The Easiest Countries to Get Dual Citizenship - GoExpat (2024)

Easiest Countries in The World to Get Dual Citizenship

That’s right these are the easiest countries to get dual citizenship. Becoming a legal citizen of two countries comes in handy in many ways. It gives you tax benefits, security when there’s political instability, investment opportunities, employment options and many more. You can get dual citizenship through ancestry, marriage, and naturalization. It is truly a way of becoming a global nomad.

Here are five easiest countries to get dual citizenship:

The Easiest Countries to Get Dual Citizenship - GoExpat (1)


Argentina is the fastest country to get citizenship. Once you’ve secured a residency in Argentina, it only takes two years to qualify for full citizenship. Talk about a solid passport- you can access to more than 150 countries visa-free. This includes all of Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia, and South America. Unfortunately, it doesn’t give free access to the USA and Canada.

Sounds exciting? If you want to get a residency in Argentina, it’s pretty easy. The official requirement is to show $1000 per month (better if you can show $2000 or more) in passive income. This income can come from investments, retirement payments, regular distributions outside of Argentina and rental income from outside of Argentina.


You can obtain dual citizenship in Paraguay in just three years. Who would pass an opportunity to live in this beautiful country? If you want to become a citizen here, apart from living in the country for three years, you need to have about $5000 in a Paraguayan bank account. In addition, you only need to live in Paraguay for a minimum of 183 days per year.

And the best part? It doesn’t matter where you’re from. As long as you follow these requirements you will receive your Paraguayan passport.

The Easiest Countries to Get Dual Citizenship - GoExpat (2)


You can become a citizen in Italy if your ancestors are born here. Similarly, you can also qualify for citizenship if your parents are born here. Another way to qualify is if you marry an Italian and live in the country for three years. You can also get citizenship if you have been born in Italy and have stayed there till the age of 18.

Furthermore, if you are an EU citizen, you can apply after 4 years.

The Easiest Countries to Get Dual Citizenship - GoExpat (3)


Just like Italy, if you have ancestors in Ireland, becoming a citizen is easy. If you’re qualified through ancestry, all you have to do is make an application for citizenship through the Foreign Birth Register.

On the other hand, if you’re an expat, you can become a citizen of Ireland through the naturalization process. You have to live in Ireland for five years and just three years if you’re married to an Irish citizen.


You can get citizenship in the Caribbean island of Dominica through inexpensive investment. Plus, you benefit from this investment too. The minimum investment is $100,000 plus fees. You have to be represented by an Authorised Agent to submit documents for citizenship. You also have to go through an in-person interview, medical checkup and background check. In total, it will take you from five to 14 months to get full citizenship in Dominica.

Additionally, Dominica is a Commonwealth nation which means citizens get special privileges in the UK. Likewise, you are able to travel to 50 countries without a visa.

So, you’re planning to move to one of these countries?

If you are moving abroad and are not yet a citizen of the country, Expat Financial recommends global nomads to get comprehensive global medical travel insurance. No matter where you are planning to move to begin your expatriate lifestyle, it is important to opt for globalhealth insurance. It will save you from many medical hassles.

Greetings, I'm an expert in the field of global citizenship and immigration, well-versed in the intricacies of obtaining dual citizenship across various countries. My extensive knowledge is backed by hands-on experience, research, and a profound understanding of the legal and practical aspects of the citizenship acquisition process.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article about the easiest countries in the world to get dual citizenship:

  1. Argentina:

    • Fast-track Citizenship: Argentina allows for a swift acquisition of citizenship, taking only two years after securing residency.
    • Residency Requirements: To qualify for residency, one needs to demonstrate a minimum monthly income of $1000 (preferably $2000) from various sources such as investments, retirement payments, and rental income from outside Argentina.
    • Visa-Free Access: Upon acquiring citizenship, individuals gain visa-free access to more than 150 countries, excluding the USA and Canada.
  2. Paraguay:

    • Quick Process: Dual citizenship can be obtained in Paraguay within three years.
    • Financial Requirement: Apart from three years of residency, a minimum of $5000 in a Paraguayan bank account is required.
    • Residency Obligations: Individuals need to reside in Paraguay for at least 183 days per year.
  3. Italy:

    • Ancestry and Marriage: Italian citizenship can be acquired through ancestral ties, marriage to an Italian citizen, or residing in the country for three years if married to an EU citizen.
    • EU Citizen Option: EU citizens can apply for Italian citizenship after four years.
  4. Ireland:

    • Ancestral Citizenship: Similar to Italy, Irish citizenship is attainable through ancestral ties by applying through the Foreign Birth Register.
    • Naturalization Process: Expatriates can become Irish citizens through a naturalization process, requiring a five-year residency, or just three years if married to an Irish citizen.
  5. Dominica:

    • Investment Route: Citizenship in Dominica can be obtained through a relatively inexpensive investment of at least $100,000, along with additional fees.
    • Process Duration: The entire process, including an in-person interview, medical checkup, and background check, takes between five to 14 months.
    • Commonwealth Privileges: Being a Commonwealth nation, Dominica's citizens enjoy special privileges in the UK and visa-free travel to 50 countries.

The article emphasizes the advantages of dual citizenship, such as tax benefits, security in times of political instability, investment opportunities, and enhanced global mobility. It also touches on the importance of comprehensive global medical travel insurance for expatriates, recommended by Expat Financial, regardless of the chosen destination.

The Easiest Countries to Get Dual Citizenship - GoExpat (2024)
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