The Grant Cardone Success Story (2023) - The STRIVE (2024)

Table of Contents
THE GRANT CARDONE STORY Growing Pains | Grant Cardone Success Story Turning Point The Struggle Towards Becoming Self-Made Success Ethos | Cardone Success Story Success In His Own Words Conclusion Like This Post? Strive Stories THE JEFF BEZOS SUCCESS STORY Early Days That Beginning Career in Finance Amazon and Cementing a Legacy Owner of ‘The Washington Post’ Blue Origin Stepping Down as CEO and Moving Forward Success Lessons Learned From The Jeff Bezos Story Final Thoughts Like This Post? Strive Stories THE MASTER P STORY OF SUCCESS Early Days Tore Up Dreams Seizing Opportunity Eyes Wide Open Relentless Hustle The Dynasty Master P’s Enduring Hustle Master P’s Success Ethos Success In His Own Words Final Thoughts Like This Post? Strive Stories THE GARY VEE STORY Early Life | Gary Vaynerchuk Success Story The Grind The Next Chapter Gary Vee’s Enduring Success Peer Into The Mind of a Master Key Takeaways Like This Post? Strive Stories THE MARK CUBAN STORY OF SUCCESS How Mark Cuban Got Started With Business The Challenges ofBecomingan Entrepreneur The Turning Point Mark Cuban Success Insights Success In His Own Words More Billionaire Success Advice Final Thoughts Like This Post? Strive Stories The Early Years | Jessica Alba Success Story The Big Breakthrough The Honest Company Lessons Learned From Jessica Alba’s Journey Jessica Alba’s Financial Success Final Thoughts Like This Post? 100+ EARL NIGHTINGALE QUOTES TO HELP YOU SUCCEED IN THE WORLD TODAY 50 BEST ANDY FRISELLA QUOTES FOR SUCCESS KEVIN O’LEARY’S NET WORTH + HIS IMPRESSIVE EARNING POWER 100 BEST MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES TO HELP YOU START WINNING IN LIFE BERNARD ARNAULT NET WORTH 2023 + HOW MUCH HE MAKES A YEAR TOP 10 WAYS TO LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST HOW TO START BELIEVING IN YOURSELF AGAIN: 7 BEST WAYS TO START TODAY 15 BEST BOOKS TO BUILD SELF-DISCIPLINE AND MASTER SELF-CONTROL (2023) 100+ SELF-DISCIPLINE QUOTES TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE UNLIMITED SUCCESS 20 BEST BOOKS ON CONFIDENCE TO LEVEL UP YOUR SELF-ESTEEM TOP 25 MOTIVATIONAL MANTRAS FOR SUCCESS 100+ INSPIRING EFFORT QUOTES TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE YOUR POTENTIAL 100+ WORK ETHIC QUOTES TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE MORE 100+ PURPOSE QUOTES TO HELP YOU FIND AND LIVE YOUR PURPOSE

The Grant Cardone Success Story (2023) - The STRIVE (1)


Grant Cardone is a prominent international businessman, speaker, and owner of Cardone Capital, a $5 billion investment firm. Cardone is also the author of the New York Times bestselling book If You’re Not First, You’re Last,andother notable books like The 10X Rule, and Axiom Award winning Sell or Be Sold. In addition to this, he is also the founder of Cardone University, a popular sales training platform that has accrued over 50,000,000 users and continues to grow to this day. So, considering Grant Cardone’s list of impressive achievements, we will be diving into how this success superstar came to be in this Grant Cardone Success Story special.

“Average is a Failing Formula.”

They say success leaves clues, and we believe it. Which is why we cover uber-successful people like Grant Cardone. We also chose Grant Cardone because he has a great rags to riches story to boot.

In addition to this, we also believe every story possesses hidden insights that can teach us, guide us, and benefit us in incredible ways. So, with that being said, if you’re ready to learn how Grant Cardone became an above average person let’s dive in.


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Growing Pains | Grant Cardone Success Story

Grant Cardone grew up in a little town called Lake Charles in the state of Louisiana. He and his twin brother were the youngest out of five children. At the age of 10, Cardone lost his father, and his mother was forced to support 5 children alone, with no education, and no work experience. It was a combination that led to very slim prospects for Grant’s success growing up. Fortunately, his mother found a way to make it work. But needless to say, Cardone grew up poor, and in an environment that was less than ideal.

And it was this environment, and the trauma he faced from losing his father early in life, and his oldest brother a few years later, that led him towards a self-destructive and downward spiraling path. And so from the age of 15 to 25, Cardone found himself in bad company, making bad decisions, and addicted to drugs.

However, there was one traumatic event that would act as a catalyst for reversing the direction of his life. And this event would occur one rainy night when Cardone was walking home. As he walked home, a friend of his set him up to get robbed at gun point.

And in his attempts to fight off the armed robber, Cardone was severely beaten with a pistol and left for dead. Cardone ended up in the hospital for three days and would need over 70 stiches. His face was so damaged from the robbery, that when his mother came to visit, she couldn’t even recognize him.

This experience was a major turning point for Cardone. But the final straw that would see Cardone check himself into a rehab center was the day his mother kicked him out of her house.

Turning Point

Grant Cardone was 25 years old when he finally decided to clean his life up. After he got out of rehab, Cardone committed to living a sober life in pursuit of his potential. And even though he felt like a loser at the time, he knew, deep down inside that he was meant to do more with his life.

As such, upon his release from rehab he chose to cut out all negative influences from his life. He stopped hanging around his drug addict friends, he stayed away from his enemies, and all those negative influences and environments that in the past kept him going back to the comfort of drugs like clock work.

The Struggle

Now after deciding to turn his life around things didn’t automatically become full of sunshine and rainbows for Cardone. He still had to find an avenue to pursue his potential. Cardone had his degree in accounting, but such jobs were limited at the time. And, with the economy being slow with unemployment at 24%, Cardone didn’t have the luxury of being selective.

“What’s Crazy Is The Thing I Hated Became The Gateway To The Rest Of My Life”

– grant cardone –

As such, he landed a job as a car sales person, even though he detested the decision, because he had an accounting degree. However, he took some advice he got from his mother early on, and applied it to his situation. And the advice was this… “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”

As such, he got to work learning as much as he possibly could about selling, how to influence people, along with everything there was to know about the automobile industry.

After he saw his income double from $3,000 to $6,000 per month, he knew he figured out one of the most powerful tools for becoming successful; applied knowledge. And, through that effort and investment in knowledge, Cardone eventually became one of the best car salesmen in the country.

Towards Becoming Self-Made

Cardone’s success within the industry would skyrocket. But eventually he got fired after trying to do the right thing by telling the owner of a company that another sales person was stealing from him.

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But Cardone didn’t let this setback diminish his enthusiasm or momentum. And instead decided to never become dependent on another person or company again.

As such, he started his own sales consulting business, and began aggressively selling his sales strategies across the country. And shortly there after, Cardone paved a way for himself as a self-made man.

Related: Motivational Grant Cardone Quotes

Success Ethos | Cardone Success Story

Grant Cardone’s business took off, and his businesses were doing so well that he eventually became a millionaire by the age of 30. But he didn’t become a millionaire just because his businesses were earning large amounts of income.

The truth is, nobody automatically becomes a millionaire just because they have an income or a business. Nope, but Grant Cardone became a millionaire because he was disciplined with his money, and because he had a millionaire mindset.

Essentially, every time he paid himself from his businesses earnings, he would consider himself “broke” immediately after, because he’d shove all his extra money into down payments for investments, primarily in the form of real estate.

Cardone would do this for years, until his assets topped a million dollars. And it is this same simple process that he uses to this day; which has helped him achieve more than a billion dollars in his investment ventures. He strives to make as much money as he can, so he can invest as much as he can to build an investment empire, it’s that simple.

Success In His Own Words

With that being said, our Grant Cardone story wouldn’t be complete without a few wise words from the man himself. As such, here are a few supporting Cardone Quotes to help sum up his success ethos so you can follow suit:

“An Investment in Knowledge Always Pays The Best Interest.” – Grant Cardone Tweet Quote
“Until you become completely obsessed with your mission, no one will take you seriously. Until the world understands that you’re not going away—that you are 100 percent committed and have complete and utter conviction and will persist in pursuing your project—you will not get the attention you need and the support you want.” – Grant Cardone Tweet Quote
“Every time I get money, I go broke again because I shove it into this real estate thing [Cardone Acquisitions].” – Grant Cardone Tweet Quote
“Rich people don’t get rich by accident and poor people don’t stay poor by accident.” – Grant Cardone Tweet Quote

But don’t just take our word for it. Watch the excellent video below. In the video he explains how he built up his massive net worth. In addition to this, he demonstrates how anyone can do the same to become a millionaire.

So, give it a watch, as it sums up his success ethos very succinctly.

Video Credit: Grant Cardone (Subscribe Here)

Related: New Worth of Grant Cardone


There you have it, the Grant Cardone success story that describes his Journey from being a poor kid from Louisiana, to barely surviving as a drug addict, to then making the most of his situation to rise to superstardom as one of the top motivational leaders internationally.

We’ve uncovered the success ethos that has guided Cardone in creating the massive success and wealth he now enjoys. Here they are again as a recap to answer the question about how Grant Cardone became successful:

Obsession with Success |Self-Development |Investing Every Extra Dollar Into Assets

Now go forth and apply the Grant Cardone success insights you’ve just gained to help you improve your life. And remember…

The Grant Cardone Success Story (2023) - The STRIVE (4)

So, don’t doubt that by doing so, you can and will eventuallybecome a self-reliant and a self-made millionaire, just like Grant Cardone.

Till next time,


PS – If you enjoyed our Grant Cardone success story, then you’ll love this collection of short but encouraging success stories.

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Strive Stories

The Grant Cardone Success Story (2023) - The STRIVE (19)


5 days ago


March 16, 2023

The Grant Cardone Success Story (2023) - The STRIVE (20)

Entrepreneur and world-renowned e-commerce pioneer Jeff Bezos is something of a household name these days. People know the name and know it stands for greatness, perseverance and ultimate success. He is the founder and CEO of Amazon, owner ofThe Washington Postand founder of the space exploration company Blue Origin. Hissuccessful business ventures and accolades have made him not only one of the most famous people in the world but also one of the richest of all the world’s billionaires. So, considering such an impressive list of accomplishments, we aim to dig a bit deeper into how this visionary entrepreneur came to be in this Jeff Bezos Success Story feature.

“Work Hard, Have Fun, Make History.”

We believe success leaves clues, which is why we study uber-successful people like Jeff Bezos. Every story possesses potential insights that can teach, guide, and benefit us in unimaginable ways, if we’ll but look.

That said, if you’re ready to discover more about how Jeff Bezos became the e-commerce juggernaut of the 21st century, then let’s dive in:


The Grant Cardone Success Story (2023) - The STRIVE (21)

Early Days

Jeff Bezos was born in1964 in Albuquerque, New Mexico to a struggling teen mother. His parent’s divorced when he was just 17 months old, but his mothered found menial work to keep the lights on and the family fed.

Bezos’ mother married again, and their life would normalize after his adopted father graduated from college and found work as an engineer in Texas.

Potentially influenced by his step-father, Bezos had a love for mechanics, machines, and especially computers. He studied computer science and electrical engineering at Princeton University.

That Beginning Career in Finance

After graduating from Princeton, Bezos found work at several firms on Wall Street, including Fitel, Bankers Trust and the investment firm D.E. Shaw.In 1990, Bezos became D.E. Shaw’s youngest vice president.

On the heels of that success and with the financial backing he needed to start his own business, he began laying the groundwork to become the entrepreneur he always wanted to be. After working four years in the finance industry, Bezos would eventually make his move by quitting his job to start his own online business.

Bezos managed to eventually launch an online bookstore and the rest, as they say is history. Because as legend has it, this small startup would grow to become the famous of today, even though it originally started off as a modest online bookstore.

Those who were around during Amazon’s early years remember buying new and used books and the innovation that it took to bring that formerly brick and mortar business to the world wide web. Amazon was a great starting point for Jeff Bezos and his success only grew from there.

Amazon and Cementing a Legacy got it’s start on July 16, 1995,after Bezos asked 300 friends to beta test his site.It was a risky move and he was betting not only his financial investments but also his name and his reputation on his ability to build a successful company in the new and still very volatile online market.

In the months leading up to launch, Jeff and a few friends were building the software needed to run the site and operating out of a garage and basem*nt. His dedication and determination to make it work is the stuff that inspires new entrepreneurs today to keep pressing onward with their dreams.

In the first month, the site was selling books across the US and in over 30 foreign countries. In two months, sales reached $20,000 a week, growing faster any of the team members could have envisioned. Two years later, went public and really started to make a name as an upstart e-commerce company.

The Grant Cardone Success Story (2023) - The STRIVE (22)

Two years later, they proved the skeptics wrong and had not only held its ground but grown by leaps and bounds, becoming an e-commerce leader. While many business went away during the bust of the early ’90s, Amazon flourished and saw sales go from $510,000 in 1995, to $1.6 billion just four years later, to then over $17 billion by 2011.

By September 2018, Amazon was valued at more than $1 trillion, making it the second company to hit that milestone, and reaching it only a few weeks after Apple did. To this day, Amazon is still valued at a whopping $1.1 trillion.

Owner of ‘The Washington Post’

Towards the end of 2013,Bezos made headlines once again on the worldwide stage among business owners and wealthy tycoons whenhe purchasedTheWashington Post, one of the oldest and most well known news publications in the United States.

He also acquired a few additional smaller publications and included them all under the umbrella parent company for a grand total of $250 million.

Needless to say, you know you’ve made it when you begin buying historical and reputable news organizations. And indeed, by 2013 Jeff Bezos had “made it”.

Blue Origin

Of course, Bezos was making other big moves prior to 2013. For instance, in 2000, Bezos made an entrepreneurial move once again when he foundedBlue Origin. This time Jeff’s eyes were on the sky as this was an aerospace company that was set up in order to design and develop technologies aimed at make space travel accessible and affordable for more people.

For a decade and a half, the company operated quietly and once things were really kicking off, around 2017, Bezos began selling $1 billion in Amazon stock annually to fund Blue Origin to further fund and push developments of new aerospace technology.

Two short years laterNASA announcedthat Blue Origin was one of the select few companies to being assisting with 19 technology projects designed to help NASA once again go to the moon and finally reach Mars. Today Blue Origin is making headlines for Bezos and itself with unprecedented advancements in space travel.

Stepping Down as CEO and Moving Forward

In February 2021, Amazon announced that Bezos would step down as CEO in the third quarter of the year. But this was not the end for Bezos and he still plans to be involved with the company that he helped to build, literally from the ground up.

Since stepping down, Bezos has transitioned to executive chair of Amazon’s board and continues to be highly involved with the trajectory of the company.

As of late, his sights are set on launching a network of Montessori schools, and pioneering the robotaxi industry.

Big milestone. Kudos and congrats to the whole Zoox team!

— Jeff Bezos (@JeffBezos) February 13, 2023

With that said, he shows no signs of slowing down or putting an end to the curiosity, motivation, and drive that made him into the crowning example of possibility that he has come to be known for.

Related: Jeff Bezos Net Worth

Success Lessons Learned From The Jeff Bezos Story

With that being said, our Jeff Bezos success story wouldn’t be complete without a few insightful words from the legend himself. As such, here are a few supporting Jeff Bezos quotes to help shine a light on the thinking that helped him achieve the impossible:

“If you want to be inventive, you have to be willing to fail.” – Jeff Bezos Tweet Quote
“Work hard, have fun, make history.” – Jeff Bezos Tweet Quote
“The No. 1 thing that has made us successful by far is obsessive compulsive focus on the customer.” – Jeff Bezos Tweet Quote
“If you double the number of experiments you do per year you’re going to double your inventiveness.” – Jeff Bezos Tweet Quote

If you’re looking to learn even more about Jeff Bezos’ story of success, then you’ll enjoy this thorough documentary about his rise and reign:

Video Credit: Frontline PBS

Related: Jeff Bezos Success Insights

Final Thoughts

There is still likely much in store for Jeff Bezos and the world has likely not heard the last of him. Time will tell what lies ahead but there is still much that we can learn from Jeff Bezos’ story and the examples he has given of how hard work, a laser-like focus on innovation, and a willingness to experiment, even if that means failing, can and does pay off.

Any entrepreneur who is struggling and feeling like throwing in the towel would do well to read the story of Jeff Bezos and learn how to keep a forward focus and a fire under their feet.

Success is out there and it can be yours with the right dedication, approach, and inspiration!

Till you reach your aims,


PS – If enjoy our Jeff Bezos Success Story, then may also enjoy reading about Elon Musk’s story, or even the story of fellow visionary Steve Job’s success.

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The Grant Cardone Success Story (2023) - The STRIVE (23)


3 weeks ago


March 3, 2023

The Grant Cardone Success Story (2023) - The STRIVE (24)

Master P, a.k.a. Percy Miller, is one of the most successful rapper’s, record-executive’s, and record producer’s in American history. He’s an entrepreneur, actor, and multi-millionaire who inspired countless others, rising rapper’s and inner-city kids alike to go after what they think their worth. His music defined an era, and his iconic work-ethic helped many others dream bigger and hustle harder. Needless to say, Master P understands success, which is what we aim to highlight in this Master P Success Story special.

We believe success leaves clues, which is why we cover icons like Master P. Every story contains hidden insights that can teach, guide, and benefit us in unimaginable way. That said, if you’re ready to see what Master P’s story can teach you about life and success, then let’s get started.


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Early Days

Master P was born in 1970 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He grew up rough in the inner-city’s third ward and the notorious Calliope projects; which had a reputation as one of the most dangerous and violent projects in the United States.[1]

In fact, he only five years old when he was first acquainted with the rough world he was born into, having witnessed a man get murdered just outside his window.[2]

P and his four other siblings were split into different household after his parents divorced in his younger years. He and his brother Kevin lived with his father, and the other siblings with his mother. But, the family would also bounce around between his grandparent’s house and his mother’s house daily.

That said, struggle was an everyday experience for P and his family. Growing up in a the projects with a house full of siblings and extended family, with parents struggling to make it made for lean times. Poverty was real for P.

In fact, Master P once stated that he felt as if he was always hungry growing up, and that it was as if they always had a house full of people yet always an empty refrigerator.

Fortunately, sports helped P survive the streets. In fact, he was known for being a pretty good basketball player. So good, that he earned himself an athletic scholarship to the University of Houston. Dreams of becoming a pro basketball player and helping his family get out of the projects was a huge motivator for Master P.

Tore Up Dreams

Master P would go on to leave the hood to chase his basketball dreams in Houston. However, things didn’t work out as planned, and P eventually dropped out after he tore his ACL during that first year.

Devastated by the injury, he quickly found himself back in the Calliope projects. At first he tried making money in phone sales, but success was slow to come. So he eventually turned to dealing drugs.

His grandmother got wind of what he was up to, and started to pressure P to turn away from that life. He was slow to take heed of her advice, but shortly after P had his own son, he started thinking differently about his life’s trajectory.

Seizing Opportunity

So, he packed up his son and his wife and moved to Richmond, California to get out of the drug game and make an honest living. While driving down the street one day, P noticed a long queue of people wanting to get into a local record store, and decided to get into the music business himself.

Having recently received $10,000 from a malpractice lawsuit related to his grandfather’s death, he leveraged this money to open up his own record store.

Like all businesses though, gaining traction was a challenge at first. In fact business was so slow in the beginning that he had to move his family into the record store to make ends meet.

Times were tough at first, but P didn’t give up. Instead, he doubled-down and starting looking for ways to make his venture work. He soon noticed that there was a demand for Gangster Rap, but there were very few other record stores selling it. So, he made his move to fill this void, and began offering his customers the high-demand product.

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Eyes Wide Open

Success soon followed, and Master P’s small record store became a hit. His store became the local go-to-place for obtaining the latest and greatest gangster rap music.

Gaining insight into the mindset of rappers, P started to notice that many of these rappers were simply telling their struggle stories of life in the streets. And P, having lived his fair share of surviving the game, decided to rap about his experiences too.

Knowing he had a built-in distribution center with his record store, P dove into the music making business, and launched his rap career in short order.

After connecting with a few local music producers, P started making his music. Just his record business though, his first few tracks were not instant successes. But, he kept at it.

His brother Kevin Miller, was murdered in New Orleans, and this event really catalyzed P’s hustle. Vowing to save his two other brother’s and his son, he poured everything into making his rap career take off. He brought his brothers into the T.R.U. (The Real Untouchables) fold and started shooting for the stars in the music industry.

Relentless Hustle

Master P and his No Limit Soldiers started turning out track after track with a relentlessness unseen by any other local groups. P decided to get serious about making money, so he started traveling across the country to do shows. He also began giving away his music and merch to influencers to establish brand recognition. Master P was trying to go viral.

After connecting with a few high profile music producers during his travels, Master P realized he needed to get even more strategic about his business efforts. So, he started studying business administration at Merritt Junior College.

In addition to this, P also began bringing in more business minded partners into the fold to help him gain more exposure and strategically capture market share. Master P was committed to having his rap label take off.

Everything changed for P when he dropped his hit single ‘The Ghettos Tyrin’ to Kill Me’. He followed this success up with ’99 Ways to Die’, and sold over 250,000 copies. He then went on to produce ‘Ice Cream Man’ with his newly hired in-house producers ‘Beats By The Pound’, which helped him eventually hit No. 3 on the Billboard album charts. Master P had arrived.[3]

The Dynasty

It was from the foundation of this success, that P would move on to launch even more projects. He chose to relocate No Limit Records back to New Orleans as he prepared to take the hip hop industry by storm.

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Once Master P released the album ‘Ghetto D’, his song ‘Make ‘Em Say Uhhh!’ went certified triple platinum, propelling P into the mainstream spotlight.[4]

Master P then went on to leverage his honed business savvy approach to connect with other aspiring artists, and turn out fresh hip-hop beats that the public craved into massive success.

He would then go on to turn out countless new records, with fresh beats, high profile artists, with trendy packaging that the public could not resist, all at breakneck speed. The result?

Master P ended up becoming one of the hottest names in the industry, getting himself ranked by Forbes as one of the top 10 highest grossing entertainers.

Master P would go on to create one of the greatest hip hop dynasty’s in history and become a multi-millionaire many times over.

Master P’s Enduring Hustle

That said, Master P’s story is still unfolding. He’s mastered many industries over the years, and now he’s got his eye on a whole new industry; the food industry.

If you keep your eyes open, you may just come across some of his more recent products on the shelves of your nearest grocery store.

Related: Master P Net Worth

Master P’s Success Ethos

Master P has gone on to to achieve even massive success in film, apparel, sports management, and many other industries. He built one empire to go on to build another. He achieved the American Dream, and then some.

So, what helped Master P achieve so much success? What was the success ethos that gave him his edge? Here’s our distilled answers. We believe his success had a lot to do with his vision, his purpose, relentlessness, and grit.

P had a vision. He wanted more than the average person. And he took his grandmother’s suggestion that having a dream was the most important thing.

Master P was also driven by purpose. Much of his efforts were about helping his family out. His ambitions were fueled by his wish to save his family. To get them out of the projects and living a life free of the dangers that come from living in poverty.

In addition to this, P also had a relentlessness to him that aided in his success. It may have stemmed from the work-ethic he acquired in sports, but regardless of where it came from, he applied it to all of his ventures. And it paid off.

Lastly, Master P had grit. Almost every single aspect of Master P’s life, and each of his ventures were first met with adversity. But, in each situation, P took the obstacles, adversities, and tragedies that were placed before him, and consciously decided to see things through until he surmounted them. P is the epitome of grit.

Success In His Own Words

To give you a few more insights on what helped Master P become so successful, here are few of his most insightful quotes on success.

“Work hard and never make any excuses.” – Master P Click To Tweet
“Attitude is everything. The greatest success comes from having the freedom to fail.” – Master P Click To Tweet
“Failure is part of the process to be successful.” – Master P Click To Tweet
“I want to be like Muhammad Ali. He went out there and made a lot of money, he fought hard in the ring, and he fought for our people outside of the ring.” – Master P Click To Tweet
“I feel like God blessed me to be successful and to have a couple of more things that a lot of people where I come from didn’t have or didn’t see, but it ain’t always about me. It’s about empowering the next generation so that’s what I love doing.” – Master P Click To Tweet

Read More: Master P Quotes

Final Thoughts

There you have it, the Master P story of success. We highlighted his challenging beginnings, his crushed basketball dreams, to his overcoming of countless adversities and life tragedies to ultimately come out on top as one of the most successful businessmen and hip hop icons in history.

We also covered some of the key success principles that led Master P to achieving so much in his lifetime. Here are those qualities summarized again as a quick recap:

Vision | Purpose | Relentless | Grit

That said, we hope this Master P success story inspires you to dream big, pursue your purpose, and back your vision up with relentless effort and grit. No doubt, if you do so, your grand dreams will come into reach.

Till you reach your aims,


PS – If you enjoyed this Master P success story, then you may also enjoy this collection of inspiring success stories.

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The Grant Cardone Success Story (2023) - The STRIVE (28)


2 months ago


January 29, 2023

The Grant Cardone Success Story (2023) - The STRIVE (29)

Gary Vaynerchuk is the forward-thinking entrepreneur who has mastered the art of commanding attention. He’s currently the CEO of Vayner Media, a full-service advertising agency that helps fortune 1000 company’s leverage consumer attention. On top of this, he’s also the Chairman of Vayner X, a modern-day communications holding company, a five-time New York Times best selling author, a highly sought after public speaker, and a prolific angel investor. Needless to say, Gary knows a thing or two about success, as such, we aim to unpack some of his success secrets in this Gary Vaynerchuk Success Story special.

“Work Hard. Work Smart. Be Patient.”

– gary vee –

Gary Vee, as he’s come to be known, is a successful businessman and multimillionaire, and his inspiring success story can both teach and guide us in a variety of ways. So, with that being said, let’s dive in to the makings of this successful entrepreneur, to see what his story can teach us.


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Early Life | Gary Vaynerchuk Success Story

In 1978, when Gary Vaynerchuk was just three years old, he and his family immigrated to the U.S. from Belarus, a country which at the time was part of the former Soviet Union. His family first lived in Queens New York with relatives, but they would eventually move to Edison, New Jersey. [1]

His father initially took a job as a stock boy in a liquor store. And like most immigrants do, he worked his tail off and was smart with every penny he earned for many years.

Eventually this allowed Gary’s father to slowly but surely gain full ownership of his own liquor store.

The Grant Cardone Success Story (2023) - The STRIVE (31)

Gary would learn much from his father about hard work and hustle, and would get introduced to entrepreneurship at the young age of six. His first taste of entrepreneurship actually came from his experimenting with selling flowers.

Legend has is, that Gary would take flowers from his neighbor’s yard, and then ring the doorbell of that neighbor and with charisma and wit, successfully sell the neighbors’ own flowers back to them.

Gary’s taste for entrepreneurship would grow, and by the age of 7, he was already running a successful lemonade franchise throughout New Jersey, where he had managed to set up 8 different lemonade stands, using his friends to run each location.

However, it was at the age of 13 when Gary Vee would really get his first taste of entrepreneurial success. His breakthrough would come from his ability to generate thousands of dollars every weekend through the selling of baseball cards. Gary learned much about the concept of supply and demand in these formative years.

Related: 35 Inspiring Quotes on Hustle

The Grind

Gary would eventually get pulled into his father’s business; where he was initially put to work bagging ice for $2 an hour. Gary would go on to work for his father for a handful of years in various roles within the family business.

However, after Gary learned about the power of the internet, he would go all in to improve his father’s business. And shortly after graduating from college, Gary would begin leveraging social media and strategic content creation in a way that would take his father’s business from $3 million in annual revenue to $60 million in just a few short years.

How did he do it? Gary set his father’s business up on the internet, renamed the liquor store business to Wine Library. Then, in 2006, he went on to create an extremely entertaining and educational show (called Wine Library TV) that showcased his analyses of various wines and liquors.

Gary leveraged his keen knowledge of wines, his energetic personality, and his consistent daily hustle to create over 1000 episodes to grow the viewership of the show over a five year period. On top of this, Gary paid special attention to what his audience was interested in, wanted more of, and then effectively executed on providing them the engagement and answers they wanted to see.

The result? An explosion in revenue growth for his father’s liquor store!

In his own words, this is what Gary has had to say about his initial success with Wine Library:

“I’ve always credited the success of that venture to my hustle and single-minded dedication to engaging with my fans and customers by answering every email or blog comment I received and going overboard to show my appreciation for their business.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

The Next Chapter

After dramatically growing his father’s business, Gary would start the next chapter of his entrepreneurial career. Taking what he learned from his success with Wine Libary TV, Gary would then leverage his seasoned social media expertise to create his own full-service advertising agency. He would name this new endeavor Vayner Media.

Gary started small with Vayner Media. In fact, in his early days, he had to use another company’s conference room, because he didn’t have the capital to rent the office space that would allow him to have his own.

But, he persisted, and did what he does best. He hustled to get attention, and that attention translated into business. And, after giving a successful public speech in New York, Gary’s media agency would take off.[2]

Shortly there after, Gary would also ink his first million dollar 10-book deal with HarperCollins. Since then, he’s published multiple books with five of them landing on the New York Time’s Best Seller list.

Now, Gary runs Vayner Media as the CEO, is the chairman of Vayner X, and has since become synonymous with hustle, execution, and digital advertising. And when he’s not helping his client’s build their businesses, he is jet setting across the globe inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs with his charismatic and thought-provoking public speeches.

Related: 50 Gary Vee Quotes on Success + Life

Gary Vee’s Enduring Success

Gary Vee’s success continues to grow as he currently employs over 800 people at his media companies. He currently has over 12 million social media followers and growing, and is continually increasing his influence and fortifying his brand with his popular YouTube Show, The Gary Vee Video Experience, and his hit podcast The Gary Vee Audio Experience.

He’s also recently partnered with Eric Wattenberg & RSE Venture’s Matt Higgins to launch a production studio named VaynerWatt. The company will be focusing on long and short-form content for networks and streaming services.[3]

So, what’s the success secret to Gary Vee’s enduring success? Well, it must be said, that Gary Vaynerchuk does have a magical charisma about him, which has undoubtedly played a significant role in his ability to captivate his audience.

However, what has led to much of Gary’s success, and what will continue to help him continually be successful, is his uncanny ability to spot trends and zero in on what people are interested in. He says it best with this quote:

“Pay attention to what people care about, and reverse engineer it.” – Gary Vaynerchuk Tweet Quote

Equally as important, and what likely helps him be so effective and observing what works and doesn’t work in terms of building businesses and spotting trends is his penchant for relentless effort. Again, he has in the past summed it up for us well in his own words….

“While everybody is hoping and dreaming, I am going to be executing.” – Gary Vaynerchuk Tweet Quote

Gary has also demonstrated a knack for effectively leveraging technology, the people around him, and media to scale his reach. This knack has given him the ability to grab more and more attention for himself and his clients.

In short, he is great at getting the most out of his resources, be they his team, the technology he’s using, or his media channels. In his own words…

“You always squeeze the f*ck out of an orange that’s full. And when it’s empty, you find a pear, which is harder to squeeze but you hope a grapefruit comes along. Email used to be 90% opening rates from for me. It’s not anymore. Google adwords used to be 5 cents a click. It’s not anymore” – Gary Vaynerchuk Tweet Quote

Related: Gary Vaynerchuk Net Worth

Peer Into The Mind of a Master

He’s not P.T. Barnum, but Gary has indeed mastered the art of leveraging attention to get results. So, to give you a better look into the mind of this master, and a bit more insight on how Gary Vaynerchuk got to where he is today, watch this inspiring video below:

Video Credit: GaryVee (Subscribe to His Channel Here)

Key Takeaways

Gary Vaynerchuk’s success story has a lot to teach us. It shows us how an immigrant from Belarus worked his a** off, made the most of his situation, and leveraged the technology of the day to scale his brand and businesses to staggering heights.

His story also shows us that the American Dream is alive and well for those who choose execution over excuses.

That said, we hope his story also helps you realize that with massive hustle, a healthy dose of obsession with your customer’s wants and needs, and a little leverage, anything is possible.

So, put these takeaways to work for you, and get on with creating your own inspiring story of success.

Till you reach your aims,


PS – If you enjoyed this Gary Vee story, you may also be interested in the stories of fellow success icons like Grant Cardone or Elon Musk.

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2 months ago


January 28, 2023

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There is no question that Mark Cuban has achieved great success in his life. He is a self-made billionaire, and he has turned his passion for business into a successful career. But how did he do it? Certainly, it wasn’t easy. It took him years of hard work and determination to achieve his goal of becoming a billionaire, but in the end, he did it.

“It Doesn’t Matter How Many Times You Fail. You Only Have To Be Right Once And Then Everyone Can Tell You You’re An Overnight Success.”

– mark cuban –

That said, we believe success leaves clues, so we’ve decided to explore Mark Cuban’s story of success to see what his journey to the top reveals. As such, in this article, we will explore how Mark Cuban got started with business and what his first big break was that propelled him into stardom. We will also look at some of the challenges he faced along the way, and some of the clever ways he overcame them. So, if you’re ready to learn form this iconic entrepreneur and investor, let’s dive right in:


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How Mark Cuban Got Started With Business

Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Mark was the son of a working-class family that wasn’t always supportive of his aspirations. Despite a mother who was worried about her son’s professionaloptions, Markproved he had a knack for entrepreneurship by collecting coins, stamps, and baseball cards, and striving to profit off of them. He was undeniably a hard worker from an early age, and he credits much of his success to his drive and work ethic.

When Mark Cuban was in high school, he had a dream of becoming an entrepreneur. He started out selling garbage bags door to door and clearly had a knack for business. After high school, he attended Indiana University, focusing on business administration.

When in college, he made a bold move and decided to buy a local bar for the price of $15,000. He used his business skills to turn the bar around and make a profit, making it one of the most popular college student hangouts in the town. This was his first big break in the business world, and it showed him that he could be successful if he put in the hard work.

The Challenges ofBecomingan Entrepreneur

Of course, no journey is without its challenges. And for Mark Cuban, there were plenty of them. After struggling to secure a career after college, he decided to go out on his own and start with a fellow friend and alumni, Todd Wagner, which was an online video and streaming platform. He used the proceeds from the sale of his first technology company,MicroSolutions, to fund this endeavor.

He struggled to make ends meet as he poured money into his business without seeing any return for quite some time. But by taking risks and pushing himself outside of his comfort zone, Mark Cuban finally started making some headway.

Theidea of streaming was quite new in the year 1995, and many people doubted its potential. Critics and naysayers said it was redundant since there was already access to television and radio. However, Cuban and Wagner had a vision that streaming platforms would eventually overtake traditional media channels.

The company grew and was acquired by Yahoo for $5.7 billion in 1999, which gave Cuban his first taste of major success as an entrepreneur. This was a defining moment for Mark Cuban, as he became a self-made billionaire at the young age of 41. It also made him one of the richest people in America.

The Turning Point

Being able to leverage such a large deal with Yahoo allowed Cuban to start investing in other businesses and expand his portfolio. He started acquiring companies like HDNet, the Landmark Theater Chain, and various online publications.

But it was his investment in the Dallas Mavericks that turned out to be his most successful venture yet. In 2000, he purchased the team for $285 million when it was on the brink of bankruptcy.

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He has since turned the team around and made it one of the most successful in the NBA. As a result, Mark Cuban’s net worth has grown an estimated $4.6 billion. Mark states that it had never crossed his mind thatthe Mavericks werea business investment and that the profits werea natural progression from following his passions and interests.

He then joined the Shark Tank TV show in 2011, which was what propelled him into stardom. He became one of the most successful investors on the show and has invested in more than 85 different companies through Shark Tank. In addition to this, he has also been a consistent fan favorite and continues to appear on the show every season.

Clearly, Mark Cuban is a testament to the saying “hard work pays off.” He is living proof that if you have a dream and are willing to put in the hard work, anything is possible. Each incremental step he took in his career was a stepping stone to the next opportunity.

“I Do (Shark Tank) Because It Sends the Message to Kids and Entrepreneurs of All Ages That if Somebody From a Small-time Town in Idaho or North Carolina Can Find Their Way Onto the Carpet to Pitch to the Sharks, Then Anybody Can.” – Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban Success Insights

Mark Cuban’s background in the ever-changing field of technology has taught him to value education above all else. From watching tutorials to listening to podcasts to reading books, to talking with top experts, he has a voracious appetite for learning.

In order to be successful in business, Cuban also believes that you need to take risks and put yourself out there. He’s not afraid of failure and knows that it’s an important part of the learning process.

He uses a competitive metaphor to remind himself and others how important it is to give your all and stay consistent in your dedication to your dreams. In the world of technology and business, innovations are constantly happening and the only way to stay ahead of the curve is to always be learning.

He also believes that time is more valuable than money, so it is of the utmost importance to be mindful of how you’re spending it. Spiraling out because of failure, delaying action because of fear, or wasting time on things that don’t matter are all habits that Cuban has learned to avoid.

Lastly, Cuban stresses the importance of networking and building relationships. He knows that nobody is truly self-made and relies on his network of friends, mentors, family members when he needs advice or help in any situation. He has strategically built a network that he knows will help him every step of the way and aligns with colleagues that he trusts and respects.

Success In His Own Words

That said, Mark Cuban has offered at handful of tips and success insights over the years in interviews, published articles, etc. So, if you’re interested in some of his best advice when it comes to success, you’ll enjoy these quotes:

“The key to being successful and achieving your dreams no matter what they are, is finding something you really really like to do, and being great at it.” – Mark Cuban Click To Tweet
“The only thing in your control iseffort. That’s all, and that’s everything.” – Mark Cuban Click To Tweet
“I wouldn’t be where I am now if I didn’t fail a lot. The good, the bad, it’s all part of the success equation.” – Mark Cuban Click To Tweet
“How wisely you use your time will have far more impact on your life and success than any amount of money.” – Mark Cuban Click To Tweet
“It’s not about money or connections — It’s the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone when it comes to your business. And if it fails, you learn from what happened and do a better job next time.” – Mark Cuban Click To Tweet

Related: Mark Cuban Quotes

More Billionaire Success Advice

The success insights just mentioned above only offer a solid glimpse on what has helped Mark Cuban achieve the success he now enjoys. Of course, there is so much more to his success that meets the eye, but this brutally honest mashup of Mark Cuban interviews provides clear instruction to aspiring entrepreneurs and would-be billionaires.

So, if you’re hungry for some additional success advice from a billionaire, then you’ll want to watch this short video:

Video Credit: Motiversity (Subscribe Here)

Final Thoughts

The Mark Cuban success story is one of grit, determination, and hard work. He has faced plenty of challenges throughout his career, but he has never given up.

By being passionate about what he does and continuously pushing himself outside of his comfort zone, Cuban has become one of the most successful entrepreneurs in America. And there’s no telling what he’ll accomplish next.

That said, we hope this Mark Cuban story provided you with a few practical insights that you can now leverage to go out and achieve the success you seek.

Till you reach your aims,


PS – If you enjoyed our Mark Cuban Story, then you’ll likely enjoy this powerful collection of rags to riches stories.

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The Grant Cardone Success Story (2023) - The STRIVE (36)


2 months ago


January 19, 2023

The Grant Cardone Success Story (2023) - The STRIVE (37)

Jessica Alba is a Hollywood actress and businesswoman who has achieved incredible success in both fields. She started her acting career at a young age and starred in several popular TV shows and movies. In 2003, she founded The Honest Company, which sells eco-friendly baby products. The company has been incredibly successful, and Jessica herself has become a millionaire many times over. So, considering Jessica Alba’s list of impressive achievements, we will be diving into how this success superstar came to be in this Jessica Alba Success Story special.

“My Theory Is That If You Look Confident, You Can Pull Off Anything, Even If You Have No Clue What You’re Doing.”

With that said, we believe success leaves clues. Which is why we cover uber-successful people like Jessica Alba. As such, we’ll be taking a closer look at the life and career of Jessica Alba, and see what lessons we can learn from her amazing success!

So, if you’re ready to learn some juicy details about Jessica Alba’s success, let’s dive in.

The Early Years | Jessica Alba Success Story

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Jessica Alba was born in California on April 28th, 1981 to parents Catherine Louisa and Mark Alba. She moved frequently as a young child because of her father’s obligations in the U.S. Air Force.

She was often sick in her youth from this constant change in location. This included lung issues such as pneumonia and bronchitis. As a result, she spent most of her time indoors, feeling isolated from other children her age.

The support of her brother and mother helped Jessica get through the tough times. Additionally, she loved reading and watching movies, which inspired her to pursue a career in Hollywood. When she was just 12 years old, Alba was sent to acting school.

She also attended the Atlantic Theater Company, a well-respected acting school in New York City. She was notably shy as a child, but her acting coach helped her to come out of her shell. She also had the privilege of working with William H. Macy and his wife, one of the most popular Hollywood couples.

After graduation, Jessica started landing small roles in commercials as she developed her stage presence. She made her big screen debut in the 1994 movie “Camp Nowhere”.

She also made an appearance on the hit Nickelodeon show “The Secret World of Alex Mack” in 1994. Jessica’s talent and natural charisma were evident from an early age, and she quickly began to make a name for herself in Hollywood.

The Big Breakthrough

Alba branched out from children’s television in the late 1990s with a role in the romantic comedy “Never Been Kissed” and also played a role in the comedy horror movie “Idle Hands”. These films featured her alongside prominent actors such as Devon Sawa and Drew Barrymore.

In 2000, Jessica Alba landed the leading role of Max Guevara in the TV show “Dark Angel”. The show was created by the notable James Cameron and made Jessica a household name after its two-season run on the Fox network. This landed her a nomination for a Golden Globe award amongst other accolades.

After “Dark Angel”, Jessica’s career reached new heights. She starred in a number of blockbuster movies, such as “Fantastic Four” and “Sin City”.

These leading roles took her fame and fortune to new levels, and she quickly became one of the most successful actresses in Hollywood.[1] However, Alba didn’t stop there. After starting a family, she set her sights on entrepreneurial success with a product that would help other parents.

The Honest Company

Jessica Alba had her first of three children in 2008, and she encountered a dangerous experience using a conventional laundry detergent brand. She had an allergic reaction that led to welting and swelling, reminding her of her previous physical health struggles as a child.

She thought long and hard about using these products on her newborn baby. Did she want to expose her child to the same risks and health issues she had experienced in her youth? Jessica decided to create a safe and healthy alternative for families like her own.

Alba teamed up with Brian Lee, a startup expert, and they co-founded The Honest Company. This company would sell safe, eco-friendly, and affordable baby products. [2]

The two put about 6 million dollars of their own money into the company to get it off the ground without the support of VC investors. Three years later, the company became officially incorporated and began to grow into an empire.

Jessica, Brian, and two new partners were able to raise over 128 million dollars by 2014. They used the capital to expand their product offerings, including cleaners, detergents, vitamins, balms, and some pieces of furniture for babies and children.

Since major brands such as Jergens, Clorox, and P&G were not focused on eco-friendly products, The Honest Company had little competition in the safe cleaning product market. Jessica Alba’s New York Times best-selling book, “The Honest Life” further educated customers on the importance of these products.

The company encountered a few rocky roads along the way. Honest Company products were tested and found to have traces of a synthetic surfactant. This contradicted the promise of natural products from the line. The company corrected its course and removed the ingredients from their formulas.

Despite these challenges, Jessica Alba has managed to create a safe and successful product while also being an incredible mother and role model. While the Honest Company navigated these changes, her name held a good standing in the business world and the company is now worth around $550 million.[3]

There’s no doubt that Jessica Alba is one of America’s richest self-made women with an estimated net worth between $100 to $250 million dollars.

Related: Net Worth of Jessica Alba

Lessons Learned From Jessica Alba’s Journey

Jessica Alba, now the mother of three children and the founder of a billion-dollar enterprise, is a remarkable example of someone who has defied the odds. She overcame a difficult childhood and rose to the top of her field in the ultra-competitive entertainment world.

With that said, there are several key lessons we can learn from Jessica’s journey to success:

  • Physical weakness does not equate to mental illness. Like Alba, many people suffer from chronic physical illnesses that do not hold them back mentally or emotionally. You can create your own opportunities.
  • Jessica did not wait for Hollywood to come knocking on her door. She went out and found her own roles in commercials and TV appearances.
  • When you have a vision, don’t give up until you make it a reality.
  • Find a need in the market and fill it.
  • Build a great team to help you achieve your goals.
  • Don’t be afraid to take risks.

All of these lessons are essential for anyone who wants to achieve success in their field. Jessica Alba is living proof that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

Jessica Alba’s Financial Success

Here’s one last insight related to Jessica Alba’s success, especially when it comes to the financial success she achieve. It will help you realize how success, especially financial success must be intentional and deliberate before it is achieved.

With that said, enjoy….

Video Credit: Forbes Women (Subscribe Here)

Related: Jessica Alba Quotes On Success

Final Thoughts

Jessica Alba is a shining example of what is possible if you work hard and never give up on your dreams. Her story reflects the importance of diligence, hard work, the support of a great team, and most importantly, the willingness to act quickly to seize opportunities. These are essential qualities for anyone who wants to achieve success.

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With that said, we hope you’ve gained a few actionable insights from this Jessica Alba Success Story. We hope they inspire you to get out there and create your own success story.

Till then,


PS – If you enjoyed our Jessica Alba success story, then you’ll definitely love this collection of short but trulyinspiring success stories.

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