should sit down with a notebook each time you listen to a podcast. To memorize things, jot down every lesson you’ve learned from a podcast.

However, if it’s too tedious for you, you can just pause your podcast every five-ten minutes and say aloud what you’ve understood. Don’t think that this approach makes you slow. In fact, it just helps you to deepen your knowledge in certain subjects. It’s better to take a few hours to get through a complicated podcast than to be quick and end up forgetting everything you’ve listened to.

4. Look through transcripts

Not all podcasts have transcripts, it varies from one episode to another. But if you manage to find those that publish full transcripts, it will save you much time. You can use them in a few different ways. First of all, you can read along with a podcast while listening to it. Secondly, you can consult a transcript when you have difficulty understanding the words someone is saying. Also, you can highlight key information in the text and revise it when needed.

Transcripts can make your learning process way more efficient. You can fill in some knowledge gaps using a written version of your podcast and acquire new skills much faster.

5. Use mnemonic techniques

Mnemonic is a trick helping you organize complicated information in a way that is easy to remember. One of the most common mnemonic techniques is the alphabet trick. How does it work? You need to tie each takeaway from your podcast to a different letter of the alphabet. By arranging what you have learned so that it fits a specific letter, you can memorize everything much more effectively.

Apart from the alphabet trick, you can use acronyms. For example, if you are listening to a podcast on Economics or Finances, you can use the acronym “money” to capture new facts you’ve just learned. And if you are studying Medicine, you can try the acronym “health”. Most importantly, use your imagination and creative thinking.

6. Share as much as possible

Share podcasts you find most informative with your peers and classmates if you feel they could be interested in a topic. It gives you a chance to discuss the episode and see the conclusions that others make while consuming the same content. Learning someone else’s perspective can be extremely helpful in terms of studying.

By the way, before you get to discussions, you can write a short summary. Include any interesting points, even those on which you don’t agree. It will not only encourage talking points but also help you frame the learning. Note that conversations are an important building block in absorbing and retaining information.

7. Make a vocabulary

Of course, while listening to informative podcasts, you’ll encounter new words. Although it may feel quite confusing, it’s absolutely okay not to know some terms. This way you can expand your outlook and deepen your knowledge, which is the final goal of any learning process.

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Maki by a vocabulary might be a throwback to high-school classes, but it’s really important. Before you look up word meanings in the dictionary, try to figure it out from the context. After that, check if you were right and write down the definition to get a sense of what the word means.

This activity can be very time consuming and even boring. But after the first few times, you do this, it will become easier. You’ll get a new habit of filling your vocabulary for every single episode and start noticing progress in the discipline you are learning. By the way, you can use your vocabulary notebook to make flashcards then, so you can review the words later.

The impact of listening to podcasts on learning effectiveness (2)

Top podcasts to check

Stuff You Should Know

This podcast has been running for over a decade. And it still dominates the charts, being one of the most popular educational podcasts in the world. It covers a myriad of areas, including science, history, and pop culture. Whatever you are interested in, you can learn more about it with Stuff You Should Know. The episodes are co-hosted by Chuck Bryant and Josh Clark who give the feeling of listening in on the conversation of your close friends.

Encyclopedia Womannica

If you want to learn more about remarkable women throughout history, you should check the Encyclopedia Womannica show. The episodes highlight the stories of women who lived in different countries, cultures, and centuries. This podcast covers the contributions of incredible female mathematicians, civil rights activists, and poets, to name just a few.

Climate Cast

Climate change is an extremely important topic that requires much attention. If you want to learn about its impact on the world, you should listen to Climate Cast. This show is hosted by Paul Huttner, MPR’s Chief Meteorologist. For each episode, he invites knowledgeable guests, such as political figures, researchers, and academics. All the topics are approached in a clear, factual manner.

99% Invisible

This show hosted by Roman Mars is extremely popular today. Basically, it tells how architecture and design shape our world. Each episode is highly informative and has compelling narratives. It’s highly engaging and boasts high production value. Any student who has ever listened to it says that the show sparks curiosity in them. It will definitely inspire you to reflect on interesting topics and expand your outlook.

Overheard at National Geographic

If you are an adventurous person, you’ll like this podcast. The episodes are not tied together, they are rather random. But all of them provide new insights into topics you might have never considered. Overheard at National Geographic is playfully delivered, which makes it both educational and entertaining at the same time. The episodes are pretty short, usually under 30 minutes, so they are perfect to listen to while commuting to your college.

Final thoughts

Podcasts are a viable tool to enhance learning effectiveness. If you choose the most informative and easy-to-understand episodes, take notes of them, use mnemonic techniques and discuss what you’ve listened to, then you will get the most out of this tool. Hopefully, this article has inspired you to discover new podcasts.

Author’s BIO

Percy J. Bunnell is an academic coach and interviewer. She works with students, helping them reach big study goals fast and efficiently. Percy enjoys taking interviews and often records to create podcasts.

The impact of listening to podcasts on learning effectiveness (2024)


The impact of listening to podcasts on learning effectiveness? ›

Podcasts are a viable tool to enhance learning effectiveness. If you choose the most informative and easy-to-understand episodes, take notes of them, use mnemonic techniques and discuss what you've listened to, then you will get the most out of this tool.

How effective are podcasts for learning? ›

Educational podcasts are appealing and may encourage students who don't like reading. Many students may struggle with reading through mental impairments, such as Dyslexia, and podcasts can be a big aid in this. Podcasts are equally useful in cases where a visual impairment makes traditional learning methods arduous.

What is the impact of podcast in education? ›

Podcasting gives teachers and professors the ability to share their lectures with students seamlessly and make them available 24/7. Podcasts can easily be used in educational institutions to impart education in a new interactive way to improve the teaching and learning methods.

What are the effects of listening to podcasts? ›

Studies show that listening to stories (or similarly, podcasts) stimulates the important parts of the brain. As a result, they help increase levels of empathy, foster relationships, and boost compassion.

What are the benefits of listening to podcasts? ›

7 Reasons Why You Should Listening to Podcasts
  • Easily accessible. ...
  • Convenient to listen to. ...
  • Free entertainment/ education. ...
  • Learn about a new subject or an industry. ...
  • Perfect for mindless chores. ...
  • Help us become better listeners. ...
  • Benefit people mentally.
Jun 15, 2022

Do podcasts help improve speaking skills? ›

Podcasts that feature audio recordings of native English speakers can serve as useful models for language learners to develop their speaking abilities. Several studies have demonstrated that podcasts can be used as an alternate media to effectively help students improve their skills in spoken English.

What are three things you learned from listening to the podcast? ›

7 things I've learned from podcasting
  • Embrace failures. ...
  • Always be learning the craft. ...
  • Forgive yourself quickly. ...
  • Twitter is incredibly powerful. ...
  • Be content with incremental growth. ...
  • People are generous. ...
  • Real people and real stories make the best content.
May 13, 2018

Why are podcasts impactful? ›

It builds a relationship between you and your audience

Use voice modulation to emphasize important points. By having them become familiar with your views, creative ideas, voice and format, your audience will start to trust you. Pro Tip: Make a good podcast intro to engage your audience from the very beginning.

Why podcast is best suited for students? ›

Reading along with the audio improves focus and helps students develop their pronunciation. Moreover, the audio also builds fluency and improves word recognition power in students. If you want your students to build their listening and comprehension skills, you must use podcasting in your classroom.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of podcasts? ›

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Podcasts
Diverse contentLimited interaction
Convenient and portableRequires attention and focus
Expert insights and perspectivesLimited production quality
Entertainment valueAvailability and accessibility
1 more row

What are the disadvantages of podcast in learning? ›

Disadvantages of using podcasts in education
  • Can be quite time consuming to produce and edit.
  • Not easily searchable online.
  • Accessibility for some learners can be an issue. ...
  • Finding and reaching your audience can be challenge due to the wide number of podcasts available.
  • IP and content protection can be difficult.
Oct 5, 2022

Is listening to podcasts as good as reading? ›

One study by Beth Rogowsky, associate professor of education at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, asking students either to read a nonfiction book or listen to the audio version, found no significant differences in how much of it they absorbed.

What can you learn from listening to podcasts? ›

Listening to podcasts also allows you to learn valuable insights into different industries such as finance, health care, marketing etc., which can help guide your future career decisions or business strategies if they're running their own company (or even if they're not).

Which two skills can be improved using podcasts? ›

By hearing the authentic language use in podcasts and vodcasts, learners can improve their overall listening comprehension and pronunciation skills.

Can listening to podcasts improve your vocabulary? ›

Listening to a language podcast will help you expand your vocabulary. It also gives you a feel for the different grammar rules and shows you how to make some good sentences in that language. For a better learning experience, keep track of unfamiliar words on the podcast you're listening to.

Does listening to podcasts help productivity? ›

Increase your focus and productivity

Listening to motivational podcasts can stimulate your brain, keep you engaged, and block out distractions. They can also provide you with practical strategies and techniques to improve your time management, organization, and efficiency.

What are three 3 benefits of effective listening? ›

The benefits of active listening are as follows:

Builds trust and strong relationships. Helps to resolve conflict. Prevents us from missing important information. Helps to build more knowledge.

What type of learning is a podcast? ›

Podcasting is a form of m-learning in which a device is used to listen to or watch an audio or video broadcast.

What is the main point of a podcast? ›

The purpose of podcasts

People might listen to a podcast to learn more about a topic, keep up with current events, or because they want to laugh. A podcast can also be a powerful marketing tool. Podcasting can be an opportunity to promote your business, broaden your reach, or market to your existing audience.

Why are podcasts a powerful tool for communication? ›

But it is also an effective way to provide a sensation of authenticity. Podcasts are an effective tool for communication by establishing authenticity. It lets you get to engage with your audience and improves your engagement. Audio files allow the podcasters to inject their speaking skills and enthusiasm.

What are the benefits of podcast in learning English? ›

Teaching with podcasts allows students to focus on developing their use of academic language without the cognitive load of decoding. As they listen, students can make inferences and connections to their prior knowledge that will benefit their comprehension when reading and listening in the future.

How do you use podcasting in education? ›

Teachers can record audio podcasts to provide additional and revision material to students to download and review at their own pace. Empower students voice and encourage them to create their own podcasts and share their learning experiences with each other (e.g., peer learning).

What are the negative effects of podcasts? ›

In excess, podcasts can distract you from your work and social connections and even impede your ability to learn and remember. Keep reading to dig in to the research about what happens in your brain when you listen to podcasts and discover the best way to enjoy your favorite podcasts with no downsides.

How do podcasts affect mental health? ›

Listening to podcasts can help to reduce stress and anxiety, provide emotional support, and gain new perspectives on life. It can also assist with increasing self-awareness, which is essential for managing mental health.

Is listening better than reading for learning? ›

Furthermore, experts suggest that reading is associated with cognitively engaging processes, whereas listening can help you comprehend the material better. It's usually the case when you're listening in a relaxing, distraction-free environment.

Does listening to podcasts help social skills? ›

Podcast listening may help people fulfill their social needs, according to recent findings published in PLOS One.

Why are podcasts better than reading? ›

A typical podcast lasts between ten minutes and an hour, unlike many books that can take you more than 20 hours to read. It's more conversational. Podcasts have a casual and conversational style that makes them a pleasurable listening experience.

What is the success rate of a podcast? ›

Tracking the duration of a listen is the most accurate way to find out how many people finish an episode. The average completion rate is 60%. It means that if you have 100 listeners, only 60 of them will finish the episode. The number can be lower for some shows and higher for others.

What are disadvantages of podcasts? ›

The list of the disadvantages of podcasting is time consuming, not searchable, accessibility problems and limited audience. Podcast consumes a lot of time especially if the file is larger. It is not usually easy to search in podcasting.

What is the potential benefits of podcasts for language learning? ›

Podcasts offer language learners exposure to various topics, stories, and situations. Research shows that incidental exposure to academic vocabulary through listening to stories helps students learn the meaning of unknown words. Besides listening and thus speaking, it also helps you increase your vocabulary.

Why listening is more effective than reading? ›

Furthermore, experts suggest that reading is associated with cognitively engaging processes, whereas listening can help you comprehend the material better. It's usually the case when you're listening in a relaxing, distraction-free environment.

What is the failure rate of podcasts? ›

According to many in the business, most podcasts that fade die out as early as their 7th episode. In fact, research indicates that the podfading rate is as high as 50% among new podcasts.

Are podcasts declining in popularity? ›

Monthly listenership to podcasts seems to be declining among the younger generations. Statista data shows that 50% of those ages 12 to 34 listened to podcasts monthly in 2022, which is a decline from 56% in 2021.

Who listens to podcasts the most? ›

While older generations also tune in, the main group consuming podcasts is the age group of 12 to 34 year-olds.

What are the pros and cons of podcasts? ›

Anyone who needs to see or hear them can stream the files or download them to a computer, smartphone or media player for listening or viewing.
  • Advantage: Convenience. ...
  • Disadvantage: Accessibility. ...
  • Advantage: Easy. ...
  • Disadvantage: Loss of Control. ...
  • Finding an Audience.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.