The Holy Spirit the gift of God our heavenly Father, to them that ask him. A sermon preach'd on a day of prayer and fasting, kept by the South Church in Boston, to ask of God the effusion of his spirit on the rising generation, Novemb. 13th. 1722. (2024)

The Holy Spirit the gift of God our heavenly Father, to them that ask him. A sermon preach'd on a day of prayer and fasting, kept by the South Church in Boston, to ask of God the effusion of his spirit on the rising generation, Novemb. 13th. 1722.

Sewall, Joseph, 1688-1769.

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GOD will give His Holy SPIRIT to them that ask Him.

LUKE XI. 13.

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your Children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him.

IN the beginning of this Chapter, one of Christ's Disciples ask'd our Lord to teach them to Pray; in answer to which request, this great Prophet and Teacher of His Church, gives His Disciples an excellent Form or Pattern as a Rule for their Direction in Prayer; which is re∣corded in this and the Evangelist Matthew, with some considerable difference. And He encourageth them to continue instant in Prayer, with persevering Importunity, by declaring that if they Ask it shall be given them; that if they seek, they shall find, and that if they Knock it shall bePage 2open'd to them. And our Lord illustrates and confirms this Truth by a double simi∣litude or comparison. The first is that of a Friend, who is moved by importunity to grant his friend's request, being urg'd to that which his kindness as a friend was not sufficient to incline him to. The second is taken from an earthly Father, whose pa∣rental love to his Child will not by any means, suffer him to give that which he knows to be hutful, when his Child asks what is needful and proper to be given, ver. 11, 12. And then follows my text, in which we have the similitude form'd into an Argument by way of Comparison, from the less to the greater, If ye then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children: how much more shall your heavenly father give his holy Spirit to them that ask him? If ye who are evil, who have, even the natural Affection God hath given you towards your Children impair'd and vitiated by Sir; and compard with God, have no goodness in you; for there is none good but God; if ye have both knowledge and will to give good things to your Children; and who is there that hath not, who is not a monster, with∣out natural affection; How much more shall your heavenly. Father: God who is your Fa∣ther not only by Creation, but also by A∣doption in Christ; and hath his Throne inPage 3Heaven above, whence cometh down every good and perfect giving? How much more shall He give his Holy Spirit, (in Mat. it is, good things, the Gift of the Holy Ghost comprehends in it formally, or virtually and causually all good things) to them that ask him: And therein express a silial disposi∣tion and frame of spirit. The Dutch ten∣der the text, those that pray to Him The word signifies, says Mr. Leigh, humbly to beg any thing, and earnestly to desire it.

DOCT. GOD our Heavenly Father will most certainly give His Holy Spirit to them; that Ask Him.

1. WHO is intended by the Holy Spirit? 2. What is implied in His being given? 3. What is intended in Asking the Holy Spirit? 4. Why should we Ask the Holy Spirit? 5. Prove the Doctrine, That God our Heavenly Father will most certainly give the Holy Spirit to them that Ask Him.

I. WHO is intended by the Holy Spirit?

Ans THE Third person in the Godhead. The word here us'd for Spirit signifies Breath or Wind: And it is observ'd by a learned Man, that the Word for Spirit in the Hebrew, Greek and Latin, signifies Breath.Page 4Now by this Word the Divine Essence which is pure and spiritual, immaterial and invi∣sible, is sometimes signified, in which the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are One. But then, as this Name is in a peculiar manner given to the Holy Ghost, so it declares His especial manner and order of subsistence in relation to the Father and the Son, as He proceeds from them. Now it is very ob∣vious that the Third Person in the Trinity is often call'd by this Name in the New Testament, and by a Name of the like signi∣fication in the Old. Thus in the old Testa∣ment, Gen. 1.2. The Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters, Psal. 336. Gen. 6.3. In the New Testament this word is fre∣quently us'd to signify this Divine Person, Joh. 3.5,—8. &c. And the Epithet Holy, is frequently given Him, Psal. 51.11. in our text and in many places in the New Testa∣ment, which may be, not only to denote the holiness of His Nature as He is God, but especially in that it is His peculiar Work to sanctify, and make us holy. He proceedeth from the Father and the Son, Joh. 15.26. But when the Comserter is come, whom I will send from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which procceeth from the Fa∣ther. He is call'd the Spirit of the Son, Gal 4.6. Now, that the Holy Ghost is an in∣telligent Subsistend or Person is evident fromPage 5the things ascribed to Him in Scripture, if vou take them together, as Understanding, Will &c. He is said to divide to every Man as He will, 1 Cor. 12. 11. And there are those Works attributed to Him, which declare the same thing, Job 33.4. The Spi∣rit of the Lord hath made me. He is said to teach us, 1 Joh. 2. To make Overseers or Bishops over the Flock at Ephesus, Act. 20.28. As also to be the Object of those Actings of Men which declare the same thing. He is said to be vexed, and we read of the Sin against the Holy Ghost. A∣gain, the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person. He is God, One with the Father and the Son in all the Essential Properties and Glo∣ries of the Divine Nature, I Joh. 5.7. There are Three that bear record in Heaven, the Fa∣ther, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these Three are One. He is called God, Act. 5.3. Why hath Satan filled thy heart to lie unto the Holy Ghost? ver. 4. Thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. He inspired those holy Men who spake and wrote the holy Scriptures, 2 Pet. 1.20, 1. Now it is said, All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God, 2 Tim. 3.16. The Incommunicable Attributes of God are ascribed to Him. He is Omni-present, Psal. 139.7. Whither shall I go from thy Spirit, Omniscient, 1 Cor. 2. 10, 11. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit:Page 6for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. We are Bap∣tized in his Name, Mat. 28.19. And there∣fore devoted to His Faith and Service, as our Covenant God. And we are also so∣lemnly Blessed in His Name, 2 Cor. 13.14. Not to mention His Agency in the Super∣natural Works of Creation, and of Grace, the latter of which may be Considered under the following Head.

II. IN what respects is God said to give, the Holy Spirit? Or thus, What is intended in God's giving the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is in Scripture call'd the Gift of God, Joh. 4. 10. God is said to give Him; Joh. 14.16, 17. I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, even the Spirit of truth. And agreable to this, such as are made Partakers of this rich Gift, are said to receive the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor. 2.12. We have received the Spirit which is of God. Our Heavenly Father gives His Spi∣rit to His Son our Lord Jesus Christ, as He is the Head of His Church, Joh. 3.34. —God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him. He is the first Receiver, and thro Him God bestows this great Gift upon His Peo∣plePage 7Act. 2.33. Therefore being by the right Hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, be hath shed forth that which ye now see and hear.

Here I may say,

1. GOD's giving the Holy Spirit denotes His Authority and free Grace. This is a free Favour, and is of meer Grace, not of Debt. When we Pray for the Holy Ghost, we must come to the Throne of Grace with∣out Money, and without Price. God hath Power to bellow Him, and He acts herein with Authority and the greatest Freedom. We can do nothing to Purchase this Gift, or to oblige God to bestow it upon us as a reward of Debt. No, we are unworthy of the least of God's Mercies, much less can we in any measure deserve this Com∣prehensive Gift. Ability to Ask aright, and the thing bestow'd in answer to our humble Petition, are both of the free Mercy of God thro' Jesus Christ.

2. THE Spirit is said to be given res∣pecting His Office, as He is the Dispenser of all Good to God's People. The Spirit is Essentially One, with the Father and with the Son, and as God acts with Sovereign Liberty. But then respecting His Office HePage 8is said to be sent and given*. The Appli∣cation of the Redemption purchased by Christ is peculiarly attributed to Him, Tit. 3.5, 6.— According to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and re∣newing of the holy Ghost; which was shed on us abundantly thro' Jesus Christ our Saviour. He is the Good Spirit of God, and all good is from Him. And accordingly He is said to be given with an especial Regard to those excellent Gifts, Graces and Comforts which are Communicated by Him. The Holy Spirit is in His Divine Nature one and the same, without variableness: But in His Gifts and Operations He is various, 1 Cor. 12.11. But all these (gifts) worketh that one and self same Spirit—. Agreably we read of the seven Spirits of God, Rev. 4.5. i. e. the Holy Spirit in His manifold Dispensations of Gifts and Graces. "Va∣riety of Gifts, And in this respect the Spirit of God may be said to be given more sparingly, or poured out more plentifully, according to the degree and measure in, which He is Communicated. It is said, that the Holy Ghost was not yet given—, or as in the Original, was not yet, becausePage 9Jesus was not yet glorified, Joh. 7.39. The Holy Ghost existed from Eternity; but He was not respecting that peculiar Dispensati∣on and manifestation of Him, which the Church was favour'd with, after Christ's Ascension.

III. WHAT is implied in Asking the Holy Spirit? How must we attend this Duty? Now as we have already observed, the Word signifies earnestly to desire any thing, and humbly to beg it. It intends humble and earnest Prayer. And thus the Word is us'd, Jam. 1.5. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God— And then, we must Ask in a right manner, from a right principle, and for a right end.

1. IN Asking of God His Holy Spirit, we must offer up our hearty Desires to Him. When we come before God to Ask His Holy Spirit, we must be duly sensible how needful and excellent a Blessing this is, and accordingly express to God the inward desires and breathings of our Souls after it. We must obey that Word, Psal. 62, 8—. Pour out your hearts before him—. We must desire and value this great Blessing, other∣wise our Asking it will be but an empty Compliment, yea a mocking of God. We must thirst for this living Water, the plentiful Effusions of the Holy Spirit. As David longed, and said, Oh that one wouldPage 10give me drink of the water of the well of Beth∣lehem So must we long for these holy Waters, and from our Hearts say, O that God wou'd Pour out His Spirit upon us! And then express our hearty Desires to God in Prayer. The thirsty are invited to Come and drink, Job. 7.37. There may be true Prayer without the Voice, but not without the Heart; there must be the Voice of the inward man.

2. WE must Ask of God His Holy Spirit in a due sense of our own Sinfulness and Un∣worthiness. God gives Grace to the Hum∣ble, but knows the Proud afar off: And therefore when we come before Him with our Requests and Petitions, we must come under an abasing sense of our own empti∣ness and unworthiness. We must be sen∣sible that we are empty of all spiritual Good, till the Holy Spirit is Communica∣ted to us, and that we are less than the least of God's Mercies, and therefore most unworthy of so great a Blessing. We must ask as Beggars ask an Alms. Thus the Word is used, Act. 3.2. As we are spiri∣tually poor, so we must have a gracious Poverty of Spirit while attending this Duty.

3. WE must Ask in the Name of our LordPage 11Jesus Christ, and in the exercise of Faith upon God as our Father in Him, Joh. 16.23.— Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my Name, he will give it you. ver. 24. — Ask, and ye shall re∣ceive —. Our Saviour here requires His Disciples to make an explicit and express mention of His Name in Prayer. When we come before God, we must not come in our own name; but make mention of the Name of Christ, who is worthy, and hath purchased the Gift of the Holy Ghost to be Communicated to His People. Now asking in the Name of Christ doth not intend meerly our making mention of the Name of Christ in our Prayers, but also our believing and intire Dependance on Him, His Merit and Mediation, for audi∣ence and acceptance with God. He is our great High Priest, and our Advocate with the Father. He appears in the Presence of God for us, as a Lamb that had been slain; His Blood was offer'd once for all, and it hath a Voice to plead for us; it speaks better things than the blood of Abel. He sits in Heaven as a Priest on a Throne, and is that Angel who offers much incense with the Prayers of the Saints upon the golden Altar which is before the Throne. And when the smoke of the Incense with the Prayers of the Saints,Page 12ascends up before God out of the Angel's Hand, God smells a sweet savour in these spiritual Sacrifices, and hath a gracious regard unto them for His Son's sake. See Rev. 8.3, 4. We then who are Sinners, and have our best Duties defil'd with this accursed thing, must take our Encourage∣ment from the Merits of Christ, who hath a just Claim by Purchase, to this Compre∣hensive Blessing; and ask in His Name who is the Mediator between God & Man. And then, having such an High Priest, Je∣sus the Son of God, we should come boldly to the Throne of Grace, thot we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need, Heb. 4.16. We must thro' Christ have our Faith in God, and come in humble Confi∣dence as Children to a Father, believing that God is able and ready to bestow a Fathers Blessing upon us. He that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him, Heb. 11.6. We must believe that God is such an One as He reveals Himself in His Word, and in the face of Jesus Christ. Particularly, that He is rich in Mercy to all that Call upon Him. Without Faith we cannot please God in this Duty of Prayer, Jam. 1.6. Let him ask in Faith no∣thing wavering—. Believe, and you shall receive what you ask agreeable to God'sPage 13Will, either in specie, or in true value.

4. WE must he servent, and continue in∣stant in this Duty. This we are taught in our Context, ver. 9, 10. We must ask, seek and knock. We must be importunate, as ver. 8. Jam. 5.16. —The effectual servent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. The inwrought Prayer. He that asks coldly, asks a dental We must be servent in Spirit if we would obtain the gracious Answer of our Prayers. We must strive and wrestle in holy earnestness, as Jacob did, whose wrestling was accompanied with weeping and supplication, Hos. 12.4. And thus he had power over the Angel, over the Son of God, who is Jehovah, and pre∣vailed. If we would not seek in vain, we must approve ourselves the genuine Sons of Jacob, and refuse to let the Lord go till He bless us. I may say with great reve∣rence that God delights to be thus over∣come by His People, i, e. He who is Almighty, is most willing to yield to their importunate Prayers, Again, we must continue instant in this Duty: As we are commanded. Rom, 12.12. We must pray always, watching there∣unto with perseverance. Eph, 6.18. If God seem to shut out our Prayers, we must Pray the more earnestly, and never cease till we obtain the Answer of Prayer. SuchPage 14Petitions never return empty, but always obtain of God either the very thing we ask for, or that which is better for us.

FROM what hath been said of the nature of the Duty, and of the right manner of attending it, it is plain that the Asking here spoken of is a Duty which none but the Children of God, who have the Spirit of Adoption, can discharge aright; and they are oblig'd to ask that they may receive the Holy Ghost in more plentiful measures, which seems nextly intended in our Text, However, unregenerate Persons are also in∣dispensibly obliged to attend this moral Duty of Prayer, and to ask of God the Spirit of Grace and Supplication, that they may do it in a light manner. That moral impotency which is natural to us since the Fall, and consists very much in the rebel∣lion of our Wills against God & His Law doth not abridge God's Power to Command. And then there are those general Promises, If I may so call them, made to the Children and People of God, of the plentiful Effu∣sions of the Spirit, as are a gracious en∣couragement even to such as are now desti∣tute of saving Grace, to ask of God His Holy Spirit. Who knows, but you may be the happy Subjects of this great Bene∣fit? It is not only possible, but probable, if you are now under the Convictions ofPage 15God's Holy Spirit, O seek then, God is not wont utterly to forsake such, unless they resist His holy Spirit stiving with them. I may further say, it is a much less evil to fail in the manner of our at∣tending this Duty of Prayer, than wholly to neglect it.

IV. WHY should we Ask of God His Holy Spirit?

Ans. 1. BECAUSE this is God's Will and Command. God's Will reveal'd in His Word is to be made our Rule and Directory in Prayer, and in every part of Religious Worship. If we ask any thing of God it must be agreable to his Will, I Job. 5 14. This is the Confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask any thing according to his will, be hereth us Now that this is the Will of God, our next and context snew us. And in those Eva gelcal Pro∣mises which we have, Ezek 36. among which is that good Word, ver. 27. I will put my spirit within you. It is added ver. 37. Thus faith the Lord God, I will for this he inquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them. — God would do it; but in such a manner that He would be acknowledged as the hearer of Prayer. The Blessing promised must be sought of God, that it might be given in answer to Prayer. The Spirit of God is promis'd as a Spirit of Sup∣plications,Page 16Zech. 12. 10. And then it is promis'd in the beginning of the 13th. Chap. In that day there shall be a fountain open'd—.

2. THE Advancement of the Glory of God and the Kingdom of Christ in the World, very much depends on this; and therefore we should ask of God this great Blessing. Our Saviour hath directed us to Pray for the Advance∣ment of God's Honour and Glory in the first place—. Hallowed be thy Name, thy Kingdom come, &c. Now when we ask of God His Holy Spirit to be poured out upon us, upon our Children, and upon all Flesh, we do in effect ask that God's Name may be hallowed, for we are utterly unable and indisposed, yea averse to this since the Fall, and must be formed by the Spirit of God to shew forth his Praise, if ever we give glory to Him in a right manner. We shall never sanctify the Lord, unless He renew and sanctify us by His Spirit. And then in order to the increasing and flourish∣ing of Christ's Kingdom, the Spirit of God must be poured out to qualify Ministers to Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, and to make the Ordinances effectual to Salvation. Agreably our Saviour directed His Disci∣ples to wait for the promise of the Father; assuing them they should receive Power after that the Holy Ghost was come uponPage 17them, Act. 1.4,—8. And promis'd to send His holy Spirit, to reprove the World of Sin, of Righteousness, and of Judgment, Joh, 16. 7, —11. If Sinners are convinced of the deadly evil of Sin, particularly of the Sin of Unbelief, and of the suitableness and sufficiency of Christ's Righteousness for their Justification in the sight of God, it is the Holy-Spirit of God that wrought the Conviction. The Apostles themselves were in this respect, but Ministers by whom God's People believed, even as the Lord gave to every man, 1 Cor. 3.5. The quickning Influences of the Spirit are necessary to make the Ordinances a favour of life unto life. Men will not fear God, and give Glory to Him unless the Spirit of Grace come mightily upon them. When the, Word of God is accompanied by the Spirit, then the Son of God rides prosperously, and such as were His Enemies fall down∣under Him, being subdued to the Obedience of Faith. Act. 2.41. Then they that gladly received his word, were baptized; and the some day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. Surely then, we are oblig'd to ask of God His Holy Spirit, as we are oblig'd to seek the Glory of God, and the Advancement of His Kingdom among Men, God's Honour should be nearer to us than any temporal Interest of our own.

Page 183. THIS is the most needed and excellent Blessing. When God gives His Spirit, He blesseth His People with all spiritual Blessings in Heavenlies in Christ Jesus, It is of the Spirit that God's People are born again, Joh. 3. 5. By the Spirit they are united to Christ, and so obtain an interest in all the saving Benefits He hath pur∣chased. When God gives His Spirit, He gives Grace and Glory, and every good thing. All good things are either formally or virtually included in this Gift. And therefore we should ask it of God, otherwise we shall he greatly wanting to our selves, and not consult our best good and advan∣tage.

4. THIS is the way to obtain Outward good things with God's Blessing. If we do thus seek first the Kingdom of God, other things shall be added, "as far as shall be for God's Glory and our own good", and we shall have God's fatherly Blessing with them. Thus when God had promised of old to put His Spirit within His People, it follows,ye shall dwell in the land I gave to your fa∣thers—Ezek. 36.27, 28, 29. I will call for the Corn, and increase it. But now tem∣poral Prosperity without this Blessing will prove that of fools which destroys them. It God give a People fulness of Bread and take His Spirit from them, they will de∣clarePage 19their Sin like Sodom, abusing God's good Creatures to His dishonour, and their own destruction, Psal. 106.15.78, 29, 31. Thus God threatned them, Mal. 2.2. I will urse your Blessings—. But when God gives His Spirit He blesseth His People indeed; for then the Creatures of God are good to them, being sanctified by the word and prayer, I Tim. 4.4, 5,

V. WE come now to prove the Doctrine; That our Heavenly Father will give His Holy Spirit to them that Ask Him. Now this is evident in that Christ the faithful Witness stifies it. He is the only bego-ten Son of God, and was sent to declare His Fathers Will; and seeing the Father and He are One, He can't be deceived, nor deceive us. I shall here just hint at a few things.

I. GOD is our Heavenly Father, & therefore He will give His Holy Spirit to them that ask Him. — How much more shall your heavenly Father — Hath God put such a strong and invincible Affection in Parents towards their Children, that they think nothing too good or too much for them, nothing that they judge is convenient and proper for them; and shall not God our Heavenly Father much father give His Holy Spirit,Page 20and in and with Him all good things to His Children? Most certainly He will He hath not spared his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall be not with him also freely give us all things? Rom. 8 32, Is God our Father in this peculiar sense; why then; God hath sent forth His Son made of a Woman — that we might re∣ceive the Adoption of Sons, Gal. 4.4, 5. And because ye are Sons, God hath sent orth the sprit of his son into your hearts, crying Abba Father, ver. 6. And will not God hear the Cries of His Children, when the Holy Spi∣rit himself helps their Infirmities, and make Intercession in them, Rom. 8.26, 27. most certainly He will; they shall have the Holy Spirit more abundantly. God's coming into this Relation of a Father in Christ, is the most wonderful testimony of His Love, I Joh. 3.1. Behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. God is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ in an appropriate sense, as He is His only be∣gotten by eternal and ineffable Generation

He is such a Son as was begotten of the substance of His Father, even as he that is said to be a Man's own natural Son, useth to be

* And then, He is ourPage 21Father by the Grace of Adoption in Him: We being united to Christ, and spiritu∣ally one with Him according to the tenour of the New Covenant; He being our Lord and Husband, we may call His Father our Father, Joh 20.17. I ascend to my Father, and your Father, &c. And surely when such Children ask the Holy Spirit that they, may more and more resemble their Hea∣venly Father, and do His Will more per∣fectly, He will not deny them. No! they are eirs of God, and in giving His Spirit God gives a Fathers Blessing, a Child's Portion.

2. I might further Confirm this Truth by considering the great and precious Promises made to the 〈…〉 of God. I shall give one text instead of many, Isai 44.3. I will pour Water upon hm that is thirsty,—I will pour my sprit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine ssping. This is the great New-Testament

Promise, that God having sent His Servant Christ, and upheld Him, would send His Spirit to uphold us.

The words may denote a plentiful ffusion of the Sprit in his purifying re∣freshing and fructisying influences, even as when the Heavens pour down abundance of Rain, and the thirsty Earth is enrichedPage 22with the River of God which is full of Water, Psal 65. Isai. 32.15. God that cannot lie hath prmised this great Blessing to His People. Surely then, God will not deny His Spirit to such as express the longing Desires of their thirsty Souls in Prayer to God for Him, Mat. 5.6 blessed are they which do hunger & thirst after righte∣ousness: for they shall be filled.

Again, 3. GOD is a God hearing Prayer. This is one of the Titles given Him in Scripture, Psal 65.2. O thou that hearest Prayer—. God is rich in Mercy to them that call upon Him— I said not to the Seed of Jacob, seek ye me in vain, Isai 25.19. ver. 11. Thus saith the Lord, the holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of thngs to com, concerning my sons, & concerning the work of my hands command ye me.*


USE. I. LET us believe the Divinity of the Holy Ghost, & Worship Him as God. ThePage 23Holy Ghost is God. This the Scriptures testify, as we have heard, and this his Works declare. He that is the Sanctifier of God's People; the Author and Dispen∣ser of all divine Grace & Consolation, must be a Divine Person. Let us then ascribe Divine Honours, Blessing, Glory & Power to the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit. Three Persons; but One God. And let it not discourage us that this great Mystery of our holy Religion is to us incomprehen∣sible; for the God whom we Adore is Infi∣nite, & therefore incomprehensible to our finite minds; And He who is the Truth, plainly reveals this to us in His Word, and the Children of God that receive this Re∣velation of God concerning Himself, they live by it, and their enlightned minds do Acquiesce in it, which cou'd not be if it offer'd Violence to any Faculty, or Contra∣dicted right Reason.

2. LET us give the Holy Spirit the Glory of His Works. We have heard that in giving the Spirit, God Communicates all saving Good to His People, and therefore we must in a Religious manner Ascribe the effectu∣al Application of the Redemption Pur∣chas'd by Christ to the Holy Spirit. We must give Him the Glory of all His Gifts and Spiritual Operations on the Souls of Men, and take heed we do not ascribe themPage 24to another either in whole, or in part. 〈◊〉 we savingly Converted? This is the work of the Spirit, and we must say. Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy Name be he Glory.

3. LET us bless our Heavenly Father for the Gese of the holy Ghost. As we ought to bless God for that unspeakable Gist, His only Son, so we must bless Him or this Compre∣hensive Gist of the Holy Ghost, without which we could never obtain the Benefits pur∣chased by Christ, being dead in Sins, and altogether without strength. Let us then Adore the God and Father of our Lord Je∣sus Christ, for this New Testament Blessing beltow'd on His Church and People in an eminent manner after Christ's Ascension. The Disciples of Christ were directed by our Lord to wait for the promise of the Father, Even the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, Act. 1.4, 5. And we find they did not wait in vain; for when the Day of Pentecost was fully come — they were all filled with the holy Ghost, Act. 2. which Peter declares was spoken of by the Prophet foel. And it shall come to pass in the last days (saith God) I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesie, & your young men shall see visions—, Act. 2. 16,— 18. And when we bless God for what HePage 25hath done in this regard, let us encourage our selves to Pray & Wait for the further and more full Accomplishment of His Pro∣mises towards the close of the Gospel-Day.

4. LET us be Exhorted & Encouraged to Ask of God His Holy Spirit. We are met together this Day to seek to God, that He would pour out His Spirit upon us, in par∣ticular upon the Rising Generation. And surely if we duly consider the Awful with∣drawments of the Spiritual Presence of God, the lamentable decay of the Power of Godliness, and the great abounding of Iniquity among us, we shall find gr••t reason to say, as Hos. 10.12. — It is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righte∣ousness upon us. Our Heartsmay well trem∣ble for the Arkof God, & we had need cry to Him that He would not utterly forsake us. We have in a dreadful manner vexed the Holy Spirit that hath been striving with us by Ordinances and Providences. And now it seems as if the Holy Spirit did in a great measure cease striving with Men. Few comparatively have any remarkable Convictions under the Preaching of the Word. Conversions are rare, and dubious. God spake the last Year to us, espe∣cially to our Young People, by HisPage 26Word, and by His Rod. The Visitation was very general, and the Slain of the Lord were many; but alas! it is not followed with a General Reformation. Indeed I hope there hath been some good fruit of this grievous Chastisem*nt visible on the Survi∣vours, for which we owe our humble Thanks to the God of all Grace; but alas! there is but little compar'd with what God may justly expect. We find by sad experience. that outward means are in themselves in∣sufficient to reform us: Notwithstanding them we shall grow worse & worse, unless God send His Holy Spirit to work with and by them. O then let us seek of God His Holy Spirit to revive His Work among us and that importunately and incessently, be∣ing sensible of our great need of His saving Influences.

AND here I wou'd direct the Exhortation, 1. To Parents and Elder Persons. 2. To Children and Young People.

1. TO Parents, and Elder Persons, Be you Exherted to Cry to God for the plentiful ••ssu∣sions of the Holy Spirit. Seek to God to pour out His Spirit upon you, and then upon your Children. In the first place, Ask ofPage 27God His Holy Spirit for your selves, and take heed you do not continue secure in a graceless state, destitute of this great Bles∣sing. If you are not concerned about this your selves, how shall you seek it for your Children? If you have not the Holy Spi∣rit your selves, how shall you Pray aright for them, or instruct them, or set them a good Example? If you are sensual not having the Spirit; Worldly, Proud, Passio∣nate; this will be a sore Temptation to them, and may be a means to harden them in Sin. If you reglect to seek after Baptism, or to renew your Baptismal Covenant, this may dreadfully hinder their entring into Cove∣nant with God. If you live in the neglect of the Ordinance of the Supper, this may lay a dreadful stumbling block in their way, and embolden them to neglect that great Command which our Lord hath given to His Disciples, Luk. 22.19. Do this inre∣membrance of me. O be you then Exhorted to Cry to God for the Holy Spirit your slves, that you may be in all the Com∣mandments and Ordinances of the Lord blameless. If you obtain the Spirit of Grace, then you will be enabled to seek to God for your Childien. And then, Ask of God His Spirit for your Children, your own Bowels. Travail in irth again with them till Christ be formed in them Pray without ceasing,Page 28and with holy importunity! Bring them to God, and cry to Him to Convert & heal their Souls. Imitate the Woman of Canaan who cryed to our Lord to heal her Daugh∣ter that was vexed with a Devil. At first Christ answered not a word; but still she cried after Him. Then He seem'd to up∣braid her, — It is not meet to take the chil∣dren's bread, and to cast it to Dogs. Instead of being discouraged, she makes a Plea of this; Truth Lord, yet the Dogs eat of the Crumbs that fall from their masters table Up∣on which our Saviour answered, O woman great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt, Mar. 15.22, —28. A bold Faith truly, but not so bold as welcome. You can remember how much you were con∣cerned for their outward man when endan∣gered by the late Sickness: And will you not be as much concerned for their Souls, which are under a more dangerous Distem∣per by the Fall, and that an hereditary one which you have been instrumental of con∣veying to them? most certainly you shou'd. As Children of the first Adam they are un∣der the Curse of God's broken Covenant, and in danger of the second Death which is eternal. O be earnest with God then to give them His Holy Spirit, that being united to Christ the second Adam, they may obtain the Blessings of the New Covenant.Page 29〈◊〉 this way yen should carry your little Ones to the Great God our Saviour for His Blessing, who hath said, uffer little Children and forbid them not, to come unto we, for of such is ibe kingdom of heaven, Mat, 19.14, And thus you should bring your Chil∣dren that are grown up, and ask of God His Holy Spirit to renew and change their Hearts. As David prayed for Solomon, I Chron. 29. 19, Give unto Solemn my son a perfect heart.

2. LET this Exhortation be directed to our Children and Young People. O be you Exhorted & Encouraged to Ask of God His Holy Spirit. It is with an especial regard to you that we are Assembled this Day: Your Parents and Pastors are concerned for you, and earnestly desirous that you may be the Offspring which the Lord hath blessed; and therefore they unite in seek∣ing to God for His Spirit to be given to you. And will not you join with them in asking this most needed Blessing? Cer∣tainly you should with great importunity; for you will be accursed for ever unless you obtain it. You were by Nature dead in Trespasses and Sins, and Children of Wrath even as others, and stand in abso∣lute need of the Holy Spirit to renew a right Spirit in you. Unless you are born from above, born of the Spirit, it had beenPage 30better for you that you had not been born. However, you are generally the Children of the Covenant, and to you pertaineth the Adaption, Rom. 9.4. You have been Bap∣tized— O seek to God then that He would Baptize you with the Holy Ghost. You have heard how ready our Heavenly Father is to give His Spirit to them that ask him. Ask then, and you shall receive. O dear Children! Go to your Heavenly Fa∣ther in the Name of Christ, say, My Father! be thou the Guide of my Youth. O give me thy Spirit to unite me to thy Son, & to form thine Image on my depraved Soul. I am blind, Open the eyes of my Understanding by the anointing of the Holy Spirit; my carnal mind is enmity against God, it is not subject to thy Law, neither can be, O subdue it: my Affections are vile, O purify them! Thus Call upon God & Cry to Him. And do not cease 'till a saving Change be wro't on your Souls. You mult turn from all Sin unto God, and receive the Lord Jesus Christ by Faith, or perish forever. Do not then depend on this, that you have Abraham to your Father, and are the Children of the Covenant, as if your Parents Faith would save you. But remember that awful word, Mar. 8.11, 12. Many shall come from the east and west & shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, But thePage 31children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and. gashing of teeth. Seek to God then to save you by the washing of Regeneration, and the renewing of the Holy Ghost. You must bear good fruit, or be cut down and cast into the fire, Mat. 8.9, 10. Don't satisfy your selves with the blaze of an outward Profession, but bring your empty Vessels that they may be fill'd with the Oyl of saving Grace. Open your Mouths wide, enlarge your Desires, and God will fill them. You are not straitned in God; O be not straitned in your own bowels! Now seek, and you shall find. The time of Youth is probably the Accepted time with the most that are Converted, & who enjoy Gospel-Priviledges from their Child hood, And it may be your only time for working out your Salvation. Many of your Age hare lately been removed by Death; Do you then Re∣member now your Creator in the Days of Youth, and seek Christ early.

I might offer many Mtives to Excite and Quicken you to this Duty; but shall further only say:

Cosider, You can't serve your Generation accord∣ing to the Will of God, unless He give you His Holy Spirit. Our Fathers are 〈◊〉 the Stage; you are rising up and coming upon the S••r of Action. In a little time the Aftairs of Chist's Visible King∣dom mutt he dev••ved upon you. And let me tell you, an awful Trust this is, and wo o you if you betray it. Our Fore-fathers came into this Land whenPage 32it was an howig Wilderness, that they might Own Christ as the only Lord and Lawgiver of His Church, and enjoy Communion with Him and His People in the Purity of His Ordinances, without the Corrupt mixture of humane Iventions in Religious Worship. And no doubt they had an especial regard to their Posterity herein; for they themslves were not in so much danger of being defid. God was eminently with them. God own'd the Ministry of this Country by many Seals of it, in the great Numbers that were born to God here. Many were declar'd to be the Epistle of Christ written not with ink, but with the Spirit of die living God, 2 Cor. 33. However, in this degenerate Day, it is probable you will be tempted to break the Second Commandment; for the purity and power of Godli∣ness commonly decay together. Yea, in this Evil Day, there are dreadful Temptations utterly to forsake the God of your Fathers. Now there is nothing can pre∣serve you from this Apostacy but the Spiritual Presence of God with you by His Spirit. Unless He enlighten your Minds, you will not know the God of your Fa∣thers; Unless He renew and sanctify you, you will not feel the power, nor taste the Sweetness of Religion. You will account the great Things of God's Law a strange thing: you will preser the World and your Lusts before Christ and His Unsearchable Rices, and will fall an easy Prey to them who lie in wa•• to de∣ceive. O seek to God then to give you His Holy Spirit. And now 〈◊〉-Him as your Sanctifier Guide, and Comforter. Ter God will be with you s He was 〈◊〉 our Fathers, He will never leave you, nor forsake you. I 〈◊〉 Rev 22 17 The Spirit and the Bride say come and 〈◊〉 him that 〈◊〉, say Come and let him that is 〈◊〉, Come: And who∣soever will, let him take the water of life freely. Ep 3 20, 21. Now unto him that is able to d exceed∣ing abundantly above all that we work think, accor∣ding to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.


The Holy Spirit the gift of God our heavenly Father, to them that ask him. A sermon preach'd on a day of prayer and fasting, kept by the South Church in Boston, to ask of God the effusion of his spirit on the rising generation, Novemb. 13th. 1722. (2024)


What does piety mean in the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit? ›

Piety (Reverence): With the gift of reverence, sometimes called piety, we have a deep sense of respect for God and the church. A person with reverence recognizes our total reliance on God and comes before God with humility, trust, and love.

What does knowledge mean in the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit? ›


​The Gift of Knowledge allows a person to understand the meaning and purpose God has for him and to live up to this meaning. It differs from wisdom in that it is an action, not just a desire to live up to the ways of God. It differs from Understanding in that it is not just ability, it is a knowing.

What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit explained? ›

Isaiah foretold that the Holy Spirit would rest upon the promised Messiah, Emmanuel, and that he would possess wisdom and understanding, counsel and fortitude, knowledge, fear of the Lord (Is 11:2), and piety.

What are the 7 characteristics of the Holy Spirit? ›

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are an enumeration of seven spiritual gifts first found in the book of Isaiah, and much commented upon by patristic authors. They are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

Do we receive all 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit? ›

At Baptism, we receive seven special gifts from the Holy Spirit. These gifts are freely given to us to help us live as followers of Jesus and to build up the Body of Christ, the Church. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are sealed and strengthened within us at Confirmation.

What are the 9 spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit? ›

These abilities, often termed "charismatic gifts", are the word of knowledge, increased faith, the gifts of healing, the gift of miracles, prophecy, the discernment of spirits, kinds of tongues, interpretation of tongues.

What are the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit according to order? ›

The gifts are 1 ) wisdom, 2) understanding, 3) counsel, 4) fortitude, 5) knowledge, 6) piety, and 7) fear of the Lord. This list is based on Is 11:2. The imparting of the gifts of the Spirit is associated with baptism, as well as Confirmation and Ordination.

What are the 7 gifts and 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit? ›

the tradition of the Church lists twelve of them: "charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity." Iv. How Can We Speak About God?

What are the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit? ›

The fruit of the Holy Spirit is mentioned by St Paul in his letter to the Galatians 5:22 as the virtues of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

What is the gift of discernment? ›

It means “to understand or know something through the power of the Spirit. … It includes perceiving the true character of people and the source and meaning of spiritual manifestations” (Guide to the Scriptures, “Discernment, Gift of,”

What is the difference between spiritual gifts and gifts of the Spirit? ›

Spiritual gifts are blessings or abilities given by God to His children through the power of the Holy Ghost. Gifts of the Spirit are given to bless and benefit those who love the Lord and seek to keep His commandments.

How do we use the gifts of the Holy Spirit in our lives? ›

First, it helps us to be convinced of the truths of our faith. Second, it also assists us in drawing conclusions based upon our relationship to God, his role in the world and our call to share in his mission. As this gift grows in us, we order the actions of our lives toward our final end, which is God.

How does the Holy Spirit speak to us? ›

The voice of the Spirit is described in the scriptures as being neither loud nor harsh, not a voice of thunder, neither a voice of great tumultuous noise, but rather as still and small, of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper, and it can pierce even the very soul and cause the heart to burn.

What are the gifts of the holy spirit in 1 Corinthians 12? ›

These gifts include the word of wisdom and word of knowledge, along with faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning between spirits, speaking in tongues, and the interpretation of tongues. These gifts were likely on display in Corinth. Paul emphasizes that the Spirit decides who to give each gift to.

What are the 5 attributes of the Holy Spirit? ›

The Holy Spirit possesses the attributes of deity, such as omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence and eternality. He does works only God can do, such as creating, regenerating and sanctifying. He is equally associated with the other members of the Trinity.

What is piety as a gift of the Holy Spirit? ›

The Gift of Piety is the gift of the Holy Spirit that moves our hearts to love God with the love that children have for their father. With the Gift of Piety the Holy Spirit moves us beyond the virtue of religion, the virtue of giving to God the honor and worship that is due to him as Creator and Lord.

What does piety mean spiritually? ›

Piety is devotion to God or to religious practices. Nuns who pray all day long are famous for their piety. If you have filial piety it means you're devoted to your parents.

How do you use the piety gift of the Holy Spirit? ›

The best way to cultivate the gift of piety is to pray the Our Father with reverence and devotion, taking time to meditate on the different petitions. A worthwhile endeavor is to read Catechism of the Catholic Church's explication on the Our Father, (CCC, Nos. 2759- 2865).

What does piety mean in the Bible? ›

Piety ("godly" in NKJV) also appears as "devout" in Acts 10:2, 7. This word means "to give to God reverence and worship that emanates from a holy life." Thus, it includes the sense of being dedicated, consecrated, earnest, faithful, and loyal with an implication of intensity and intrinsic sanctity.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.